tv 2020 Audie Awards CSPAN March 31, 2020 4:19pm-5:48pm EDT
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[background sounds]. weeknights this week, we are featuring tv programs showcasing what is available every weekend on "c-span2". tonight, books from the middle east, first michael rubin and brian talk about the instability in the middle east and where u.s. actions against iran many elite. and then kim, talks about the decade-long rivalry between iran and saudi arabia. after that, cory, a retired foreign service officer served in the middle east for 25 years talks about u.s. policy in the region. in the recent confrontation because the u.s. and iran. much motive eat this weekend weekend on "c-span2". [background sounds]. a chilly smile, he shivered and >> narrators bring stories life
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in countless ways. the works of shakespeare, toni morrison, jason reynolds and michelle obama are of fire richer experience hard and silently read. guest: you are constantly listening and i'll get my own fine and i think it might have some characters. >> i think it is less of myself as a poet who performs, and out is myself being like, let me hold your hand and tell you this thing i heard once. it is guiding people but in a different way. if i don't give everybody, the utmost respect and understanding and compassion and empathy, i am
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not doing justice to this book. >> studies have shown the listening to audiobooks is more emotional experience and stories shared through other mediums. >> is none of your book but it has the best of both worlds. it is a very intimate form of experience in the start because you actually human being giving the story to you. noi absolutely love that. >> tearing this how the person is telling thest story. >> hearing your novel read aloud and bring transformed into an audiobook, is such an honor and a privilege. it's a whole new layer to a story printed. >> on a books right now are an incredible experimentation. it's also another way to access whether it is and often times commits away it for
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nontraditional readers. >> it is more people experience great stories. these are people cannot read yes. and you're all the reason that 50 percent of americans listen to an audiobook in 2019. so here's to all of you, here is to amazing audiobooks. and here's to 25 years of the audio work. >> ladies and gentlemen we are thrilled to introduce master ceremony, the witty and wonderful. he is a correspondent for cbs sunday morning. the frequent panelist on ncr's hit show, don't tell me. he is the author audiobook narrator of the bestseller. great lives worth reliving published l by simon & schuster and simon & schuster audio
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printed he's also the host of a podcast. we are excited to have him miss our host this evening. so without further ado, areas. >> thank you thank you. this is kind of a dream for me i have to say. hearing him in this fabulous venue. and in front of the splintering crowded. stephen king is here. [applause]. audie awards. i feel like carrie she was asked to the prom. [laughter]. anyway have been given the royal treatment. they sent a card for me. how nice is that. i will be out and about two
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hours. and christine answered back nice. it is the 25th anniversary of the awards and things have never been better for this sector of the publishing industry and is growing by leaps and bounds and it's been seven years of double digit growth, 5000 titles last year alone with revenues of over $1 billion. b in the high school cafeteria, that is the s publishing world, the audiobook people are sitting at the cool kids table. in the e-books people are thanking them for lunch money. [laughter]. the big people don't need your pity's they just need something to eat okay.y. and now in a sign of how hot you books have become tonight's nominees included serious star power. mo rocca: meryl streep is nominated for audie awards tonight.
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she is nominated for reading charlotte's web. i hear her spider accent is amazing. back thank you. that category, audiobook of the year's super star studded. tom hanks is in that category, and the dutch house. [applause]. i don't know what that book is about i'm sure that tom hanks has made it supremely likable. i mean, he could rated the unit bombers manifesto and he would think i kinda like this guy. and in bright power, nominated for that sequel to the handmaid's tale. [applause]. it sounds really fun. and who else is in that category. michelle michelle, oh yeah michelle obama. she is a full counts.
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[laughter]. i hope you will find it. well. anyway, let me say that meryl streep was so good reading charlotte's web that she's already been hired to narrate the sequel. pet cemetery. [laughter]. is pretty good right. [laughter]. now makes perfect sense that we are honoring stephen king tonight. not only for his early instead passive support of audiobooks but also because the nightmare we are currently living through something out of a stephen caring for her. [applause]. stephen king. i know you are asking what nightmare that i'm talking about. i'm talking about all of the one the world shaking our hands with her elbows. i don't understand how to think throughout. [laughter]. maybe i will skip that. demi moore is nominated tonight. and when i think of the audiobook publishing world i think giving more and harrison
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rolling around in the bed. all of our pile of cash. and the e-books people are just watching. [laughter]. they don't get to touch. [laughter]. and then of course there are the real audiobook stars. not the johnny-come-lately, hollywood era try to help this bright gravy train. i am talking about real audiobook voices. [applause]. back it up hollywood. scott, a.k.a., where is he. the master of migration. that is what he is known as. i met him earlier in the me tell you, his voice is so handsome. and i think that your male and female narrators of the year are here. [applause].e] bonnie and simon, they are here.
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[applause]. [screaming]. they are both in the narrator hall of fame. but i doo wonder there is an asterix next to simon same. i think it was tested positive for something that's just what i heard. [laughter]. [laughter]. read it was a really long look at a rate. in the body winter joe is here. in the audie awards winter. and my only disappointment is that these awards did not have been two months ago because that i would've been able to say, you know i really think. okay that joke. hillary uber is nominated.
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[screaming]. for best female narrator. now hillary is also doing the voiced of god introductions tonight, so everyone's at say, hope she wins. because you don't want to an voice of god. [laughter]. >> no you don't, you do not want to make me angry ♪ ♪. hillary, please reveal yourself so that we can worship you. back. mo rocca: , the house. [applause]. where is she going. while the audio boards began 25 years ago, the audiobook is so goes back much farther. e the very first work of western literature was an audiobook. i am talking of course by homer
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the one to change earl jones but that he was unavailable. when it took high school lesson, homer's work was intended to be hurt, nuts read. and he received a raise on the odyssey. homer had deal. go with it. it is whimsical. [laughter]. there was a problem though. this being 800 bc, there's no such thing as recorded sound. so he had to actually find homer and get him to recite his work life. but homer was blind and just sort of wondering around so you never know where to find him let'snd just say he could be vey cranky if he founding. especially when you put him to get him to go back. when you asked him to read. needless to say this was not a solid business plan and in fact you could say it was, an epic
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fail. are there any librarians here. yeah, you guys love it. my librarians have a back. fast-forward 2785 years to the dominant modern audiobook. the very first time adult in 1985 was a total thriller. i get your point across in 30 seconds or less. read by author frank milo. they wanted james earl jones but he was simply doing voiceovers for cnn. just a decade c later, converts audio awards. among the winners was the original post of sunday morning. charles. and i'm very proud to be in the show. and handling that. i recorded my own audiobook this year. thank you very much. [applause]. rate lives worth reliving.
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i actually requested jim dale, not because of harry potter but because i saw him in the original cast of barnum was 12 and he was superb. but he was busy doing something with harry potter i think. for "in depth" reporting my own audiobooks start to finish it was an experience. one thing, i discovered many words mispronounced all my life. [laughter]. the word was one thing in its actually rococo read i thought it was a biopsy, it's a bio patch. and i hope the word was posthumous which i now makes me sound like daffy duck but it's actually posthumous. to be clear i wrote a book of obituaries and did not know how to pronounce these words. [laughter]. fortunately, had a terrific producer, scott.
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[applause]. [screaming]. and scott, take me by the tongue and helped guide me through a creative process which is much more nuanced than i realized printed form of communication all of its own. part storytelling, part acting, fully engaging with an audience that is insane with your voice, your heart and your soul. all while doing your best not to pop your piece. posthumous. okay. and so i am proud to be here to celebrate all of tonight's nominees. [applause]. and i will find out who actually one. most of the awards will be acknowledged by the winter standing at the tables for applause. spak is how we will acknowledge
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winners. will all of the judges who are with us tonight please stand and be recognized for their hard work. [applause]. we could not do any of this without you. one more practice session, will all tonight's finalists please stand and be recognized. [applause]. i get to kick off tonight with a special acknowledgment, this year we heard from audiobook lovers all over the world as they voted on social media for their favorites audiobook. and the people choice recognition goes to, random
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house audio for becoming. [screaming]. [applause]. the people have spoken. and now it is my pleasure to introduce the first presenters of thedu evening. jared, is the body nominated author which is a book award. his grandfather used to say they will thank him oscar, in his name would've been oscar chris got stuck which is a great way to learn to pronounce his last name assuming you would have a different accent. [laughter]. mo williams wrote award-winning books in place and he currently serves as the kennedy artist in residence. thank you to npr one nomo per show he is yet to be contestant,
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don't tell me. and he is to because that is fantastic. please welcome jared and the other mo. [applause]. >> nonfiction has been described as trying to make the truth and make it read like fiction. these finalists have certainly created their work and to learn from. in the finalists for nonfiction are, jennifer bailey on, narrated by jennifer bailey on. when they tell us about ourselves.
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the fact it is said the history is written by the winners that seemed a little unkind to the finalists. however the finalists of the biography are. [inaudible]. [screaming]. [applause]. [screaming]. [inaudible]. [inaudible]. [screaming]. mo rocca: the history biography envelope, harper audio for american.
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kingdom random house becoming by michelle obama. [screaming]. bac♪ ♪ mo: our next presenter marcus, claimed shift behind many restaurants include marcus montréal, and in newark new jersey an opening in miami, creator of the audible original samuelson was also the youngest person to ever receive a three-star review from the new york times and is one multiple foundation awards including best chef in new york city in season two of his show, is out now to watch online pbs .org please
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welcome to the stage marcus. [applause]. marcus: thank you well. great job. it is the first time i am doing this. gotta give my all. i am very excited. the finalists in or visit personal development and business art. business and personal development. [inaudible]. [screaming]. [screaming]. a leaders guide to the real world. written and narrated by marcus
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breathing again, written and narrated by nathan. [inaudible]. [applause]. [screaming]. [screaming]. [applause]. [screaming]. [laughter]. mo: in the audio goes to oasis aud audio. [screaming]. mo: next to present a celebrity judge of the new york times, best-selling author of they both die at the end and more happy than not and history is all you
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left me with me. his most recently best-selling was published this past january. please welcome to the stage adam. [applause]. adam: that evening and thank you all for being here today. i came to this game a little bit late. i came out like 20a years old. it is because i did not get starting rate reading gave books until it was like 19. i can only imagine that i am find it known audiobooks existed when i was like ten years old, i would've been gay so much sooner. [laughter]. like really gay. [laughter]. [applause]. thankfully, thanks to all of the booksellers and teachers and
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[applause]. adam: in the audie for young adults goes to the classic audio for hey kiddo. [applause]. [screaming]. [applause]. adam: our net's presenters are well written bear. number one best selling author, lauren blakely can often be found with the earbuds and listening to an audiobook usually romance humor our comedians memoir. another is jamaican mother traveling author and traveling person. crossfire in the audible original mother strucker she is right or die new yorker who refuses to leave new york.
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[applause]. [screaming]. [applause]. mo: bonnie is a los angeles-based after and go up in east she is a multiple audie award winter. the two-time odyssey award winner. in the magazine golden voice has been inducted into the audible hall of fame. jacqueline whitson is the best-selling author of more than two dozen award-winning books and she is a four-time national award finalist in a four-time new perry honor winter and into time in aa cb award winner in a two time scott king award winner. please welcome them both to the stage. [applause].
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jacqueline: [laughter]. oh my goodness, i would listen to this like four times. i love that book so much. sorryte that is not what i am announcing now. the finalists ofuc romance are e light detector. [screaming]. [inaudible]. [screaming]. back. [inaudible][inaudible].[applaus. jacqueline: and the winter is harper audio's
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[inaudible]. [applause]. [screaming]. [applause]. [inaudible]. [screaming]. [applause]. [inaudible]. [screaming]. [applause]. jacqueline: in the audie goes to for the 10000 of january. [applause]. [screaming]. please stand and be recognized. [screaming]. [applause]. jacqueline: the finalists for science fiction.
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[applause]. >> hello i am utterly and it is my pleasure to turn our attention to mr. stephen king. who four years, long before audiobooks were fashionable has championed the work that all of you do and all of the magic that you make. through his support has expanded the audience for an inspired improvement to audiobooks. his with full hearted enthusiasm the week so racing beginning by sharing with him a lifetime achievement award. [applause]. >> steve, first of all i am going to say thank you for all of your brilliant adventures.
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and the author of walk and key a long-running comic book. [applause] >> i am honored to be here tonight to celebrate audiobooks alongside the people who work so hard so brilliantly to bring them to leaders everywhere. for anybody that could wish or hope for. and i was there. i know. but after they married they filled the house with books.
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crammed on shells and on piles and the conversation revolved almost around make-believe people in the world with that culinary specialty and with the hamburger thrown in and publishing and the well-known moral failings of literary critics. >> but those came after dinner we took turns reading aloud to each other in this way we work through the burglar who like kipling and the stories of lovecraft which were so pretentious and overwritten i put us in hysterics. in bangor maine stories rise in the air.
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i'm not telling you anything you don't know when i say my dad is a glutton for stories. he can barely stand to go waking hour without one. this dinner must be killing him. think of all that he is not greeting right now. when i was a kid i never saw them go anywhere without a paper book in hand. fenwayt park he used the. anne: papers to score the game. he'd read three pages waiting in line to buy movie tickets and three more waiting in line forai the popcorn. what was a compulsive reader to do with all that time when his hands were not available for turning a page such as while making the three-hour drive p fm one to the other. the answer was moved to an audio book. in the 1980s the audios were
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far from satisfactory for a guy like my dad. it was necessary reduce every novel which reminded and in my dad's view is a difference between getting a whole meal and hamburger a side of fries and a coke and getting the greasy waxed paper at the hamburger came wrapped in. not real appealing. a male order company readings have a huge selection but they have enough. my dad ordered books by favorite writers like john e. mcdonald. he began to order books based on who wrote them but who is reading them. he fell in love with the voices simply for the sheer pleasure of listening to another story written by frank miller.
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like all children we have ever since with mercantile souls and our father exploited or agreed to build up his library and body books to pay for the novels on the cassette. i think her starting salary was about $12 for 60 minutes although my sister naomi was a ruthless negotiator and eventually worked them up to $20 perna tape. pick up theev audio he wanted ad as a side effect has learned -- kids learn to have confidence in their own power of the story of voice. it made him want better from other audio readers. he began to refuse his own novels which is a complete adaptation. in reading his books and fauji changed adaptations of well water book shipping could be
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pretty turned out a whole thought of other readers. for years franck mueller led his appealing voice to stephen king's words. my dad remarked once when he wrote a news story he would often hear frank mueller reading it back to them in his head. other tales were brought to light by some of the most brilliant readers like george goodell cathy bates jessica hack bill patten and others and for those of you who wonder what it would have been like to hang out at the king household after dinner while we passed the book around it's easy enough to satisfy yourse interest. my dad is read several of his own stories on audio my mother read the house on maple street one of his many audio collections. it was his decision to release several stories in audio first believing that was the best possible way to enjoy them sensing they were meant to be told and heard even more than
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red. the gifted leader to bring audio books to live is why his franck mueller suffered a brain injury in 2001 and was hospitalized without adequate insurance. my a father started a foundation to offer financial assistance to performing artists who suffered injuries and personal calamities. [applause] [applause] it became a haven foundation went on to serve many others because my dads need has never been greater. after close to five decades of enthusiastically evangelizing the audio book form tirelessly offering his reports to people make audio books gospel and inspiring thousands of people discover the joy of a good story well told it's only too right he should receive the lifetime
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achievement audio work. please give it up once again for him. [applause] [applause] >> thank you. thanks. thank you. [applause] it would make a of a murder weapon wouldn't it? i'm not going to take up a lot of your time. you could be listening to an audio book. [laughter] i will get your check to you promptly. i was just going to say still to this day george kordell is used to call himself old gravel chords and i can still hear them in those early days saying hey if it the cassette fails to play
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>> it smartly against the palm of your hand. [laughter] if you cannot otherwise return the real return it to us and we will send you another cassette. those were the old days and since then we have come a long way in audio has come a long way. i just want to say one more thing. people will sometimes as mean to you reader on books which is a ridiculous thing to say? a i know how they all come out. [laughter] but you know what i listen to them all and the reason why is because you hear everything you did right and you hear everything you did wrong. this is the most honorable form of storytelling there is. it goes back to the very beginning. i have some readers that i just love santino fontana who did a fantastic job.
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[applause] poulter graham did christine. [applause] and i gave him his first acting job. we called it together. that was for maximum overdrive movie and he was the best part of it. thank you very much. i appreciate it.h. [applause] [applause] ♪ i'm really happy to introduce my ntry good friend and colleague mary beth roach.
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[applause] mary beth and i are thrilled to present that sanderson a special achievement award. [applause] i'm hoping we will get through this. i am delighted to be a part of the special achievement awards tonight because that was one of those very first people i met when i joined the audio book business. it was clear from the start she is someone very special. if at the risk of making this sound incredibly agent i would admit that's it for the first time it was presented and best employee number 11 was really superb at explaining downloading and streaming and this is the time you can watch people's eyes roll back in their heads when you said the word downloading. she could explain it beautifully even to the occasional technophobe.
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she's legendary for being thorough and hard-workingry and reliable. deaths are from a pay board for more than 20 years and you could once count on her to raise her hand to help with whatever needed done. over the years she has spent countless hours delving into the thorniest of issues graciously taken on an often thankless tasks such as ensuring our research data bringing our process into the digital age. beth sees things through whether she's finding the perfect keynote speaker for one of the chairs are helping to launch the price for the center for fiction in the memory of the beloved colleague. >> she's managed to walk through complicated lines that all of us must manage between the cannot for the interest of our employer while safeguarding the interests of our industry. beth isn't just about details and data. beth knows how to bring the fun with you want to kayak after the audio file lobster bake or you
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are looking for a great restaurant recommendation or you just want to make an event a little more special. many of us remember about donning a gold sequined dress and a stunning java center to bring a little more glamour to the daytime audio awards. even when death takes us an occasional break she does it with a -- no umbrella drinks sitting on the beach with beth. she's out there hiking while she's with you. an impressive group of actors who amazes with the many roles they play. this is not an actress but i would argue with her extraordinary loyalty intelligence determination and sense of fairness this is a bright light in the many roles of her life from a daughter and friend auto enthusiast and colleague artistry is a better place because of beth and we
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look forward to hearing about the future adventures in your 20/20 vision and beyond. when people learned about the special treatment we received accolades from many of beth colleagues and anna maria wants to share one of them with you now. >> this is from don katz audibles and he has to say about beth i can only begin to note the profound impact that this had and will always have on audible and me as a friend but is on audible pioneer she helped define the water. we had to battle just about every industry status quo among so many in the past we drew together because audible was like a movement a car. we went on his comrades to mark the lives of listeners now tens of millions in a single year. few people across the world of book composed an artful words
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are owed a more lasting tribute that them beso please join us in showing beth anderson how grateful we are for all of us in the audio community. [applause] [applause] >> it matches my dress. friday was my last day in office so today is officially the first day of my retirement. i have to say this is great. [applause]
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thank you very much. i know there've been some wonderful pioneers and legends in our business who have received this award before. judy maquin don katz linda olson robin witten frank black duval pecked joe's could go bob it deborah dionne. i'm honored to follow in their footsteps. i've been doing a lot of reflection over the past few months letting my mind wander down memory lane and in this process i've come to realize how far the audio book world has come. steve king mentioned we are originally abridged but there are many other advances. for instance the first audience that i remember was conducted in a very dim hotel basement i believe in chicago directly
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after the last section of aipac. i think there was a cash bar but not much else. believe me this is event is a thousand more times more glamour slid that one was pretty when i started audibles in 1996 audio books were three to six hours on cassette. narrators worked for manuscript and/or recorded on tape. people listened on their walkman or shuffling tapes and cds into their car players. back in the early days the rare celebrity performance might have been burt reynolds doing an abridged western for dove audio. we explained the audio books were not only for the blind or that they see we could only dream, weou could only dream of primetime ads or "new york times" bestseller list for
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spoken word audio. we have indeed come a long way. [applause] i have loved my work at audible in my work with this group in this industry. i've always treasured the fact that while we may have particular competes to deal terms of the comes to drive in the audio industry forward we have locked arms and work together. will you honor me tonight i salute all of you for what we have accomplished together. i'm sure there are many more exciting advancements to come. i'll be watching and listening. thank you. [applause] [applause]
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>> would the welcome to the stage celebrity judge emma straub the near times best-selling author of the vacationers and modern lovers for your next novel in audio book all adults here will be published in may 2020. welcome to the stage emma straub. [applause] >> hi. when they told us we celebrity judges were going to have a few moments to add live i thought -- i saw the cutest i know about audio books is joe hill and his family of recording books. i grew up with their family so i knew he was going to tell that already. play that one again in your head
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what is better than one mary there? multipleer narrators. working together to create an intimate performance and transport the listener or the finalists for multi-voice performances are for multi-voice performance 200 -- by jeff blackmon. chairman gilman and kiernan scott. narrated by a full cast. [applause] daisy jones and the sixth narrated by jennifer benjamin bratt judy green pablo schreiber and the full cast. [applause] jedi lost by kevin scott narrated by yuan morton peach bread. jonathan davis neil hildegard
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falco. beyond graham said in a peach word jason clark and robin -- [applause] have a nice day by billy crystal performed by annette bening the cabinet billy crystal rachel draft christopher jackson kevin kline and a full cast. [applause] neil fishman hardy edelman performed by jim dale nick sullivan lisa liveth the meredith engilsbee lynn north and johnny heller. [applause] the ivory coast to penguin random h house. [applause]
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>> you guys have fun here on audio book land. the finalists for original work are. >> original work evil eye. narrated by nick turchie harvey mann regard white henry do wolf. [inaudible] lustily ever after by miranda ray. narrated by stephanie bentley tara lynch inc. henry kaiser christiana lynette and eric wilson. [applause] nevertheless we persisted. [applause]
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francesca, megan, carol schneider, larry joe daniels and gary stein. [applause]. seven days, music at the renfrew spy marcus and narrated by him. >> and the audie goes to eli. [applause]. summa presenting next is another of our celebrity is our air, his first book in audiobooks therefore it but how to salute your soul in america it was just published last month.
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brenda calls him one of the funniest writers on this internet. please welcome to the stage, eric thomas. [applause]. ♪ >> oh my god. i am so genuinely odd to be in the room with you. i come from a family of audiobook listeners. i am a lifelong audiobook listener so i am deeply odd by you. and the work that you do. we used to borrow from the library, the star trek novels that i really enjoyed. but the first audiobook i remember us buying was the bible. my father was an assistant and he came running consented to believe it was unabridged. so is literally like 60 cassettes printed in achaemenid case. like the nuclear code.
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[laughter]. i was telling my father that i was doing this. and he said you and listened to all of it pretty nice and yet i hope did. i remember pulling out a consent and listening to deuteronomy. and all of those names getting them exactly right. in a couple of months ago i was in nashville on the lujan driver that i had sent he was also an audio listener. he was up for a new recording of the bible. and i said do they have something and he said no. they just do it again. in a simple, you would have like nine years of recording. so i'm rooting for him. and if you need of you are up for that, rooting for you as well. i have to go. all right, her first category, our nominees and fiction are, fiction, the age of light on whitney share, narrated as well.
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patterson, narrated as well. [applause]. the voice, nation narrated by hilary. [applause]. [inaudible]. the lost men by jane and narrated by stephen shanahan. narrated by joe. [inaudible]. >> and the audie goes to, harper audio for the chestnut man. [applause]. [applause]. the finalist for thriller are statements thriller suspense, blood in the water by
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jacqueline. narrated by graham. by jessica baron, narrated by hilary uber. [applause]. narrated. [inaudible]. winter don, by alex, and they >> and then audie goes to, the institute. [applause]. [screaming]. >> from this point forward, we invite those who women audie to join us on stage to say a few words. here's a present keywords of the
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29th of letters, the best female narrator and best male narrator the voices of this evening, finalist videos scene of know the voices well for many reasons. julia whalen and eduardo paolini. [applause]. [screaming]. >> hi guys. >> hello. we have coming. according to a, 2019, study listening to audiobooks increases the emotional impact of stories of watching them on the screen. >> the state measure things like heart rate and body temperature. we should this is right. okay. people listening to audiobooks compared to people watching movies. similar emotional intensity and
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narrative. >> spoiler alert. >> we have known that all along because we been listening to these and now for the finalist for narration by authors or authors. mark narration by other authors, becoming, written and narrated by michelle obama. demi moore. something dome, written and narrated by. shorted, when mayors challenge of the martin for america's future, written and narrated by the but a judge. [applause]. written and narrated by elisabeth. [screaming]. >> okay, and the audie goes to
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harper audio with the fire on high. [screaming]. [applause]. ♪ ♪ all right, this could make it but she did say a few words i am completely honored by this award. it means so much for me to know that when i wrote the stories, residents with listeners i come from a traditional of oral story telling. [laughter]. grandfather to lifelong but is from memory. when mother raised in the
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stories going up in the world's countryside in fact, when i am writing, i am always reading out loud. i am editing with my ear. it is critical to me that the sounds in the music of the story also ring true. the opportunity to lend my own voice to the text and list lifting it off of the page has been such a great one. here's where it gets awkward. [laughter]. [screaming]. him as the awkward debate thank you to yourself but i want to know, she what and she is right. every author is given the chance to voice their own work or to have such an amazing director to make sure that every note than spot on. i'm incredibly likely to have such a wonderful group. thank you all on behalf of less. [applause]. >> thank you.
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[applause]. i swanson there was a very hopeful that saying please adjust mike to the math level and speak directly into it. thank you. [laughter]. okay. here's the category best female narrator are. [applause]. [screaming]. the wolf by tammy narrated by hilary. [screaming]. bowling irony. [inaudible]. rachel atkins narrated it
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printed in 10000 by alex. [screaming]. [inaudible]. [screaming]. >> i am a little choked up. we are in ireland, for nothing to see here. [screaming]. ♪ i'm kind of blown away. i am super honored by this. i love this book so much. i feel really at my most useful getting to read these books out loud to other people. in this book in particular meant so much to me. i fell in love with it
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completely. and the that it resonates with people, means the world to me. i am kind of overwhelmed by that. i have to think suzanne mitchell, harper collins, he thought of me. it was a huge hit. thank you so much. thank you to everybody listens to the book and listens to audiobooks. it is a real honor, thank you so much. [applause]. >> best male narrator nominees are. >> best male narrator, the dutch house by in patches, narrated by tom hanks. robert at home is narrator.
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to step into the shoes and he was so grateful to be able to have this addition. thank you all very much. [applause]. statement and now, let's take a look at the finalist for audiobook of the year. and they are. angels in america by tony kushner. narrated by andrew. nathan, susan, denise, best and james mccartney. nathan stewart, bobby, and ed. becoming, written and narrated by michelle obama. [applause]. , charlotte's web, merit donated by meryl streep.
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>> the cloud andrew kimberly farnam, mark, lincoln, and full cast. [applause]. the dutch house by in patches, narrated by tom hanks, the only played in the sky, there will history of 911 by garrett m, narrated by a full cast. narrated by an. [inaudible]. [applause]. >> and the audie goes to, simon & schuster audio for the only played in the sky an oral history of 911. [applause]. ♪
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[applause]. [screaming]. [applause]. >> thank you so much to the judges for the incredibly incredibly humbling clapping. this is a project that is much so much to me for so many years now. i have been trying to hold together the voices of the 480 americans who we followed through 911. and coast-to-coast. i want to thank shot simon and schuster for believing in this project in my editor for all of their support.
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and tom from simon & schuster who i think i could actually hear tom's head explode when i told him what i wanted him to do with this audiobook. then holger graham who made this actually come to life. and brought together the hundreds of voices that he did for this. and thank you all for helping me share this story with so many americans who were not alive for 911. and i hear almost every day from people who are learning about 911 through this audiobook. in learning what it meant to our country through the voices of the story. i am very grateful to the judges and them for recognizing the story and helping ensure that we never forget what our country lived through that day. so thank you.
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[applause]. [screaming]. [applause]. >> congratulations. i would like to thank you all for having me as your post this evening. [applause]. and until next year, keep your feet on the ground and keep i training. [applause]. ♪ >> thank you for joining us for the 25th audio award ceremony and congratulations to all of the finalist and winners. we invite you to go down stairs were winners can receive their
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