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tv   Call-in with Larry Elder  CSPAN  April 20, 2019 1:00am-2:04am EDT

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one more opportunity for you to talk to an author and the auth author's radio tal schematic larry elder joins us now on the outdoor set. while we were sitting here waiting to get started people came up to talk to in the gentleman asked you are not sure howre pointed his question was but what is your motivation? >> i thought it was a good question it was sincere and he wanted to know what drives me to do what i do? an amazing country.
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and i want people to not be misled by the misdirection of our so-called leaders. that minimum wage is helpful. not true. systemic or structural racism plagues america. not true. voter id suppresses the vote that eric holder once said. i am paraphrasing. and then if you sit around to play the victim. and this is immigration. i agree with w virtually everything the president is trying to do. and then we don't have those
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detention facilities they don't allow them on the mexican side of once you get into theth country they cannot keep them with their parents longer than 21 days we hope that they will show up for their asylum hearing so why would somebody who is not eligible released into the interior show up? it is absurd. and then a few illegal aliens should be in the sanctuary cities where they will be welcomed. chicago, new york, l.a. they say we are a welcoming city. and it's clever and those that
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are opposing that. >> but the effect of illegal immigration? illegal immigration cost the tax payers about 80 to $100 billion per year from the center of immigration studies. by the unskilled black and brown people. and no question illegal aliens pose a threat to the job that would be held by those living in the inner city. and to point out that cesar chavez a great union leader and to oppose illegal immigration and actually worked at the federal governmentnt to turn in people
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bringing people in illegally. and in my opinion the kinds of things that he ends like birthright citizenship. henry reed said it is ridiculous we are the only country other than canada that has that. democrats like obama or feinstein or harry reid and then politics shifted and they realize there is more v s votes and then to do a complete 180 on the issue. and taking them to task on a shift on immigration.
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and then would you like to have more illegals? he said are you getting that is a cloak brothers proposal bernie sanders got hammered. the holt democratic party has moved less - - left bernie sanders got hammered. the holt democratic party has moved less - - left what about remaining in california quick. >> if you lived in california born and raised in the eighties you are in good shape. your house has appreciated if you haven't taken out loans it's a great place if you lived here long enough and buying a home early enough but those buying homes now because ofnd rules and regulations it is estimated the price of housing in california is almost 50 percent higher before the stupid regulations.
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that people my age are in good shape. >>host: what is your explanation? how do california move so far to the left there are no republicans elected in congress anymore quick. >> not a single one holds any office in california. and as a super majority in the senate and assembly they don't need to show up. for that growing hispanic vote and then an increasingly large number so it is a tough place on the issue of immigration. that the illegal aliens should be deported?se
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and if you say anything like that you will not get edarrested.o and then to navigate the issue to the point of republican elected statewide. >>host: that tells me the tpeople are happy with the government of california. >> i think you're right. because the checks have not bounced. there is a 1 trillion-dollar unfunded pension liability. there is not a revolt yet but when it does only then will california will see the direction the state is going. >>host: somebody else walked up to you. and suggested you run for
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governor. i could lose i could win. i started to run for senator against barbara boxer. a number of people came with serious money and urged me to run. to see if they could get their endorsement. and i was sure i hadon one them all over then they said they would go with carly few arena. y-letter? she's a woman. she has more money. and she had higher name recognition. may be in washington dc as ceo of hewlett-packard but i know that because buddy put my name on a petition and it turns out i had 35 percent name recognition in the state of
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california. and barbara boxer's first to contest they both had 5 percent name recognition. i can challenge her in the primary but that would be another mountain to climb so i did not do it.
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but as a are played by institutional racism. 's just look at vicarious racism. so if you want to get angry to put some racism on it. the idea that they pull over black people disproportionately is structural racism but that is not true. doing a study on traffic stop 75 percent who stopped they agreed it was legitimate reasons mothers speeding or driving without a license and
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then to commit that offense. and the differences and similarly with that argument lacks are unfairly pulled over on the new jersey turnpike that then they ordered a study that you cannot tell what race they were. and the study concluded they were not unfairly stopped the faster the speed more likely it was a black driver. it was a bad methodology she hired a different firm with the same conclusion. they were not pulling over for racial reasons. this is good news. so wouldn't you prefer that
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when blacks are pulled over not to be racial? what you prefer in the washington post? and then there are more than armed white man but i defy your audience to name t one. and then from cnn and anderson cooper but then you have the eame kind of reaction. that last year there were 7000 blacks killed by other blacks which an unarmed black person is killed 400 were injured by lightning that were distributed across demographic lines that means 21 were black
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men. you are more likely to be injured by lightning than the unarmed black man killed by a cop. but just because you're unharmed does not mean you're notou dangerous. they are not being mowed down by racist police officers they are creating a disproportionately larger amount of crime. so knock it off. that chicago is the one third hispanic that one third of those killed were black.
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the school located on the south l side of chicago and for the students to follow to avoid being killed because of gangland violence. what is that? you have a route to go to school so you're not murdered by gangs? this is what we should talk g about not reparations or agree innew deal. >> we talk to an author this weekend here in los angeles but in chicago the crime is very isolated and certain streets because of guns comingng in from indiana. >> they are probably owned by nonblacks. they are not killing people.
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and then nine times more likely to be poor or drop by the school at three times more likely to end up in jail. why are they raised without fathers? the welfare state. in 1965 now 70 percent are born out of wedlock. it has incentivize women to marry the government allowing men to abandon their financial financial responsibilities. it was a percent for white people now 25 percent. if we don't do something about this it will grow. you are likely to drop out of school we should be talkingng about what the welfare state has done to destabilize the
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american family. >>host: has the opioid and crack c epidemic? >> i'm not sure how to answer that with the dimensions of the opioid crisis. it seems like it's getting s better. and with that argument of ronald reagan putting cocaine into south-central. a complete urban legend but a lot of people believe it. and my mom said if you put a brick of cocaine on my front porch every single day for free i would not ingest it because i know what it does. and the drug epidemic is about people not making the right
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kinds of t choices. >>host: did your parents have the talk with you about driving while black quick. >> i heard hillary say that kll parents have the talk. did it yours? of course. put your hands at ten and two my paperwork is in order. if i mistreated a gad badge number we can do with it while we were alive. weather eric gardner in new york. and all of these things would have been avoided even when
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the pleas tell you to do something you must do as you are told if you follow the instructions many of these encounters would be avoided. that that cambridge police acting stupidly h when henry louis gates came home from vacation and broke into his house and neighbor spotted this calling 911. and then instead of coming out of the house he copped an a lot of people elected me because they felt to be a part of the racial divide.
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all the police officer was doing was responding to a 911 call don't you want neighbors like that? what are you telling young black people if you have an attitude and a tenured professor had you expect young black people to behave responsibly? wid and that remains a major problem in america. so why shouldn't i think that? and obama did it over and over and over again. >>host: how did you get into radio? >> i was living in cleveland i
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wrote an article arguing racism was no longer a part of america and that was 25 years ago. i was on for an hour. now that i'm in radio havingr an unknown guest on for a couple hours is risky. i was called uncle tom most of the calls were black. bug guide, ore guide, oreo, coconut, antichrist and i was really called the republican when you want to hurt a black man's feelings it was a station manager. he said you were wonderful, funny, humor, good speaking voice, have you thought about doing talk radio? i said no. he said we use it in for a guy
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on vacation? i said i don't like being yelled that i'm not interested. he said talk it over with your wife and call me tomorrow. and she said what you think about talk radio i said i know very little it is shallow and stupid she said it is you would be good at it. and then is that i could get paid for doing this after 20 minutes? then i decided i wanted to do this it took me two years to meet the right people. >> what makes her a successful talk radio host? >> passion why are they all
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unhappy? and then out of the 7 billion people they would come here if they could. and then to uplift. >>host: larry elder is our guest the next color coming in from new york. >>caller: had you counsel a 72 -year-old president trying to hide his sat scores how do you feel about that? >> starting with charlottesville the president
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is unfairly aligned with his reaction to charlottesville. there are both sides of the argument if the monuments should be in the public square he didn't say both sides of neo-nazis i'm not talking about the neo-nazis and white nationalists they should be condemned totally. ". he said that in the very same press conference and why people ignore that is beyond me. his age? hillary is about the same age. bernie sanders is a little older. joe biden is older. seventy is the newew 60. his age does not bother me but he has set a lot of thing that makes people feel uncomfortable and then to be
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along oppression of the golfer are likely i contacted the swing or the stands the other golfer set i like to see where it stands on - - ito lands i like where the ball has landed. like what he does to reduce the regulations and to empower local districts to giveo intercity vouchers to get their kid into a much better school. and only 3 percent of kids were at grade level what responsible parent says one - - sends their kid they can only do math at grade level at 3 percent?
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now republicans are giving more choices. >> are charter schools popular in inner cities? >> yes but somehow so many regulations attached they are a quasi- public school but i'm talking about vouchers. but you could take the money to go to a performance school with a fraction of the money which is much more demanding if your parents are not involved you are in trouble. if a parent doesn't care if you've done your homework or put you to bed you are in trouble nosl matter what. >>host: next call new jersey go ahead. >>caller: it is an honor to speak to mister elder. i want to ask a legal
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question. those running the sanctuary cities with the united states they are choosing illegal aliens welfare over those who elected them. and we have to go by their actions. and then to have an idea we citizens can get servants under control. schematic i think the local city and state leaders imposing the sanctuary rules
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and regulations will be litigated. that they are pulling into the country the number one job is to keep us safe. and those with local authorities love the immigration status that i believe these rules and regulations will be unconstitutional. >> globalist versus nationalist? >> it has to do with surrendering our sovereignty to the united nations and other large parties and a lot of people don't believe in that weather it's the area deal or paris accord.
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and your job is to make the country the strongest it can be. >> i have interviewed mike pence but not the president. i campaigned with him and for him in cleveland i heard his plan for vouchers and was impressed. and talking about crime and saying those kinds of things in her first city parents needed to hear. >> juan williams wrote a book what the hell do you have to lose what the president said to black audience by voting republican. >> he also wrote a book called enough where he says what i say.
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and said enough. and then and west virginia go ahead. >>caller. >> i understand the double standard but to questions. how come the elderly has to pay $134 every month out of their social security for
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insurance? and then after 80 percent we pay another insurance company for 20 percent. i only get 800 so how do you deal with that? and number two if donald trump thinks it is fair for the working man, all men, not just the poor to have to pay child support and gets to clean these kids on taxes even ifax they don't work. they sell these to the mother they collect taxes for these children. >> we got the point. anything there? >> i cannot talk about child
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support but i can with social security it is now paying out more than it takes in. it is unsustainable even obama called it unsustainable and we need to do something. and the way they have done that in new zealand or chile and this is a long-term selection - - long-termo solution is almost half of the budget. and with that discretionary spending but the real problem is the large programs. with a percentage of the gdp. and to get the budget under control with a mass selloff of
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federal assets to get these under control we'll be right back unless we put a cap on what congress does for spending. schematic did you go to mayor pete's presidential announcement. >> no. but i did watch it on television and it was fantastic. >> you said the they picked carly over you that she had hired name recognition but was it because you were black? if not then why do you think they chose her over you?
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>> i don't think it was because i was black that the republicans felt a woman running against a woman would have a betterai chanc chance. that was spin that the mayor has been getting a lot of press and as a rhodes scholar and he is mayor of a town with 100,000 people there is a leap from that to go to president but at one time he seemed to be skeptical on reparations so all of these candidates are to the left of the center of their party 15-dollar minimum wage, reparations, all these are nothing more than the
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assertion to pay 39 percent of all federal income taxes. it is absurd. >> and he considered himself access. the next call is frank from des moines iowa. >>caller: i watched a show that you were totally dissed on a show saying that she was the field so how does the black community when they are still arguing amongst themselves? >> i've been asking myself that 25 years somebody has to be aligned or a sellout when
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these things are said to be i'm simultaneously called arrogant i don't think they are self loathing we should have a conversation about the welfare state without somebody coming up with that view and to question that person's motive. to take a magic wand the major part remains and those will still remain isn't that good
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news by altering their behavior? isn't that good news? c> another column if they are pushing economic policies to push unemployment to an owall-time low by attempting to stop workers from competing for jobs and wages rather than the government to pick the school for their children. >> the point is if trump is a racist why would he empower parents to take them out of an underperforming school? why would they want to keep them from the inner city? if that and they need to go back to racism school lausd ucrike how to that end up? but they got more money but
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the catholic diocese educates 10 percent of the n kids by lausd spending less money, better results. the archdiocese has seven teachers for everyone administrator lausd has one administrator for every teacher they are top-heavy spending more money with very bad results that's why i support vouchers so aggressively. >>host: the next call from rockport massachusetts. go ahead. >>caller: reminder to turn down your volume you can hear everything to your telephone. next you are on and we are listening talk about the
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government you never did talk about the tax cuts i what you'd understand what the black folks are saying from the south. let me tell you about the reparations. we don't want reparations from the white people but from the federal government i would like to hear your response. >> my parents are both from the south alabama and georgia work i don't think if you are from the south or the north is o relevant. it is just too long ago.
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and the parallel is a reparation paid toer the japanese and relocation camps that wasve paid to victims or legal errors even the holocaust. what about interracial marriage late kamala harris? her father is from jamaica and admits his family owned slaves. obama's mother is from kansas and her ancestors owned slaves. does he get a check or pay a check? only 5 percent even have generational links to slavery why should our government pay? what about africa? that could not have taken place about the complicity of africans enslaving other africans and then sold to arab and european slavery - - slave owners and allowing them to be put on ships.
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where do we stop this? unfortunately it has been a part of human history since the beginning of time only the last several hundred years we had a moralev rejection and what about the light whites that lost their lives fighting to end slavery? do they get a break? it doesn't make any sense more importantly what do we do today if you graduate from school don't have a kid before 20 you will make it to the middle class for looking institutions and heritage foundation say the same thing you need to finish high school don't have a kid before your 20 if you do that you will not be poor. it doesn't only apply to white people this is a country going from nothing to something faster than any other country
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and embrace that opportunity. >>host: how much time have you spent on your show talking about the smollett case? >> i remember of reporters said i hope this day would neverom come so apparently she preferred to know there are a couple of people trolling the streets looking for gay black guys to beat up? that would be preferable that he made it up? what i find interesting he is going back to the show. howy does he do that with a straight face when the city assumingim you that you owe them $130,000 for the over time spen spent? the state attorney said he still did it it was in alternative to handle the case but he still did it in the
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black police chief said he still did it and now he goes back as if he never did it? that is mind blowing how do you do that with a straight face? tulsa oklahoma. >>caller: i really appreciatete you shocking the progressive left into reality. well done. going to comment on certain parts of the press of all the ten commandments to break the press has become masters at bearing false witness the president can say something and then you watch the channels who will make claims and it is destructive because
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they think the president really did this but it is destructive if he did half the things his own party would impeach him and throw him out. schematic i was on fox and friends on monday asked about thend resolution that cory booker introduced for reparations and i said the same thing that it's too long ago, the handful of whites with a connection to slavery, interracial marriage and the parallel love relocation camps. i get home that day and media matters headlines fox news
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guest says black families are better off as slaves. how you do that is beyond me. i said because of the welfare state a kid during slavery was more likely to be born under a roof with his biological mother and biological father they had today but larry elder say black families were better off as slaves. really? that is what is done why trump talks about fake news it resonates. >>host: how can you listen to on the radio? >> go to my website larry social media twitter, instagram and facebook. >>host: do you broadcast on the internet? >> my home they show here in los angeles. 350 markets around the country
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and in every major market between six and nine eastern time. salem radio. salem communications provide just signed another three-year deal. >>host: you are joining us on zeroampus of usc ground for the recent college admission scandal. >> a lot of people apparently cheated to get their kids into school. it shows a lot of things are rightig freckle a bigger scandal is race-based admission we have an initiative to prevent using race as a criteria for admission but they are still doing it.
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but the greater the chance that person who would benefit well drop out instead of putting in them in aaa ball they drop out than they leave with debt and are angry why you admitted me with no plan to succeed. and by the asian families are suing harvard for doing the same thing. >> i would like to comment and i appreciate you on fox news saying it like it is. if you have a kid after 20 i
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don't necessarily thank you should have a kid about 20 i have a child who just got married and moving up in the world and doing good and i do feel you are right 100 percent if you stay in school and graduate and take advantage of the secondary school. if you don't, you don't go anywhere. it's free. basically i just want to let du know you're doing a goodwa job. i do feel there's a lot to talk about and in layman's terms what we should straighten out for the american people but we don't understand the philosophy.
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>>host: we will leave it there. thank you for calling. >> i just watch tiger woods when the masters the ratings will be through thehe roof. now one of the women he had a problem with was black. nobody cares. golf is a sport played professionally by whites. nobody cares. this is america irrespective of those engaged in the enterprise. nobody. cares. you are in control of your tv dial. the ratings will be through the roof because he is an excellent golfer nobody cares about the personal stuff. he won by one stroke.
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>> hello. can you hear me? i appreciate your conviction and passion what should the imminimum wage be and why? >> it should be and a willing purchaser of the labor the new york times had an editorial in 1987 the ideal minimum wage should be the new york times and now have done a 180 i don't know whatfe happens with economics one oh one and those left wing economist are jonathan gruber and paul
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krugman. jonathan wrote recently with the damage done by minimum wage and wrote disparagingly about the family paid medical leave krugman wrote about that and said it puts people with unskilled labor out of the market. how do you do 180 on a mission one - - an issue like minimum wage? and one of the co-authors just died. apparently byui suicide but if
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they did not raise the minimum wage would do better even though one state raise the minimum wage it jumpstarted economic activity but that is mt the opposite of what most economists felt and obama and clinton still quote the study but when they replicated the results they could not doe it ecause they literally asked employers you hiring or not they followed up with payroll records but the state that increase suffered relative to the state that did not. the correct minimum wage is zero. and to say because of the minimum wage about 500,000 black people lost jobs they would have had. the person most likely to be employed in america is a black teenager selling out their time for less money now you
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price them o out almost 50 percent of kids in the inner city don't have jobs because of the stupid minimum wage aoc coffee shop off of union square in new york just close down and they said because we are closing because of the 15-dollar minimum wage that she wants to impose that on the rest of the country. evidenced off socialists from being socialist? >>host: the next call is from las vegas go ahead. >>caller. you spend a lot of time throwing out anecdotes and references to studies this is
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a technique where you throw out as much as you can out there to prevent people from doing a shallow analysis. >> is there something i have said you have an objection? tell me what it is we will deal with it. >> a number of things. >> just give me one that i have said and we will deal with it so that the use of anecdotal evidence and play some good statistical analysis is a good place to start across the board. >> give me an example. haveha a made a false statement? what you do is settle with the study of police pullovers of blacks and whites you changed in the middle of your argument it was about the rates of which crimes are committed.
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you forgot to mention whether. >>host: we got the point and you did say that blacks were committing crimes at a higher level than whites i think that's what he is referring to. >> writes. i will give you another example if you don't like that one. when michael brown was shot and killed by the police officer the doj did a big study 57 percent of the population of ferguson was black but 85 percent of those stops were black and if that is proof then why isn't new york even more racist?
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yet 25 percent is black and a 30-point discrepancy. but the answer is you cannot do it and with that underlying behavior. >>host: georgia please go ahead and make your statement. >>caller: i really don't know what to say. i hope you're listening. please don't cut me off. but on a political level i hope they are listening i am
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just a citizen of a small town. you caught my attention. but i do have a question for you. i have issues to deal with myself but very interested in these values but at this moment because there is so much emphasis throughout the world everywhere is different. but also the middle class and
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the small business world. and so be careful what you are saying to others. >> i am not sure what the question was. >> i did not understand the point. >> i like what i am hearing from you. if you are as intelligent as you appear i hope the president is listening and puts you in our government. if not may you be elected.
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you are very intelligent and articulate and thank you for your opinion. >> if my phone rings i i will answer it. >> dogged by the mueller investigation to show 90 percent of the news is negative people say they ran to make money are you kidding? everyo year he has lost net worth. people are not patronizing his companies in my opinion he did this because he thought he could help the country. three years that seems to emphasize or expand the polarization?
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>> guest: something in social media. he's got almost 60,000 followers. and he uses twitter at the table that used to be set by the front page of "the new york times." people are going to respond to it. he's taken on the media in ways other people have not. this whole expedition he's popularized is what we are watching and with good reason. the media has been awful to republicans. barbara bush once said she is surprised because the media are so against us. the "washington post" has never in its history editorialized in favor of a republican president and "the new york times" hasn't been since 1956 and i think that only one newspaper out of only one of them.
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it's unlike that seen any president to deal with. most of them can't even remember the ones they were bothered most by and he was quoted on the most fundamental things. he never came close to saying what people thought he said. they said there were good people on both sides and amazing to me that you can't get that right if you are upset with donald trump for making 10,000 or whatever it was "the new york times" said he had fun. >> host: very quickly, tony and west virginia. we have one minute left. go ahead. >> guest: i said the same thing that you said for 310 years we were there this rule and then we had the
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revolutionary war and lost people there and about 1812 in the civil war and in the blink of an eye in history the american people changed and freed slaves in all reality that people don't want to look at it that way. the republican party elected abraham lincoln and the party opposed the 13th amendment, 14th and 15th amendment. democrats out of the clan so maybe they ought to pay us the money. >> host: do you ever have people on the show that you disagree with? >> guest: i had a guy from msnbc, chris hayes. he didn't stay very long. i also had chris matthews. he had kind of a rough time but it's on youtube you can type it in and listen to it.
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it wasn't a video but it was on radio. for the last hour we've been talking with author and radio talkshow host larry elder. thanks for helping us put


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