tv Canadian Party Leaders Debate CSPAN October 8, 2019 4:00pm-6:03pm EDT
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canadians head to the polls to vote their federal election the prime minister trudeau in the liberal party are tied with the conservative party and leaders of several political parties took part in a two-hour debate in québec this was their only english-language debate ahead of the federal election. >> canadians will decide on parliament hill and the house
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of commons. ♪ in 20 seventies the party leaders have been traveling the country's tonight they will defend and deconstruct their ideas live justin trudeau and conservative leader in the green party and also maxine from the people's party the goal is to convince you to give their party or vote those of the most respected political journalists with the museum of history here are your leaders.
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[applause] [applause] >> i am one of the moderators tonight the audience is made up of undecided voters gathered here in the round so they are right at the heart of this night. one note we have asked them to hold their applause throughout the debate so we can keep things moving and to tackle five major themes based on the question of canadian voters want asked and debated there are more than 8000 the leaders
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will answer them based on the order selected that were drawn. viewers want answers they have all agreed to respect the time they are allowed tonight and we will all make sure they do. the first is leadership in canada the first question is from right here in the audience. >> good evening leaders. many talk about the implication of the divided world more so in 2016 with us protectionism with the growing tensions of china as prime minister how would you effectively defend those canadians on the world stage?
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thank you. >> thank you for joining us for the future of our country to compare and contrast the various plans that we have we know we live in a very challenging time right now with protectionism to the transformative technological change we face me make sure they are equipped to succeed in the uncertain world and that's why over the past four years we help people be optimistic about their future to have the tools to succeed and to protect for the future as well. >> thank you for that now mister t9. >> we are the people's party
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the other leaders on the stage they spend your money and send it to other countries to fight climate change and asia and africa the un is a dysfunctional organization and we want to be able to fight for our country. so to have the foreign-policy for security and prosperity for our country's but i thank you the next opportunity to respond. >> and the leadership of who you are fighting for and the make and if you do what's right for people weather comes to international affairs standing up to trump
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and make sure we build a better trade agreement that puts canadians first do you have the courage to stand up to the powerful interest of corporations that have too much influence over canada. courageen't have the to stand up and fight the people. i don't work for the rich and the powerful but for people. >> i will always stand up for canada and canadian interest to defend her interest all over the world. but justin trudeau only pretends to stand up for canada. he's very good aty t pretending how many times did he poke on blackface he is always wearing mask. a reconciliation mask then fires the attorney general the first of indigenous background and then has fires for not
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going along with his corruption than as middle-class mask and then raises taxes you are a phony and a fraud and you do not deserve to govern this country. >> there will be an opportunity later to defend each other. >> i would like to answer the question in response to what we just heard but i want to acknowledge canada's role is enviable to be a country that stands up to multilateralism that commitment to meet with sustainable path to end poverty and encourage education of women and girls. and then to renegotiate the wto and to promote climate action a to support the rule of
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law and human rights around r the world and of the changing world of russia. >> prime minister first good evening and thank you. i think showing leadership means making mistakes and the chief financial officer was a mistake so those powerful souls like china against isis this is something that we have learned.
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>> and continuing with our themer it is now my opportunity to ask a question on behalf of canadians to be chosen by iran so the question is for the people's party leader mister bernier everyone will have the opportunity to debate him but mister bernier you like to tweet i will read them back to you. you call diversity in canada extreme multiculturalism. you use the word ghetto and tribe to describe newcomers who bring distrust and potential violence. the 16 euro climate change called greta clearly mentally unstable. are these the words of someone with the character and integrity to lead all canadians and represent us on
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the world stage? >> thank you for the question. if you want to be the leader of this country what i say it's not the way to build this country and we must be proud of that but with that multiculturalism act we are a diverse country and we are proud ofth that. and to be sure to take part in our society but it is time for discussion of immigration we don't want our country to be like other countries in europe with huge difficulty to integrate their immigrants and that's why i love this country and i'm the only leader onn the stage who will have the discussion of immigration. >> we will definitely have a
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lively debate tonight because now the same opportunity to debate mr. bernier on the very question that is what is required for a good leader. >> after hearing what was just said you could say i justgh messed up for me it should come as no surprise i believe leader not somebody who tries to divide people but pit them against each other to bring people together that's what a leader does the people need help not helping those at the very top we have seen this far too long working for the multibillionaire's with massive corporate tax cuts we see offshore tax havens. >> you must believe that people you must get back to
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the people. >> i willh remind everyone this is a debate the viewers have a hard time to hear if you talk over each other so this is where they can debate mr. bernier and now it is the opportunity to debate on the question of leadership. >> you can absolutely be proud of canada's history and identity in the things we haveer done while at the same time welcoming people from all around the worl world. that is something that has made canada strong. people come because of our freedom. >> you are right to share our values and politics. >> between men and women. >> that you have changed.
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>> you used to believe in the immigration system and now you make your policy based on getting likes from the darkest part of twitter. >> i want to unite us. >> that is the difference between us on this issue we believe in making canada stronger to welcome people adding them to our country to celebrate what makes us great as ath nation. >> now we will hear on the same question. >> talk about the character of leadership i think leadership is service that what they are recognizing but here is your employee and we want to work that with her introduction to say we will be invited back we
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are not invited to go to parliament we sign up to go to thatas a public service said they find what mr. bernier has said is appalling and generally what he has said is so horrific. >> i appreciate you but i don't share your socialist policies. we cannot create a world with your policies. and with the socialist countries like venezuela. that will not fit in our world and you must admit that. >> that is not responsible. >> i am supporting immigration for what we need for this economy. >> thank you ms. may and now
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the opportunity to debate with mr. bernier. >> how many seconds we leave me before you jump in? and someone denying climate change and with us socialism. >> i don't deny climate change. >> ten seconds. [laughter] >> it is not a number but the resources we invest as well as in canada and québec to share our language and our values and if we do with enough resources invested you do not do it by saying or sending the message you are not welcome. >> everybody who comes to this country 49 percent they are
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not racist coming in with the corporations and immigration. >> does this apply to immigrants also? >> we are proud canadians. >> the final debate on the subject goes to mister trudeau and mr. bernier spirit is important to recognize we are in a world right now with it is easy currency for politicians who do want to strike up uncertainty in people's hearts and get people to vote against things unfortunately mr. bernier on the stage plays the ball to try to make people more fearful about the migrations in the world and the opportunities and the ability to redefine every single day what it is to be
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canadian. yes we can transform through leadership. >> there are people around the world. >> i am a proud canadian like you. we want the country to be like that in 25 years and because i want to have a discussion about immigration and what theyui say publicly what he says privately what he says privately what more immigration only 6 percent. you are not in line with the population.. so let's have another debate on that subject. >> so we want to hear from another canadian o tonight there are so many layers with the issue of leadership. this question comes from susan
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from calgary. >> hi. i am from calgary. more often than not the government is on different wavelengths no matter the political party cooperation is key when it comes to issues of workers rights, key education and healthcare. as prime minister how would you demonstrate strong leadership working with the territories? >> susan from calgary thank you based on a random draw this goes to mr. bernier first that every other leader will have the chance to answer. >> first of all i will miss the constitution and the provinces and that's very important. and with healthcare that is providential and we cannot
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solve the challenges but what we can do is transfern' the money and what i will do with healthcare and education that will transfer so the provinces have the money to deal with that and then answer to your challenges. >> thank you susan for the question. there is a lot of concerns that canadiansmo have and she touched on issues like pensions and b healthcare. but i want to single on healthcare. one of the biggest concerns i hear when to meet with people of people who have a chronic illness and pay for her medication and bloodwork and injections they are not worried about the illness but being a burden to his mom and
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dad. to say you're not worth universal pharma care. i want to say to that young person we will bring in universal pharma care a for all and don't use your credit card for medication. >> conservatives have always recognized working with provinces we respect provincial care but also takes federal leadership like free trade something that mister trudeau has failed to accomplish.he one thing i can promise voters is to take a conservative government to court and mister trudeau has imposed his carbon tax with a high cost scheme the carbon tax is increasing like gasoline and home heating and groceries and will only go up after the next f election. he didn't tell canadians how high it will go everydo elected
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the conservative government will scrap the target - - the carbon tax. >> thank you for the question is very important cooperation is in our dna now the problems we face will not be solved by arguing or fighting in parliament or between the federal government with the provincesim and territories. but have a reinvigorated form federalism we went to council of canadian so the federal governmentnt municipal governments have a seat at the table with indigenous leadership. and then w to find common ground on issues like health care and climate emergency and working together in the publical interest. >> i find this study to be
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that the campaign is not about issuesbut providential and is not a surprise with québec or the other provinces you need to respect and something you have to stop doing and this is the demand of the government of québec on many issues that it is our money held up by the federal government in giving back to us with conditions. and then given to provinces we feel that it should be given back without conditions. >> mister trudeau. >> in ten years you have chose to stop meeting so we restarted that when we took office in 2015 we could strengthen for the generation &-ampersand historic health accords with home care and mental health. we could invest in infrastructure like housing
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and public transit and we continue to work with provinces on renegotiating. but yes with certain provinces right now we are fighting with the defining issue of our time as other conservative premieres to want to do anything on climate change for that model that will fight them and canadians on climate change and that's exactly what we are going toni do. >> the debate will be coming up very shortly we are switching gears giving the leader agove chance to ask any other leader on any topic they choose when the order was chosen by random draw the first leader this time is mr. singh. >> my questions to mister trudeau you talk how you cut taxes for the wealthy and education and health care and other services.
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i agree with you and i have heard you say this often you criticize mister harper on climate targets be failed to achieve them but healthcare funding but you also cut them you criticize mister harper on giving billions to billionaires and corporations so the question is why do you keep letting down the people who voted for you? >> first of all cutting taxes for the middle class and raises for the wealthiest 1 percent after mister harper doing nothing in just four years we have reached three quarters of the way to our targets which we will meet and surpass we know that's not enough we will continue to do more like moving forward so people can retrofit their homes and make canada a net zero by 2050. we know how important it is to move forward and right now he is promised the first thing you will do is rip up the only
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real plan to fight climate change that canada has ever had. this is what we are moving forward on because canadians expect us to. we lifted 900,000 people out of poverty with the canada child benefit. mr. singh you voted against that we will continue to help families because that creates jobs and helping people out of poverty because that's what canadians expect and that's what we will continue to w do. >> now to have the opportunity for an open debate for four minutes mr. singh. >> look at the biggest problem is the offshore tax haven but also the president of the treasuryga board so how can you say we don't have money to
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fund universal c pharma care one - - pharma care but then. >> you might remember. [inaudible conversations] >> we had a huge fight with the wealthiest canadians and conservatives where we closed tax loopholes that will be reopened to give the tax breaks $80000 to the wealthiest canadians. >> you may have an opportunity to respond. >> you call small business owners taxis entrepreneurs in our society tax cheats all the while protecting your trust fund and those of your millionaire friends. what you are doing is lowering taxes for allin canadians.
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>> the average income couple. >> [inaudible conversations] >> you cannot raise well for the government is spending money but you have to have the right policy for the entrepreneur we want the private sector to invest. [inaudible conversations] >> at the beginning of the segment mr. singh point out mister trudeau has not changed the climate targets for of mister harper and it must be said very clearly and i am so disappointed because in 2015 i thought they were going evidence-based policies. but what you say you hit by 2030 is by fighting climate change it is more and ignoring
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the device. >> the green party is the only party with a plan. >> so to be in line the plan is this. with the itc report of what you love to say and that's very important. >> so take on the climate crisis it is the courage to fight big polluters to stand up to the lobbyist too convince you and then to continue to pay subsidies. >> what they need to do is be ambitious and doable and of
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fothose on the stage there is only plant one plan that is ambitious and doable that we put in place. >> it makes everything more expensiveex and then to recognize that canada can do more to fight climate change by exporting clean technology in helping other countries. >> that concludes this segment you have an opportunity thank you for your one - - very much for your statement. ♪
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>> and the theme of this segment is polarization of human rights and we will begin and with mr. singh. the campaign is about courage but you have not shown the courage to fight discriminatory law with individuals who like yourself where their religious symbols for employment of prime minister would you stand back to allow another province to discriminate against its citizens? are you and frankly the other leaders putting your own party's interest ahead of your principles and rights of all citizens? you have one minute to answer. >> it is obviously i am against that makes me feel sad i was grown up told i cannot do things because of the way i look all the people in canada are saying they cannot achieve more because of their identity
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of who they are now the people in québec right now are told just because they wear the hijab they cannot wear a teacher or a yarmulke cannot be a judge it comes as no surprise of what i do every single day when i go to québec and say i am here i'm fighting the climate crisis and i believe firmly of the rights of women and the right of women to choose i believe firmly and then not allowing her challenging the ability with a list of people every single day. >> mr. singh i want to congratulate you the way you have handled issues around grace and identity who has been the victim of these types of racist acts in the past i certainly believe you have handled with class especially
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as it relates to the scandals that have come out during this campaign . i believe it's very important for the people to understand that well we will not intervene in the court case as butnservative government the conservative party stands for freedom and equality and individual liberty. >> i appreciate that. but i want to touch on the theme of polarization. while bill 21 will single people the way they look but people are being pitted against each other. and with the health care they need with powerful corporations the fault of the refugee who is back to working 12 hours a day and with that economic security to tackle the polarization.
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>> i want to echo the comments as we have all done through the broader strange at one - - through the election campaign confronting the issues of privilege. but looking at bill number 21 in québec it challenges all of us the green party opposes bill 21 and left with a question this is the best way for a federal government to protect human rights within , they are fighting this outin those groups are going to court and as it goes forward frankly we're looking at a situation we don't want to hurt that debate within québec. >> also went to touch on i
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know that you agree with me that the powerful corporations with their fair share this is the reason they can earn a good living i can't find housing with the medication need.hey >> thank you very much. >> and then they support the bill. and those members of parliament with that polarization issue that in english tonight it is quite clear everybody has problems that there is no translation for that word in english but there are places but québec
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does not need to be told what to do or what not to dot about it self. and that they cannot do the >> instead what we should be doing is build that more protections. >> let's build that more protections for the lgbtq community. >> you have spoken very eloquently about discrimination and fought against it all your life and that's why it is so surprising when you say like every other leader on the stage the
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federal government under you would not intervene in the question ofer bill 21. it is a question yes it is awkward politically and it is very popular but i am the only one on the stage who has said that yes the federal government might have to intervene because they have to protect minority rights and language rights and women's rights and across the country. you did not say you would. >> every single day of my life is fighting a bill like bill number 21 every single day of my life is challenging people saying you cannot do things by the way you look i channel the frustrations every day who feel that in people across the country who are told they cannot achieve what they want because of how they look. >> sohe why not stick with your convictions? why not challenge that quick.
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>> with bill 21 we must defend the constitution and this is a decision from the government but also mr. singh you have said to be here on the stage to have a discussion with you so what about the diversity of opinion? i don't know why you are a leader to try to get everybody on your side but this is only when people say things that you want to hear. >> after a couple of minutes of this debate tonight people can clearly see why you did not deserve a platform the comments you are making and what you say it's one thing to
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say you disagree that is fine but when you spill hatred and ask about mental stability it shows a lack of judgment and i'm happy to challenge you on that because your ideas are hurtful to canada i will always work to build unity for canada. >> next with the polarization cd human rights of immigration people including a big crowd at the building in british columbia. >> good evening. i am here tonight here in
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british columbia. my question is along the lines oftiola. polarization in canada feels more divided than ever before. this diversity is our strength but that division in weakness how does your leadership seek to provide a unified vision k r canada and how will you ensure all voices across the political spectrum are heard and considered? >> thank you for the question. i appreciate getting a chance. we talk about the division we have in our country and i point to a lot of reasons for it hateful discourse, a climate that allows people to be emboldened but for people to be exploited into hating one another they are worried about the future. a lot of people can get basics like housing and healthcare and it is neglected of the federal government.
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the way we tackle the polarization that they get the things that they need. >> it's important we understand why canada is a country of such diversity because people come from all over the world to take refuge and build a better life because of our freedoms. that is the common ground everyone who has comeat here can agree on it's important that we remember that in the people who come here to embrace that aspect that makes our country so great but it's dangerous when you have a president like justin trudeau using racism and hateful language with anybody who disagrees with him calling them in canadian for disagreeing with his policies on the border. >> we need that kind of
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leadership it doesn't feel that the politics is disgusting we have to restore the idea of real democracy to have agency and power to work together we call this all hands on deck and that reflects everyone and then it creates as a rival even when the elections are over. >> for those who look like you in those who are dishonest.
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in 2011 that exact same was set and then in 2015 the exact same sentence was said. >> thank you very much. i am sorry you're out of time. >> it is 42nd. >> everybody has the same time it is 40 not 45 spin i thank you for your question. it is important to recognize we will are in polarization so how do canadians agree on most things? and then to pay for the future
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and then create opportunities. and that there is the politics of fear and division. >> thank you very much. >> speaking of immigration actually to receive more immigrants than any other country three times higher us. thes and then for every three years like the population of the west. so they all with negotiation and then we have fewer immigrants for the country.
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>> now we move on to the one on wide format we start with a conservative leader you can ask any question of your choosing to any leader. [laughter] you have 30 seconds. >> mister trudeau you have interfered on an ongoing criminal investigations you have shut them down and you fire the only people in your caucus who wears dipping out for what you are trying to do just for telling the truth. when did you decide the rules don't apply to you the prime minister's to stand up for the public interest and that is what i have done and will continue to do every single day.y. working for canadians and investing with them. and those that are making $400,000 a year more than
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making $40000 a year. offering 50000-dollar tax break which is more money than they earn to the wealthiest canadians. we don't entirely know your plan because you have not released your carbon platform yet which i think is a pdisrespect to every canadian. >> and the platform came out weeks ago and that is a different vision. and then with the services. >> anybody is free to join. >> you are making things up. half of your platform you are making announcement without details.
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>> and then and then to look at them in the eye and then to put pressure but now we know those are lies. so that responsibility of any ibprime minister. [inaudible conversations] and then to talk about what is worse for canada. [laughter] and then what canadians are going through and then to struggle with the cost of childcare. with the struggling of the
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cost of medication would cost hundreds of dollars a month. >> so now we will take the family money to invest in pharma care over $500 savings ahisafa month. and investing in childcare to save thousands of dollars a month and make sure those families that arean less g that will save at least $1240 a month. >> where will you find the many? >> we will ask the wealthiest canadians over $20 million those fortunes over $20 million and asked them to pay more. we think they should. >> that is fascinating. because we have the same proposal in our budget. and then where we go for
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revenues for theey wealthiest and then to avoid paying that tax. now they say the green party is proposing to send one - - spend a lot of money to abolish tuition and the weakness of the revenue sources i think dad is shocking. so you have an obligation. >> who will contribute theirli fair share? >> i think it was referred to the scandal i want to speak for 3400 people who did nothing wrong but when they try to find a solution but what you are doing is trading the idea of 3400 people have
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done nothing wrong. so that is never an excuse for a prime minister and then to live in a country where somebody abuses the power of their office where somebody abuses the power of their office and the one who said no one is above the law. >> that's note true. >> only on which we agree that no corporation is above the law. [laughter] this is the end of the segment. thank you very much.
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♪ >> i am from the toronto star. welcome leaders per kia moderator for the next section on indigenous issue this was chosen by random draw with my question to conservative leader. mister scheer you set a conservative government would focus on practical things in its relationship with canada's indigenous people. as youh pursue your promised energy corridor or practically speaking how will you consult, accommodate and obtain consent from indigenous
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people and what will you do when your plans come into conflict with rights and interest those reserved i understand the importance of balancing the ability for those indigenous communities to participate in the economy. that is the key i have said conservative government will ensure the proposal for the national energy record or will ensure that a cabinet is responsible and indigenous consultations unlike the failing of the current government to miss had a handle under the tmx pipeline we will make sure it is dynamic and listening to concerns and to address thosee concerns. but we have to get to place where bigns things get built up so those concerns are heard
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and addressed but also we find the path for things in this country. >> i am appalled by the fact he has forgotten there was a duty to consult with the government as well they also violated in the findings of the court it's not just the indigenous people but the force of law i know you oppose it because of the debate at mclean but the reality is it all requires consultation and does not boil down to consult with indigenous people until we get them to agree with us what about their territorial rights that arere inherent. >> so for every single indigenous community. >> they want these projects be my quite prepared to set aside the human rights tribunal to fight in court when they actually found the matter fact that our government was
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reckless and willful in the violation of the rights of indigenous t children. >> there are people that want them to go ahead for their young people to get help. >> it is now your term. >> she wants the response of the provinces and québec that with this timeline of yours which translates actually with the pipeline you don't fear that idea of x appropriating the provinces and failing the constitution, yours, not mine to say we have the right without their approval and may i remind you they said clearly
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it does not belong here. >> what we are talking about is addressing the indigenous concerns upfront getting that out of the way so there can be a geographic base so big projects like québec to share in hydroelectric energy and not with that regulatory environment around it you know as well as i do they purchase a huge percentage of their energy from the united states i made my choice i believe they purchase a huge percentage of their energy from the united states i made my choice i s believe i made my choice. >> and québec will make their. >> this is a vote how you respect indigenous rights.
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>> mister harper did not respect indigenous rights or the indigenous people you put forward exactly the same plan that didn't only just fail indigenous people are communities and their kids but also could not get the energy projects built we have to keep moving forward in a way that respects the indigenous people and the youth that are grounded in the us declaration that you have consistently robbed through your party's actions that is not respect for indigenous people that ahead of the assembly has said that no government has done more for indigenous people than this government. >> that's right. >> i have nothing from mister trudeau who fired the attorney general for doing her job.
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she said she would do politics differently and you fired her when she did you want talk about getting pipelines built? you canceled two of them and the one you bought you cannot build you have let tens of thousands of people in alberta and saskatchewan down you have failed to recognize indigenous. >> i am not building pipelines? >> [inaudible conversations] >> you said you are building pipelines all over this country by the private sector but at the same time you said québec needs to buy oil and gas from canada i agree with that. they know it is safer to transport oil and gas by pipeline and trained at the same time the government said what is the position? can you use the constitution
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because after consultation we must be able to use it to build the pipeline and when you do that the federal government will have the ability with full jurisdiction to approve the pipeline but you don't have the courage to use the constitution for the pipelines in this country for the unity of the country and the prosperity of the country. >> that's not the case at all i've always said the federal government must stand up for federal jurisdiction.n. and when you've got the best idea i'm convinced i can get support for this project. >> you don't have the support of québec. >> is better to take energy than tanker and tanker of foreign oil or oil and gas coming from donald trump's economy. they will support the project because they can share their hydro- electrical power with other provinces. >> talk about the tribunal in
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canada that found harper's entry does government willfully and recklessly discriminated against the indigenous your kids were not getting equal funding it was a landmark decision that said these kids should get equal funding and it was received as injustice for those kids and then mister trudeau has repealed that decision he wantsru to fight out of the courts but then drag the indigenous kids to court. that is wrong. how could someone do that? >> this decision will have huge ramifications for several aspects of the way the federal government provide services to indigenous communities and a very large significant and when you deal with these public policy issues it is legitimate to say. >> i disagree but i want to relk about the indigenous
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issues just recently the indigenous activists went to a private fundraiser mocking as an activist saying thank you for your donation. >> because he is a fraud. >> what type of prime minister does that? >> he does not deserve to be reelected. >> that is time for this section of thehe debate the open debate is over but we continue on the theme of indigenous citizens. go ahead natasha. >> good evening. as a member g of the first white nation my question is if elected how would your parties work withho provinces on recognizing and affirming indigenous rights noting the united nations declaration of the rights of indigenous people and the call to action calls for justice for those
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women and girls that were murdered. >> thank you natasha. >> thank you for the question of course there is a lot there for 40 seconds there are many areas of the missing and murdered indigenous women those concerns have been going for quite a while including human trafficking that is very important. we support preserving indigenous languages by ensuring the government does what it can to prevent those languages that are at risk of being lost to preserve them. talk about the un declaratio declaration, we need to remember that when you talk about foreign consent that leaves a great deal of reuncertainty of what that means and there are large numbers of those who want the energy projects toin succeed and we need clarity aroundun that. . . . .tu
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as constitutingol structural violence and must be reviewed and brought up to the standard of united nations declaration. we must bring in the recommendations indigenous women and girls and call for reconciliation. not a short-term project.mi except the canadians to bring justice. >> we have so support the declaration of the united nations and its people. i do believe and i spent most moments of the campaign with people from the first nations. they are nations. as well as canada is a nation and québec is a nation.
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a nation does not put its culture language in the end of another nation. they have to act because we are not, we are no better than they are to represent themselves. all those reports and inquiries brings something real for them. >> mr. chair go. >> thank you for your question. we have moved forward on reconciliation ways that no previous government is unable to but i'm the first to recognize there's much more to do. we must determine the oil series but we are continuing to invest in communities on the issue of child and family services. we recognize the tribunal's ruling that says children need to be compensated and we will be compensating them. we also want to end the
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tragedies by moving forward on legislation that keeps kids in care in their communities with their language with their culture. we also want to move t forward with the community on a a treatmenton center and money is not annd objection to investing what they need in that treatment center. >> thank you. mr. bernier. check no order is ready to deal with the authorization. they'll support the census that the system is broken. we still have extreme poverty on reserve. we need a broad reform and we are the only party that will try to implement proper reserves and also a new relationship based on reliance for these communities. we need to build a new system working with them but that's not what they want because we cannot fix the system right now if we don't do those reforms and we are ready for that.
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>> thank you so much for your question. really it's a matter of respect and dignity. all of thehe issues your praise come down to the basic question of respect and dignity and one of the first things we would do we would take indigenous kids to court and challenge the decision that says they were willfully and recklessly discriminated against. we would immediately address issues of justice. that means implementing all the recommendations on the reports that are powerful and have a guideline toward solving the problems to make sure this clean drinking water. we make suredr that we implement clean housing, good quality housing and education welfare services. we can do these things. >> thank you. now we have time for another leader to leader debate on any topic. leading this one off will be green party leader elizabeth may. elizabeth may i believe you have
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one minute. >> thank you my question is to justin trudeau. picking up from this graphic discussion on indigenous issues but let's face it right now i indigenous people are telling us their number one concern is the climate emergency and we need to focus on real solutions. not good enough to have better rhetoric and with all respect to mr. singh is not about rhetoric. we need 60% reduction by 2030 not 38 and not you're 30. what you mr. trudeau join with all of us to get rid of the partisanship and after the selection we will decide their children's future together. >> we recognize targets are beortant and we will surpassing the targets we inherited the targets are not planned. we have a real plan that is delivered over the past four years aren't afraid of banning single use plastic some putting a price on pollution right across the money in a way that returns money to canadians that
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actually makes unlike what mr. mr. scheer is saying most canadians better off. 80% of canadians are better off than if he were to form a government after this election. we'll continue to do the things that need to be done and bring canadians along with it. our plan is realistic and ambitious and beautiful and that is what canadians need because there is a danger of not acting on the environment is tremendous the danger of not having a plan for future either the environment or the economy is going to be borne by our kids. >> ms. may you may begin open debate. there is three minutes and 45 seconds. >> the science is clear your target is a commitment to failure. that's why it's so go was an achievable because it doesn't do what the ic pc says we must do. we must do it as quickly as possible. you bought a pipeline. you can't be a climate leader
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and spend 10 to $13 billion more on the profit that by itself blows through her carbon. >> the slogan is not a plan. a slogan is not a plan. canadians believe the action is going to actually make us better and fight climate change protect the environment and build a stronger economy for our kids. that's it we have done more of over the past four years than any government in thehe historyf the country. there is much more to do. >> there's a plan from 2000 find that would do better. >> we delivered on it. >> getting a one-story latter doesn't do it. >> is completely false and just because you say something over and over and over again doesn't make it true. >> you need to learn that. [laughter] spent there is no canadian that will be better off by paying a target tax.
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your plan is already failing.. 80% of canadians are better off under our climate plan. [inaudible] >> one at a time. >> i want to say this directly to canadians. you do not need to choose between mr. delay and mr. deny. there is another option out there. we are committed to a real plan that's going to take on the biggest polluters. it's going to take on the powerful interest because as wer need to do. you want to build another future -- a better future means taking on the powerful. >> you need to have a plan rooted with the target that saves our kids future.
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[inaudible] >> people must know that mr. scheer and mr. trudeau you want to put a carbon tax on canadians impose more custom immigrations and you want to impose also a big tax. >> you and i have to find some common ground. >> i don't think it will be in québec in effect you arequ supporting a project that flows through more of the carbon climate against and threatens the st. lawrence river. some of this is not what i had in mind that iin provided answes to that. i think the goal should be down to almost nothing. almost nothing and what do you think about this idea of gas
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emissions? those who who are over the average emissions pay and those that are under get money. >> will we have to do is work together with all due i respecto that was the question i asked. they are in a be prepared to accept the notion of changing status quo decision-making? >> ladies and gentlemen that's all the time we have. that concludes this round thank you very much and onto the next one. ♪ >> hello i'm donna friedman from global news and i'm moderating the segment on affordability income security. before i begin i want to thank evolving very vigorous debates.
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some of your comments got a little long so we'll have to trim a bit in terms of time that we will make sure to keep those trims fair and equal. on the topic ms. may i have a question to you. canadians are caring $2 trillion of household debt. that means average canadian owes about $1.79 for every dollar of income he or she earns per year to taxes. it's never been this high. we d are barring to live somethg my parents told me was a terrible idea. you have made a bold promise to ballot federal budget in five years. how do you do that without more financial pain for canadians and putting people further into debt and was the single biggest thing in your policies platform that will reduce household debt? >> thank you for the question. i'm very y pleased that we are e party up standing on the stage that has a full platform has the budget numbers publicly accessible a that passes muster bike kevin page.
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the way to bring more public service to bring more help to childcare, banning tuition investing in post-secondary education farr care. dental programs for low-income canadians all things that are much more affordable. to go after places where there is revenue. offshore money a financial transaction packed going after 1% tax on people who have more than $20 million in wealth and a series of moves to increase the revenue coming in to canada. if we had a recession we would not ideologically balanced the books but right now we think we'll have a balanced budget in five years. >> mr. blanchet your pretended to debate with ms. may.
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>> is a bad idea to cut services to people that mainly needed. buddy about the idea of cutting all subsidies to oil and how about this idea that we bring money to the government. how bout cutting into those tax shelters including the two new ones created by mr. trudeau and taxes from those giant combo web that steal money from our advertising companies? >> on our platform we call for taxes on the e-commerce companies the virtual, the amazon the googles and the facebook to pay virtually no tax. we agree with you we have to cut all. it was a promise by mr. harper in 2009 and mr. trudeau in 2018. we arede subsidizing lng which i
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would like to hear you answer where you are in j&l québec. i now -- >> i'm going to move you on. i'm sorry. mr. trudeau your chance to debateve ms. may untaxed. >> we -- that decision to invest in a middle-class lifted 900,000 people out of poverty including 300,000 kids. we give more support for students going to school. more support for seniors andch what that has done is growing our economy at the same time we have reduced poverty. we have done that in a way that is. responsible. >> ms. may you may respond.
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>> the concern i have about all the states by then i'm sure been another a number of other leaders shared we don't have any health care health costs in the course the debates i want to turn to the affordability issue and how much more affordable life will be for canadians with full universal single-payer farr care. it's on my platform is parsley and yours andrt it's in mr. sin' >> are you prepared to accept eric's's recommendation for universal payer health care? i am i afraid time is up for you mr. bernier. your chance to debate ms. may of household debt. >> i look at your p platform and you want to spend $60 billion. you cannot spend your way to prosperity. we need to outlaw private sector investment and in the end you
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know our national credit card is full. mr. trudeau just had $70 billion in our debt and you will add another $60 billion to our debt. this is not responsible that our children will have to pay for that. >> your famous private sector having gotten massive tax cuts based on being told it was a job created would be great when they got tax subs. they are setting up house of cash. we need to get that money into public sector infrastructure investments like a national grid no pipelines by the way but we need electricity grid that serves the need of every province in every canadian. >> what i like about you as you don't want to add subsidies to oil and gas and i don't believe in subsidies and corporate welfare so we can agree on that.
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>> let's move to mr. singh. >> i appreciate the one to shift the discussion towards health care. it's one of the biggest concerns we have. but the canadians across the country they can't get the medication they need. they can't get the dental care they need. i met a t woman in my office who was covering her mouth because she was embarrassed thatth she d lost her teeth he could she couldn't get the s care she needed. that to me is heartbreaking in a country as wealthy asin ours. i know that many of you are prepared to do this but the problem is mr. trudeau does not have the courage to take on the insurance and pharmaceutical lobbies the dome of this to happen. i'm going to make it t happen. we are in a nation where we make these things happen because we don't work for the powerful. we listened too them and we work for you. we work for canadians. >> i hope you'll agree with me that we need to renegotiate a new health accord. then left alone for too long. when to give back of the table. the constituent of mine and we
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have had eight debates and all of you can be proud except for you mr. blanchet of the candidates you have running locally. one thing we heard from every constituent in every townth hall meeting is where suffering from a lack of family doctors. we need an investment in our health care but the wheels are falling off the bus. >> mr. trudeau continued the same cuts. >> mr. scheer your opportunity. >> the entire theme of our platform is leaving more money in the pockets of canadians. it's time for canadians have a break that are universal tax cuts will need $850 from the pockets of the hard-working erincome of the each canadian. it'll bring back the green public transit tax credit to make taking thedi bus or the trn more portable. we'll help by climate change by bringing in the home tax credit which will put money in the pockets of canadians andio lower emissions.
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>> the way we are going to pay for those isl by cutting corporate welfare and reducing canada's foreign aid budget by 25%. we are going stop sending money to the relatively well-off countries and bring that money back home so canadians can get ahead. >> mr. scheer thatt may be the worst i'd ever platform is cutting foreign aid. i wear this littlee pin. if the goal of the united nations for which this country is committed to ending poverty within the next decade. within canada and globally it's possible the not if we ever have the goodos fortune -- not a grey and selfish policy. >> we are going to stop you there. we are going to stop you there so we can hear from another canadian please. on the theme of affordability one of the many places canadians are watching tonight is in the western territory. here's a seat at the copper house restaurant and we heard a
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question on affordability from scott. >> my name has got my question your government going to do with the growing crisis of income inequality and affordability? >> ms. may 1 to you. >> had been in that restaurant. hello, good to see you again. for income equality we need to look at the gap between the very wealthiest canadians and the average canadian suffering to expand we haven't had a proper attack commission since the 1960s to examine our tax code to see if it's a progressive to find out if all the corporate boutique tax cuts that have piled up one after the other of successive government is taking money away from those canadians who need it and allowing those who really have massive income to continue.
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they have special status and don't have to pay their taxes. >> i must say saying untrue things at the end of time. collaboration might be dump already however about the issue if the federal government wants to respect the jurisdiction of provinces it would take less time if we cut less money and provinces and québec could do what we have to do about health care. this is what has to be done. the money should be given the province of québec because it is mostly if not only their jurisdiction. that helps people. >> mr. trudeau the questions about income inequality and what you would do. >> we recognize me to help people moreed directly. that's why lower taxes for middle-class and raise them on the wealthiest 1%. were moving forward with the tax
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break for low to middle income canadians and nothing for the wealthiest unlike mr. scheer's tax credit and also increasing the child benefit which has lifted hundreds of thousands of families out of poverty by 15% for kids under one in increasing old-age security for seniors over 75. making sure the students have ai easier time paying back their student debt by not having to pay back until they are making $35,000 a year. we are investing inar the canadians. >> mr. trudeau thank you. mr. bernier your turn. >> first of all i think it's a important to talk about the question about what is in for batch important for canadians. we are the only party that will balance the budget in two years. everybody on the stage will spend and spend and spend. that is not the solution. we will do it without cutting services. will cut $5 billion. all these political parties the
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only problem is they do everything to get your vote. i promise you that knew nothing except balancing the budget and after that lower your taxes. that's the only responsible policy. >> mr. bernier thanks. mr. singh to you. >> income inequality is massive and there's also massive wealth inequality. these are not esoteric academic discussions. when those at the very top to not pay their fair share and 87 families in canada have the combined wealth of three provinces that hurtsts them. it means we don't have the funds to invest in health care and we don't have the money to invest in things like dental care. while mr. scheer talks a nice game and i'd maybe says nice words but he's giving $14 million to the richest corporations to buy private jets andrp limousine. we would instead invest in people and asked the super wealthy to pay their fair share and invest in programs to relieve the costs on them.
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>> mr. singh thank you. mr. scheer gear turn on income inequality. >> mr. scheer has his facts wrong again. her never so tax cut is much better for middle income people in his proposal. hehe thinks someone earning 47,0 dollars a year is too rich for a tax cut. i disagree. that you don'tze need to tear some people down to lift others up. justin trudeau's attack on small businesses threatening them and making it harder for them to grow and expand lead to the jobs that have much higher income earnings. all the while protecting people who have inherited trust funds. we will take a different we will ensure that entrepreneurs have the support they need to grow and succeed. >> mr. scheer thank you. you're going to move on now. i have a question for mr. blanchet. which each one of the leaders
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will have a chance to debate him one-on-one. mr. blanchet québec is one of theal -- received $13.1 billion the highest amount of any province as part of a federal system system or well the share preview for it to the money as an assistant check. premier lego has said he wants to wean québec off of payments payment. you agree that and if so how would that make life more affordable for canadians? >> first system called equalization is based on some flawed reasoning ways to analyze things. this is why we look for something else that would replace it. oil provinces are very wealthy and to date we are using it and québec which citizens do not
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want to be -- for oil because theyan rely and clean energy and believe this is the only responsible way to do things. the equalization that would be days without a constitution changed on our provinces in fighting climate change. those who are under the -- receive encouragement for everybody to reduce emissions. >> mr. trudeau thank you. let's go to debate this one one minute each to getting with you mr. trudeau. >> equalization said of the canadian across the country regardless the province they live in axis is the same quality care. it's not a perfect system but a system that ensures as much as we can equality of opportunity
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across canada. we continue to engage with provinces across the country on updating equalization formulas in ways that are fair and is something that continues to bind this country. unfortunately mr. blanchet is a sovereigntist opportunities to create fights between québec to advance yourself unfortunately that's not something canadians want. you make us pay with a pipeline and tell me something what -- why would we need it? >> québec can do anything a canadian can do. >> mr. bernier you have the opportunity to debate mr. blanchet. smith the only leader is ready to look at the acquisition to
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ensure the formula would be less generous and fair for every province. the explained it is not fair to tax the people and also in québec because quebecers are proud. we must give the right incentive to provinces for their own natural resources. they don't want to have a discussion. it is important when you ask people. >> québecers received less money from equalization and they have received it in canada. >> are right mr. blanchet mr.
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mr. blanchet your opportunity to debate. >> i was thinking of ways we could make life more affordable and this is one of the things i believe we can build a better candidate for tackle some of the challenges people are facing. one of the things we hear about a lot in québec is the cost of healtht. -- health care. universal pharma care plan iss one where reuse the buying power of all canadians in deliver provincially that we can buy medication for lower costs. >> it is delivered provincially and dental care if we wanted to provide it in the soul jurisdiction. you good ideas but your ideas always interfere in friends in two jurisdictions. >> if you want to do that we can take their our part of the money as the constitution allows. the other thing we need to do is to want to tackle the problems of housing. housingg is something that concerns a lot of people a lot
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of people prefer pray for no money is to be invested in building a partnership with provinces to build housing.o want too do that again. >> mr. scheer thank you. mr. singh pardon me. mr. scheer over to you. >> how can you get us mixed up? >> with that set a? >> i'm slightly taller than you. [laughter] >> québecers relies on some issues mr. blanchet agrees with justin sherdel and he supports justin trudeau's higher taxes and he will support massive deficit that will continue but raschein canadian taxpayers with more and more dollars to pay interest. >> either you didn't listen or you didn't understand. >> we know that votes for mps means justin trudeau --
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>> all that you said you did for québecers was done. [inaudible] >> you're talking over each other and you're both over time. thank you mr. scheer admin may it's your turn. >> forgive me but congratulations for being elected mla. i'm just so excited. turning to equalization payment we need to equalization in canada because we are a country in the family. we need to think like family. your proposal mr. blanchet would be to put next to burden on those parts of canada like alberta that have the toughest challenge to meet the climate crisis. we are concerned that we work together and not alienate albertans.
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>> your previous propositions on oiled birds quite nice to them. >> they don't find it nice. >> sometimes one does not agree with another. >> we are facing a climate of urgency and anyone can look at the science. >> this is a world issue. >> we have to pull our weight. >> has provinces in nations where to do together. >> we have to move along. we'll end this segment with another open debate. mr. blanchet at your turn to ask any leader any subject on the topic of your choice. >> mr. scheer you said in english a few months ago that you were strongly against the idea of bill 21. then you said in french that you would do nothing against that
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law. your close the liberator said the day before yesterday that you would protect bill 21. he said that in french i must admitt. you are the only one that would protect the bill. >> and you get to the question please? >> please, how we do that? the answer to this question is very simple mr. blanchet and i think we are on this issue. we will not -- and the court cases currently before the courts. they have taken this e decision and the courts will -- it's very important that the federal government to respect and protect individual liberties and individual human rights. we will not pursue this action on the federal level. >> mr. scheer has thehe floor.
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>> mr. blanchet mr. scheer is the floor. >> the same thing in french we will not intervene in a court case. >> the court case will be decided. >> mr. blanchet you are trying to create -- >> i will protect it. >> we are going to have an open debate. that was mr. scheer's time. we will now have an open debate. mr. blanchet you may begin. >> okayed. >> i think you are trying to create confusion when it doesn't exist. i've always been very fluent in french and the answer has been the same that this is that the federal level something will never pursue. the conservative party stands for fundamental human rights. it was the conservative prime minister that brought forward the bill of rights from
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saskatchewan. >> we respect a woman's right to choose and lgbt protection. >> will you recognize and apologize for that? >> millions of canadians have a different position on this issue and like millions of canadians i'm personallyy pro-life. it is okay in this country to have a difference of opinion. >> canadians need -- >> one at a time please, one of the time. >> the issues and not change under 30 years under liberal prime ministers and conservative prime ministers. i will be there to defend them. >> let's allow mr. singh a moment.
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>> nobody can hear what you are saying anymore. [inaudible] [applause] >> you are having a mini-debate over here. >> there's no position on the discussion on a c woman's righto choose. i'll be very clear about that. >> it's been really interesting for most of this campaign campaign to hear loud men arguing about what a woman's right should be but having all of you participate when you're perfectly happy to keep women off the stage. i'm the only woman leader of a party. your participant debate which did not see there's a chance for a woman in this country to be prime minister to run as the leader of a party. we must be clear as all leaders
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and you're not clear that we will never allow a single inch of retreat from the hard-earned rights of women in this country, not one inch. [applause] >> i am open to working with mr. scheer end here mps could come up with a law against abortion. >> i said we don't allow anyone to run in our party who doesn't hold up pro -- this clearly needs more time and i'm afraid we don't have much time. ms. may thank you very much. are going to have to move on. thank you and that concludes our segment. ♪ >> i'm rosemary burton from cbc news. next thing we party talks about a little bit but now we will for
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real the environment and energy. we'll start with a question from another canadian. we are going to go to a gathering of people watching the debate this time at the halifax central library and we will talk to new brunswick and has this question. over to you. >> hi. my name is brett bankrupt and i'm from new brunswick that i believe we live in an age of climate crisis. this is the last election we have before appointed no routine -- return is reached. furthermore for many large corporations the current system of fines and penalties associated with polluting is the cost of doing business. what concrete plan does each leader have two address big business? >> thank you brett and the first answer. >> that is very interesting. the progressive plan to fight climate change so far is
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bickering between canada and québec that forces businesses to lower their emissions in time and it works very well. i had the privilege of completing the negotiation of such a s system. it should be used elsewhere. simple taxes they return into the pockets of people without any change. it is not the solution. doing nothing for thinking of some. >> will come. >> that's it mr. blanchet. mr. trudeau over to. >> will back in other provinces have moved forward. we have showed it is a mechanism that will lower emissions and ensure canadians can afford this transition. the choice tonight is very clear between two parties that have very different views on climate change. mr. scheer wants to rip up the
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old serious plan on climate change canada has ever had the day after the election and we will continue to do. we recognize we to do more to fight climate change and that's why will surpass our target and that's what will get the next zero by 2050. >> mr. bernier. >> we are the only real -- party. wewe want you to think that it's possible and if possible to protect our health or retirement in our water propelled the other leadersim claim to save the word and to save the climate. they cannot represent only one .6% of the green gas emissions and claim to keep it as a target they don't do it. we won't have a tax on carbon.
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>> mr. singh. >> thank you for your question. we are faced with the climate crisis there's no question about it. we have massive forest fires which make it hard to breathe and parts of canada and the west and massive flooding and people are losing their homes in the east. this is a serious crisis. mr. sub -- trudeau has had a lot of nice things were left with what he's done. he says he's for the impairment butpt continues to exempt the biggest polluters from his resolution. he continues to subsidize oil and gas massively. he says he's a climatema leader but what does he do? pipeline.e there's a big gap between what mr. trudeau says and what he does. >> mr. scheer. >> i find myself agreeing with you again mr. singh. justin trudeau says one thing and do something completely different. is talking about hitting 50 targets but he can even meet 20 targets. his plan has been proven to fail. he has given a massive exemption
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to the countries largest polluters. meanwhile hard-working commuters moms and dads taking their kids to school and driving tour cat to pay the full brunt of that. our plan is a real plan that takes the climate change fight globallyha recognizing we could shut everything down. >> we are coming to the end of the show mr. singh. and thank you for the question. you like ever notes on the stage clearly understands we are up against the rip climate emergency. intergovernmental panel on climate change has given us hard timelines, challenging targets. we are going to do what is required it isn't easy. we don't grade on the curve. if it fails to meet the goals of holding global average temperatures and no more than 1.53 celsius we fail to give our kids ato livable world.
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the houses on fire. grown-ups need to stand up and say kids get to safety, we have got this. we'll take care for you. >> mitered for you. >> mitered as the question this one goes to mr. trudeau and this is the question mr. trudeau. the panel on climate change press the need to act quickly to limit further global warming greater port from environmentnt canada says this country is warming twice as fast as the global average. you say you are committed to battling crime and change that your government proceed with the purchase and approval ofe new pipeline to the west coast. given the timeline and given what is at stake should canada top the movie more quickly away from further development of the oil and gas are and to that end should be transparent and expansion be canada's last pipeline? >> we absolutely have to move faster and we have to do more. that's why we look forward -- put forward an ambitious plan to continue a plan that is doable and it's goingab to make sure we
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get to not just surpass the 2030 target that go beyond. we are banning single use plastics and putting a price on plastics. the conservative leaders do not want to do their part to fight climate change. we recognize the transition to clean energy will not happen overnight and while we do wish that less oil by rail and would need to get to new markets that we can invest all their resources and all the money coming in from this pipeline into the green energy transition into fighting climate change. i know that's a big piece of the way we move forward. how we invest in the new economy and that transition, that is what we have done. the choice tonight is do we have a government who doesn't believe in climate change are fighting it or continue on the track we are? >> you didn't answer the last part of the question whether we are in the last pipeline. mr. bernier it's your turn to debate mr. trudeau. >> i believe there is no
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emergency and you believe the opposite. you want people to achieve the paris accord target. we need to enforce it carbon tax on three and $2 a ton and you don't do that. >> mr. trudeau let mr. bernier continue. >> it will destroy the economy but what about you? >> mr. bernier it's mr. trudeau 's turn. over the next 11 years we are going to get there that what mr. bernier and what mr. scheer doesn't understand is you cannot have a plan for the future economy if you're not building a plan that protects the environment and fight climate change. that's where both of your wrong.ely >> you have been saying a lot of
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great things on the stage today but the problem is you made it sound like you wereth going to make climate of big party but he did did allou these things. he bought a pipeline he subsidize oil and gas in the continue accept the biggest polluters for what you to take for canadians to believe that you will follow through on your promises and what's it going to take because your words aren't good enough anymore. >> we are three-quarters the way to achieve achieving a 2030 target and we are going to surpass them. mr. singh you may be surprised to discover your plan is to build a massive refinery in alberta and the only way to do that is with federal subsidies because there is no private business for peter plan to build a refinery in alberta is worse than building a pipeline. >> mr. singh? >> we would immediatelywe end subsidies and immediately invest
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>> mr. scheer chair turned to debate mr. trudeau. >> wind. >> when justin jude took, offie there were three major pipeline projects ready to go. under his watch all of them have failed. he had to take $4.5 billion of canadian tax money to put the trans mountain pipeline on life support need it that base and thing $4.5 billion of taxpayer money to another country to the united states to i be invested n the oil and gas instead of here in canada. his answer for his rationale for having two campaigns as he bought carbon and it's just the thing that privilege people can do. >> mr. scheer you did not buy carbon offset for your transport because you need to actually ask -- >> mr. scheer no one can hear you. >> your plan is to rip up the. only serious plan to fight climate change canada has ever
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had. >> thank you. mr. trudeau. ms. may of you. side two avoid catastrophic levels we must not tell the trans mountain pipeline. not the last because they get canceled if we are serious. you can't negotiate with physics. you can't mr. prime minister there's a carbon budget. doesn't budge and that's why it's so heartbreaking for me to look y at you today and know you could have done so much more in the last four years. please get a majority. >> we need a a strong civil government to fight them and to make sure that we are moving a rude on protecting theov future generation from the impacts of climate change. >> at your plan is a target for failure. benur you hang onto a target of 30% by 2030 it better get to
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double that target or you'll never get the carbon by 2025. >> mr. blanchet. >> you claim to have done a lott by canada's the worst in the g20 per-capita. i have two questions. first we'll create the demand of the prime minster that a typical review and environmental issues would have precedence over canada's review and the second question do promise after the judgment them british columbia to not ever try to run a pipeline through québec ever? >> after 10 years of mr. harper's failures too get things through because he did not understand yet to work with indigenous peoples coming up to work with local communities. you have to respect environmental science. we want a process that does exactly that and we worked with the provinces on ensuring there is not.
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>> we know the way to move forward is responsible and will be done in partnership. >> mr. trudeau it's your turn to ask a question of any other leader. >> we cut taxes for small businesses to 9%. we have cut taxes for canadians. we know tax breaks for the wealthy do not work to grow the economy. 10 years of mr. harper's failures done that yet mr. scheer's platform come most of it is secret and will remain secret apparently. didn't work out so well for ontario. reduced taxes for the wealthiest canadians the pull the millionaires by $50,000 which is more money than most canadians have. >> mr. scheer you have one minute to respond. >> you seem to be oddly obsessed with provincial politics. there's a vacancy for the ontario liberal leadership and
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if your soap look is on provincial politics run for the leadership. secondly your tax policy has meant that 80% of canadian families pay higher taxes today than when you first took office. that was a conservative principle. your achievement was taking the a's conservative idea that i voted against or tax hikes on canadians. >> one of the time. some of we are committed to protecting that benefit because it's based on conservative principle. >> this is supposed to be mr. scheer's answer. we will move into debate. >> will bring back the children's fitness tax. >> we have three minutes for open debate. >> mr. scheer he didn't ask a
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question on -- answer the question by why you lowered taxes by $50 billion for the most wealthy? >> you haven't answered a question your entire time as prime minister. >> mr. scheer finish please. >> rolling back your tax hikes on small businesses. you called them tax cheats. >> gentleman. >> i have a suggestion for you. how about the idea which has been passed unanimously by québec ends. a single tax refund. that would save about $400 million to our combined -- is that not a great way to save
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money and make things simpler for t people and companies and businesses and even government. >> i'm the only federal party leader that can deliver on that mr. blanchet.. if simplifying the lives of quebecers by ensuring they only have to fill out one. >> mr. scheer you talk a lot about tax cuts but this is the canadians can look across this country and see what the impact of the conserved tax cut means. translation cuts to education, cuts to health h care. vicious cuts of the most vulnerable people in society. as we do. the thing is mr. trudeau you sound a lot better. >> mr. scheer you can respond to mr. bernier. they canadians are working
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harder and harder but rarely getting ahead and falling behind we are going to do that by protecting services like health care and education. were going to get the money to pay for it by cutting corporate welfare and reducing canada's foreign aid budget by 2024. >> mr. bernier. >> mr. scheer and mr. trudeau it's all the same s. they won't cut taxes for every comedians. we have to tax rates and that will be fair for everybody. everybody will say because of tax reform would be $35 billion we willl do that only after balancing the budget o. it's the only responsible way. >> you had your chance. ms. may wants in. >> canadians to know one thing with all due respect to mr. scheer you are going to be prime minister.
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voting for green mps is your best guarantee. >> mr. scheer cam responded then we'll wrap it up. >> i'm going to prove you wrong on that. >> i will buy you bets right now >> mr. bernier said something completely and true. under mr. trudeau we wille see tremendous deficits. we will budget the bow -- -- you can ask any question to any other candidate. >> andrew you are calling yourself a conservative but you don't want to balance the budget in two years. you'll have $70 billion in offsets. you support the military knowing canadians are spending more than 400 million a year.
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you are conservative? i think you are liberal. where you pretending to be something that you were not? >> i'm not sure which maxine bernier i'm i'm debating type or was it the maxine bernier was a separatist and whose minister was responsible handing out corporate welfare or the maxine bernier he defended it when it suited him? the fact of the matter is there's a clear contrast in this election. justin trudeau and the stefansson and tax hikes to pay for her conserved plant that will leave more money in your pocket? will lower taxes for all canadians to bring back tax credits like the kids sports and fitness tax and move the edge credit for seniors and bring in a green home tax renovation. having corporate welfare and foreign aid budget to bring the money back home so canadians can get ahead. >> nine seconds. off you go. you are starting to debate.
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>> thank you very much. mr. bernier doesn't care about having a real debate on the real issues that are important. you don't want to have a debate for the canadian. you don't want to cut foreign aid. >> we have said and i've said we will cut canada's foreign aid by 25% to pay for the tax cut that we have been bringing in. >> this election is all about who's going to fight for you and stand up for you. we see with mr. trudeau he says nice words we gave $6 billion 14 billion to the richest corporations. he keeps loopholes open.
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he is not close them in four years. we are in it for the people. we aren't in it for the rich. we will deliver universal army care for all. we'll invest in housing and fight the climate crisis like you need to win it. i asked people to support democrats. >> we have invested in canadians it's a very different choice than stephen harper or andrew scheer is proposing to the afflicted 900,000 people out of poverty and lifted seniors out of poverty and put our money in the pockets of students. we are seeing over 1 million jobs created. there is so much more to do and that is what they have to stay focused on to the fight against climate change the fight for the future of our economy matters. >> ms. may and mr. blanchet. >> you completely mischaracterized a response to the economy. you have the biggest global economic opportunity in the history of humankind.
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you are keeping fossil fuels going because your target is what is required to. this election is anything it's about trust and ethics and we are in a climate emergency. we need grownups in the room to take responsibility. >> mr. singh you once to fight for canadians. who do we want to fight for?in i want to fight for quebecers. if we agree with the canadian government and let it be. we are going to fight in and this is what our party is always done.. >> mr. scheer. >> the fact of the matter under justin trudeau he will continue to raise taxes and his carbon tax will go up and he's afraid to tell you how much a local pedantic insert a plan we will bounce a budget and lower taxes for all. >> you have five seconds. >> our prison pollution helps
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canadians more than removing it does. >> that's it. thank you for that brings us to the end off the segment and the end of this debate to want to thank all of the of course for taking the time our question this night in all of you for watching live in person and on your various greens would remind her mr. blanchet the french language debate is later on this week thursday they be amazed eastern. behalf of all my wonderful moderators and everyone here, have a good night. [applause] ♪ .. she's been camping 2020 coverage continues as president trump keep america great rally in minneapolis, minnesota. by thursday at 8:00 p.m. cspan2. watch anytime on and
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listen freak wherever you know using the free cspan2 radio up read weaknesses we, we are featuring tv program showcasing with him every weekend on cspan2. tonight the theme is national defense. former defense secretary jim mattis recounts his military career and offices on leadership. "call sign chaos". as cover, secretary, talks about his book on working with the gun. inside the five sided box. i.c.e. in the sky, journalist michelle, reports of the pentagon aerial system. that is tonight beginning at eight eastern on cspan2 and enjoyed book to be this week and every weekend on cspan2. a federal appeals court is upheld the fcc's appeal of the obama administration role.
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it hearts internet access. they can set their own rules in different states. next a discussion on what that means for internet users, and possible next steps by congress. the congressional internet caucus academy hosted this if it. last about an hour. [background sounds] >> going to go ahead and get started. welcome to the sludge panel titled circuit court, what now. it is hosted by the congressional internet caucus academy in conjunction with another. one of the cochairs of the ca
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