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tv   BBC Election Night Coverage  CSPAN  December 12, 2019 7:12pm-9:13pm EST

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like this to have a major reshuffle and potentially at that.a big reboot of what the uk under boris johnson leadership would look like. i just made every thing about brexit will be resolved, we talk so much about that in the last few weeks. but we would be out of the union and that would probably be the start of the proper first phase of the kind of prime minister boris johnson might become. don't forget it's only been in there for a few months a year ago he was on the back benches. this is a very political thriller if you are as nerdy about all this as we are. >> be honored be proud of it. >> absolutely i'm proud of it. >> thanks for joining us, it's great to have you with us. let's talk a little bit about the context of this results. as follows the brexit pop process is concerned. you won't blame me for wanting
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to look at this political and landscaping where the conservatives were certainly hoping to make quite a few gains. and in areas where labor has traditionally been pretty strong. lots of these seats have a lot of rich labor heritage. so i'm going to go across to the result center and joined rita once again. she's got a few suggestions again about the likely conservative gains in wales. rita? >> these will change hands from labors to conservatives if the exit poll is correct. and you are talking about being nerdy hugh, just think of this. that labor has come first in terms of seats in the votes in wales in the past 26 elections. that since the first world war. that might still be the case, but still we think these seats are likely conservative gains. the labor majority there was less than 2,000 in the last election. and wherefore casting
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conservatives to gain that seat from labor. this was number 73 on the conservatives target list, so quite some way down. we think the conservatives might have been consists of their market lay be as a labor witch. he may well be on his way out. if that forecast is correct. quite some.down number 66, if we just go into brennan and see what the results. this is the votes of last time around in 2017. we are forecasting this is a conservative gain for labor. and just to show you where it fell and is, they are nestling the way on the north coast in wales. that part of that so-called red wall of seats. that have been labor seats for so long but are passing this time round is a conservative gain. and just to show you what we think is happening to the vote
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share here, labors down 12 points conservatives up eight points. in the brexit party getting six points. that did not exist last time around. so that's their share of the votes. we are forecasting tonight. another couple of seats available is the conservatives in 2016 labor ticket in 2017, we are forecasting the conservatives will get it again tonight. and bridge and we mention that a little bit earlier in the evening, will the candidates told the bbc that his neck and neck there with eight potential recounts. that's another one to watch. >> rita thank you very much and that is fascinating. ambridge and who happens to be my birthplace is is solidly and normally but back in the 80s it was represented by the conservatives, and if you look at some of those other seats including dell and in north wales have had some conservatives and the past.
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ellen's was the conservatives back in the 80s. so it's not all solid labor patterns but for the most part when you look at these areas including rex and by the way, which has been labor since 1935, that would be a bit of an earthquake if that they took some place like wrexham. that's good with the national accounting center and sean lloyd is there. sean wadia picking up and the parties they are about the likely patterns in wales overnight? >> while hugh, as you say of course wales, and labor is seen a donnie menon's party here maybe since 1922. and wales very much making up half of labors redwall. overall to lead the european union, and it is in those names seats that like wrexham and like the veil, like chloe val like dallen, like alan and decide
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which picked out we have been thinking could potentially change hands. now those seats have been forecast in the past to change from red to blue. but they have not in fact done so. however, we are hearing this evening that changes could be afoot. and we have heard from the veil of soy that the conservatives are feeling confident there. you mentioned your birthplace of bridgend, i have the birthplace of rick sent. that is a conservative and elected this evening and it will certainly be a first. and it could be a first female conservative and wales as well. also, bridge and was mentioned in that has been labor since 1987, and i can tell you that mark drakes was the first minister of wales was actually out on the doorstep in bridgend
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on wednesday, the final day of campaigning, so perhaps giving indication that welsh labor did feel it was going to be tight there. and i can bring you a little bit of reaction from the wells conservatives, they are calling the exit poll encouraging. they are saying that people on the doorstep is to telling them that they are turning to the conservative from labor because they did not like jeremy corbin. another piece of news i can bring you as well as that labor are feeling worried and gallo learned. and they've taken that from the conservatives in 2017 and we are hearing that they are concerned that they will be returning to the conservatives this evening. so, it could be an interesting evening in wales, certainly plenty for us to keep her eyes on. >> thank you very much will talk to you in a little bit later. for decades it has been labor
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hands escrowed a a rural area in many parts. but quite late it's been labor until fairly recently. when it was taken by the conservatives back to labor in 2017. and now it looks like the neck and neck again. so the story world is fascinating. questions there from sean about labor people saying it's all about jeremy corbin. so with that female and to join andrew once again. >> thank you hugh i'm still looking at central and the west midlands. the candidate they are for the is garrett snell he is defending the majority of all 4,000. he joins us from the constituency. mr. snell house looking fusion i? >> is disastrous. the exit poll is a catastrophe for the labour party and i would say i suspect, my state will be parts of the seed that falls to
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the conservatives this evening. this is one of the worst results the labour party could have ever imagined. it is all well and good saying that we've made some gains there are always to keep things there, the fact is we could have another five years of this government with probably three conservative. the untold horrors that they will unleash in that country lays firmly at the door of those running for the national parties campaign. and the decisions they have made about what to target and the source. just to be clear although the votes have not been fully counted, you think you've lost? >> yes. >> will john met dowell, your constituency vote to leave the referendum. >> it's aleave constituency. john mcdonald just told me a little over an hour ago that the
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labor seems be doing so badly was all down to breakfast. you agree that? >> is a lovely and toxic combination of the facts, the messages still heard by the debaters that the labour party tried to stop brexit. it would be remiss of me to it not mention jeremy corbin has come up on the doorsteps and some people really like him, some people really dislike him. john is right to say it was brexit. if the labour party had a choice we can either have stop or a six and unfortunately some of this siren stories with the big liberal democrats in london find that stopping brexit and therefore not looking at future leadership. it was much more important to respect the marginal constituencies in the midlands and the northeast. and they sacrifice us for
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whatever things they want to do next. >> jeremy and johnny been the dominant figures in your party for several years now. they are spearheading this election campaign. is it time for them to go? >> yes. >> and what direction would you like to see the labour party go now? would you like to see it continue with corbin -ism without mr. corbin? move to its more traditional social democratic roots? >> i am a part of the social democratic movement in the labour party. but i don't think it helpful to fight define the future of the labour party by one or two individuals. the labour party has a very good manifesto for some areas around nationalization of industry, around how we would for education in hospitals, and such. but i think when you think about how does our present position
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whitewashed over all the other good things we were offering to the people and those small midland towns that want to leave the european union. unfortunately we missed it and unfortunately we are going to have five years of conservative government. and we are going to be in a position for the next general election certainly the majority of the government is still going to be very, very far away. my fear and concern isn't the jobs of my colleagues. it's that i'm not sure what states it's going to be in after the election. >> i'm not quite clear what you're saying. are you saying that you your remaining colleagues in the party that move labor to a much more remain position. are they the reason you're losing tonight? >> its collective failure of
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those at the top, not everybody. like andrew and angela have worked very hard to make sure the voices of those outside of london were heard. but ultimately, we have a choice to stop the tories or brexit. and we decided to stop brexit because we prioritize. not losing sees to liberal democrats in london rather than the long-term decline of the labor vote. and unfortunately the decision has led the labour party to be our government for the next five years. >> thank you very much for joining us. even the labor candidate before the votes are counted tonight he's already saying he's lost. >> we were just thinking the party members were under pressure. which is why i want to go to martha our colleague in denver on east which is the constituency which jos and.
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the exit poll suggesting not such good results. what used to picking up there? >> absolutely if you look at what the exit poll is predicting for scotland as a whole, could that mean the smp with the leaders get the lead. she did leave the s&p back in 15 and i was talking to conservative behind me, his view is that the what's going on here is on the edge and she might scrape through in the end. s&p counselor said that they are quietly confident. but others are not having any of it. with a picking up on the ground as they are confident, she will still hold the seat. but as you have been discussing in your program it's going to be an interest whatever happens here in the east, there's going to mean a big inquest on how the liberal democrats do nationally. it's an unfair strategy.
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i was talking to one senior who said they buried the points with 12 seats, and 20 seats, and also to a senior figure in the party who is very critical of the party strategy on the voting article 50, stopping without a referendum. he says that was a disaster. it was a historical misjudgment. lots of questions. >> very good timing what are they suggesting for an account in bishop briggs? >> we are expecting account not for a little while yet probably around 3:00 a.m. it was 20 to three in 2017, so they'll let you know soon as we hear anything. martha thank you again for keeping an ion in bishop briggs. now with me just some thoughts laura on just what we heard
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previously. is that possibly the first person that we know he's not a corbin supporter, but he has a very strident things to say. >> we've just seen the facts labor candidate who conceded live on air that that part of the country that's been labor labor labor with that they've been pushing so hard he just said publicly that he believes jeremy corbin and john mcdonald have to go. that's the problem. of course he was trying to hold onto his seat but very clearly as we've seen with others online and publicly that time is up. and that labor must change direction. and that will bring us to there's other questions the next few days that if these numbers are anything, where was the mistake here. they're trying to get rid of jeremy corbin but the members were so infused by his program after 2,017 because they lost but went forward a little bit. the decision of leadership was
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not to think what did they do to wrong, should they move to the center or go for that the to the left. and if you take it out of the equation for minute but it's up. there'll be many labor people are people of the party saying this result is like this, surely must prove that moving to the left, may be a comfort zone for lots of people in the party. but it's not what can win the country. going to be a battle royal over the next 24 hours or so, no question. >> you mentioned brexit and that's unavailable and i just want to put this into catherine. we talked a short while ago about the likely speed of the timetable now that boris johnson is likely to end up with the majority where he can do it he likes basically. what can you say again about the kind of timetable in the next couple of months? how rapid is that going to be so that we can ask about the response? >> my expectation is they will
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bring, build the brexit bill back to parliament for christmas with the arguments of the stages, and will all happen in january so we can lead on boris johnson scheduled the end of january. >> let's see what's happening in swindon. >> at the election, do hereby give notice that the number of votes recorded for each candidate at this said election is as follows. andrew hedley john, commonly known as andy bentley, green party 1,710. [applause] critchlow, kc, liberal democrat to stop brexit 4,408.
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applause catherine farrow commonly known as kate linacre labour party. 16,413. applause public sin, justin paul, the conservative party candidate, 32,584. [applause] [background noises] the turnout was 67.15% and i do by hereby declare that justin is
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duly elected. >> that's the majority there in swindon north. but now it's a big majority of 16,171 on the turnout of 67%. he's been an mp there since 2010 caitlin linacre on 16,004 to 13 and others are behind. let's look at the share of the vote because the tories are taking 59% of the vote in swindon north which has been seen as a path for the key labored of task. 30% labor 8% linden and 3% of the green. what's happened to the share of the votes? there you have it. a 6% increase to the tories. and 9% drop to labor in swindon
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north is just the kind of seatwork there is a big labor surge they would be doing well. the swing is more than 7% from labor to the conservative. so again, a very strong pointer force. in this the first result we've had of the northeast of england. this is down south of classic canada territory were labor-intensive territory swindon north. i'm interesting to see what happens in swindon south where they much more marginal contest going on there. so there you have it, and laura think that result again alliance what happens under jeremy corbin's leadership in an area like this. >> no question about that and this is in the plans the debate that's a raging online. it's good to be huge in the labour party in the days, weeks, had. as the move going to move further to the left ever going to see jerry corbin england power? disney many people watching tonight and around the country. he built up a very strong and
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devoted fan base if you like, but for some people he was the one who is really capable of changing for the better. but there are always people in the party that wanted to know if it is realistic they could build on a coalition big enough to win the country. and that resulted in the swindon seat. you have to win swindon seat avenue you hope to build majority in taking power in any kind of convincing way. and they're going the wrong way. also also worth noting, one of the labor candidates there was one of those on the list who'd been criticized and had to apologize for being found out to shared anti-semitic material. that too for vote voters has been going around the country. how are they handling semitism. jeremy corbin is always said he's done everything he could. we've heard from voters people carry care about that be on the jewish community. >> so there we have the conservatives hang on to sweden north in tomlinson just reelected. just before we have those
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results we were chatting about the brexit how it goes. now were looking at the brexit and then his new parliament. but we hear people talk about speeding up the process, is that something that you recognize that that you, the heart of the eu and the commission think is a good thing? are they receptive to that or not? >> when you're looking at the ratification of the brexit deal, the one that was agreed with boris johnson, the use going to say tomorrow at its summit that they would like it ratified as speedily as possible by the new parliament here. why? because it had three years of uncertainty that has been corrosive in the uk in across the eu and it's been really harmful for businesses. it is also tarnished your leaders reputation for not being able to speed things up and get on with brexit and see what's good going on. but they will also say tomorrow is that they want to underline this ambition for broad comprehensive trade deal with the uk.
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after brexit. they don't believe that can be none in boris johnson's timetable. he says he would like to get this taught this chime table to december of next year. but the eu is prepared to say to him if you want a quick and dirty, but it's going to have to be under our rules. and that would mean the uk signing up to all sorts of irregular. where would be the take back control and all that? what your leaders don't know, and i've had a couple of word text since we last spoke is the assumption is if there is a big majority for boris johnson. this could allow flexibility to actually have a softer brexit or let trade deal negotiations go beyond december of next year. but maybe not? we don't actually know what brexit, boris johnson once. perhaps he could be more nationalist, the more national brexit then leave sort of been led to expect so far. so your leaders tonight are sort of nervous as they look ahead really. >> that's a fastening scenario just trying to work out what
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this majority will do for boris johnson that his approach to brexit and what agenda really he wants to push. and maybe see what he can get out of the european union more than is done already parading catherine from your.of view what is your expectation, the way the government will now work in the boris johnson with a very, very solid working majority. what's can happen that brexit process. >> i think that's going to be very fascinating to watch. when boris johnson comes anyone's to do everything in a hurry. he was rapidly trying to go to the same stages we negotiated the deal. pushing it through parliament in we've been doing for three years. the next month he is probably going to continue in that very keen to get everything done. but then with this kind of majority, he's got five years and he's got a cushion on his party. so he can afford to do a lot more, he can afford to do it a lot slower, and get kind of an ambitious future relationship. perhaps the policy the country once. but how he goes into that, i
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don't know. it's going to come down to the temperament. we haven't seen what kind of prime minister he is. and laura pointed out, the prime minister's they grow into the role. so is going to be really fascinating over the next few months. >> indeed it is given the people in the party have commented on his temperament and all the rest of it. now he is boosted by this majority, likely big majority. and that surely will make him a far more confident political leader then he's been able to do. >> you would think so and it also depends what he does with his party. with his cabinet, and is talked about national tourism quite a lot. does he -- whether it's in february or sooner. does he come out and change his cabinet, his government coined quite significantly? new prime ministers like to bring on their own cadre of mps from their own. they bring on their own mps and create a power base that way. so we will be watching to see he brings on his party. whether he brings anybody back, what kind of shape the party,
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what signals he sends out. >> but in short you're telling viewers you are expecting two months of pretty hyperactivity. >> at least the next month to get to the deal. as long as that deal is not ratified, no deal technically on the table, with this kind of majority you'd see that process to be a lot quicker. but we will very quickly move on to the about the future relationships. and that's going to be the big issue. again he's going to have nick sort of a tight adjustment going from saying were definitely on 12 december 2022 perhaps giving him more room. but he will have the cushions to do that if he wants to. >> and a quick last word how likely is that extension if you wanted on the future deal? >> will the like to extend the brexit divorce deal allows a two-year extension. for those kind of trade negotiations. while the uk remains legally out of the you, but in practical terms they will still be paying into the eu budget. they will still be a part of the
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single market. something to.out as well for boris johnson he concurrently wants to do a deal not just with the eu, but with various end of their countries. it is highly unlikely that any other country will want to sign on the debts adopted line with the uk until they know what the relationship will be with the eu. so all of that will be hanging. >> fascinating thank you both. so were talking about the battleground. we've only had a few results of far. even though are now saying our bbc prediction is no longer the exit poll in that sense. the prediction is we are headed for conservative majority but we'll see as the results come in we still have 643 results to come. so there may be some adjustments to be made along the way, let's be very clear about that. but the battleground itself what is it look like? what's join jeremy again. >> hewitt lined up, the seats
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that labor was defending. so this is the labor background going to show you now. there is one most closely last night was right at the very top. see you can see that kensington, just 20 votes in it and down we go and gradually the majority is increased. and the question is how far deep into this battleground of the conservatives gone? you've got here just 32 seats on the wall, and obviously going into this election all these seeds were read for labor. let's see what the exit poll is suggesting will happen? so far very few actual results the exit poll is suggesting kensington and london will be held by labor. but after that you see this flush of bad results for labor, so deadly north going conservative, very small here cancer breaks, bowing finance john wood, all those seats, the exit poll has going blue.
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but of course these are the thinnest majorities here. as we go down, the majorities go bigger. but still they turned blue ashfield, stroke, bishop ortho and peterborough, cohen valley all going blue words yellow and s&p game. so far on this board you can see that labor is not really defending any of its seats very successfully outside of london. because here we have battersea just on the last column which we have under the exit coals staying read. so in london there defending them better. but the conservatives are doing an awful lot of damage just on this first board. less progress let's move it on let's see some seats with bigger majorities here. so he boarded them by how close they were last time and we still have so much conservative damage being done to the seats in the election. we have north going blue jews be going pulling out the house of commons. reading ace, mad writer, going to the conservatives. and then the first successful
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labor defense outside london under the exit poll we have is gala, antonia sagan house of commons. darlington all of them going blue. really surprising to see some of these names going blue from red. gatling, here we have some labor defenses. so it this.labor starts defend more successfully, the majorities are getting bit it bigger. hold the exit polls that suggest northwest. very north they would hold under the exit poll. and they live faster law and working so well about 4,000 majority in working towards a man we have betsy going blue. so trident central, but still so much conservative damage to the labor seats here. so much of an invasion into labor territory. standing, holly lynch, doane valley. already heard from them tonight.
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everything is blue here barry south is a very successful defense. but still the invasion doesn't stop. let's just go to seat 65 to 96. at the conservatives start taking seats of labor? what's have a look here at the names. so gone central we've already heard. from stoke. going blue under the exit poll. will west, and then west plumage west. hampton northeast, heinberg all going blue and still they come. we've got sage fill going blue. phil wilson was mp. how can that be going conservative? so down this board. bradford south, bradley and spend going conservative. successful defense in coventry south according to the exit poll. and we get to the first result blithe valley was the majority 8,000 conservatives take it. i think that seat 91. if you order them by how marginal they were last time, blythe valley is seat 91. i'm tempted to see if we can
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move the camera just a little bit further and say if you go down further into the hundreds you see labor starting to make more successful defenses. and it may be warsaw south is the biggest majority of conservatives overturned on the labor side. what's happening here, what's going on? all show you something fascinating. if i asked the battleground just to show me seats that voted leave by a big margin. so 55% leave or more. then you see, as far as i can tell, they've all gone blue. so i'm going back through them and i am removing the seats that didn't have the big brexit majority. if you can see cancer, they are all going blue. so yes those who said this is the brexit election, that is maybe not the only factor, but is the biggest factor here you. >> jeremy thanks very much and we are going to just keep a very close i have course on some of those seats that you were mentioning there.
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which will be key symbols of labor's decline if that's what happens in many of those seats. and asked, whether it is as many people are saying simply a question of the brexit factor. have result from this result of sunderland west. this is the eighth result that we've had tonight that 642 to go. it's closer to one in the morning, hudson holding on for labor at 15,941. and valerie allen for the conservative, this is a woman from cheshire 12,218. the 57% turnout majority of thousands share and hodson has been the mp since 2,009 has been part of jeremy accordance shadow team. 42% to labor 43% to tories. let's see what happens that labor vote? and if you look at the change, they are. it's a huge drop in labor's share of 18 percentage points. the tories are up despite 4% and
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the brexit party, this is a factor we've seen in these northeastern seats, the brexit party at 14% from a standing because they did not exist last time around. and you can see were those folks have gone. if you look at the swing, while broadly speaking the swing is 11% from labor to conservatives. and that's the kind of story that were looking at. and that's the story that jeremy corbin is having to look at as well. and his counsel, that's his seats since the early 80s and nick is therefore's. nick just some thoughts first of all are what the labor story is so far. is jeremy corbin's team and touched it all with you about what's going on? >> they are in they are refusing to can firm what mr. corbin will say when he comes here. everyone is waiting to hear with the labor leader says why he things the lost. it wasn't him, was it brexit, was it something else?
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and also what is he intending to do is leader. now the expectation even before it even single void was counted was if the result was as bad as many people in the labour party thought it would be, that mr. corbin might not last the day. he said certainly would last the week and they would take over as interim labor leader. the deputy leader, tom watson is not involved anymore. he stood down, he is not running in an election tonight. but they are refusing to confirm that jeremy's corbin sema make that clear today. his close out by ally for not weeks or months, but decades. the man who sets up and runs the momentum campaign that so vital, he thanks that jeremy corbin will not else to his welcome but he might not have to make a decision until the new year. but i doubt very much she will be able to get away with that. i think will be driven out of office if he's not dragged away from it by his wife who will not wishing to go through the humiliation of replacing another
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prime minister's questions and dragging this on for week after week. but crucial also he was what he says. because while the official line coming from the people you are hearing from the studio, the official line from team corbin is it it's all about breakfast. more and more labor candidates are about to lose their seats are saying no no no, it's about mr. corbin. just one example that coming through on twitter the mp up until the election for such failed who according to the tories is likely to lose that seat tonight. he says you can't get the labor ship to blame brexit for losing nonsense. jeremy corbin's was a bigger problem to say otherwise, is delusional. believe you me for every one person doing that in public, there are dozens if not hundreds doing it in private. the battle over labor lost. will be the beginning of the
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battle of the battle who succeeds jeremy corbin as the next labor leader. >> interesting nick lowe you've been just giving us that analysis barry garber put the shadow he's been working closer with jeremy corbin was asked if the party needed a new leader and said this. these are things that will be discussed by the leadership of the party in the next few days. so i think that's quite a powerful sign from barry gardner that he expects the conversation to be quite robust about corbin's future. >> the truth is jeremy corbin's leadership is over. it is not an issue whether he's gone it's only an issue of exactly when he's gone. i don't think you he will concede today it's not mr. corbin's style. likes to consultant talk to his allies. he wants to remember one seat above all that to control the labour party. he wants to make sure that his departure in the moment of his departure that ensures someone who is like him, someone who is like a man believes in what he does can hold on and a tassel
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will not take place. the key is our maybe more outside figures like phillips or anders. in the figures are clearly a successor would come up in politics. and because of him people like rebecca long bailey for example. but the argument has to be why they lost first. in defining that. and what's important about that swaying against labor. on the northeast it couldn't be on the wrong side of the argument for saying who was gaining in swindon north. was it the liberal democrats of the greens are significantly gaining. so the simplistic view that this was all about a wide working class was a labor has let them down and on brexit. that ain't gonna wash. >> nick thank you very much just a quick note similar results coming in.
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first it's up from the northwestern cheshire which was horton and it's a labor hold. in the swing from labor to conservative as a 5.1% best likely seen elsewhere. so quite an interesting thing for us to see. let's have a quick look. just to confirm is for you twig from slavers the been the 1997 has been very fierce mp being reelected on a majority of 18,975 with a turnout of 64%. 63% of the labor which means they take in the head there. they are down by nine percentage points from last time. as i was saying, the swing is 5.1% which is less than we've seen elsewhere. so just a quick update for you on the result, that's our first results of the evening from the northwest of england from cheshire shire and that's a labor hold and holton. and just to say the former mp is
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with me the founder of the bu it's good to have you both with us. thank you for much. we will be chatting in just a second and of course i'll put some points to laura's well. but as joint and are once again. >> swindon south is held by the conservatives, the majority of just under 200 and half thousand is held by the justice secretary buckley who joins us now from the accounts. robert have you held onto your seats? >> while andrew they are opening the ballot boxes now for south swindon so i'm not going to count their chickens, but the north swindon results have been a sensational swing for the conservatives. my colleagues say the tories over 16,000 later. each seat has its own characteristic and i'm not going to tell myself on the basis of that but it looks like an encouraging start for us. >> talk about your leader counting chickens, let's come back to you. it looks like you're going to win by a substantial majority. do you have any idea what to do with it?
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>> i think they have a think they set out very clearly what we want to achieve. and it's getting brexit done it's dealing with the domestic agenda on leveling up school funding, dig with nhs, and also the law and order and justice agenda which i started to help shape. and we are going to get on with it. plenty for new conservative government to do. >> the manifesto was pretty thin and your getting a lot of blue-collar votes. and that's why you're winning seats in the north that are traditionally labor seats. do you really have any idea how to make their lives better? >> while i think we've set out very clearly what the one nation moderate government will do. and it's to improve public services and guarantee a strong economy. i believe that after breaking the impact of brexit's will
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release more investments in more growth into our british economy. and allow us to pay for those quality public services. we are are listening to people across this country wherever they are from. we want to make sure that no part of our country or no community is left behind. there have been communities that have felt that, and there was no doubt part of the brexit. we need to understand that an answer. >> and now they are voting for you and the memes they are now your responsibility. and you say you want to improve public services, but after the hysteria of the last decade, a lot of bad disparities baked into your public spending. you're not reversing any of that, you will continue public spending but from a very low base. how is that can help the left behind? >> well i think what we are operating is a cost and realistic, is not pie-in-the-sky
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promises that were made by the labour opposition. people didn't fall for that. what they are looking for the realistic program wearing creased investments but in a way that doesn't jeopardize our international economic. that doesn't mean the interest rate and the cost start, doesn't mean the british treasury has to go in hock to the international community. we want to make sure that our country has sustainable growth. an independent sovereign state that in a way that is properly shared. we want to go the length and breath of the united kingdom. that is what we are going to do and i believe tonight we on the cusp of something historic. >> yes he got a big majority so there's a lot of things are going to be able to do. and your manifesto with some vague words of how our democracy operates. you're the justice secretary what is that mean?
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>> reading it carefully and falling and or you will see that this is connected to a commission that will look at aspect of a constitution and understand the stretches and strains it of them placed upon it as a result of these three and a half term ultra seals. i think that's the right thing to do it's the calm response to the general constitutional response. we are not going to rush to solutions what we are going to seek to rebalance in a way that is consistently conservative values but also good in the long term. >> i get it instead of having a policy you have a commission that's a british way of doing it. thank you let's wait and see what happens. very well, thank you. let's come to my guest here in the studio. joan by danny finkelstein who takes the conservatives with him in the house of lords. and by you shall used to work for the labour party. so why is labor doing so badly? is it brexit or is it mr. corbin. >> is mr. corbin one 100% and candidates all across the country have said that he has come up on the doorstep, his
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handling of brexit is part of it. but it's not just that. it's the anti-semitism is the bullying and pushing anybody else of the party who does not share that view. and tonight's defeat is not just historic, it's harrowing not just for the mps who will lose their jobs, but those people who really need a labour government and will not be able to withstand what is possibly coming down the track. and i've heard the excuses that it was all brexit, that's not the truth. their deep problems with the corbin project. but you know what, if the labour party doesn't understand the scale of this defeat, we have will have learned absolutely nothing. corbin controlled the party, the infrastructure, the message, the strategy, the manifesto. corbin is and has been tested to the destruction tonight. and this project has failed. [inaudible] >> i just wanted to to answer not a speech.
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here's the issue. you've devon definitely been a corbin easter. but a lot of the corbin users will say hey our policies are rather popular they like their manifesto. they wanted to nationalize certain industries. they wanted the better deal for the better paid and so on. let's put john corbin is him, mr. corbin maybe he was a bit long with his associations of the mass in the ira. but just getting a new generation, a younger generation the same product rocha younger person without all that baggage. roaches stated that? >> method definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again with the same result. there are aspects of this manifesto that i liked. i'm kind of a soft left and there were lots of good things. but it was too much. the voters felt it was incredible and the literal sense of the word. because of course it's good, it had so much stuff in there but the voters aren't stupid.
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i think if you just had ten of these very good policies plus a different leader, we should have won this election. we have nine years of prosperity. i can sense a huge amount of love for him but they were not willing to go with jeremy corbett and that's the whole caracol truth. [inaudible] finkelstein this is not just a conservative victory on quite a large scale if our exit poll continues to be blown out. it's a changing of the guard in the conservative party. it's a very different conservative party now from the one that you joined and worked with blue-collar, more northern, less booze wall less southern, less metropolitan. >> less everything because they're going to win a majority of about 80. it's more than they had before but also means that keeping seats that they held in the last
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election. so definite with the assistance of jeremy corbin, and definitely because were ruthless about targeting the exit vote there one a very big victory but it's not a victory for one part of the conservative message. >> but of course it is. [inaudible] if it was the brexit party of discord how the brexit party one : : : the challenge will be how to win those people that time. >> that is the question been asking for most of the night so far and still trying to announce it. you will now represent places that have a hard deal have been through prosperity and in a
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postindustrial state. >> moved the conservative party away from -- moved towards it. >> question is do you know how to help these people? >> i hope the conservative parta challenge. one of my critiques of the conservative party has been that it's been very keen on the tax cuts message and that many people in the country that's not a priority. >> the truth is you don't have an agenda that will make a major difference to the lives of the people who voted for you. >> you say that but people disagree with you. they fought in the election -- >> i said they've seen with the conservative party has to offer an affair reply. it's bit of a stretch but -- [inaudible conversations] >> in terms of vision it's more
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of -- successful. >> the key thing about this is it's not a victory for one part of the message otherwise the victory would not be so large and won't be large again if the conservative party only consecrate some part. [laughter] >> we will leave it there and move on. [inaudible] shield still in labor hands and in interview from john curtis saying they are happy for a few decorations with the swing from labor to conservative has been a little less and we were expecting so we should not clearly assume that the tory majority is 86 or in the 80s even if on the evidence it seems there will be he said a substantial tory majority so just a bit of a house calling from john. let's have a look at the bbc prediction at this stage of the night. it is two minutes past 1:00 a.m.
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on our election coverage and the prediction is that still at this point the tories will end up around 368 seats, later 191 in the absentee on 55 with the dems on 13 and breaks it party with no seats in the green party on one of the others 19. that's the broad picture. you are watching election 2019. >> that's across the newsroom and head towards -- are you there? >> thanks to you but hello. the conservatives are on call from substantial majority in the biggest since 1987. they were expected to lose around 70 seats and it was more than three decades. it was [inaudible] after the
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first december election in nearly a century it is time. >> exit poll is suggesting that there will be a conservative majority after the votes are counted after election december 2019. >> as people take it in -- it was worth remembering it's not the final results that it projects a big victory for boris johnson. >> as we've outlined for this entire campaign the focus has been on roxette. we've had that good luck in parliament and want to get breakfast done and you are the prime minister say this introduce the legislation and get that music in. >> anxious faces for labor and the party waits to see what the reality is. the first big upset the tories taking a long-held labor. >> i would like to thank boris
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because i would say i will be on the train on monday and go to london. >> laborers bracket policy the leadership has been under gratuity in his campaign and that will intensify. >> is it not time for you to stand down and make way? >> we will see the results of the morning and decisions will be made sure then. let's say the results -- >> but it is like this it's over for you. >> will make the appropriate decisions. >> s&p projected surge but not for the liberal democrats who hope the exit polls is a bright. >> [inaudible] [inaudible]
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>> that campaign is over and the finish line is in sight. there is still a way to go but for some it's a sprint, not a marathon. just parker, bbc news. >> in scotland, exit polls are surge for the national party is correct niclas party could claim 55 out of scotland's 59 seats. that would be an increase of 20 then its performance in 2019. scotland will remain in the eu by significant margin and the s&p is supportive of a second referendum. exit polls suggest conservatives will make significant gains in wales with one expert predicting a possible whiteout of labor. that would mean later having the focus of the mps on the south wales side.
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they may lose one seat. declaration is expected later in boris johnson's [inaudible] prime minister has yet to arrive at the count while waiting, his rival candidate has been providing entertainment for those gathering to hear the results. we are watching us, get more information from bbc news online and there's more from me throughout the night. but now it's back to huw. >> welcome back to election 2019. we are talking about the pattern of voting and what it tells us in terms of the possible reasons for people voted and why they didn't in some parts of the country with the debate going on whether it was a breakfast selection or an election to reject jeremy corbin as some are
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saying including labor people but there's a result in the from the first from the west midlands, key battleground area but this is where labor has to do well if it was to make significant gains this evening but marcus jones but [inaudible] a majority of over 13000 and i want to look at the sheriff because the share of the vote is high 621 for the tories and 32% to labor almost half the share and that tells you the story with the conservatives storming ahead by nine percentage points in this part of the west midlands and labor taking a hit of ten percentage points and what is the swing? it's a very strong swing of 9.4% from labor to the conservatives. that is the first result we've
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had in and 12 results in so far and 638 to go and eight minutes past one in the morning and we are waiting patiently to talk to us. we have heidi who left the tories and joined the dems and thank you for waiting to talk to us very patiently. first of all, are you salivating this conservative victory? >> brilliant victory. boris has done a great thing. [inaudible] it probably means to terms. >> what is mean for the breakfast process? >> i think the first part of the day will begin rapidly and go through parliament and comes back with a strong majority and negotiate the free trade deal. we will get the brexit we were getting to get. >> do you by the possibility that that can be tied up by the end of 2020? >> i do. it's a strong majority. it's interesting and has united the right right now and the brexit party is united and nigel
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did a great thing when he stood down 300 seats and that was the point where it happened because i think it would destroy the brexit party and he's clearly taken votes from the labour party. >> it was a lot of debate about what precisely that effect would be and whether taking all those conservatives would allow labor to survive. >> weather when there wasn't exit but up north he's taking labor and -- >> you question the strategy at some point so what would you say to the strategy. >> i think it's been about pressure. what we try to do is return the conservative party to its core beliefs which we done with hei heidi. [laughter]
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>> purged is the word i might use. >> we set out to make the conservative party conservative again and i think it's a job well done for boris. i will say one final thing. boris and nigel naturally class because they appeal to the working so they were clearly in the same. >> and that was key. >> i know if you are a brexit, and i know you're not but if it was -- >> putting the general election aside and reminds what have we become in the right is united and the left has had jeremy corbin and this is not good for our country with extreme politics. the tory party is a completely different party now from that which i joined and i never would've joined in the first place but regardless of the result tonight we are, i believe in a very bad place for democracy in this country with millions of votes are there will
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be ignored and have nobody whatsoever and have a hard right government in control and an official opposition that has failed to do its job and that is not -- >> we've got a result coming in which we can talk about as well and shown, what's going on? >> everybody is gathering around the table to find out exactly how the working man has in the final event. the conservatives identified that typical voter the boris johnson needed to win over to win that labor belt appear in the north and it's looking very much like -- we will find out in a minute but put it this way, labour party is looking somber and the conservative party is a few feet away from he has been eating pizza, laughing and jovial. we expect members to be up shortly now. >> sean, thank you for the update for it will keep an eye on that. let's go to darlington and talk to [inaudible] who is there.
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could you tell us what you are reading of things in darlington? >> well, when it comes to the labour party is looking a little bit somber. let me put this into context because darlington has been a labor save seats for 27 years. think back to the days of former labor health secretary with his over 10000 vote majority. when the shadowbox it minister jenny chapman came in in 2010 that majority the drop to over 3000 but for the past three elections she has maintained that majority and given that darlington voted in the eu referendum to leave by 66% it's no surprise the conservative have been targeting this constituency and have been targeting it so strongly that boris johnson turned up here by
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private jet. that raised a few eyebrows because he was coming from an hour away by train. when it comes to the moves here and you look and speak to the conservative campaign in there feeling confident but if you look at the results across there seems to be a political realignment going on in a conservative was elected as the malley mayor and in 28 years labor look to darlington local authority and lost nine seats so the conservative party became the largest party in that local authority and were only 40 days away and it was fascinating to see the change. the conservative party candidate is not in any way -- he's very demure about the whole thing and says complacent and peter gibson
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was saying when it comes to any potential vote turning from red to blue it is certainly on loan and very much up to the conservatives to prove that they deserve those votes and to it's interesting. it will be interesting to see if peter gibson remains with the eu referendum. if you're looking and talking to the huddles of different political parties, conservatives are feeling quite confident. likewise, when you speak to the labor campaign as they feel a strong message on exit which have been helpful and they were out campaigning but we are expecting a result very shortly and the polls are piling up. we are expecting it within the next five, ten minutes. >> thank you. we will be back in darlington. look at the images. this will be our first result in a scotland if it comes up in the next few minutes. this is [inaudible] where labor
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was elected back in 2017 but for the s&p we have margaret ferrier contesting and she was the mp former scotland spokesperson for the -- we've just seen s&p party workers there cheering and looking rather happy and that clearly waiting for the results to come in. it looks as if this could be a good result for the scottish national party and a gain from labor so we will see what happens and it's the number two target seat for that s&p in this scotland and this is a seat in the southeast of moscow and has made many campaign visits to this and laura, really this will be a test of the elements of the
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exit poll to see how snp performances. >> the third. exit poll while is that national picture we have less data on what happened in scotland because of the nature of how the poll was carried out with lots of caution in terms of what's going on in scotland but this has been high on the target list just outside [inaudible]. trying to overturn a narrow majority is only 18000 between snp and labor just ahead. if the snp surging back is to be real this is where it has to stop. >> and d. if it doesn't happen here then we'll have to ask serious questions about the protections of the snp in scotland. judging by the cheers we saw earlier on [inaudible] >> it certainly looks like it. we start off with a jigsaw and don't know what the shape of it will be the butt then piece by piece were able to put it
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together. as we wait for that result if the snp has strengthened that grip on scotland to this extent meanwhile, in so much of england seems to be turning blue. that poses a very serious question and raises the tensions over the union again. the threat search has been [inaudible] also the tories on the side which is help them get the union vote in scotland has been completely clear they would not allow her to do that. there was two sides cannot hold tents like that forever. of course, it may well be the results tonight will set up a very, very tense situation between the politics of scotland and politics of england and a conservative prime minister who is in office because of a solid majority he's got from england and maybe from parts of wales. last time around all the tories
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had a terrible night and they ended up with 13 mps in the scotland. boris johnson looked to be winning significantly here but without scotland and that may well have been a consequent as for his time in government. >> looking at the pictures given that were both veterans do you reckon within a few minutes it will be announced? >> looks like it might be a few minutes morbid doesn't look like the candidates have been called to the state which is normally the telltale sign. maybe a lot of raising of eyebrows by the labor activists. >> the scottish national party has joined under here in the studio along with the former conservative cabinet minister. i'm just wondering as we wait for this we may have to interrupt rudely but why don't we just join you because you're about to come up and i'm sure they have something to say about
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that. >> indeed. we don't know how well the snp but you've done very well is the way it is looking. it looks like they will be substantial conservative majority in westminster and you had the second scottish referendum mr. johnson said you will get one so what happened? >> tory campaign was entirely about refusing that and if they lost the numbers and to believe they have only lost a substantial number of seats than that message has been rejected. if a boris johnson is a democrat he has to recommend that but we have to move on to what we did with the agreement and 2012 which was a disgruntled discriminate between the two governments and resolve it democratically. [inaudible conversations] >> yes, but we have noted that you cannot have a legal referendum unless westminster agrees and that is the law so if what westminster says is
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certainly for 2020 you're not having one we look at it again after the scottish elections in 2021 what do you do? >> we stayed there was a dirty and scotland and we fought the selection very clearly on the issue of scotland's right to choose and the choice was clear, it was a brexit britain or scotland and the people of scotland would decide that. >> let's go interrupt because were about to get a declaration. >> i think they're gathering the candidates as they speak. let's have a look. [inaudible] let's see what's going on there. >> i, andrew, being the acting returning officer for the constituency to hear i declare that the total number of votes
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cast for each candidate was as follows. colburn, nikki, independent, 8 842. [applause] hayman, sue, labor party, 16312. [applause] hughes, neil, liberal democrat, 1525. [applause] i vincent, roy allen, 87. [applause] jenkinson, mark, conservative party,. [cheering and applause]
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20488. perry jill, green party, 596. [applause] walker, david, brexit party, 1749. [applause] therefore, mark jenkinson's duly elected as a member of parliament for the work incident constituency. [cheering and applause] >> that's a very significant result. the seat has been held by labor since 1918. except for a small conservative batch in 1970. it's a very, very strong labor area in the past and a bit of a district and a former steel town
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on the cumbrian coast. the significance here is not just about the conservatives that have gained the seat but the fact that sue eyman is a key member of jeremy korman's shadow [inaudible] mark jenkinson gentlemen who's the new conservative mp for worthington is a deputy leader of hallandale [inaudible] and we are being told [inaudible] is about ready to declare. labor, is this the hamilton west? >> hamilton west constituency. i hereby give notice to the total number of votes polled for each candidate is as follows: margaret ferrier, scottish national party, 23775.
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[cheering and applause] jake allen, labor inc. party, 18545. [cheering and applause] john elizabeth, 629. mark mckeever, scottish liberal democrats, 200791. [applause] [inaudible] scottish conservative and unionist, 8034
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and i declare margaret ferrier is our -- [inaudible] >> quite a win for the scottish national party. margaret ferrier warmer mp here now being reelected on 23775 votes with laborers on 18 and a half and been np since 2017 conservatives based on a thousand votes with 66% turnout, majority of over 5000 so look at the share, 44% of the snp, 44 to labor and we look at the change and you see a boost to the snp support of seven percentage points with labor down three, tories down five so that plus seven is interesting. if you look at the swing by .1% swing from labor to the snp and that and being told is not quite
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as big as the exit poll was suggesting so let's not beat about the bush but it's clearly a very resounding victory for the snp and hamilton west. let's bring in our scotland who's in edinburgh and [inaudible] what you think is likely to happen to the snp performance as the night goes on? >> snp will be much -- they've been finding it difficult to believe the exit bolt they could win 55 seats and have been telling us to take it with a pinch of salt but they are confident their vote will go up and that will have really serious consequences because that is repeated across the country, in particular, once we see the seats where it's an snp tory tossup the conservative is going down and conservatives aren't able to hold onto many seats in this country. that will tell us two things. when the snp said to the scottish voters support us if
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you want another referendum of scottish independence the scott turned out and voted in favor of that proposition but also the scotland they're moving in totally different direction so while england is increasing its vote for the conservatives is going down in scotland where people are turning to the snp. it was a real risk for the nationalist to go into the selection same it's about independence because that can galvanize the union to get behind the conservatives and if that hasn't happened it will look like this a really resolute mandate for the snp to say we want another referendum we know what boris johnson's response will be to that he is medically or he will take absolutely not so that puts us on a constitutional collision course. snp's argument throughout this campaign has been looked, however scotland votes it doesn't get the government to westminster and that shows the westminster system is broken while these results might
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demonstrate that they were right about that too many scottish voters and if boris johnson does persist in refusing another referendum he really runs the risk of driving more people in scotland towards the independence because labor figures here tonight are saying it's undemocratic to refuse another referendum if snp to get 50 or more seats tonight. >> just a bit because they're telling us they were expecting snp to pick up this seat quite easily with the 13-point increase were talking about obviously a 13-point increase and a 14% drop in the labor share in the events that the snp vote is up by seven percentage points, labor by three, it's an indication that the exit polls may well have exaggerated the size of the snp advance and that is afflicting what you were saying earlier about snp's slight nervousness, i suppose, about where they end up at the end of the evening though clearly in a strong position.
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>> yet, they don't think we'll get 55 out of the 59 seats in a scotland. where it will really matter is in the 13 seats held by the conservatives if all of which the snp are second and usually those are not a very big or large between them but this is why it's difficult for scotland. the majorities are here are tiny. if we do see a lot of the concerta seeds falling to the snp which is what we saw at the start of the campaign up until this afternoon there were tories fairly confident they would keep ten seats in scotland and if they can do that and they are losing that to the snp that is what will make it obvious that scotland votes very differently from the rest of the uk and snp can make the armament that scotland does not belong in the uk. >> sarah smith, thank you. results are in from darlington which is worth noting this is a conservative again and jenny chapman who spent the labor mp
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since 2010 as lost the seat and the conservative peter gibson is in as the np for darlington and the turnout of 66% with a majority vote with 3000 has been in taurean before and the former defense secretary was the mp here for the tories in the 18th and early 19th but will be labor since 1992 and is 40% of the vote and 40% to labor and the tories are up by 5% and labor down by 10%. swing this time from labor to tory is seven and a half percent. the darlington results from county durham and again a conservative again from labor that is the story of the night with quick learner, laura. >> that interesting has been in the northeast throughout the campaign and clearly the tories exit message has been picking up and finding favor in the north of england but we have an idea
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yet is whether or not that will be repeated in other places where seats matter so much and the tories needed to do well whether that's in those midland marginals or the like newcastle and nottingham so the northeast certainly seems to have gone for boris johnson's offer cracking on, leaving the eu and talking about easing off the spending squeeze a little bit. that doesn't mean at this stage that other vital parts of the country go for that approach to. >> you been chatting earlier but i was going to pick up another few more results. your perspective on the conservative performance, given your experience of conservative politics in the past. and wondering where you think places like darlington fit into this picture. what are they telling you about the way the conservative parties reached into these areas? >> it's telling me more what is worrying me.
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he alluded to this on the program tonight. this is a brexit election now but what about next time? [inaudible] they don't understand the impacts of austerity and how people with modest incomes live and i worry that the people in those constituencies will bitterly regret the road particularly if you have a hard brexit or no deal brexit. looking at the snp results that's say goodbye to the united kingdom. >> they've had a complete landslide. >> but it's a vote. living with the reality of the conservative government. >> fact is they spent three and half years trying to -- [inaudible conversations] >> this is a direct reaction to trying to overturn a democratic votes. you can say what you like but the people have spoken. 17.4 million have come out and voted in huge numbers, massive turnouts and -- >> my fear is about brexit for
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the remainder but i worry is what it will feel like for those in the conservative government who have no care for the impact of poverty on those people's lives. [inaudible conversations] >> do you think there will be a backlash? >> unless the tory party shifts remarkably talk of putting up school funding marvelous but they been talking about that for years and dealing with poverty and having a message for people in constituencies who are struggling. where was the tory party when they need them? and out their voting for ambrosia. >> fees of the people that used to vote for missus bacher and dislikes your counter politics and have not returned to the conservative party in huge numbers and delivered a massive majority. >> who's to say this is not a vote -- some people have suggested that this is a vote to reject jeremy corbin then --
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>> anti-semitism and the nationalization of poll coal industries and economic policies it's been pretty helpful but i'm just saying you have to say that parliament people spent three and half years trying to overturn the democratic vote and the people don't like that. >> on that point, kenneth livingston who's been tangled up in labor has said it looks like the end for jeremy and i'm sure he will have to resign tomorrow but can who had to fight allegations that he had expressed anti- semitic views said the jewish vote wasn't very helpful and i could imagine a lot of eyebrows shooting up inside the labour party but then here is one of his all his allies saying will have to resign and it's interesting -- what is to say that boris johnson may not be able to be a different kind of concerta party
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and he has changed because of the party a lot in the last few months kicking people out and making it not somewhere that you would feel control having been a conservative before but do you think there's any chance he will become that bootstraps kind of tory? >> we will wait and see. don't get me wrong. nothing would please me more than there being changes to the welfare system that would support the constituencies around the country and our love for them to be absolutely proven wrong but you take -- you take the record so far in the fact he was not interested and listening about issues on universal credit i have no evidence on which to suggest he will change his position that i'd be delighted it if he did because it's about what the people need. >> i think he's done a great job and willing. the signs are he's won the decent majority and no question about that and by the way, a labor to conservative swing of 11.3% so just underlining the fact that does the swing to the
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tories from labor and dc is just underlining the pattern for us. i'm talking of swing and why don't we join jeremy who can give us graphic illustration of what's going on with the swing meter. >> if that moment. we are just about enough results to have a look at the bbc's swing meter and see what's happening. it's very dramatic grade let me remind you here they show you one party in relation to another and if they say exactly as they did last time the arrow is vertical like that and if you can imagine a head-to-head race between two parties swing shows you where the votes are going in here we have the labor conservative swing and we will look at the swing. the actual swing in the 20 seats whose results we've had so far and as i say, it's dramatic and right appear about 7%. you will see the dots with each thought is a seat and the dots are placed in the position that
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relates to the swing needed for the seat to change hands. if that were to be the average uniform swing across the country all of these red dots from here would be colored blue as the conservatives push into labor territory. that's a very big swing. let's just see what the share of the voters are doing. here you will see that labor share has dropped dramatically. the big story really here is that labor voters simply have fallen through the floor, down 11% on last time. by contrast despite the dramatic nature of this result and how well the conservatives are doing insurgent constituencies their vote is only 3% up so far. similarly, this is up about the same amount with virtually nothing to show for it so the conservatives voters raised a little on average but they
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helped hugely by this precipitous decline in the labor vote under jeremy corbin. your member i said a swing on average from the 20 seats we seen so far was about 7%. to just see the results of the board let me ask the swing meter to pick out the constituencies which we heard from and it's not very so far but most of them are outside the range of the swing meter but what you can see here at darlington and worthington the swing needed was much less than the conservatives actually got and they broke up and we've not seen anything like this since 1997 with a landslide against john major and the swing was 10% and before that you gotta go back to 1935. this is historically a very big swing defeat in the general election. if you look right up and focus just above that the yellow dot is the snp but the blue dot and pointing out just the ten the blue dot is 8000 majority was
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over ten and by contrast here we have [inaudible] is now in a situation with the majority over 10000 and it's a very safe seat. two elections ago this was one of our most closely fought marginals so the picture has changed. as you know, huw, that's a very big swing to be seen in a uk general election. >> it's remarkable. i'm wondering given previous elections you've looked at as well is this the kind of swing that you think was delivered by i suppose, probably the solid majority that the exit poll were talking about earlier? >> of course we've only had 20 seats and this is the average of those 20. we will see the swing will change and settle down but over time will see found to be about 5% and looks likely to be about 6% and that would deliver that majority. we mentioned in tony blair and
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we don't see this often but the only other time i can member the arrow recently almost breaking the swing meter was the snp's vote in the 2015 general election where it almost went off the scale. there was a massive swing there but it's very dramatic and if that is sustained through the night it will be a frumpy majority. >> jeremy, thank you very much. nice to see the swing meter in action. lindsay who is the speaker of the house of commons just elected a few weeks ago has been returned and he's formally a labor mp but standing as mr. speaker safely reelected and let's look at the state of the parties before we join andrew again. twelve-labor, downpour, eight-tories come up with three. snp up to one and just gained one seat. we have one that was [inaudible] who we saw a short while ago and
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nothing yet for the dems in the you be so labor on full offices in the tories on three games, 22 declared, 628 to go, andrew. there's still plenty to talk about. >> we have a wee while yet. [inaudible] nikki morgan, if they get the majority like were looking at does that mean he's a master of all of this in the tory party now? >> it's a question of if at the moment. we don't have many results. [inaudible conversations] makes the prime minister able to be in command of the agenda but it doesn't mean complete easy sailing because you have to work
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with your mps in order to get legislation through but it strengthens the hand internationally as well the people are able to see that the prime minister is able to get his legislation through and away we have not seen which is why we have this election. >> but when it comes to the negotiations after we leave at the end of january formally and we enter a transition time and nothing changes to quote a former conservative prime minister the negotiations then our future relationships and does this strengthen the hand that he can go for a hard turn one or doesn't mean he can ignore the hard liners, more hardline on a brexit and go for a softer turn one and get it through? >> the prime minister wants the best trade agreement he can get with the eu. >> but there's a price for that. the closer the arrangement -- this has not been discussed much in the campaign but the more
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friction free he wants our relationship to be with the ee you the more the eu will say fine but you need to state largely aligned with our rules. what does he do? >> that will be a big negotiation point spread will be different for different sectors. economy and departments have input and the prime minister is clear but he realizes that one of the big things with the country and the divisions we know the views and the conservative party i don't think he will want to say i will go this way and ignore this people and he does realize the need and talks about this to try to buil- >> the which way he will go given that he's got this essential majority. let me come back to my -- it would seem -- the two main clear winners tonight are the
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conservatives in england and the scottish national party north of the border which would suggest to me were heading for a constitutional standoff. >> we been in a constitutional crisis for the last two, three years big those negotiating between the uk government and the scottish government and this goal has widened but the point made about what happens next is crucial to. within the discussion of the level playing field and what would take place the eu has been clear it doesn't want what it regards as unfair competition on its border but there's also no agreement about how scotland's divulged interests are represented by the uk government. key areas of this agreement to put them into the industrial sectors for fishing and agriculture and those are fully devolved areas and there's no hierarchy of government in this position but only -- >> there will not be a friction
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prearrangement. >> [inaudible] boris johnson will be mr. friction. >> we got another declaration coming out. we go back to huw. >> i think we are looking at a result from [inaudible]. this is in northeast wales. that result coming in. >> [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]
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[cheering and applause] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible]
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>> will [inaudible] let's look at these figures to underline what's going on. an area of wales for the conservatives is big hopes of making gains this is indeed again. long-standing labor mp has been defeated and james davis, local gp, has taken this seat for the conservatives and the majority of 1827 on a turnout of 66% so he's taking 46% of the vote to 41% for labor and that means the labor has dipped from 2017 and by nine percentage points and the tories are up by two percentage points which is enough when you look at the incursion of the proxied party as well into that labor vote and
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it's enough to give that seat to the conservatives on a five-point 5% swing from labor to the tories. wick word, laura. >> that seat is summer they will see outside the patterns that they were hoping to see across the country and i've heard in last couple minutes it sounds like they're supposed to be taking back. a traditional barrel weather to see the place the parties are wanting to get majorities have to win in suds -- they've taken that back from labor party. >> let's talk to the labour party chair whose in [inaudible]. ian, we been waiting to talk. what are your thoughts on how labor is doing tonight? >> i thank you will understand my thoughts will be desperately disappointed. i am surprised but somewhat unsurprised and i think what we are seen in the labor hardline's is people aggrieved at the fact that [inaudible] they've taken a
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stance on brexit. [inaudible] this is not a good rest recipe and they've ignored democracy and to be quite honest, the consequences will come back and bite. i think that's what were seen over now and i think [inaudible] >> you been reelected but you majority [inaudible] there's been a big debate tonight and you just touched on it again about whether this is about people feeling aggrieved about brexit or whether this is about some of your legal labor colleagues are suggesting a failure of the labor leadership to put a message forward that will attract enough votes and
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command respect. what is your view on that argument? >> my view is that simple. you cannot ignore democracy. you can try and push it away if you wish but the people in the north and my associates on a daily basis are very much aggrieved and angry at the fact that were still not out of the eu after 3.5 years but the thing is the two claimed the failure of the associates of the tory party but they believe the labour party [inaudible] they believe in 2016 when they had their [inaudible] in the eu referendum they believe they
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should have been listened to and they've reneged on the party. this is about a brexit election and the rerun of 2016. >> when you're colleagues are calling for mr. corbin to step down almost immediately what would you say to them? >> well, i would say to everyone let's just wait and see what the results actually are by 12:00 o'clock tomorrow. in 2017 the labour party leader was jeremy corbin and we have a radical manifesto and in 2019 they had a radical manifesto and jeremy corbin was the leader of the labour party as well. big difference is as the 2019 we
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promised the second referendum and the people are suggesting quite rightly why should there be a second referendum when they had a referendum in 2016 but that is the issue and will not be jeremy corbin but it's brexit and ignoring democracy. >> well, it's a policy just described the policy there in the party was putting forward which was a second referendum and having negotiated a new deal and that was mr. corbin's position so clearly you are critical of the strategy he adopted. >> by the way, huw, i am critical and i think people are very much aware that i've been explaining to colleagues in more than possibly two years that we should not have went down that but we are the democratic party and it's not jeremy corbin's decision. this is a decision that was agreed by [inaudible] we had an
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almighty debate of a conference of the eu and we came away from that conference 13000 people at the conference and lots of delegates and we formulated our policy within the party and they accepted the decision made at the conference and that's the decision we took into the election. >> ian, thank you for talking to us. good of you to join us. 5:52 in the morning. labour party chair, in one respect nearly held onto his seat there in the majority was greatly reduced but the labor colleagues have not done as well. we had a resulting from putney. this is in southwest london. let's see it. >> i j cooper, for the putney constituency held on thursday,
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the 12th of december, 2019 to hereby give notice that the number of votes recorded for each candidate is as follows: labour party, 20200719. [cheering and applause] thank you. green party, 1133. [cheering and applause] conservative party, 18000 -- [cheering and applause]
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liberal democrat, 8548. [cheering and applause] the total number of ballots is as follows: voting for more candidates entitled to -- >> there's the result in from putney. [inaudible] conservative former mp, education secretary, her successor will sweep the consults have known on this is a rare success story for labor this evening and this, of course, will open up the whole debate about remain and leave errors because putney, of course, was an area strongly remains back in 2016. 45% to labor, 36% to the tories,
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labor up by 4% in putney the conservatives down by 8%. dems as well up by 5% and that reflects the result they are in 2016 probably prayed the swing of have a look. swing from conservative to labor and we not seen that much at 6.4%. i also will tell you about angus because that result is in. this is the game for the snp from the conservatives and 21000 votes, 17000 for the conservatives and the majority at 3795 and turnout of 68%, 49% of the vote for the snp, 40% for the tories, snp up 11 percentage points, tories down five and a 7.7% swing to the snp from the conservatives. laura. >> that's a reminder this is not going to be [inaudible] they may
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well lose and quite a few places and depending on how much the snp tightened their grip the scottish conservatives may be cuts back from that if they managed to achieve in 2017. in both of those ways it may well end up with a majority but it might be taken over a very divided map with scotland's almost all yellow for the snp, london and perhaps other big cities manchester, liverpool very much still colored red. governing with a real patchwork like that. >> not straight forward at all. whether we looked at the results that have come in and some of the significant ones, read up bring us up-to-date. >> i got a couple of really interesting seats to show you here, huw. peter brower is a conservative
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gain from the labour party and as you can see the history of the seat down there is changed hands a few times in the last 20 years but tonight they've taken this from labor and lisa forbes had a seat with a tiny majority of just over 600 votes but it now becomes the seats -- this is how we did it for the vote share of 47% as compared to labor 41%. want to show you how that changed from last time really interesting. conservatives share of the vote has gone unchanged but it's labor has dropped by seven percentage points which has allowed the conservatives to take this seat. one other seat i want to show you that is also changed hands tonight and that is north wales and this has been labor for decades. labor since 1935. tonight it has gone conservative and sarah is the first female
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conservative and pn wales ever. she's done it with 45% share of the vote as compared to labor 39%, again, i want to show you the way in which the vote share has changed since 2017 and it's the same story as in peterborough. they been given the seat by the drop in the labor vote share. labor is down 10% and that's allowed sarah to become the first female conservative mp in wales. ... for decades and decades.
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from northern ireland's i would like to go to in a second but before that, look at this response. this is about my true labor that requires careful analysis but it could be much worse for those that rely on public services of the nhs but if you still have a leadership that fights for the many, not the few. we have a response this is from 2001 the independent unionist. this has been taken by the alliance party of northern ireland, very significant gain even on 18,358 and being beaten into second place on 15,000.
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45% share of the vote and look at the percentage boost for the party of 36% in the feet but was held for such a long time and not moving. let's have a look at the results. this is a conservative gain from manchester. over 21,000 votes on the turnout of 61% majority of 1965 labour party on 41%. in a shadow cabinet office minister with responsibility for cybersecurity because this is now in conservative hands, 9% up
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for the tories and labour being down by 15 percentage point. this is a 12% swing by the way. >> a seaseats like that is astonishing. a prominent. but the prominent labor has held on in that part of the world. she has howled on their gut that was quite something. >> it's a 12% swing from conservative labor so how is that changing the political landscape and electoral map?
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it's a little bit wet. you get a much better idea of the constituencies at the same time and the power now lies but already you can see the wall is being reached. some of the seats already. it's a very strong labour seat which i has now gone through and over here tonight alley has never been blue before in this northeast corner of england which is always such a strong hold for months and months. it's being breached around brexit. we are going to see more in this
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absolute and that is starting to become a recasting of the british politics and that is what the poll was predicting it seems to be happening. >> thank you very much. we have here as i travel a little bit further down those that will change their mind. >> i couldn't in conscience vote for them with jeremy as a leader. i voted conservative for the first time as did my father in his 70s has never voted anything but labor. >> what was it like voting conservative for the first time? time?guest >> it wasn't an easy decision for me. if you know your party isn't behind you at what point do you
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put aside your ego and for me it said a lot about him as a leader and i can't support somebody that can support their own ego. >> the decision was clear we need to make decisions in this country from the referendum that maybe it's a quite simple decision to make a change we need to get on with it. >> so it was more about brexit. >> i'm not a particular fan of boris, but he doesn't have a position. could you be voting --
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>> once they get rid of jeremy i will go back to voting labour. i still believe in many of the policies but i just can't do it while he is in power. >> thank you very much for joining us out here in the rain. >> looking at the turnout figure 64.6% based on the results slightly down at m me end up a t higher than that. you are chatting to some voters. the rain, the weather, hasn't really affected. >> there is a footage, the extraordinary cues and the rain. it's been a terrible day all
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over the country it's been expected to stop quite shortly. [laughter] >> thank you. >> we have been going around and we heard a lot of the time people were cross about the choice being put before them but there was an awareness voter after voter that we met that this is an important election and it generally was. one interesting point they are being far more ahead and delete areas by five points suggesting so far and down 12, but that contrast is there. but it's falling back in both
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but it's important to note the contrast is there already and the numbers. >> we have the results which is a good result for labor but they are also counting what is the feeling they're? >> they are taking that seat from the conservative but was of course. we've got brexit as well and the activists here are feeling pretty pleased and they believe they can hang on to that margin which is a very safe labor seat in the pretty incumbent so while
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there's been this talk throughout the evening of the red wall crumbling, there is a hold in the south as well. something like 48, 49 are labour seats and the vast majority. you hear people shouting and cheering. that is again reception for the labour candidate. but the sense that the war around london has survived because it is protecting the seats. it's been a pretty abysmal night. i should tell you that the winner said that this was a bright light in a dark night, her victory. she said she made it clear on
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the doorstep that all she wanted is for the uk to remain in the european union. she said labor must stop, they must continue their efforts to stop and block boris johnson's hard brexit, so it is a success based on the fact that these constituents remain constituents. but i suspect that is the story of the night. >> thanks once again. another seat has been gained by the conservatives from labor and that is another result in the overall trajectory if you like of the conservative performance overnight. for the tories to consult over 16,000 votes and suzanne alan
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for labor just behind on 12, the majority 1239 votes, 67% and 45% of the 41%. and that really is an end to the current parliamentary career. simon who contested seats last time is a local musician who runs a charity that he is now the new mp and swinging in its 7.5% from labor to the tories. again, it's this part of north east walenortheast wales so thea pattern emerging. let's have more response to these results. we saw some good news but we have seen a lot of bad news including northeast wales. why don't we find out.


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