tv Senate Impeachment Trial Reaction CSPAN January 31, 2020 7:58pm-8:23pm EST
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the filings by the parties in a senate document printed under the supervision of the secretary of the senates, that will complete the documentation of the senate's handling of these impeachment proceedings. >> without objection so ordered. >> further ask unanimous consent that will only resume on monday fibroid third, tuesday february 4, and wednesday february 5, the senate be in a period of businesses centers are permitted to speak for up to ten minutes each for debates only. >> without objection, so ordered. >> and finally, i ask unanimous consent that the trial adjourned until 11:00 a.m., february 3 and that this order also constitutes the adjournment of the senate. >> without objection? so ordered. we are adjourned.
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[silence] >> and the mcconnell resolution to create a roadmap going forward on the court of impeachment has passed the 53 to 47 with four democratic amendments offered were all tabled. the only time that anyone broke party lines was during the two votes on the bolton amendments. senators romney and collins both voted not to table those amendments. now rest for 88 which they just debated, says that arguments in the court of impeachment, will begin monday at 11:00 a.m., february 3, 2020 and not exceed four hours. it will be equally divided between the house and the president to be used as under impeachment at the conclusion of the final arguments by the house and the president, the court of impeachment shall
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stand adjourned until 4:00 p.m. on wednesday, february 5, 2020 at which time the senate, without intervening action or debate shall vote on the articles of impeachment. sounds like between monday at 11:00 a.m. and wednesday at 4:00 p.m., the senate will be in regular business as well. we want to get your reaction. you can see the schedule right there on your screen. we want to get your reaction as well to this last set of votes and to the entire week. what have you heard? what have you learned? do you think the house managers prove their case or do you think the president's lawyers defended you can see the lines divided by guilty, not guilty, undecided and of course text messages as well. if you can't get through. if there's any reaction from the senators, we will get that as well.
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the president tweeted out at 7:13 p.m., no matter what you give to the democrats, in the end they will never be satisfied in the house they gave us nothing. if we look back how rome went they gave a corrupt senate gave too much power to one man and that one man drove the country into the ground for his own benefit. that's exactly what can happen here. trump is russia's trojan horse. people need to wake up and see that ãbwhy would he give ambassador to russia a visit to
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the oval office when he wouldn't even give zelinski the time of day? >> rick willoughby ohio, what are your thoughts? >>. >> i think without a doubt he's not guilty. he might be guilty enough but not enough to remove him from office or taken from the ballots. i don't think there's our president alive or past that hasn't done anything ãbhas not tried to help their next your reelection. do we impeach somebody for that? no, they are always working on it. trump didn't have to worry about 2020, he had it. eddie from columbus ohio, not guilty, democratic callers talk about the constitution and how we look like for the rest of the world, they are, the senate is showing that regardless of opinion, they will follow our laws and our constitution.
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marco is in rochester minnesota, marco, you called in on the guilty line, why is that? >> it's actually rochester michigan. >> that's what it says, i apologize. >> not a problem. after watching everything and falling everything from a mueller report to impeachment trial, there's just overwhelming evidence showing not only was trump guilty in the 2016 presidential election for interfering with the russians would also guilty for withholding ukraine aid in hopes that he could get some dirt on biden instead of dirt on hillary clinton. i think it's kind of important for everyone to hear this that the select committee on intelligence report on the russian active measure campaign evidence of an overarching pro trump anti-clinton bias leading up to election day 2016 is also
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found in information obtained by the special counsel's office. for instance, internet research agency rooted ãband use any opportunity to criticize hillary and the rest. except for standards in trump we support them. >> marco, that was form the mueller report you are reading? >> this is actually from the select committee on intelligence united states senate on the russian active measures campaigns interference 2016 your election. volume 2 russia's use of social media with additional views. >> did you read the entire thing? >> yes i have been pretty delved into everything going on with all the corruption in our government. stemming from trump being elected. i believe it's our civic duty to be aware and that the founding fathers won't take pity on us if they came back here and saw us all on twitter reach reading this, retreating that but not acting to take measures to change what we see as corruption in the government. >> thank you. let's listen in to sharon brown of ohio.
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>> i know that the president will come in and talk about a lot of things but fundamentally this is ã [inaudible] he's betrayed workers on minimum wage, he's betrayed workers by thumbs up at the thumbs on the scale of justice. [inaudible question] >> marco wanted to go ahead and finish what you are saying. marco is gone. yvonne, caldwell idaho, what you think? >> i think he's guilty.the fact that he's guilty and i think it's a sad sad day when our congress and our senators are so involved in their own bs
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that they can't judge fairly. >> thank you, reminder to callers turn down the volume on your tv, just go ahead and listen to your phone, joseph san antonio. good evening. >> good evening. i'm in the middle, i'm uncertain at this time. prior to the revelation ãbmy first reaction was to acquit the president because what he had done did not have evidential documents. finally, the bulletin announcement, i feel that we should listen to the people that have relevant information on this issue. i mean immigrants, i came to this country when i was 18 years old, now i am 83 and i've
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always been on the democratic side of the politics. however, after the russia investigation, by the way, my background in military national security i was an inspector general team doing 77 and 79 doing the soviet union debacles. i have listened to all this national security background. i am of the opinion that we should listen to some of the relevant information if it's possible but i also agree with the tabling of these latest democratic announcements.
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i'm really in the middle. >> joseph, where you from originally when you came over here in the 50s? >> and 54 i came from italy. i was a student and after a college time at mount terrel college in cambridge the military found out i was very proficient in italian language and put me in military. >> we've heard from a couple of callers, joseph, that this is the most divisive time in our history, you have lived through 63 years of american history. what is your view? sorry, joseph is gone. cindy, rollo missouri, hi. >> hi. >> what is your opinion cindy? >> first let me state i'm retired military. i do keep very current on events that are happening.
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i watched this sense the beginning when we started the trial in the congress, the investigation. i think behind closed doors was shady, i think trying to only show what helps their case, they shut down the republican party in congress and yet they walk into the senate not having done their job and say "we want a fair trial".there is nothing fair about the trial that took place in congress. where was the republicans witnesses? >> thank you for calling in, jay in miami, you are calling in on the guilty line, why is that? >> first of all, let me say that i am nonpartisan and i feel that president trump ãb or should i call him king trump now ãbis guilty on both
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counts. >> can you cite why you think that?frank thorpe, nbc tweet "mcconnell called president trump before he introduced the resolution establishing a final vote on the articles of impeachment on wednesday, they discussed the details and the president signed off per source". let's hear from diane, diane is in fulton new york. you say not guilty, diane, why is that?>> yes. because he's been scammed for ever since he got into office and before. the democrats adam schiff has been lying commendably holds them accountable. this is the best president we've ever had. i've been following so closely everything since obama with all the corruption he had with fast
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and furious and all that. trump has done the most for this country of any president in my lifetime. he is getting a horrible deal. he has not been able to have his lawyers in pretty ãbwhen they were doing all their sneaky stuff in the basement there was just corruption, corruption, corruption but it was on the house as part, not the president. >> that's diane in fulton new york. the newest senator senator kelly leffler republican of georgia who took the seat of johnny isaacson when he retired tweeted this out "tonight the senate did what should be done. no more witnesses, no more testimony, to compensate for the houses week case, let's wrap this up and get to work. and she attached her full statement to her tweet as well. deb collins is running in a
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primary against her for the full term. joe in washington indiana, good evening, what are you here this week joe? >> i been wondering about the whole thing since the beginning. okay? >> joe b&. >> who started this thing that we were supposed to give $40 million to some other country for no reason? i know it's for good reason, that's what started this whole ball of works. this president didn't decide to do that. he was given that ãbby the previous administration. his job was to figure out what
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is this working right or wrong or good or bad for us. that's my thought. >> joe in washington indiana, we have to leave it there i'm afraid. chuck schumer democratic leader in the senate just tweeted this out "i just forced boats on four amendments for witnesses and documents to subpoena mulvaney, bolton, duffy, blair, and white house omd dod state department documents require the chief justice to rule on motions to assess peanut documents and witnesses but senate republicans just kept voting for a cover-up ". earlier tonight there was an exchange between senator schumer and chief justice john roberts. >>. >> mr. chief justice, i have parliamentary inquiry. >> the democratic leader will state inquiry. >> is the chief justice aware
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that in the impeachment trial of president johnson chief justice chase as presiding officer cast tie-breaking votes on both march 31 and april 2, 1868? >> i am, mr. leader, the one concerned a motion to adjourn the other concerned a motion to close deliberations. i do not regard those isolated episodes 150 years ago as sufficient to support a general authority to break ties. if the members of this body elected by the people and accountable to them divided equally on a motion, the normal rule is that the motion fails. i think it would be inappropriate for me and unelected official from a different branch of government to assert the power to change that result so that the motion would succeed. >> so far chief justice roberts has not had to put that to the test of breaking a tie.
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nathan in baltimore text in "my opinion on his guilt is not important to stop the fact that we are having a trial where the evidence is being withheld is shameful. i believe the gop is convinced of trump's guilt but are afraid to do the right thing. brenda in springfield vermont, good evening to you. >> good evening. i just wanted to say i do think he is guilty as sin but however the vote goes, i'm very curious to know and kind of scared what is going to happen when more information comes out, are these guys that are voting for an acquittal and they going to be eating their shoes because they were wrong? >> richard also calling on the guilty line, mount pocono
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pennsylvania. >> good evening, thank you for taking my call. i want to thank you so much for allowing the american people a platform to voice our opinion. he is guilty. in my mind he's guilty for so many reasons. i would like to remind the american people one of the first things that he hid from us, he hid his taxes from us. going to the actual trial i actually have been watching since 2015 since he announced his candidacy but sticking to the trial, what did i learn? i learned today that one of his attorneys in the president's counsel was also in the loop. in the loop. speaking of loops, this president has found also to wait all sorts of loopholes in order to benefit himself and his family financially. he sticking it to america. you got farmers farming is going down, retail is going dark with the automobile
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industry. >> richard, thank you for your comments. we are going to try to stick to the trial and what we've heard this week. he mentioned patsy pallone, one of the president's lawyers, he was revealed, according to the bolton book to have been in the room in may when ukraine was discussed. so that was the revelation that came out last night, this morning, abuse of power, obstruction of congress those of the two articles for the u.s. senate will boat on at 4:00 p.m. on wednesday. scotty, fayetteville georgia x and very interested in how this particular trial has gone. we have heard from the democrats, they have put their 17 witnesses out there on the stand they have not had anything to say to the president's defects, i support president trump i support his
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congress and i support the american people. >> not guilty because what the house set forward was not a fair impeachment and what he did was not an impeachable crime, according to donna marie in monrovia california. frank is coming in from riverview florida, frank, what are your thoughts? >> today is the culmination of the democrats since trump won the nomination and yet to be sworn in as president they have said this was the road they wanted to go on. i disagreed with it then, i disagree with it now. they've done everything they could possibly come up with, talk about, downgrade, anything to hurt trump and that's been there whole deal. going throughout the trial and
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the information may brought in about the mueller report all that, that was never fair to trump and that culminates in they are going to get, he's going to be acquitted fairly, i think, because there's no president i know of it, and i've known a bunch of them, that goes through their term without doing something that someone could pick at and say, that's not right. this is not right. obama went through it, bush went through it, every president goes through it but they are trying to nail trump tied to the wall sense the day he stood up there in front of this chief justice and said i will and i do. so it's a terrible thing. >> all right, frank imported thank you very much. judy and newark california go ahead and tell us about your impressions of the last week.
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>> i absolutely believe he is guilty. 100% even in kangaroo courts they have evidence.i don't get why the republicans are not letting evidence and. it's just totally un-american. i come from a family of immigrants, they came to this country for justice and freedom in the way this is going, it's not. this president is a liar, he is a draft dodger, he didn't serve although he has no problems running around on the golf course and went to military school where he marched in everything all the time. to say he could go into the service, he got out because his parents were rich. i'm sorry, ãbi actually served during the vietnam era and i'm old enough to have seen many presidents in and out and i agree that a lot of presidents have had issues on both sides but i've also lived long enough to see that democrats and republicans used to get along and used to be
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able to compromise, now it's like us against them, them against us. nobody wants to even talk with anyone. it's just really really sad what this country has come to and i'm glad i'm not going to live all that much longer ãbi hope i don't see it go totally down the tubes. >> duty and newark california. the senate impeachment trial reconvenes monday at 11:00 a.m.. the vote will be wednesday at 4:00 p.m., according to the resolution passed by the senate tonight. everything since september that c-span has covered is contained in a special page on our website, nt. you can see all 183 questions asked of the trial lawyers you could see every press conference, every hearing,
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c-span, your unfiltered view of government. created by cable in 1979 and brought to you today by your television provider. >> today's senate impeachment trial senators blocked a motion to call additional witnesses following two vote of simple majority facet the senate adopted a resolution that would allow house managers in the president's attorneys to make additional arguments next week before the final vote. wednesday on the two articles of impeachment here on c-span2 we will take you back to this afternoon as the trial resumed. >> the senate will convene as a court of impeachment, the chaplain will lead us in prayer.
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