tv [untitled] March 17, 2017 12:47pm-1:00pm EDT
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>> the national review is holding its 2017 ideas summit today. health and human services terry pom price addressed the gathering at 1:00 p.m. talking about the billing congress to replace your portable care act. you could watch this life and our companion network c-span3 and here on c-span twos afternoon president trump and german chancellor angela merkel media in the white house today and not without they will take questions from german and american reporters. the news conference is scheduled for 1:20 p.m. eastern live on c-span2. >> saturday evening at 8:15 p.m. eastern on book tv new york-based journalist and civil rights attorney talks about the lives and struggles of the people living in her grandmother's apartment building
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in syria in her book: the home that was our country. >> people in syria where the optimists, but most people at that point after 40 years of the suitor brute-- super brutal regime were pretty nervous about what was to come. >> on sunday at 7:00 p.m. eastern chelsea clinton and debbie discuss their book. >> what are the differences between the old institutions are more traditional multilateral institutions, debbie h on the world banks versus the newer institutions or what are more colloquially known as public-private partnerships? >> three donors dominate not just financing, but have funding is dictated in global health because it's not really global health and the way we think of it. >> go to book for the complete schedule. >> the house will vote on thursday on the republican plan
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to replace the 2010 health care law. the gop plan would keep some provisions of the report will care act including mud people stay on their parents insurance plan until age 26 and prohibiting insurance companies from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions, but the replacement bill will relate-- even if the requirement that all help-- americans have health insurance and eliminate subsidies or buying health insurance and replace them with tax credits and would roll back the medicaid expansion that has provided health insurance to millions of americans. the house floor debate on health care bill will begin thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. eastern and we expect a final passage vote on the bill later that day. you can watch the debate and vote live from the floor of the us house on our companion network c-span. >> what do you think about the us a supreme court? we are out with a new survey w today available on a website at
12:50 pm and joining us is robert greene, he is a poster. thank you for being with us? guest: thank you. host: according to the survey that you conducted 90% said the supreme court decision affects their lives and 82% say the supreme court appointment were an appointment consideration in their bow 2016. did these numbersenns surprise you? guest: the only thing that actually surprised me was as big as these numbers are they have haven more intense over the eight years we have been conducting research on these subjects periodically for c-span. four instance eightei years ago the first time we did it the strongly--, they strongly agree on the 90% was in the 30s and now it's almost 50%e that here to put it another way almost 50% of americans strongly agree the decisions have an impact on their everyday lives.
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the other thing i was a struck by an you see this and that 81% number you mentioned or 82% number you mentioned is that it's bipartisan and cuts across the party. everyone feels strongly that the-- what happened with the supreme court was a important factor in their vote. >> can you walk us through the methodology of the survey? who you pulled, when it took place in what was the margin of error? guest: i can. first, it's been conducted recently. these are fresh numbers.from we conducted online m interviews from march 7, to march 9, last week. we conducted 1032 interviews among likely voters pick the margin of error on the survey is 3.05. of the 95% confidence level which is another way of saying if it were possible to interview all americans and it's, but if it were 19 times p out of 20 the results would not vary more than three points from what
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we see here. >> let me put another number on the screen and for those listening on radio, 7, that's the number of people in the survey who follow news about the president's nominee for the supreme court and we mention that number because presumably we could have additional vacancies in the coming years under this administration. >> eaerni: again, quite a large number, 71% are following. we had a follow-up question that's really sort of not only the 71%, but seven in 10 americans are following the news in recent weeks concerning president trump's nominee, but by a three to one margin people are following this nomination more closely they have those in the past. host: with an eye on what weesuy presumably could expect monday when judge neil gorsuch will
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raise his right hand and swear to tell the truth as he testifies before congress, what do you think based on the people you question they will look for next week? guest: i think they will-- first, they will follow closely. i think there will-- there is always a lot of attention paid to potential nominees of the supreme court. i believe it will be even more if you would than what we have seenst in the past. what we see out of the data is that the intensity, which was not inconsiderable years ago is even greater now. host: do american see a direct connection between the high court in in their personal lives guest: yes. i mean, they certainly tell us they do. it shows up and how they vote. this is outside of the poll, but i think it's interesting how often on c-span and other places when you-- when citizens are interviewed or just
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in some sort onews setting how often supreme court nominees or appointments to the supreme court matter in how they look at issues. the one thing i will sayth is that i-- the public w as always-- this is part of what we look at in the survey, they would like to know a lot more about what the court ishe up to and they don't really get the opportunities they would like to. host: you brought up my next question perfectly. it's no secret this network since its inception actually 38 years ago this month has been an advocate for cameras in the court for the oral arguments. there are roughly 74, 75 oral arguments that take place during the course of the judicial year end of the survey said what about how americans view cameras in the court?the cou guest: only three in four likely voters in the us supports four television coverage of oral arguments. in other words cameras in the supreme court, cameras in the courtroom if you would. that number is again aim
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very strong majority, similar to some of the other numbers we have spoken about this morning. what's most striking is that over eight years there's been a strong increase in support for cameras from 61% of all voters to 76% in this latest to survey, so that's pretty impressive, i mean, that's been a subjectis that is bubbling up from the ground, if you would. people would like to know more. they care more than they did in the past. they care to then pick the ability to see oral arguments i think is very important. i will speak to that for just a moment. the supreme court has, it seems to me, a problem which is that it's interpreted if you would buy the media, the president, by the congress, they never allow their work to speak for their self. televising oral arguments will let people see that they operate in a series of
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constitutional manner and i don't think that is clear to people. -- according to polling, i sort of think it's something like congress and its strange thate they would let people know they are workingth seriously. >> the final decision rests with the justices who serve onhe us supreme court. guest: yes, as i understand it yes, obviously. they have to decide to do it. they have done in all 50 states. the british do it. that canadians do it. i think it's important because otherwise people will make assumptions that are unwarranted andicularly i think when they make controversial decisionsde i think it's importantvery s that people see that they are thinking about this very seriously. host: robert greene who is principal and also pollster at psb and the full survey is available on our website at thanks very much for
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being with us. guest: thank you. >> the confirmation hearing for supreme court nominee neil gorsuch start monday at 11:00 a.m. eastern. you can watch that live on c-span2 and also online at or listen on the free c-span radio app. >> this week's sunshine week, an annual campaign for greater public access to government. it's also c-span's anniversary week, 38 years ago on march 19, 1979, the house of representatives opened its debate to tv cameras for the first time and the cable television industry launched c-span to bring congress into america's home. >> gtleman from tennessee. without objection. >> mr. speaker, on this historic day the house of representatives opens its proceedings for the first time to televised coverage. i wish to congratulate
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you for your courage in making this possible and the committee who has worked so hard under the leadership of commerce when charles wrote to make this a reality television will change this institution, mr. speaker, just as it has changed the executive branch, but the good will far outweigh the bad. from this day forward, every member of this body must ask himself or herself how me americans are listening to the debate which are made. when the house becomes comfortable with that change brought by television coverage, the news media will be allowed to bring their own cameras into this chamber. in the meantime, there is no censorship. every word is available for broadcast coverage and journalists will be able to use and edits as they see fit. of the solution for the lack of confidence in government, mr. speaker, is more open government at all levels. i hope for example that the leadership of the
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united states senate will see this as a friendly challenge is to begin to open there-- >> the gentleman's time has expired. >> this median and our open debate has the potential to revitalize representative democracy. >> in 1986, the cable industry launched c-span2 to carry the senate july. all of our congressional coverage is webcast live , archived and searchable for free at c-span tv, radio and online are provided as a public service of our cable and satellite affiliates across the nation. >> president trump news conference with german chancellor angela merkel is scheduled for 1:20 p.m. eastern and when it gets under way we will have live coverage on c-span2. until then, a conversation with former health and human services secretary, kathleen sebelius, on gop plans to repeal the
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