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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2017 4:58pm-5:05pm EDT

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their home states and districts because a look of what they're up to during the august recess. senator rand paul took a tour of an industrial hemp farm in murray kentucky that's working on a research project with the murray state university. he posted some pictures to facebook calling the owners great examples of the entrepreneurial nature of the kentucky farmer. and in texas congressman will hurt is visiting a local dairy queens in his congressional district holding town halls and informal gatherings any constituents the south and west texas. he's been chronicling the journey he calls d.c. to dq on social media. here's a look. >> hey, youtube, this is congressman will hurd their ongoing live on second day of d.c. to dq pic if you haven't been following us, this is 20 stops in six days, meeting with constituents in the 23rd congressional district of texas, 29 counties, two time zones, 82.
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>> congress returns september 5 with a busy fall head. on the list of issues to take up this fall include passing a federal spending bill by the september 30 deadline to fund the federal government floor votes are expected by the end of the year on reforming the tax code and raising the debt ceiling. all the full distance is expected to continue work on healthcare reform holding committee hearings next month to watch live gavel to gavel coverage of the house on c-span and the senate on c-span2. >> c-span has been on the road meeting with winners of this year's studentcam video documentary competition. in laramie, wyoming, gathers with family and school officials except her first-place prize of $3000 for her documentary on wyoming's dependence on fossil fuels. ..
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about five hours in sioux falls, south dakota, caleb muller and patrick henry middle school received the third-place prize of 750,000 on his documentary on the national debt. classmate aiden all find one honorable mention and a prize of $250 for his documentary on marijuana. in nearby thomas a edison middle school a number of students one honorable mention in $250. group.
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sarah one. document on the national debt. joe, brady, and sean once there documentary on terrorism. lauren, mia, and haley also received honorable mentions for their documentary on global warming here. thank you to all the students who took part in our 2017 student cam documentary competition. to watch the videos go to student cam .org and student cam 2018 starts in september with the constitution in you. we're asking students to choose any provision for the u.s. constitution and create a video illustrating why the provision is important. >> saturday night on book tv beginning at 9:00 p.m. eastern former marine corps officer tracy crowe and jerry bell, formal naval officer, talk about the history of women in the military in their book is my country, too.
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women's military stories from the american revolution to afghanistan. >> for so long women's stories, women's military stories, had been discounted or appropriated by others. she felt like the timing was right. it was time to give these women a voice. >> we are not a social experiment. we were soldiers; we were sailors. we ended up in iraq and afghanistan doing the same jobs in many cases of the men. but we came home to a country that did not recognize many of us as veterans but with the same physical and moral injuries as the men. >> at 10:00 p.m., "after words". arizona senator jeff lake calls for a return to core conservative principles in his book conscience of a conservative. he's interviewed by sc club, new york daily news columnist.
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>> how do you make the case that the health of conservativism is an urgent matter that has real world indications? >> you can split two things. you can win elections and if you are doing that for the sake of winning elections then, yeah, we can do that but if, we as conservatives, want to enact conservative policy then you have to treat an election like how do we set this up for governing in ways that we can move forward with our agenda. >> at 11:00 p.m. robert o'neill participated in the killing of osama bin laden on his military career and his participation in 400 other missions in his book the operator: firing the shot that killed, bin laden in my years as a seal team warrior. >> we didn't have a line of was going where the guys who brought me up to the bedroom and pulled
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me aside and said don't take this the wrong way but i'm going. if we know we will die, why would we. [inaudible] i said were not going for fame and were not going for. [inaudible] going to the mom who drops her kids off at school on a tuesday morning and 45 minutes later she jumped to her death out of a skyscraper. >> watch saturday night beginning with tracy crowe and jerry bell at 9:00 p.m. followed by "after words" with senator jeff lake at 10:00 p.m. eastern and robert o'neill at 11:00 p.m. on c-span to book tv. >> former judges the supreme court's in colorado and indiana talk about the


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