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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2017 8:51pm-9:01pm EDT

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>> actually an an endocrine organs and our brain size is linked to fat. there are people who have a defective fat, genetic -- mice that have a defect, have smaller brains as well. our repucktive systems or linked to fat. women who get overfat cannot get
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pregnant. there's so many systems in our body that-link today healthy fats. there, >> in 1977, sadat was making a speech in -- the parliament in egypt, and he put down his papers and he said, i will good anywhere. would good to the ends of the earth. i will go to israel and speak to the knesset if if was save one egyptian life. and nobody believed it. he wasn't even mentioned in the newspaper his next day. ten days later sadat's plain is
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circumstance -- plane is circling over tel aviv. now, you'd have to understand the thinking of both sides at this historic moment. here is israel's greatest enemy coming to talk to them, literally uninvited. the invited himself. the israeli simple -- they meant to how to play the egyptian national anthem and then there was the question of is sadat really in the plane? could it be full of terrorist us, explosives? we'll have all the leaders of here waiting for him? there were snipers all over the rooptops just in case. -- rooftops just in race, and
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plane is the -- his plane comes in, there are searchlights that catch the fuselage and people are on tender hooks and then lands and sadat comes down and embraces goal da meir and shangs hand with ariel sharon. people were aghast. jubilant, a sense of unreality that this could happen. and then he went and made his speech in the knesset and it was stern but he expected something in return. and he left jerusalem empty-handed. a lot of that was bus of men
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begin. his first memory was of polish soldiers flogging a jew. when the nazis invaded poland, his mother was in the hospital and the nazi went through murdering patients in their beds. his father think tied him up with ropes and filled his pockets in rocks and threw him into the river. men begin was hiding and then spent time in the soviet prisons in the gulag before being relished and begin joined a unit and they were sent to palestine, and then he became head of a
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terrorist organization, and as a terrorist, he was brilliant. there had been very few in history of terrorism that had quite as much affect as menachem begin. he was inventive and imaginative and theatrical. for instance, when the british hanged three terrorists who had been tried and convicted in in the military court, begin hanged three british sergeants and booby trapped their bodies. he blew up the king david hotel, which was at that point the most luxurious hotel in the middle east, a wing was also devoted to be the nerve center of the british mandate. 91 people were killed.
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and this broke the back of -- broke the spirit of the british occupation and they withdrew, and turned over the problem of palestine to the united nations. now, just to underscore the effect in history, after 9/11, when american troops went interest -- into kandahar and osama bin laden's compound, they und a copy of begin's memoir, and he wanted to know how a terrorist leader becomes a prime minister and wins the nobel peace prize. it's a trick that very few people have accomplished. after the british left, begin turned his attention to palestinians and there's a
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little village outside of jerusalem. i visited it. now a psychiatric hospital. very weird. the psychiatrists have their offices in what were palestinian homes and the grounds are occupied by lunatics but it's -- it was a palestinian village that the peaceful village, they had a nonaggression pact with their ultra orthodox neighbors but begin determined it was a strategic place in the city and had to be taken. so there were some initial resistens and begin's men went through the village throwing grenades through the windows, killing entire families. was a massacre. 20 minute who survived war tone to quarry and shot. some of the women and children who were survivors, who were placed on a flatbed truck and
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paraded through jerusalem and then deposited outside the city. there will palestinians who were already leaving, but after that hubs of thousands of palestinians fled into the west bank and neighboring arab countries. so, these were me men who came to camp david. inexperienced, unpopular, failing president, a nazi collaborator and assassin and a terrorist. those men -- carter had budgeted three or four days to try to reach an accommodation. he actually thought that if he could only get them alone, they would get to know each other, that would like each other, they would come to trust each other, after the second day he realized
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he couldn't put them in the same room at all. that hated each other, and it was really -- one thing that was key, i guess if you're going to draw a lesson from camp david, there are no perfect partners for peace. these are really flawed individuals. but one thing hey had in common, a lot of political courage, and they were willing to make the compromises and sacrifices that peace required. >> you can watch this and other programs online at >> biocheckis sill via tar remarks discusses he book "the secret life of fat" which looks at the history and science behind body fat. through he research, she argues that there some aspects of fat that are necessary for the body,


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