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tv   Washington Journal Reid Wilson  CSPAN  March 10, 2020 4:41pm-5:03pm EDT

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with the free c-span radio app. >> during this election season the candidates the on the talking points are fully revealed overtime. but since you can't everywhere, there's c-span. our campaign 20/20 programming differs from older medical coverage for one simple reason. it's c-span. we brought you your unfiltered view of government every day since 1979 and this year we're bringing you an unfiltered view this november. in otherwords, your future. so this election season , see us direct and unfiltered. see the biggest picture for yourself and make up your own mind . with c-span campaign 20/20 brought to you as a public service your television providers. >> it's super tuesday 2 and
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coronavirus dominating the news with good data welcome back sreid wilson to our desk, national political reporter for the hill and author of the 2018 epidemic: e bola and the global scramble to prevent the next killer outbreak. we wilson, let's start with the rest area of the two more topics, two more states hold their democratic primaries today. what are the storylines that viewers are trying to digest, super tuesday from last week, what should they be watching forthis week . >> i'm glad you said super tuesday two, i thought that's just tuesday it's just tuesday so we a number of states , this night, the most critical ones for both of the campaigns right now is a spent their last couple of days is in michigan. arthey state that bernie sanders one back in 2016. got the largest delicate call, hundred 25 delegates up for grabs and it's a
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statement appears to be tilting towards former vice president joe biden. he's got the support of not just his former rivalscory booker and connell harris who he rallied with last night but the governorof the state gretchen witmer who won the race in 2018. the mayor of detroit, the lieutenant governor was a dynamic up and color , the establishment if you will in that state , the newly elected establishment seems to be going behind former vice president biden . biden is probably almost certainlygoing mississippi by a pretty handy margin tonight . the state with a significant african-american population that's going to make up more than half of the democratic primary electorate and that similar to states that joe biden one last week on super tuesday, states like north carolina, alabama, arkansas, this is where african-american voters you droll read was a quarter of the electorate in michigan and missouri, another state that the, missouri logo for joe biden as well, 64 grabs. the really fascinating three
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states that i'm going to watch tonight our washington, idaho and north dakota. three state that went for years ago ers four but there have been some changes in the way that they conduct their elections because of the democratic national committee's unity reform commission, two of those washington and idaho held caucuses years ago as a way to allocate their delegates, this time they will hold primary. bernie sanders won the caucuses by a significant margin back in 2016 but he lost the beauty pageant primary as a college which easily was a meaningless primary, people voted without delegates being allocated but a constant one there that tells me is going to have trouble with the runner democratic electorate that shows up for primary elections and by the way left anybody worried about the spread of coronavirus during an election washington state all-male elections so everybody cast their ballots in the mail, they drop them in there and the secretary of state has advised people not to lettheir envelopes so find another way to seal it . use a sponge for a paper towel or something to wet it
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and coded don't nobody spreads coronavirus, good advice. >> host: the secretary of state quoted in usa today about the people who had open those ballots and said all the people who are opening envelopes and the ballots are wearinggloves to try to not get in contact with potentially any virus spread. they drive the distance from their coworkers and that seems to be working okay. that's the statement from the secretary of state .>> election workers are the best workers so those, before state of the six states up tonight, bernie sanders one 4 of them in 2016. there only wins one of them tonight the north dakota primary which is sort of the firehouse caucus basically means that a party run primary area is not like the iowacaucuses where people sit around and argue . it's more like go in and catcher out and walk out so sanders more likely to dowell there .
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in some other states but this is continuing a trend. we've seen sanders loose several state that he wind 2016 and he has yet to win a state that he didn't win in 2016 so sanders needs to grow. and he needs to grow fast. otherwise this race willwrap up quick . >> we've seen about shrink, mike bloomberg was the number one, no longer in therace. it's not as simple as mike bloomberg supporters go to joe biden . >> the lanes we talk about, moderate lanes and progressive lanes were too simplistic and as i was on the trail this year i was in iowa seven times and i hit a bunch of other early states as well and i was more likely to come across many who was struggling to decide between etthe project and elizabeth warren andsomebody struggling to decide between warren and sanders or a judge and biden . thatwould've cross boundary line there , i think tells
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you a little bit about the sort of people who they were klooking for,somebody knew who could convince them that they could be president trump . none of those second-tier candidates were not of the race made the sale they were the ones who were was able to be president trump so everybody reverted to the meeting and went back to former vice president biden. >> i'm trying to understand lanes four years ago, there would be guests sitting here, iscallers would call in to say i'm for ernie sanders in the democratic party but if he doesn't get it i'm voting for donald trump and there were a lot of those people . see by one of the consistent themes we've seen in the elections that have happened so far is bernie sanders is underperforming among rural voters. a lot of those rural voters were the blowout the system voters in 2016 who did in fact do exactly that, who voted for sanders in the primary, voted for president trump in the general election and have stayed republican, i think they are now trump
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voters area bernie sanders promises a revolution to disrupt the system, that's what president trump promised . yes of course they differ on how to get there and which systems to blow up, but the fact is if they are looking for a revolution, they got it with trump and they are probably sticking with him there. >> host: bernie sanders making one of his closing arguments super tuesday to st. louis yesterday before voters head to the polls in missouri, here'swhat he had to say . >> if you want to defeat trump which all democrats do, a majority of independents we some republicans do, all campaign but we also understand that sewhile it is imperative that we beat trump, we've got to do more than that.
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you've got to transform this country so that we have an economy that works for you and you and you, not just wealthy campaign contributors . [applause] a government which says that what we need is a multiracial, multi generational working-class movement of people coming together for justice. >> bernie sanders in missouri yesterday, reid wilson, you listen to these pitches all the time . as anything changed much in uc berniesanders pitch since last week ? >> guest: is going more heavily against vice president biden. he recognizes the situation that his time to the nomination is growing short and what you do now is take away support from former vice
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president biden eand earn it himself. but the voters themselves seem to be rendering a verdict on that very question that sanders just brought up, we need to do more than the president trump. democratic voters aren't interested in more than beating president trump, the number one thing that i hear over and over is our hope for anybody in iowa, there were signs in people's yards that would say and he said he and hillman 2020 they just want to vote for anybody who's not president trump and the electability argument that joe biden based his campaign on and almost sank his campaign turns out to be the thingthat is now fueling his rise in the polls . >> read wilson with us, phone lines open for you to call in. democrats 202-748-8000, independence 202-748-8000 two. the house comes in and about 47 minutes. and you can chat with read wilson until then. >> is in florida, an
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independent, good morning . >> morning john. i like to ask you your guest a question concerning the long lines that people are the six-hour ways to vote in some of these states and i would urge all people that are voting today to vote for bernie sanders because he's definitely head and shoulders above joe biden. without a doubt. and if you could comment on the number of democrats that are masquerading as republicans like stephanie murphy down here in florida and mike well in texas. i was at the fact that these people say that they are democrats and vote 70 percent of the time with donald trump . you very much. >> bill, the concern about long voting lines is something people have brought up especially lately after
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the texas primary where there was in the last guy walked out of his polling place and one in the morning or something like that after waiting for so long. the notion of basically spending an entire workday waiting in line to vote is something that is a pretty massive problem in a state like texas that's going to be more in focus for the presidential contest and alit ever has been before. even states like california, there were long lines and we seen a county board of supervisors in particular calling up the elections department there and trying to get assurances basically those lines will not exist on election day the differences are going tobe three times as many people voting on election day as in the past . as in a primary. in texas, the problem is with the counties and a lot of these states, where the only western democracy has a disjointed voting for them, a
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non-centralized voting system so it's not up to the federal government to regulate who and how voting operates. it's not even up to the state , in a lot of states it's up to the counties area texas has 254 counties and in some it's clear i have not made the preparations for higher turnout so we will see exchange. the legislature can't do anything to address that unless they're called into a special session because they're only in in the odd-numbered years so there already done basically with their session. it's going to be up to counties to do some real work, the more polling places open. the state has recently cracked down on the use of mobile polling places which is used to get more seniors and people who are live far away from polling places to actually about and we will see if that has any difference. er>> the question from tony on twitter coming off of biden's performance to tuesday last week and some of these bowls
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i have super tuesday, especially in michigan. tony asked is it that biden has been judged electable thatbernie has been deemed unelectable ? >> that is a question tony and it's a little like . in a lot of the coverage, i've been surprised by the ferocity of coverage after bernie sanders won the nevada caucuses. there were people not talking about him as a frontrunner as much as talking about how th democrats were freaking out about how they needed to stop him and there were some personalities, especially on cable news went way over the line i thought in casting sanders as some kind of threat when it would have been much more appropriate just to cover him straight talk about what he was saying on the trail and what his appeal was to voters . sanders has a lot of critiques of the media and the way themedia treats him and he is not wrong on a lot of them . but biden clearly became the candidate who was the best
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people, best positioned the president trump. that was his pitch from the absolute beginning and i'll say one of sanders the arguments is that he can turn this huge wave of new voters have never showed up to vote before hasn't really born out. we haven't seen a surge of new voters and in a few cases, a new voters who are casting their first ballot in the democratic primary are voting for biden within sanders but that that he is uniquely capable of turning out this way of voters who sat at the last time or who have never voted, i don't see a lot ofevidence for it in the actual numbers . >> we see bernie sanders making his closing argument in missouri, this is joe biden in michigan in his closing ornament to will reinstate voters. >> over a week ago the press and the pundits and declared this campaignday . then south carolina spoke.
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then super tuesday spoke. and the turnout was incredible. and nowtomorrow, michigan , mississippi, missouri , north dakota, idaho, washington state, you will be heard and michigan, i'm counting on you in a big way.>> sent senator sanders is the one who would say god bless them, we're only going to be donald trump by generating the mystery. guess what, on super tuesday, we turned out 70 percent more voters than ever voted there. and guess what, they're voting for us. north carolina, 90 percent more, 20 percent more voters i could go on rid, look . he's right, we're going to turn out, we're going to turn out the democratic party,
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we're going to turn out a party that is supported by the backbone of this country. but, the fact is that this movement we started and all of you are part of his generating the incredible amount of emotion around the country. for, we can't create a movement without people who have been the base of the democratic party. >> joe biden yesterday in michigan, reid wilson. the history of michigan in deciding a primary, this is the third contested democratic cycle in a long way in which michigan has played a huge role, not necessarily a determinative role as usual in the calendar back in 2008 michigan and florida democratic national committee rules and held their primary earlier than they should have. "on south carolina and that sort of early state window
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the democrats tried toprotect . and so the dnc and their delegates would not be seated at the convention. hillary clinton was behind the ball at the time went in and campaigned heavily inboth states . trying to find some sort of momentum to revive her primary campaign. barack obama stayed away and clinton won both of those states read her delegates didn't count until the claim clear obama was going to win. they struck a deal and the delegations to show up at the convention anyway although their votes for half of what they would have read in 2016, bernie sanders was the one who was behind the eight ball and was trying to find a place of to get ahead of clinton and he found it in michigan. he stunned the polls, when nobody him to his campaign of those faulted him basically for another month or so of contested primary so michigan
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has latest big determinative role a couple of times and i feel bad for my home state of washington i think is a cool state and places like mississippi and idaho and north dakota and missouri to where democrats have had less success from the statewide level but have fared better so you know, they're going to get left out , the front page story if you will but michigan is now playing a big row the one from the me in a volunteer state, wanda from chattanooga, democrat, good morning. >> caller: i am an african-american person is a fan of bernie sanders. i wish miss warren would support him, we heard delegates so that we can move forward and when the coronavirus came and they said that we were prepared, to help wise to control a pandemic, and this was from
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mister sanders now. it kind of made me look at joe biden as a person who shows definitely that we've been waiting a long time for help here in america. the people, the workingpeople . >> ..
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were grawded and -- defrauded and relieved of some of all of our student debt. 220,000 student borrowers are waiting for betsy devos to do something but they haven't done
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anything except for them having to be harder to prove it. each of these students are supposed to get their own lawyer, their own investigator and prove the fraud. is that reasonable for a young student carrying a student debt who's been defrauded to have that responsibility? secretary devos thinks yes. i think no. and that's what this vote is all about. who agrees about my -- with my position on this issue? most of the advocates for students, but also the veterans organization across america led by the american legion. they are supporting our effort now, under this congressional review act, to do away with the new education secretary rule. they say it is unfair to veterans and it is it and unfair to student borrowers. bill oxford called the rule that we're going to get a chance to rule on after the debate


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