tv [untitled] March 26, 2017 1:00am-2:01am EDT
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tell us some reap worded of the year -- recent words of the year. >> the most recent was dumpster fire, which is dumpster fire. that wasn't my favorite was bigly, but dumpster fire referring to sort of a kind of a calamity, but not the end of the world. >> in the current administration is a dumpster fire. >> yes, excellent. and then a couple years ago -- oh, before that we had the word they, on thegrounds its at last being accepted as a reference for a singular noun.
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so, let's see. the student got they're hat and supposedly that's been accepted nowdays where it wasn't before. i'm a little skeptical whether this is changed that way but that's what the vote was. and then a couple years earlier, hash tag was the order of the year. now we have a category of hash tag of the year. around the year 1999 or 2000, y2k was the word of the year. everybody was sure there would be a computer dumpster fire going on. >> i've got to ask, i'm looking semi colon. the actual semi colon. >> well, semi colon was not word
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of the year. is ink or something you do on your skin. >> you're talking to the wrong person. >> you know some hob has a semi colon inked. >> somebody who has contemplated suicide and the sentence is continued. >> anybody else? >> yes. >> and then right here in middle. >> hello. everything is described today -- contribute to the vitality of usefulness of the language but are there on occasion changes to the language that are destructive? or unhelpful? >> i would say there are always changes. some are for the better, some for the worse, and also the case that there are always some users of a language at any particular stage who are good at and it some who are not and often we
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look back on, say, 50 years ago and think people used to all know how to write well and speak well, and what happens is that the good writing of 50 or 60 years ago is preserved and the bad is forgotten, and so it's always the end of the world is coming because we're now allowing they to be used as a singular. >> i tend to think there's a -- the damaging part is the antiintellectualism that comes with some of it. that something that you must be stuck up our awful i you worried about meaning of words. i think that's more damaging than any particular word. >> right here in the middle. >> y'all have both mentioned with latin in the language but would you -- i know that -- they have eave week a ride quo show that inningly -- radio show does the news in latin and have new
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words could you say it's more of a -- they're still adding new words for common ideas such as e-mail and other technology advancements? but this is also kind of in connection with the fact of the recent margaret attwood item on which she has her made-up latin phrase she uses in there. could you basically say that latin is resuscitated or that because no one uses it on a regular basis? >> wife say that latin is a complicated case because it has been used by the catholic church all along, so it hasn't been -- which is not quite the same as classical latin so further revival nowdays but they always do having thises for new words for new things. hebrew is another language that had become unspoken mostly and now it's national language of
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israel. >> what is the phrase -- we're talking about, say, england and the united states, it's two countries separated bay common language? have you looked -- explored the idea of worded where we have the same word but it connotes a different either -- evokes a different emotion or different meaning and one country versus in the other? >> i had a friend who went to england and he went into a store and he asked for -- wanted the buy a pair of khaki pants, and the clerk looked at him, and it turns out that khaki in england means like a baby is khaki. [coughing] >> he said oh, you many karki pants. so that's one of pronunciation.
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>> [inaudible] >> yes, good. >> i suppose it would be cocky trousers. >> i was very lucky enough, my father was an academic and took his sabbath tall in england -- sabbath cath and -- sabbatical and my first day in school, i was insecure and i was the only american because they put us in an english school, to have he best experience, which was great. the person sitting to my right, taking notes and made a mistake and he says, excuse me, mate, can i borrow your rubber? and i'm hearing, can i borrow your condom. my first was, do you need it now, and secondly, borrow?
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no. you can have it if i had one, it's yours to keep. but there's a whole host of other words that i had to learn almost another language. jumper, biscuit is a cookie. >> not a question. just wanted to share a few things. i love soonerrisms and you could do a whole show on that. may i sew you to your sheets. i've word in record stores my whole life and once a customer came in ask asked do you have a song called "indian night"? and i said, well, can you give me any lyrics in n he said, i can feel it coming indiana night. and it was -- i can feel it comping in the night.
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>> i want to say a couple words more of thanks to everyone who makes this possible. one is our volunteers. the program couldn't be down -- [applause] >> about them. they really do a fantastic job. i'd also like to thank our booksellers who are here to -- any of you would like to purchase either of these very entertaining books. and again, thanking c-span and the local channel ten news, and to allen and robert for presenting a very interesting, very entertaining and i'm sure they'll be around to talk with us informally if you'd like and you might be able to prevail on them to sign a copy of the book if you purchase it. please join me in thanking our two speakers for a wonderful presentation. [applause]
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[you have been listening to an author discussion about the english lange from the virginia festival of the book. the festival is now in it's 23rd yesterday and held in charlottesville, virginia. in an hour the next author panel will discuss nuclear war, first, here's a look the other nonfiction authors and book wes have covered recently on booktv.
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>> booktv tapes hubs of author programs throughout the country all year long. here's a look at some of the events we are covering this week. merchandise, we'll be the american enterprise institute in washington, dc where yale law professor peter shuck will examine five ircan debate throughout the country: poverty, immigration, affirmative action, campaign finance, and religious objections to gay marriage transgender rights. that night will re be the commonwealth club in san francisco where a political sat rhys, pj o'rourke, will discuss the 2016 presidential election. on tuesday we head south to thomas jefferson monticello where western state history trail we argue that thomas eversend was a political radical. on thursday we'll be in austin, texas, at book people book store where major marry jennings haiger who will recall her tours in afghan with the air new hampshire guard and her effort to eliminate the ground combat
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discussion policy for women. on friday the national constitution center in philadelphia. jeffrey stone will prove provide a history of expects the accumulates on sunday, anny jacobson will join us to discuss her books and take your questions live on our "in depth" program. that's a look at some of the programs booktv will be covering this week. many of these events are open to the public. look for them to air in the near future on booktv on c-span2. >> i don't know i have called myself that but i feel like -- >> we like to call you that. >> when i started a year ago, immediately there was a lot of visibility around the job and the fact i was black, was a woman, that i was younger than my predecessors had been when they took the job, and i think it was really energizing for everybody to see there was an opening up and a change the
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national book foundation, and so i think because there was so much energy it felt like a real a yell good opportunity to use the platform that we were receiving, to just try to change the conversation about books. what we do, the primary function of the national book foundation, is to present the national book award which is about he can -- about excellence and the best books published in america and that's not all books. it's a very specific set of books. but in order to get people to care about that night in november and the 20 books that we honor and the four books that win, there has to be a strong and robust and excited generation or population of people who care about books at large. so we had to start by saying, you're invited. books are amazing, and i think that because i love books and there are a huge part of my life
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and always have been and i'm so blown away by every author i get to spend time with in this role issue think trying to share that thump -- enthusiasm and remind people i'm not special issue just like books and we can all be that person and it make mid life better and could make other people's lives greater and happier and smarter and bigger and just a good opportunity to say, come on, come join me, and that turns into ambassador for books. just believe in them. don't think we're. i think it's a wonderful, thriving, world full of writers and readers and book sellers and librarians and we are doing so fine. >> can you give me a sense of -- it's february. what is your year look like so far? >> so, i've been traveling around a lot and i think one thing is that we're in the tom book foundation and we're not inside baseball foundation and
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that means actually showing in california or mississippi or minnesota or anyplace where readers are. there's been a lot of travel. but the beginning of the year is when i try to convince a lot of very fancy writers to -- for very little money and almost no thanks to read hundreds of book and decide what the national book award is. so i'm picking judges. so my predecessor called me and said this is why i'm a tough person because every year all of my heroes look at me and tell me, hell no. when i ask them to be a judge for the national book award. how are you? i'm not done yet. i still have four or five slots to go. so that's what is happening now and i'm thinking about the awards and then we also do other stuff besides the national book award. so, we just announced a program where we'll be giving away, thanks to several large publisher, hundred thousand
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books and so -- 300,000 books and we're gating ready to make that happen. so there's buildup, and our audit, my favorite part. every year nonprofits are audited and a person comes into your office and you pay them a lot of money to come and harass you for a week and ask you for tiny pieces of paper that were surely lost and that's been a part of my 2017. >> you can watch this and other programs online at booktv >> here's a look at some books being pressured this week. fox news bill o'reilly weigh inside on america's cultural divide in "old school." john farrell, chronicles the political career of president richmond nixon in "richmond incomeson the low. "angie jay comeson offers a history of u.s. fell generals agencies in" phenomena."
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she will join us live on sunday, april 2nd. >> former florida congressman recounts his experiences running for and them resigning from office. also be published, 14 exonerated inmates share they're stories of wrongful conviction justice did laura caldwell and leslie clinker in anatomy of innocence. historian, recalls the leadup to lenin's bolshevik revolution in "lenin on the train." former policy advice and speech write are for bill clinton, eric lue, talks about "you're more powerful than you think." these title ares in book stores and watch for the authors on booktv on c-span2. >> the reason the picture of blue bird is here is i lived in the states for five years and the last two years was in rhode
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island, which is where they grow lots of blueberries and i'm from man chester in england. we don't have blueberries. we just don't have them. we do now. it's oninternational shipping so i was excited by the concept of blueberries and i always made lots of jam, like preserves, as a kid. i thought it would be great to take home bright blue bluebers so i went tower berry picking pg and you into all know when you go fruit picking in england, if you ever come to britain, you have to suffer for fruit picking because you have to bend down and hurt your book, get scratched to pieces you have is easy in this country. blueberry picking is like cheating. you can -- the fall into -- to i
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selected gallons because you're in america, has to the gallons -- i'm not prejudiced and you make the jam, and i waited for this blue jam to -- and i'm sure you have made blueberry jam and that's doesn't happen you let the boiling process happen, you put -- what you put in starts blue, what comes out is bright pink, which is weird. and it's not blue. i wanted blueberries. blue. >> so i took it home and told everybody was black berry jam. it's wrong. so, six months later when i was back in the uk, i had a friend who directed history documentaries and he was making a documentary about wise women and the 16th good 17th 17th centuries and there are
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quite -- these women were sort of -- one or two in every village, the mid-wives, dealt with people who are ill and picked up the pieces and doing useful jobs and so it's a little knowledge but they wrote things down. they were systemic. and said things that keep coming up and i'm sure it's in there -- obviously not testing for witchcraft which is what they thought they were doing. maybe there's something going on. so, a few things he showed me. one was that there was a thing that said if you boil the firsts urine and it goes to through all the colors of i rainbow somebody someone is bewitched. and one of those things was that if you take pink tour of -- it's one of these bright colorful flower wes get a lot in the summer. you probably get them here.
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it's -- and you put it on someone's skin it changes color. then they are bewitched. and i went and had to think about this. it turns out that the -- very ebina the bright purple and red petals, and they -- the pigments that make them, those bright colors are chemicals -- they con in logs of things. red cabbage and the bright vegetable pigments are in this class, and they really didn't think -- the interesting thing is that act as ph educator. if you're bored, get in red cabbage, boil it. throw the cabbage away. it's the water that is interesting. put it on things because is changes color, and if you put is
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on something alkaline it goes blue and if -- yellow and green and acid things it goes red. so it depends on the pan you boil it in. so a huge range of colors, and so i worked out that the -- your sweat can change ph depending on what you have didn't doing, right, eating or your genetics, and so after -- as i pit tincture of verbina boiled in water on my skip wouldn't change color but if i do it coming back from a run, then the change color. so i reckon what the wise women were testing for was a ph dater and just testing the ph people's sweat. so we did this whole tv segment about that. then i remembered the
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blueberries because then if you make jam, when you make blueberry jam what goes in into pan is blew berries and water and sugar and limon sues. the reason it's bright pink is that it's basically the entire thing is litmus paper for the lemon juice. so i didn't have they chance of having blue blueberry jam. it was worth it. oh, that's why i was doomed to fail. >> you can watch this and other programs online at >> on november 9th, you posted for me many politics politics ae customer who were looking forward to the election of hillary clinton, this is a surreal, terribly disappointing
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moment. it will take time to comprehend and apple a new political reality, time for the shock, pain and worry of today to ease. why was that up on your book store's blog post? >> well, brad and i do our weekly blog together every week and we were hearing from a lot of customer -- i wasn't here that day. was in new york, but we were hearing from customers, from our staff, people were worried issue would say, just about what this change was going mean, to a lot of what this book store stands for. so justing -- so just intended to acknowledge that and hear what we were hearing -- to hear and acknowledge what we heard from customers, from others in our community. >> brad graham, what chose to book store stand for? >> it stands for the things that many independent book stores stand for. can be sum up as a third place. a place that people can come to in digs do -- in addition to
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home and office, kind of refuge, place to connect with other people and a place to shop and browse for books. >> do you have a political point of view here in the store? >> we try not to exhibit one. we say that we're open to all different point of view. i mean, because we present ourselves as a kind of forum for the discussion of literature and ideas, we think it's best if we don't take a particular point of view. we do stand for certain principles, though. principles of inclusion, diversity, discussion, and of course for first amendment freedoms, and those we will stand up for and will take a stand for. >> host: lissa muscatine, what would be the fir of trump
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election for a book store, in your view? >> guest: well, i'm not sure i would make such a direct correlation to that immediately but we had been seeing was certain lay campaign in which rhetoric had been used that was divisive, that was in fact hateful, that scapegoated certain groups in our community and our entire american community, that had problems, it seemed, with the first amendment and people's rights to express themselves without fear of punishment or fear of being insulted or scapegoated, and so those are very much in contrast to what book store stands for. as brad just said we believe in a certain set of principles and values to the extent that those were under assault or in any way threatened, we wanted to make sure that we were defending them and even asserting them. >> host: now, you have a permanent connection to secretary clinton, correct? >> guest: i do. >> what is that. >> guest: i know her very well.
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she is somebody i admire and adore, frankly. she was my boss for many years. was her chief speech writer for most of the white house years. her co-collaborator on her white house memoir "living history." help he with 2008 campaign and have been involved with her for many years. >> host: what's' that's why you were in yucker on elect night. >> guest: yes. >> host: have you had reaction from your customers to the election and -- have they said anything to you as owners. >> guest: sure. we heard a lot appreciation expressed for our initial messages and blogs in which we tried to -- in what ways we could offer some comfort and solace and reassurance we would be here and we understood how many of our customers were feeling and we were beginning to
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try figure out of ways to address these sentiments. people were looking first for a book for -- ways of understanding what happened, how donald trump won. what the other voters who voted for him were -- what they were thinking, and -- but at the same time they were looking for guidance, advice, on how now to sort of channel their feelings, and their interest in becoming maybe more active and that's what gave rise to these teach-ins we have begun to hold. >> host: what are the teach-ins. >> guest: we had a huge amount of vocalization of people or
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concerns on the part of our customed and wire community, and we just tried to really take measure of what we as an independent book store could do. again to defend and assert the principles we believe an independent book store stands for and the role it mys in this community. it's a gathering spot. it's a place, as brad said, people come for sanctuary, place that gives ryes to hopefully energetic, row u.s. and very respectful discussions. so we try to think to offerings whack can we do? it's not just get depressed and cynical and complacent. let's figure out what to do to augment what we already do. and we both grew up and came of age in the '60s and early '7's to teach-ins popped into mind and we thought that's something we can do. the response has been, frankly, overwhelming. >> guest: normally the events -- we do them on night and october weekends in the store. normally they're geared to specific books. authors that have a new book
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coming out and events we help to sell some books. the teach-ins, they're not geared to new books. we have had people -- panelists who have never written a book. some panelist have but maybe the books came out some time ago. so that is not the point of these events. they're different for us in that respect. >> host: you have held teach-in already on immigration and you're planning future ones. what -- >> guest: we have held three. the first one was the first week of january and it was kind of a miracle we pulled it off that quickly. the staff did an amazing job. that was on civil liberties. the second one -- that was january 8th. the second one was actually on inauguration afternoon at 4:00 p.m. the day before the wimp's march and that one was on women's rights and then the most recent one was on exception we have a
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number more planned and we'll try to continue to do them as long as we feel it's necessary. that's an insatiable apt appetite in the community for very deep, meaningful discussions of issues that aretron the front burner right now where a lot is changing chag anding and for people to be educateed how to take action and become engaged as a citizen or community organization. what can die, what are the tools, the mechanisms, and so each of the teach-ins we try to end with ideas for people who want to get involved. whatever their point overview may be. how they might want to get involved and just become mow engaged as members of the community. >> host: how was the turnout? >> guest: very large. filled the store all three. >> guest: we also -- with awe due respect to c-span we have been live-streaming them on
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facebook as well and have had enormous followings live on facebook and then scent to the event we have had many, maple people go to our a facebook page and watch the link but we had to shut the doors for the one on women's rights. we couldn't fit anymore. we collected -- i'm wondering, we have talked about this but can you be a little more granular what a women -- i'm assuming we all think there should be a women's movement but how that movement will take shape and what it will look like at a slightly more granular level. >> yeah. i mean, think that one of the challenges is going to be ahead of a woman's movement and intersectional and more ewan unified women's movement which we need and we're in the process, things like this march and the election itself itch feel like especially the end of
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the campaign was getting us toward that. one of the challenges that it faces is there are so many fronts to look at. so many directions so there is the rollback of reproductive autonomy. you have to like at title x, the planned parenthood defending, repeal of the aca and specifically the repeal of the contraceptive mandate. then look at state laws, state legislators where are passing new and ever more than inventive kind of bans. look third supreme court nominations. that is such a multitent called threat. then issues like immigration, deportations, criminal justice reform. all of these things are feminist issues and disproportionately impact women and women of color, specifically. and so -- because the assault that we're about i fear that we are really now in the midst of,
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i guess, experiencing, is going to be in all those directions. i think that there's -- the granular response is, we have to do a little bit of everything but that the challenge for those who are interested in our own directions is to try to keep communication lines open and messaging out there about how this is part of a women's movement. so this is -- i'm probably not actually answering the question you want me to answer, which is what deindividually. >> you're answering it. was asking you what a electrictive -- collective would look like. fatima talked about the need for a broader progressive movement to embrace these issues as well, which goes beyond a women's movement. because there's so much discussion about the state of the, quote, women's movement, i just -- you're wanting it. >> the key dish don't know what the method it except open lines of communication, not being afraid of the things like
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argument, understanding that that's part of the communication, and keeping an -- if we can begin to feel better bat femininity movement and understand it is raucous and diverse and the challenge is for all of us who will be working in all these different avenues to talk to each other, whether you're volunteering, whether it's your profession that is -- whether you are working on legal address of this, or whether you are offering your time or donating money to be in communication and and to stay tourous about -- to listen to other people and seek out other people who are doing other things but possibly also with an eye toward getting us closer to gender equality and also unfortunately protecting what we have so far. we're also moving moving movingo directions. it's going to be continuing to
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try to find a way to imagine moving forward at the same time we're trying to stop ourselves from sliding back. so i goods my only answer is about trying to communicate, not just telling people what we are doing but asking other people what they're doing. and really all of is working to conceive on how these different things are fundamentally part of the united project. >> what is the p & p community? >> guest: we have never actually done a formal breakdown of all our customers. we can generally tell, the majority of them live in northwest d.c. and we pull from maryland and virginia and other parts of the district of columbia. they tend to skew older, tend to be probably more democratic than republican, although we have a number of republican and conservative customers, and so
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it's somewhat varied, but also i think largely of a certain mind. >> guest: i would say that in addition to the washington community, we are the probably now unfortunately with the dem miles of some book stores -- there's some really great in smaller book stores we are the main attraction for independent book stores in terms of size and programming because of our history and what we have been able to do over a 30-year history here. but we are also really, really lucky in that we have something of a national audience. so, we will get members two toe join our store from other parts of the country and hear from people in other parts of the country. we have people visit from other parts of the country. so while we are first and for most a local bricks and mortar community book store we feel that we have an audience that goes broader than the d.c. area.
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>> is this coordinated among independent book stores? because teach-ins seem to be happening across the country. >> guest: there's no coordination but we're frequently in touch with colleagues at other stores, we we just at a national conference [overlapping of over 600 book sellers and this was the topic of conversation. what do we do now. how do we respond to what we're hearing from our customers? in the aftermath of the election. so, there are lot of varying responses. book stores are not all responding the same way. they're taking cues from their communities, and many book stores are at very different kinds of communities around the country, some more left leaning, some more right leaning, some very mixed. so, but we do see other kinds of teach-ins. maybe not even called that but
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similar kind of forums going on, and other sorts of reactions. >> host: a customer walks in and says, i want to understand donald trump better. what is one book you would recommend and one book you would recommend? >> guest: well, they could read david k. johnson riz book about donald trump or the "washington post's" reporters did -- he's from "the new york times" -- the "washington post" mark fisher did one -- good books boo start with you want too understand the biography and the life patterns of donald trump. >> guest: then the other books doing well are books about segments of the population that voted for donald trump. the best sell in that regard is vans' hi hillbilly eulogy."
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>> training -- strangers in their own land. >> host: do you sell "art of the deal"? >> guest: i think we have that. >> guest: yeah. not in stock this very minute. >> guest: might not be prominentlysive played. >> host: what's they thought process about your front window books you display in the front window? >> guest: our front window changes. we do it seasonally or theme mat likely. we have giant window sized poster that says, all are welcome and we're very proud of that. our graphic design person on staff, who is immensely talented, did that for us and we really spent a lot of time with our staff dependses what we wanted to it look like and she
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gave us a choices. has a double helix. >> guest: meaning genetic, all are welcome. and we're proud of that. that just went up literally a few days ago and we have a big poster advertising our teach insures which we're excited about. the books change fairly frequently. >> guest: we do have a display dedicated to our teach-ins that have books featuring civil liberties, women's rights and immigration. >> guest: and climate change. other issues just clearly on the docket right now. >> host: we're taping this the beginning of march. have your views changed since november 9th? have the emotions subsided at all? >> guest: well issue think the initial shock has abated some, but -- no in general i think
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many of the customer we hear from are still feeling very emotional about the outcome and are still searching for things to do, ways to channel their feelings, and become more active. >> guest: i would say that from november 9th to now, there's for me what has increased steadily is my belief in the necessity of independent book stores and what they do for their communities. that these sorts of institutions, bev it's book store or other swim already entity, -- entitity, absolutely essential. feel the same way about the newspapers and judiciary and a lot of institutions or organizations that represent these fundamental democratic values that are sometimes difficult, right? free speech is difficult sometimes. we don't like it when the courts rule against something we care about. but these are institutions that are fundamental to us and not
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that we take them for grandparented, but right now, i think i feel that a place like politics and prose, an independent become store, it's role in community and defending principles and reminding people and providing a place for discussion and a place for discourse in a civil and respectful way, is more important than i ever imagined it would be. >> host: and of course booktv is out here frequently covering authors. we also cover authors at 6th 6th and i, historic synagogue and at bus boys and poets. what's your connection to those institutions. >> guest: well, sixth and i, we cosponsor many of -- many events with them. men there's an author that is so popular that the awens is likely too large for the store, we will coordinate with sixth and i and do the event over there. >> like megan:kelly.
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>> guest: right. and so those are cosponsored events. at that bus boys and poets that's an arrangement that was started a couple of years ago where we took over the operation of the book section in those restaurants and several of the half a dozen bus boys and poets in the d.c. area, and also we occasionally sponsor author talks in some of those restaurants, because each bus boys and poets has a separate room with a stage and a sound system that is conducive an author talk. >> host: the obamas are regular customers of yours and i'm sure the clintons were as well. what if president trump came in to buy book. >> guest: i wouldn't say they were regular. president obama was here a couple times and michelle obama
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did come here for a signing, and the clintoned have pop in a few times and president clinton did a couple of signings here and we did do an event offsite, very large event, for hillary clinton's last book. but, look, i think we would welcome president trump. we have been hoping with vice president pence was living not too far from the store here, before he moved into the vice president's residence, we were hoping he would stop by. never did. but never too late. >> guest: i think it would be great if donald trump came to a book store, any book store, and ours would be -- since it would be his local book store, that would be fine. that would be a good sign to me. of many things. >> host: if people wanted to be involved in the teach-in, attend, watch on facebook, what's the best way to get the information?
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>> guest: well, we even find it on our web site. as soon as we have a date we put it out there. you can sign up for the weekly e-mails which blast out to many, many, many people and we always announce them there. so those are probably the best ways. calling the store which our staff will not be happy to hear my say because they'll be indone dated with phone calls but the web site has and it the weekly i'm es. if you sign up for the weekly e-mail it comes to you. >> there's a lot of video strong that p & p does even if book tv is not here. >> guest: yes, and we announce agency on social media. >> host: lissa muss mass ask teen and bradley graham owner of politics and prose. [inaudible conversations] discussion number.
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>> book tv is live this weekend from charlottesville for the virginia festival of the book. and as you can see, people are starting to get settled into the charlottesville city council chimbers and we'll he here for caution on nuclear war. booktv on c-span 2, live coverage of the virginia festival of the book. [inaudible conversations] >> here's a look at books become publish evidence this week.
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fox news bill o'reilly weighs in onmers well tyler divide in old school. january away farrell chronicles the political career of pepperdine richmond nixon. and annie jacobsen offers a secret history of u.s. intelligence agencies and will joan is line on "in depth" on sunday, april 2nd to discuss her many books and take your questions. former congressman tray radel discusses his experiences running for and then resigning from office, and also being published. 14 exonerated inmates share stories stories of wrongful convictions in "anatomy of innocence." historian recalls the leadup to lenin's 1917 -- and eric leu
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shares strategies on empowering citizens in "you're more powerful than how to. the" match for many of the authors in future on booktv on c-span2. >> one thing that would have put in the book -- put more of in the book is much more explicit argument about just how bad things can get if we don't have that international order which i believe absolutely requires american military strength. and i think it could get very, very bad. so, these are all regional conflicts, but you can pull back from one ask discount have a bearing on the other. i don't think dish really don't think that's the case. we do live a globalized world and these things are interconnected if we were to pull back from that the consequences would be get mump as the region but more globally.
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>> well, i would just -- whether you look the world through the lens that elliott just described of the rules based normative order we have created after 1945, with the help of other countries and international institutions, or even if you're looking at it from the point of view of america first, more jobs for americans, our prosperity has rested historically on freedom of access to global commons and freedom hoff the seas which we -- freedom of the seas which we have advocated since our birth as nation and what china is doing is essentially chipping away at that principle. and so, yes, it goes the strength of our allies but goes to something even more fundamental which is the underpinning of the entire system on which the free flow of global commerce and international trade and the prosperity of much of the world depends. and it's for that reason i think
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we -- it's why we care about the south china sea or the east china sea. and the challenge that we face, this goes to hall's point of the changing regional balances -- is that some of the rising regional powers or some cases declining regional powers exerting themselves to more completely dominate their own regions, has found that they can -- if they can take certain actions that fall below the threshold that would normally elicit a military response from us, they can through a series of slices begin to chip away the foundations of this order, and so we're faced with a very challenging question. as china militarizes these land reclaimation projects, sand bars they're building, starts to put air strips on them. a what point do you respond' when the put hq9 antiaircraft
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missiles on do you take them out then? maybe not. that would seem like a small step that warranted a massive u.s. military response that would put is in a conflict with china. so maybe you wait until they've didn't on two islands. is that enough? it what about three, ten, 100? what about when you wake up one day expound that they've created an air defense information zone over the area and you knock longer fly over it. this is a challenge, i think, that we face and it's not just in the south china sea. it's elsewhere as well. >> i'm not sure what pulling back actually means in the geo graphic context of the well-pacific. where the united states has territory, american citizens represented in congress in the western pacific. so pulling back to u.s. territory means pulling back to guam. that's that's not really -- that's never been a very
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realistic geopolitical option. >> just two brief opinions 'one toke co something that elliott said. we need rediscover our imagination of the tragic in terms of think about what a real breakdown of international order can look like, because we have been blessed to have this order for the past 70 years, but it's hard for people to today understand what can happen when things really go wrong. the second point is that i echo everything that has been said about the importance of the south china sea and for any administration, whether that was the obama administration in 15 and 16 or the trumped a administration today it's important to have a firm idea what you're trying to accomplish in south china sea and whether you're willing to use the level of coercion necessary to bring that about. so, i'm all for taking a harder line with china. if you take the comment that rex tillerson made any hearing that we are going to deny china
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