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tv   Washington Journal Washington Journal  CSPAN  November 6, 2018 12:00pm-2:05pm EST

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p.m. eastern in states such as virginia and georgia, ohio, west virginia and north carolina close a half hour later. much of florida closes at 7:00 p.m. as well, except for part of the panhandle. ... c-span, , your primary source r campaign 2018.
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♪ ♪ >> it's tuesday, november 6. election day 2018. 435 u.s. house seats, 35 u.s. senate seats, 36 governors offices up for decision and your votes today. initiative and ballot measures. good morning and welcome to "washington journal" of this election day. three hours of discussion on the election. we welcome your conversation, comments and we'll check in on key senate races and house races as well and hear from you and your thoughts on this election day. here's how we we're breaking te phone lines up. if you are not vs election, 202-748-8002. we welcome your comments on
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facebook. we will look for your we welcome your comments on facebook. we look for your tweets at c-span that bj and try to get some of those throughout the morning as well. you can start dialing in with your thoughts on that election day 2018. matt sums it up simply like this. front page of the drudge report within or against him, present photo president trump yesterday had three final closing rallies in cleveland, indiana and cape girardeau, missouri. front page of "usa today" broadens that discussion in terms of with him or against him. him. this is a headline. "usa today" go for broke revealed a clash of visions. susan writes what's at stake?is democrats warn midterm elections tuesday will undermine the future of american democracy and less president trump's authoritarian instincts are curtailed. republicans argue the nation's sovereignty is at risk if democrats prevail.
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they quote here is the dominant issue. y is strong and the nation doesn't face an immediate foreign-policy crisis although there are trouble spots around the world. instead of a sense of peace and prosperity, the final weeks of the campaign have been dominated by violence and conflict. the mailing of improvised explosive devices to more than a dozen leading democrats, a caravan of central american asylum-seekers making their way across mexico. first -- or an increasingly diverse melting pot. looking at that's on "usa today." looking at the "kansas city star," mention president trump yesterday t campaigning in cape girardeau. the "kansas city star" the headline this morning with political future on the line
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president trump makes last midterm push and writes the president a shadow hanging over midterm elections that will determine the future of his administration, , uses final pih monday to ask voters to help preserve fragile gop victories. his closing argument last night in cape girardeau compares somewhat he had to say. >> i am askingen every citizen from every party, every background, , every race caller and creed to reject the democrat politics of anger, , division, destruction and to unite behind our proud and noble and righteous destiny as americans. it's what it is. i need you to get your family, get your friends, get your neighbors, your coworkers and go out and vote for republicans, congress for republican senate.
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go out and vote republican tomorrow. >> host: this tuesday -- waita minute. a this tuesday, where almost ended tuesday. go home and sleep, get up early and vote. i need the people of missouri to cease this incredible moment in history by electing the great, and he will be someday the great josh holly as your next senator. >> host: president trump late last night in cape girardeau, missouri. election day.
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on twitter @cspanwj couple of thoughts. carol weighs in with i'm going to cast my vote now and i would return asap to join the "washington journal" this morning and so it's always a first part of my day. rebecca says voted in 2016, 70 times a limited pre-existing conditions. even now they're actively working on a a bill that would ensure people with pre-existing conditions but for everything else but their pre-existing conditions. we go to preston new york and we hear from new york city and her from preston. good morning. welcome. morning.: good i wanted to say something today to everybody. especially to my christian brothers and sisters out there who voted for donald trump. his policies, his attacks on immigration,, separating children from the parents, the borders, that is moving the u.s. embassy to
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jerusalem or scuttling the iran deal or cutting regulation protects our environment. but you're missing the big picture. maybe you like all that. you have trade policies that you like for your christian values. the values that have guided and sustained the people of this country since its founding. our american values opening the stranger, dignity and compassion for all human beings, respect for dissent, a quality under law, respect for truth and humility. what humility? no policy is worth that price and sick and tired of what i'm hearing out of this presidents mouth. these tweets, these insults, this division. we all have a responsibility to protect our judeo-christian values for all the people of this country and where the duty to elect people that are going to protect those values. i ask you all, those are you listeningho today, think about
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what's going on. think about what you are giving up. think about that when you go to the polls today. what message will you send? thank thank you, c-span, and gos america. >> host: cindy in san antonio, also voting today. >> caller: good morning. i'm voting today. i'm voting straight ticket read. i was once a democratic voter but eight long years i went through horrible hardship, and because of that i decide to switch over to republican. but whoever is coming out to vote today are whatever, whenever they voted early, whoever they voted for, that's their choice. in trying to change peoples mind on who to vote for is not going
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to work. >> host: how long ago did you decide to vote t straight ticke, as you said? >> caller: after the obama administration. i voted for trump because i consider i went f through hardsp for eight long years. i had to give up my apartment. i ended up homeless. i paid my dues, my taxes whenever i had to do, and i retired and i was treated as if i was worthless. i didn't get nothing but three dollars in the eight years of obama administration on my social security, retirement. my sonmy had the hardest time finding a job with his education. he graduated your qa to college. he couldn't even find a job for eight long years. he had to take mcdonald's jobs. he had to work as a cashier in a grocery store, and now he's
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working a joban that's paying hm $18,000 a month now, which is which is a whole lot better for him. and for me i was able to climb back up and find a decent place to stay and no longer homeless. but wele suffered like that for eight long years and so that's why i switched over to republican. >> host: appreciate you calling in thispu morning. this is front page of the "washington times" this morning. trump versus resistance. the class iss on. both sides drive-up optimism but turnout is key for midterm elections. here's steve in roberts ville new york, excuse me, missouri with the president was yesterday, missouri. steve voted early. tell us about your experience and what are you looking for on this election day? >> caller: good morning america.
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happy voting today. i already voted. i wanted to say we have such a short attention span in this country. just less than 20n years ago bl clinton handed on a silver platter a balanced budget, a robust economy to george w. bush. the first thing he did, a big tax cut, empty out the make and, of course, 9/11 happened and everything. i'm not blaming you all for that, but he ran it straight to the ground and i don't like obama. i did like obama much and he ran up a big debt. but you know we have massive debt we will have to pay for. somebody is going to have to pay it. since that time and now we brought up almost $20 trillion in less than 20 years. the same thing happened, the same playbook over. trump has always done is cut
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taxes for the he doesn't even care if he loses because he's done gotlo his mony but he won't care if they come out with charged at a a know what's going to happen but i bui voted democrat but i don't really like them but there's no choice. >> host: what is your sense taken in the senate race national we heard the most met with josh holly and send a claire mccaskill -- senator claire mccaskill. how do you think the, race will come out? >> caller: i think this task will pull out because josh holly is terrible. he said that he is for pre-existing conditions and is got a lawsuit for the insurance companies not to be exempt from that. he's a total liarr just like bush. appreciate you taking -- >> host: has a healthcare been the central issue in that race? >> guest: i think that's a lot to do with it and plus the divisiveness of our country and
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the state is divided. they are neck and neck. >> host: thank you, steve. another race in virginia, tim kaine former president obama's stumping deputies been active the the last couple of weeks in rallies and campaign appearances. this is the metro section of the washington time. they write just a few election cycles would move from when republicans had a solid lock on the congressional delegation, sanded to tim kaine is on the brink of ensuring the commonwealth is represented by two democrats for at least another two years. in statewide races since 2009 that streak will continue. in the 2018 senate race, mr. kane has far outpaced republican challenger corey stewart in public polling and fundraising and said he thinks virginians will respond in a positive manner. the photo accompanying that
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article of the former president barack obama and senator tim campaigning with barbara wrecks didn't, the theressional delegate in 10th race in vir here are some of what the former president had to say about what's changed since his administration. >> a character of this country is on about who we are is on the ballot. [applause] >> what kind of politics we expect is on the ballot. how well conduct ourselves in public life is on the ballot. how we treat other people is on thee ballot. and the good news is that all across the country what i'm seeing is great awakening. people i think who had taken for granted that we have made certain strides we have made certain progress, that of course
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women are treated with respect. of course we are not going to judge people based on their skin caller or the last name. of course you are going to expect basic decency and honesty and straight talk from folks in high office. suddenly people woke up and said i guess we can't take this for granted. we've got to fight for this. we don't -- [applause] and in that great awakening i feel hopeful. >> host: all of those campaign eventually covered yesterday available on our website, election day 2018 voting today. in new york, welcome. >> caller: how're you doing? enjoying your show.
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>> host: go ahead. you on the air. >> caller: thank you. i'll be voting today and i come with much thought i decided to vote republican this year. what a scene in the hatred from the left, the violence, storming the supreme court as they did the mobs that chase people down the halls of congress, people being confronted in restaurants by mobs of people. this is organize hatred. much different than the lunatic loners that we've seen that the left like to portray of, created by trump. what we are saying on the left and i seen this for many years developing, and i hate to say it but it's very again to the brown shirt tactics of the nazis in germany where they tried to silence dissent and beat those
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who dare oppose them. so i have really, i am very concerned about the house of representatives being given back to very radical people like maxine waters, adam schiff, mr. cummings and mr. nadler, chairing committees. just one other thought or two. the two interesting women, justice ruth vader ginsberg will remain one of the saddest people in america if the republicans keep the senate because she can't retire. but hillary clinton will be the happiest woman in america. because all of the investigations which event stalled for years, to find at what she really did colluding with the russians and others, and with the idiotic server problem where 33,000 e-mails
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disappeared, that will end. so she'll be very happy but i just tell my friends who might vote democrat, the careful what you wish for. because what the democrats taking control of the house, this remarkable economic recovery which obama could never get a 2% gdp in any of the eight years of his presidency, will come to a screeching halt. >> host: lets your phone bill, florida. bill voted early. good morning. >> caller: good morning. how are you today? >> host:up fine thank you. >> caller: i agree with the gentleman that just had comments about the status of our country, and as much as people think trump is a lunatic, he's definitely moved out economy forward and he's really exposed the sad situation we have with people coming over the borders which they've been doing for
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for example, i used to living new york and they had some domestic help and she, from the people come in say we came here just to have a child but now for the next 85 years my child can get medicare, medicaid, get money every month, get all sorts of benefits. it just seems to me that -- >> host: bill, , these were people that worked for you? >> caller: yep. >> host: was at one person or a lot of people? , well, two different domestic help people over ten years. i worked very hard on wall street, you know, basically from the financial world. moved to florida because, you know, i had done well and want to enjoy life a a little bit. but it just is amazing, i've been here five years and is amazing just how many people come from other countries, i would say, mr. gillam, i would
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say there's just way more people from other countries living in florida than citizens of the united states. i'm fortunate enough, i'm a fifth-generation american. my great, great grandfather came over in the early 1800s and i've always felt our country was come had a bright future but other than trump being able to keep things on the straight and narrow. and you know that he's, you off the charts in the way he expresses things but i agree with the gentleman that was just on the phone that, plus she said i'm going to subpoena everything. i'm going to get him thrown into jail. it's just unbelievable the hatred and anger and a just hope and pray something can come about that we changed that in america because right now it's the country you don't want to be impaired with many, many people from wall street are moving to new zealand, australia, buying
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islands of in south pacific. enough with america. if trump doesn't last another two years. >> host: that is built and his view from jupitert florida. for another view from florida we're joined by skype by peter bergerson was political science professor at florida gulf coast university. focusing mainly on that type senate race in florida, the incumbent bill nelson and the governor rick scott on this election day, peter, what is your sense of where that race stands and who has the edge? >> caller: it appears to me that it's a dead heat. perhaps a slight edge for senator nelson and the democrats. >> host: previous caller mentioned in talking about the governor's race with andrew gillam and ron desantis in that governor's race talk about
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his view on the role, on the vote of immigrants, how important a factor will that be both immigrants and people of different nationalities in florida? how important is that minority vote? >> caller: it will be important but not significant. the immigrant vote is primarily going to be from puerto rico. it may be one, , 2% of the vote, probably not more than three of the most. i think it'sth a way overstated frankly. >> host: president trump rapping at three different rallies. he has done some in florida. what's his influence been on that senate race in particular? >> caller: he has brought out his base. he has reinforced the traditional republicans.
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the race has gotten considerably tighter. he also i think is establishing a base for himself in running two years from now. florida is a swing state in a presidential campaign. he wanted to use goes i think he had a dual purpose of increasing the voter turnout hoping that governor scott mightha knock off senator nelson but also looking to years down the road. >> host: how bad will hurricane michael that oneup of the w mexico beach and that per, is any sense how that will affect voting? no question that it will depress voter turnout. can't help to. there's still in ath time of recovery. a lot of people lost their homes,s, disoriented, perhaps en out of jobs. the voting is not necessarily going to be a high priority.
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subsequently this is going to have perhaps a negative impact on the republican t turnout because the panhandle is a very reliable republican vote. >> host: palmea beach post with ah report yesterday. democrats edge republican florida's nearly five but one former things have already cast their ballots for tuesday's election. far surpassing the pre-election voting of any midterm in the states history with democrats edging aheadny of republicans in the number of ballots cast. had the state moved in recent years to make it easier to early vote? >> caller: yes, it has. there's been somewhat of a seesaw issue on early voting over the last eight years. they have really made it somewhat easier to vote earlier, more places, more days in which
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to vote. so yes, that has increased and led to the early voting. also it's contentious between the two republicans and the two democrats for the top two seats on the ticket. they have also increased early voting turnout. >> host: one more item come florida the scene of the 2000 presidential election, the hanging chads. any signs that you're looking for in terms of potential voting anomalies or problems at the poll? what are you keeping your eye out for? >> caller: i'm keeping my eye on the turnout factor in southwest florida which is at a very republican rich area and in addition the miami east coast area of miami, dade and broward county. and then the eye for corridor between tampa and orlando. those are going to be the key and who turned out today and
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where the final undecided, how do they break. >> host: peter bergerson, political science professor at florida gulf coast university. thanks for the input on this election day. we appreciate that. >> caller: thank you very much. i appreciate it, the florida race one of several throughout the program that will get an update on looking for your thoughts on this election day. if you voted earlyt -- send usa tweet as well @cspanwj. a couple here, from colin who says i voted saturday early voting with his two sons. first-time voting with his sons. jodi says i voted early. i wasn't going to be convinced to change and supporting humanity, diversity, equality and justice and i was quick to
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support people to put be directly opposite of our president. today will show what side americus on, the site of hate or the side of love and respect for the others. yes, democrats have message, health care, immigration, education and social security, medicaid, medicare expansion, opiate crisis and so much more. to the phones in pine bluff north carolina this is lamarck. hello. >> caller: how are you doing this morning? >> host: your voting today. what are you time are you getting up to do that? >> guest: they openedn? at 6:30 and me and my wife went and voted early, and we got back and choose able to goy to work and i'mk retired. >> caller: >> host: tells about your take on this election day. do you want to tell us a boat or your sense of how things will go nationally?e >> caller: well, as usual in a
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while ago, america got a wake-up call when we got a new president, and i've been pleased. of course we don't all go 100% with the way everybody thinks, including our president. but economically, i've seen a great change, a good change in investments, have really come about. he takes the stand, he may not worth the wait a lot of people would like to but he's a matter of fact. i've got a sister-in-law that speaks her mind and she speaks frank but she will tell you the truth and she will try to do what she says she will do. the problem this date is people get out and make promises i think that they don't lead up or at least try to do with a promise to t do. they need to be not off so to speak, not taken now, don't get me wrong but taken out of office
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if they're not going to try and do with the promised the people. the people are so skeptic and this president, like a said, everybody don't agree with him but he tries and if the people would have gotten behind him like of the presidents and really stayed behind in and pushed them we would've seen a lot more done. that's the reason i. called in today. i wanted to say that and i didn't hear who heard it or you know, who i am, some of them may even recognize my voice but i tell you, right now i think it's a positive thing and unhappy and out we have a good results today. i think we will. it's amazing, the turnout. it's really amazing. >> host: so it was a strong this morning. you and your wife voting pic you saw a lot of people at the polls? >> caller: we got there early. i was number ten and when we
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walked out it was amazing the difference. it was amazing. >> host: thanks for sharing that with us. we hear next from washington state. colin who voted early in the state correct me if i'm wrong, washington has a male in ballot, right? >> caller: yes. hope the republicans saw it to these racist media people to get on there and talk race all the time. they are the most racist people in the world. and old chris matthews talking about dog whistles. i'll tell you something. when the media imagines a whistle, all the media racist dogs come so i i hope they really sock io them. , political writing this morning, writing about
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preparations on some media outlets. no idea what's going to happen. news outletsts are preferred surprises. cnn bureau chief spent a lot of time talking about the race in kentucky six congressional district a lot. his team atnt cnn including anchors, reporters, producers of the senate and pretty much anyone else whose hand touches election night coverage least 16t happen. the only thing that is the same is the first polls close at 6:00 a.m. in eastern kentucky. in the washington post newsroom, steven ginsberg says he has encouraged editors and reporters to "embrace not knowing what will happen on election night." his rivals at the new york times are taking a similar attack, the approach is "prepare, prepare, prepare." patrick healy says "but with eyes wide open for a number of scenarios." our election night cover
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want to remind you are covered, election night coverage on c-span, c-span radio gets underway live at 8:00 eastern as polls close about the night will bring you the results as they come into we will have victory and concession speeches from key races across the country all about getting underway at eight eastern. powder springs, good morning, who is voting today. powder springs, good morning. >> caller: good morning. it's just amazing how some people view this president. they want to turn their head on all these lies he talks about all the different divisiveness he tries to put up on this country. i think that's whatis this millennial will take over the old guards, democrats and republicans. if we want god to bless america, do we have to have strong leadership morley at the topic this president has not that.trated the previous call was talking
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about how obama stood up for the economy. they quickly forget that he inherited a mess and he straightened up this mess out despite the fact which mcconnell stated he is going to be a one-term president. and no one was willing to work with himid on the other side. i think, i think you got a can for these young folks who are registered to vote, would make a difference and who's going to show our generation, i'm 62, our generation what it really is like to work together and make america strong.g. >> host: cam, thank you. built his next. bill voted early in loveland ohio. what part of ohio is that in, bill? >> caller: that's in the southwest lower part near cincinnati. >> host: go ahead with your comments. >> guest: i'm so excited to talk and tell somebody how good
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i feel about the country and i think the presidents, trump is to your so far are rejuvenating many people states in the country. i think that expose how biased the media has been and it's just been terrible to think about how many years that's been going on. but i think that that president trump is in, the economy is doing really well and i think the repatriation of funds from corporations made a huge difference. a huge difference in how that money is being spent versus our own federal reserve printing money and printing new money which has no basis. i think that's a really good thing and i think that making our military strong has been wonderful and giving us a presence in the world to where we can make a difference. i think nikki c haley at the u.. was amazing.
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i think our focus on energy and energy independents has been great. i think reduce government interference has been good for the economy. i think president trump has put people around him who are wise, experienced under think that helps. i don't trust the polls. i think the crowds at the trump rallies and just the enthusiasm mean something and i'm hoping for a red wave. i don't think the democrats offer much. you talk about values but to make conservative justices on the supreme court speaks well of the turn in valley for a country and getting back to base route. idle think the democrats are into healthcare. i think republicans are against him are for pre-, free, you kn, preconditions. >> host: you said you were hoping for a red wave?
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>> caller: yes, sir. >> host: on that, the front page of the financial times trump targets target midwest sn final push. indiana, one in cleveland and wrapping up last night in cape girardeau, missouri. let's hear from salisbury in north carolina. lewis is voting today. good morning. >> caller: good morning c-span. c-span. good morning america. yes, i'm going to vote today. it's a little rainy and salisbury north carolina at that rate is notot going to stop me d my family. we want just wait for that moment. the poll is just at block fromy neighborhood, my residence. so i'm looking forward to it and to cast my vote for democrat. you know, it's amazing how some republicans can overlook the rhetoric from this president and
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everybody that he is promoting ore campaigning for. and just the other day this man stated that he's a nationalist. so i just wonder when he said he's a nationalist how many other republicans jumped on board because we know what that's all about. we already know that he just doesn't like people of caller. we already know that he just felt like people coming close to the borders. he's sending troops out there carrying machine guns and machetes and issues totally ridiculous. thema people, republicans cannot see that their calling know is what does it profit a man to gain the world but to lose his soul? people are going to see this election, it's going to be a blue wave. they will still be mad when it's a blue waveto but it's okay. our country needs to get back to where it used to be with a
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person who has respect for other people in other countries as well. >> host: lewis mentioning rain. what could cause some concern in voting across the country, the national summary for the weather service on potential storms across the country saying a storm system will push from the northeast into new england today making for a soggy election day. this rain could be heavy at times and combined with gusty winds could bring travel disruptions. strong winds will extend across the great lakes and into the upper midwest. -- -- wisconsin, mina severe weather across the mid-atlantic, damaging wind and flash flooding possible with thunderstorms from southeastern pennsylvania to north carolina. a be safe a be safe as you go and vote. massachusetts, still is voting today. welcome. good morning. >> caller: good morning america. built from ohio is delusional.
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the money that the corporations brought back to america, all they did was buy back their stocks. same thing with the tax cuts. they bought back their stocks. and republicans are definitely against precondition with medical. basically a choice for me. my mother raised me to respect people, no matter what caller you were or what religion you had. the thing is that we as americans, we lost oure way. morally, financially, too much greedly going on. the wealth gap is crazy. it's just ridiculous. but anybody can sit there because america is doing great economically, it has nothing to do with number 45. the president5. before him shoud
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get 90% of that. trump should get 10% 10% of th. if a look at it from what it reallyat is. he also said about, because he had to make supreme court picks, they still a pic from obama. they forgot that. it's just amazing how they forget things being republican. i don't trust them. they lie and its depressed people of caller and people off, how they say, democrats are voting which is sad and it should be a law against that. >> host: on this election to walk in your calls -- welcoming yourur calls. on twitter we are at c-span debbie j.
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a couple tweets on election day. out of the hands of the deceiving democrats who want a war with israel. dems hate god and hate prosperity. trump has delivered us from them. busier in the -- than the 2016 election. not saying what area that is. james says illegal immigration is -- an update an update from nate silver and is blog, final election update from nate silver theon democrats are not certain to take the house but they are pretty clear favorites and is posting from latefr yesterday. he likes this is a difficult article to write. reason, but bi am not sure what i am supposed to lead with, the most likely outcome or the uncertainty around the outcome. nate's overriding either way there is a potential for
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misunderstanding. people can mentally "roundup high probability to certainty" 86% might seem like a sure thing, but it isn't. would you board a plane that had a 14% chance of crashing? an 80% chance is the chance the democrats have of winning the in theive or take a bid various versions of the forecast model. odds of keeping the senate are also north of 80% in a nice bit of symmetry. range of plausible outcomes is broad and includes republicans keeping the house does not mean all such outcomes are equally likely. mayint on which some people be confused, too. mary voted mary next up voted early. she's in south carolina. >> caller: i just wanted to ask everybody that voted in 2015 to please get out and vote again
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for republicans -- against republicans. it was as bad, if we lose the house, there'sos nothing this president can do and he's making this country great again and if you love your children, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren at you want didn't have a decent life it's got to come from donald trump. i will tell that man for massachusetts that he's living in a fantasy and barack obama never got in type of decent economy to this country. thank you very much. >> host: throughout the morning were take a look at some of the key senate races across the country. in west virginia joe manchin against doctor corsi. joining us is patrick hickey is a professor of political science at west virginia university. professor, thanks for being here on this election day. quite a back-and-forth in the race between joe manchin and mr. morrissey. what you think things stand on this election day morning?
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>> caller: i think senator manchin has an advantage but it's going to come down to is his grandmother trump brand stronger in west virginia. patrick moore sees chances are really this idea i will vote for morrissey is a vote for trump. >> host: has joe manchin try to tie into some of that trump brand? in other words, emphasizing areas where he and the president see eye to eye or agree on some issues? >> caller: he has.. he said he will vote with the president when it's best for west virginia. i think his vote on the capital confirmation was sort of a signal to conservative democrats in westo virginia, independents, that he will support the president on some major issues. he also points out he votes with the president more than any other democrat w in the senate. >> host: what's been the number one issue in that senate race? >> caller: it's really been healthcare. senator manchin is focused on
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healthcarean and keeping coverae for pre-existingra conditions. west virginia has benefit from the affordable care act. people like anything about the affordable care act other deputy called obamacare here in west virginia. senator manchin has really run peoples health care and attorney general morrissey has run on he's going to be a strong supporter of the trouble ticket. >> host:t: has joe manchin minchin fashioning himself not necessary like robert byrd but being able lines of to deliver those sorts of programs, et cetera, for west virginians? >> caller: i think senator manchin is a really great retail politician who's alwaysan traveling the state in meeting voters and really trying to deliver the goods for voters and show that he can use his position in d.c. to procure benefits for west virginians. >> host: looking at wheeling
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west virginia paper, the headline west virginia early vote is withea strong turnout picked the numbers doubled in five counties since the primary election. a big factor. how is thatou been a change from previousto years? what did the state due to make it easier for people to early vote? >> caller: we are one of i think three states with automatic registration. when you go to the dmv, most hf to opt in to being registered to vote. check a box that says i want to registered to vote. in west virginia you are automatically registered unless you check a box this is no, i don't want to be registered to vote. hopefully the new law which is three or four years old is increasing registration that the state and increasing turnout participation. >> host: as with election day, your campaign in west virginia, what is your gut instinct on how this race will go? >> caller: if i had to bet money, i would bet senator manchin will win but it's one of
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those things like a lot of the key senate races, north dakota, montana, it's hard to pull. not every west virginia has a cell phone. not every west virginia and is entering the land lines. i think it's going to be about turnout and whether the president has visited west virginia i think three times in the past two months and whether the president sort of really strong support attorney general morrissey can overcome all the hard work that joe manchin has done as a retail politician over the past decade. >> host: joining us from west virginia university professor patrick hickey with a look at the key senate race. thanks so much for being with us. >> caller: thanks for having me. >> host: we will continue with your calls and comments. if youit voted early the line to use -- let's hear from diane,
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woodstock georgia and good morning. she voted early. >> caller: good morning, steve. thanks for taking my call. yes, i only voted. i voted for all democrats. i'm hoping and praying that the votes are not hacked because we have paperless voting machines here, and secretary of state camp is running against stacy abrams for governor and he has purged like 70,000 black voters from the polls. he's just come all this stuff. and people calling in saying that democrats are haters, you know, as far as i have seen, nobody on the democratic ticket
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is a nazi, a full on nazi. white nationalist or whatever. we don't allow people like that. there are several full on nazis running on the republican ticket. that's okay with them. it's not okay with me. it wouldn't be okay with democrats if somebody wanted to beom a democrat and run, be a nazi. i don't know what they are even talking about. i don't even hate trump. i just think he's horrible and i want himus to be impeached and removed from office but i don't really hate anybody. i am just disgusted right now. i'm disgusted with trumpet i'm disgusted with the gop lackeys in congress and the senate and everything. and the followers ofrs trumpet i've never seen anything like this in myn entire life, in ths country. but whenever you have a fascist
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leader, you have a cold personality and that's what's going on right now. it's so frightening to me. >> host: in terms of impeachment, you said you voted democratic. do you think that that sort of effort, , if the democrats wereo win the house, do you think that ought to be a priority of the democratic party? >> caller: mooh, lord god i hope so. i pray to god. i pray to god. this this is a nightmare. it's like a nightmare that decent americans are not brainwashed by trump, can't wake up from. >> host: one of the key national basis is focusing on that governor's race in georgia. brian kemp, secretary of state, republican, and stacy abrams the democrat running for the ray. >> this is the atlantic
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journal-constitution. what to watch for in georgia on election day and they write that for a while to like nothing could touch the 2016 elections when georgians render judgment on to polarizing presidential candidates named trump and clinton but a history making gubernatorial race has dialed up the intensity to new heights. georgians cast roughly 2.1 early votes shattering previous records records. the top of the ticket clash between stacey abrams and brian kemp has attracted an unprecedented amount of money, much of it from outside georgia. in illinois, connie is voting today. what illinois, good morning. what time do the polls open up there in your city? >> caller: they opened at six but i got all bit of a cold so i'm running late. i'veso got three points.
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the people are talking about trump being a nationalist. so is quite a few of the presidents, including abraham lincoln, a nationalist cares about the country. now, cnn tacked on white nationalist to try. trump is not a white nationalist because a person that does not care about their country. that's the guy that hates trump shot of the synagogue. another point is cnn was running pictures of, look, trump is yanking babies from their mothers. at the border. putting them in cages until somebody pointed out those pictures were from the obama administration. cnn immediately quit voting those pictures out. and now you've got president
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obama and joe biden out there saying trump is ripping babies on the arms of their mothers. they can't remember much, can they? and president obama says during a political thing sending troops to the border. president obama sent troops to the border but i guess him and joe biden, i guess they are not line to anyone. and this is the, the young kids that are running, abram, gillam, i don't know what you call that bozo down there in texas, cinema in arizona. they are running on communist views.
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and i for one , i'm sorry, they are running as communist? >> caller: on communist views. they are socialists. >> host: that is con in illinois. dorothy next in ocean springs mississippi who also voted early. >> caller: good morning. how are you? >> host: fine. >> caller: first of all than 80 that called the are not socialistic their people trying to get america back. that's the first thing. can you hear me? >> host: go ahead. we hear you just fine. >> caller: the second thing is i voted for trump. i would never vote for him again. the economy is not as great as the numbers are. people are not seeing it in a paycheck that's the one. number two, he is a disgrace. he is embarrassing. just like marco rubio said, he's a con artist and i feel sorry
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for the people that believe in. they believe him because they are racist, because they want those people on the border, they want to shove them back. [inaudible] i think it's awful. i'm a christian woman and i don't know -- [inaudible] data want to because most of them are racist and most of them calling in our men calling in about trump. trump has done nothing, nothing and i voted for him like a fool which was the biggest mistake of my life trauma why did you vote for in the first time? >> caller: because i voted for somebody different. [inaudible] i don't have any money in my pocket. nobody does that i talk to. that's my problem. >> host: thank you. threat the morning will try to look at some of the looks ahead
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the cvs as polls closed a couple of news organizations have done this a put together items to watch for. this is in thetc "wall street journal" and their view of things will get early poll closings before 8 p.m. critical races to watch on election night. 6 p.m. polls closing picky race to watch they say sixth congressional district in lexington. 7 p.m. florida polls close. we talk about that with the governor's race and, of course, the senatorial race. in indiana closing 7:00. democratic senator joe donnelly and one of the parties most vulnerable incumbents been challenged by republican mike braun. the florida governor's race we talked about that. 7:30 p.m. polls closing in ohio. 2016 gop presidential candidate john kasich is leaving the
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governor's mansion. in west virginia we talk about thatt with professor, those pos closing at 7:30 p.m. a reminder of our election night coverage on c-span and c-span radio getting underway at 8:00 eastern as the polls close. election results as they happen. plus the victory at concession speeches all tonight starting at eight eastern. brooklyn, new york, voting today, anthony good morning and welcome. >> caller: good morning. my name is anthony and i'm out of brooklyn, new york, and i got to tell you the people who call up the trumpeter and all are just hilarious because they call him a racist. they call them all the stuff and the one who really divide this country is barack hussein obama. the debt when he got in, okay,
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of the once to say bush did this and that. obama made the debt from north nearly $19 trillion. i can somebody with fortune is on disability and thereby talks about all, the republicans will cut your social security. no, they're not. do know who did? the democrats under barack hussein obama. when he got in i didn't get a raise for eight years. i don't mean to yell. under valerie jarrett she said that will never forget the political enemies. so i know my political enemies are, the democratic party. thank you for hearing me. >> host: anthony and in brookln in your city. this is from and delete this morning. trump holds missouri rally with rush limbaugh holding his final rally in cape girardeau, hometown of the g talk radio ho. here's some of what president trump had to say as his closing argument last night in missouri. >> as we see democrats are
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openly encouraging millions of illegal aliens to break our laws and violate our borders and they want to signn them up for free welfare, free healthcare, free education, and most importantly they want to give them the right to vote. i can't imagine why. democrats come immigration policies, are extreme, dangerous, reckless and insane. they support catch and release. they want to free criminal aliens. they want no protections for american workers and taxpayers they want totally open borders which means crime report into our country. illegal immigration costs our country more than $100 billion every year and that's more than the budgets of missouri, indiana and wisconsin combined.
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i mention those places, because we are very important races in those places and with all these academy award type cameras going back and -- we want to win in those places. and a nation are to take care of its own citizens first pick nearly 100% of the heroin in the united states enters through the southern border .. roughly 80% a cocaine and meth and substantial portion of deadly fentanyl. these drugs destroy the lives o f president donald trump last night in cape girardeau missouri election day 2018, good morning and welcome to washington journal.if you have voted early the line to
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uses 202-748-8000, if you're voting today 202-748-8000 one. and if you're not voting, 202-748-8000 two. welcome your comments on facebook and twitter at c-span wj. a couple of tweets michael who says i never thought about social security or medicare ever we pay into those programs i think when programs are managed well and beneficial for everyone involved in other words, these programs relieve a lot of burden on families, donna says mississippi is 100% right he doesn't care about anybody in this country but himself and his prophets. and from james, last night the call screeners took a dinner break, that something else. they got it back under control for the next two segments. i'm not sure exactly what james is talking about there. i i will remind you we will be back at it again tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern time for our election coverage.
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let's go to pittsburgh and hear from robert who is voting today. good morning robert >> thank you. i would say two things, i'm a veteran, two veterans, on the wall the vietnam wall in this president was ãbwe are supporting this man. you veterans think about that. number two, it says thou shall not commit adultery and fortification. this president did that too. thou shall not lie, the president did that too. as a democrat we support these people coming in. the drugs and anything, he's trying to tie to democrats. people, wake up. this man will say anything that will stick and you people that call in that you love this man, this man don't love you. he's a billionaire you think he's gonna sit down and have a
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beer with you. you must be losing your mind. >> robert, what time are you going to vote today? >> i'm 82 years old, soon as i get up and take a shower, i'm going to go vote. it's just down the street for me. >> thanks for being with us this morning. we go to greenville north carolina, robert voted earlier, good morning sir. >> good morning. all this evangelicals and the christians, they need to really think about what they are backing. if god was one of us, god wouldn't be voting for donald trump. he is a lie, a cheat and a stage mystic pig. he will do anything at all costs to destroy, he will destroy the country. just to get what he wants out of life. that's more money. plus, i don't you think he's a billionaire, i think he's a low class bernie made our. >> robert, you said you voted early. what you think the big issue is driving people to the polls or
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driving them to vote early in north carolina? >> in north carolina is pretty red. there's a lot of voter suppression here. to be honest with you. this country is split right down the middle. never in my whole life, i'm going to be 71 years old and i never experienced anything like this in my life. the republican party, ãbwho is a tremendous activist, said that the republican party is the worst party that's ever existed in the history of the world. that's how bad it is. he said this election is going to decide what happens with this country and the rest of the world. >> let's hear from philadelphia next. getting your thoughts on this election day. canon voted early b&. >> in the first place i'm not
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even thinking about donald trump, it's about the party, the republican party. for some reason they act like they are afraid of donald trump. everything he says they go along with it. even marco rubio talking about his wife and kissing both sides of his head. the economy was moving, only thing they did with the republican party had their foot on the economy all they did was take the foot off the economy tand let it mow it off. these people running around talking all this crazy stuff. the party is ridiculous. they did nothing but hold up the economy, now all the sudden we took your foot off he's doing such a great job. all this junk he's talking about what he did so much great it's crazy. it will just watch out and see who's out these rallies and know your neighbor. no telling who's coming for you. have a great day. >> canon, one of the key senate races keeping an eye out on this election day is in missouri with senator claire mccaskill and the attorney general josh hawley.
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joining us from missouri. the chair of the political science irreverent at the university of missouri st. louis.david robertson, welcome, thanks for being with us this morning. your sense of the race between the incumbent senator mccaskill and mr. josh hawley. >> this is the closest race in the country, i think it's dead even right now. >> what forces have made it so? why was this not an easier race for claire mccaskill to win? >> maybe of these top races in missouri are very close, she was expecting it to be close. it was close in the spring, it's close now. the reasons are that the state of missouri is made up of lots of rural folks but also lots of urban folks and the dominant vote comes from the suburbs. those forces together contraband in a way that makes
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results often very close. painfully close to the candidates running for statewide or national office. in missouri st. louis posted this morning the headline fox's hannity speaks on stage at the trump rally downstate cape girardeau missouri. the last upper president trump. how important of an influence of a figure has he been in this senate race? >> he's the key to this race. he has asserted in springfield missouri that this race is about him. it's an election that focuses on his presidency so he has made it a referendum on trump. he's come to missouri several times to very conservative areas of the state in order to get his base to come out and vote to counterbalance some of the forces that the democrats in this atelection nationwide a
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in missouri. >> and cireflecting some of you comments on kansas city star this morning. there headline presidents quote saying "in a sense i'm on the ticket, trump seeks voter support". tell us about josh hawley. his rise to being such a close contender here with claire mccaskill. what hhas he been focusing on terms of his campaign issues and his argument on why he should be the next elected center. >> his central argument is that he supports the trump agenda. emphasizes issues like immigrations, emphasizes tax cuts, emphasizes staying the course with the trump administration and arguing that reelecting claire mccaskill is a threat to donald trump. and to the agenda he stands for. there's been a lot of negative
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advertising in this race on both sides and from outside contributors. >> where is she going to what is better argument to retain her seat and where does she have to win those votes in order to do that? >> or central argument is that trshe's a middle-of-the-road democrat. she is explicitly argued that she is not with the so-called crazy democrats. on the left of the democratic party. she's always made this argument that she is a down the middle senator that she's independent. that she favors good government and she said on many of the themes we've heard nationwide from the other democratic candidates "healthcare production of pre-existing condition coverage." and other issues like that. >> we been reading a lot of stories this morning about the amount of early voting going on in states across the country but missouri is not a state
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that allows early voting. what is your sense on how the parties are going to drive folks to the polls and is or will weather be a factor today in missouri? >> weather probably won't be a factor. turnout is the key to this election. whether or not big counties, st. louis county, a fifth voters in the state is going to have to turn up big with a big margin for claire mccaskill. all kinds of people are driving people to the polls to try to get every last vote out of an area like this. suburbs are to be critical around kansas city and around st. louis but she's also going to have to first hold down the margin in the smaller cities and rural missouri and she's gonna have to win some of those counties because she hasn't one without some support from state in her past two senate
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elections. the county i'm looking at is jefferson county, which is very much a trump county now. it had been a working-class blue-collar democratic county for many years, it's a swing county and if it swings back toward mccaskill that will be an important indicator of how well she is doing in this election today. >> let's wrap up on that point in jefferson county in particular more broadly how did the state go in 2016 during the presidential election. ? >> in 2016 the state went very heavily for donald trump by a huge margin, interestingly, the senate race reelecting roy blunt to the senate for republican, was much closer. i looked at that race to see where the democrats who had a very young photogenic candidate running lowere able to make inroads and it included some places in the suburban areas
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and jefferson county but it didn't have much strength out state.>> joining us this morning is the chair of the political science department at university of missouri st. louis david robertson. thanks so much for being here. >> thank you. >> it is election day. in case you didn't notice. we welcome your comments and calls on this election day. if you voted early the line to call is 202-748-8000. if you're voting today that's 202-748-8001. and if you are not voting, we have not heard yet from anybody who is not voting this election, 202-748-8002. let's get back to calls. jacksonville florida, greg, thanks for waiting. greg voted early. >> i did vote early. i voted the second day of the early backs early ballots became available in florida. thank you to c-span, going back to the early days. i wanted to comment about the goal of one of your earlier colors.
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particularly for mentioning that he is a former wall erstre are and how wealthy he became after working on wall street. and how all of his wall street colleagues were buying islands and moving to australia and further parts of the world because of their wealth and the way the country wasupposedly ha turned under president obama. i found that very going for him to make those kind of assertions, particularly with the issues going on in the country right now. with president trump. a person who has shown he cannot tell the truth. it kind of prostitutes what the constitution says about our country in terms of what it's supposed to stand for. when it comes to caring about others. caring about people who are trying to come to america to better their lives. not talking about the illegal
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aliens. the illegal people. i'm talking about the people who have stood in the lines at staten island trying to get into the country legally. i do have an issue with illegals coming into the country. i do have an issue with that but as a person who really finds the constitution being the bedrock and the kind of remarks that the president makes about the press, the press being the enemy of the people, when the press is one of the only institutions that is inside the ndconstitution to be protected. i stated a caller who has all his wealth and all the people, moving to australia, then they should go because they really do not represent the conscious of america for people who have worked hard all their lives, still found n themselves being discriminated, still find themselves being bought or suppressed and all the other colleagues who do not look like me. i'm african american but there are also a number of white americans, also other americans
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who are not as fortunate to be as wealthy. i say to that, moved to australia. we certainly don't need that kind of thinking that the president brings to the country in terms of what we are supposed to stand for in the world. we have actually gone to war with other countries who have constitution the in front of the things were supposed to believe in. i'm a vietnam combat vet. 101st airborne in vietnam and fought for those things that the constitution is supposed to stand for. thanks for the call bill. you do a great job nice to see on tv. >> that's greg in jacksonville florida that part t of the stat closes polling at 7:00 p.m.. parts of the panhandle closing at 8:00 p.m.. we been looking at the poll closings and what to look for. reporting in the wall street journal, here's the new york times this morning, some things to keep an eye on as you are watching coverage this evening here on c-span. the vote state-by-state hour by hour looking at 8:00 p.m. by this time voters and more than
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half the states will have cast their ballots, talk about 8:00 p.m. eastern time. will have closed in a number of high-profile races, one of those talked about races in the country and among the most expensive is the texas senate race between the democratic candidate congressman beto o'rourke and ted cruz republican. in tennessee taylor swift endorsement of two democrats is out of excitement to a house and senate race there. ms. ernie senator claire mccaskill democrat faces one of the toughest election races. we just talked about that with david robertson. in deeply blue new jersey they write bob menendez the democratic incumbent it is an act unexpectedly close race 8:potentially fueled by ethics troubles.they are also critical house races in new jersey including the republican held seven congressional district one of the democrats prime targets. let's look to 8:30 p.m. the new york times and what to look for as the polls close at 8:30 p.m.
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they say the only somewhat competitive district is arkansas the second, which recently was in the news because of a controversial ad supporting french hill, the republican incumbent, mr. hill is favored to win. do your calls again, audrey and florence south carolina, whose voting today. good morning. >> yes sir. good amazes me how informed these people are. it was donald trump who signed away regulations that obama put on america. and how our military went down. as far as democrats, they started in the south. they did it start up north. it was the republicans that set the slaves free. as far as nationalist, look it
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up in the dictionary. our president is for america. to help get america back on its feet after eight years of president obama. they need to educate their selves. i couldn't believe that after president trump was the oldest one that had the guts to move the embassy of israel to jerusalem if they would think that he was against the jews. i don't understand these people. not c-span, but cnn and msnbc, they had him blaming the president for the shooting that went on in pittsburgh. there's a book out there, i guess it's either bright dog yellow dog, yellow dog break dog. these people need to read that book so they can see how things
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really was. it amazes me, it's socialism, the democrats are high on socialism. i can even say it but anyway i'm nervous.i know good and well that they were a rich country to socialism took over. these young people that have went to college, i got to pay back these loans. they made that choice to go to college. they knew they were going to have to pay it back. >> one more question for you on this election day, says your voting today what time will you get out and do that? >> we are going to be there around 11:00 a.m. >> i appreciate your call this morning. we go to susan in inverness florida, voted early. hi susan. >> i am calling regarding the
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racist air that was recently polled about the mexican illegal that killed the police officers. a lot of people need to do some more research.that gentleman was supported from united states under the clinton administration, he got back into the united states during the bush administration, he was arrested in arizona by joe arpelar but released by rko. but no reason given. as to why. so my question is why doesn't president trump asked his parted buddy joe ãwhy he let him go? the last thing i'd like to say is that the fox network probably only pull that and because of people had really did some fact checking they would've realized what a bungled job that was into blame democrats for this is ridiculous when it was joe ã the man screaming about protecting the borders.
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>> here's the capital journalist on this election day jerry side from the wall street journal. two new depolitical forces are set to collide is the headline. whatever precise outcome when belts are covered tuesday night. the 2018 midterm campaign has presented the collision of two giant forces in american politics. president trump and a newly energized country of democratic women. guess what? both figure to remain headliners rolling into the 2020 campaign cycle, which he writes begins at approximately 12:01 am wednesday morning. jerry side writing that as the campaign comes to a close president trump's rallies have drawn giant clouds of boisterous supporters and increasingly those supporters have come to dominate the republican party. just before the election of 2016 only 58 percent of self identified republicans said they had a positive view of mr. trump. today that number has risen to 82 percent. across the country he writes, candidates who once expressed misgivings about mr. trump chosen 2018 to embracing. senator ted cruz, who once called mr. trump "a sniveling
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coward, warmly welcomed his campaign help so did martha mcsally.congressman martha mcsally seeking senate seat in arizona who declined to endorse president trump in his presidential campaign. in sum, whatever the outcome today, the election will have seen ãbwill have to be seen as a referendum on donald trump. doctor eugene in clinton maryland voted early, good morning sir. >> good morning. i voted early absentee ballot. i'm calling because i want to say to all the people here in the state of maryland, even though it's raining here in clinton maryland, get out and vote. but i'm calling primarily because i want to give thanks to mr. donald trump. i am a black man and i want to thank him because he caused me to do something that i want all of us white and black, to do to decide on a project. evolution elder senior citizens
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or not, this is what mr. donald trump did for me. he when he said that the football players were xo beads i asked the lord to give me something that i could do because i'm an old man and i wanted to thank against that. so what did i do? i would like all you listeners to google this. take out your pencils google. list every voice and thing doctor eugene williams senior, ãbcalls me a 76-year-old man to get nba team to cross the nation to sing and play the negro national anthem. the oklahoma sundown, the washington wizards, the boston celtics, now i'm getting calls from the la lakers that they want to sing and play the negro national anthem. all that i'm saying is that mr.
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trump, thank you for motivating me, for inspiring me, and i want mr. trump to inspire all others. i know without a doubt because god is in the mix. i know without a doubt that the democrats will be successful this day. >> it's election day 2018, our cameras are in the northern virginia suburbs of the 10th to congressional district. this is christ church, one of the polling places in northern virginia. the district one by hillary clinton in 2016. and a very close race there with barbara comstock, the incumbent being challenged on the democratic side. by barbara weston. the 10th congressional district, barbara comstock winning that back in 2016.
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our cameras there as the polling places get underway. it's been open there in virginia for an hour or so. we continue to take your calls on this election day. if you voted already that number is 202-748-8000. if your voting today that number is 202-748-8001. and for those who aren't voting, 202-748-8002. jerry is in walnut mississippi. go >> i will be voting today. the gentleman that called in from maryland, that said he knew that democrats were to be successful today. they won't be in mississippi. i used what i call a blue dog democrat, but now the democrat have went so crazy that people like me is what put ãbin
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office. >> what made you crazy? tell us the moment that you decided to vote for president trump in 2016? and how big of an influence do you think he is there in mississippi and in some of these other key races across the country? >> he's a huge influence. maybe some areas, maybe northeast he might not be, but in the heartland and in the south, he is a huge influence because people say that he is a liar. every time he opens his mouth he lies. when he ran for office everything he said that he was going to try to do, he's either done or making every attempt to do. i think he's got a huge ncinfluence. >> thanks for that jerry. we will stay in the south and go to chattanooga. to hear from mary who voted is voting today.
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good morning mary. >> good morning. we should wonder what trump is riding on immigration and not the economy. president johnson, who grew up in the south, ãbsaw a certain way to divide the country. he said if you can. [inaudible speaking] we have to wonder why he is on immigration to give us the person something to look down on, something to feel bad about themselves. for those of you saw 1988 donald trump said if i were to run i would run as a republican so that the dumbest group of
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boaters they believe anything on fox news out there lie and they still eat it up. i bit my numbers will be terrific. once they really asked themselves, is donald trump really for the poor ovman? or pulling something over them? but thank you. >> mary, one quick question about the senate race in tennessee. congresswoman blackburn and phil bredesen democrat, who do you think will win? >> brought a sin, because marsha blackburn has pushed the opium crisis. there so many people caught up on opium but they overlook that just put her in office. all she does is live. every commercial she placed on tv in tennessee has been a lie. you would think people would read and study and understand and know the truth. it's amazing to me how every republican this election is
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lying. >> here's a look at the daily caller on this election day. daily, this is the key races to watch the 2018 midterm elections. republicans are expected to pick up seats in the senate, democrats right mike went back majority of the house so it could be fewer seats than projected. there are dozens of tight races to keep an eye on. the daily caller news foundation wrote a list of the races to watch on november 6. a quick look at some of theirs, five of the candidates the tossup senate races or incumbents. including democrats jon tester of montana, bill nelson of florida, joe donnelly of indiana, claire mccaskill immersion ore and nevada republican senator dean heller. the senate race in arizona is also listed as a tossup as representative republican representative martha mcsally is running as democratic representative kyrsten sinema
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for the jeff flake seat announced in october last year that he's not running for reelection. let's go to dayton ohio, tom is voting today. cgood morning sir. >> hello. i already got my boarding done at 6:30 a.m.. i don't even know where to start on this. i'm one of the guys like the guy called a couple calls ago, i voted for president obama. i went to mr. trump this time. i've been called a racist and white privileged and it's just blows my mind that i change so much. ... caucus that ass associate h lewis fair con. . am wondering racism is what is dividing the country. it started with trayvon martin. it was not a police officer. a white officer lost their job because of a lie. this is what has divided our country.
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we have got the news media saying all this coming in from another country, hope you go and take out another 10% of your taxes to pay for these people because it's costing almost $30 billion to take care of these people. god bless you. i'm not a racist, i voted for president obama, quit calling me a racist. >> david in texas that votedd early. >> good morning, i would like to associate myself with what the fellow just said. i'm tired calling me racist. i've spent a lot of time studying anthropology and history, native indigenous people. >> let me ask you that, you mentioned the previous caller, do those kinds of feelings that you're expressing, does that
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have influence on how you vote? >> it's a nuance kind of question. i'm outraged at the way the word racism is tossed. i was watching a lot of debates on c-span. i like to watch the debates. >> yeah. >> i like to watch the hearings and one thing that you guys consider -- i know that you don't allow hate speech when people say certain things, i would really appreciate it when people call people nazis and racist that you consider to cut them off. on tucker carlson, one thing that i would like for you to consider, everybody these days are being attacked for political
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opinion and being called racist for it. before you give your opinion about something, you havein to apologize, you to say, i did this, i studied that, i know that, you know you will be called racist. so many people that have called and take the preexisting condition stuff, president trump and a zillion republicans said a million times they will keep -- when they get the healthcare thing figured out, they will keep preexisting conditions and the 26-year-old kids, i don't know how many times they have to say it. they will get rid of obamacare, obama neverha fully implementedt but the racism thing, when i hear white racist, cracker, and all the things, cnn and don lemon, they will have to do something about white men, the
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white men are the terrorists, just a couple of days ago and to me i get that feeling that like when i hear the n word and i grew up in the south, i grew up in jim crowe south and wasn't until the obama administration that you started hearing more -- again, the n word, such a vile word, of course, different contexts for it especially if a white person uses it. i didn't think of it for years and to me being called a racist is worst than the other. the other you know it's some fake word that somebody made up really apply to anything. if they are calling you racist, you staying right there in time they are alleging and calling you and associating you with all of the stuff that's associated with racist over hundreds of years and nazis and cracker, nazis. the nationalist thing is such a
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joke. >> appreciate your input on that, david, from texas throughout the morning on this election day, we are live, our cameras in northern virginia in tenth congressional district, barbara comstock. rainy morning in mid atlantic area and we will keep the eyes on the poll here as we go to next caller in silver springs, maryland, good morning, ed. >> good morning. so i'm calling for two reasons, the first one is immigration, i know there's been a lot of discussion lately especially it'sy. out of the world. i just want to remind our viewers that as much as 40% of the soldiers under george washington at valley ford were foreign born. the country from theig beginning was aided by immigrants, alexander hamilton was also
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foreign born and he was our treasury secretary and he was the founding of american government. so immigrants have been contributing to the country tremendously.ig secondly, as i said i live in silver springs, i'm voting for hogin, republican from the state from the congressman senate i am voting democratic, democrat because for two reasons, we need to have checks and balance on this president. america is beacon and we need to maintain that and this -- this president has disgraced this country in many ways. he has reduced our credibility around the world and such. and lastly i want to talk about socialism, democratic socialism, what we have right now in the united states, i mean, a lot of callers seem like are older
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callers and they probably are recipients of social security, medicare and so on. those are our programs that you fund the people of the united states fund that provide services to the people, that's what socialism, democratic socialism is allha about. i'm not supporting because that's going to bankrupt us in long run but that's what it is and if you say that i don't support socialism, we have that already. >> all right, ed, listening on c-span radio this morning, thank you for calling in, election day throughout the morning we are getting some input on key senate races across the country, we are joined by brandon from university of houston, professor there and the author of inside texas politics, the nation has been watching texas politics in this 2018 midterm race between beto o'rourke and senator ted cruz on this election day morning, where do you think
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thing stands, brandon? >> i think it's going to be tight.nd polls are showing 3 to 5% difference between the two, i think it's coming down to the wire. problem for democrats is that they haven't won very much in the state, last democrat won u.s. senate seat die-hard was in theater, it was a long time and even since 1994 democrat hasn't won statewide office. one thing that we are seeing with beto o'rourke is just electricity that he's brought to the state and democrats have really responded. although typically midterm years don't bring out a lot of democrats, it is clearly the case that they are coming at this time. >> senator ted cruz read a piece about earlier famously in the 2016 leading up to 2016 election had very unkind words about president trump, that's obviously changed, huge rally in texas at least one not that long ago, how important of a factor has president trump been in the
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race in texas in particular? >> you know, tale of two campaigns for trump. his assistance for ted cruz is pretty good, statewide, president trump is very popular among republicans, people like the immigration policies, the tax plan went over well with most republicans, so rallying support for ted cruz statewide is something that ted cruz needed.hi he needs republicans to come out vote straight ticket and that's thing that frankly they are worried might not happen but the problem, though, is the other side of the campaign, all the dawn ballot races, although ted cruz may end up winning the race, still to be decided, a lot of down ballot races where trump is unpopular. any texas district hit suburb, losing vet college educated voters or female voters, you have maybe a half dozen down ballot races here where president trump might be a negative instead of a positive. >> nationally it's certainly there in texas and along the border the issue of the caravan
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migrants onte its way to the u.. has risen to the top of the list, at least for the president as an issue, is that a big issue in cruz campaign? >> you know, it hasn't been aam big issue in part because the immigration issue has been just so saturated in texas. a good 5, 6 years where it's been at the top of minds of texas voters, the republicans are already committed to their way of thinking. you may have some independents who maybe turned off by some of the inflammatory language by the caravan but it has been issue that i don't think holds needle. >> texas and headline is uncertainty hangs over texas as voters head to the polls this election day. what's the early voting been like in texas? >> it's been blockbuster numbers. epic, the kinds we have not seen before in midterm, something like 5 million people have already voted.
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ted cruz typically votesn earl, early voting and typically between 60 and 70% of voters take advantage. we are probably at the point where we will have big surge on election day today but most people have already cast their ballots so much of the die has been cast. >> brandon rottinghaus looking at tight race with ted cruz and beto o'rourke. he has a blog that keeps an eye on texas politics, the author of inside texas politics, thanks for being with us this morning. >> appreciate it, thanks. >> throughout election day we are live this morning over in northern virginia at the tenth congressional polling place at christchurch, the tight race there in tenth congressional district in northern virginia, the republican incumbent is barbara comstock and opponent is
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jennifer wexton. if you voting today 202-48-2001. those not voting. good morning. >> i know the issue is certainly about voting, i voted in the eighth district, i was early vote on saturday and it was -- it's always a privilege to -- to pass my vote, i'm very thankful for the opportunity. i find it very egregious for those previous callers from texas and ohio to, again, change narrative which is something typical person say. say they are offended by racism is a joke, you know, you know, if they don't want them to call them a racist, i call them prejudice, bigot. racism you have to have two things typically, prejudice and
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you have to have power and when you talk about white supremacy in this country or racism they obviously have the power white people, white privilege and the term whitete that should be offensive because if ask white people in europe if they're from a country called white they'll probably tell you what their nationality is, white is a definition that they created when they got here so they can identify amongst themselves and use the privilege in power, so every time i hear someone like that say we need to get over it, well, it's kind of like, if you don't have cancer, then you're not going to join the cancer walk. >> what do you think about the caller's point, other point that he found that the easy use of term nazi for people was offensive, do you agree? >> well, i'm not antisemitic, i don't have any offense to it myself, it doesn't apply to me. when somebody is being called a nazi i'map quite sure they are saying something or repeating something thatt they heard,
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doesn't make racist, they are repeating something that they consistently heard, as human beings you have knowledge and a thought process that allows you to determine if you are thinking outside of race. if you are thinking -- i guess, to sum it up, if i grew up in a desert my entire life i wouldn't believe that snow exists, that doesn't it mean it doesn't exist, it's never fallen on me. racism with suppressing vote is clear. when you talk about terrorists, in the united states they bombed black churches with black children, city blocks in philadelphia, they've bombed tulsa, oklahoma. somebody that looks like a racist and soundss like a racist maybe should change narrative.
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>> you voted early, not sure we are looking at tenth congressional district there in fairfax, does that cover your area there in alexander or are you in different district? >> eighth district, southern fairfax county. >> and who is the incumbent, what's the race there? >> of course, you have the governor and democratic -- i can't remember her name but i voted democrat down the line. >> don bier in the race? >> yes. >> thank you, appreciate it. we are keeping the eye on tenth congressional district, we go to dean next in ohio voting today. >> if the democrats take over we will become open borders and a socialist country and i hope all of you who voted for the democrats, if that happens i hope you're satisfied with that ruling because i don't think you're going to like a socialist
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country. and as far as. trump not serving in the military, i don't recall that obama served in the military either. so i am so tired of hearing on -- beat on that drum and if we have open borders we are going to be just subject to whoever wants to come in and remember, people, majority rules. >> let's take a look at what people are saying on twitter, from mylan who tweets this, say if the republicans keep the house the democrats will claim the voting machines were hacked, if the democrats take the house, the republicans will claim the voting machines were hacked. mary says people are turning out to vote, colin said my wife at polling station early and line was 20 people waiting in the rain, close by me, it was so busy and lines were long, i voted all gop, from liz
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affirmatively voted straight republican no matter what changed. frank in bay side newma york, hs not voting in this election season, why not, frank? >> i'm not voting mainly because i watch a lot of c-span and when i see votes down party lines, like a gang, like two gangs going against each other, that makes me sick, so i say why should i vote, these people are not for my interesting, they are for their own interest. what -- how am i going to keep my job? should i be for trump, should i not be for trump and divides the country. what good is voting. >> frank, you're saying that from watching c-span you're take is you've decided not to vote? >> yes. yes, from watching hearingss and watching the debates, the congress, you name it when i see that party-line vote and it's
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directly divided by the two parties it makes me sick. totally makes me sick. and i believe that the only way we could fix this country is to do away with two-party system and everybody is independent and the government funds, gives each candidate an amount to, you know, to advertise so that everybody is on equal ground. >> frank, in bay side, thanks for your call, sorry you're not voting, we covered 162 debates over the course of campaign 2018. many of which you can find on website and reminder too about our live coverage coming up tonight 8:00 o'clock eastern here on c-span, election night coverage. how are things going at the polls from matt rogers who tweets this, central precinct in arlington, virginia, never waited 5 or 10 people, today the line is, snaked around twice wh over 100 people waiting in line.
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that from matt rogers. jeffrey in indiana who is voting early, who has voted early, jeffrey, sorry about that, indiana, go ahead. >> i have already voted and the early voting behavior in north indiana has been heavy and intense. we are sort of joking that perhaps no one will show up to vote today on election day because the vast majority of statewide actually but particularly in northwest indiana voters have been to the poll with the early voting opportunity. i guess my previous caller frank from bay side, new york took some wind out of my sails, i felt as though s in this electin year we've had tremendous lack ofd informed voters and everyoe
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seems to be running to their opinions based on emotions and finding facts to support those opinions that originate with theirat emotions and nobody is really informed on the factual data and on that basis i have to salute c-spanat and tell you tht i've been disappointed in the last several years that the general media has provided misinformation by not providing the full context and providing limited with information, withholding information and i find that i constant i will have to resort to c-span or other resources to learn what the facts are. i get the headlines but nothing from what in the past has
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been the media that i've relied so you and c-span are god send and god bless you and thank heaven you are there because i can go to c-span, i can hear and see the entire speech and then i have a factual basis on which to reach my conclusion. >> thanks for that jeffrey, philadelphia next, christopher is voting today, hi, there. >> hi, how are you doing? >> doing fine, thank you. >> good. thank you for c-span, for the follow-up caller nailed it, you guys do a tremendous job at presenting both sides and i am a liberal but i appreciate sharpening my knives against opposing side. i called in because i voted right down the line for blue. usually i'm more of a purple guy. philadelphia, pretty democrat,
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you know, sanctuary city. i voted republican for mayor because i like checks so this vote sort of felt like a check on the president. i'm not against the economic progress or anything like that, it's just frankie nailed it when he said party lines make me sick and it's just like whoever wins this, feel like we beat you, so now you have to do what we say. it's like no, we are here, we are living together and why can't we just sort of try to understand where each other is coming from rather than just forcing our views on each other and just being like, that's the way it needs to be and it's just -- it's draining and exhausting. >> christopher, pennsylvania went through some redistricting over the last years, did that affect your district at all, and
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two, do you think more broadly it will affect the outcome of the pennsylvania delegation, the house delegation, u.s. house delegation? >> right, that's interesting, pennsylvania i voted for governor wolf because his opponent just is right about that aggressive trumpism, like he doesn't want to talk about any other issue besides beating you and the pennsylvania was going through some very difficult gerrymandering process and had to keep going to state supreme court, you to redraw the map, it didn't really affect my district that much, southeast pennsylvania typically goes democrat, so -- >> right. >> but i'm not unaware that we joke in the city and call it -- pennsylvania is a red state now, my entire life, i'm 36 year's old. i've never known it to be
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anything but democrat. it's like a wake-up, hello, there's other people here too and you can't just ignore them and you have to give them opportunity t and that's the ony thing i didn't like about campaigning style, fear of the other and they are coming to get you and, yes, things to run on, the economy is doing great but i'm a small business owner but i don't have health care and i would really love the great health care that he was saying that he was going to give on the campaign trail, you know, like might pool independent voters like my fiancee, she was looking for a reason not to vote forr bob menendez, she goes to website and there's no information about student loan forgiveness or debt or anything like that, she's an issue voter, so she doesn't just, you know, throw her flag in the air, i think a lot of people are like
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that and i think c-span does a really good job at illustrating that there's like 11 different countries inside this country. [laughter] >> christopher, from philadelphia thanks for weighing in, looking at reporting across the country, the headline from the chicago tribune, fight for control, campaign ends as illinois governor's contest, u.s. congress races away the fate. top candidates for statewide election eve monday chris-crossing the state capping the most expensive gubernatorial race, name calling and massive barrage of negative tv ads, polls open tuesday 6:00 a.m., close at 7:00 p.m., more than 10,000 precincts across the state and chicago area forecast
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calls for gusty rains, drizzle. in plano, texas, bob this morning not voting in 2018, good morning, bob and tell us why you're not voting. >> well, i maybe have a strange reason for not voting. ire would do straight republican ticket. i love the economy almost everywhere i go help wanted signs, obvious the great things what's going on. the strange reason my wife is going to vote straight down democrat and i'm going to vote straight republican and we are going to negate each other's vote. >> both of you decided that you're not going to vote? >> i'm going to negate her. >> has it been she's straight line democrat and you always straight line republican?
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>> yeah, i mean, when we do vote, i mean, the last time i voted honestly was perot, back in that day, so i normally don't and it's -- because of, you know, normally she will negate my vote anyway. >> you have happy -- if some people writing referendum on president trump's agenda, you're happy at least with the economic part of that agenda. >> i am, most definitely, i'm in real estate, trump is a real estate mogul and he's helping my business and, you know, as i said gas prices, the economy is down, well great and help wanted sign almost every store going into. there may be 10-dollar an hour job but still, you know, i do believe the economy has improved and i am a trump supporter for sure. >> not voting, interesting reason why, thanks for sharing
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with us this morning. indiana paper, richmond, indiana, somebody mentioned this, earlier caller in terms of early voting, headline early vote almost equal to last midterm, 9,778 people cast ballots by noon on monday, this is in richmond, indiana, how busy has it been for wayne county officials so far this year? before election day could arrive there were at least many votes castiv as in previous midterm -- the previous midterm four years ago, let's hear from leroy in fa -- fayetteville, north carolina. >> how are you doing? hello. >> go ahead, you're on the air. >> yeah, my name is leroy and i called to talk about donald trump's tax relief and we
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haven't seen much about it now. next four years, most definitely within we will see results of it just like the democrat economist tried to -- everybody talking about it. all republicans talking down. we will see what happens. same thing will happen here. and i thank god for the real christian white brothers that helped us through slavery because we without them we wouldn't have made them. but the other ones, no, no, i heard a lot of them talking rightt now. a lot of them talking. i'm not a prejudice man, my mom taught me not to be a prejudice man. step on your toes, you step at all possible. >> leroy in north carolina on election day. keeping an eye on senate races across the country, competitive races across the country and we go to arizona next and hear from talk with some c -- political
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professor in university, race between martha mcsally and kristin m senema. >> it's extremely tight, it'll be exciting what happens tonight. at this point really it could go either way, the pollsters are having a hard time calling it. lately what i have seen people either have it as dead-even race or maybe with senema in the lead. >> two women, two members of congress running against each other, but on the women's vote, what's yourgr sense of the femae vote in arizona, how that will go? >> most of the country women tend to vote along the party lines just as men do, we don't see a lot of unity among women from across the aisle, in fact, in my research i i have shown tt democratic and republican women have different ideas of what it means to be a women so we don't
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really see them crossing the aisle a lot of the time to support female candidates, so what i would expect is that republican women are going to continue to vote republican as they always do, females from the democratic party will do the same. in this race they happen female candidate to support. >> tell us about what you think the path for victory in arizona for each of them? where do they have to win? who do they have to win? >> mcsally has advantage that plurality of registered voters are republican. but kyrsten senema has what's going for her that there's a lot of independent, they outnumber democrats, she have the sort of independent moderate sense about her.e she was a very moderate representative for her district, she voted with trump about 60% of the time, so she's actually theing not only from
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democratic pool from the independents as well. >> tweet from capitol hill producer craig kaplin, doug doozy, governor and gop senate candidate mcsally headed to final electionin eve rally and there is cindy mccain, has she had a role and what it's been? >> the mccain hasn't been overly active in campaigning as the caller suggested so, you know, there hasn't been a huge presence that is being replaced, sort of new state, a new slate with two new type of candidates. >> the var can that's making way through central america on its way to the border obviously a big issue for president trump nationwide, is it or has it been an issue in this campaign?
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>> for arizona voters trump disapproval has actually been increasing and in arizona republicans actually tend not to be as conservative on immigration asub we see among republicans in a lot of other states, for example, the border wall is actually less popular among arizona republicans than it is among a lot of republicans who don't live along the border. so immigration is certainly a big issue for the state of arizona but doesn't necessarily increase arizonan support for the president. >> lastly on the economy that some pundits have said that the president should be emphasizing, the success of the economy, has it been an issue in the senate race there in arizona? >> you know, the issue most frequently brought up in the arizona senate ads has been health care, that seems to be thes issue that arizonans are most concerned with and rather in line with most of the country. the economy has taken a second fiddle when it comes to issue
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e that candidates are raising, f course, it's an issue and the economy is doing well, they are happy with pocketbooks and happy with stock portfolios are looking, but hasn't been big issue just asn we haven't seen been big issue anywhere this year. >> samara klara joining us to talk about the senate race, thanks for beingra here. >> yeah, my pleasure, thank you. >> there's more on this election day, more washington journal ahead here on c-span, we will take a quick break, when we come back, we will talk with debra of the nonpartisan group about efforts to increase voter turnout including try to make election day a national holiday, we will be right back. ♪ >> 2018 election results will start to come in as the polls close across the country tonight, the first polls close at 7:00 p.m. eastern i


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