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tv   BOOK TV  CSPAN  June 9, 2018 1:45pm-2:01pm EDT

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continues shortly. [inaudible conversations] >> here's a look at upcoming book fairs and festivals around the country. june 16, the fdr presidential library and museum host the roosevelt reading festival, a day of author programs on the life of the 32nd president. later this month in new orleans,
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the american library association annual conference featuring a keynote talk by former first lady michelle obama. from july 11 till of the 14th, is the annual libertarian conference freedom fest. for more information about upcoming book fairs and festivals and to watch our previous festival coverage click the book fair tab on our website , book >> this is called change hard and policy and it's all about the ways that movements-- not just filing lawsuits and pushing for reform in those advocacy techniques, this is about how they do the softer stuff. have you change minds, attitude. it takes just as much strategy and thought with social norms as it does to do these other things and to give you a flavor of why
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some of the many movements have been so good at this i want to share a couple of social media ads to show you have a think about changing hearts and minds and i can think of no one better than the tobacco control movement. wenk tobacco control realized they were up against eight powerful industry and up against a powerful social norm, so they had to have equally powerful messages. we will queue this up from a truth initiative, and anti- teen smoking initiative. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> thank you. all right, so what did you notice about that ad? it's funny. what else do you notice? doesn't tell you not to smoke. no adults telling you smoking is bad for you. when i first assad's ad i came across it come and not because of any serious research i was doing, but i was driving with my kids on the way to camp in the summer of 2016 and i was telling them about the book i was starting to work on i said it's about how change happens and
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movement and i'm like smoking, everyone used to smoke, but now no one dies and my 11-year old said to me yeah, smoking is bad. like that cat video and i was like what to video and he was like mom like i'm the only person on earth that had never seen the video, so we got home and searched on youtube and it had millions of views. like my son will never smoke not necessarily because i told him not to, but because kids care about their pets and they realize the punchline that if you smoke pets get cancer and more importantly there would be no stupid pet videos. that's what kids care about it sounds silly, but there was lots of research and evidence behind this campaign that was put together because they got into the psychological profile, behavioral, economic, part of kids think and make decisions.
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what do they care about and then they hired a ad agency with the greatest to come up with something that would be a hit. of the reason why it works is because it's appealing. it makes smoking uncool. it sells at the same way the tobacco companies were selling you marvel-- marble and joe camel-- as we make you go watch this and other programs online book >> book tv takes hundreds of author programs are upcountry. here's a look at some events we will cover this week monday, the new york public library to hear cultural critic roxane gay discuss a collection of first-person essays she edited on sexual assault, harassment and rape. tuesday, we are in baltimore where rutgers university history professional will recount the desegregation of america's public schools through the actions of young african american women.
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thursday, we are in washington dc at politics and prose or abc news ban abrams talks on abraham lincoln class legal case, in murder defense of 22-year old peach when harrison in 1859 pick that's a look at some of the events we will cover this week. many events are open to the public. look for them to air in the near future on book tv on c-span2. >> what would be the impact if the democrats wanted control of congress and they are-- they are indeed was that impeachment effort? what would that look and feel like and what with the impact of the on the people of america, 45% of whom in a recent poll feel that trump has done a pretty good job? susan, why don't we start with you and marched down this way.
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>> well, impeachment is a very serious thing and i think we have to be aware of the fact that there are many people who don't feel that last year has been a fair year, no one has concentrated on the nation's business particularly. we have heard nothing but stories and gossip and speculation on television every day and i really fear for our country if we start this cycle, the cycle of impeachment and the men a kind of chaos that emerges from that. if you look at the other damaging results of the impeachment efforts in the past and this is a very serious thing now, i also take this seriously because i spent the lions share of my career traveling to russia, the former soviet union.
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i can barely stand what i hear on television because they never invite experts to come on and talk about russia. it's the situation that is way more complicated in all of this and if some of things that come up on television are actually not only legal, but perfectly normal for people who are engaged in international affairs. now, if there was any collusion, i mean, real collusion not just speculation about collusion and this is a very very serious thing, very serious thing, indeed. i would ask all of my colleagues in washington, i'm still living there. you know that old expression that washington is hollywood with unattractive people. [laughter] let me tell you, they are looking more and more unattractive all the time, so this is a serious thing in a very tough place to be. i don't think we are looking at
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the nation's problems in the right way. we don't have a strategy for everyone in this country and impeachment-- sears impeachment effort without unassailable causes behind that measure would it cause untold damage, i think, to our country. [applause]. >> well, up until about four months ago i would not have any special insight into the mindset of the liberal base of the democratic party, but i joined as the token republican for a liberal news outlet called crooked media. i'm the only republican that writes for them and i moved about five minutes from berkeley so i think i have gained some insight into the mindset of what the kind of grass-- grassroots left thinks emma me tell you there will be enormous pressure on the democratic politicians if
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they take over the house, also to pursue some type of impeachment. i think the 2020 candidates will field enormous efforts to support that because that's what the rank-and-file once for them, so-- in that sense the 2018 house elections are important because it will result in almost inevitably that impact at least to feel the pressure to do so. it's possible that they relent, but i would not expect that and as far as the impact, i don't-- we are a country that has become more and more deeply fissured and trying to impeach a president that was duly elected which was probably about time 30 or 40% approval will only fisher it more.
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>> i agree with susan and tim and i would add this practical political observation. it's assumed the democrats take control of the house and they will do so only by winning swing districts and the pressure that tim talked about of the left of the democratic party that you have to be for this or you are out is going to require one of two things. result in one of two-- one or two things either a lot of democrats in seats where they require independent republican votes to get elected, not nancy polo z's district or barbara lee's district, but a swing district in the midwest that will require them to walk the plank and they will be gone after one term regardless of impeachment or it will result in the house of representatives feeling to approve an impeachment resolution supported by virtually all democrats imposed by every republican and the democratic party will be even more slick going into 2020. it's bad for the country.
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but, it will also be bad for the democrats unless as tim says there is clear evidence of an impeachable offense and you saw a bit of this play out inside the republican party in the failed impeachment of a guy who had sex with an intern in the hallway off the oval office and lied about it costing him his law license, or even that republicans overplayed and ended up finding themselves in 2000 had we had a candidate who stood up and said i'm going to make this an issue in the campaign with bill clinton's behavior it would've been more damaging, but instead george bush refused to talk about it at all and said he would restore dignity and honor to the white house thereby avoiding the issue, but it could have done damage in 2000-- did damage. >> i would like to add that stand back and looking at these various things that karl was talking about, it makes me feel
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we are moving more towards a parliamentary system without any of the advantages or can other words, no opportunity to go to the country to reestablish credit valley. the point being is that today political parties are really only running races to benefit the basis. we don't have any leaders that i can see coming along who have a strategy for the entire country on either side where we could actually make a choice and to live with that choice for four years. i'm a registered independent. this is a choice. i'm still waiting for both parties to talk to me in a way that i read brett it-- i regret it. i would love to go back to the republican party. i'm so pathetic to various elements of the party, but do you know 39% of the electric in this country or independence, which is a larger group than both republicans and democrats, so this is very-- really a sign
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when 39% of the electorate chooses not to be a member of the party and so i think all kinds of things-- feels like it's a very fluid situation at the moment. >> you can watch this and other programs online at the >> the national review jonah goldberg is left-- next live from printers row lit fest along with pulitzer prize-winning journalist bruce who will offer his thoughts on the state of the american democracy. >> will come to the 34th annual chicago tribune printers
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row lit fest. a special thank you to all of our sponsors. today's program will be broadcast live on c-span2 book tv. there will be time at the end of this event for some questions and answers, so think of those questions you want to ask during the program and we ask that you use the microphones located at the sides so the audience is at home can use it-- here's your questions. .. thank you for joining us for this session with bruce dole and conservative columnist jonah goldberg. mr. goldberg's book is for people serious about reading about the political world in which we reside. those who follow his commentary understand why he sees trump is


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