tv [untitled] August 27, 2017 11:53am-12:01pm EDT
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after this election, did race matter in the, did people care that obama was black. >> and this kind of is a classic question that's complicated by social bias, if you ask, the overwhelming majority of americans 98 or 99 percent of americans they they didn't care that obama was black . and that was kind of why a lot of people concluded that we live in a post-racial society back in the day, there was this idea that voters voted for obama and they said they didn't care if obama was black. so could you use google searches to potentially, because people are so honest, becausepeople tell google think they might not else , you can use google searches to get the real answer of the effect that race may have played. >> but what i did is i made a map of racist search volume
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on google. and this is the percent of google searches that include very charged racist words, i will say out loud but you can guess what it is. >> and the first thing that struck me about the data, the first was how common the search was or the time. i was using. people are making a searches, these races searches and the frequency that they were searching letters and migraine and daily show and economist, but it wasn't by any stretch of the imagination fringe searches. these are mostly for jokes, african-americans. >> the other thing that struck me about this is that it looks very different from the map i would've expected. >> so if you ask me where racism was biased against african-americans in the united states, i would guess that racism is a
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predominantly concentrated in the south. if you think of the country century, the civil war, slavery, we think of racism as having strong north south divide and definitely racism is highest, and some of the places it is highest are places like southern mississippi and siena you can see in the math darker red being the higher frequency of these searches that is higher in many places in the north, western pennsylvania and eastern ohio and industrial michigan or early illinois. i think the real divide is in the search data reveals is outdoors versus south, east versus west. >> we see that it's much much higher east of the mississippi river and it drops pretty substantially west of the mississippi river. so once i have this math i went to see because people are so honest here, could you use this data to measure how much obama really one in the 2008 election and course you
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can't just compare races searches to vote for obama because it might be that places that have high recent searches don't have any democrat candidate in 2008, that's not a fair comparison but what i gaze i compared obama's vote total to the previous democratic candidates, such as john kerry in the previous election. it was a white candidate and ranked liberal. and what you see when you do that and you can read the paper, read it in the book is a very strong significant relationship that places that had highest rate of search volume with these places, or places in industrial michigan, was much less than previous candidates. and even start controlling for anything like education for democratics or political views or cultural views and nothing changes the relationship that was a base factor and overall i can do
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this obama lost about four percentage points from racism which is much higher than you get from any other measure. any guy out of 1 to 2 percentage points dropped on increased african-american. >> this language in the academic world for a little bit and then very recently, when the trump phenomenon was starting, that trump was seeing a lot of racially charged things, racially charged comments and people were questioning how is he doing so well given what he's saying, these things are not supposed to say and it was racism driving some of it forward. and i think cohen of the new york times asked me for the data on the racist search volume, he had data on support for trump in the primary. he said all the burials he could attack were age, education or economics, the single highest correlation he could find was the racist search volume for trump.
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this of course does not mean that everybodywho supports trump is racist . but it does mean that some of his supporters were and that did have progress in the primary. >> this years festival is so exciting and i must tell you it's owing to be one of my favorites because i am a big nonfiction fan. and the type of authors that we are going to have from david mccullough to jd vance whose book is on every reading list that you can imagine and every book club is just an exciting time. so i'm thrilled. >> joint book tv for the national book festival, live from washington dc. today september 2 on c-span2. >>. >> tv recently visited capitol hill to ask members of congress what they are
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reading this summer. here's a look at some of the arizona senator john mccain is reading. >> first on the list, german novelist eric did not taste all quiet on the western front. pulitzer prize winning historian james mcpherson's analysis of the civil war, battle cry of freedom followed by the late journalist david hauber stands account of how america became involved in the vietnam war in the best and brightest. curtis hemingway's novel for whom the bell tolls was also on the list as well as english poet robert green's biography , goodbye to all that. senator mccain's summer reading list continues with jerry and barbara, pulitzer prize winning of the first months of world war i in the guns of august. he also plans on reading british playwright number 76 models coming-of-age novel of human bondage and ravens life lessons, make your bed. wrapping up senator mccain's summer reading list is playwright william trevor's novel the story of lindsay golf.
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>> free speech issues. he's interviewed by marji ross, president and publisher of regnery. >> host: milo yiannopoulos,, great to have you with us today. wonderful to have a chance to talk with you. i wish you were here with me in d.c. bu but i see up in new york and we are excited to have you to have a chance to talk. that's all right
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