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tv   [untitled]    February 22, 2017 10:13am-10:18am EST

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enlightened and provocative audience, and thank you c-span. and we wish you a good day. thank you. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> joined us later for discussion on how african-americans are ferried under the trump administration. new america is the host of the event.
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you can watch it started at 12:15 p.m. eastern on c-span2. a little later, nasa will host a briefing on new discoveries of what's called xo planets, the players existing beyond earths solar system that you can see that live starting at 1 p.m. eastern on our companion network c-span3. tonight will show you more of our booktv programming. our focus will be on veterans and will feature such authors as michael anthony. you can see that and other veteran segments begin at 8 p.m. eastern here on c-span2. >> in case you missed it here are some clips of c-span programming last week. contact the sender rand paul spoke at the republican healthcare news conference about the gop plan to replace the affordable care act. >> it's going to legalize the sale of inexpensive insurance. it's going to expand health
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savings accounts so people can save to buy the insurance. they can use it for their deductible or their premium, for vitamins, weight loss, you name it. exercise it and it also allows individuals to join an association so that they're not left out in the cold by themselves to buy insurance in baseball insurance pool. >> ashton kutcher shared his insights on modern slavery with the senate foreign relations committee. >> i've been on fbi raids read seeing things that no person should ever see. i've seen video content of a child that's the same age as mine being raped by an american man that was a sex tourist in cambodia. and this child was so conditioned by her environment that she thought she was engaging in play. >> from the senate floor charles grassley on gun background checks are mentally ill citizens. >> the government is essentially
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saying that a person with a disability such as an eating disorder is more likely to be violent and should no longer be allowed to own a gun. there is no evidence to support that general idea. >> at a news conference nancy pelosi spoke out against president trump's policy agenda. >> it is a vision that disdains hard-working law-abiding immigrants and embraces vladimir putin. the disgraceful new ice raids targeting immigrant families are deeply upsetting, cruel and designed to spread fear. it is a patient america less safe, less strong and more fearful. >> nominee for administrator for the centers for medicare and medicaid services on her confirmation hearing. >> i'm extremely humbled as a first-generation american tv sitting before this committee after being nominated by the president of the united states.
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it is a testament to the fact that the american dream is very much alive for those willing to work for it. >> all c-span programs are i did on our home page or by searching the video library. >> the university of chicago school of social service administration hosted a discussion recently on academic freedom and diversity on college campuses. panelists include a documentary filmmaker, authors and professors from yale university and the university of michigan and chicago. this is just over 90 minutes. >> okay, good evening, everyone. i guess it's feeding time now. the sun is setting so early. for those of you who don't know me i'm neil guterman, the dean of the school of social service administration here at the university of chicago and i want to thank you for joining us for this evenings


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