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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2017 1:31am-2:09am EDT

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american legal system. when he took office as a member of the supreme court in 1986, very few people in this country understood the principles like regionalism and contextual as some the words have meaning many to focus on what they mean it isn't that no one identified that as important but the importance of that approach to a cutback c. but over the last 30 years people have been influenced by his writings with an entire generation of prosecutors and judges and law professors have then influenced five his approach
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look at the words and figure out what they mean. >> thanks for your time >> anyone working at any hedge fund with short-term trading they all won then did is say -- a common term. blackett switches clearly inside information
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. >> the two central characters at the heart of the story are former portfolio managers. one is currently serving a fairly lengthy prison sentence although his cases on appeal and the other was convicted but then later overturned after the appeals court made a ruling to make it much harder to convict someone for insider-trading
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. >> judge bork is wrong on civil-rights come equal rights for women, wrong on the right to privacy, freedom of speech. president reagan is wrong to try to put him on the supreme court. >> when the museum was constructed city and congressional leaders went to the u.s. congress going to the national museum that congress designated as the
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national museum. >> following her retirement from the industry helped to keep me to where she settled into the role of activist and philanthropist and selecting veterans' benefits and remained active of other important reform crusades. >> and to have the effect of an world communities. this is a half-hour. [inaudible conversations] thanks for the massive
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turnout today. thanks for overcoming now we do appreciate you being here with our ranking member to my left and our ranking member with agriculture i am sure we hear here to talk about standing up for hard working man and women like many of the community is that we represent. this is very rural and but many people who live represent has seen their wages stagnate as they are shifted to over two places
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spinet and we have seen people when their children had made the decision because those food those of felt because of economic uncertainty but to give the opportunity to work hard. >> then normally don't have to speak to the people when
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you say i will bring your jobs home and to a half and he won the congressional that -- districts like we represent. we won all of the congressional districts. donald trump said the snoop recreates millions of more chops per he made these big misses but the promises that
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donald trump made on the campaign trail are different than what with that budget davies percuss tbilisi is this calling for a 21 percent cut so too may cave and that becomes the growers choice but then you have the rope business to
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help'' the true eight economy. this program has created or saved 20,000 jobs every single year since cn in existence with less attractive to businesses that we need to bring into their roll communities by eliminating grants with the essential air service and go to the larger airports but he also made the deliberate choice to have. >> those of we represent the castillo did day $4 million
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in but that kind of funding but the air in infrastructure spending but what americans need is and then to line his own one of.
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>> thinking about a word to describe the budget tonight consider myself what is so they're already with heartless and cruel but i decided to the best way to discuss it is ignorant but
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getting billions of dollars from the inciden of heal weave the but looking at how to manage extensively would not just the bay incredible impact. >> what you do by cutting but in the district of louisville has but of course, if there any senators prepare but a
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couple of weeks ago because they are turning to provide services for the citizens that are completely dependent and of course, the most prominent is meals on wheels. actually helped as part of the program. for them to stand up to imply said to have people
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that not die is evidenced. i would make a similar comment about community services block grant with a $4 billion cut in this budget the white keeps people from freezing to death is important to. these are the ones that our heartless and ignorant but why in the world with $400 billion. >> but those that are owed we don't benefit but then to
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spend money. but to play into the perspective i fate but on
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the american health care act and you consider the cuts proposed and combine that with the largest transfer of wealth. id you have a hard time getting traction? and seams to have made more than any san is possible but
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may characterize at this budget called the american families and the this will we can say about the trump agenda. >> thank you. on associate myself with the crab been tense and you make these trades -- trans on and near accident so be advocated for the agency. degree that i know no bid ministration wanted to go after certain things adjusted not understand.
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but they have of all different view of the world with concern i could go into the embittered because the government allowed the big monopolies to go out and leave us without anything. sold the useful to make bold this money would require them to serve apparel america which we could and should. like we did with telephone in the 30's. what are we doing about broadband?
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basically nothing and would have been? it was used in the larger communities. and represent a district, 38 counties the bigger towns survive because they have the amenities that they need we do have the amenities from world america. the authorized programs to get the needs. one of them is wastewater. the administration says this is not redundant -- that it is redundant. it is not because the small communities could not get
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assistance. flat up the situation. is a lack of understanding. the epa can put the small communities cannot qualify you have double full-time engineer on staff to figure out how to fill out the forms which they don't have. soleras assistant to help the small communities apply for the usda granted. there is other cuts made to the various programs we have authorized the this will create tremendous pressure changes in mandatory speed being read the appropriators
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have rated money from the mandatory spending to wake of -- for the shortfalls with that appropriated programs up to a billion dollars that they take away from things with mandatory spending for to further exacerbate the problem. we provide tremendous service. we have the cheapest food and people understand the bargain they are getting if you screw this up you will raise the cost of food substantially.
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they want to get rid of all farm programs pushing for years to take food stamps from the farm bill they got their way sort of for the first time killed the farm bill on the floor of the house because the wetback on their word. now is still push this. they say we do this to get rid deafens dams or cut them they know they will not do that. the one to get rid of farm programs crop insurance, community title and free-market. we tried the 1996 freedom to farm save $40 billion it costs us over $100 billion to bail people out after a failed. holy time to be have to do this to realize this will
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not work? republicans mostly are ignoring this and trying to run away so i am not scheerer the budget is going anywhere but maybe if the secretary needs confirmed it will help but it worries me to pressure on the budget as a relates to the farm bill if we get the heritage foundation to right that to. this is wrongheaded with programs that work to support these rural areas that supports agriculture to
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have dependable food in the country. in another member of the ag committee to is branded who has a better perspective and i do. >> i don't know about a better perspective but they do have something to say. all of us are lucky every week we can fly home or five back over the greatest country in the world. what you see time and time again but what you cannot see is people who own the farms in the amount of food that is grown on the farms. if you get down on the you talke and kick some turnaround and talk to the native americans
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. i have 12 tribes then realize reality. eighty% unemployment rate reality is with less wages in rural america. that these types of programs that are cut part just devastating to the tribal land and rural area up. i also get to drive through town after town to see all the store fronts that are closed but these towns are needed in america to service the farming sector but they also serve as the tourism sector and their highways
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for americans to move about their country our national forests is a rural area somebody has to work in these areas. i agree one and to present with the community block grant process there has not been a city or town for arizona that has not come here to say we need these grants. roll americans are not afraid of tough times but this devastating they have always given to our country to make sure that time after time called upon to protect our country have done that in the interest and the sacrifice but they also want fairness and respect that is not shown in this budget
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what is shown as a complete disregard for reality of what roll america is going through and with the farming industry is going through and price levels and types of and tom. whether housing or food or subsidies, this is something needed in america and i would challenge the republicans to go out and talk to the people of america to find out what is relieve going on. >> and digressions -- any questions? >> what parts of mandatory
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spending in the attic area are you concerned that might be affected? >> if this went into effect as they try to zero about the water projects and wastewater program i think that will lead be restored. adults think they would cut that. where will they get the money? they keep squeezing down discretionary spending. trump took old mentor spending off the table so few cut discretionary spending what is it? 30%?
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so the problem is if this goes through the appropriations committee comes up 11% overall to restore these things i cannot hardly see if they on the table that the republicans would not restore. idling president trump's people understood the peso are doing because there is not support to do with they have done with this budget not even the republican caucus. . .
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