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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  December 30, 2016 2:00pm-4:01pm EST

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>> he was so much more as a fighter as time went on with abi kennedy gone, martin luther king gone, mart-- malcolm x god who is going to react when the vietnam exploded in our face. there were millions of young men that were eligible for the draft on the conveyor belt rapidly feeding the war machine, but it was ali who stood up for us by standing up for himself. >> that was part of our program that looks at the passing of several key political figures in 2016. we will also feature portions of the funeral service for former is amy prime minister and the memorial service for astronaut and former us senator john glenn , both of whom died this year. see it tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. this holiday weekend on c-span2 book tv, saturday night at
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10:00 p.m. eastern on afterwards on the "wall street journal" editor joanna loveland looks at top women leaders in corporate america and at 11:00 p.m. cnn political contributor talk about journalists book unprecedented. the election that changed everything and a look back at the 2016 presidential campaign. sunday afternoon it, a little after 5:00 p.m. professor cook talks about the final volume to her eleanor roosevelt series and at 10:00 p.m. eastern author sl price on the death of the steel industry and its affect on a working-class town seen it through the lens of high school football in his book: played to the whistle. for our complete schedule go to book >> new year's night on q&a. >> while people were starving, he was having these fancy parties in the white house and
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it was part of the image making where harrison was the candidate for the man for poor people in here was this rich men in washington sneering at the poor people. harrison had thousands of acres in the state and he was actually very wealthy man, but pro- trade as the campaign of the poor. when he came to the parades and a waved handkerchiefs and some gave speeches, some wrote pamphlets and it was shocking. they were criticized by the democrats that said they should be home in making putting. >> author of the book the carnival campaign and how it changed presidential elections forever. sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on case-- c-span q&a. >> now a look at criminal justice and civil rights under the obama administration. you will hear about current issues of surrounding federal, state and local law-enforcement
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changes with this event held by the brookings institution that is an hour and a half. >> on behalf of my colleagues here at the hamilton project welcome to today's program discussing seminal-- a civil justice during the obama administration ended the landscape in the years ahead at the federal, state and local levels or could this is the hamilton project on criminal justice reform and reflects our views of criminal justice reform that is not only immoral and a social issue, but a critical economic issue because of the costs that could be saved by sensible policing and sentencing reform and productivity gains for our economy and therefore for all of us that could be had if released inmates were equipped to become effective members of the nation's workforce. our economic perspective, that is in addition to the moral and social considerations, there's huge economic benefits to be had from criminal justice reform to ensure fairness and equal
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opportunity in the workplace and has animated hamilton project. today we are focusing on the efforts of the obama administration in the areas of criminal justice reform and a civil right and discussing the path forward. the discussion will have two segments, first opening remarks by the deputy assistant to the present poor urban affairs, justice and opportunity at the white house. he will speak on criminal justice reform under president obama and then we will turn to a roundtable discussion including our panelists, roy austin, ronald davis director of community oriented police servicing at the police department justice, vanita gupta ahead of the civil rights division. karol mason, assistant attorney general in the office of justice program at the us department of justice and jenny yang, chair of the equal employment opportunity commission. we are exceedingly fortunate to have them with us today. at a time when so much dialogue
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in the political domain has become ideological and political the seriousness of today's panel participants about policy is of great importance. with hamilton project are committed to carrying the flame for serious policy discussion. i would like to recognize the extraordinary efforts of our managing director kristin mcintosh and it our talented and hard-working team for pulling together the content and logistics for today's discussion and now i will turn the microphone over to roy austin. thank you. >> so, thank you very much, kristen. i appreciate it and i appreciate you all being here. i see a lot of good friends here in the audience and this panel is really just-- i really got it together, my best friend is what i did here, people who i worked closely with over the years.
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lets me just kind of a frame and i think she did an amazing job of talking about the importance of criminal justice reform and in the obama administration we do it not just because it's economical, not just because it helps to save lives, but straight up because it's right. it's the right thing to do for our fellow americans, fellow human beings, cylinder this administration and this is just some of the things we have accomplish over the last 18 years. doj's modern crime initiative led eric holder. passports of 21st century policing, an effort led by ron davis. we have a stronger civil rights division then we publicly ever had under the leadership of compress and now under vanita gupta. of the fair act, this was the crack to-- the powder cocaine to crack switch moving in from 100
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to one to make 18 to one. another huge piece of legislation was passed, ultimate legislation we have the full alert act and we also have the death and custody reporting act, something carol mason has been incredibly important on an fundamental for. funding for body cameras and we have seen over the last 18 years the proliferation of the use of cameras. the clemency initiative, which just yesterday another i think 1508 individuals were granted clemency. of most for the past 11 present or more than the last 11 presidents come block-- combined. we have limited the use of solitary confinement, juveniles in the federal system can no longer be held under solitary confinement. deputy attorney general announced a move towards closing private prisons in the police
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data initiative, transparency and the way we use data, data driven justice and this is just some of the major accomplishments under this administration. we have also brought in over a thousand law-enforcement officers from over 900 agencies to the white house to hear briefings on the task force in 21st century policing. how me people are locked up? more than anywhere else in the world. that is a problem. that's where we are right now. we have more people locked up than anywhere else in the world. it has grown by 350% since 1980. how much are we spending? we are spending $80 billion a year just on a conservation. this is not policing, but incarceration, $80 billion. a number of things listed, but we could eliminate the tuition in every one of our public colleges and universities for $80 billion, much better use of
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our time and resources than locking people up. just a quote from president obama, its import to realize we also have a system that is not fair, the ends of discriminating against people. a growing body of research shows that people of color are more likely to be stopped, frist, questioned, charged, detained african-americans are more likely to be arrested, more likely to be sentenced to more time for the same crime and one of the consequences is that's around 1 million fathers are behind bars, one in nine african-american kids have a parent in prison. what to does this lead to? it leads to enormous problems between the community and our law-enforcement officers. we have a chart showing the difference of trust between whites and nonwhites. for whites, trusting the police at 60% and for nonwhites 49%. we look here, how does the community feel about their
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law-enforcement? for whites, 83% feel they have confidence in their law-enforcement, blacks 52%, latinos 53%. how may people in the community feel the police use excessive force? for whites, 74% feel they do not, blacks only 36% feel they do not, latinos, only 45% feel they don't use excessive force. the president-- president discusses some of the kernel justice reform, the community, cellblock and the courtroom. another way to look at that is no entry, entry and reentry. we really want to keep people out of the system in the first place. we want no entry. how are the ways this administration has pushed no entry? we look at the school to prison pipeline is school resource officers. the department ed and justice
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have done amazing work on rethinking discipline. right now, 3.45 million kids are suspended out of school each year. kids as young as four are being expelled and suspended from school. none of this makes any sense in this country for us to push kids at school because of the efforts of the department of education and department of justice we see more jurisdictions like los angeles and miami-dade banning the use of out of school suspension. every kid-- if they're going to be suspended they will be suspended in school because the truth is and as we have described it the best punishment for a kid bad in school is more school, not sitting at home watching tv. it's not being out on the street instead of more school, so we were working to make sure the school resource officers are trained not to go in and handle little things like wrong color to socks some small minor disturbance in a classroom, but if you use the sku-- school
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resource officer then they are there to protect the kids, peer .-dot not to handle the discipline our teachers should. we are working on raising the age with liberal states like louisiana and south carolina realizing that when you are less than 18 years of age you should not be in the adult system, but we still have seven states getting it wrong in particular new york in north carolina who are locking up 16 -year-olds with adults and that's an enormous problem. task force 24 century policing, every single state in the country, there is a police department in every state in the country that has implemented parts of the task force in 21st century policing. this is a big deal. this is moving the ball forward and i know ron davis will talk more about that. that areas the task force has taken on, broad areas everything from policy and oversight to officer wellness and safety.
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one of the problems we have in our system now is to many people who are mentally ill or suffering from some kind of mental health kyra's are entering into the criminal justice system, our law-enforcement are forced to deal with them and what we see is the numbers in 2014 at about 25% of the 990 fatal police shootings involve someone that was exhibiting some form of mental illness and that number is probably a no number based on other research that has been done. we are criminalizing poverty. this is something the attorney general, loretta lynch, has talked about passionately nothing chose this more than the report that came out of vanita gupta's civil right division. how do we have a place where more people have it-- arrest warrants than people that live in the town? by over 10000. that is insane that we are doing that and i knew people drive
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through the town, but not that many people drive through the town. how are we in this day and age is still locking people up for jaywalking? that's complete silliness that we lock people up for jaywalking and on top of that we are finding these people exorbitant amount of money that they cannot pay and so that's how they end up being locked up and then the fact that it's discriminatory when 95% of the people who are arrested for jaywalking or african-american. that's a real problem. body cameras, again, i mentioned this earlier that this administration has promoted the use of body cameras because it tells a different story than simply eyewitness testimony or eyewitness reports. we also have to realize we are creating a state where the police have video of all of us almost all the time, every interaction. what do we do with the domestic violence victim or the sexual assault victim without officer shows up with a body camera on them? what do we do with protesters that have body cameras on them all the time and what we do with
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that video? we have an absurd amount of video right now. whose quintal to that video? when will it be shown and when will when will the public and access to it and how will it be used in a way to promote better policing as opposed to causing the community to destroy ups-- distrust their police force? are dead in the criminal justice system is horrific. we have to do better data. has to be consistent. has to be better audited. we need more data in the criminal justice system. as i like to describe my fantasy football data is better than our criminal justice data. that's a real problem, but it's true and we need timely data. we just put out the 2015 hate crime numbers in november, 2016. we know that more and more agencies are moving to the national incident -based reporting system. this is a better way to collect data, but right now only 40% are using and we need everyone using
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it. all the major law-enforcement organizations agreed we will move thereby about 2020. should not take that long because it's that important for public safety. i talked about our hate crime numbers and i went to put them up there for a moment. the problem with the summers are that this reflects less than one 10th of the agencies across the country reporting at least one hate crime, so 18000 agencies and this reflects about 1700 agencies reporting. why do i save the summers are problematic? look at this, california about 117 hate crimes reported, new york about 500 reported, alabama 12, mississippi zero. what is amazing is that mississippi is actually cured the problem with hate crime. they went from one in 2014 to zero today. that's incredible problem that these are the numbers that we rely on. we have to do better.
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we have something we call the police data initiative with more than 130 jurisdictions around the country covering 40 million people. believing in the idea of putting your data out there for the public to see. louisville, for example, puts up every single citation they issue in real time aggregated by race and gender. it's the anti- ferguson because it is telling the public this is what's happening in your community and this is who we are stopping and citing an real people and community members can look at that data and see what's happening. we need more agencies doing this saying we are willing to show our data. this is from montgomery county and i put this up here because this is my police chief and i want him to feel good about the being in it his community and to help out my 14-year old boy when he messes up, so with that said police department's understand that if they are going to earn the confidence of communities and they need to be accountable
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and they need to be transparent. of the more information the police put out there the more opportunities there are for the public to have that confidence in the police department. transparency builds confidence. it's clear. we get that we need more police department's to understand that. we also have something called the data driven justice initiative and curly again over 130 jurisdictions covering over 100 million people. we have the same people rotating in and out of our jails and prisons. they are not getting the help they need. they are costing us an enormous amount of money and how do we do better by them. miami has learned about 100 people were causing them well over like a close to $10 million. just hiring social workers to work with the small numbers of people saves the city and a norma's amount of money and we see more jurisdiction to get this. fares do not. that's one of the pieces legislations we passed. pieces of legislation that the president signed. and mentioned the others, blue
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alert act, matthew shepard act. prosecutors, we have to start talking about prosecutors and we have had recent media's about prosecutors. prosecutors in my mind are probably the most powerful people in the criminal justice system, deciding who comes to the system, who gets sentenced, how long and we have to make prosecutors a part of this conversation. forensic sciences, a report was put out talking about the fact that we have sciences out there that are not truly verified, may be questionable as far as their scientific quality. we cannot have innocent people going into the system ms the basic level of our criminal justice system. we have to look at the forensic science to make sure they are as strong as possible. diversion, find ways to have people not come into the system. this has been proven to work.
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pre-booking, keeping people out of the system. we need to do more with that. specialty courts, we need judges who are experts in their area who understand the problems people are facing so that we actually get people to help they need so they are not returning. just a quite about drug courts, so we have been no entry side. that's where we send i think the most of our time and where we should spend most of our time. there are people who are going to be locked up and this is a photo of the present obama visiting a prison in oklahoma. we have to do a better job with reentry from the time people are incarcerated, the minute they step in a prison or jail we should think about reentry. this is the mantra of the bureau of prison we had to make sure people receive education they need, the training they need and the treatment they need and we know this works and that's why it's worth spending the money. give them an education and they are less likely to recidivate.
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we spend less money. that's why this is the right thing to do. we know that we instituted through the department of ed second chance health pilot. unbelievable numbers of people, numbers of institutions whether to participate in this pilot. we are revamping the entire school system in the federal prison system under the assistance of loretta lynch and how they do school in the prison system. every prison system should look to do the same thing because that's how you prevent recidivism. training, are we providing training for prisoners when they get out? this is something that works, works well and should be expanded. everyone should look at ways to implement this in neural system. treatment. we cannot have people coming into prison addicted to drugs and alcohol and put them out addicted to drugs and alcohol. that's just not a bright way to run the system.
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had we do better? how do we make sure they are getting what they need while they are incarcerated? solitary confinement, the president wrote an op-ed about the broader case in many of you know this. turkey was held at rikers or stealing a backpack, which impact he was never convicted of doing and ended up being assaulted while in jail. you was a kid pic ended up getting out with no charges and ended up committing suicide after spending an enormous amount of time in solitary confinement. ending solitary for kids and should be the basic level of what we do. who do solitary actually help? how may times are we taking people straight from solitary putting them on the streets? then, we wonder why people recidivate. solitary is brutal, heinous and should not be happening in this country and we in the department of justice are working hard to end the practice as much as possible and we encourages states to do the same through karol mason's work.
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reentry. we have no entry, entry, reentry and under the leadership of karol mason and amy solomon the federal agency counsel we have over 20 agencies all looking for ways that they can do a better job to ensure people are successful. every single agency on this board has found ways they can help people formally incarcerated to do better and that's a pretty amazing thing. again, something that should continue regardless of who's in office because it's too important for our public safety, too important for these individuals and their families. we also have the legal eight interagency roundtable run by lisa foster. the office of access to justice and she is doing amazing work making sure people who do not have the means get the legal help they need to get out of whatever trouble they are in. this is such a important part of the work of the department of justice, created under eric
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holder and continued by loretta lynch. training and licensing, again, we have too many barriers for people who have a record. how do we make sure they are not stuck under some licensing scheme for some offense that should not matter attended a? them the box, something that make sure people who have a record had a chance here the rule was recently published and we have had over 300 employers who have signed a fair chance business pledge, 150 educational institutions designed a fair chance higher education pledge took this gives people who were formally incarcerated another chance. computation, i mentioned this and there is the president sitting down with the seven people who were granted clemency by a variety of different presidents and as i noted this president hasn't done more than the last 11 presidents combined
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and as of yesterday a thousand 176 people who should not have been incarcerated as long as they were going to be incarcerated for, close to 500 who would be serving life sentences have been granted clemency what we need is legislation to change the way we are doing it. we had this system where we are locking people up under mandatory minimums. we have congress that if they actually put it on the floor would pass it tomorrow and have not done it yet, but that's a real change that needs to be made. we need to continue with this progress and i look forward to talking you further and to hear from this amazing panel has all of this work that i just mentioned is the work these people have been doing since they had been at the justice system and for many of them well before that. so, thank you very much. [applause]. >> thank you, roy. we have a lot to talk about. one piece of housekeeping.
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you should have found on your chair or near your chair in note card. we find we can get through more questions at the end if people write other questions, so make-- i want to make a quick plea to write legibly that sure able to and in about a half-hour we will collect to those and start reading questions from the audience. to start i will turn to a question for karol mason. you have done some interesting things. can you talk a bit about the tension between funding grants for incarceration alternatives and preventing people especially young people from coming into contact with the criminal justice to begin with? how do you think about balancing these different objectives and the first time i went to say thank you for giving us this final opportunity to talk about these issues that we are passionate about and i want to say thank you to all of you. roy has outlined what the administration has done in the criminal justice phase and to want to make sure that you all
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know we could not have done that without the partnership with many of you in the room. for the first time we have crime rates going down and incarceration going out and that is thanks to a lot of the reform work you have been doing, so this tension between prevention and alternative incarceration i don't really see it as tension because as the president said we have to focus and i think we are all capable of multitasking and doing things multiple times, so the president said the three areas we really need to do work is in the the community, the courtroom and the cellblock. in terms of the prevention side we have made great strides in doing things under the umbrella of the president's my brother's keeper initiative which is designed to give you the minute color an opportunity to succeed and when i meet with young people they talk about don't call me at risk. basic call me at hope. for those of you who feel as if
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it's targeted to one population we know the statistics for young men and boys of color what they are and we believe if we provide a system that allows them to succeed than we all succeed and so i encourage you all to look at your communities and the work we are doing with my brother keeper community and the other work that roy has talked about with supportive school discipline work. we have changed the mantra and flipped the script and we no longer talk about the school to prison pipeline. i would like to ask the question about who in this room has never gotten trouble when they were in school. i have only had one hand co-op and every time i asked that question and she was the child of a preacher and i said i know you are lying because we all know that stereotype as well. you know, i chief of staff back there and he hates me to call him out, but as he says frequently, we are at a place where we have the data and research and we know what works.
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we know as roy mentioned that when people are in our system we have to make sure they have an education, connection to community and the jobs so the challenge is how do we implement and investing what works and on the prevention side that means investing in our young people and making sure they stay in school and have the proper healthcare and opportunities to succeed. we have something called the form on youth violence prevention which is part of my brother's keeper initiative, but is available to anyone and if you google forum on youth violence prevention you will see that we have given a roadmap to communities in the how to come together and come out of their silos to figure out how to create an environment where people can succeed, so i encourage you to look at that. i encourage you to go on her website and find the support of school discipline work and on the reentry side one of the things we know is that there are people who will be caught up in our criminal justice system and the question is how do we equip
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them with-- to succeed because 95% of folks will come home. we want them to come home, so on the reentry side we need to focus on the education through the pell program that roy talked about and also making sure services, jobs and the people stay connected to their communities while incarcerated and also connected to their children. roy mentioned the number of children in our country who have a parent in our criminal justice system and we have done fantastic work in this administration to focus on children of incarcerated parents i will always remember an early program at the white house when we talk about talked with children whose parents are incarcerated and many of us think we know what is best for those children, but they told us we don't care what our mother or father did they are still my mom or dad and we need to respect that and respect their need to keep that connection with their parents, so we have grants
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programs keeping kids connected to their parents and keeping the parents connected to their children because it is a win-win. you prepare the children to be successful any help their parent prepare to be successful when they come out. i can keep talking about the wonderful things that has been happening, but i want to end by comments by challenging you all that you have seen remarkable movement in the space that roy just outlined and it will continue if you continue to work with us and continue to push the federal government's under this new paradigm and new way of working. we work across-- roy talked about that these were all of his friends because we do work closely together day in and day out and not just hear the department of justice. we have close relations with the department of education, health and human services, department of labor. we have done wonderful programs across systems and i hope you all will continue to demand that collaboration and that partnership because we all know from the data at the criminal justice system reflects other
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underlying issues happening in this country. our jails have become mental health hospitals. we have people in the system with the drug in our that don't blunt jail. we have young people who because when they were young they did what young people do and they pushed boundaries and test limits and of the responses to be developmentally appropriate and to figure out what's going on in their lives, what's going on at home to cause them to act out and to give them the support they need, so i hope you will continue to demand your federal government give you the support resources that we all need in our communities to continue to reduce the footprint of our criminal and juvenile justice system. thank you. [applause]. >> we will come back and talk more about some of the issues you raise, but vanita gupta, when to turn to you. [inaudible] >> we are now left wondering
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what will come of these efforts with the change of administration. what can we expect from the work going forward? >> thank you. it's great to be here and as i look out i'm looking at all of these colleagues and folks who have been working on these issues for many, many, many years and it really is upon your work and advocacy that we have a doing our work in the federal government for these many years and i know all of you will be continuing the fight for justice you know, there has been a lot of anxiety and prognostication about what will happen with the policing work and the like and just a couple of things i want to say such erastus cynically about our policing work at the civil rights division. to start with, it is one pool among several that exists at the justice department and karol mason has the diagnostic center which works with police agencies and does funding for state local
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and obviously at ron davis at the cops office wish has clavier for form program and a ton of work with police agencies around the country. the civil rights of footprint is smaller than you might think. we have 25 investigations of police agencies. we are currently enforcing 14 consent decrees and the reality is that they are already filed with federal judges and with federal judges with independent monitors. i was a conference several weeks ago before the election with about a half-dozen or so federal judges in our monitors and let me tell you, they are not going to flout around the enforcement of those decrees paired they are very rigorous and robust around the enforcement of the existing dissent to crees and i think that is important, but a more important point is worth noting, which-- this gets to what roy is talking about, but i think what really really all reflect here
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which is the world the policing and the conversations happening in law-enforcement today are just kind of so well on their way. abbé are-- there is a conversation happening among law enforcement leaders now that perhaps some of us may think was not happening three or four years ago. there's a lot of credit that goes to activists and activism around the country for pushing forward and ensuring that people in this country were once again focused on the difficult issues of racial justice and policing and public safety. how do communities get the final public safety and the data and the like. i think given the roots i been in with law enforcement and community leaders in recent years that abandoning the approach towards reform right now what in some ways be a radical departure with where the field is. our dissent contract-- dissent decree represent the pillar in
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the task force on 21st century policing, a police source that i think it is around the have been using. we are a couple weeks away from putting out a report about our policing program in the civil rights division, but doj has been a supporter of change. we have been some communities than a driver change and the reality is reform has always been at the local level and a policing is inherently local and has to be responsive to the local communities that the department is existent in. there is a national standard, the constitution and the work we do at the civil rights division is to enforce that where there has been such a severe erosion of breakdown in trust that it's required, but in a lot of ways i think there is such a momentum on these issues and some of the stuff that roy described about all of the data stuff, that's infrastructure that's been built out.
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in communities around the country we seven infrastructure allowing for sustained community engagement to direct priorities of a police department and make it more transparent and the like, but all of this is transferable and what is captured in the task force on 21st century policing, so i don't think we are going back to any day if you're. i think the video technology has changed and there will continue to be videos that may create unrest around the country and that will force a sustained conversation on change, but i have been really inspired by the kind of leadership that i have been around in law-enforcement as well as community members that there are mainstream remedies out there that there is a growing consensus around them and network regardless of who is in the white house will not slow down the momentum because of where the field is today. it's absolutely, though, it will require a significant amount of pushing and, you know, to
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continue to advance as pressure points, but all of this in this room have to take ownership of that and continue to do that work. >> thanks. jenny, turning to you, from your bench point what are some of the areas where this administration moves the dial-in change the national conversation that will have a lasting impact going forward? >> diane, thank you first for hosting this important conversation and thanks to brookings as well. at the equal employment opportunity commission we are focused on advancing opportunities for all americans, so i'm glad to be part of this conversation around criminal justice because part of what is so important in the criminal justice space is to ensure there is economic opportunity and that's the part we are focused on. two areas in the ticket there where i have seen significant progress are around advancing diversity and policing as well as reentry and removing obstacles for individuals who have arrest and conviction
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records and to make sure they have opportunities to work. on the first area of diversity in policing we had a terrific partnership with the department justice civil rights division where we worked to identify practical strategies used by innovative police department across the country to it-- enhanced bursty in policing and build inclusive workplaces and we know that diversity in policing is not the sole answer to the many challenges that are facing the police communities, but we know it's a critical part of the conversation. it's can help drive trust the tween the communities and the police department's. we work together to interview police department that were building more transparent hiring processes, that were making sure the public at large and from different communities who had not been part of the police force new about how to apply
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because they realized that where certain communities may pass and information on the application process and what the various stages are it could be a disadvantage to those communities where you might be the first and your family to think about a career in policing they also highlighted strategies to build trust and communities where the police department were going to high schools and talk about opportunities to serve and talking about why that was a valuable conservation to their community, so shifty help of people that policing is another area and third, really being willing to reconsider how you are both hiring, how you are building your culture in your workplace as well as advancement opportunities. and the secondary ennui entry that we have been focused on in working with others with the reentry counsel across the federal government has been working with employers to set up practices that allow people with prior convictions to be considered because they offer
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many talents that are often overlooked in the workplace work of many of you may know that that drg in 2012 issued updated guidance on employers use of arrest and convictions through the employment process and our guidance was based on case law coming from the 1970s were a quartet recognize that it is not illegal to use conviction screens as part of your process, but if you are using that information in a discriminatory way that could be a title 17 issue both if your tree people differently with similar convictions or if you build a process that has a disproportionate impact on one group versus another and it's not sufficiently job-related, so we have seen more and more employers are changing their practices and they see it's good for business. we have been happy to see, for example, we have worked in the past three years with over 30 employers to change their practices to ensure they are
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given opportunities for people with prior convictions. one example is a case we filed against bmw. they had a facility in south carolina and they hired a new logistics contractor and they required their current employees to reapply and has a new arrest convictions screen and they had a blanket exclusion for people with certain types of convictions and they fired 100 current employees who had been performing the job well, 80 of whom were african-americans. one of those women had been employed by the logistics company for 14 years and had been a good employee, but 18 years ago she had a assault and battery conviction over an altercation that she had with her daughter's school bus who would not allow her on the bus and carried $137 fine. for that offense, that was very old she was fired and so we have seen that with employers around the country.
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employers may not fully recognize the talents they are losing by those kinds of screens, so we continue to work and we are happy to see the work that has been done for the federal government so we can ensure we are being a model employer across the federal government and ensuring we have opportunities for people with prior convictions. >> thank you. ron, turning to you. thank you for your patience. the community policing service office is increased data collection and data transparency i cannot overemphasize how much we at the hamilton project love data and transparency for that matter. how can this impact the public discourse and development of public policy surrounding policing in the years ahead? >> good afternoon, everyone and thank you for being here. it's a pleasure to be here. i was thinking to myself this is may be our last hurrah speaking
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together. it's a good moments because it does put a cap on a lot of flood both vanita gupta and karol mentioned on what the administration has been. it's been a highlight of my career to serve this administration. before i came director i spent close to 30 years in the field as a police officer. 20 years in the beautiful city of oakland and then to the captain to become police chief. these are very diverse communities with significant challenges and i share that with you because what i brought to dc and what i'm learning while here is try to take the lesson of what it's like to manage a police department, what it's like to oversee or supervise police officers and have a core responsibility of providing public safety services to a community and we stand up and it's amazing to me as a police
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chief what do i need from dc to help me do a better job. when you think about it there is always a role on what dc should or should not play, so if i were asked to give a recommendation to the new administration i think the role dc has to play, number one leadership in dc is key. that means if you think about the issues where facing, presidential leadership, dc leadership matters greatly and in response a lot of the challenges you heard about this present, president obama put together this task force among other things on 21st century policing so we could question issues, challenge x-- and on-- [inaudible] >> we also need support, support for research, support for
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developing best practices on the sow your 18 different police departments on one sense one of the greatest components and one of the greatest aspects of local policing is 18000 independent local state agencies and the greatest challenges is that there is 18000 local, state and tribal law enforcement's and to try to nationalize that in this democracy and we need to find a difference between have a national practices and federal mandates, something to treat policing as more of a profession than a vocation. profession is really guided by a body of knowledge and set standards that you expect if you went to a hospital whether it's a small town in mississippi or the city of new york that your doctor would follow certain procedures that they are expected to know whether you have appendicitis versus heart bore and you expect them to diagnose that versus-- using
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evidence of silent-- science. i imagine if you are an attorney you are looking for an attorney you don't want to hear i'm not as good as someone else because i'm from a smaller firm. you expect them to be up on case law and be committed to that profession and body of knowledge , so the rules and regulation reflects the society. when i look at policing today in the 21st century, data is one of the key components of how you get to the level of professionalism. responding to crime and violence is dangerous and that's when you redeploy resources and that's when you start getting in trouble and you come up with disparities that we all know exists when you just start responding to crime without the data. data to me is like a pilot with radar. i may have flown this read a thousand times and i may think i know what i'm doing, but when we
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run into clouds i may want that radar otherwise i could have a close encounter with another plane are mounted-- mountain. i need to that data. we did a project recently in the city of tampa. two things stand out, one the police chief at the time, i give them kudos. her community was sharing with her there was a concern they were stopping young men of colors riding bikes in the community. this is where you guys come into play, community leaders, activists, you are sharing as concerns that there is an unusual amount of stopping men of color. talking to the police department they knew the disparity existed, but they thought the disparity was minimized by the fact that there were a series of robberies by young men of color on
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bicycles, so it would make sense you would have the disparities. we did research and to take a look at it and what we found out is that yes, there was a series of robberies, but it was a small group polar frick at what they do and they were having a significant impact. this had no impact on the robberies were the robberies themselves, it just had the impact to disenfranchise the minority community in which the stops were being done. even if you pause a moment to accept the argument it was false. you have months of activities where the police department believes in earnest that they are responding to a crime of violence and trying to make the community safe in the community is saying i don't know what you are doing, but my son cannot walk outside without being stopped.
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so, these two have finally collided thanks to data. net-- data now shows it was not effective and allows tampa to redeploy it justice policy and work with the community closely to deal with the fact that someone is still doing robberies , but also make sure there is no collateral damage to the community, so this idea of data that roy mentioned is significant. there's a lot of apprehension and law enforcement about data because people will be afraid the data being used to show there's disparities and racism, but i share the same optimism that vanita gupta does. i have never seen law enforcement in this position in the 30 years i have been there where they actually want to make the changes and acknowledge that it can be done and even have the chiefs or the head of the international association chief
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of police apologize at a conference in front of 7000 cops for historical injustices that police have played in regarding communities with color. we are starting to see the kind of movement that we know they want to make, so to empower them through data and to support them and show them when data shows a disparity it's not an i told you so moment, but it's a let's fix it moment. if there are not disparities, don't worry about it. even when there is no intent the impact is still the same nonetheless. i have been 19-year old son-- [inaudible] >> to your question, data is the key, not the cute, but one of the most significant things. when we post the data is shows that you're not afraid of the truth. data equals truth in many ways and what you are saying is that
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i'm not afraid of the truth. i have a favorite phrase, the truth may hurt, but selective ignorance is fatal. if you decide to purposely be ignorant then shame on you. as a police chief that is a failure to serve your community. you may find out something you don't want to know, but that's application you have to your community, the obligation policing should have to all this community. respond to an partner with the community to solve it and we will find out there's a lot a disparity that we can control. we also find out there is a lot of disparity and there could be no surprise that there are high crime rate and arrest rates if you below high school graduation rate. so, when you do have for example a broken window, which by the way i believe in concept that a response can't be to the cops taking people to jail.
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provide jobs to the people breaking the windows. make sure every kid around there has an opportunity and that's how you stop broken windows. if we invest in that we know it's a stronger investment. chiefs will say my budget doesn't necessarily need to be increased as much as the saving you will have from the 80 billion if you reduce incarceration and invested into the community and we will find a balance. it's a long way of saying that it is important. thank you. >> i am a phd economist by training and your story about nerds bringing justice analysis made my heart happy in a very
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profound way. jenny, i wanted to ask you the same question. you mentioned there's innovative things being done with data. >> data has also been important in convincing employers to hire people with prior conviction records. there has been interesting studies for example john hopkins looked at their workforce and they had a commitment to hiring people from the community including people with prior convictions and they found those employees who had prior convictions stayed on longer. if they had a higher retention rate. they looked at people after 40 months in looked at 500 people and found those with prior convictions compared to comparable people without stay longer in the workplace. some researchers including those at harvard looked at the army, over a million soldiers and found something similar. in there they had used a whole person screening analysis to
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grant waivers to people with prior convictions and it looked at qualities that those individuals had in terms of age is a conviction, height, the kinds of personal references and other things they had and they found people with prior convictions advanced faster within the military and stay longer in the military, so they also found positive correlations and i think that kind of data helps employers think differently. well, maybe i am missing out on a good portion of the workforce, one in the three adult americans have some arrest and conviction record. we have also seen increasingly our data analytics, use a big data to develop screens that can help employers identify people who are at low risk for recidivism. so, some of these data models public at her many many different factors and they are looking often for qualities such
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as conscious as this and impulse control, which they have seen correlated with successful job performance. they will measure your current workforce and say this is sort of that at risk risk of someone in your current workforce committing a crime because every employer has some risk in your current workforce and here's the risk of the applicants, so you can decide if you feel comfortable with this particular risk. while i cannot endorse these models i do think because i don't know all the details that it's important for employers to look at the actual factors going into some of these algorithms because the risk on the one hand is you could build in discrimination into your algorithm if not done carefully, but on the other hand it can help employers make more sophisticated decisions because we have seen that often without information like that sort of risk assessment your hr folks in
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an average employer, they don't want to be blamed if they hire someone with a prior conviction and that person has a problem at work because that could cost them their job. it shifts that to sort of natural impulse to be overly cautious in your hiring where an employer can actually develop a reasonable screen that can evaluate the types of people who can be very successful at performing a particular job. there is a lot of interesting developments in this area that can help employers utilize and more of the talent we have across the country. thank you. >> i want to dig in a bit more to reentry. i have a lot of questions and i know we are opening up to questions from the audience. karol, when to start with you, but anyone can weigh in the hamilton project is interested in the issue of reentry. we will continue to face this and the president suggested reentry is the key.
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your office has invested substantial resources. we talked about connection with parents and their kids, but i want to know if you want to talk about other specific programs that show promising results. >> thank you for the question. i will say when roy was talking about the band the box pledge and the opm rule and i like it when i can tell an audience like this that we at the office of justice programs have taken the advice that we ask you all. i have hired someone in the bureau of justice with a prior record and she is running our second chance program. she's fabulous. so, i say that there are many many people who are caught up in our criminal justice system that if we don't tap their talents, it's at our peril because there are so many gifted and talented people in the second thing we did was hire a second chance fellow, darrell atkinson who is a lawyer in north carolina who
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also served time in prison and rebuild his life afterwards and he is a remarkable lawyer, a remarkable advocate and one of the things we learned through the reentry counsel work that amy solomon leads on behalf of the department is that we needed to have different voices at the table. we started meeting regularly with individuals who had been formerly incarcerated and i spoke at the first national conference and to see thousands of people who had been caught up in our criminal justice system committed to rebuilding their lives, if you need inspiration, work with them. you will be inspired. ..
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are not going to have a chance at getting higher education thanks to the pilot program and i mention it's a pilot because it's a change that comes along in the 90s, you can't do it across the board and i encourage you to encourage people to change that. we have spent $4 million on second chance programs in the last, during this administration and in preparing people to come back out and be successful again, i'll go back to the children and parents progress, what we've done is we also recognize that charles samuels who used to run the bureau, we do a lot of work together about what we like to say is we have a bad partnership, he was preparing to come back into our communities and i wanted to
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make match up and make sure we make our services there to pick them up, to help them be successful and we are not allowed to you as our funding to help people in federal prison so we came up with a partnership to design providers who work with children and frustrated people in the communities where there are federal prisons and so i encourage you to look at her resource calls, the reentry resource center where we've mapped out everything that's available across the country, what we know about resurgent reentry so that you can build successful programs and model them. the challenge again is we have limited federal resources but we try to invest in programs we can evaluate in a sense, whether they are not successful and you can go to the reentry council website to find out what works, what successful and replicate them in your community and the wonderful thing is we have technical assistance that's available that doesn't cost you. if you have problems in your community, contact the diagnostic center at the office of these programs we have to be invited in, tell us what your problem is and we will bring you the resources you need to address your issue. >> i'd like to share a story
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and i shared this with carol when i first got appointed here. i was chief of these policies for six months when i was obviously the worst phone call , that was children killed in the line of duty and when we got the guy that did it, he'd been out of jail for three or four months out of prison so i remember being faced with a time she and that was i could declare and probably legitimately or i would say, it wouldn't be legitimately, declare war on pre-much military search on every board and do what's necessary to exact the kind of remedies that you would expect from an officer who was shot and killed in the line of duty but it was the family, richard mae was his name, it was his family that had the most profound question that changed my life. he looked at me and goes, what would have happened if
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there was something for that young man when he got out? why was he walking around with a gun to begin with? when i started looking at the issue of, sometimes that's lost but you have to take this community because there's part of it that is redemption, the human belief that people deserve a second shot, the belief that people are not born criminals. if you have come up to me in the 1988 or 99, my job was to repent to every parolee but that's what we do. if you look at the stats over time, that was the war on drugs at an iconic level that we are all living with right now, it's devastating but you embrace the idea of redemption. we ended up doing a program with the state, an employment program and we had sticks steps that were formerly incarcerated and started talking to africans in this movement thank reentry is a great concept but it should have been a part of our community to begin with. we went back to their family the idea of redemption, little things that i know
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karol is focused on as we are running this program where we have the state funding of the police department for the first time in california's history to do reentry. i got 20 to 30 formerly incarcerated men on parole, to the police department every day and we talk pride and coming to register. enough to get credit, they came to work. we've got jobs doing abatement training. not because someone gave him something but because they were working hard earning the dollars that was amazing to me, it was transformative to my agency. the work that karol has done with that on the council is amazing. you learned a lot, i have been come up to me and say did you know that when they were getting out that if you child support, you can't get your license. i said okay. so in other words this guy is coming out of jail and already one foot is already back into the jail from the
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moment he walks out. no matter what he does, the tallies all the policies in the county with housing, he can't find housing, can't get his license and he can't get a job, can't make his child support which means it turns into a warrant within six months out of prison, he's back in prison. that's crazy. they came up with something like 40,000 administrative processes that are just exonerated or otherwise are obstacles to reform means we have a lot of work to do. this is one of the most significant areas that you should push law enforcement to participate in because if he or she is telling you they are fighting crime and violence, how could you do it without dealing with reentry? just like if you are a car mechanic but i can't touch your engine. that's the most significant piece of equipment.
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our rates were in the high 70s for recidivism and people are programmed with below 14. so i'm passionate about it because i think there's we spend somuch time investing in incarceration, people have to go to jail, it is what it is but is not close to what we put in jail right now for many people , reentry is the next step for next step to never come back into the system. if i were making any recommendations, it's really investing in reentry to, the work that karol has done, it's just insignificant, nothing less than amazing. >> i want to quickly say one thing about child course, there's the new rule that was released yesterday, we are investing. >> i think of the reentry pieces so important but i also think it's important incentive to understand what's regarding so much about what that need has been trying to do that we have been doing on criminal justice reform. across the spectrum, i think reentry is a point of that but i'm regarding so much as normalization of people of color and the criminalization of poverty and in giving
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folks a second chance, there's a lot of communities where the door is too wide open or there are too many people coming in the front end and we can't, the onus have to be on all of us to connect and recognize that but something that i think has been important for this administration has been connecting those dots, looking at how leasing processes and policies that are local in our elected officials can contribute to the priorities that are set around who is getting stopped and arrested.who is being searched, what's happening when people enter into the system through kind of lease priorities, improving down the road to incarceration and reentry and the ferguson report the division put out in march 2015, it started out that investigation focused suddenly on the police department and on policing practices in the city of ferguson. and it quickly became apparent that we were going to be able to address the
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kind of breakdown and a mask approach and trust between law enforcement between the ferguson pd and the communities without understanding that these philosophies, policing was deeply connected to the way they were operating at the municipal courts and edison around profit driven policing that we had created a local justice system that was focused on revenue generation rather than public safety. once we began to dig in and you saw, i hope that you seen our report on that, it also, there have been a number of legions of folks working on these issues before we issued the ferguson report but certainly the ferguson report catapulted this bucket of issues and we were getting calls from communities all over the country where they were saying that these problems around fines and fees and the role between policing and municipal courts had really eroded people's
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faith in the legitimacy of the justice system and had resulted in an entire communities, people being criminalized, obviously penalizing poverty which in this country and a lot of communities is also equivalent to the criminalization of race and one of the things that i'm really proud of that we did the justice department was with the act of the justice initiative civil rights division was use the moment where there was focused on the issue of signs and seasons to issue a passage of resources both through funding that carol has provided to do pilot forms in four different jurisdictions but also dear colleague letter to judges to identify ways that they effectively become normalized where local justice systems and are putting themselves off the back of low income individuals and black individuals in the country so the conversations and the reform we are seeing taking place around the country on these issues is actually
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quite profound and i'm really excited about where this area is going to go. there's a lot of need for increased engagement but that front end pipeline is important and i would say just an equivalent is school discipline. school disciplines issues, getting kids especially kids of color that are criminalized early for behavior that you see, one trip to the principal's office, we had a number of enforcement actions in the civil rights division like miss murray where kids were getting expelled from school and suspended for wearing the wrong color sox or having their shirts on top. things that are so incredibly minor but that were resulting in this pipeline and really derailing kids, preventing them from getting out of jail. the front end, the thing that's been amazing about the work that we are recognizing how many .1 spectrum need for reform is going to, you can have transformative reform without connecting those jobs
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but also recognizing undercutting all this is a culture in our country around race and poverty itself and that'sbeen part of the enterprise that i've been so excited to be a part of . >> i have to turn to questions in the audience, i'll start with you. we've got plenty. there are many pieces of criminal justice reform, how do you see the accomplishments between this administration or not in the next four years? a related question, what are you doing to enforce institutions with the work that you've done, specifically the interagency part. >> so let me just start with the bipartisan nature, we have seen senator mike lee, senator john cornyn go hand-in-hand with senators mike macy, senator leahy, senator durbin, senator boger on criminal justice reform and i'm completely
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understanding the system we have right now not work, it doesn't work in increased impact on people who are poor, on race, on our budgets . and for some reason the rest of the legislature is ignoring the fact, is ignoring data that says we can do better. it's on crime initiative, we saw this in sally eight at the attorney general, repeatedly we have found that we can and try to make people for less time, use mandatory minimums less and actually have a little bit of an increase in the number and we are seeing our crime rates going down while at the same time we are havingcriminal reform . new york right now has reduced the number of crimes despite an enormous number and crying is going down in new york. that is a fact. that is what we should be looking at and make sure that
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we are replicating that around the country. talking about fines and fees and kicking kids out of school and all the kind of stupid things that we are locking kids up for and locking people up for, our clearance rate in this country on homicides is about 50 percent. the thing that we are worried about most is public safety. we are worried about some kid with mismatched socks, we're worried about someone jaywalking. they want to be dealing with real crimes. they don't want to be investigating and spending all that time on little things. so there is a bipartisan spirit around, we hope to see you here. i don't want to get our guess what the next administration is going to do but i hope for once they see the facts, see the data. they see that everything we have done around criminal justice reform and the right to do and the right direction to push and if they don't see
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it, then the community sees it and that at a minimum our state and local governments see it, see what is going on, realize how important this is. the liberal state of texas, the liberal state of georgia are doing criminal justice reform better than much of the rest of the country and there's no reason why we can't be doing the same and nationally. >> i just want to answer the question about how do we institutionalize this work. it already is because as roy said, from my perspective the criminal justice work is local. the federal criminal justice system is the footprint of the rest of the system and we have over three quarters of our state and primarily red states to have been participating in what we call justice reinvestment which is re-examining their criminal
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justice system, looking at how it needs to be retooled so you get the reverses where they need to be because as roy mentioned we cannot sustain $80 billion a year or corrections. people are getting smarter and looking at what do we have to do? what are the social indicators that need to be addressed, not by ourcriminal justice system but in a more , less expensive way and doing things on the front end. i am reassured the work will continue because the more people are getting it and understanding it and i'm reassured that it will continue because the audience here and your interest in the subject and that you are going to continue to require us to work across the board because we've learned how to leverage these forces at work in a more collaborative fashion for example we at the department of justice transferred money to the department of labor to work on expungement. we transferred money to hud to work on this so people can clear up the records and have the opportunity to work, that we worked collaboratively
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with the department of labor and chance granting awards to make sure we leverage resources to enable people to get out and get a job, the department of transportation with the consequences that i mentioned, we now have data out there that's being updated before amy solomon walks out the door, all the consequences of what we've done will be updated so the department of transportation now understands and the prison systems understand that when people leave incarcerated, they need to have a government id. you can't do anything without a government id so we know again what to do, the question is whether we're going to invest in it, continue to invest in it and i think without you all continuing to advocate for these things that this will continue. >> a follow-up to karol, the reentry services remain in prison and the new administration. >> yes. it's funded for the next few years so it will continue. >> i would add something with regard to the president's task force and work on policing. this limits the policing part. i haven't seen this kind of imprisonment of change in 30
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years but we are seeing as far as institutionalizing it, we have projects with the international institutional police, projects with major cities, research forums, pretty much every major law enforcement organization is partnering with us to advance recommendations for the task force report and as we told the president early on, we knew that through presidential leadership at is he brought 11 people together that were allexternal, law enforcement, community, civil rights activist , youth leaders and they went out and got recommendations from the field to put back out in the field we know from the fuselage because recommendations came from the field. it came from you and it came from them. these citizens have worked with all the organization then we went met with every post director at the state level, every director every state responsible for training police officers, at least 36 out of 50 were submitted and implementing
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the majority of the task force recommendations some of the core principles in their curriculum. we met with city managers and mayors who had their own subcommittee on how to advance. most recently we went to risk management with the idea that 21st-century policing reduces risk. litigation leads to officers, it improves training and we met with people that have the insurance carriers in small cities, they can't afford to be selfish so they become risk management tools. we talked to a lot of people that have oversight on police that they are realizing the benefits of 21st-century policing but the biggestthing is this is now being driven by the fuel itself. we have a problem with the chief of police association where we identified 15 cities that we funded through basically, funded this organization to identify the best way or the task force recommendation . they areputting out basically implementation guides , is now being driven by the chief
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association and by these other law enforcement agencies which tells me something that it's not an administration driving it, it's the administration starting it. it wasn't a presence that you have to do it so much as we are going togroup together so that people know we needed to do it and now they are adopting it, i would imagine as the law-enforcement field is meeting with the transition team , they are sharing their priorities and i think we alluded to, their priorities are building trust and confidence, establishing legitimacy, reducing use of force not just excessive force of the need for any use of force. these are priorities the field is grappling with. they're going to i think have made it their priority. it sounds to me the desire to change is going to be institutionalized. as we are grappling with these challenges, as we move to spark innovation and do further research and identify best practices we still need leadership from dc to support that. that would be the challenge and that's where you come in to make sure that any administration continues to provide support but i'm
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extremely optimistic in seeing the changes, in less than 30 years we went through a lot of changes like this. people realize this is not, ferguson was not a moment, it started a national movement and anyone who realizes history with that movement, it's really a question for law enforcement is what side of the line are you going to be on this time? this time i think you see chiefs marching with groups, carrying signs. you see law enforcement trying. i think we're not there yet but we do see and undercut that there's something you have to hold onto and keep driving at i think to work. >> there's so many more questions and we have time for just a few but let me get to him. the first is that they want you to talk about your work with women and girls. several people have asked about these needs for women in the prison system. >> so we just had a convening at the white house friday by
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the council on women and girls, the presidents council and women and girls and one of the things we know from research and data is the pathway into the criminal justice system for women and girls is very different. it tends to be a pathway where they been sexually abused so i think the question and challenge for everyone is to recognize that is the pathway in. we've done wonderful things in this administration, the new rules for victims, now specifically provide that if people are incarcerated you are able to provide victim assistance from federal money for them so i think part of the challenges for the front end is to recognize that when people are exhibiting certain behavior, to ask why. what's happened in that person's life and not to criminalize them when they been traumatized and respond to that. the second is if they are in our criminal justice system to provide them the right kind of care that they need so that they can come out and be successful when they leave but that's the biggest challenge is recognizing the
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different pathways into our criminal justice system and providing that trauma care on the front end and on the backend. >> i will add that the civil rights division conducted a new investigation in the last several years of these departments where there was a real strong concern and finding around in equal investigation orimproper investigation techniques for victims of sexual assault . and gender bias and stereotypes obviously can play a very negative role in the ability of law enforcement to actually investigate and for prosecutors to prosecute sexual assault and domestic violence or false assumptions about alcohol use for the physical strength of victims and their partners or of a victims actual orientation and we did a lot of work to really change this around, not only in schools as well
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as in campus sexual assault issues but also in communities in montana and the new orleans and the like and one of the things we found was informative was to be able to do the training and provide protocols at victim centers and trauma informed on these issues so last year, we issued a guidance on gender bias policing that was very informed by the field of law enforcement around these techniques and appropriate investigative techniques to help enhance the kinds of special investigative techniques and protections that need to be offered for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence and that's work we are proud of, trying to change the culture of the ways in which these problems that end up playing out in the correction sector are dealt with in the investigation and prosecution of bd and sexual assault crimes. >> real quickly i want to mention the prison rape elimination act that carol ross, how important it is
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that both men and women being sexually assaulted whether incarcerated, we need to make sure we continue to strengthen that because what we are ending up with his people who are further damaged by their incarceration and you wonder why they recidivate. i want to make sure we push back further as we move forward. >> final question, there's a lot of interest from the audience, from everyone in the sort of looking ahead and thinking about where can we expect to see movement in the next four years? we touched on that but a related question is, and what civil rights issues have we seen the most progress in the years or the least progress? you can take either one of those. >> i'll start. this goes to the body cams. and president obama said for the first time, everyone in the world is seeing that these communities are not making this up. communities of color have known for a long time about the fact that they were more
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likely to be arrested, to be stopped, to be searched, to face the use of oars, excessive force and the money cameras, what they've done is shown the entire world that what all these communities have been saying is in fact true. i think we have made enormous progress civilly by bringing people together to say you know what? what's happened to some of these people never happen to a fellow human being and i think that's important. i don't feel like we made enough progress is on improving the national data. i think we taken some good solid steps there but until a newark police chief and the camden police chief can compare exactly what they're doing to an oakland police chief or los angeles police chief, until we have good solid audited national data on crime, we're just going to continue to struggle to answer the question of why people are committing these crimes and how we can improve public safety and that's hoping that should be done and it's nothing that should
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be mandated around the country that everybody report good numbers and we do so in a timely fashion, not looking at numbers nine, 10, 11 months after the fact. >> i agree with roy with regards to the data and i have a question back on the audience, people that are watching about what the next few years looks like and i think it can help to frame that, not only the question of the file. when you look at the last eight years, what you had was an administration that was very responsive to not just the current challenges but also looking ahead as far as 21st-century policing. so there's a good roadmap for a new administration to platform off if you will but it's going to be guided by the people saying what they need and what they want so i agree on one hand, i think to answer the question is look at the work of the last eight years, you just told amanda
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there is an accountability. that the principles of 21st-century policing are not exclusive rights of one administration, these were developed by field, by communities for the best practices and we should all embrace it and i think that's what we can do and i think policing agencies have to do. the national data, it has to be there. and i like the way roy put it with the comparison is we have to have that comparison if we're going to embrace the profession that has the most significant power if you think about it in our society and that is the power to detain without oversight immediately, the power to take life. a lot of power goes into that and we have to always accept and never be shy to make sure that those after 30 years that have power have to be held to the highest standards of the profession and the highest standards of the community. there's nothing wrong with that and i think data will help us do that but data ,
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we've got to make sure we all focus on. the last couple of years have revealed as roy mentioned a concern around the country and some people will try to say that this is a race relations and policing is worse than it's ever been in 30 years. many of us, they know that's not true. that's not close to being true. the president has done is take a mandate off a woman who has been scarred but now that we see it, now that it's in front of us, now it's time to heal us so the only way to do that is to acknowledge that it's not all about the individual officers perfectly, it's about the system. it's about a policing system that even makes it that an officer can have alcohol, it's about asystem that makes sure prosecutions are inconsistent. i'm going to get in trouble but i will say it , it's not even close to being flawed. is doing what many cases it was designed to do. the question is that we disrupt the system, reform it so that good cops have good outcomes, good communities work with police officers or
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when people violate the law they will be held accountable whether they wear a badge or not. it's where we need to go in until we start getting into some of that data where we compare and take a look at it, it's not going to happen. >> i will say that you know, for me it's extraordinary to see the trajectory of criminal justice reform kind of in the national conversation, working on these issues for something between 15 and 20 years and there was a time when working criminal justice reform had to squeeze a little panel on a three-day agenda that was focused on the criminal justice system because everyone else was looking at all these other rights issues and the nature is, the thing that i tend to pinch myself to remember is that we are witnessing the change trajectory and momentum on these issues that for many of us were really so from center but we couldn't get people to really care about who was in the criminal justice system, what was happening. and that really is the result of all the pushing and relentless and sometimes
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lonely and unpopular pushing that has happened by many of you in this room. i am proud to be part of an administration that made this at top and front issue, i'm proud to be part of the justice department that was unrelenting in the use of our tools and tactics and resources to try to really push that envelope, recognizing the moment that we have here. i don't know what will happen in the future but i do know that we are all going to continue to push to be able to read the fine public safety in a way that is respectful of people's rights, that is fair, that does not result in racial inequities that we have seen plaguing our criminal justice system for too long. we have come too far, were going to encounter roadblocks. i don't know if or going to go to step forward, one step back but there's so much happening at the state and local level on bail reform in the sentencing reform and the like but there's such a generation of community and energy and activism to push even on the federal and national level and the onus will be on us to keep these issues front and center for
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thecountry so that we can't go back . >> we over time, sorry about that. and thank you very much or you're serious and thoughtful discussion today and the work you've done and i look forward to working together going forward. >>. [applause] [inaudible conversation] tonight it's
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books db in prime time with a look at notable books of 2016. starting at 8 pm eastern, beth macy discusses her bush true vine: two brothers, a kidnapping and the mother's quest. a true story of the jim crow south. then sit our thoughts on the gene: an intimate history. after that michael hayden looks at playing to the edge, american intelligence in the age of terror and finally carol anderson on her book white rage: the unspoken truth of our racial divide. book tv tonight at eight eastern here on c-span2. and on c-span three it's american history tv in prime time with programs on world war ii. we begin at eight eastern with a discussion on the origins of the cold war to see it on c-span three. >> as 2016 draws to a close,
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c-span remembers the passing of political figures. our in memoriam program continues tonight with a portion of the funeral service for former israeli prime minister mont perez. here's part of the remarks by bill clinton. >> his critics often claimed he was a nacve, overly optimistic dreamer. they were only wrong about the nacve part. he knew exactly what he was doing and being overly optimistic. he knew exactly what he was doing with his dreams. he never gave up on anybody. i mean, anybody. i've heard the prime minister talk about their beautiful beautiful friendship. it followed a very tough campaign. but shimon always kept the
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door open. >> that was part of our in memoriam program that looks at the passing of several key political figures in the 2016 area we will also feature portions of the funeral services for activist and boxer mohammed ali and s todd and former us senator john glenn, both of whom died this year. see it at 8 pm eastern on c-span. sunday, in depth will feature a live discussion of the presidency of barack obama. the are taking your phone calls, tweets and email questions during the program. our panel includes april ryan, correspondent for american urban radio network and author of the presidency in black and white: michael close view of three presidents and race in america.
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university professor eddie brown, author of democracy in black, outraged still enslave the american soul and journalist and associate editor of the washington post david meredith, author of barack obama: the story. watch live from noon to 3 pm eastern on sunday on book tv on c-span2. >> join us on tuesday for live coverage of the opening day of the new congress. watch the official swearing-in of the new and reelected members of the house and senate from the election of the speaker of the house . all they live coverage of the days events from capitol hill begins at 7 am eastern on c-span2 and on or you can listen to it on the free c-span radio app. >> following her meeting with european leaders in brussels, british prime minister theresa may spoke to members of the house of commons on the uk plan to leave the european union. she also discussed the syrian civil war and concerns posed by members over the status of british nationals living in eu countries. this is an hour and a half.
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>> statement, prime minister. >> thank you mister speaker and with permission, i would like to make a statement on last week's european council. both the uk and the eu are preparing for the negotiations that will begin before the end of march next year. the main focus of this council was rightly on how we can work together to address the most pressing challenges we face . these include responding to migration crisis, strengthening europe's security and helping to alleviate suffering in syria. as i've said for as long as the uk is a member of the eu, we will continue to play our part and that is what this council shows. with the uk making a significant contribution of each of these issues. first, migration.
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from the outset, the uk has pushed for a comprehensive approach that focuses on the root causes of migration as the best way to reduce the number of people coming to europe. i called for more action in transit countries to disrupt the smuggling network, to improve capacity to control borders and to support sustainable livelihood both for people living there and refugees. i've also said we must better distinguish between economic migrants and refugees , specifically returning those who have no right to remain and therefore sending out a deterrent message to others thinking of embarking on terrorist journeys. the council agreed to action in all these areas and the uk remains committed to playing our part. we've already provided training to libyan coast guard who will provide technical support in the mediterranean and energy in and we will also provide for additional staff to accelerate the processing of claims, particularly from iraqi, grand and eritrean in
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nationals and help those who have no right to say but ultimately we do need a long-term sustainable approach, that is the best way to attain the consent of our people to provide support and sanctuary for those in need. turning to security, whether it is deterring russian aggression, encountering terrorism or fighting organized crime, the uk remains committed to the security of our european neighbors and it is now and it will remain true once we have left the isis. we welcome the commitment of all member states to take greater responsibility for their security, invest more resources and develop more capabilities. that is the right approach and as the council made clear, it should be done in a way that complements rather than adjudicates nations. a stronger eu and a stronger nato can be mutually reinforcing and this should be our end. we must never lose sight of
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the fact that nato will always be the bedrock of our collective defense in europe . we must never allow anything to undermine it. we also agreed to the council to renew carefree economic sanctions on russia , maintaining the pressure on russia to implement the minsk agreement in full. turning to the appalling situation in syria, we've all seen the devastating pictures on our tv screen and heard how breaking stories of families are going to get to safety. as this council, we heard directly from the mayor of eastern aleppo, a brave and courageous man who's already seen his city but brought to rubble, his neighborsmurdered and children's life destroyed. he had one simple plea : to get those that survived this year's torture, conflict and fear to safety. together with european partners we must do all we can to help.
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the council was unequivocal in its condemnation of president assad and his backers, russia and iran. we must bear responsibility for the tragedy in aleppo. they must now allow the un to evacuate safely the innocent people of aleppo, who assad claims to represent. we've seen progress in recent days but a few of us know it's not enough when there are thousands more that must be rescued and we cannot have these attacks in the way we have seen. on thursday afternoon my honorable friend the foreign secretary omen the russian and iranian ambassadors to make sure that we expect to help. over the weekend, the uk has been working with our international partners to secure agreement on a un security council resolution that would sending new un officials to monitor the evacuation of civilians and provide unfettered humanitarian access. this has been agreed unanimously this afternoon and we now need it to be implemented in fall . mister speaker, president of sod maybe congratulating his regime on their actions in aleppo but we are in no doubt , this is no victory. it is a tragedy. one we will not get and
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lastly, counsel reiterated that those responsible must be held to account. mister speaker, alongside our diplomatic efforts the uk, id for the 20 million pounds of practical support for those who are most vulnerable. this includes 10 million pounds for trusted humanitarian partners , working on the front lines and some of the heartiest to reach places in syria to help them deliver food and medical supplies to those in need. and an additional 10 million pounds to unicef to help them provide life-saving aid to syrian refugees now massing at the jordanian border. as the mayor of aleppo has said, it is too late to save all those that are lost, it is not too late to save those that remain. that is what we must now do. turning to brexit, i updated the council on the plans for leaving european union. i explained two weeks ago, this house boded ... i
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explained that two weeks ago, this house of voted by a considerable majority. almost 621 to support the government by delivering the referendum result and voting before the end of march. the uk supreme court is expected to rule next month on whether the government transpires parliamentary investigation to do this and it's clear the government will respect the verdict of our judiciary but i am clear that whichever way the judgment goes, we will meet the timetable i sent out. as the council i also reaffirmed my commitment to a smooth and orderly exit and in this spirit i made it clear to the other eu leaders that remains my objective that we give early on in the negotiations including in the uk and citizens living in eu country that their rights to stay where they made their home to be protected. this is an issue which i would like to agree quickly
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but clearly regards the agreement with the rest of the eu. finally mister speaker i welcome of subsequent short discussion between the 27 other leaders on their own plans for the uk withdrawal. it is right that the other leaders prepare for the negotiation just as we are making our own preparations and i think everyone is best interest. my aim is to submit the uk as a close partner once i have left and as i said before, i want to negotiate to reflect the kind of mature, cooperative relationship that close friends and allies enjoy, a deal that will give the maximum freedom to trade with and operate in the european market and a lot of european businesses to do the same here, a deal that will deliver the deepest possible cooperation to ensure our national security and security of our allies but a deal that will mean when it comes to decisions about our national interest such as how to control immigration, we can make these decisions for ourselves and a deal which will meet our laws are once again made in britain and in brussels.
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with a calm and measured approach, this government will honor the will of the british people and secure the right deal that will make successive brexit from the uk, eu and the world and i commend its safety. >> thank you mister speaker. i would like to thank the prime minister for that copy of this statement and as we referred to the end of this year, i think we can agree this is been a year of enormous change in this country and the rest of the world so with that change comes a great deal of division. as we move swiftly toward the article 50, i want to appeal to the prime minister to not only work hard to heal those divisions in britain but also to make sure our new year's resolution includes a commitment to build better relations with our european partners as we get the best deal for the people of this country. not just a brexit that
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benefits big business and bankers and at the moment it's clear that on the international stage, the prime minister and britainare becoming increasingly isolated . and if we are to build a successful britain past the brexit, it is more vital than ever that our relationship with oureuropean partners remains strong, cordial and respectable . it's also clear mister speaker through my own discussions with european leaders that they are becoming increasingly frustrated by her shambolic government and the contrary approach that the brexit negotiations. the next messages from her front bench only adds to the confusion. this governmentfailed to speak to the whole country , instead we hear points speaking for themselves and their vested interests. for instance, mister speaker, last week we were told permanent representative to the eu that a brexit deal may
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take 10 years. contradicting what the secretary is same for brexit told the community that day when he said a deal could be struck in 18 months, there's a bit of a difference there. we alsoheard from the chancellor told us that britain was looking for a transitional deal with the european union , only for international trade towards a case transitional deal, saying any arrangements from the status quo would go against the wishes of those who voted to leave. the people of britain mister speaker deserve better than this confusion at the heart of government. and i'm confident it's been lost. the office of budget responsibility made their own judgment on the government brexit plan in november when they published new broadcasts which prepared 17 growth to supplies down, wages down, business investments, revised down. the only was therefore forecast for inflation. they are risking mister speaker even weaker growth
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then they admitted so far and an excess of the national services and they take the manufacturing industry very hard. i doubt mister spiegel will welcome the government has now accepted labor's demand for a published brexit plan but it's still unclear as to how the plan will be presented and when we will receive it here in parliament. for the other prime minister today, the secretary of state brings national crisis in the permanent secretary of the eu also to do last week and give this country some real answers. can she tell us when she will receive the government's plan for article 50? how long we will be given to scrutinize that plan and she can she also tell us how long british government envisions the whole process should take and can she tell us, if the
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british government will be looking for an interim transitional deal with the european union, these are basic questions that still haven't been answered nearly 6 months after britain voted to leave the european union. >> mister speaker, there are also reports last week that the uk will be asked to pay $50 billion euro commitment fee on the eu budget until 2020. can the prime minister, this house that this is in fact the case and can she update us all on the government contingency plan for those projects in progress in the uk that are currently reliance on eu funding after 2020? there is much concern in many parts of the country about her programs. >> mister speaker, i welcome the prime minister to bring forward and give great clarity to the issue of rights on european union citizens in the united kingdom. however, if the prime minister's theory about this, why wait? why won't this government and
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the worries and uncertainty as they had demanded in july and get an unequivocal commitment to guarantee people's rights before article 50 as both continuing see and as both the leniency and british chamber of commerce have called for this weekend. not only is it the right thing to do, it would also extend a clear signal to our colleagues and to our european friends that britain is committed to doing the right thing and committing to a friendly future relationship. with that in mind mister speaker, i would like to take this opportunity to welcome the president alexander bendel on his election. i'm sure we will all agree in the presidential elections represented victory with respect and kindness over hate and division and it's a signal against thedangerous rise of the far right across the room .
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mister speaker, i'm also glad that the european union leaders discussed the other pressing global issues last week. notably the terrible situation in syria. therefore, i want to use this opportunity to renew the calls i made in my message to the prime minister last week for an urgent and concerted effort from the government for the press for an end to violence and a un led cease-fire. the creation of a un record humanitarian corridor and in short, the advance warning of 1 billion population as well as urgent talks for the un to achieve a negotiated political settlement. it's clear the rules of war are being broken on all sides. labor has long condemned attacks on civilian targets on all sides, including those by russia and post-syrian forces in aleppo. for which there can be no
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excuse. i also know mister, the issue of reunification for cyprus was raised, can the prime minister was an update on this issue? britain is after all a guarantor of independence from the 1960 treaty. mister speaker,there's a lot to do in 2017 , a lot of important decisions to be made. i'd like to the prime minister to represent all sides, whether they voted to leave or remain and to make the right decisions that benefit not just for passing but everyone in this country. >> prime minister. >> thank you mister speaker on the issue of cyprus, yes president, i stated this on the thoughts that have taken place, these are important thoughts and we are all upset that we have the best opportunity for settlement in cyprus that we've seen for many years . and the president made clear
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the talks have been taking place under un auspices between the two leaders. they been encouraged and generated by the two leaders that we recognize the leadership that they have shown in relationship to this issue. the right honorable gentlemen is right, there are three guarantors in turkey and the united kingdom. we stand ready to play our part as required and as is appropriate for us to do so. there's a possibility there is a meeting coming up in january, there's a possibility that will be attended by others like the united kingdom and in the eu council and the eu says it stood ready to participate if that were going to be part of helping this deal to come through. actually, on the issue of syria, as i said, the right honorable gentlemen wrote to me asking to take questions to the united nations. we've been consistent in taking action and have been
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working over the weekend to ensure that the un security council resolution today, that was accepted at all members of this house will know we had a number of security council resolutions previously but russia has vetoed and prior to this one, russia and china both vetoed but it's very clear as we now have a resolution that has been accepted by russia and china, accepted unanimously by the security council that provides the un monitoring but also brought the humanitarian access and monitoring of people leaving aleppo which is important. and then he spent most of his comments in relation to the whole issue of brexit. he started off by talking about sponsoring a deal that benefits the united kingdom. i've been saying that ever since i first came into this role. we want to make sure we get the best possible deal but i have to say in negotiation you don't get the best possible deal by laying out
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everything you want at the start. that's the whole point of negotiation. he talks about isolation. the point is, the uk is going to leave the european union. we are leaving the group that is the european union. they will be meeting only in 27 because we will no longer be a member area what is clear from what happened at the eu council is that as long as we are a member, we will continue to play our full parts within the european union and he talked about the question of eu funds and eu funds that are currently intended to continue beyond the date at which we would be leaving the european union, the chancellor has set out clearly some weeks ago what the division on this was, that those funds will continue to be met, provided they give money and meet the uk government subjective.he talked about the length of the process, once we trigger article 50, the treaty allows for a process that can take
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up to two years. of course, how long within that process it does take depends on the process of the negotiations that we take place. he then talks about uncertainty and needing investment to coming to the united kingdom, how it gave the impression there was this bleak picture out there in terms of the economy, the fastest growing economy in the g-7 i would remind you. and he's announced new additional investments since the eu brexit referendum. the associated british sports, cas, facebook, google, statoil, the list will continue because this is still a good place to invest. it is still a good place to grow businesses annually and then he talks about confusion on the front bench. he's obviously been looking at his own front bench.
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let's take one simple ise of immigration. the shadow home secretary suggest freedom of movement should be maintained. shadow chancellor as we should have a fair deal on freedom of movement and the bracket secretary says we should haveadministration control. they can't agree on one aspect of the european union . what i know is, what the right honorable gentlemen's negotiation techniques, if he was in office we sure as goodness would be getting the worst possible deal we would get for the united kingdom. >> sir ian duncan smith. >> speaker, my right honorable friend that she when she was at the council and he reminded the council leaders about her interest offer to allow eu citizens who were here in the uk to remain and for uk citizens to receive the same privilege, did she manage to take to one side donald trump ãcan simply why when his own government has agreed to that, he turned around and vetoed it.
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>> my right honorable friend is right that i made clear that i hope that this issue with citizens living here in uk assistant living in the eu member states can be with an early stage of negotiation. the other member states the council have been clear that they are not pledging into negotiations before article 50 but i will continue to remind them of our hope for a very good reason, because we want to get certainty and reassurance that this can be dealt with at an early stage and that people concerned can get on with their lives. >> roberts are. >> let me get begin by saying her statements and i was allowed to do so, merry christmas and happy holiday and a happy 2017. mister speaker, it's no more than six months since the brexit recommended referendum when voters in scotland voted
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to remain in the european union and tomorrow the scottish government will become the first administration in the uk to publish its plans in detail. the prime minister has said she will engage with the scottish government which is to be welcomed. she says he has a respect agenda so will the prime minister commit to deal with the first minister to incorporate priorities of the government in the uk negotiating position? on security mister speaker, the president's statement welcome commitment on capability including cyber threats. with that without going into details for every obvious reason, is the prime minister confident that the safeguards are in place regarding democratic institutions in the uk including political parties? and on the issue of middle east violence, it was discussed in the council and obviously across the house we welcome any initiatives that make a difference in syria but there was no mention in her statements on yemen. is it true mister speaker that senior ministers have
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known now for some time uk admissions have been used in the correct economy in and when was the prime minister told about uk cross admissions in yemen and when will the uk join our european partners and starting to have a more ethical foreign-policy on syria and again? >> prime minister. >> thank you mister speaker, on the issue of yemen, the right honorable gentlemen will see all the things made by the defense secretary this afternoon, this is not an issue that was discussed at the european council, we focus on issues that i mentioned in my statement. he talks about cyber security and political parties. i have to say, maintaining cyber security has mastered individual political parties. it is up to them to look at how to take that he referred to the document that the scottish government will be
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publishing tomorrow. i call upon the minister where i assured her that we will look very seriously at the proposal the scottish government is bringing forward, i welcome the back that they have been looking at their priority, we've been encouraging all administrations to look at their priorities so they can be taken into account in the uk negotiations upon leaving the european union and there is already a structure in place to enable us to discuss these. the jn cen will be meeting in early january, it's been meeting regularly with my right honorable. state for exiting european union and there will be a third session of cleaner in january, this is, normally you would only meet once a year but we are accelerating the number of meetings, increasing the number of meetings precisely so we can engage in this administration from these issues. >> john redwood. >> when people in the opposition are in business say that we should make compromises by offering money or some control over our walls or borders , does the prime minister agree that bidding against our country, taking a good deal more


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