tv Newt Gingrich Trumps America CSPAN July 15, 2018 6:00pm-7:16pm EDT
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am also joined by the journalism center young america foundation is a nonprofit organization with unparalleled conferences and to provide the educational assistance but then that leads that young conservative movement with the idea of limited government and traditional values for the next generation. those are shaped in great part and then to reach our students today. and then to play a critical role for three decades. the u.s. house of representatives newt gingrich has been a longtime ally magaly addressing the programs
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so then at the reagan ranch center along with his wife felt one of the lead documentaries on ronald reagan. we are honored to house the young america foundation here in virginia. and then to educate young people so prior to his career with the study in environmental studies as the congressman said newt gingrich is a teacher and never stopped teaching when he left him best. and in 1995 was speaker of the house through 1999. and he told the audience to
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say some people have to be willing to dedicate their lives. i have an obligation to do my share. it is well-known as the architect is putting the conservatives to victory with u.s. house of representatives for the first time in four decades. and in the first balanced budget in a generation in 16 years as heroes to the leadership ranks in congress committed to aspiring audiences and then held a press conference covered by every major news network following his time in congress lunch for 2003 for the commissions of winning the future.
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as an author he has published 34 books including fiction and non- fiction bestsellers today he is a fox news contributor. naming man of the year that they make things possible newt gingrich makes it to that category in a young american foundation we agree. please join me to welcome the former speaker of the house newt gingrich. [applause] >> thank you very much. i'm glad you are here there is also an intern with us so we are delighted to have him here today to cover the things that we talk about. i think young america foundation plays a very important goal -- just as a
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test case, how many of you would say there is a liberal bias on your campus? [laughter] does anybody here say there is not? [inaudible] two that's a great school. i like that school. >> good is the largest school that i have heard from that does not have a bias. that's great. if anybody has a sense of what this is about why young american foundation matters. so we are in a long-term struggle literally a cultural civil war. those right in the middle of classes how many have a professor if you gave it
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directly conservative answer on your test would give you a lower grade? and then to get the wrong answer by definition. but with that university they became more liberal the news media follows that pattern although the intensity so how many of you on election day in 2016 thought hillary would probably win? this is a conservative audience but 90% of the hands were up. how many was confident trump would win? one or two? three of you.
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so this is part of why i wrote "trump's america" because i wrote last year a book called understanding trump which really is because he is so different that people came up to me and said i don't understand what he's doing or how he does it. so to be focused on trump that frankly that weathered pretty well over the last year it is very relevant because large parts of who he is has not changed but watching what was going on but it isn't trump as a personality but things that are happening in america and you have to look at the larger picture of the america that trump is president of to fully understand the trump presidency that's why trumps america is different. and i have a theory why the left is so hostile and it goes
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back to election day. think about all your friends who are liberals at 8:00 o'clock election evening were about to pop the champagne. hillary would break the glass ceiling you would get a left-wing supreme court justice they will have policies on the left and weakness overseas and raise taxes, life was good and two hours later some of you may have lived through this to see this in whatever room you were in now they are staring at each other and realizing not only will she not be president , but donald trump will be president. and i believe what happened was a traumatic event comparable to psychosis. that the intensity and speed of the change was so great
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that most liberals today suffer from a political variance of ptsd. [laughter] but part of his genius is that he tweets every morning. so people who go to bed and they spend the night trying to think about what is occurring then they wake up in the morning and they are about to begin a happy new day and they see a trump tweet and then they realize oh my god he is still president. so they cannot get over it is like groundhog day as a political movie. it comes back again and again that is a big part of why you have this extraordinary level of anger. but there is a deep personal part of this because he is the guy who usurped the kingship now sitting in the white house
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who should not be there legitimately. but trump of course ignores all that and the people appreciate about him he grew up in the new york media market which is the toughest and nastiest most competitive media market in the country he realized if you wanted to fight in 1985 he would get coverage every day and he likes coverage. so he has spent the last 33 years fighting. people say will he get worn out? no. he wakes up in the morning looking for a fight. he enjoys that in gains energy from it. that is part of why there is this noise level. but under that, there are huge things happening in a couple of examples are obvious now we have the lowest black unemployment rate in american history. you think liberals would report that because that means
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the group they expressed deep concern for there are now more job opportunities than ever but two days ago a report came out that said there are now more vacancies and there are people looking for work. you think that is good. the federal reserve in atlanta estimates that this quarter the economy will grow 4.8% if that happens it will grow twice as fast as ever under obama so that get you back into the reagan range and part of that from the heritage foundation there is very good some professional economist that says the size of the investment structure coming down the road the companies investing, that canadian firms two weeks ago said virtually every company in canada is looking at moving people to the united states because the new tax code makes is the most
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competitive country in the worl world. you are better off tax wise be here than anywhere else in the world which is an enormous shift which means you will see a huge amount of money coming into the u.s. for jobs and companies but at the same time you have the deregulation process the trump team has deregulated more than all the other presidents since world war ii combined sewer liberates businesses to invest actually are starting to see the economy take off before the tax cuts because the deregulation process was sending signals that said please hire more people and do more things the government will not harass you and put you out of business so they were already starting down the road but it isn't called
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"trump's america" government but trumps america but there are some interesting thing but my favorite chapter is on space because i am passionate about space i think it is our future but how many of you would be interested if there was an opportunity to go into space? raise your hand. i'm curious. people talk about risk we lose 15 people per year hiking on various trails so 200 people now on mount everest that are frozen that they cannot get off yet every year people show up a lot of people show about yosemite but also everest. so what you have is the opening stages moving from space which is very rare with
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a very small number with very specialized people to space from colonization. and again a large part where truong long -- trump as an entrepreneur for sin. the book that i recommend after you read "trump's america" but it takes for billionaires we really haven't adjusted to the fact there are people on this planet who are wealthy enough that are the equivalent of a country that they have that many assets. so in a way biggest is richard branson who owned virgin america but now has been sold he has a firm called virgin galactic now they are building a spaceship that has successfully completed two flights and is designed to take six passengers and a
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pilot and copilot to about 60 miles literally at the edge of space you would ride up and have 15 minutes to be weightless and to take pictures of her from 60 miles up then he has put up a fair amount of money. he has hundreds of people who have put down $250,000 to reserve a seat on one of his flights. the second person is paul allen the cofounder of microsoft he decided to go totally different route building the largest airplane in the world that are 2740 sevens joined together and it is designed to carry a rocket up at 50000 feet and then the
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goal is to go into space the same convenience is getting on a domestic airline. and instead went to go up at 2:00 o'clock so that is a near space example but the third is elon musk who has invented tesla and other sorts of things one of his projects is called spacex and he said openly his goal is to colonize mars which is very different from the nasa model which is to have a handful of astronauts exquisitely trained to visit for a little bit he will send up people like us to show up one morning as pioneers. he figured out early on the biggest single problem was cost that you use the rockets
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once so imagine if every time he took off in an airplane it was the only flight that airplane would make and how expensive commercial flying would be because of course she reduce cost dramatically -- drastically so he has been designing his rockets so they will take off and then return. some of you may have seen the video those two rockets that come back down parallel to each other and land's goal is every rocket is used at least ten times that will take at least 40% of the cost so now you have a different cost structure with different opportunities. the person who is the real example of the wright brothers and henry ford is jeff b cell cells -- bezos he got rich to
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go into space now he is the wealthiest man in the world and works for the president. so i sat with him a couple months ago he writes a personal check for $1 billion every year. no federal hearings or government regulations or congressional investigations he hires engineers no long-term planning or nasa bureaucracy. by next year or the year after there will be a rocket called john glenn that is reusable that will lift 5500 pounds into space and then it will come back down to get refueled and take another 5500 pounds into space and the goal is to do that every day. this is a revolution and the reason i use this example is
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it is happening around the government not because of the government. so the truth is these entrepreneurs are just doing it they're not asking permission or waiting for a long planning session they have gotten some government support but there is a firm you can look up it is an online learning system invented by the guy invented the google self driving car and google's birth view. and taught at stanford to offer a course on advanced computing and offered it online.
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he had 400 students that were registered at stanford and 53000 people who signed up online which made the stanford faculty pretty mad. a considerable number finish the course. he did the final but the top student was number 400 from sanford with 399 other people did better that is much as he liked his lectures they were not the most effective way to learn it was actually to have a relationship to ask the computer over and over if you did not get it because the computer doesn't get bored it is very hard to ask a professor three or four or five times the same question you get intimidated even at
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the professor is willing to you are not willing to but the computer does not care. so he did an experiment and built this online learning system and found the university of california blocked it because it was a threat. i once rode -- read a book that every one of these is like the transcontinental railroad so whoever was the last cycle doesn't get that excited when the next cycle starts. so he had the courage and they literally said you cannot offer his material. he said fine i will not even try to get accredited and started to sign contracts at places like google, apple, amazon, facebook if you take his courses and he asked them for the purpose to hire you is certified by those companies and he discovered they said i
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can get a normal degree or a degree that google recognizes for the purpose to hire me? i think i will try that. so again it is the example of the beginning of the future. if we go through artificial intelligence we go through robotics we will have so many jobs where people need to be reeducated and think of new and creative and better ways of learning people can have those marketable skills otherwise it doesn't work. from my perspective when you see lots of changes coming down the road may be dealing with alzheimer's none of them are working but there are 90 different efforts to develop something and alzheimer's is the biggest public health cost there is with $20 trillion so
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it is a huge area so efforts are underway to develop a non- addictive painkiller to literally replace all painkillers if it was effective with no addiction and that probably will come online in two or three years because they understand the biology but i look around and i see all of these opportunities coming down the road but then you see the left and their goal is control whether a government run health system or school system you can go down the whole list and from the left standpoint the world i am describing is not happy and fun and exciting or optimistic but it is terrifying. what if people just wanted to be happy? what if they could find a job? and they didn't have to have somebody? of innocent so whole trump
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worldview can we grow fast enough to create enough jobs and build the system is very threatening if you are the left hand second the ada to make america great again is so that you end up any american of any background to pursue happiness to violate the model that all of you should be broken up into groups and then we decide what group you should belong to her what group you should be mad at so it is a model of decisiveness and taking the country apart rather than putting it back together. in texas the pole came out last week senator cruise actually now carries the
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latino vote governor adage is tied both of them get much higher percentage than they would have gotten four years ago because if you have the lowest black unemployment rate in history people talk to each other and say what if this is working? so there are a lot of things going on that really represent and so now one last area that is understanding him both in trade and foreign policy. i think it is fairly funny that the europeans and canadians i have no idea how the meeting will go today but they have decided that they will gang up on trump with the g-7. that is funny first of all because the fastest growing economy of the g7 is the united states.
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this happened to reagan by the way he went to his very first meeting with all of these guys they basically treated him like a kid who didn't know what he was doing and he sat in the corner he came back two years later the fastest growing economy in the world now they wanted him to be the center of the stage. so you might think the leaders may say what you doing right? instead they are mad because he pulled out of the paris agreement and pulled out of the iranian agreement and involved in the tara for and also canada and france picked a fight with him but he pointed out there is 147% tariff and said you want to pick a fight? first of all the canadian economy depends on us very
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heavily. but the french economy still underperforms very high youth unemployment and he has tried very hard to reform france and has tried very hard even though he controls the national assembly but the french people don't want to be reformed they have a long history of the railroad workers have been striking two days a week for months just to send a signal we are not happy. imagine the chaos that causes. so they are not necessarily the people who can lecture us on the economy. but trump said something very profound from world war ii through 2016 we use the american economy to prop up so
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if we needed your help and for a very long time it made perfect why they were our major competitor and number two because when we came out of world war ii we were half of the world's economy remember everybody else was bombed so we were a huge portion of the world and we could afford to be generous. over the last 25 years that has all disappeared. we have agreed to work with the chinese with the wto on the hopes they would become of part of a rule-based system that they are not. the director of national intelligence under obama said two years ago that the chinese stole $460 billion of
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intellectual property in one year that is more than total sales to china. so travis taken the position we will defend our intellectual property. the 20 chinese have 25% tariff and said we will not play the game if you spend ten times as much as we do. people need to understand if you are an american president who puts america first in that some vague world global system first that will create tension because it is a huge change and second is the biggest country in the world of the put ourselves first we are formidable even the chinese cannot possibly compete with us bvm 30 or 40 or 50 years but if we go back to growing
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then they cannot catch up in your lifetime so these are the changes underway that are amazing. so i wrote about this in understanding trump but he has a deep belief in his ability to learn and negotiate. one of the things that people in the washington press corps don't get, he listens to everybody. when he was in saudi arabia the king was with him every day for three days and every time they were in public the king was next to him talking. and trump is listening. it isn't just did you have a nice dessert? he does this all day every day he picks people's brains and listens to them he is watching how you react when he talks to
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feedback information that worked that is strong that is not with enormous levels of energy. so a traditional model is a wonder we should do about x and with the staffers from the brookings institution writing a paper so they all feel important in fighting over the paper over several weeks the answer is i will call the president of south korea and china and japan and see how it feels. so with all the information he takes and is astonishing and his willingness to be tough is astonishing. john paul ii used to say be
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not afraid. he didn't say have courage but trump operates a lot like that. i have no idea what will happen in singapore. i think it is possible they will have a very successful meeting. i think it is also possible that morning around breakfast he will say it will not work and he will walk out and that is the range of options. we shot part of the movie at the ranch called rendezvous with destiny we went to reykjavík couple years ago in iceland and there is a little house where reagan and gorbachev met in 1987. there is a great scene in the movie straight out of the newsreels where reagan was holding out for missile-defense. gorbachev was offering him everything. arms and treaties that give up
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missile-defense. and reason -- reagan said no. i am not doing so then gorbachev said we will not give you anything and reagan says that's fine so it breaks down they walk outside there was a great scene making is not normally this aggressive literally in his face talking and saying you did this. you made a mistake you screwed up and you will regret this and it is clear he is really angry. i was in congress at the time and all those republican sophisticated people said this is a terrible mistake. he only had to get the stupid missile-defense assessments later gorbachev came to washington and agreed to everything reagan wanted and gave up on trying to stop
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missile-defense. i think trump understand that model is the most powerful nation in the world you can bring economic pressure you don't have to say yes. the other guy has the problem. so it is very interesting to see how he negotiates with t3 next week. you are all practicing to be journalists here researching i will take questions. >> we will have microphones. >> be more assertive and grab him when he walks past. [laughter] >> so with many of the entrepreneurs you have
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mentioned they found their success during the years of the obama administration so how does that correlate to t5? >> because they were in zones the government could not screw up yet. i would argue most of america is still relatively healthy despite big government but the impact of large government high taxes is slowing everything down. if they have the current regulatory environment with the current tax environment he would be 50% further down the road than they are right now. >> right here. >> when i talk to people about black unemployment the lowest in history the common response is that's not trump's doing but it is obama is doing so how do you retort that?
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>> i would say it is astonishing we had eight years we never want got the growth rate above 2% we were told it was impossible to get to 3% and that of trump was elected there would be a depression and we were told to get used to the new normal. put new normal in your search engine to see how many left-wing economists show what to say people should not be complainin complaining. twenty-first when officer jimmy carter was president we had a really slow period of economic growth of high inflation carter went on tv one night and it had become known as the malaise each but we all feel miserable because we are miserable it is our own fault and so i blame you in the country thought about it
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ronald reagan had a line that said a recession is when your brother-in-law is unemployed and depression is when you are unemployed recovery is when jimmy carter is unemployed. [laughter] but the left had convinced themselves that carter had the best economy you could get and within a year and a half of reagan taking office we began to explosively change everything now you see the same thing here. it is very hard to make the argument you can say we are still at 2% growth and obama did bring us out with one or 2% growth. so what is the difference is -- revenue or job creation between 2% growth in what is happening? and trump trump claims he has added $7 trillion through his policies.
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but i think he learned very early as a showman but i think it will be very hard to argue if this continues. we have a lot of things to do to make it continue but if it does which i thank you will see the kanye west reactions at what point do i get to tell you that is baloney? i am confident if they work out an agreement in singapore and they announce the north koreans are giving up all nuclear weapons the new york times headline will be dramatic effort by heroic t3 despite trump's personality left.
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>> i am just wondering if you look at president trump background he used to be pro-choice on abortion or in favor of socialized medicine i believe after the election he actually accused mitt romney to be too conservative on immigration but yet now you look at his presidency he is staunchly pro-life immigration president wanting to overturn obamacare. what does this account for his change of policy? >> i always tell people trump is not a conservative.
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if you mean barry goldwater william buckley or reagan he is the most effective anti- liberal and american history not because he is conservative but he applies common sense so much of modern liberalism is not one -- nuts if you apply common sense falls apart. i take seriously the story he tells about the woman he got to know who was advised to have an abortion and her daughter was with her but that was the decisive moment. i give him that one but also that he contemplated legalizing we are one. you cannot assume he will walk in the room having spent 30 years reagan originally was the fdr democrat and as late as 1948 made commercials for harry truman and humphrey but humphrey was the
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anti-communist liberal running against the procommunist liberal that is how bad. was. reagan became the anti-communist and then when he married nancy her father was very right wing medical doctor and gradually through conversations reagan began to be more and more anti- tax and then more working with general electric there is a book called the education of ronald reagan about the time the eight years he spent at general electric and he had a mentor the head of government relations worked with reagan for years when i read this book i understood he was doing for the first time. it is that decisive of a book and he learned how you deal with people he gave 375 speeches to the blue-collar audiences with q&a and picture
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taking some of the time he ran for president he was interacting with blue-collar workers talking about ideas that the guy who hired him was very conservative and reagan would not fly back then. he had a very bad flight they were caught in a thunderstorm and he decided that was it. in fact he did not fly again until the fall of 65 he gets a call one evening from his brother in san francisco who says a group of guys would like to have breakfast with you in the morning and talk about supporting you for governor. he said you know i don't fly i cannot get from here to san francisco that fast he said if you decide you want to be governor i will be at breakfast in the next reagan he goes out that tells you how
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ambitious he was. but for that. working for general electric he was writing the train. he did not gamble this guy keeps giving him conservative books so he is reading conservative economics on his trips. trump did not do any of that. he made money and invented new things like the apprentice and the best-selling thai in america and golf. he doesn't drink it's not like he is hanging around but he is a business guy. he is not a politician but the gap of how badly run the country was in his own ego that he could do a better job than anybody else of course i could do a better job i'm donald trump. and that is what propels him. i don't hold him to any
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automatic ideological consensus but when he makes a decision it sounds like there are two trumps when he makes a big decision like the iran agreement for two and half years he said was a bad deal i have europeans approaching me just before he ended the agreement to say what can we do? i said you either come up with a better deal or he will kill it he is been telling you this for two and a half years. this isn't a secret. cutting taxes. deregulation now when you get down to the little things, he could not predict himself because he is a free spirit and so you have to see him that way but your observation is right that trump evolved and it is an interesting question because he evolved in
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part in response to the evolving reality and running as a republican populist in the field with 16 other people that he realized if he would put together a base it wasn't just personality that he had to have a frame of reference to enable him to appeal to this large brock -- block and the two came together. >> thank you for coming i actually met for dinner with former national security advisor mcmaster the other night and he wanted me to send my regards to you. my question is when you were a speaker of the house he will do contract with america.
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you seem to have an uncanny ability to work with president clinton to get things done fast forward 20 years later and congress is a perpetual state of gridlock. what changes can we make to get out of this and is this an issue of incompetence or partisanship? >> first of all we are not in gridlock they pass the largest tax cut in american history and a number of other bills. but there is a very deep partisan divide. one is a gap between the right and the left as i describe in "trump's america" we are in a cultural civil war and i mean that literally. but these are profound differences of the nature of america. that makes it a real challenge. second, you have to have a personality you can deal with.
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personally i would've had no idea how to deal with barack obama. because he was opaque. he got up every morning knowing the brightest person on the planet had just got up and would treat with contempt. and there was no way to break through. i have talked to john weiner when he was speaker and ryan when he was speaker without them i don't know what i would have done because obama by personality is so hard to deal with. clinton for all of his weaknesses is an astonishingly open human being. you could talk with bill about one third of the time he would lie but you just get used to that and it is part of the process than you could figure out what was true and what wasn't often by later what happened and wanted. but and what didn't but even
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on a couple occasions was very angry you don't wear your feelings on your sleeve but this is the business you are in the other part the democrats right now don't want to work with john their goal is to make him fail i am delighted now that mcconnell will keep in the senate i think he should have done this earlier and i think they will cave but clearly they have no interest to cooperate particularly in the senate or house leadership so annette case you just run over them. but what i would have done it goes back to reagan and would have figured out the issues that make it very expensive to the democrats to stay unified and bring up the issues in such a way the leadership was constantly under pressure because they say i cannot stay with you i will get beat back
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called. long -- back home and frankly with trump you have to be patient if i was a legislative leader today i would recognize you have to spend a lot of time with him and listen to him a lot and try to sort through and you have to wear seatbelts they would be something that you did not expect so you need that seatbelt just to get through the car wreck. >> university of florida. you were talking about how deregulated the government has
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the how do you see the government shrinking over the next couple of years? >> the states will be deregulated first able continue the pressure to reduce the total number of regulation. they will continue to try to find every possible way to make government leaner and faster and more efficient. i suspect there will be some attrition but you have to handle that carefully because if you are in the middle of a cancer research project at nih you don't want a hiring freeze that you cannot find two more cancer researchers hiring freeze that you cannot find two more cancer researchers the government will be somewhat smaller by the time they are done with the exception they are expanding security and the defense system and i think that will continue and give it a rise of
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the dangerous world they will not have a choice they have to invest more into defense. >> hello. my question is we are about halfway through the first term so where do you see the economy going? >> actually i divided "trump's america" into two parts the first half is what we have accomplished in the second half is what we have to do. if he continues down the road with deregulation to be tough with trade negotiations the economy will grow pretty dramatically.
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i would be shocked to have real growth over the next three or 45 years somebody had a great line and somebody said this to be a great project for somebody who is good at math if you assume the american economy historically over 200 years averages over 3% actually does closer at 3.5% growth, then you look at the last two years of bush and the eight years of obama, even though we were slowly recovering it was at a rate it was at a rate the store numbers one -- historic number so on a compounded basis staying at 3.5% what would the economy look like today? it gives you the gap we can grow into some people say we are close to the end because we cannot grow much more. actually by historic standards we are 15 or 20% smaller than
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me would have been growing at 3.5% so the last three years of reagan we were growing unbelievably fast and if bush did not come out for the tax increase we would have continued to grow and in a bizarre way bush coming after the tax increase and slowing down the economy which helped direct to bill clinton and the first republican house in 40 years. >> i'm from calvin college. you talked earlier how the age of artificial intelligence like the american workforce will have to be much more agile in response to what steps do we have to take to become more agile? the mecca
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couple of things first of all. if you went back to 1800s you would have a substantial amount of people engaged overwhelmingly the majority of the population would be in farming. if you said to them i don't know the current number but 3.5% of the country is farming to produce a massive surplus we have to sell somewhere because the farmers are so productive the average person would have thought you were crazy. i think the same thing is true today. humans have a knack of looking at the next cycle of desirable things at a rate slightly faster than unemployment. so over time most of the jobs they invent are better jobs and better salaries and better commissions but also humans
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like your generation will probably live to be over 100 much healthier. one hundred for your generations maybe 60 for us because historically people were worn out physically working in a steel mill plowing behind the mule you just get worn down. most of us nowadays we exercise that you are not burned out so people will live longer i was with kissinger recently who is now 95 and works full-time and would be bored to death if he said we will make you retire he would be bored to death. so people will live longer with a greater range so how we
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build online convenient learning systems that allow you to learn conveniently if you want to go to bally for six weeks and take your courses online, i don't care. i don't thank you have to go to a campus somewhere to be available two hours a week when the professor is available think how inefficient that structuring. second we think finances. i was talking to a relative of mine talking about he could retire from the company he's done with i said you have a pension he says no they never did it was the 4o1k that they match he has a large amount of money in his 4o1k so you have to think in terms each of you on average will have five or seven or more jobs in your lifetime. career type of jobs so think
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how do you change and evolve? i have reinvented myself four or five times and people just learn to do that. >> i have an idea for your next book and i think you are probably the most qualified to handle this. but it could be donald trump's guide to creatively handling the ever changing nature of world events and use a system of computers to have all the infinite number of possibilities of events that could be taking place at any given time. and given the problem with leader participation and it is your job as a reader to come up with the most viable way to
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handle this problem and have the system to grade that to weed out all of those who should never run for president. >> with the rules who are legitimate anybody could run for president and the american people weed them out and they don't do it because of a rational process but in the end whoever has the makings the president although you make me think of a game that is called your own president with there is a whole series of crisis and the reagan library has done this that takes the grenada operation intake students in the situation room and says now you get the information they guy and you have to make the decision and think it through. that is pretty good.
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>> so you touch on conservative fiscal policy towards government deregulation. in the larger port part is those is the social policy. so conservative fiscal even more liberal socially? what do we have to do to combat that? >> maybe it works itself out in different ways maybe you could argue that question of gay marriage move towards what we could call the left or abortion has moved to the right with the development of
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we also have the former secretary of education in august on how the schools work and a surprisingly dramatic and candid book about the nation today and also i shouldn't forget later this summer we have chris shivers from "the new york times," a former marine writing about soldiers in the war of iraq and afghanistan in the spirit of.
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now they are back home. it's not just their time there but their time at home and their attitude about the war and service that are affected by their experience in the middle east. so those are some of the big titles that we have. the ful fault will kick off with secretary kerry and the secretary will not only give us the sort of full view of his life and service and experience anin the islam and his early career in the house but also will give a perspective on the work on the iran deal.
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when you have a high-profile author like that, how is the approach taken different from somebody that is not as high-profile? >> it was basically to talk about campaigns from the perspective as a bottom-up or top-down and a personality is more a matter of our managing the interests and curating a public rollout that we think is the most effective to say the ones that reach the readers who are most interested in the materials were those outlets in the media who are the most likely to start the kind of conversation that the secretary feels are most vital. he remains very engaged and there are still issues that are
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important to a. there are four of the favorite presidents that she's written about extensively, katie roosevelt, fdr, lyndon johnson and of course lincoln and what she is doing a is looking at the presidency through the lens of leadership and management. she's been delivering a speech to the facilities for many years and the things that she's talked about ishe istalked about as coa larger argument about what makes a great leader not only in terms of the formative experiences thabutthe experience was in thel office.
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the 2020 presidential election laid out his vision for america. as an offensive mechanism. in other people kina lot of peoe things saying that the president is crazy, don't pay attention to them. donald trump picks a target and starts making up lies preemptively. and so you've got to think i'm pretty sure it is going to pop back up for this millions of people that voted illegally and
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that is where he is setting up the narrative but he can still use back in 2020. >> like me see him saying about the investigation meddling in the 2018 midterm reminds me of what he said about the rigged election. >> and also politicizing the report whenever it comes out. i think that because things that were narrative during the election prevented the statement that the investigation so this stuff does work and it may present a report from coming out before 2019.
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