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tv   Text- Mex  CSPAN  January 7, 2017 12:14pm-12:30pm EST

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they should be aware of what they are defending. >> the midway is the longest serving aircraft carrier of the 20th century. the first in a three shift class of carriers. and a group of 120 planes. it was built in only 17 months but missed action in world war ii by one week. it turned into a museum in 2004 it attracts over 1 million a tourist in italy. as we talk with the san diego state professor about his book on mexican stereotypes. >> i tell the story about i was at the university of connecticut i was the first year professor i have received my comparative literature phd.
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wow, i made it. i was looking through a book of cartoons and this was a cartoon and it's a british magazine. it is a sleeping mexican or spaniard the joke works. from panel one he is asleep outside on the street. the alarm clock goes off in panel three. he goes back inside and he sleeps on his bed. he sleeps on the street. his alarm clock grows -- goes off. you know that he has montego and semi. the alarm clock wakes up and he walks and goes to that.
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something happened and something snapped. and i started to think this really essential question. why do we laugh. what is the origin of the laughter. what am i laughing at. this is a funny thing about stereotypes. they'll have anything to do with intellect. they have to do with recollection -- recognition. in humans aren't that much more sophisticated. we see something we've seen before and we feel smart we see it again. we feel like were genius. there is a sleeping mexican i have seen that before. we laugh because of that recognition some in dorfman where we are rewarded for
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recognizing something we've seen before. the logic of the stereotypes won't ever be interrupted. don't think you can eradicate them. then you're just can fool yourself. it's like chickenpox or something. if to get a weak virgin -- a weak version of the disease. it is just recognition of that what we seen before. it doesn't mean that that is my essence. that is the wicked side of the stereotype that for lazy people which is most of us. that stereotype becomes a placeholder.
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as a voracious has been popularized by the orange skinned friend donald trump. there is a very real incident after the turn of the century where a bunch of them invade the united states and because he is a jokester he is invading columbus new mexico. here is your european invasion. the result of that was not very funny. the united states government. including mcarthur and patton had just gotten out of west point in finding our good friend and 25,000 troops go. but right when it was happening there were two
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things going on and the states. in motion picture houses were opening everywhere they were showing the news reels. with the dead mexicans. that is the tragedy of mexican u.s. relations into the 21st century. if the birth of the picture and the motion picture they crystallized the image of the mexican as other. i was trained with a phd to go with the fiction. elimination and the literature of the americans. is a billable as a dissertation. i started writing exclusively about the construction from
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speedy gonzalez from the touch of evil. the mexican spitfire. there is a judicial of mexicans doing the step and fetch. the kind of ethnic vaudeville routine that crystallizes our meaning for people in mass culture. we can turn to the filmmaking with the film series. as one of the mexican-americans superstars. a great filmmaker and the first one one could argue or they took on all of the scary stereotypes and it produced a
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film that capitalized them. a kind of twisted it. like i said you can't eliminate the stereotype and what why robert wanted to he wanted to twist it and twisted and give it a new spin. but i would even argue they know how that nuance. they remain a pretty bad mexican. don't get near me with that. leave me in peace. and the same for sophia bear got up. everybody's favorite latina. there are ways that you can see her as evolutionary step to pass. she was a huge megastar. she was mexican, and then you
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get sophia there gotta she is rich in some senses she repeats all of the stereotypes. she is incredibly sexy i don't hold that against her. her skin and her pelts. the costumes that they wear. and the kind of pelt like an animal skin because you don't know where the costume stops and the soul begins. and i think that you have to do so much just to get on stage. you know have time to be progressive all the way. while there is progress there is always a lot of black --
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back sliding. they made at the border town series. it was canceled by fox they tried to do it they tried to make the show that would be comedic and progressive and be set on the american mexican border the timing was off. it takes over a year for them that was just because he was mexican by the way. they did not get that time. they did not get that time to involve. in order to get produce if you
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try to be too progressive they did not recognize you because you are not a stereotype. you know that people will pay to see what they've seen before. it's always putting it up. i'm in a see the two headed baby. i will see the hot latin bombshell. we will pay to see them again. it is intelligent and aggressive. you will pay for it. you will not get on broadcast. it is internalized.
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the net result is the internalization of inferiority it means you dream about that. it shows you a second rate never goes away. it's almost always already there. the consequences for not intervening where stereotypes appear as yet another generation of self loathing mexicans. i come from that. in order to pass in san diego when i moved here and the '90s i was very conservative. it's just starting to thaw.
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he would have to become leonard villareal. he would have to miss pronounce his mispronounce his name in order to pass. i texted joe buck and said it's not perez. since the american english language they have said perez. roberto perez i'm there texting him during the world series. he didn't respond. what that comes from is a need to anglicized spanish language names because they are associated with mexican. i have done a celebration here on campus they were talking about the description of the
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hispanic holiday. it's not hispanic holiday. it's a mexican holiday. it becomes they have to do that. i'm a mexican american. it complicates things. these efforts to water down mexican s is absurd we are the largest populations of immigrants and the united states. i'm all for land next. and not apologizing for that. the book is highly autobiographical. there are some parts about what i suffer through and the book it's called seductive
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hallucinations. they are delightful because they are memorable and they're memorable because they're delightful. i think what the book does is try to exercise hundred 60 years of cultural history for anyone who likes hollywood i think they will enjoy the book. i am not a professor that attacks hollywood is the big evil person it's not a black and white book it's a book by an english professor who was raised by a television set. it's very much a book for people who want to laugh about things that are serious i'm sorry there was a whole
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generation of mexican american scholars had to fight and the trenches and they were called intellectuals. i ride on their shoulders. we don't just head to be black and right. if you read my book read it for the pictures. you might just learn something. you might just learn something. learning more about the city. in front of those as you may know him dr. seuss. we take you as we learn more about the san diego favorite. see mac i think some of the first things that come to mind when people hear the words dr. seuss are the amazing


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