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tv   Naomi Brockwell Billys Bitcoin  CSPAN  August 18, 2018 11:50pm-12:02am EDT

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officers one -- officers -- officers who should've been held accountable. and that turned out to be correct about actual correspondence between admiral with the bullet point list of ships that were held accountable that ended the speculation. so i know that we are out of time. thank you very much. >> joining us now naomi
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brockwell who is this? apparently it's me. so many years ago looking at that coin i loved that it loved it looking at the currency i started a series making educational videos about the coin then i made music video with a cover of uptown girl and it stuck there was nothing i could do to shake it so now i am i am happy to be associated anyway. >>host: you have written a
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children's a children's book about that claim but why such a thing in the idea of the private sector have to compete no innovation in forever and then bitcoin comes along to create a global currency for the marketplace of the global revolution so now it cannot be reproduced so in that fascinating journey i go to conferences and i i work full time with my show and the more that i learn the more that i realize this is a revolution for a revolution for people in the freedom revolution because a revolution for people in the freedom revolution because taking the biggest steps freedom
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and we have created something like financial autonomy you don't need permission to have a bank account you don't need permission to make choices about your life a currency that government doesn't have control and i i think that is exciting especially for countries you don't have honest people running the country like dictators that bitcoin would be a lifeline for people around the world to seven is there a downside? >> for sure. there is. there is a downside to any technology so obviously with any revolutionary technology people use it for their own means and people want to make purchases anonymously but we have to remember it is a tiny a tiny fraction of the money laundering
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or the drug marketplace and the vast majority of all of that and you don't see many people to say we have to band that but is also an amazing tool for everyday people. >>host: what is a block chain? >> it is critical underpinning to bitcoin that makes it possible to have digital access that cannot be produced think of it like a magic ledger when one person write something down it appears in all the different ledgers all over the world. so what happens it solves the problem of people making mistakes so if you have all of these people to verify what you write down is correct then it appears simultaneously all over the world, you can write it down
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but then you can't get rid of so now it is applied. >>host: now how many types of bitcoin are there? >> types? they are all there are all kinds of digital currency. >>host: so it is a brand? that was that was the original crypto currency created with block join join -- block chain now they have used the same technology. >>host: is that a generic word? >> and think it is used as a generic word but it shouldn't be it is very specific that people use it as a substitute when we say that bitcoin revolution what they say it is a block chain a block chain revolution or digital currency revolution not just with bitcoin which is
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exciting but there are a lot of really cool things done in this space. >>host: how many crypto currencies are being developed out there?? >> it is very hard to know because there are tokens if they use lock chain technology other than currency. but with money people don't use these as money unless there a lot of people using them so there are some predominant coin such as bitcoin or bitcoin cash those and some of those are disingenuous and at the
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marketplace. and there is very little regulation in that marketplace. and to risk more than they are willing to lose this is a brand-new territory. and then to do due diligence. then to feel that they understand that enough and for those to understand that. and i encourage people to see what's out there. >> is this a a threat to the sovereignty of nationstate? >> that is. >> that is why it was initially.
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and in those email e-mail threads and that was created with the government control of money. to have governments bailing out what is the government doing with our money? we lose 2% of our 2% of our money every year with inflation anyway but if you put your money in the bank it disappears every single year you have less of that value so bitcoin a lot of people that were angry at the system and big banks were bailed out but they should be taking responsibility for their decisions so somebody came up with this idea to put out this white paper. >>host: do you have suspicion? >> we all have visions but i don't i don't like to say anything i think it's important anonymity remain because what
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tends to happen we idealize -- idolize people putting them on a pedestal and then let the government attack or slander but it is a tool to give freedom and protect your money more than the government is protecting your money and it is important to keep that anonymity. >>host: in your children's book bitcoin fred is that the big bad government? >> you can't leave the analogy into that. but potentially although it was more about normalizing bitcoin rewrote it at the time nobody was talking about it anytime you did here anything it was about money laundering. i go back to a story i live in new york now we would talk about
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bitcoin they say we never hear of that. so this was a way to normalize the world with the everyday vernacular not how it works but just to say this is something you could use in your everyday life is able use your computer or visa debit card you don't have to understand how it works but just know about it and it's very easy to use but getting people talking about it so the children's book then you could get away from the school bully to introduce people from a young age. >>host: here is the book cover. . . . .
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible


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