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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2017 1:20pm-1:31pm EDT

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house was sold and renovated and subdivided with marble bathrooms the whole deal. the first people to move in where people the would never meet in the old brooklyn and editor real simple. a wall street trader the same block the same house all of brooklyn new brooklyn.
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. >> 41 years in n.y.p.d. courage cover bravery, integrity and those
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to keep you up at night as a precinct commander they knew that they did not trust so went to internal affairs about those commanding officers of board to meet with them on a regular basis. so flu in your commander you concerned about? who keeps you up at night? we will not the case in your command they will think and not doing a good job. if you are part of that team to come negative looking well so the other cops are
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willing to tell you if your willing to listen to to stay away from and who they do not want to work with. >> i am reminded of a story from grand rapids michigan from a meat packing company the inspectors can buy for visit neighboring in the break firm the materials from the counter and one of the u.s. deet -- one the usda inspector became offended can you imagine government agents summoning someone to their own office? they told him you remove the materials because their offensive or we will remove
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our meat inspectors. i have now been educated but if you remove the meat inspectors they have to shut down the business. thirty-five people put data for. so he did as he was ordered to do to remove the materials and has filed a formal complaint purposes why alliance defending freedom is urging president trump to protect religious liberty to protect people like us president reagan i was a junior in high school he was my favorite president said freedom is one generation away from extinction. last year became close we
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rather immoral to pinpoint but i believe god is the second chance because of the next generation coming up behind us of young men and women who were not ashamed to stand up for freedom and liberty i want to tell you about some of those stories and young man named carter brewer his teammates decided to protest the national anthem by remaining inside the locker room. but carter chose to stand alone on the sidelines. and he did so as his teammates were empowered in their save space in the locker room. the young man and his father
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serving our great nation he was in class and his liberal teacher explained freedom of expression so the teacher tried to set an american flag on fire in the classroom. but the teacher cannot get the lighter to work so he through old glory on to the floor than one stomp on it a 16 year-old patriots rushed to the front of the classroom to snatch it off the ground to run out of the classroom so would no longer be desecrated he refuses to stand by and do nothing as a flag was desecrated i have hope it wasn't long ago that
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a federal judge appointed to the bench said if they engage in anything religious they would be fined $10,000 per violation but just so happened there doing eight performance of how great thou art that is popular in the church that i intend and those were afraid there have to multiply the number of write-in thousand dollars that is a lot of cookie sales soleil called the kids to the front office on sari you cannot perform your halftime routine. i want to pause and say once again the importance not just of the supreme court but the lower courts as well.
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friday night football game was hot and humid as the of players walked off the field at halftime a hush fell over the stadium. they did not know what to do there was no marching band. suddenly a young lady started to sing a familiar song. one by one the people in the same ends --- sustains began to sing and then the entire state rose to their feet in defiance of their government to seeing how great thou art so the question i posed move will stand with the alex of the world and the good people of madison
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mississippi? the liberals try to silence our voices but we cannot be silenced we must not. the ticket stand for religious liberty with the great state of mississippi spreading like wildfire across the of rigid plane. silence in the face of evil is evil itself. not to act is to act but i believe for every freedom loving patriot in america the time is come for all of us to stand together to declare we are one nation under god.
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[inaudible conversations] >> keyword watching book tv on c-span2 hour live coverage of the 15th annual annapolis book festival now former nsa director michael hayden discussing terrorism and intelligence. [inaudible conversations] >> welcome to this event at the annapolis book festival i make keys school parent listens to graduated them also a professor at the naval academy


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