tv The Operator CSPAN August 12, 2017 11:02pm-11:54pm EDT
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before shipping head to the war college in washington, d.c. to the medical museum there. so the process come it a conclusion in materials of that being the last major campaign against california indians but it doesn't moon genocide absolutely stops there. >> and madly associate professor at ucla and author of this book, and american genocide, the u.s. and the california indian catastrophe 1846 to 1873. thanks for joining us on booktv. >> thanks very much. >> next on booktv robert o'neal the formally navy s.e.a.l. credited with a killing of osama bin laden talks about his military career and some of the 400 missions he participated in. this program contains language that some may find offensive. >> it is my pleasure to welcome you here today.
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♪ at the twilights last gleaming ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ ore the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming ♪ ♪ and the rockets red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air ♪ gave proof through the night ♪ that our flag was still there ♪ oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ ore the land of the free ♪ ♪ and the home of the brave ♪
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foundation john barr and sandy quin. [applause] orange county supervisor john spitzer. [applause] members of the yorba linda city council including mayor peggy hernandez seth, and city manager mark calone. [applause] close friends of the richard nixon foundation ruth and marita and ruth c. shannon. mike the national archives and record administration director of the nixon library and his associates cliff wallace director of education. [applause] thank you. and our most important reare
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source that is the envy of the other 12 presidential libraries, those who are here tonight who represent our 150 volunteer, thank you. the nixon foundation is largely supported by its members. membership support educational pral and opportunities for our youth to engage in civic discourse and learning memberships also support special engagement of programs like this evening's event. the impact of your fellow of support allows foundation continued -- to continue its important work allows president nixon's core vision of building a lasting structure of peace and building a more just society at home to expand to other parts of the country and the world and make differences in people's lives. if you're not already a member, and encourage you to join us this evening we have a
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membership table appropriately a and the court, we can enter this evening you can become part of the extended nixon family. now, president nixon was a navy man. he was exempt from the trap of world world war ii because of his faith as a quaker and never backed down enlisted voluntarily in the u.s. navy served honorably in air airport command becoming officer in charming at the canal in the islands. while he was honorably discharged in 1946, he didn't retire from the u.s. naval reserve until 20 years later 1996. during which time he served as the u.s. congressman, a u.s. senator, and vice president of the united states. as president, richgd are nixon commitment to the u.s. military was unwaiverring. upon entering office he faced
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reality that young men have been shipped off by thousands to fight in jungle of vietnam facig that challenge richard nixon focused on negotiating the end to american involvement in vietnam and brought our soldier home. in negotiated the release of all american p.o.w. from the prison of north vietnam and welcomed them home in 1973. he tended the draft in instituted today's all volunteer military. today's secretary of defense jim mattis recently visited the nixon library and from this very podium said an enemy on 9/11 who thought they could scare us by hurting us -- the maniac who murdered over 3,000 innocent citizens of our country and 0 other countries that day have is all been taught a hard lesson by the all volunteer military that president nixon was confident. could protect our country end quote.
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that's why the foundation is so hon norred today to have robert o'neal as our guest. and it's now my pleasure to intercourse our speaker and this evening's mod ray he is a highly decorated combat veteran and man who killed osama bin laden. [applause] while wear withing equipment gleyed steps from here in the water and the court, equipment which is on for first time i might add neil fired shots to kill osama bin laden during the raid on his compound in pakistan and may 2nd, 2011. robert o'neal participated in hundreds of top secret missions including rescue of captain richard phillips from somali pirates in 2009.
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and he led to heroining retrieval of marcus the lone survivor in afghanistan in the summer of 2005. [applause] >> following his hon nocialt discharge from the navy in 2012, rob cofounded grateful nation a nonprofit that help military elite veteran transition into their next successful career. raul will be joined this evening on stage by rob clapper, rob served in the army for two decades and was deployed all over the world an he received general douglas leadership author award for oustanding leadership throughout his army career and honored that distinguished him for more than 35,000 officers. rob will be joined on stage tonight with gunner. his lovable black lab service dog. ladies and gentlemen, please
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army guy needed a navy guy to do it. i'm going to give you a break. [laughter] >> wasn't that interesting sung by senator kidd rock too soon? >> maybe. east, wow what a crowd. awesome. man you look really good. thank you who picked out your wardrobe? [laughter] just joking and seriously -- nots going to say because we're in the presidential library. >> man. so well, great to see so many wonderful friendly faces, those of you that aren't friendly qk to stand in the back. [laughter] but great to have you request us. we're going to go ahead and jump many you guys have been patient in waiting so -- so hey, rob, the one question everybody wants to know is -- how did a guy from montana end up in the navy much less having
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a career like you . >> that's funny concern -- that's a really interesting question because i'm a big believer that -- that life is what happens around you while you're making a plan. that 95% of the stuff that you worry about never whats anyway so kind of like -- i join navy because of a girl. [laughter] on accident and it's actually the first sentence in any book the operator is about that. i have my heartbroken by a girl named hillary in montana, and i'm -- i was never going to join the military and never a lifelong dream but i decided to get out of town and i have two friends two years oldering than me that wanted to be a marine growing up and when they graduated high school they joined marine corps. same day went to paris island together and i remember thinking that's awesome. marines are tough. they're strong, confident uniforms are incredible and when
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i decide to leave town i was like i want to do that and join marine corps. so i went to join the marine and lucky to have it because seems better to be lucky than it is to be good. marine recruiter was not in the office. [laughter] and the -- navy guy was -- so i looked over there, and only reason i went into the navy to his office because my two marine friends told me something i didn't know and many of you may not know . they said that the marine corps. is actually part of the department of the navy. [laughter] just it's just a men's department. [laughter] i went in there to ask him where's the marines? because if anyone will know where he was he was why a marine? well i want to be a snipe or and marines have the best snipers in the world well look no further. we have snipers right here in the navy you need to be a seal first no big deal but -- kind of glossed over that whole thing, so you have to figure i'm
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a 19-year-old kid from montana. that didn't know how to swim -- not a lot of swimming going on so very cold up there high altitudes and i'm 19 and naive this guy a professional recruiter why will he lie to me? [laughter] and i signed up that day. and then he made me -- made me watch recruiting video after he signed paperwork i was man i'm in a pickle here i don't know how to swim but with the government to be dealing -- it then i started thinking well -- okay i found out about fuel training i probably won't make it through but probably an adventure i'll go there and probably won't make it through seal train four years i'll have stories when i come back and i qengt to the navy. learned like 59% of the all volunteer military is there buff a girl. [laughter] and -- i worked hard and just because -- you know that day because of a
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girl and not knowing how to swim and joining navy and bin laden's bedroom it is proof it doesn't matter where you're from or what you look like you can do anything you want as long as you avoid negativity and work hard and never quit and run away from a girl. [laughter] [applause] you have to figure a lot of things out because of a girl look at our 45th president. [laughter] be hillary that's funny. [applause] i saw this and wouldn't get lil, and that went out the door. [laughter] so i think while you touched on it but they want to know so you department know how to swim. okay, with that might be something you need to do for seal training. >> how did that map like i said i didn't know how to swim but i figured how hard could it be and
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i went to -- i went to the pool i played a year of college football montana second up there e they have a pool, and i didn't know any technique standing at the edge of the pool, and i'm like okay 25 meters down 25 meters back -- i'll swim a thousand meters you know just gauge my work without from there and that was fine. everything was working out with my plan. until i entered the water -- that's -- [applause] so i made it down to the end and sort of back so i could touch my toes like man i'm in pickle two lanes nots even 50 yards and i'm exhausted and a buddy of mine that i wect to high school with one of the few guys who swim he did swim in notre dame he said name is mike chris cool hey don't worry i've never seen you -- in the pool before. today -- what gives? >> i just joined the navy today and i'm going to be a seal. [laughter]
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he said yeah not like that he taught me the breast and side stroke is and i signed up for delayed entry so buddy of mine taught me in five months how to swim, and -- then i went to the navy. [laughter] past forward made it through boot camp got through -- southern california, so talk about, you know, kind of your first couple of experiences with -- >> every seal goes through training south of san diego called basic underwater demolition seal training or bud as we call it. a hard training of the world. you know 5% of the peel try out don't make it. it's in a -- it's tough. it's in a lot of books a lot of movies and it's essentially just like a beat down for eight months. where it gets, it gets so hard i
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remember, i remember being there. i can see it as if it was yesterday where it's like i -- i know i have a past acame from somewhere but i don't have a future i'm just going to be in hell as far as i can are tell. that's it. and that's when we started to learn how to compartmentalize everything and not from now to graduation and good information from life but how do i get this long-term goal done but wake up in the morning on time and make your bed the right way and then brush your teeth little victories make it to 5 a.m. workout on time and then make it to breakfast after breakfast think about getting to lunch and dinner, and do everything you neededded to to get back in that perfectly made bed regardless of how u bad your day was you get a fresh start tomorrow because the day and bed ised made. and -- i had instructor tell me when you feel like quitting which you will, and yids every day don't quit now. but quit tomorrow. what's it a little victory.
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and then all of a sudden five days before graduation i remember thinking, well shit now i'm a navy s.e.a.l. what am i supposed to do? but victory at a time and get into that. but seal training was -- a flutter kicks and it was a mile from there to chow hall so every day we were running six miles just to eat. and that's not even working out that's to get to o the chow hall additional -- 14 miles a day and really tough course but that's -- one of the strengths with navy s.e.a.l. is sense of humor you can't laugh at yourself. but what kind of horrible decision why did she dump me ? why am i here? you're going to qish -- they come with a sense of hiewrl that's again god advice for life
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don't be afraid to enjoy yourself. smile because -- think about this, money of us are get out of this alive. [laughter] i don't believe in statistics but i believe 10 out of 10 die so enjoy yourself. question talk -- you talk about sense of humor -- and e clearly army guys have much better ones. >> absolutely. but -- they have a lot of time to think about jokes and on the missions -- yes. [applause] we won't talk about who pulled you off a mountain side. so -- [laughter] so you talk about the sense of humor. >> yes. >> why don't you share one or two stories in train aring when you got introduced to sense of humor. >> first time realized there's a sense of humor aspect was they had -- 220 of us to start about 208
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navy sailors that wanted to be seals and read books, seals read a lot of them and seen movies but we didn't know what seal training was -- like what do we do every day and show up. so they actually sat us in a room and brought a seal instructor in to explain to us what we're going to do like here's what bud is. here's what -- by the way, you can tell with the bash sense of humor is comonl among special and military, and we learn first day that the instructor came in, walking on a stage kind of like this, and we're looking at him like you're looking at me. except we're terrified. like this guy is superman you can kill us if you want to, so he's looking, he's the first seal we ever met he looks like a seal camouflage and shined boots blue t-shirt and instructor, you know guy is ripped he's got tattoos down to his knuckles
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he's a navy s.e.a.l. to ridiculously good looking. [applause] [laughter] and -- he stood on the stage is and relished in the silence and then he finally provoked it by saying looking good today, jim. not you, me. [laughter] i know you're thinking i look tired i had to get my wife out of jail. [laughter] she was arrested for shoplifting early orier that afternoon we were leaving the mall together. she had her arm arranged me. security thought she was trying to steal anatomy chart. [laughter] and we're sitting there like what is this psychopath talk about. so what we later realized is he was messing with us. he was early, he was bored and done it before and a he thought
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he would have fun so he should realize other than he might decapitate this guy is funny. so that kind of used to kind of a rocky edge dry sense of humor that's what he got used to and saw on the bin laden mission to fast forward too much. but i was in the helicopter that didn't crash. [laughter] which is -- which is a good they think. and when we got we dpght know other one crash, and fast forward but we got this side the house and i didn't know it crashed other guy didn't know it crashed an we're inside and one of the guys bomb the helicopter and the helicopter crash. and what comet crashed? i'm thinking they sent guys in to shut down and lost 30 of our friends bro our helicopter crashed in the front yard. he walked right past it. [laughter] so i'm trying to calculate this in my head as i'm doing so one of the snipers that had dog was running around the entire xowngd make sure there was no out and he went up to the famous spot
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where he could see the tail that helicopter -- right and she came to that and as we're having this conversation he come e over to radio he said hey be on alert their ready for us. they have a training, mockup of our supersecret helicopter. [laughter] in the front yard! and this is not most important mission since normandy and you heard him say no you jackass that's ours. he's trash. [laughter] and you have this awkward pause -- and he said, yeah that makes a lot more sense the shit i was just saying. [laughter] so we said funny the whole time -- so, obviously, field training is relatively long there's lots of ups and downs lout it but what's the one story -- probably related i don't know
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not -- but what's the one story about, you know, never -- never quit. there's a we would every day to make sure you stick around to fail for time whatever the test is. it just -- keep you in the program and hard to understand. it's not like an algorithm to type code basically a test is simple. simple to understand not simple to do with a 50 meet or underwater swim so jump in the pool do a flip underwater without a site from the football field simple, bad. but like a nautical while from the current, fast and retire hands behind our becomes and feet together and throw us in the deep end of the pool 45 minutes in a time doing exhaling air out of your lungs, go up top, inhale and swim hundreds of meet eshes an throw pen or mas and you have to grab them off bottom with your teeth. but the test there is
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introducing you with like not able to breathe. but they're instilling in you panic will not help. chill out so i have to drown proofing i found it relaxing because that was an hour a day they could not. but test we had was underwater knot tieing they tie a rope to the width of a pool a foot off the bottom. so 14 feet down is a rope and then on the surface there will be a student and instructor. one-on-one and student has a knot in the rope of his own so we know how to tie notes so tie a series of knots he tells you with this rope around that rope so on the surface, and he said go tie a bowling knot -- so he holds breaths and swim down, and instructor stay is on the surface request this snorkel and mask so he's breathing he's watching so down to your bowling knot and you back off stay down there. he's coming down slowly -- and like look at the knot and look at student.
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ingand act like he's never seent before and first one is always wrong. so got to go back up and untie bowling knot and retie the exact same knot. hands out been about a minute and 15 seconds and he comes down it like yeah, that's it so untie the knot get to the surface one breath of air and that's enough time to tie a square p. so another minute. minute 15 seconds a right angle anyway for the test that's simple. five knots in a right way in a row you pass. friend of mine john on his last attempt. they'll let you try certain amount of times john didn't get five knots right now he'll never be a neigh navy s.e.a.l. to that's a lot of pressure so on fifth knot he drowns. so the instructor came down to get him. he's not trying to kill him so
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he grab johnny and threw him over side of the pool and rolled them over yelling for e coreman medic gathering his stuff and running arranged instructor realizings too much time and starts a stern rub and then he started cpr, and we could actually hear him yelling come back to the light. so john was out for a minute and a half and spit up water out of his lungs and first words out of his mouth were did i pass? so instructor kind of sat and -- he can see him getting color back in his face because he gets to keep his job. because he didn't kill him. [laughter] and he goes, yeah, man you're fast. and john said thank god i finally tied the fifth knot. and instructor said well, you didn't -- look -- i mean a greated mood right now so i'm going to let you in on a little secret i don't care how
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many you know how to tie that's not a curriculum to see how far you'll push yourself. you just killed yourself you passed a god damn test. [applause] [laughter] so that's a medic with attitude you graduate, go on to what was your first -- >> two, and they're just divided by number so odd numbers are -- in scrag. one, three, five and seven and in west virginia. we're not there. just more training about a year worth of training and then overseas pre9/11. >> so -- fast forward 9/11 happened -- you know, what one what's going through your head and two, you have a major chain, you know, major career change. 9/11 was, you know, we were all affected by this some more than others but when we saw it happened i was deployed already
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overseas and saw it happened and hit the south tower it didn't take 15 second ises for someone to save osama bin laden he was tied up and whole thing was why while you'ren playing mien play was to after i found out what a seal was be in the navy and go to be in montana and tell them. i met the guy -- so i reenlisted i didn't to leave him i was young and 9/11 happened -- my country trained me to fight i need to fight so reenlist and then eat seal team and started -- we knew we would get the fight. it changed from going to u.k. to norwegian to going to afghanistan now going to iraq now and we're going to fight the global war or terror which was. everything changed it went from oktoberfest to -- [inaudible conversations]
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you've led an interest or had an interesting career. so one of the main operations and missions you were part of with the rescue of captain richard phillips. why don't you are take everybody through kind of how that day, how letter -- >> for richgd phillips you were in virginia beach -- it was good friday april 10th, 2009. and that's my birthday. i was in preschool with my daughter she was four, and we were we set up a buffet line getting our kids in line and seriously going through the buffet line to get him cookies and stuff and walking back to my daughter i have a message and richgd phillips go get them now so i have to look my daughter in the eyes and kiss her and say good-bye, and i always mention too that hard et cetera part of combat not -- getting shot at and having stuff blow up next to you is easy
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looking your kids in the eye and reatdzing this could be last time you see each other is hard. on, and there's a huge difference between kissing your kid good night and kissing them good-bye so i turned around and went to work. and here's exactly a funny part of the story. we had a set amount of tile to get there. we've been rescue anyone maritime to rescue a certain amount of time so we've never done it before in 25 years if. i was ahead of schedule and i stopped at the 7-eleven with a plan to get as much cash can a copenhagen and carton cigarettes because we're jumping east coast of africa and may not end up where we want we land in a environment i might be iebl to myself to safety and with the locals with tobacco. i might end up on east african
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beach with cash, and right so in line at the 7-eleven to get my stuff and there's a guy in front of me. one dude who in no hurry. like he finished a night shift. doing whatever and not a care in the world and i rye to speed him u up and one of the things i do trying to buy is usa today and headline in the newspaper is about richard phillips about the mission we're trying to do, and he slammed it down i remember watching him slay m it down and announce to the entire store man i wish someone would do something about this! so i'm right behind him and recognizing irony and i tap him on shoulder buddy you pay for that shit and we're going to do something about it now. i said i'm not kidding national security timeline is on your
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very broad shoulders. i'm like -- he moved out of the way. [laughter] and i got to work on time, and 15 hours, 46 minutes we were in the indian ocean and rescued phillips with snipers and ran because we were prepared to do it. if you think about the movie wasn't accurate. good movie. but it wasn't accurate. it's funny i was going to ask how accurate was the movie depends on who's asking is. like -- 70% accurate. past hour i'm talking to the lady 100% accurate i took off the shelf. [laughter] so -- i'm serious. but -- [laughter] you've got to figure the snipers that wasn't a mission. we were going to kill the guy we went in to rescue hostage those snipers won their bed in virginia beach four days prior they guns department need to be sighted in for the difficult shot, they were because they were prepared even though there was a long weekend. easter sunday, we hadn't done in
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25 years they could have lazy bt they were pretty cool. great. >> so mission success -- so fast forward 2011 -- yes. you end up following a pretty operation -- and talk everybody through saying gob to your family and the impact that had. >> that was a tough one too i mentioned saying good-bye to your kids. i have daughters and i said good-bye to them on bin laden raid which was the one we knew we wrnght coming home from. this was -- we the war was a one way mission. we're going to get shot down, something horrible with the pakistani and if anything will blow himself up it's this guy. we're not coming back so we were going to say gob and taking my kids to chick-fil-a and having a last meal i couldn't tell them this was the last time we see each other.
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we were so convinced that we wrnght going to make it that guy enlded up we didn't have a set line of who was going where and guy brought me up to bin laden's bedroom pulled aside he said don't take this the wrong way i'm going. i'm going. but if we mow we're going to die why are we going which was legitimate, and i said you know we're not going for fame and we're not going -- we're going or for the single moms who drop your kids off at school on a tuesday morning and then 45 minutes later she jump to her death out of a sky is scraper because that was a better alternative than burning alive inside and last gesture holding her skirt down to no one could see her underaware and didn't want to do that. she wasn't a fight win the fight that's why we're going. you know, we have -- you talk about stuff like that i had to write a letter to my kids and one kid i keep mentioning four years old and her classroom and she was also one-year-old when we rescued survival she was
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7 -- poor girl i tell you a story about her in a minute but i wrote her personally a letter. i didn't to the -year-old girl but to the 27-year-old come. and i am sorry i missed your wedding. i know you're beautiful. take care of your sister daddy love you -- and then invite she and her sisters -- going away present i don't know what you buy a young girl for daddies never coming home presents but i'm walking out of this mall getting ready to go on bin laden raid and i wasn't scared i was just focused. for some reason as i'm walking out of this mall i quack past the sun glass hub but of the kiosk, about you know, and i look over and there's a -- a pair of products sunglasses on sale. [laughter] $240 i'm saying i'm a chief in the navy i can't afford these. but i'm going to be dead next
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week and american express -- [laughter] so never a perfect plan and what if we do this in the house what if we need to steal a car and drag his mom to the embassy i know how to steel a car. if we do that sun will be up. [laughter] i carried pair of sunglasses into osama bin laden's bedroom i didn't believe that, i had a lot of shit going on. but we got back -- from a mission where we're not supposed to live and we're getting changed i reach down you have to be kidding me then i start thinking i'm o not in the navy forever are maybe i should get into marketing. this might work picture a birl board with short sleeve tattoos handsome as hell i'm keep i think bring that up and a gun and pretty cool pair of sunglasses and it says if you
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have one day left to live you might as well wear parada. [laughter] obviously, mission success everyone came home. we did, and -- fast forward about eat year, year and a half. make a decision to leave the theaf. >> yes. talk you talked to group about that process, and more importantly what you experience is you made that decision. >> when we finished the bin laden raid it was a complete team effort i was forced to be within greatest team ever assembled but team was part of the coalition that rescue survivor and kill osama bin laden, we were on base and walkoff which rescue him and department work out. rob is funny one of my -- loving army brothers he said that i'm like the fourth and special worker although i can't run, and -- [laughter]
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but we got, to that point i've done enough and we have a helicopter get shot down august 2007 and lost 31 americans one of our dogs -- and it was like -- what happened now i to do this anymore i want to see my kids get married so i wanted to start outprocessing and realized i didn't know what i was going to do not going to get a pension. and i didn't e know who would hire me and yipght know at the time there were skill and operators get to include problem solve and stress management team build, loyalty, but they were high or and then i got out, i force to find people in the d.c. area, new york city area and people in virginia beach -- and we started a foundation called you're a grateful nation and we help special operators
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transition because peoplement to hire them now if they -- we find out what we individualize what operator wants to do find where he or she wants to do light of work and find that company and get a mentor nine month process, and then it started out as -- let's help veterans get jobs but now help your country and economy get better -- [applause] so other than the wonderful nixon library what brought you to california this week? >> i am i give a speech at a -- up in san francisco at a trying to help a start a company so i gave a speech motivational speech to company called google. i think they're going to be all right. [laughter] down here with this doing stuff and i get to film friday --
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i'm taking jim jeffreys show if you haven't is great dude he's a famous antigun dude so i'm taking him to range to shoot ak-47s. but we're going to try to slap a liberal out of him. easy it's fun to joke arranged. [laughter] so -- wrapping up -- >> yes. closing thoughts on, you know, your -- the lights now the experiences you've had. the book -- you know, anything yowpght to leave with the group for you? >> no, it's interesting because unfortunately last year -- i gave a -- almost between 250 and 300 speeches around the country in europe, and what's unique is that means i get to talk to people. i get to get out to actually meet people, shake hands and, you know, i work for fox news i'm on the news but it's refreshing to get away from it because country is not as bad as we all think it is like they
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have voices that's positive. but it's fun too even on tv i have on other networks too trying to get statistic is. well 65% of the people think trump are won the election. well i talk to 10,000 people last week and they disagree. [laughter] [applause] so -- what i learned country is a lot more patriotic a lot more politics than people think and a lot of news media doesn't report that because they want ratings but it's a great country. [applause] so people if enemy in the awngs want to find out more about mentoring -- and employment opportunities or o more about your grateful nation what's the best way to do? >> you're a grateful nation dorgs our website, and it's -- everything helps. again it's helping veterans
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helping the economy and anything from awareness sending newsletter or whatever and veterans and donation or great or small business hire them, awesome. >> great. or find also robert o' a link to that. you can buy operator like five times it gives you a friend. [laughter] and it's a spoiler alert -- open the book so 23. [laughter] wow. gentlemen, thank you. we are we're able to do just two quick questions. because we are pressed for time. the first one is going to come from -- this gentleman here. so rob county supervisor proud
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to call you a friend in the most patriotic region in the entire country or in california -- [applause] an i want to thank you both for your patriotism and your service to our country we're forever indebted you tell a great story it's about how to turn a mistake into a positive you share that story i would really appreciate it. >> yeah there's a funny story thanks for bringing that up. it was we were always big believers that -- everybody failed if you accept failure you're going to learn from it. you can -- great learning tool what's our quote of the day was -- good decisions come from experience that is coming -- >> that experience comes from bad decisions. from that. but we learn something there's a mission we went on where we learn important to sneak up and don't lantd next to them in a live helicopter or blow up the journal take a lock and sneak in and learning this and one of the
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times sneaking on a target it in iraq and all of a sudden people start moving around the ho and we see this happening so like well this is a high value individual. hbi we're not going to leave now we're going to effect late force and put a boll in the door we're going to go to hide. so i had to call. i was a point man i had to call a reacher method of entry to get you in the door, wall, whatever i called him up to the door, and when he decided to do is he grabbed 7 foot charge step -- you heard of steve i'm assuming. this is 6 so like plus two of whatever c4 does so 7 foot charge that looks like a fruit rollup. it is same color, and it's sticky and not as delicious. and -- what you do is -- with the 7 footer is you put it on the door and you roll it down imagine rolling a fruit rollup and back away should be tapped in and a quack minimum safe scans is and big rob boom made
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it with the door open so door opens like this and reacher will put that on this side because hinges are there in mow both hands so he has weapon on his slain, now he needs security for that to meet. so door opens here. i'm going to hold right here. so crack of the door putting it on. so we're doing this as we're doing this failure, my boss -- keep in mind this is one of the best seals with whom i've ever served 16 years of one of the best. he comes walking up not to micromanage but to observe. it is watch over and put his elbow on the doorbell. [laughter] to what's like bing -- [laughter] and you can tell he doesn't want to move it. and it's going to go bong -- so the creature is right here and that happens and he can't yell at him because that's his boss. so he goes --
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now being conservative and not wanting to quake the taxpayer money he starts to roll it back up. so like all nonchailant i don't think the to be here anymore because when this stuff whats they shoot through the door and i'm like hollywood go through a lot of shit i don't think the to be part of that equation so i'm standing here. the door opens it's the god damn terrorists we're looking for so he and i share this awkward -- and i grab him and i chuck him down and i got cuffs on him i put any knee in the small of his back and my boss says shit let's do that every night. [laughter] but like the point of the story is -- about [laughter] what we learn from that seriously fighting in afghanistan for so long there are no doorbells many afghanistan. there are in iraq.
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very simple. to our final question is from our guest in the simulcast you got so big we have to move into another venue this one is -- mr. o'neal your story is kind of full circle for the families of 9/11. what would you say to those families? >> that is the reason i told the story i talked to -- to family members pretty much every day. i live in new york city and when i'm having an argument with my fiancé and stress level too high i would go to memorial, and try to realize what's important so you hear this story and nobody is talking about that. howsm i love you -- and every time i talk to a surviving member they tell me that nothing will ever -- never be closure but it helps with healing process but aren't
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you afraid i assume risk this is worth it. i'll do it again because i gave a speech that is 30 survivors of 9/11 and having -- i had a -- a horrible i think it's everybody should watch in school just is a 15 minutes of 9/11 before they say -- [inaudible conversations] realism of the enemy and i've overdried i've had detective and what it's like to watch 30 people hit the ground. and he said i can sleep better at night because i know there's a story and happened to most evil man on this planet so -- it's qort it. it's something that happened to us because of a really horrible version of a -- prehistoric religion and just talking to that family and helping with that closure, i don't have any regrets at all and babbling here because it is
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very emotional for me but got what he deserved if. rob clapper and rob o'neal in the front to sign your book. [applause] >> book tv visited capitol hill to ask members of congress what they're reading this summer. >> i got a pile of books but i just choke one because it lynx my passions the folks out
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