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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2017 2:00pm-2:10pm EDT

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is will be her first face-to-face meeting with president trump. they gathered today and agenda items reportedly including nato, the islamic state group and the ukraine. this conference was expected to start at 1:20, as you can see it's running a little bit behind. we have live coverage when it gets underway on c-span2. >>. [inaudible conversation] >>
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[inaudible conversations] >> while we wait for this joint news conference, rooted in a group of republican leaders held a briefing with reporters at the white house and this happen hapd after the meeting with president trump on his budget proposal. >> good morning.
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happy st. patrick's day. we're waiting for our group to come on out here. >> good morning everybody. happy st. patrick's day. over the last few weeks as we been working to bring the repeal and replace bill to the house floor president trump got directly involved and he reached out to all members of the house and he said ring me your best ideas. the good news is over that. we've seen so many members of our congress, of our conference bring those good ideas starting with the republican study committee. as the republican study committee started putting together some of those ideas he brought them to the house leadership b also t douse president. what they found was a president willg at open to engaging in this process directly to get the best ideas pulled into this
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package that help us not only make it a better build, they get a more conservative bill but make it a bill that has the better chance to finally pass and get to the center that's been his mission from the very beginning. one of the things president trump's said today, he asked every member with these changes to vote for the bill and present himself committed that he is all in 100% in for this bill and all of these members were at various places, some for them some i decided them some even against the bill initially who with all these changes president trump has brought to us are now a yes on this bill. i can't thank the chairman of the republican study committee enough for his leadership and help increase is good ideas forward as we are working with other members in our conference at the same time, the republican study committee really had to get some important reforms. i want to introduce the chairman, mark walker. >> thank you very much. we're excited to be here obviously. we are in the of a six week work process.
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last i would on a conference call to close to midnight trying to refinance to the very last moment to make it the best for the american people. doctor components today that came out of this that we're excited about. that's why would moving from i decided to a positive yes. that is number one, the work requirements. we think it's very important as a person of faith i think god greets every boy and girl men and women, unix skills and talents. we want the government to enhance that come to fore spec, not to stymie the other thing that is very important for our membs, w have workedery diligently every heart is a blk grant options the returns powers, power to the state to be le to make the best decision for the sick, the indigent and that is something that has pumped us up-to-date to be here. that's why we are yes, that's where excited to be there. with that i like to turn over to one of our ladies here today who's been a champion for this for decades, marsha blackburn. >> we are so pleased to be a today and very appreciative of
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the leadership and chairman walker's leadership, as we worked to bring the best ideas into be helpful in this process as we repeal obamacare and open up the health insurance marketplace. locke grants for states are vital. they are important. the states have told us they want the flexibility. they have the ability to deliver a better healthcare product, and to do more with the money that they have for their constituents, and we are pleased to see the block grants make it into place. we are also pleased with the pro-life provisions that are in this legislation, and one of the leaders on getting those pro-life provisions in place is -- >> as you all know, i believe that, we believe our job is first and foremost protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
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and to be able to take finding g and put them into our communities, to empower women, to help out with healthcare and community care is incredibly important for all of us. i want you to know that every single person here was really concerned about the multiple vulnerable among us that block grants to states is incredibly important d be able to care r those who really want healthcare insuranceand provide that to them at the lowest price possible and given the option to be able to be the managers of their own healthcare. this is what we are centered to do and i could tell you how excited i am that we have been able to do what we are centered to do. that is get back the reins of policy and the power of the purse and really create a program that's going to be beneficial for all americans. so thank you so much. >> be happy to take a few questions.
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>> we still supported when it comes out to the house if it doesn't look like what is a looking like right now? >> the good news is we want to give the senate that opportunities actions today i president trump working with our members are wait to get to this point gives us the best chance to get the senate that dale. if you want to make additional changes that's called the legislative process and we would encourage -- [inaudible] >> we're just happy to get this bill passed through the house. that's a weird focus on and the senate can take care of their business. >> as far as your constituent and other members of congress, obamacare light, what's the big argument? >> you are looking at some of the top conservatives in the house. don't take our word for it. look at some of the scoring think. gary palmer, john radcliffe. we stand united today to move this forward for the working people and proud to do so. >> what about the medicaid expansion? can you talk about that next easy open to get back to maybe more conservative votes?
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>> what we talked about is giving states more flexibility, allowing states the option to take a block grant. a lot of governors that that they are intested. now to have the portity of giving states the option to put wo requirements to increase the integrity of the medicaid program with incentives in place so that states will be rewarded for helping strengthen their medicaid program. [inaudible] >> we've been working with cbo on all of these changes and there's other discussions obviously with other members of our conference that president trump has engaged directly in and so we are working to get the best deal possible brought forward to the house and then ultimate pass that bill over to the senate and fulfill the commitment we would make it for years and we're going to repeal and replace obamacare, to rescue the mac and people from the failures of obamacare that we see playing out all across this country every day. we are not going to wait any longer. we are moving toward to get this done for families all across the country.
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>> think about this for just a second. the president and vice president have called a group of conservatives from the united states house of representatives and assess for his support to be able to move the american healthcare act forward. we are honored to be a to represent the conservatives and to work with the president and the vice president for all communities of the american people. >> thank you spirit thank you. >> good job. good job. >> [inaudible conversations] >> and we are live once again awaiting the start of this joint news conference with president trump and german chancellor on jerome a meeting with president trump face-to-face for the ver first time -- angela merkel. l


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