tv Washington Journal 12082017 CSPAN December 8, 2017 12:59pm-1:37pm EST
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be beneficial to you [inaudible] >> at 8:00 p.m. on the presidency on resident andrew jackson's effort to challenge and cripple the bank of the united states during the 1830s. >> no president before had said anything like this. other presidents have warned americans against entangling foreign alliances, they warned against sectionalism and excessive partisanship at home , jackson warned them against control of their own government by, in his words, the rich and powerful. >> american history tv, all weekend, every weekend, only on c-span three. >> we will take a closer look at negotiations for a long-term funding of the government with the congressional reporter who covers the issue. >> at our table is the budget
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integrations reporter from politico. the headline on your website, congress clears spending bill, averting shutdown. the house passed and thehous senate followed suit. it will go to the president. what is in this measure? >> this is a really minimal spending bill there's almost nothing in it except just keeping the funding going. there's a small technical fix in the children's health insurance program, the funding that expired on september 30 and this is just kicking it down theth road >> why do this now? >> congressional leaders have not agreed on how much to actually spend in fiscal 2018. they can't write the big spending bill until we get those numbers. this is giving two additional weeks so that we can try to iron out negotiations on the hill, congressional leaders can keep meeting, try to come up with the best spending
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record >> let's focus on the house inet the wall at the senate. republicans all on board for this measure yesterday. democrats all opposed it. what are republicans, what are the different factions. they supported this yesterday butay will they supported longer-term? >> this is probably the only time we will see so many house republicans vote for the same spending bill for the rest of the year. this is a significant achievement for republicans in the house.y r r republicans have not traditionally been able to pass the spending bills with only their own members.s republican leadership has almost always had to rely on democrats but here we had about a full week of wrangling with paul ryan and his deputies trying to get republicans on board with the spending bill so they wouldn't have to go to minority leader nancy pelosi and try to come up with some sort of a deal. we did see all the conservatives in the house and
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then we had even some immigration hardliners who said we cannot support something for the dreamers and house speaker paul ryan was able to get everyone on board because they didn't have to go to nancy pelosi on the >> longer-term? you have those who want to see an increase in the military spending and those who are worried about the deficit >> there are a lot of dueling demands. we do have the defense talks and some of the conservatives on board, even the house freedom caucus does shy away from deficit spending and they have said they would support a major increase in defense spending which is not something they've done in the past for the big difference, president trump. they're constantly talking to trump and he feels he's advocating on behalf of the
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president and that's probably one of the major issues going had. they are nervous about punting major spending decisions into january. going into the 22nd there's already members were demanding a full year of spending defense which would put it wrinkle in negotiations and cause all the decisions on domestic spending until january but the fence would be settled and it's not can happen, there's no way the senate would consider that. it's something the defense committee is really pushing for >> we will hear from the chairman of the freedom caucus, mark meadows. he is here with the women'sc conservative form here in washington d.c. it will be on at 12:00 p.m.
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eastern on c-span2 or website or download the free radio app. we will hear what he has to say if he delivers remarks about these negotiations. did the freedom caucus folks, is at them that will not agreed to increase military spending without touching domestic spending >> that's right and there are plenty more beyond the freedom caucus. the house conservatives are feeling really empowered after they took that vote in the house yesterday where they didn't need any democrats. they feel like they have the majority in congress and the republican president for the first time in many years, they want their demands. seems like every day the have a new goalpost in these negotiations and their asking for something new. it puts speaker paul ryan in a tough spot. this is going to be one of his big tasks and has set every time there's a major leadership decision, but here with the spending conversation at the first time president trump is influencing a spending bill other than what which wasapril
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pretty much punting everything until now so this will be a really high-stakes moment for the house, even though we have looked down the road we know the democrats will have more leverage. we are going to see the house conservatives get rolled on this the next couple of weeks >> so that the speaker the house needs to go to democrats? is gonna need some votes? what the democrats want in return? >> they have a long list of demands that seems to be growing every day. the biggest demands, right now is immigration protections for dreamers, they want some sort of resolution for deferred action for childhood arrivals which is ending in march, republicans have said they also want an agreement on this. there is bipartisan conversations happening behind the scenes but conservatives do not want this in any spending bill. they don't want this to hold the spending bill hostage on immigration.
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they know it's a very tricky issue so they're trying to keep it separate. democrats are also looking for parity between defense and domestic spending. they want to save the pentagon is going to get a major increase in spending for the next year, they want to make sure the domestic programs are getting an equal increase which is something that's very controversial. they are notvers willing to go that far with domestic funding. they say it's a difficult time for the military and we need to have thisr build up so they say the pentagon needs to have a much larger increase in domestic programs >> will have to see what happens in the house, but the question is always, what can pass in the senate? where does it stand then? >> we're gonna see how conservatives likely oppose whatever deal comes out of these negotiations with nancy pelosi, speaker ryan, mitch mcconnell and president trump.
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the five of them met yesterday in the white house and they all walked out saying it was a good meeting but no deal had been reached. there were some members who tossed around ideas of the democrats in like and the republicans are trying to propose higher defense spending and still thing we want to put more money toward the pentagon them were willing to increase for domestic programs and democrats are still drawing a line saying we want parity, we want equal increases so we will have to see where democrats are willing to compromise on the issue. it doese seem there's hopeful consensus that they will get equal parity but will have to watch as the negotiations unfold >> sarah's here taking your questions. jean from illinois, you're up first >> a morning. as a taxpayer i'm concerned about the earmarks and what's gonna go into this legislation
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, both with democrats and republicans. our country is at war and we have men and women serving around the globe. they should be priority number one. i understand that, but why is it at the end of the year when every one is packed up and ready to head out for christmas that the country is held hostage. thank you for taking my call >> the scenario of having these last-minute deals right before christmas is exactly why conservatives were initially so imposed to getting a spending bill passed. it only goes through december 22. it's the friday right before christmas. it's a deadline that was picked strategically. the leadership in the house and senate no that putting a deadline that's very hard to miss will be a big way to actually get the negotiations to finish up on time because no one wants to be, no one in the house wants to be the member holding up christmas for the hundreds of other members in congress.
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this is something the house conservatives said weti wanna put these negotiations into january and give us some extraa leeway, we don't want to see these tricky negotiations on hundreds of policy issues that will be decided in the next couple weeks that we will not fullypl graspl even into the coming weeks and months but we haven't seen the appropriations bill other than what the house has written, the partisan documents of the bipartisan decisions that will be coming out, we are going to be pouring over these for >> republican from the nebraska >> i agree they should do something with the military, and if they don't, if they shut the government down because they can't get the money that they need after allth these aircraft crashed and we know that they have problems with their oxygen in thewi
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osprey and some of the ships, we have problems with training we have people playing games with money andnd i know this lady here is happier than a pig in poop because the democrats might win, but we won't get the money for the military, will take your rear end out there and going to the military and see how you likego it >> to be fair, she's a reporter for politico. i don't think she's expressing any happiness toward democrats in the negotiations, but if the military does not see an increase, what will their at?ing level be >> fiscal 2018 is the first year that the sequestration would go into effect so they can't reach an agreement, it would be a drastic cut to defense. will be several billion dollars below what it is rightde now. that is almost certainly not.happened. w will almost certainly be
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an increase in defense spending going forward. this is something that everyone, almost everyone on the hill have said this is a priority. president trump of course had made it a priority so i don't think there's any question that there will not be an increase to the pentagon budget next year, the question of course is just what exactly will democrats agree to when it comes to lifting those domestic levels? >> we want to get your questions about spending on capitol hill. lines are open. omar in north carolina, independent, your next. >> i just wanted to comment on the senator who made these allegations [inaudible] i think it was an honorable thing to do. >> , leave it there because we've gone on to spending in
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the budget process up on capitol hill, but we will return to this week in congress so you are welcome and others are welcome to share their thoughts coming up. will spend from eight until 10:00 a.m. on "washington journal" talk about that. >> the morning. thanks for taking my call. i just like too, about some of these republicans that call in and make comments like the fella that is called in and said you should get your butt out and join the military. these people are simply over-the-top and i don't think they understand that paul ryan is already announced that they plan to attack social security s and medicare and medicaid next year and these people calling
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i in, that vulgar fella, i'm retired, but as an older feller, these republicans hate social security, they hate the affordable care act and if they were to get their way, they would destroy those programs >> leave it there. this is the first call we got from a few viewers. republicans say they are doing this so they can turn a make cuts to social security and medicare >> politically it does look really bad for republicans that they finish up their tax push with several top republican leaders in the house and senate who are eyeing a push to a so-called welfare reform. they want to cut waste and trim spending around the edges, they want to have some reform such as adding work requirements to some of these programs, but this is a
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priority that they've had for a long time for this is not something they plan to used to pay for their tax plan but politically having these priorities, one after another, i think well welfare reform will be a big part of what we hear about. this is going to be really, having this at the central focus after the tax push, it's going to look real bad for republicans >> this viewer tweets in, why did the democrats go long on stopping the shutdown? >> democrats really have been, for many years, a party of averting a shutdown. they always say there never the ones that want to hold negotiations hostage, they have said this for a long time. for the last week we see a really delicate dance of them try to say these are
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priorities a and we want to fix daca but they said over and over we will not shut the government down.n. yesterday in house, 14 democrats supported this bill in the house even though nancy pelosi and her leadership have been going against us thing they really want to watch republicans form on the floor and get the votes but in the senate, there was only about a dozen democrats that didn't votet for this, by and large senate democrats say we have no reason to vote against this, there's nothing in this resolution that we don't like so was an interesting dynamic to watch so many democrats not vote for it because they said they were part of negotiations with republicans and then there feeling good about where they're going and they know they will have leverage on the next line of spending so they did vote for this because they said they have no reason not to >> let's listen to the
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minority leader, nancy pelosi, this was before she went to the white house before the housewh passed this short-term bill, but she hears talking about a longer-term, longer-term negotiation and what democrats want. >> are you backing off your stance where you said you will not leave here without a daca fix >> no, we will not leave here without a fix >> have you changed your mind at all about border while funding or immigration crackdown fundin funding? >> when you say have you changed your mind, we said to the president the night he agreed to daca legislation that we understand, we have a responsibility to protect our border and we think there are many things we canbo do working
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together to do that. members have been working in a bipartisan way to address that. we're not backing off anything, including protecting our border. we are not going to turn this country into a reign of terror of domestic enforcement and have the dreamers pay that price. t >> what did you make of her comments? >> if you listen to the full press conference, she is saying that it will be a priority, she doesn't want to leave before the end of the year without a commitment on this, but interestingly, she didn't say this needed to be in the spending bill. she was asked earlier in the press conference, will you be demanding a fix for dreamers in the neck spending bill, and she did not say she was going to do that. she said i'm not going to be starting a shutdown over this andwn democrats have been saying we don't want to be the shutdown party, they always try to blame us for any type
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of shutdown. i think what were seeing here is that she is agreeing with republicans other could be a fix outside the appropriations process which was think that conservative republicans that have to happen, they don't want to see this tied up in the same process. i think she is trying to stay strong on this while acknowledging there isle really no place, there's probably going to be no place for the immigration debate in the neck spending the process >> my question is, with all the problems going on in our country with north korea, the embassy being moved, the government shutdown, it seems to me that democrats and republicans are at war with each r other when we should be worried about everything else is going on in the world. that's my question. why are the democrats and republicans fighting with each other when they should be
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workingwh together? >> that question would take a long time to answer >> it would. i don't think there's anythingle that has really changed that much in the past couple of years. c i don't know that we expected democrats and republicans to suddenly have a peaceful moment with president drop in the white house but at the end of the day these negotiations will get finalized, they will divert a government shutdown awayach party will walk with an influence on this >> republican linee >> morning. thank you cspan for taking my call. i just wanted to say the government shutdown, i guess i'll just be watching "washington journal" on the 22nd to see what's going on there >> we will be here. >> other than that, i just want to say i love watching c-span and "washington journal" is an excellent show. i love hearing all the
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reasonable accents and tones. there's only different opinions anddi emotions that are espoused, but everybody just please stay calm and get along and keep god first. one radical idea, i'm in a suggest, there's like 300 golf courses in the desk, maybe we should turn those into academies [inaudible] >> you expect lawmakers will still be here? they are trying to get out a little bit early. he talked to reporters who cover the hill, he talked to staffers who are with members, and they've got flights on the h , 21st, 22nd, there is going to be a lot of pressurell to try to get done earlier. members are usually home with their family by this time having a 22nd deadline, there were grounds on the floor when the jury leader ofounced the schedule
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change. the real question is how soon will they get their tax pushed on. republicans are hoping to finish up the conference committee where they're trying to have conversation between the house and the senate, they want to get those done by the 1h or 18th and that leaves just a couple days to get final locations too. they say they can walk and chew gum at the same time in these negotiations can have the background so we will really have to see if the tax push can go on as expected, if it's earlier than expected we could probably see, but there's a lot of pressure to get it done >> these are two big items. anything else i must do list? there is a very long list of programs that either expired in december or before. i mention the children's health insurance program, that is going to run out of funding very soon. there's already warnings that
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might not be funding left. we also have surveillance tower towers, that's probably going to be taxed on negotiation. there's a whole list that congress has been punting including flood insurance that has sort of come into a larger focus with the many hurricanes we've seen so there'll be a lot of issues were congress may want to extend those t deadlines. we'll see that in january there's no way to finish writing a spending bill so on that day will see another continuing resolution againhe in january but i do think a couple of these bills will be attached. they won't want to leave chips not funded into january >> let's hear from jerry, democrat line >> for christmas. good to see you.
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likewise, iyo just want to say this. picture for a moment, a government in the senate and the house that has nothing but centrist running it rather than people who are too hung up on satisfying theyi base, and i thinkit it's amazing what the end result might turn out to be in that regard because you would have people saying hey, let's balance everything out in the fair manner and do what's best for everybody. when that be wonderful. course this is a pie-in-the-sky dream but let's get as close to that as we can. goodbye everyone, merry christmas. >> there is a few extensors in the house and the senate, they are always the ones that at the last vote to be gotten during these negotiations, but of course there's a whole mix
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and leadership is under pressure. [inaudible] you can continue to followw this debate and sarah from politico. she's a reporter from politico. thank you for your time. >> thanks for having me >> starting shortly we will hear from the outgoing director of the national counterterrorism center, niclas rasmussen. he will talk about his tenure and growing terror threat at an event hosted by the carnegie endowment for international peace. the discussion is supposed to start in about five minutes right here on c-span2. while we wait, we will look at some of the testimony from the director of the fbi before congress this week. >> training is on the phone is katie williams who is a national security reporter
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with the hill to talk about the fbi director testimony on capitol hill yesterday. katie williams, what you think is the headline from that five-hour hearing? >> one of the things was really how smoothly chris ray really sailed through his first oversight hearing before the house judiciary committee which has jurisdiction over the fbi. even though republicans were pushing him on what they say is a double standard within the fb fbi, not hillary clinton in the investigation of her e-mail server but focusing instead on the fbi agent that we have since learned has been removed from robert muller's investigation, even facing tough questions from the republicans on that perceived double standard, no one really went after ray specifically.
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he couldn't talk a lot about what they wanted to know. there's an ongoing justice department inspector general investigation into how the fbi handled the clinton investigation any sort of referred to that and he didn't seem to spark any personal frustrations are really very smooth appearance >> members of congress were questioning him about the inspector general reports on the muller investigation. what is the timeline for learning about this investigation and what the ig finds out >> at this point we don't know, but i think you can expect that whatever inspector general comes out with will be a bombshell report at this point. it's looking into everything from leaks out of fbi offices
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as well as then director james comey and how he wrapped up the investigation and how he chose to come out and make a public statement calling clinton extremely careless while not charging her. all that will be wrapped up into this rolling probe >> what relationship, or what role if any does chris ray have in the muller investigation >> not much. the fbi does have some resources input toward the muller investigation, but he himself is not running this investigation. that is under the offices of rod rosenstein >> what did we learn about peter struck? we didn't learn a hom whole lot that was new. he kept continuingly referring
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to the inspector general investigation and kind of left that a little bit of a black box. he did say, he did make the point that he had been reassigned but that was not necessarily a disciplinary action. he did sort of give a little cover to the agent, but that was about always learned. >> the committee primarily focused on these investigations, but there is also pending for the fbi and for national security folks, the re- authorization of section 702, that deadline is approaching. remind viewers what this is and when could vote take place? >> so it's an element of surveillance law that basically allows the government to collect the
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e-mail and text messages and other communications of foreigners who are replaced overseas. as americans are caught up in that, they say the target is talking to the american in the united states. the government then has that data, what they call collected incidentally and this has become a sticking point not only for some democrats but also for privacy mended individuals. they said is a violation of fourth amendment rights against inappropriate search and seizure. the fbi main goal is coming down to the judiciary committee was really to advocate for a clean reauthorization of this legislation. they want this law to continue forever unchanged as it is. that, according to the
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committee chairman, doesn't have the votes to pass in the house. he sees this coalition as privacy minded lawmakers who want some sort of warrant requirement to search the database for american information. he thanks the group is too big to get a clean reauthorization through. it's unclear what will happen before u before december 31. at this point, what i'm hearing from quite a few people is that they expect maybe some small modest tweet two weeks but nothing that will get put into a must pass legislation at the end of the year >> all right. national security reporter with the hill, katie, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> c-span2 is live at the carnegie endowment for international peace in washington d.c. for remarks by the outgoing director of the national counterterrorism center niclas rasmussen. :
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[inaudible conversation] >> c-span2 live at the carnegie endowment for international peace, remarks by the national director of the counterterrorism center, nicholas rasmussen. he is expected to talk about his tenure and address the growing terror threats and also live later tonight here on c-span2 we are hearing from president trump was holding a rally in pensacola florida. he's expected to talk about the republican tax reform efforts. we are live happy as a: a center starting at 8 pm eastern here on c-span2 and reporting president trump signed a short-term spending
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bill to avert a government shutdown. he signed a day after congress send it to his desk december 22. lawmakers say that. two more weeks to negotiate a broader spending agreement. read more than and waiting for remarks by outgoing director of the counterterrorism center nicholas rasmussen here on c-span2.
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>> good afternoon everyone, my name is bill burton and i'm excited to welcome all of you to the carnegie endowment for international peace. and i'm especially delighted to welcome home to carnegie nicholas, director of the national counterterrorism center. as nick completes three years as director of and cdc, nearly 30 years ago service, we are fortunate and honored that he's chosen to offer a few parting thoughts
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