tv Washington Journal Donna Brazile CSPAN October 9, 2018 11:34pm-12:04am EDT
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washington journal continues. . >> democratic chair also the co-author thanks for joining us. >> it is a wonderful book. >> talk about the journey of american politics at an early age coming through the civil rights and the women rights movement and then the african-american president it is a wonderful book i highly
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recommend it. >> host: what do you think quick. >> i will go this afternoon to goav down to georgia stacy is a great leader and a wonderful publicbl servant i think she has a terrific chance of becoming this nation's first african-american female governor in fact, this will be a great asset to our country to the state of georgia to have stacy leading us. >> what are they interested in this time quick. >> the economy is still a major concern especially after the kavanaugh hearings they would understand not just who
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we are but respect us when we come forward and when we speak out. as a woman who has experienced sexual assault in my lifetim lifetime, and racial discrimination as well as gender discrimination. itd is time we put our best selves forward and i do believe that women this election cycle will make historic gains not just with voters as candidates also. >> host: how does the aca come into this and with voting? . >> people are worried they will lose their insurance and premiums are going up and prescription medicine prices continue to rise. most importantly people with pre-existing conditions and the trumpet ministration is chipping away at the affordable care act. i do believe health care will be a major issue on the ballot. talking about health care as well as bringing home more money to make surewe people have of their
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families. >> talk about support for strong democratic women what does the party have to do to make sure they vote in november we have to really target just democratic women butt independent women and women who are not affiliated with any political w party. everything is at stake with 33 gubernatorial races 435 members of congress one third of the women who are running in the house are women of colorst not just those who are strong the great public servants and the women who i believe can make a difference.
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>> host: what does that messaging look like or what should it look like specifically quick. >> women are running on a very strong message of inclusion to ensure every american can share in prosperity to restore the checks andnd balances. we have seen it with the trumpet ministration they want to rule everything that 20 share the responsibility and i do believe women today who are running especially those who are up for reelection like claire mccaskill or hide camp - - our senator height camp these are the ones who will usher in a new era of responsibility and leadership washington. >> host: they are both fighting a tight race what are the factors they both need to understand these are women they care about their states and constituents and the american people to be strong and prosperous both women
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along with tammy baldwin and many others who have shown over the years they know how to get things done even senator, char we have such terrific women from the great state of minnesota. >> what about the hit she took for brett kavanaugh? .an >> over a decade decade ago we went israel together. and this was an opportunity
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for her not to express just her own conscience but many of american women who have a voice at the table. when it comes to trade, agriculture, job creatio creation, she has been there for the state of dakota. >> host: the president will run on the economy and looking at those figures is that part of the response how does that play out with women with economic issues quick. >> it is the paycheck and what you bring home and to get energized and to have better wages it would take a woman a year and three or four months to make the same amount of money. and for women's health care that is a hidden issue the
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people that care about the environment and by the way they believe in us on indigenous people day but i worry. now looking at the panhandle of florida so all of these issues will betant important not even against trunk but the first election after a presidential election as a referendum on the president. > host: the first collar is up go ahead. >>caller: thank you for taking my call. if there were much higher numbers of women serving in
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congress govern? i am under the belief that women govern better and would you comment quick. >> let me just say that women have been under represented since we achieve the right to vote in 1920. it is important to look at the women who serve now and in the past. these occasions when women have set up - - stepped up to the plate and they have figured out how to continue to move forward and many other issues elizabeth warren. the defense issues and if you take a look at the big issues women are at the table they want to lead and take charge
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we don't want men to leave the room we are just saying scoot over there is room for all of us. >> host: texas republican line good morning. >>caller: yes. i have a question. as far as the the movement they are taking away from the women who are brutally raped? how do you, democrats be so concerned about the children from another country but yet murder our babies? . >> thank you for your question. sexual assault is a crime when it comes to sexual assault it is unreported women and men that come forward we should
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take those seriously they go unreported because people fear backlash or to be stigmatized over the last three years since the election starting october of 2016 when we learned about president tromp with the allegations around his relationships with women and last year hired one - - harveyr, weinstein. sexual harassment and intimidation of women we should support everyone who has the courage everyone who tells their story but in terms of children we want every child to have a head start in life with those that were separated at the border from their parents we want them reunited with their parents we
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want them to be able to grow up healthy and happy so we oppose that zero-tolerance policy at thepo border that they should have an opportunity to be heard and to expand those immigration courts and lawyers to expedite the cases and return the children to their families. >> host: from our independent line the caller from georgia. >>caller: good morning. you are on spot. canvassing iut have 500 people that i have registered that are going to vote democratic this year. and stacy abrams will be the next governor of georgia
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because what other choice do we have? we have a klansman walking around to say threatening things to african-americans he is just like that klansman the head of the clan that occupies the white house. not only a group or of women betterro murderer. and a vote for a republican i hate and despise them that i hope they go now and burn in hell. >> first of all, doctor king said don't let no man take you so low so i don't hate anyone i tried to practice what i preach i know it is difficult to disagree with people that our petty and hateful that stacy is a remarkable leader i have known her for years she
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has public education and was to improvedu education for everyone in the state of georgia so everyone can compete not just with her neighbors in florida and alabama and tennessee but also children across the world. so this is a terrific candidate to knock on doors and the early vote occurs we need to people to go oute and vote don't wait until election day to figure out if you are registered or where your polling places go to i will and find out where to vote. >> host: is there a suggestion? . >> it is a handful of states people living in oregon colorado washington state early voting right now and
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where people are showing up peand how many that we are aware early voting has started across the country. >> host: headline this morning the strategy of how they performed is an angry mob. what do you think about that quick. >> they are desperate to try to label democrats as angry americans but not just democrats but there were republicans people from all over the country who demanded to be heard. i was 31 years old when my former boss along with barbara boxer and the late congresswoman they marched across and i was there to help
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then i was one of the head women then they demanded that anita hill be heard they knocked on joe biden store and kennedy's door they wanted anita hill to be heard she had an opportunity to be heard president george herbert walker bush conducted a thorough and full investigation of all the facts so women need to be heard. i am sad the republicans would call the taxpayers mobs that is from the civil rights age to see people of color to have a seat at the table they would call the mobs. that is insulting to the men and women who stood up to be heard. they work for us. if they can takeno the heat or speak truth to power maybe they should step aside.
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>> good morning. >>caller: i am 55 years old i have been around a long time so i will speak what i understandnd in the last election with hillary and donald trump. african-american women whether we are democrats or republicans we vote as a block on the main issue what happened with hillary i believe 50 percent of white women independent democrats educated soccer moms and they voted on race because donald those comments with the negativity about women and
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let's not forget donald trump and that central park jogger he was not compassionate of those young men one of those racist rape that young man 15 years old i believe spent time in jail where we compassionate about their mothers and families? . >> we do know there is a lot this country in terms of where we are with rape and gender i think it is as voters that elections have consequences in one of the reasons barack obama or joe biden are many
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others or even campaigning across the country i was in connecticut, we all have to get out and vote that is our responsibility even before she camene forward that is our civic duty and in 2016 look at all the people that did not vote three states it was a difference of less than 100,0000 votes so every american and every citizen it is the economy. health h care and i'm sure for you at something else in queens new york but you have to get out andnd vote especially young people and encourage them to get out and vote ase well. >> host: oklahoma independent line.
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>>caller: thank you for taking my call. i like you a lot and i have watched you for a long time but i just have to say that for the democrats to say believe women and women must be heard where were they when the women that accused bill clinton came out? they were destroyed and not heard. i thought it was appalling he was accused of sexual assault and exposing himself to paula jones and broderick. the democrats did nothing. they destroyed those women and hillary was part of thatat destruction. and now to see bill and hillary to go wanted to or of 13 cities with a perpetrator in chief and the perpetrators accomplice.
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so i no longer have any respect for any democrat that say women must be heard. >> first of all, with all the respect bill clinton apologized to his family and his wife and daughter. we know from all of our evidence i wasn't a member of congress but i did support bill clinton and he made it very clear what he did his actions were reprehensible but that beingav said we have a president now in the white house was also been accused of sexual harassment and sexual assault so it is important when they come forward this is for women even as far back as 1990 when didn't want anita hill to be heard even with the democratic-controlled senate
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so you can put all the pots in the water but the truth is to be ensure that women's a voices are heard it's time that we demand respect and when they have the convictions to come forward look what's going on in my church? with the stories that we read on the newspapers about the catholic church and allegations of abuse it is very important people can come forward with the story and that is another layer of what i call repetition when we try to hurt one another i don't want to hurt anyone that make sure they get out and vote. >> host: the latest book. >> they are all incredible women ceo of two conventions
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in 2008 and 2016 with barack obama and then hillary clinton when she was the nominee also working inside the democratic party for decades working with ron brown the firstan african-american and also assistant to the president of the united states and a top lieutenant and hillary clinton campaign with over 30 years of experience working for the democratic party politics we want to encourage women to serve. and we go back into those days to have a seat at the table to elect women of color that are running for congress. >> host: wyoming is next.
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>> i love wyoming. i love wyoming. . >> i am a first time caller i wouldn't call is not for you being on. but what i want to mention i am so disappointed there is no conversation about environmental issues with women seeing it is our children and grandchildren will be jeff and endangered species will start falling down dead and then our kids and grandkids will never get to experience this planet why are we not discussing this further? even though i called about environmental issues, we cannot stop talking about the kids that are separated from theirki s parents. it is a big deal we have to talk about it.
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>> i can understand being from wyoming how important the environment is it's also important to the coastline and agriculture and to our health. the air we breathe and the water we drink i don't understand why we downplay the importance of the environment there is something happening and we should be leaders i am so disappointed the president withdrew from the paris climate accord including the great stay of california governor brown the environment as a human rights issue and it's time we all put this on ourgh radar. >> host: asking about kanye west is reported to go to the white house today to talk about jobs. >> people have the rightes to do
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i supported barack obama in 2008 and 2012 to become president of the united states i voted for hillary clinton in the general election to become president if he is registered to vote and he can get people out then fine i don't know if kanye west is the best messenger for the president to create african-american jobs because we saw the turnaround in our economy is when barack obama served in the white house now it is continuing to grow now we haves to expand the people of the workforce to give them the training in the skills that they need for the 2t century. if mister west isil talking to the president god bless him. >> host: so talking about the black unemployment rate what is the reaction?
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. >> i am so glad i am an american i hope every american has a job and can take care of their family i also know we have to invest in the future of this country and in the workforce we are competing with other countries putting out what i call wonderful products and innovation in manufacturing so we have aer lot to - - a lot of work to do but when it comes to the economy i want it to work for everyone not just the top 10 percent but the bottom 90 percent because we all should enjoy the prosperityks of our country. >>caller: good morning. i have admired you for years and it is just a thrill to even be able to talk to you there are a lot of things that our important besides women's issues we've talked about
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want to be a campaign manager by the time i'm 40. i became manager at 39. texas has so many great women of course and i could go on and on. but texas in particular being fromn louisiana, every summer my mother, we went to texas to see the astros play. we have so many remarkable women on the ballot across the country. i have a map of all of the women running as governor, lieutenant governor.
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this is the year that women can make history and turn up. >> the co-author of for colored girls who've considered politics. thanks for your time. >> the founder and president of the strategies. good >> caller: good to be with you. good morning. >> caller: >> host: with the message you would send to them as they reach out to potential voters? >> cuguest: i would focus as much as possible especially since people are focusing on suburban women voters to keep as much of them as possible in the camp. the reality is we still have a tendency to settle women with a lot of that sort of basic accounting
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