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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2017 9:40am-9:46am EDT

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[applause] [inaudible conversations] on book tv this weekend sylvia terra sets it down on her "after words" program to discuss the history and science behind body fat. syrian american journalist weighs in on the civil war in and chelsea clinton examines the public-private partnerships that are working on global healthcare issues. former senior state department advisor david phillips takes a critical look at the us partnership with turkey. book tv visits wilmington north carolina to talk about local authors and visit the cities literary sites. that all happens this weekend on
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book tv 48 hours of nonfiction authors and books, television for serious readers march 7 on air force one we were flying down the president obama to alabama and i'd estimate question about quote unquote post- racial first post-obama era and he said i would not equate my election with seminal moments like the emancipation proclamation but a passage of the civil rights of 1964 the voting rights of 19 625, those were massive changes and legal status that represented fundamental breaks in america's tragic history and where the pillars of the 14th amendment and 15th amendment of the civil acts of the 60s. those were the representative presented discrimination is. there is nothing is going to compare to that moving forward i want to build on that work.
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to find to network where we see formal discrimination of states still occurring. i want to increasingly our work has to do with fighting the ongoing legacy of a divided society. closing the opportity ga in the achievement gaps.that inevitably had been passed on from generation to generation because the gaps were so wide. that involves know one piece of legislation but requires a host of different efforts. it means investing in childhood education and means making sure that everybody has health insurance. it means that public-private work that were doing through my brother's keeper getting more african-americans education in math and science and engineering. there's not going to be it's going to be a famed effort on variety of fronts that will take us to the next leg of this journey towards a must just society. wow. that was on her way to the selma in a burst tree in alabama for
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the anniversary ability sunday. in those words still ring true today. who are we ? this book really goes into the heart of the matter when you talk about race -- this is piggybacking off of the president. isn't it strange to say then president obama for smart it's just been ten days or 11 days i can't even keep count now. the bottom line is that we still have a society that is divided. i'm going to think about and look at my favorite childhood singer that we are a united divided states. when it comes to matters of race , african americans still have higher numbers of negative in every category.
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issues of policing are very important. that's one of the pieces where i start in this book. additionally in the african american community, the american black community is an instinctive coming of age for our young black men called the talk. it's something black fathers -- father figures give their sons. it's meant to be a lifetime tool that might help these boys strategically navigate interaions witlaw enforcement with the ultimate goal of avoiding altercations. the talkan be life or death for some boys. i know it sounds 1950s and 60s but now, more than ever it's the reality for modern times. the essence of the talk is the dad telling the sun that bad policing can result in death for black men and boys. get unintentional or intentional. it is a soulful truth. it is an unavoidable fact in our communities. you can watch this and other programs online @booktv .org. >> here's a look at some upcoming book fairs and
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festivals happening around the country. on saturday, march 25 will be live at the virginia festival of the book in charlottesville where panel discussions will include a range of topics from nuclear war to the media. on april 8 look for us at the annapolis book festival in the san antonio festival. two weeks later book tv will be live from the los angeles times festival of books held on the campus of the university of southern california. for more information about the book fairs and festivals, book tv will be covering and to watch previous festival coverage click the book fairs tab on our website, doctor helen dr. czerski is a regular broadcaster on the bbc. from a phd fed


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