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tv   Washington Journal Bridget Bowman  CSPAN  October 18, 2019 12:34am-12:58am EDT

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joining us now is project with rollcall here to talk about the fund-raising cycle and remind viewers why these numbers are coming out now he's been digging through all the numbers looking specifically at the numbers in congress and senate races to get some early clues who are some of the strong challengers emerging. there's a bunch of takeaways you can look at and one of the major takeaways is the so-called green wave that got a bunch of
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democrats together hasn't been going away especially if you are a house democrat we saw on average those that are in competitive races raised around $520,000 which is a lot for one quarter and they raised over $700,000 again going into 2020 so the fact that the enthusiasm hadn't left is notable i think that there were real questions going into this cycle as to whether they would still be excited donating into the races but they still seem to be tapping into their e-mail list out there among the democratic donors right now. >> we see the representatives are they bringing in strong numbers that show that they can be elected?
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>> there are some democratic districts that are likely they ngll be reelected to use a good amount of money. but i am especially interested in are the competitive races have some viral videos again raised over a million dollars for the house democrats inth competitive races so she can really use that money in california where it is expensive to campaign. >> any other democrats may be the president won their district but they one in 2018. >> the congressman in maryland raised over $700,000, michigan raised a good amount of money so
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we see this especially in democrats pulling some big numbers and many of them had over $1 million. the money that is in the campaign account of the end of the quarter i believe there were 28 house democrats that have over half a million dollars. >> any of these democrats do they look vulnerable or not have good numbers and what are bad numbers versus good numbers quitedi >> guest: it depends on the districts. you want to be building up more money then maybe someone got in terms of the television ads we did see a couple out to the california freshman and by their republican opponentsts this year
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against the former congressman he kind of brings his own left and fund-raising experience, but i think that the most part we see the numbers across the board. the minnesota. congressman the folks in the competitive races that could be a tougher race for surecr you can also join on two
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other and go to how do they go about raising that amount of money from veteran lawmakers? for the first time they are capitalizing on the online fund raising but the surge in the us2018 cycle time and time again there's another $10, $15 what
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about republicans in the house, a couple of republicans who on some criticism by their colleagues are under indictment the congressman is struggling. they almost beat him last time that he is looking at a primary if he gets through. they also raise a good amount of money and look like they are in trouble it's just the fund-raising numbers. ththey did raise a good amount f
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money i think it was about $600,000 kind of a rising star in the party like saturday night live that is a pretty good number. it's kind of unclear at this point.
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some were outraged by challenger -- out of raised by challenger is that we have to definitely keep an eyeis on what some of te challenger spring. challenger spring. >> host: we want the viewers to call you go to steve in california and attended caller. i want to talk about the rust belt in the bible belt. i was republican and let me tell thea moderate that leans to right and i want to tell you i think you are going to find in the rust belt and bible belt they have concerns i don't know
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how the money is coming out in those areas for the republicans. i want to tell you i would have concerns with the production and lies. right now they are doing it on credit and sooner or later those house of cards are going to come down and i have to believe, i'm very interested in what the fund-raising is like for the republicans in those areas. >> guest: sure. you are talking about republicans in these areas of lae country into places where democrats were able to win in some of these areas.
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one thing i think we will be digging into is how much is coming from these areas and how much is coming from out of state or in state. forwa example, democrats are spending and we've had most of these congressman who raised a good amount of money asking the question here that obviously helps them. merry in hamburg new york, democratic caller. >> caller: i live in the new york 27th district that has been rocked by the scandal from the congressman who got convicted, mr. collins. i'm wondering if you can see our project any ideas of who would be a good candidate over the real issues are because we have never had in the last few years
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[inaudible] i would be interested in your comments. >> guest: that is a good question. that is my area from new york. he raises it above questions about the future of the distri district. the governor hasn't set a date for a special election yet. but it opens the possibility that there could be a republican primary and an amount of republicans interested in the seat. it's interesting where the party leaders goes with it is unclear right now in the district. democrats that defeated him last time is running again and he is still raising a fair amount of money. senator chris jacobs is from the area and has been fund raising.
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the environment right now is so unclear i think democrats believe they have a better shot at winning the seat. but it is a very republican district that president trump won by thesi widest margin, so it's kind of a regular, less controversial republican on the ballot it seems like they have a better shot. >> host: we will go to baldwin maryland, democratic call. >> caller: my comment is about the fund-raising, first of all. if someone is raising money from a corporation and others could be one reason a corporation is giving them money and that is because they want influence so that they can get fevers later. if someone is raising money from the actual voters themselves into small donors, then they are working for the people and then there are so many other issues it's like the gerrymandering that's going on and the voter
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suppression. voters feel like they are not being represented. there are just too few people running that just don't take corporate money. >> it's interesting that you brought up the corporate tax t:contribution. one thing that we saw in that cycle is democrats running for congress who are taking what is known as a no corporate tax cut. there are interesting caveats around all of that. but democrats were really using that message for his that they would be beholden to the constituents and not the special interests, so when we saw the democrats seize on that message and the groupse. in the area but think that this is a winning message especially people who support presidentci trump, peope
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who were in that kind of drained the swamps message, so i think we can expect him to continue to see democrats use this message going into 2020 as well. >> host: what does the average race c cost in 2020? >> guest: it varies by district so much. i think overall we are going to start to see a lot of money in 2020. the 2018 is the most expensive ever so i think we can expect that to continue but it really varies by the media market so it's tough to pick one number on it. >> let's talk about some senate races. susan collins, how is it working for her?ns >> guest: senator collins is one of two republican senators running in the state of hillary clinton won in 2016 and the other is colorado senator gardener, so facing speaker gideon who actually outraised senator collins in the most recent fund-raising quarter and
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democrats are happy to see that i think they are looking at that as a sign that they are endorsed and a senate. i think republicans will call your senator collins has a strong way up and has been around for a long time and has personal connections with a lot of the voters there so it's going to be a tough race i think for sure. one of those contested races but right now some deny there are some looking a little more vulnerable right now including gardener in north carolina just because collins has a groundbreaking state. >> host: remind the viewers how she's made her way to the senate. >> guest: she lost a senate race in 2018 and that was one of the democratic pickups that we saw in the senate but then
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appointed for the rest of the late senator john mccain's term said she's notot running in 2020 so she's facing a really tough opponent that has been raising a lot of money and is running against a former astronaut and he outraised her for the third quarter in a row over $5 million which is a pretty remarkable number for a candidate and senator mcsally has been known as a strong fundraiser. so that is what is certainly one race to watch. demographics to changing. if you turn popularity and kendall they see that as a prospect of opportunity. >> host: what about the majority leader? >> guest: it's a tough state
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for any democrat. he's running you might remember from the viral video where she talks about being a pilot and she raised over $10 million in the last quarter. more than senator mcconnell. so that was pretty remarkable for a senate candidate but also remember senator mcconnell has energized democrats and if maybe he wouldn't be difficult to raise as much money running against him but it's still certainly headed in a very big number. but given the partisan dynamic. the one democrat republicans are going to have a shot at, by the republican challenger in the most recent quarter who ran unsuccessfully and republicans see him as a strong senator.
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he is run as a congressman and consistently raising a good amount of money so i think it's also a place where the president. he will be a major factor since trump narrowly won but democrats see the popularity dwindling their. so we think that will also help. >> host: let's go to michael in wisconsin. republican call. >> caller: yes, you said something about running in-state and out-of-state. does rollcall publish that and does that ge give to the media s far asan explaining money coming in and out of the state? >> guest: the commission digs into that and i'm certain we have dug into it in the past. japan did go through all the
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data and flip through where the money is coming from but that is something we will be watching. >> host: [inaudible] >> guest: i think it was around nearly 20 or so that donated or loaned more than $100,000 to their own campaigns. we had one democrat running for the senate in iowa which is a raod amount of money and running in the democratic primary against teresa greenfield against the endorsed candidate so i'm kind of curious how he's going to spend that money and does that mean he might have a proper time and the democrats i was talking to yesterday and where the self funding could maybe make a difference. >> host: orlando florida, democratic caller. you are on the air.
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question or comment? kolko with socialism [inaudible] i'm a democrat and i'm worried about it, the socialism part of it. if they get them in, what are we going to do? >> guest: is th that is the mese you hear from democratic leadership and the competitive districts. that is a small segment fro, sml but vocal segment be sure. we have some coming along from the republicans, so this is something that we hear coming from the republican campaign committee and republicanan candidates worrying about this will be a choice between freedom and socialism, so the question that i have is how much they are going to look at the elections and how much they are going to buy into that.
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it's going to be interesting to see how they are running in the competitive seeds and how many questions they are getting about it.on at this point it's a little early to see what kind of an impact that might have to do fis with your hearing from republicans. >> host: and what are you watching for now in the next cycle? >> guest: still watching for a lot of the challengers and people getting into races. we saw for the first time this last quarter in the first quarter there's sometimes a big number because it is the first time you are running so it's interesting to watch. how sustainable is it going into 2027 twentysomething and i think keeping an eye. >> host: you can follow if you go to and follow her on twitter.
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thank you very much. >> guest: thank you.


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