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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2017 10:21am-10:32am EDT

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>> and that was the first part of the reading of "night." you can see more of this program at 1:30 p.m. eastern time. >> l1)il0 war is really a look at what i feel is the new form
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of warfare that is emerging in the 21st century. i've covered national security affairs for over 30 years, been all over the world covering these issues. i think it's a reflection of the information age that we are now looking at this new form of warfare which i call information warfare. i define that as both the technical cyber that we've seen so much of in terms of cyber attacks from the russians and chinese, as well as the content, influenced type of thing which really emerged in the last presidential election with the russian, what's been called the cyber enabled influence operation. so these two things i believe are going to be the dominant form of warfare. >> watch tonight at nine eastern on c-span2's booktv. >> after testifying before congress and make a front page
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news with the sunnyside case, grace returned to new york and once again threw herself into the strange and unusual case that some always found a way to her desk. she fought against the same doctor who tormented the famous reporter nellie bly when she went undercover at an insane asylum. and was marked for death by the sinister black hand, the italian crime organization that use secret codes and mystical rituals. eventually one of her which society friends called to tell her that a girl had gone missing in new york and begged her to meet with the father of the girl. by the time grace agreed to take the case, ruth's photo had appeared in newspapers all over the country. her image even flickered in front of movie theater audiences. the press drawn to the story of a party sunday school teacher he was banished openly suspected
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white slavery, foul play and romantic entanglement. sometimes all in the same story. juicy clues were flooding the detective precincts but none of them and out. but grace took a different approach to the case. she locked herself in office for a week to study every scrap of paper related to it. grace had been trained as a lawyer but her inability to trust the police or even the law itself had over the last few years turned her into more of a detective. now at age 48, her formula was to search for clues herself. verify them and use them in the courtroom to make her arguments. she didn't trust the police so she effectively just found on evidence. in this case grace kept coming back to alfredo company much sharpened her skates pyxis in question by detective, yet also disappeared.
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the most of his neighbors speculated he simply feared being made a scapegoat for the crime. especially because he was italian. the police had seen could blame his pip for anything in those days. and it's too at this time the everyone blamed the types if anything was criminally related they which is blamed the italians. though the place up and searched his motorcycle shop was the last place ruth had been seen. grace wanted to see it herself. this is how grace ended up standing in the middle of manhattan avenue and harlem and stared up at the metropolitan motorcycle shop in june of 1917. grace craned her neck and took in the tall glass windows that ran almost ten feet high across the front of the store. the white lettering across the class read motorcycle storing on the left, and out of supplies on the right. she saw ten signs for mobil oil
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that hung still in the air. a single globe lamp hung off a a pole in front of the entrance and huge billboard for graham crackers is big and long as a shop itself rose off the roof and into the blue sky. the inside of the shop was dim behind the smoke class. maria, alfredo zweig, had been left behind and was now winter has been disappeared and was not desperately trying to keep the store afloat. she had two small children. maria who claimed to have no knowledge of where her husband was and refused any further searching of the premises. the police were no help either. as grace moved from desk to desk and city buildings trying to gain entrance to the store, lisa facials smiled and said their hands were tied. grace was limited to what she could see from the outside. there were two signs in the
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window that red mechanics help-wanted, and selling out. on the outside to the left of the front door was a narrow still what it sank into the ground and served as a separate entrance to the basement. grace walked near the stairs as unobtrusively as possible. grace knew him like a knot that all of her misgivings about the store were all circumstantial. the police had searched the seller twice and found nothing but absence. the rest was gossip and headlines. why was he missing? because it taken the girl? because he had been spirited away by the same themes were taken poor ruth, or was he just terrified at being blamed by proximity? perhaps a more sinister forces at work. such as the rumored white slavery ring that stretched all the way down to brazil. why was this the work of the black hand?
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there were even rumors that he had been very friendly with the motorcycle cops in his neighborhood. grace knew that those questions be the most dangerous ones, but they still had to be asked. grace paused, considering the options that play in her mind, intersecting like the city itself still struggling to connect its new boroughs into one unified whole. perhaps ruth and coach you with a happy couple in the central. that version of the truth seemed remote but still, grace went back to her office thinking through the heat try to come up with a plan. when she got to her office, she called her good friend, the private detective named julius. he was a federal agent when he was first assigned to grace during her u.s. district attorney days. one of the things i find out, she was the first female u.s.
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district attorney. this is i think a major historical point, and you have to look really, really really, really hard to find it anywhere. it's a major accomplishment. >> you can watch this and other programs online at >> this is booktv on c-span2, television for serious readers. here's our primetime lineup.
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>> c-span could not have picked a more appropriate place to highlight dynamic intersections of history and literature. the creative coalition has been happening right here in our community since its founding. albemarle county has been home to two united states presidents, thomas jeffersons monticello, and james mun rose island. it's from albemarle county that meriwether lewis and william clark set off on their core discovery expedition, the first american expedition to cross but
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then american west. of course all these historic figures were prolific writers and chronicle of events of their times. giving us a front row seat in the formation of our country and our government. >> welcome to charlottesville, virginia, on booktv. founded in 1762, charlottesville is the seed of albemarle county with a population of about 50,000. known for its rich history, this he attracts numerous people every year to explore monticel monticello, the home of thomas jefferson as well as the university of virginia founded by jefferson in 1819. with help help of our cable comcast cable partners for the next 90 minutes we will learn about the cities history and literary culture from local authors. we begin with a driving tour of the city. >> charlottesville is divided into three parts.


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