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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2017 8:39am-8:46am EST

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cover politics a lot about the presidency of eisenhower. because our generation and younger, it seemed like history as the focus started with kennedy going forward. and i thought to myself, is there a way to breathe life ino that and to show that expense with younger people? >> "after words" airs on booktv every saturday at 10 p.m., and sunday at 9 p.m. eastern. you can watch all previous "after words" programs on our website, >> i'm here with scott is, the author of inga. who was inga? >> she was miss denmark of 1931 but she is much, much more than that. she was an actress, a ballerina, a concert pianist, an an anthropologist come and explore, and washington commons, a columnist -- gossip columnist
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but mostly she was the great love of john f. kennedy his life and the deathly wanted to each of the big it was not asleep it was a romance but there were two problems. she was suspected nazi spy and you still married to her second husband. >> based on the research do you believe that that is an accurate kind of accusation of her being a suspected nazi spy? >> is a 1200 page fbi file and i would say ultimately it was concluded she was not a spy. interestingly, for seven which is considered a prime suspect, like the key to the entire espionage network in use all based on circumstantial evidence that turned out not to be correct. when j. edgar hoover himself was convinced inga was not a spy, president roosevelt personally intervened and directed him to continue the observation and continue to be, have her phone tapped, her apartment bug, her mail open. it was a remarkable thing. >> you are the author of two other books, kennedy and reagan, and almost president.
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what do you think the legacy will be of president obama administration and how do you think this past election cycle has affected the united states? >> president obama is legacy will be determined over the coming years. as a first african-american present his legacy is pretty secure in that regard as the historical figure. probably the most important thing he did was what he did following the great financial crisis of 2008-2009. most americans are probably not aware how close we came to not having a great recession but a great depression. history will be kind to him on that. the other great accomplishment was probably obamacare and the question is is that a stepping stone to other health care reform that will view as a pivotal moment building upon medicare and looking onto maybe a single-payer health system or will he get repealed? if it would be repealed by the republicans and maybe his legacy will be less than right now but only time will tell. it's hard to tell with presidency. harry truman left office as one of the most unpopular
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politicians and the 20 years later he was now considered to be one of our new great president or a great president. time will tell but he's historically significant figure and we'll see how that goes. >> insurance at this past election cycle how do you think it is affected america? >> that will also be time will tell. mr. trump is unlike anything we've ever had in the white house. and the other previous present has either held elective office before or the event a general in army. mr. trump has been neither. he's a different type of present with a different kind of background. it's hard to say what could happen. i wrote about losing presidential candidates and their impact on american history. so the question is what will mrs. clinton's legacy be? like president obama, because she is a first woman to be the nominee of major party she is historically significant. the question is what did her campaign to? i guess it's an open question.
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if she leads to certain trumpisms, an era of america which is good or bad, people say that was important that her campaign was not successful and allowed president trump to come to office. did she change the democratic party? she may have been through the last census a democrat. the democrats look to move to the left under senator sanders influence but again these things can't be covered in italy. esther went to need some time to get perspective and again there had been losing presidential candidates at the time, complete disasters, now from the perspective of 50 years later we see barry goldwater transform the republican party and george mcgovern transform the democratic party. it will take a few decades before we know exactly both what mrs. clinton legacy is as well as president trump's. >> just to bring it back to her current book, what was it that sparked her interest in this topic made you want to write this book? >> it's just an unbelievable story. it's straight out of an alfred
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hitchcock movie with secret agents and spice and espionage and glamorous women and femme fatale in all sorts of things. it's a little corner of the history of the president to dirty presidency which most people not familiar with. the book argues inga arvad was in many ways a singular responsible for jfk becoming president as anybody. we think of john kennedy ss handsome man who was destined to be present but when inga arvad and he had the romance he was a officer in naval intelligence. he was skinny, cocky, disheveled and most important had a terrible inferiority complex compared to his older brother. inga did a number of things for president to do. she bolstered his confidence. she knew adolf hitler. she knew the president of france, thinking and queen of denmark and she convinced john kennedy yet everything it took to be prescient and was superior to his brother. she encouraged jackie kennedy to go to his father and tell him what he wanted to be in life. the kennedy family did not jack at the time had any political
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aspirations. inga managed to open stand up to his father and get the support he would later need to become president. then because their affair was so scandalous president kennedy was nearly court-martialed out of the navy. here he is an office of naval intelligence and is dating a suspected nazi spy. so you must nearly court-martialed. instead he was transferred, ended up in combat in the south pacific where he became a war hero when his boat was sunk. at that time jack kennedy thought his career was over because he thought sinking dapl would be a disaster for his career. when he came back stateside he sat down with reporter named inga arvad the realized in fact he was a real about the story that was the template for all future stories about john kennedy and the pt 109 double dragon as a war hero. that was the basis for the kennedy political biographies for all the years up until his run for the white house. >> you are watching tv, television for seriousde


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