tv Welcome to the Universe CSPAN December 26, 2016 8:30pm-10:19pm EST
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commissioner thank you for being on the communicator. >> it's been my pleasure. [inaudible] [inaudible] >> c-span where history unfolds daily, 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies, it's brought to today by your cable or satellite provider. >> this is book tv on c-span to come television for serious readers, here's our primetime lineup, starting shortly we read lead a discussion on the inner universe. then mit professor remembers william f buckley's television program and we wrap up our monday primetime lineup at 1145 with author with author courtney martin.
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she discusses her latest book, the new better off. first up here is astrophysicists [applause] >> thank you welcome to the american museum of natural history. i'm your host for the evening and co-author of this book talk, i am neil degrasse tyson. i serve as the frederick t rowe's director of the hayden planetarium, a place we all went to as a kid. i was never the same after that. come back and actually become director. i also want to welcome c-span into this event, they are
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recording it for book tv, so c-span is in the house. [applause] >> tonight's book is called welcome to the university and i love saying that, welcome to the universe would go to planetarium director school they teach you how to speak like that. let me immediately and reduce my co-authors, first, michael strauss. [applause] and richard, the third, these are my two co-authors. [applause] so just a bit of introduction, i taught for ten years at princeton university from 1994 through 2003, before i
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transferred all of my activities here to this museum, over that time i taught a course on introductory astrophysics and it got very popular and people liked it and we moved to a bigger space. we realize that we could charge, we could could energize the course even more by adding other talents that have particular expertise that could feed the curriculum and syllabus. in particular michael strauss is an expert on our galaxy, its structure of the universe in particular, in in fact your phd thesis was mapping the universe. >> and in fact we met in the andes mountains of chile, both of us doing our phd's in the 1980s and and we became good friends and later collects. j richard the third was one of the world's experts on einstein's theory of relativity.
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so all michael and i take you from stars, planets, galaxies, to the big bang, then we hand off to rich and he is able where to go after that, well give a deeper understanding of the universe in this descriptive thing that it contains and what it does. and then we learn all of the beautiful and bizarre nuances that makes our universe what it is. pivoting on the brilliance that people like albert einstein and his theories of relativity. so rich, what you begin, i have to tell one anecdote, we are are equal co-authors in this book and the chapters have our names associated with the lectures we had given. we speak for the publishers and
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princeton press and he said role tyson you're better now than the other two so we need to make your name big and i said no, we are equal authors in this. and then the sale said no we need your name big. because you know the publishing industry your name starts out small and as he get more known than it's the same size as the title then it's eventually just your name in the title is somewhere on the cover. so you're selling your name rather than the title of your book. so then they handed it to the artist and the artists figure out how to do it. so my name, yes is the biggest thing on the cover but what they did was they put it on a planet that happens to be closer to. you see that, so were just all on planets receding to the background, some like okay if you have to do it be artistically clever about it. so lynch what you give us a
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perspective and he has like showing tell here and will just sit back and watch because rich i never know what he pulls out of his spake, even today. >> okay let me start off, when my granddaughter allison was born one of the first things i said to her was welcome to the universe. when you are born it you become a citizen of the universe when it moves you to get familiar with your surroundings. we start by telling you how big the universes so i bought some models to illustrate that. this, this is a hydrogen atom. it is 1,000,000,000 times bigger bigger than it's supposed to be. so this is in large by factor of
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1,000,000,000, you know what 1,000,000,000 is, if you have a dollar and maybe feel like you can have a hamburger. if your have a billion dollars your billing and so this is 1 billion times bigger than the hytrin and hydrogen atom. this is the electron around the proton. this is a proton and the actual size of the proton on the scale would be one 10,007 inch. so inch. so most of the hydrogen is actually empty space. this is most common atom in the universe. it's as the most common adam in your body. now most people might think that there's nothing really intermediate in size between and adam in the nucleus of the atom. but we have found a couple of things. one is called new on it hydrogen, this is a hydrogen with instead of an electron orbiting, it has a new on which
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is a heavy cousin of the electron. it weighs 207 times hundred seven times as much as the electron. so the orbit is 207 times smaller. on this scale it would be about a 20th of an inch. it reminds me of that movie, honey i shrunk the kids. while the professor zaps the kids with something and they shrink down to about a quarter of an inch in height and then they have adventures in the backyard, but it's not quite as crazy as it sounds because if all your electrons were replaced by neuron's you would shrink in size by factor of 207. so seven. so you would be tiny. unfortunately they decay back into electrons by admitting anti- electron neutrino and so
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they do this all the time scale of 2,000,072nd. so it be a very short film. as he go for the short film oscar. another thing that's intermediate is if you take uranium, that has has 92 protons and 146 neutrons in its nucleus and if you stripped all of the electrons off of it except for one because of the large charge who be 92 times smaller than this and so about one tenth of an inch. so there are some things and we have made these actually in the lab, so there are some things intermediate in size between the atom and the nucleus of the atom. so this is small, let's go the other way. >> you can hold that neil can hold it.
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>> rich you suspended something in the middle of it. >> all that symbolic of the proton. so you can see it. >> now let me go the other way, i'm going going to go up by a factor of a billion so supposedly shrank the earth by factor of a billion, so here it is the marble, half an inch across and believe me, i have continents painted on here. this is an actual globe of the earth shrunk by factor of 1,000,000,000. this. this is one over a billion scale model of the earth and i got the moon in here but the moon is so small, so here is the moon. >> it's an eighth of an inch.
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and the moon would be 15 inches away, this is how far humans have gone in their program this is all the further we have gone in the universe, 15 inches, on a scale of one and 1,000,000,000. that's. that's how far the moon is away from the earth and how big is the sun? well i have the circumference of the sun appear, here is the son, this is how big the sun's. >> is. >> is that a hot wheels track? >> yes. >> it but i got to spend it so it makes us fear, this is how big the sun is, it is 55-inch beach inch beach ball and it's about 500 feet away. that's about how big the sun is. >> so if were a marvel, you've
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heard of the earth is a blue marble, there it is, one in a billion this is the sun, how big the sun is, and it's 500 feet away, and now, the question would be well how far away is the next nearest star, the sun is a star, but there's a next nearest star and here it is, so here is the other son, it is so red door for*so smaller than the sun, this is sun, this is 4.3 light years away roughly. it is that means it will take about four years late to get four years to get from that to us. >> so that the actual size relative to the so. >> symbolic to the earth here
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too. so this is a scale of one in a billion, smaller than the sun. this would be on the model this should be 24,000 miles away. so we. so we could go all the way around the circumference of the earth and i'll hand it to. >> well will to that, you can go over there, stand over there. so he's going to hold, no. >> so he is holding the other son here. that is 25,000 25000 miles away from us on this model scale. then we recently discovered a planet going around the star, it's a little little bit bigger than the earth and so it is about 24 feet away from the star here. this is a little bit bigger than the earth and its close enough
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to the star that it's locked, so it should always keep one face toward the star of the other face away as it orbits around. so one sides could be too hot the other side to call. so not too likely to be habitable. this is the nearest planet to us that we have found and that's how far away it is. >> 's a rich, keeping the same scale, you have the moon, blue marble, sumac the moon is 15 inches away from the blue marble, and then the sun that size and then 24000th miles away. >> that's a lot of empty space. >> and it's the nearest are. >> so the farthest we've been is the moon, what for hope to have for the future of space travel. >> well, you, you just have to get that much better. [laughter] you have to spend more money.
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[laughter] >> so okay let's go by another factor of a billion and i'll show you a model and a scale of not one over 1,000,000,000 which is what we just saw but one over a billion pillion, this is 1 billion times smaller. so here's the sun on there is alpha centauri, this is another solar type star. it is part of a triple star system, it's a triple star system but the brightest one is a solar type star and it began about 4.3 light years away in here on the same scale as a blue star, you seen that in the
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northern starts the brightest star in the sky, this is about nine light-years away. so this is the near star to us and we are living in the milky way. it has 300 billion stars in it and it would be about eight tenths of a mile across on the scale a big disk of stars, and their about this distance apart so if you into this model in a scale over 1,000,000,000, billion it would be like going through a snowstorm of stars. the next nearest big galaxy taurus is andromeda which should be another galaxy about 20 miles away on the scale. >> so if you got another 299 billion, 290 million -- i would be read.
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>> i just need to work on this model a little bit longer. >> so now we have that skill but let's go up another factor of 1 billion so now will look at a a scale of one over a billion, billion, billion, and then you can see the entire visible universe here, we are at the center, this is the cosmic microwave background radiation, it's as far as we can see. the universe is 13,800,000,000 years old since the big bang, and the radiation from this cosmic mic way background which is left over from the big bang has been coming toward us for 13,800,000,000 years, 8 billion years, so the radius of this in look back time distance is 13.8 billion light years and so we look out in space .. in time
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because of the speed alight. so this is as far as we can see. inside the sphere there are 130 billion other galaxies, each one of them was several hundred billion stars in them. so this is the cosmic my quick background that we can see. now we can't see anything be on the spotlight from those regions have not had time to get to us. >> you just put yourself in arava rather privileged vantage point even show that. >> well this is what we see, it's just like if you stand on top of the empire state building you're going to see a circle out to the horizon and that's as for as you can see. it is on the empire state building. if you go to the willis tower in chicago you'll see part of chicago and i will be centered on you. so the part you can see is always centered on you. that does not mean you're
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special. [laughter] everybody sees that. so everywhere you go, there you are. so this is, we see this and we have reason to believe the universe is much bigger than this. the fluctuations in this are only one part in 100,000. we believe the universe is at least 100 times as large as this probably much larger. the best there for explaining in detail the pattern of fluctuations we see, which is based on the observations from the w map satellite, is the theory of inflation which ella goose put forward in 1981, and in that theory that explains how the big bang got started. what is is says is that you could've started the universe with a very tiny region ten to the minus
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27 centimeters across of high-energy vacuum state, what is that? we are used to thinking of the vacuum as being empty. if everybody left the auditorium and if we took away all their and all the -- a completely empty space he would think that would be zero energy density, but in fact because of various steels fields going through the universe the universe can have a vacuum energy, a nonzero vacuum energy. if it has a nonzero vacuum energy because we like the vacuum not to have any privilege standard of rest, so if rocket ships going through this vacuum at different speeds are going to measure the same vacuum energy by the logic of special relativity, it must be this vacuum energy is associated with
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a negative vacuum pressure that operates in three directions, front, back, back, left, right and up and down. this is uniform pressure, so it exerts no hydrogen effect. so in the room we have an air pressure of 15 pounds per square inch but you don't notice it. you have to have difference in pressure to make the windblown iq over, so this is uniform pressure has no hydrogen effects but it has a gravitational effect according to general relativity because pressure gravitates as well as energy and general relativity. so that means that it has a repulsive effect because it's a negative pressure it operates in
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three directions so it's three times more potent than the attraction caused by the energy density. this causes a gravitational repulsion and it starts universe expanding and an experience faster and faster an accelerated rate. he keeps doubling in size once every ten to the minus 38 seconds. so in the first seconds of the universe existence it could double in size 1000 times. and that and that is ten to the 300 and size. it can become truly enormous. this explains why the universe is sorry enormous in uniform and in detail i can explain the pattern of fluctuations that we see. so the theory of inflation is very effective at explaining this, one of the problems that had is that what you want to have happen is this high-energy vacuum to decay into normal particles to make the hot big bang that we see.
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the problem with this was his like you're trying to boil water on the stove and the water represents this inflating see a vacuum energy which is inflating very fast. you wanted to turn all into steam and ordinary particles, but what happens is that if you've ever boiled water on the stove is that it forms bubbles. so we expect to get bubbles of particles forming and that didn't like uniform. i was one of the people, myself and andre he proposed in 1982 that what happened was we were living in one of the bubbles, these were individual bubble universes that were expanding. from inside the bubble it looks uniform and the other bubbles are so far away the light hasn't gotten to you.
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so this form that problem in this this is called new inflation and that theory predicts in a general way that once you get inflation started it's really impossible to stop and it's going to keep making more more bubble universes forever as it continues to double in size and eventually you get infinite number and they can have different laws of physics in them. so we actually think we live in a multi- verse. this is all vast compared to the tiny region that we can see. one of the reasons we believe the other universes exist is the theory of inflation predicts a and as we show in the book it beautifully explains the pattern of fluctuations that we observe in the my quick background. another reason we believe in inflation is that were actually
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observing inflation starting again in the universe in a low-key fashion. were seeing the universe today and an accelerated expansion, two groups on this and 97, they won the nobel prize for this, of the universe is going to be doubling in size once every 12,200,000,000 years. today billion years. today it has a low vacuum energy of seven times ten to the minus 30 grams cubic centimeter. we have seen a low-grade form of inflation occurring today. this is another reason we believe in inflation. talked about size and the universe and one of the reasons people think that pluto got to mounted was because of its minuscule size. side like neil to tell us about that story because he was a big
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participant. [applause] >> you took us from the hydrogen atom to multi-verses and he he dumped pluto in my lab, just to be clear. >> i think above my head we had the true national planets, these are the planets and surfaces you can walk on, mercury, venus, earth, and mars, the moon is shown there which looks quite small for something to know about our moon is that it is one of the largest moons in the solar system, even most of the moons of jupiter and saturn are door by the size of our moon, we
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have an uncommonly large moon relative to us, in spite of how small that looks. the point i will make is that pluto, we have history here with pluto in this institution, back in 2000 when we opened the row center for earth and space where the first out-of-the-box to reassociate pluto's identity from the company planets to the dirty ice balls in the solar system. and so we're raked over the coals by the press saying especially little kids saying they're angry, pissed off third-graders saying how just because it's small how could you do that, thinking that size was an issue. in fact, it had, it had much less to do with size than you might imagine. if we go to the_now we line now we have the gas giants, jupiter,
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saturn and neptune. and then you get to see how small earth is relative to the rest of the action. because earth is included in this for scale. so here's a point i'll make and i don't get to make it often enough, jupiter is more bigger compared to earth than earth is compared to pluto. i don't how else to conjugate those verbs in that sentence. so in other words, if we are nursing we are big enough to be a planet, but pluto is and then imagine what jovian's could be be saying, they're saying the solar system only has four planets, and everything else is just debris. so -- [applause] i am certain all life forms of jupiter are thinking exactly
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that way. so you cannot evoke size exclusively to disk pluto in this regard. but allow me to tell you that our moon, as small as it was compared to earth has five times the mass of pluto. so pluto levels were never told that. so welcome to the company of informed people regarding pluto. but we knew this, so pluto had other issues. . .
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with countless thousands of other bodies that rival pluto in the size and composition. so what we discovered is that pluto never really was the plan that we wanted it to be. in fact, it was 60 years before we discovered its brethren orbiting beyond neptune and this icy brethren we named for the mid century who had hypothesized that there could be this repository of excess debris that didn't participate in the formation of the rest of the planet. so pluto is a very healthy object, but a really lame planet. so, just to make that clear. now when we look for other planets which has been quite
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pastime the last several years. raise your hand if you are 21 years or younger. it means you were born in 1995 or later. in the community of astrophysicists we discovered the first xo planets that orbit around another star. so, i wanted to show you the generation xo planets. because you've only known life in a world where we've known the world beyond the backyard of the solar system and so the privilege that is a. so you might go about finding exoplanets that might be of particular interest to us.
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although the rings are quite beautiful come at the end of the day you will have to harbor life. life as we know it or life of any kind and so, there are ways to approach the problem and one of them is named after frank drake. i think that he's much older than that now. is he still alive? so, frank who was early in this exercise of asking what is the likelihood of us communicating with alien intelligence that could lurk in the planet out of there in the galaxy. and so he came up with a clever way to attack the problem. you come up with an equal asian.
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it's a simplified version of it to get the idea across. but there are several other terms. it's a numbe the number of civis that could be out there. let's start with that. it's the organized societies and civilizations. you spread the problem to multiple bids and each problem could be the science projects to try to address. so it is separating the variables otherwise it's a maelstrom you don't know if you are coming or going.
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so, we start off with how many total stars there are the cookie searching and in this case it's the number in the galaxy. it's what all the others are doing what is a few hundred billion between. i see that's not facetiously. there are galaxies that have a trillion stars and that have only a few hundred million. what you want to do is ask what section of the stars have planets because you are going to look for life where there is a planet presumably.
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you want a plane planet in metas we look at life as we know it. so while we didn't specify that as its own term you could imagine that has its own term, separately measured from a fraction of the stars or planets around it. so the fraction of the total stars that are left have the planets that can sustain life. what fraction of the planets of the stars that have planets that have plagued, what fraction of
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those have intelligent life. so, here we are hacking away at that number 300 billion. is it won in a hundred times one in a thousand, whatever the fractions are, you hack away at the number but it's a big number so there's a lot of wiggle room to give you something left over at the end. so you keep going. so these are civilizations he would talk to in some way. most of human cultural history we had when we were in intelligence that is the way buy they could have a conversation with an alien. they didn't have anything about it. just because you are intelligent doesn't mean that you need to communicate with. as for the setup on the
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civilizations, they had all those terms and ask how long have we been able to view, maybe 100 years out of the thousands of years of the cultural human history a hundred years. it's the capability to communicate as a tiny fraction if it is any measure of things. what are you likely to find, that is the kind of question that is addressed in this equation. when you put in the latest numbers. that's what we come up with, what's the number, the civilization of the galaxy. what in habitable planets are in
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the in habitable zone. it may be as many as -- >> those are planets capable of hosting for a couple of terms. it they ca can be communicatingh radio waves now. so it's helpful. here's an image taken southern hemisphere in the milky way galaxy. let me explain to new yorkers this is what the sky looks like. [laughter]
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if you remove the buildings and the light and pollution. it implicates the amateur astronomy there they are unplugging it works so forcing you to come out and look and notice. so just to embrace the sheer scale to recognize that there is 180 billion planets in the inhabitable zones scattered across, that is the claim of the milky way galaxy. we are in the galaxy within it and that is the plain.
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they are like a blueberry embedded in a pancake. you can look out above and below and escape but if you look within it is just pancake all the way around. it is named so because it appears among the stars identified in the constellation but of course it is much further away. they are looking from a screen door out to the rest of the universe. this image in the southern hemisphere has cloudy things off to the bottom.
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so they look like clouds and while the native inhabitants of the hemisphere sure we knew all about this, we in the last first learnewest firstlearned of it fs of magellan who upon navigating the globe went through the southern hemisphere and salt clouds. that's what they look looked lid to this day we refer to them as the magellanic clouds and we now know them to be dwarf galaxies gravitationally bound to the milky way so they are nearby. by the way it's not only roses for the small galaxies. we have a record of small
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galaxies that once orbited us that have been completely cannibalized and we see just the remnants of the streams of stars fully absorbed into our own system. so it's to the larger o the laro proceedings in the sky. just to be clear, i don't know if we can dim the lights briefly and then bring them up and see if c-span can handle it. there we go. what you have here is one of the most famous images that were taken. and it's called the ultra deep field and we mean how far into
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the universe does that picture reach, and of course it is a nasa photograph and notice there is a reddish object. that is a star sitting on our nose in our own galaxy and it might be the only store in the photograph. yes, it is. every other smudge, every other speck of light is beyond the stars of milky way and favorite present entire other galaxies, each containing hundreds of billions of stars. so, when we talk about the probability of life, we generally contain if just within our own milky way. but if you want to multiply up by the scale of the universe and all the galaxies contained within, you've got -- you would be inexcusably egocentric to suggest that we are the only life in this universe. and by the way, this is this
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area on the sky is a tiny fraction of the area of the full moon. since you take this and multiply it out by all the points that you can fill up the sky with and that's how you recover the latest estimate 130 billion. this is the milky way from the inter-american observatory where is where we met each other almost 30 years ago. >> a couple of years ago.
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>> and you can see that it is rising dramatically in coming over our head. one of the frustrations even if you get away from the bright lights, one of the frustrations in the northern hemisphere is that they are not visible to us you have to travel to the southern hemisphere to see this dramatic part of the milky way looking straight to the galaxy center. occasionally you get whether that is below you. a total cloud cover below you and if there is any moonlight at all and you just look out over the edge of the mountain, it's like you are somewhere unreal, you are otherworldly because it
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is your island of the middle of clouds and there is no earth to distrust you, the telescope into the cosmos. [laughter] so in th that pilgrimage that ts represents to santiago and transport to practically the meal train up the mountain and then you lived doctrinally. within a few years of that we have what is called the service observing.
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they send you back to the data. but it's absent some of romance. was fairly automated so they took care of themselves and came outside and enjoyed them as he just described. there are several as you can see and we often bump into each other. it was just about 30 years ago so i wanted to mention that he here.
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that's one of the questions we want to ask ourselves is what is the star they've told us it is tremendously hard and they told us how enormou enormous pr. it is a ball of gas held together by its own gravity that held up by some internal pressure and giving getting a t deal of heat and light in the case of the sun what keeps us alive. one of the greatest of these indeed is that it's hydrogen and helium and what we have here are the elements in the periodic table that indicated the size of each is proportional to the fraction of the mass of atoms that you find that dominate the elements of the universe by far, and anything else shows the
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trace. there is a magnesium an the magn and on as just a small fraction so one of the questions we next want to ask is why is that the case but the universe of come this way and we describe in the book the hydrogen and helium in the universe came to us from the big bang itself. it is tremendously hot much more than the surface of stars temperatures that range up to billions of degrees. it wasn't so hot stores couldn't exist. molecules couldn't exist.
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they were the nucleus of the hydrogen atom and has expanded and cooled even in the first few minutes, some of the protons and neutrons came together and indeed one of the greatest triumphs of our understanding in the expanded universe is that we can predict the amount that was produced in the early phase just wonderfully with the experimental values now wonder if i di measure in the spectrumf the stars. and that's it it gives us the hydrogen helium as it was first thought we would be able to explain the rest of the periodic table and all the other elements of the universe from the big bang itself but it turns out not to work so we need another explanation to see how all those heavy elementheavy element for e heavy elements are made, and the answer is goin giving back to te stars if you go back to the sign and ask, there we are.
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if we go back and ask the question what is happening in the center and what is the fuel source that is causing the sun to shine the answer is in the core of the sun with 50 million degrees -- [inaudible] [laughter] tremendously by pressure undergoes conditions. the protons are fused together in thin a process called nuclear fusion to make the nucleus and remove some energy in the process we described that process in the book. hydrogen is being formed into helium, and it is a process that is going on in the sun right now. the story gets much more interesting. our own will be able to burn hydrogen into helium and then later turned helium into carbon and oxygen which the primary elements because our own bodies. but if you want to get the rest
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of the periodic table, you need more stars that may be times as massive as the sun as it continues to grow in use at first the hydrogen coming into helium and then the carbon and oxygen can burn every element and start creating elements of ever larger masses. it turns out the element number 26 in the periodic table is the end of the story. you cannot imagine it with anything and get energy out. it requires that to combine with anything to make the heavy elements and so. so then the energy source is gone.
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they have no choice but to collapse into doing so explodes. edit clothes into the supers on. >> on >> one of the supernova exists. it is observed by the hubble space telescope that what we see is your favorite word this marines of the star broken into disk that is known to be a star at the bloated in 105480. we look at the position in the
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tremendously dense. the neutrons i think we said are about 100 million you can get your mind around such an incredible thing. then the star explodes as a supernova. there are two different stories that we are now trying to understand for this element. one is they are formed in the explosion of the supernova. it could happen under very special circumstances. that is another way to give you that energy.
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this may be the time that i met neil. to see it from a hundred 50,000 light years away the light of a single star. there it was. >> so there is a new star there. very dramatic. one of the most astronomical discoveries of our time, the closest that has ever split into the 400 years since the invention.
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>> i want to go back to the milky way and talk a little bit about this. it is a very special place because neil studied the stars but at the very center we found something that is truly dramat dramatic. how can we infer its existence if it is almost by definition, it has no light for us to see that we do see its gravitational influence around us.
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the observations are followed up. athe orbits of the individual stars from the very center of the milk milky way where we zood into that very center. it's how much may be associated analso get a limit on how large objectives. so we see something that is very tiny and 4 million times the mass of our own sun and what indeed is the object, we inferred that as a black hole. visible and indeed one of the great discoveries.
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and therefore that represents the limit that part of the universe has had time for the light to reach us and so what we see here is explained to this eninthisinteresting about 13 bin light-years away. you can see that it's only a tiny fraction and studying such objects to understand how the universe is involved. >> we gave a series of lectures about it.
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one of the really dramatic discoveries in the last year as we were able to get it just in time is the discovery and perhaps the most direct evidence yet and really prove that black holes as the theory of relativity imagine them swirling around each other. they go around each other for the space and time & the distorted space and time like when you throw the stone into a pond.
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it's in an observatory and gravitational wave, i think i said that right it was built to measure the subtle distortions. it is that length by about a thousand. it's 29 times the other and 36 times the mass of the sun merging together as shown in the movie take a single black hole so some of you that maybe folding the numbers will say wait a minute that doesn't make sense. something seems to be missing.
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it is an exciting development. it's showing the actual measurements in comparison to what was observed. the universe is a very big place and there is a lot of exploration to do. we are still very much in the exploration mode and we can learn fundamental new things about the universe. but it is dressed seeing what's out there and that's happening. it is an art of conception.
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today it they make up a map and multiple maps repeatedly asking the question how does the universe change. do we see the phenomena that have not had the imagination yet to discover. i mentioned 30 years ago we were very lucky to be able to travel to chile last year for our anniversary and was also the ceremony of the construction of the observatory switch was on the mountaintop where we met just over there and again, starting the construction and starting in 2022.
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>> were you allowed to stand that close to the emergency code? [laughter] >> so, with that i think that we are going to turn it back over. >> in the book, we have a map of the universe that stretches over several pages and from left to right, this is a panorama looking out from the equator into vertically shows this is the way from the earth. it is a map that preserves shape and it makes it so that each constant step is another factor of ten further away from the earth and so there's the surface bear and the satellites going
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around. in a way it is the shoreline of the cosmic ocean that is before us and this is an idea that has been with us for some time. >> this is that the satellite. now we are getting into the realm of the planet. it could render us extinct. [laughter] one of the things that they will do is try to map those and find out if any of those are going to hit. i'm sure that you have something to say about that.
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we have a voyager one and two. it is the transition between the sun and its influence on its environment in the galaxy and the rest of the galaxy. so what is the comment? >> so we have another zone of comments that were predicted by the dutch astronomer and that's countless comments coming in from any direction. far. >> it's the name of the entire system of which remember another doctors it is a factor of ten. so how far the earliest signals have reached space.
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we have two microphones here we would love to take some questions. by the way, we will be out in the hall to assign books. by the way, this is the only equation that all of us will be signing books. so, this will be a unique thing just so you know. if you must leave now because you parked too far away you can pick up a book that is preassigned then you won't have to wait as long. >> we encourage children in particular to come and ask a question.
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>> we might in the future, maybe. [laughter] can you explain why there is no center of the universe if you are looking at it where the edge of the universe is. imagine the balloon is blowing up and this is the picture of space expanding. if you sit on a claim you see all the others fleeing from you if you look at your epicenter.
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while there is no particular center of the claims are equivalent with the space that is expanding but you see the reason around you, and so it means middle of the earth and wherever people were, they thought they were in the middle. first of all, great lecture. there's much to do with making the earth habitable.
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what effect would you have to be looking for this almost double planet system. there's a lot of research on how important was the moon in the formation o of not just liked jt self but it's whether you have the stability necessary to develop the complexities that the biodiversity has given us as we see. my opinion there is it's a little overstated how important it is.
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it doesn't seem absolutely necessary. it didn't take shape until the apollo era where they brought back from the surface of the moon and we noticed that it's made mostly of the same stuff, not only that but it's missing for an object that size it should have the mixture of the stuff in the solar system with a certain amount of carbon and oxygen also some iron. in our own planet the moon has hardly any iron. so they go to the core into
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buildings to the top until it solidifies. the moon if it has no iron anywhere it doesn't have a core, that led to us thinking that maybe it was formed later after it had already differentiated in its materials and led to the hypothesis that a large-size object sideswiped earth skipping of our surface material reforming them into what became the moon. it isn't far-fetched because in the early part of the solar system, there is heavy parts where the planets are having pieces of the leftover system and its small you just absorb it but if it's big, stuff happens. it is 1,100th the mass of the earth. so nearly 100 times.
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it's actually not that much material. we have more than 1,100th of ourselves walking around right now. so, that is a whole separate storyline of how we get this moon and that would be different from how all the other planets cut fares. yes, right here. >> if i could be a bit of a fan boy for a second you're known yn for being on top of the science and pop culture coming and i'm curious how someone like you manages to do both of that. how do you get your news? >> it's cloning.
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that is a good question but it's nearly impossible. i miss a lot. i looked to see what is the number one tv show. i look at what is the hottest team right now let me check up on that. this is the pop-culture scaffold and then collided in the cosmos. you walk away not having to learn the science as a separate exercise because it is plugged into something that you already know and love. an example of this, there were
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and i then said this winning field goal by the cincinnati bengals was enabled by a third and was encumbered by the rotation of the earth. [laughter] people then lost their minds. there was a simple exercise. by the way, any of my colleagues i don't carry special knowledge into the exercises, i just happened to do wit it while thee busy in the lab. so that's how it happened.
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>> would propose ideas do you see us getting into the system in the next hundred years? >> you are talking about this recent announcement where you have this sort of nano craft propelled by the pressure of laser ligh light can to accelerh high speeds to get there quickly. group celebrated when they found the planet around the approximate so this gives them the goal to go to.
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china took up to the microphone and then cough. [laughter] >> so given that we have the center of the milky way is it actually collapsing in on itself? >> imagine the sun turns into a black hole tomorrow and this would be bad news for many reasons. so it would continue exactly as it is. one has a mental image of a cosmic vacuum cleaner and that isn't true in the sense that you are in orbit around a black hole, it is just as stable as the ordinary store with the same ends i should have qualified
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that. they will keep going for literally billions of years. nothing will change. it's only when you get very close and those orbits are perfectly stable and will stay for any astronomical timescales. if we go even longer and more things happen in that gravitational radiation i was talking about can eventually take over. but no, it is quite safe. 4 million times the mass of the sun. >> i would say 10 million or so. i should note that number.
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>> so one of the triumphs of the hubble telescope is to recognize that practically every galaxy that we can't measure has a supermassive black hole at its core so that is another ingredient of the modeling of people trying to make the galaxies in the first place. how old are you? >> ten. >> that is so cool. and this is a school night. just to say that you were here.
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>> [inaudible] >> it is a very low temperature. it is about seeing this about 2.7 degrees above the absolute zero so we are getting these microwaves all the time left over from the big bang. they used to be a shorter wavelength but the universe has expanded so the radiation is very cool. >> find something you want to cook but is it the power to its lowest level. it takes about nine hours. so the intensity matters in this
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conversation. and it isn't going to cook you from the inside out, we promise. >> okay. >> i remember watching in the state as the universe expands it gets cooler. >> as the universe expands it gets cooler. [laughter] [applause] time for a couple more questions and then we will call it a night. i was wondering if it would be theoretical possible as an energy source. >> it is very, very faint. it is the law matters long and that this is so faint it's beyond our ability to detect it. i don't think anybody doubts that it's there.
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there's a lot of reasons for believing it theoretically. if we could have detected by now it is predicted and i think no one doubts that it's there it is just ifit's just a very long wah radio waves. >> this might be a bit complicated. on the theoretical standpoint, can they actually be in the universe? ..
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can see things that is time dilated itself. >> if you want a spaceship it would take you time to cross the event horizon going back. >> there's an entire chapter come the subject. >> i told you this whole talk was only 5% of the rate that's a really fast because i want to get to go into sound bite mode for answers. [laughter] >> the universe is expanding ever accelerating its expansion and that means resume of glee at some point it's going to form enough vacuum space in between everything to become charged again. would it be possible for a fact came to be charged not to create another universe in our universe?
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>> we have a very low vacuum energy today. it's not that it's becoming electrically charged. it's just that as the vacuum expands it gets more and more space there's the possibility that there is a lower energy vacuum state available and therefore sometime some time in the far future people talk about in 138 years or longer and there is a chance of 30 four-year days in some models. the bubble of low were vacuum energy state may occur and then there is like sort of eternal visiting champagne with bubble universes forming in the effort effort -- ever expanding value. >> there's a model called the big rip model where the vacuum energy is going upwards. doesn't look like this is occurring.
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it looks like it's staying constant but in that case all the bodies like the earth would be ripped apart and there would be a big singularity and everything would be ripped apart but doesn't look like that's a we are seeing. it looks like the vacuum energy staying constant which means it's just going to keep doubling and doubling and doubling in size. eventually new bubbles may form in the far, far future. >> it probably won't get ripped apart. >> it doesn't look like it. >> you have to go rev quick. >> this is a question from a group of students. can you expect how that -- causes the atmosphere? >> that's a sophisticated question. >> we are not geologists. this is a statement about how the magnetic field of the earth
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was formed and it has to do with and i don't have that detail because it's not while now but the interior therapist boiling in a variety of ways the very core mantle of the earth and there are charge currents that set off a magnetic field. the effect refers to the process by which the magnetic field builds itself up. if not fully understood either in the case of beer or for that matter the sun. >> it helps that you have moulton iron that can actually move at its core. today are completely cooled down. we expect magnetic field to go away entirely as is the case with the other rocky planets. right here, go. how old are you? >> i am 12. >> 12, cool, give it to me. >> is the universe extend from the center or from the sides and how does this happen?
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>> space between all the galaxies expand and again imagine the service of a bull the service of a bull and if the service a bubble and if you were two-dimensional creature walking around on the surface of the blank -- balloon. it is the bullet and blows up the space is expanding between the galaxies and is just bigger. there is no balance at the center of more than any other galaxy. >> i would say since the bulletin is expanding the center of the ball limits in the middle but that's where everything was at the beginning of after that there is no sensor in all the galaxies that exists. >> at what speed does the universe expand at? >> what counts here is relative speed. we think we are sitting still
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and we looked at distant galaxies the more distant the galaxies the fasters moving. that's them nature of expansion. nearby galaxies are moving at maybe only 1000 kilometers every second for different objects are moving close to the speed up lights or in some instances exceeding the speed up like me talk about that. scenic it's moving fast. we will take for fast questions. >> what motivated you to become astrophysicists? >> let's say that one for last. step aside. right here, go. >> how many black -- or in this galaxy. >> there's only one in the center. people argue a lot about the black polls which maybe a few times the size of the sun makes this. they are hard to see.
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we can infer the presents of a handful of them. i don't know off the top of my head with the current episodes are in the milky way. scenic something to keep in mind is --. >> this is just a theory that i kind of made up from what i learned here. [applause] >> what is in your basement? do your parents know what you are doing there? just wondering. this is how we get the nemesis to superheroes. we will try to be really nice to you. what is that? >> so as you guys said stars keep on compressing the elements into other ones and they become heavier and iron is the last
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keeping the star alive. if that is true in the universe starts to sputter wouldn't all the hydrogen helium and therefore end because father is desired and black holes floating around? >> that is absolutely right. >> yes. the universal and in exactly the way you describe. all the gas clouds the a bus the first ingredients of stars will run out of their ingredients, the stars will run out of fuel and they will burn out. no new stars will be made and as you look up at the night sky the stars will disappear one by one never to be replaced again we will have an entire universe of darkness. have a nice day. [laughter] >> so i heard. >> how old are you? >> i am nine.
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>> you are not, okay. these are the last two questions here. we went over time that we get the kids in. it's way past your bedtime and i know because it's past my bedtime. spent the milk you wait galaxy galaxy galaxy and that -- are going to collide with each other. the lower species be interfered with and our solar system? >> he has nine years old and he is worried about something that's going to happen in 7 billion years, deeply worried about it. >> our species has been around for maybe a million years. 7 billion years from now -- species change on time fields in a million years and we are talking about aliens of years. and so our species will not be around. that's when the two galaxies
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collide the sash is so large large the stars past -- past by each other. her descendents are going to be worried that much by the ocean. >> it will be an awesome train wreck as you watch it because the gravity distorts an otherwise spiral patterns that our respective galaxies currently enjoying it will be dismantled, tangled mess. i was wondered whether the stars will go by if you have a fly by looting break the reputational allegiance might be compromised. the stars unnecessary glide to take him to closely want to remember which star we are supposed to orbit. so it will be a fascinating teacher and if i do the calculations about 7 billion years from now so put that on your smart one to look up.
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you won't live to see it unless you invent something that enables you to live to see it. the gentleman with the last question. >> since you can look back in space and if you look far enough into space and you can see back in time do you think there would be a way to see earth back in time? >> a little bit. if you have a black hole, life from the earth can go around the black hole and come back and we can see it again. so faint you know it's picking up one photon that is really small. possible in principle but not really impact this but you see the earth as it used to be that many years ago and that's how far were the black hole is. >> the practical answer to my question would be met during
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other aliens at a certain distance from earth where light from earth from earth has just returned us to think of the galaxy that might be 65 million light years away so they are seeing light earth as earth sent out 65 million years ago in what was happening 65 million years ago that dinosaurs were rendered extinct by one of our objects, an asteroid. so if you were 65 million light years away you will be seeing t-rex croke in real time. and that would be really cool. >> can you take one more question before we go to that young lady? >> okay. that means it had better be an awesome question. everybody's watching. thank you matching gravitational waves earlier and how to black holes emerged to create a
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dilation of an atomic nucleus. what kind of dilation would you get if there were two massive. [laughter] 's? >> the europeans are in the process of developing a satellite that will measure kilometers, 4 million kilometers across and they are light -- trying to look at the merging of supermassive black holes which might happen at two galaxies collide that the typical distance you might expect to see that is even larger and therefore the effectively measures going to be comparably small. stay tuned. that's something we may see in our lifetime but we are not there yet. >> tell me how old you are? you are 12.
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>> i got interested in astronomy when i was eight years old. i found a book in the bookstore with a celestial lobe. >> a book is made of paper and they used to be sold in these places called bookstores. >> i got interested when i was eight and i joined the young astronomers club so i've been interested in astronomy ever since. >> when i was in high-risk old i was reading a lot about astronomy and thought it was really cool. love looking at the night sky and i remember telling my dad i want to be an astronomer and he said he you can't get a job doing that. he was happy to see that eventually proved them wrong. we have the entire universe to look at. >> i am usually visible in places like the internet so people hear my story and they think it's either special or unusual because they're not hearing any of my colleagues
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tell their story about how they became astrophysicists. as a matter of fact my story is common. richard gott got interested in a.j. then i got interested at age nine when my parents brought me to my local planetary and the hayden planetarium it was. they dimmed the lights in the stars came out. i thought it was a hoax. that's too many stars. i've seen them from the bronx. there are 12 of them so this is a deception. it's an entertaining deception but you are not fooling me and i would ultimately learn that in fact it was this guy as is actually represented in the actual universe. i age 11 i knew enough by reading books from the library, books like my parents bought me for my birthday that i age 11 i
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had an answer to that annoying questions that adults always ask is, what do you want to be when you grow up and from age 11 i amortize that i want to be an astrophysicist. i that pretty much shut them up. if you say i want to be a doctor , oh and betty is a doctor if you say astrophysicist, that's it. they walk away that point. so to this day i'm a little bit scarred for having not known a night sky until i saw one in the hayden planetarium because from most mountaintops and to this day when i go to the cosmos in the singularly majestic sights and i will look up at the night sky say to myself reminds me of the hayden planet. [laughter] ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming. thank you richard gott and
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michael stauss. [applause] we will see you in the rear new view -- the rear -- the year in review in january. have a read night. >> on booktv would enter on booktv would enter into the sea to paul moreno a professor of constitutional history at hillsdale college and he is the author of this book, "the bureaucrat king" the origins and underpinnings of america's aircraft ex-pat. professor moreno on page one of your book you write, the united states is ruled by an establishment nowhere mentioned
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