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tv   We Are Data  CSPAN  August 13, 2017 7:00pm-8:06pm EDT

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>> thanks for being here we are pleased to local john for his book "we are data"
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and they can be purchased downstairs he will sign the following the event if we run out of copies there is a place they can sign never even order a book for you. so find me if you could not get a book also sees bin is here this evening please silence your cellphone also there are some pamphlets and fires in the back and if you take out your phone into the
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picture of me, please don't a yellow box will appear we were worried about the batteries die in. -- dying. [laughter] [inaudible conversations] the way that we use these technologies but john cheney-lippold points out we are data we are what computers do nazi they compute cutting through marketing speak as a reassuring reminder to say
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it is being performed the same goes for a banner ad for those jackets but based on the search history those keywords this seems more pernicious and evasive as a condition of what we prefer to think does not shape that life after all you may laugh in a way that human complexity to say it isn't claiming that we are day negative but rather contemporary numbers this is
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what you call a measurable type of with those prophecies that are creating them aisle were kidnapped contemporary life for gender race and class or hoping not to overgeneralizes the way that they do want to strip down those facsimiles without not even a flaw in their design in the do so on their terms end to paraphrase another threat to
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be extrapolated the united the progressive very regressive future in within this framework he can work with bin scholarship with the interactions within the world that is increasingly shaping the government john cheney-lippold is a professor the university of michigan please help me to welcome him. [applause] >> i am very happy a-2 we here with friends and family so hopefully we can talk about this in the coming future. the book is called "we are
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data" and he did a very good job to explain it is not that it is us individually i do not look at my hands to see once a and zeros but "we are data" comes from one single pieces that you are not wholly in thank you are in terms of data but there is a centesis of the terms of the data are not the terms of our reality. talk about sexuality and race we think of these things a sister met -- asymmetrically ourselves with that is the way we negotiated with the government doesn't try to put you to those legal procedures it is just trying to find to effectively
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understand the targeting mechanisms from nsa for jsoc is a what they fake israel but what is useful for them so one way to see this example is through the idea of gender and marketing so i ask my clients that mall negative class is the students so what gender does google think i am? they seriously go through google preferences and find out the idea may be google this is a coup you are is who you are. it is funny as the 65 role of women but it is not necessarily an accurate because it says i like to
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view the and fitness i have no idea how that was developed. [laughter] but to save those connections they are trying to make in terms of a pattern of behavior they're just trying to find commercially they don't want to know what exist or how to underperformance is in a very real way but either the fits or doesn't. so instead i argue this is the entirely new age or race or class or sexuality. not based on a normal agenda
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from the discourse of surrounding there is another company that tries to show things like college graduate attributes then produces one says a male or a college graduate. this information is useful to identify in the of misidentification or zhuzhou benedetti's rather they are used for extraordinarily powerful the tracks -- metrics and analytics itself under states and those demographics to access content. for example, i use a web site from my graduate years since losses angeles it was fun and wonderful but
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because of what we would do is look at the break down those coming to the site and then determine what type of stories that we weren't right imagine a bunch of white people or hispanics you say we could deduct the resources to identify them in general or to say in the website we try to do both but to say i as a 65 year-old woman would be participating in a day woman that they are written -- writing stories for i would read three passages because i realize doing all these interviews i have such as
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stock way to talk about it but i do better in the book. so i will read three things and a short video to bring you to a sense how this impacts of how they work. >> that the utilization of everything how they proclaim controller for the use of the system but as long as it is granted at the pleasure of google there is simply no consistency or accountability. so it normalizes the inconsistency at every step. with the terms of an for
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rationed it is not to replace the understanding of ourselves or a cyborg rather explore how they put layers upon additional layers on that identification that all the rhythmic ideas is of a process that goes through the database and with the bases in the future with the dynamic interpretation that they technology to that discourse and that is the colonel of the of arithmetic identity. and with that statistics but
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here we you counter that political sphere with vocabulary needed into the purpose of phrase to think politically is to attach politics to what is the noble we cannot think about those genders the same way or the algorithm neck brace and the same way with those categories gold distributions. in this way i talk about gender and class and identity battle so more than just the of big three so here i introduced the idea of the algorithm make
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society that cannot for me in the of prism there is a very fascinating little thing that says anybody in the nsa can be watched. so what does that mean? either you are or you were not. according to a passport or documentation or they try too often dicky yourself. this becomes problematic when deciding who deserves the right to privacy. the added say question that has the body or a user or the social security number. online readjusted the ip address.
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so they try to create a new index for citizenship to make the dragnet completely legal. so one you k artist as this one app it looks at what sites you visitor coming from and within the parlance of the nisei like a citizen. so the information that they use to evaluate is not citizenship metrics but very weird racist assumptions. if you speak english with you speak to another you are more likely to be foreign. if you are in the united states but if it drags from outside you are for in.
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view are encrypting it or if not you're supposed to be a citizen otherwise you could be. that it is a suggestion of quality that you could be the operative flour as well. this is the way the and the say determine citizenship and also now i will read again. the founder of 0k key bed quickly assessing with the power of dave the to have new forms of research. today said the microchip can understand that he is a sentence to tell the story to the computer we kill
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people based on metadata. it is rare you are from where you send a text message. that identifies with the type and date or the device that you use. to sell with those fiber optic networks that it is spoken wage would not wanted to speak so the former chief hayden alerts us to how did metadata could be spoken for as is that could be against a pre-existing pattern and if if it's within the signature of the template at the end of a predator draw on strike that requires no
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target or groups of men who have certain signatures of the characteristic with terrorist activity that with this in mind we could be more specific with the war of terror during the rest. with the drought program the strikes were targeted with individuals and their voice or of their name then judge road operator with launched them down but it in 2008 with the frustrations with the military state u.s. loosened the guidelines now is adjusted to u.s. claims the also the database. sova to publicly differentiate one of the
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consequences was the frequency of day it drove attack. -- to attack and during those seven years between 2009 and 2015. the loosening of the goal restrictions was a pre- identified signature behavior. says 2008 the government has launched precision drove attacks with the dead that looks as if the target that they wanted to kill but forcibly that was not the same. so to propose with the true strike that should but never will remind americans it was of distant lands. that unintentional targeting
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of a wedding party were they congregate outside the city center as if it was a terrorist meeting with those geographic areas even on u.s. kill list to be identified as if they were precarious sense of life this operation lysing of terrorist with that process of metadata of louis r. and then to be tethered together without attention to are of historical particulars such logic like that signature strike with those back stories does not deal with the desire for motivation and is conjured up by one of those virtues the abandonment in favor of
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world the detail. we are strategically fictionalized with the philosophy as if the purpose of the world of ideas is not the betrayal but provide with an instant to find more easily in this world. so to have the power to tell the stories for us. in this story as described putting out more of the knowledge more than anytime in existence putting human knowledge out there in the world inundated to capture the of rigid more worldly detail through that big data
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perspective with those quantities paring it down as the logical next up of course, with that, and plays acceptance that a terrorist is declared to be a terrorist. most likely speak arabic and most will practice is long. that what they describe as baggage that encounters from the media scholar of that terrorist monster. saw one that does not make that subject in regina of
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his own drone program. so the other monstrosity experience the conditions here one man's terrorist is another man's is reinforced this is always in terms favorable so with as it allocation one whose parity is justified looking that targeted presently it just needs to be a data signature as the anonymous u.s. official said you don't necessarily need to know his name or have his dossier but in what they have been engaged. but that status of target rather than me being in
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depth with that logarithmic data is a strategic convenience. it is a program to the logic of the nsa. it is the uncertain the vernacular the creator of the of software the problem is some problems with the engineers. because the future them into problems the nsa has incredible capacity and referring to those small patterns of correlation that expand beyond conventional college. said to face that concept is also must include the algorithm the cousin. so now i want to think about
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something from my research. i am always taken pride that piece of the culture that isn't intended to be used for purposes, can i show you the recurring doctrine? to let people know but it is a very interesting cents so we will watch the video and then have questions. >> inside vessel there is a code that represents not what we are, but who we might become. it is our potential. twenty-five years ago based
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on the ideas that technology was the key to unlocking the power of human potential. fueled by the latest software and to break down barriers. so what can i be? we have inspired them to pursue their dreams. how far can i go? we give them the tools to express their ideas. how do i compete? so what
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is the next big thing? we enable them to fulfill their vision the better we do our job the greater the achievement we inspire to move forward with the unexpected opportunities mitt is the world's greatest challenge trivia's those achievements of us all microsoft. >> i love this so much
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because it is so utopian or 90s. [laughter] but i use of video and the beginning and the conclusion to think about this. we are metadata this configuration is best described the what a jury of the graph. whether it actualizes through technology but more appropriately to be there by the rhetoric. that code represents not just us but they celebrate the world and that goes
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hand-in-hand with but but that seems like the one that stays late at the office with a partnership. the yet that voice-over copy is more substantial so then the world changes. with those ideas and how it is organized. with the knowledge of how that is defined or connected of course, we don't have to use microsoft products to of the shower potential but they will critique the role that technology has to determine who might become.
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and then to play second fiddle with citizenship celebrity they become the author of who we are and it classifies us it did those classifications carry immense weight. and racine in gender mean. it needs the central argument but then to say i am john without full comprehension. in this is the political astilbe of 84.
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how much the present controls the past. everything that comes before so what happens we don't control the present? with that film about facebook when the human being becomes the set of data everything shrinks. it with that transcendent experience of those desires or fears should be careful what we wish for but on facebook there not more free bet more owed to because we're made of data where researchers have free conceptualize that idea with a new feature to make that
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more decorum into our lives to evaluate the photos are status updates what facebook thinks is inappropriate content so to be considered in the coming the should be posted publicly but that it would no appropriate and inappropriate is the same idea that tsa is a terrorist they don't all these are constructed from these inconsistencies but despite that it is powerful facebook if ever implemented one of more that behavior than any other. they could unlock your potential but not in the way microsoft wants you to believe.
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but to be hard coded into your system trust me you don't but with one brief look will show that terrifying competence what these algorithms to for the office. regimen a world and this is the precise problem that we encounter. sure public policies are losing funding but google has the ability to make a celebrity is facebook defines that as an appropriate. so for me, that is my
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presentation so i invite you to ask me any question is related to the book. [applause] >> our sherbrooke structured ?. >> i start with day idea of how they get the identities of a terrorist then i move on and to produce a relationship of control with that gender theory how those that we do not think of over a our behavior to connect
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all the rhythmic ideas so what is privacy and what does that mean?. >> i have never ben asked that. >>. >> i wonder in the terrorists example you can talk about the nature and how that differentiates between human judgment as you said a couple of times
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to identify a pterosaur a drone strike might be different. and i think one of the things that was the differentiator was the types of mistakes computers are making in one of the things i tried to distinguish with some reasonable certainty first is the algorithm that i decided with this possible -- from ability. >> this is a fantastic question. we have seen these drones strikes before then in terms
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of the of a rhythmic terrorist so his views on the ground communication i see them through the window but it's creepy and that as say western operator fed data that they use in particular often is that space of metadata no proof that it is all connected to a person that is why a lot of wedding parties 25 people are outside the city center that looks like a terrorist meeting so because of that there is a cellphone they are targeting that put its weight to which they phone
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the idea they have a model for terrorism so in terms of that there will be errors but that senator strike is because if you want to see a terrorist you will see them anywhere you will be much more likely is it now looks suspicious. >>. >> but i imagine those accidentally kyle's our different. >> very good point and also those that are killed in civilian attacks were a lot more humiliated but in the joint attacks it is entirely
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unconnected after the taliban realized that they would meet every week to put the sin cards in the bed then reallocate to disrupt a the pattern so imagine if you picked the card from falling then they want chanter killed. >> so i've had some friends pass away recently have the memorial of those who have died so what is your take on that so how you interpret that person is a memory or a death?. >> is also a deeply philosophical.
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i think facebook sway to identify these events is the problem what to do with this culture is no longer eat fiber into useful followed by those events and according to the aesthetics and the structure that you might want to commemorate of mine with the ability to monitor or manufacture a profile that increases the score with other people and how they determine people are on facebook together so it is that commercialization useful for facebook so
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because of that everything is saved. >> other questions?. >>. >> going back to drown said his decision making 35 years ago in a world of where people withheld information and interpreted a view as gender something very similar is a human network of what has been embodied in silicon valley?. >> that is excellent financial use gossip to understand that relationship may not be immediate because of normal function if the
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cop says hey you then you recognize yourself mended it is hailing you as a person so somebody sees you across the street if we'll understand something like gender and race the big things i would find that is different is the social world that there is day dialogue of the social construct like george to stand the yelling this is not just society there are rules. but that construction of gender and race but on the converse something like this there is proprietary in
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heavy entirely a commercial category with the social contract of race. if you talk back to tears on the model that would make it available. is that a good dancer? -- a answer?. >> do you think that construction of the employment of data, which of the use of the algorithms is to remove a the subjective factor but also to be replaced so we will engineer
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the solution? and the second question is more light-hearted but i am sure you have seen the movie can you comment?. >> with the state power is compelling holiday reconfigured but day militant was if they bomb people even if they were not affiliated with the terrorist groups they were seem to be militants because of a georgia under that allows us to avoid those questions i think there is a lot of ways those strong pilots are forced to distance themselves the way
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they're on play station or joysticks. but in terms set you don't know what you see. i am from i would they have a lot of drone pilots that workfare. but other rhythmically but there is existing legal stuff a foreigner dressed like a terrorist but they have not find of as targeted to treated as the same thing. to increasingly use those data driven patterns
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especially n. yemen but then there is no repercussions. but that could change in the coming years. >>. >> at was glad to hear you mention heidegger is your final chapter to famously said that is only a half measure against technology and i am curious of that conclusion without full measure with the use of technology. >> in the past five for six months the democracy because i'm looking analogue of
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examples how the defense department tries to append revolution not your actual agents or covert actions by using data as the profile people so what point could those uprisings occurred? and then there is a whole market for it. that is how populations are moving around about the usaid program with that show company with those that reason that connection. and have all that data is saved into the database.
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which would categorize them into the entire revolution with the idea out to the streets to go against a the castro regime. that is with foreign policy but i do know a lot of people say from those to all of -- president trump election in the cruz campaign is that filter bubble with these fragmented commercial pockets for civil discourse. i am very very hopeful.
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>> what do we do?. >> to try to think of privacy that they take writings from 1880 in the 19th century in theorize the idea taken up by warren brandeis to think about information that brandeis was the taking photos from the trees within he himself was eating privacy. with that invasion. but to be much more provocative not just raising
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the best you call your energy so we should be able to avoid this before it happens. but i start to think about that algorithm x stuff that the merchant way of the opinions to have that aberrant behavior. and what about these manipulating forces? through that i kind of give up on that live your right to privacy because even if i go home my phone is still my
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-- in my house that verizon might know. and to protect yourself from privacy. that if you produce enough new ways that they know who you are. you have a fit the template enough with the baseline statistics you can avoid being in the 92% then you also would be outside so i am very hopeful for that but it is kagan mouse i'm teaching the class so how do attracted this freedom?
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allotted the answers that this is good two years ago but not today. it is like introducing paranoia in the best way. >> with the book writing process and those that are writing dissertations so at what point did you realize there was no light at the end of the tunnel?. >> for week it is the first draft of the third revision. people in this room helped me a lot to figure out much as the contents and the voice that i wanted to have
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to pare it a scholar but also a to say that i have the tools to do that it is a delight at the end of the tunnel but to see what existed. but it did take several years. >> but it does get better. any questions?. >> i know your d talked about it but what about technologies offered to make noise? will that be advanced enough one day?
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with you try to make google's searches to have a program running ways for you know google learns how to recognize the new ways -- noise and there was ted new program from nyu researchers that takes headlines from the papers on the internet and aggregate's for every six texans - - 3/6 aiken's there is a cacophony so so when i was writing the text searching for a the search engine to extend that it can
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be predicted you go to the site of plugging in is using and then you create that same word bank there is much more things you can do also we should not sit on our laurels. but there is a propensity for that. but almost to be called liquid maternity the constant changing ideas and not to be sure of herself -- yourself that is more of the case increasingly but i think we are getting better at it. >> so looking at literacy in
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that way in the academic setting?. >> for a lot of my students are agnostic to a lot of these things it is hard for them to a understand like to be lambaste it as your browser size or your window size you have higher tickets a because you are seen to be more wealthy. node was to pay $50 more than the start that now if uber does the same thing if you go from of the
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neighborhood to wealthy neighborhood is a higher price. so there's a lot of problems coming up with this but what are the things you can put in four of his vacation? joyce dave $15 if i walk a couple of blocks over? but when i talk to people but the sec rollbacks have been day couple of months ago to allow those isp for taking that traffic so a lot of that to say how can you limit that ability because google has 2025% of the data facebook has about 20% comcast's is 100 percent so
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obfuscation for meet is to figure out new protocols so that your computer isn't losing battery. it is ignorant not to go down that ravitch told but also to make you aware of what is happening. >> a so i am wondering can you talk about in the context of the power or the algorithms have a positive outcome?. >> there is one that we just missed that they tried to use how to make a text from
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the image so with google images like searching for donald trump. . . people were not going to the doctor they were searching their symptoms like i can't sleep or mike will. there is a slide that shows more
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or less these terms that create what seemed to be good indicators of selectivity so internationally they were able to figure out what to predict due to the data learning environment and then they maybe tell the local hospitals or schools to be aware of these things because they may have the ability to shut back down so there's a lot of good from this. if they were allowed. but how we can understand maybe hand washing powder that would have given through samples. doesn't that make the case for a google phone device? >> i knew somebody would say that.
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it does in the way that if you regulate it it it would be much more a fan of the autonomous country that took away the mantra a couple of years ago. that's a very good point. they had reasons to keep it private and use it for the profit like a symmetry with the users. so thinking about how the comments can be data. >> i just want to make sure i understand when you say in response to what we should do is talk about obfuscation. is that just sending out activities so the various algorithmic stone to
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characterize -- i guess i'm just stuck on what we should do because as the world becomes more technologically advanced and a more essential part of our life there's going to be less and less like i like this and it's always going to be green, so i like this thing that can come in a billion different forms and it is based on data that is collected from pretty much everything that we do in our lives. so if you send out obfuscating data, do not see that somewhere down the line in the more technically advanced world like kind of basically creating disharmony between your true self and what you want in your environment like what if the underlying this strategy that you employ the two confused the
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systems is something akin to not having a smart phone and you are at a minimum amount of technological stuff that you have to engage in authentically to maintain competency and get a job and things like that. often people say like i am on facebook. i am also a fan of the new technologies that are extraordinarily rich and problematic but at the same time i'm keen on what they can do technologically. we talk about this idea of the digital enclosure which is a way that companies try to keep you in their world as long as possible by giving you the advantages and making you feel
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like you need to keep an facebook tinfacebook to maintaid relationships with the algorithms can understand you to understand the world better. i am wary of those because it isn't for you it's for them to keep you on the site and they are giving you reasons it's like i will give you $50 to open up a checking account within the bank fee is $200, so you're thinking it's good that then eventually yoyou get screwed over. i do think though that the question still stands at a very good question as well, how do we understand the social inclination or the social use of these at the same time because a lot of people say if you put a lot of focus getting information on it you are ruining the experience for everybody. we could have a cure for cancer but then all of a sudden w we he a lot of jaundice in newborns and we think that's a really important health issue, but it's not. so i do think it's something we have to talk about, to go back to the initial question of what
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is new about this, i think the important part is having the categories. i am not against agenda or algorithmic agenda but directionality of what is called the blackbox society where we don't have the ability to talk back or make these categories social and think about how they affect us in the public. >> other questions. >> thank you all so much for coming. [applause] i am reading a few books. a book called the generals by thomas ricks was a professor at the war college. college. i imagincollege. i imagine her with the army national guard and i try to read one military dog a


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