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tv   Washington Journal Henry Olsen  CSPAN  August 19, 2019 12:49pm-1:04pm EDT

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security department we are watching these elections, talking to the intelligence community, making sure that any vulnerabilities that appear are being addressed now, not in november 2020. >> on that note we will have to in our discussion. i have many, many more questions i'm sure my fellow commissioners do as well but we have a hard stop at 3:30 somebody think each of you for being f of information you provided for us and i look forward to continue working with you on these issues as a go forward toward 2020 and beyond. so thank you very much. >> thank you. >> the forum has ended. thank you. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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>> president trump is back at the white house today after a vacation at his new jersey property. he tweeted this out today. democrats want open borders and crime. so dangerous for our country. we are building a big beautiful new wall. i will protect america and the democrats don't where to start. "washington journal" talk to an author about president trump's impact on voters. >> host: we want to welcome back henry olsen, author of the book the working-class republican, ronald reagan and return a blue-collar conservatives from dick is a senior fellow at the think tank the ethics and public policy center. good sunday morning. we've been talking to whether or not there is a stigma with donald trump's supporters. is there? >> guest: there is definitely. particularly among higher
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educated people, if you say you're a trump's a quarter, you are considered to be a fill in the there's epithet of the day. it's slightly affects the polls is one way we can see this is in the gap to 20 trump reelect numbers and job approval. we know from the past to my presidential elections the president will get within 1% of this job approvall rating. there's all these polls up saying there's a lot of people who say i approve of trump's job but i'm notjo get on board with them. that's poppycock. they will vote for him if they approve of hisve job he will voe for him. that'ssi a sign of the stigma trauma are you worried about a looming recession? >> guest: anybody should be concerned. worried is another word. i'm not worried about it. if there is a recession about six months outcome president trump's chances reelection drop considerably. but what's also clear is slowdowns that take place during the election you don't affect the job, don't affect the
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reelect numbers what happens is people set the mice about the economy about six to eight months out and if things are looking good then, they will figure things will get better by the end and it will stick with the the present. >> host: your assessment of the president to a nephews into his administration is what? >> guest: : policy or as a politician? >> host: take both tractor policy has moved and you a lot more than his critics h with a suggested. to a nephews ago controversial, take on china. i just saw a recent number from pew research of the said america's use of chinaca of the most unfavorable in over a decade. that is a lot to do with the presidents pointing out the minister expansionism and achieving on trade deals. immigration is something where people have been moving in the president's direction. he's still not at majority approval from the wall but is better than it was two years ago. politician, he has consulted his supportersso and have reassured many conservative republicans
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that he was not going to govern like a democrat but he remained a hugely divisive figure. this is the present that should be having no trouble winning reelection and instead he has a 50-50 shot and that's the measure both his success as a politician but ultimately his failure. >> host: returned to a "newsweek".com article about a fox news poll for the president stands right now. the latest fox news poll shows in the 2020 race donald trump is in trouble against every democratic challenger tests including joe biden, kamala harris, bernie sanders and elizabethd warren. the poll found 39% of registered voters support trump into reelectionti bid is being challenged by either senator sanders, harris or worn. the survey found sanders went over to a 40%,%, harris over president trump at 46%, war and winning at 45% 45% but it was e former vice president joe biden who would beat president trump by the widest margin in a hypothetical matchup according
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to the poll. my 56%, 38%, 38% for trump. we are here at three much away from election day. so much can happen but as you look at this poll, snapshot ins august of 2019 that tells you what? >> guest: first what it tells me is the stigma. that's a a public trump at 43%b approval rating. it boggles the imagination that 10% of the people who think trump is doing a good job won't vote for him. that shows there are people who want to thank that they may not vote for him or are afraid to tell pollsters they won't vote for them but they will in the inn. we know what their behavior is going to be. those margins on the head-to-head are exaggerated. secondly let's remember that because of trump's coalition, he does not need to win the popular vote. what he needs to do is lose the popular vote for points are listed if trump gets 47% of the vote nationally he will almost
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certainly get 50% or more in enough states to win the electoral college and that's the benchmark. not winning the popular vote for winning the electoral college. >> host: david wasserman said president trump could lose pennsylvania, could lose wisconsin, when everything else in 2016 and be >> guest: i actually think winning wisconsin and losing michigan is a better shot for trump but yes, that's exactly what i think. i've written on a daily column for washing post convincing argument that david has written, that if you take a look at the 2010 exit polls, given that he is more popular in certain states that he is nationally, if trump is at 46% job approval on election day, he will be at 50 or above in enough states to win 207 electoral college votes. he couldin lose pennsylvania and michigan and he will run the table and every thing else and
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you look at 270 electoral votes try and want to share with you part of our conversation with david mcintosh, former congressman, the present for the club for growth and talk about where the republican party is as the debt and deficit continues to grow. fcra under president obama, growing at a fast rate under trump. let's watch. >> you put the responsibility on the part of republicans and the house and senate but there's also republicans in the white house. to what do you attribute this change in attitude towards deficit spending, other than the fact that republicans were against it when it was a democratic president and now they are for it when there's a republican president? >> i see a couple dynamics. first the omb is still very much a deficit hawk. they worked very hard from the budget introduction on to keep the lower. i think with the presidents approval, butand you got the big spenders, particularly and the senate, the appropriate on the republican
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side are happy to spend large amounts. they think it's good politics and you don't mind it some of the money goes to democratic causes and some goes to theirs. you also have a complicating dynamic going on among republicans right now where defense hawks have basically made a deal for about five years now with the democrats. if you let us increased defense spendingng when we think it shod be, we will sign on to your domestic spending basically let you decide whether goes andle wt it's for. that second halfer cuts against everything they campaigned on, reducing welfare, reducing the size of government. but the goal of having a strong robust defense department lets them trump that an and sign upr the big spending bills. >> host: as you business, by david mcintosh looking at theci numbers of use national debt now at $22.5 trillion, the cost per taxpayer nearly $183,000.
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in our interview with the president he said it reelecteded he would begin to cut the debt and deficit but he did promise to post balance the budget in e first four years. he hasn't donepr that. >> guest: the debt and deficit problems offering this and they get worse. the fact we are borrowing nearly 5% of gdp when where neither at war nor any cold war and were i a massive fiscal economic expansion is historic. they need to be addressed. that said, i think political reality is the case that you can't do with that without significant tax increases. if the the president were to ln this issue in the event of a reelection, he would have to do so in a way that ronald reagan did, with social security which is to convene a bipartisan commission with people of goodwill on both sides and be willing to give a little in order to get a little. that would question whether the conservative wing of the republican party care enough about deficit to increase the tax burden on some of their
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constituents. >> host:ho why is that so hard? why can't republican say yes maybe we need a rate raise taxes and democrats have discussed beensp to come together to redue the debt? >> guest: it's hard because neither side moderates want to buck each sites extremes. let's go back to simpson-bowles commission whichs is about eigt years ago. the moderate majority of that commission actually hammered out a tax revenue up and spend that deal but the left wing members of the commission vetoed it and the right-wing members of the commission vetoed it and neither john boehner but the president, speaker boehner at the time was willingr to expand political capital to push the deal through. the president is in a different position. he's always seemed as somebody who can broker deals and pinky has capital with the right the speaker boehner didn't. if you were to reach such an agreement he would expend political capital to bring
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conservatives on board. >> host: the republicans had the widest and house and the senate for the first to use and it didn't do it. >> guest: that's right. they didn't do. the presidentnt felt he was in a position to pushio that sort ofa deal immediately. ididi don't think the democratse in a position to deal. remember, , under senate rules unless you going to do this to some sort of reconciliation act you need to haveou democratic support politically if you could make significant cuts to domestic spending. .. lee predicted the election was going to be act lot closer than those who said hillary clinton was going to win. >> it gets back if you look deeply at the numbers there was a hidden support, reluctant trump support and that is still going to be there now. and despite the polls it is pointless whether the president winsis reelection and is not too
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hard to see where it's likely if you will go up absent or recession then it's likely he will go down. >> campaign 2020, watch the live coverage of the presidential coverage on the campaign trail and make up your own mind. c-span campaign 2020, your unfiltered view of politics. >> tonight on c-span at nine eastern millennial journalist from the future of journalism talk about industry changes and fake news, abuzz feed reporter's guides what it's like to be to break news and immediate news cycle. >> we move really fast which can be an asset but on the flipside it can be detrimental. sometimes we don't have what abc news has. there's no fact checking source. we have an editor, a copy
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