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tv   Ingrid Newkirk Animalkind  CSPAN  April 18, 2020 6:20pm-7:01pm EDT

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competition for startup businesses in his new book, the innovation stack. he's interviewed by washington post technology policy reporter. >> turns out there's this thing that happens, this process can happen when you start to solve a perfect problem, something that's not been solved before. most of what we do is copy and most of our tools and training and comfort his with solutions that exist. >> at 10:00 p.m., in his book talking carbon, council senior fellow, jamie looks at the future of genetic engineering and discusses that technology can be used in the fight against covid-19. >> was never been able to develop diagnostic tests this quickly. now with the rapid sequences, they were able to to watch this viral genome you take as it spreads around the world, which is critically important.
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>> watch book tv this weekend on c-span2. [inaudible conversations] >> good evening. i'm from the carter library. i can't tell you how excited i am to see you all for the audience watching this, it has rained all day long. it is raining very hard right now. to seek you all turn out tonight, i think it's a attribute to ingrid and her organization and the book so thank you all very much. i appreciate it. if you have not been to our author program before, art encourage you to go on to the jimmy carter library website. we have two to three authors, sometimes for every week they are fascinating. later this week, we have a book called wilmington's lie about the rise of white nationalists in north carolina back in the
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1880s. we have judged ductless in his book talking about his book, voices of the republic. it's a tie-in with pbs series on thursday. we have a whole bunch of wonderful authors so i would encourage you to take a look there and come back and see us again. i am delighted for tonight program. ingrid was born in england, you will be able to tell by the accident. she lives in europe until she was seven years old but then her parents moved to new delhi where her father worked as an engineer and her mother volunteered for mother teresa and various charities. early volunteer experiences, rolling bandages for people who suffer from leprosy, toys for orphans, beating straight animals, that created in her view, that anyone in need,
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including animals is worthy of concern. she founded peter and since that time, it's grown into the world's largest animal rights organization, her passion and dedication to make the world a better place for all living things, this inspired countless others and it's the subject of tonight book, animal kind. it's how we should treat animals. join me in welcoming ingrid newkirk. [applause] [applause] >> thank you very much for coming out. i think you are brave through all that incredible ways out there. it's a privilege to be here, the jimmy carter presidential library. i have several anecdotes about
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president trump because i was a humane officer in washington d.c. when he was president and there was a time when the bourbon company decided to toss a wild tracking over the white house rails and he landed in a tree and my job was to go out and persuade the secret service that he was no threat to the president. we didn't have to worry about this bird and not shoot him. about two days later, the bird flew off and went to live happily ever after on the island. [laughter] the more relevant story i offer you comes from president carter's. one christmas, a long time ago,
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i traveled to bethlehem in palestine where jimmy carter's envoy and i were giving talks of the international conference on long island. the very first night, there was a banquet and they were representing all over the world, they were there to talk about respect for others, understanding peace and nonviolence. on the way to the dinner, we passed through the markets where there was the book to who was slaughtering goats and sheep in the market square. we saw it all. we arrived at the banquet hall and sat down there was christm christmas, there is a very large picture of jesus holding one of these gentle lambs. at dinner was served, each of us was given a lamb shank. i thought back then, no one was
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connecting the dots. somebody needed to say something. of course, several of us make the case that this was not the time to serve a violent meal at this conference. the very next day, i was sitting in the hall and listening to the speakers and one by one, they would come up and talk about how they had been imprisoned unjustly, they had their homes bulldozed, they had their things seized and so on. each speaker basically underpricing these words. please respect us. we are human beings. i sat there and i thought about it and i was the only speaker at the time to address the animal nations and individuals. so i made the case that the identity of violence is not
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important. what's important is that there is needless by influence. my legs. i found myself saying one day, i hope to come here and i hope we will be able to say please respect us because we are living things. doesn't matter if we are human or not. that night, they were all in the monastery is a hotel and we had a ball. [laughter] went back to the hotel and i heard the woman at the reception talking about how excited she was to be the christmas market. she was going to buy sweaters at the christmas market. she spotted me and she said oh, i heard you talk to but i would like to know how you can talk about animals when little children are being shot.
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i didn't say to her, i don't know how you can talk then about sweaters and the market when little children are being shot. instead, i just said to her, surely our hearts are big enough to care about little children and animals because they are all victims of violence. millions of people were watching the oscars that night. there was a disconnect from this, they were off to connect the dock, they were asked to consider we are linked but not ranked. walking phoenix said that's. when we talk about gender inequality or indigenous rights or animal rights, we are talking about and justice. we are talking about the fight
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against the belief that one nation, one people, one gender, one species has the right to dominate, control, abuse and exploit another with impunity. he said i think we've become very disconnected from the natural world. many of us are guilty of an egocentric. we feel entitled to an artificially inseminate a cow when she gives birth. we still her baby then. even though her cries of anger and anguish are unmistakable and they are. and we take what's intended for her calf from milk and we put in
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our coffee and cereal. i love walking phoenix for pushing that envelope and making people think and sticking up for the animals were often forgotten. golden globes vacant and after that, another one and after that another. could you please not serve animals the way i did bethlehem? could you please not serve them to salvation? they said well, we could almost but we need to serve little fish. i don't know if you've noticed, he became a beacon when he saw a fish gutted on the deck of a ship. so he said no, you can't do that. is it all right, we'll make the whole thing vacant. so he's the person of figure and i'm very proud of him. [applause]
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we can get to the book many of us read books and what have you, animals. unicorns, you name it. walking set out to show that animals who all around us, every single day, not mythical at all, still have what you might call physical powers. people badly underestimate animals. even those who care deeply about them sometimes. you may be showing love for an animal by calling them your first baby but often they are not babies at all. they are absolutely all and complete and fair thinking and feeling individuals. they have interests that need to be taken into account.
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experimenters often call the animals nonhuman. there find it amusing because a non- hamster. they are not known anything. there whole beings with enormous and often unrecognized intelligence. they have emotions, love, fear, pain and dry. they like to be free. it's often ignored. that's what he was talking abo about. love for her calf. it's not even considered a factor if somebody wants cheese topping on their pizza. going to give you about animal real-life superpowers. i could give you many more but
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then you wouldn't buy the book. [laughter] we can't survive ten minutes but the pink and purple can hold his breath under the ice for over 100 days. if you go to the airport these days, which i promise you, with every day, it is not an airport anymore. it's restaurants, it is a place where you eat. you get on the plane to give you a snack and they try to sell you food. apparently, they think human beings can't go for 100 miles or so less they are eating. tiny with about new zealand, 7000 miles without stopping for food or even one drop of water. no human being could possibly come close to that. a squirrel in the position to
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scour. a squirrel is watching, a human being is watching and he slides his ham, pretense two. the activist could go somewhere else. there were maps and satellites, low-frequency radio waves among other things to navigate. there's a time when human beings didn't even know there were radio waves. pigeons know it all along. perhaps if seen this footage, pigeon racing, it sounds benign, harmless. what could be more harmless than pigeon racing? well, it is. they take place in open water, boats in the middle of the sea,
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they go back or from germany back to scotland and to do fact, the birds have to cross these spaces, immense body of water and birds, pigeons are petrified of crossing those bodies of water, especially when i can't see land on the other side. you know how? a pigeons know about currents and other reasons to be afraid, but the reason they fly, and very few make it to six it's our talking. the pigeon racers no pigeons mate for life wonderful mothers and fathers. they make nukes in their products. if you see a pigeon with another
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pigeon the awesome offense either babies. they mate or the egg the baby back in the attic and the nest they take the other one away in fact why they do that to get home. this is taiwan. something like 95% with thousands and thousands of birds, beautiful birds cherished. oscar nguyen mask, 23000 feet and they have to use special things to keep warm, the goose can fly 26000 feet. garden snails, taken a few miles
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from home, i'm not recommending anybody do this but they will find their way back because it is their home. they will spend two years if they need to and they will get the at the speed of 0.029 miles an hour and they do the same thing. elephants, lots of elements in writing this book, i didn't know about how they use their trunks to snorkel and go swimming, they can pickup up paperclip the way you use your thumb and forefinger, they use their truck. we used to think that rumbly sound they made was just indigestion. there isn't any such thing. it was subsonic communication, it's now called silent thunder. they send messages to herds of elephants that are far away and
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they found a waterhole and they tell the elephants from a long way away, you can come here and get something to drink or today, there capturing baby elephants and taking them to national parks for amusement. the babies are being captured in africa, you can find another heard all the way at the end of the park up against the fence because they heard baby elephants are being taken. they had ultrasound vibrations, a mechanism only previously seen in engines, it's a sound we can't hear but elephants can. chimpanzees can outsmart college students and memory tests.
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a smarty-pants college student there. a young chimpanzee next to them, symbols or numbers on a door and take them a very, very quickly. chimpanzees will be able to say, put them back in the right place far quicker than the college student. they have almost photographic memories. that means you must never ever share your age with them. [laughter] is ago, the university of washington, american sign language, inventing words like water bird and waterfront, one of his research students, both getting exercise, the chimpanzee decides to be naughty and went
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up the tree. the college student was thinking, i've got to get back to class. so alicia around the chimpanzees neck, the chimpanzee just pulled the student. they carry electrical charges brother bodies that are done enough to charge a human. military was trying to replicate spiderwebs for kevlar. the geico has electron infused suction cups on his feet and he can go up the side of the wall and goes upside down and above you without any problems. i've learned so much about dogs. they are superior to ours, their
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sense of smell. what i didn't know, they are now being used by law enforcement officers to catch child pornographers. that is because child pornographers put their film on a thumb drive and a dog and smell the thumb drive inside a box inside a metal cabinet. no human officer can do that. that is fantastic. that also means you can never hurry them along on the walk. [laughter] they are reading the news, that is their internet out there. [laughter] cannot out there to just do their business so you can go on do whatever you want to do, that is their excursion, their big moment. don't want to be sitting in the house with her legs crossed, looking at the wall. let them have the time, that is the walk. those are the reasons you can
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never eat in front of them. they smell it so quickly, they want it more than you do. there is much, much more. somebody figured out how to give an mri to dogs without stressing or traumatizing them. what they discovered is the very same part of their brain light up when you give them a treat, or a business the man, i'm just telling you. this is in the newspaper every week, people going out looking for signs of intelligent life on other planets, intelligent life is all around us. a few months of age without being taught, they figure out
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how to drop rocks into the water soaked the food floats to the top so he can take it out. show me a human baby who can do that. cows and horses can open complicated multiple problem gates they taught themselves to operate when they are thirsty. it is extraordinary. take that watch, they all have to pay attention to what humans are going and learn from there. there's a pig in the philippines was made fun of because he looks like that. he's a smart little fellow, like most animals and what they are doing is there are electrified fences but they are not always on. the pigs would take rocks and
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push them with their snouts applicants fence and as a cause pain, pain, they don't go near it. they just don't care. we've all seen on youtube, videos of dogs, they wait until the humans have gone out and everything is quiet. [laughter] they take out what they need and my favorite video, they put the chair back. [laughter] one of my favorite stories is a botanist who talk talk a monkey how to pick flowers for him. i'm not in favor of having servant monkeys, will show an
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expose of how a lot of coconuts come into the united states from places where they are picked by monkeys who are kept on chains their entire life, being trained brutally to co-opt the tree and come down and they go mad for the rest of their life. this botanist trained monkey to pick flowers for him and they were in asia somewhere because they are walking along the top of what was 1000 feet up, the botanist saw an orchid that he had never seen before. he wanted it. so he told the monkey, go down and get that orchid. the monkey looked at him and didn't budge.
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the botanist eventually lost his temper with the monkey and he said go down and get the orchid. he went over to the side and found a fine, hand over hand, pulled out kicked the orchid and gave it to the botanist. who is the cover of the two? then there are the undervalued little animals, fish i'm going to mention one fish, this is also called the teeth cleaning fish, there's a gold standard, this animal intelligence, the mirror test? we often think they are being attacked and they throw
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something at it. the chimpanzee passed the mirror test but recently, she figured out that me. what she does is not only look at herself but she starts cleaning right there. [laughter] then there are dolphins. dolphin have unique ones for each other, each dolphin is given a name with airborne and the keep it for the rest of their life. it's amazing because if they haven't seen or heard from a particular dolphin in 20 years and they hear back from they know who it is. that contrast to my husband,
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everyone said to everyone else, you haven't changed a bit. [laughter] the couldn't believe who they were talking to her. not so with dolphins. the talk about sympathy, understanding in the book and all the wonderful things animals do. just as he was coming out, we have the fires in australia which i know upset so many people, and he went with the heart because of the kangaroos, particularly in koala bears and what have you. i want to mention another animal caught up in those fires. australia was the world's biggest exporter, nothing but sheep bunches. if you look on the internet, you could find not only the pictures of the koalas and kangaroos, but the sheep from a sheep can
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recognize other sheep and human beings from photographs. they look after each other, they are the dearest most dental family of animals. when the flames came, the sheep ran and they ran and ran. but iran up to the fence and they couldn't get any farther. that's where they burned to death. i thought about that at the time because it reminded me of north carolina and we had awful tornadoes in a big storm that came in, we knew it was coming for days. nobody had the courtesy to let the animals out of the barns. they just let them drown. nobody in australia at the courtesy or decency to cut the fence by think of those forgotten animals quite a bit. the other thing is around this
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time, los angeles fires and we saw this. i was watching and they had a horse farm, which was completely enshrouded in smoke. behind, you could see the flames coming down toward it. then there was the road, there were trailers parked on the road to get the horses out. they were getting ready to go because things were coming. there were two courses about to be loaded in one of them was a stallion and he heard something and he turned around and said no, he ran back out, went down the park into the wash, he heard a mayor and went in and for the
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next thing you know, the mayor and her full let out back onto the road and into the trailer. i thought, it's california. if this horse had been on rock, some california blockbuster but no, he is just a horse. what a hero, what a wonderful man that horse is. an animal kind, we show how animals experience joys that humans can sometimes learn. jumping off buildings, and letting themselves be carried up hi again and slide down.
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[laughter] , cows, keep them in the sheds in winter in faith and in the shed for months and they know now we get to go out. the first to come up consciously and they think we are out. just lots of cows out, just pure joy. no one can believe april, kind of idiot runs april sanctuary? opal whose playing with a tire just like a dog. ♪ ♪
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[laughter] chickens jump. [laughter] takes them a while. [laughter] not giving up here. dogs love to jump for joy. simple pleasures. animals take people back to a time have talk of convenience and it was considered quite normal. pigeons were used as messengers. now we text. wells fargo delivered packages by the pony express, now we are talking terms. they went down minds to see if it gas was toxic and now we have
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a synthetic human nose. ringling brothers was once considered exotic. [applause] now we have virtual reality, you can even go on courtesy and you can touch and play and interact with animals without combing the hair on your head. until we pushed and that's what it takes. be aware of who animals are and push for changes so they don't get hurt. companies said they had to test household products on animals. it was acquired. it wasn't. they said they have to do check animals for pregnancy test, dobbs had to be used in smoking experience. monkeys had to be sent into space. we were told that humans had to
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eat meat and human babies had to drink cow's milk. not their own mother's milk, not dog milk or rap milk, cows milk. apparently nature intended humans to do that. now there are so many plants, you stand at the supermarket for ten minutes thinking, i don't know, dry want the oatmeal, macadamia, almond, soy, chocolate? lowfat? don't tell me there's nothing you can eat if you stop eating dairy. in the book, we offer tons of way to help the human animals, recognize we are animals ourselves. it's biology 101. we are not gods. animals are not like us the animals are us and there's so many ways to help that we list
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in the book their presence under the trees and you can't decide which ones to open first. it doesn't matter, their ideas for everyone, even if you are as poor as a church. if you're a student or a professional, whatever, and most need your help. this book comes in two parts. who are the animals? what don't we know about them? there are so many extraordinary things we don't know. secondly, knowing about them promote their all inspiring. amazing ways they communicate. their emotional lives, their love for each other. now what are we going to do about it? by the way, i noticed beyoncé and jay-z, they have announced apparently, there putting free
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concert tickets for life to people who become vacant. i looked at that and i saw in small print, it says 40 years. he said you don't know begins, do you? [laughter] it sums up what the book is all about and frank wrote, how wonderful it is that nobody waits a single moment before starting to improve the world. albert einstein wrote, a world is a dangerous place because it's evil as much as because people do nothing about it. my favorite is henry, he said three things in life are important. the first, to be kind. the second, be kind. the third, be kind.
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so thank you so much for coming tonight and braving the weather. i hope you enjoy the book. i really think you well. if you know someone who has a dog or a hamster who hasn't gone beyond that, this is the perfect gift for them. you will never have to think, when my going to get this person for this occasion? asked them to carry it in your schools. the reason i wrote this book is to open hearts and minds of cap people to make this a kinder world. be animal kind. thank you very, very much. [applause] >> there are copies of the book for sale in the lobby. ingrid will be there and it's
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interesting, the book, she says animals need all the friends they can get into this gives you a chance of how to do this let's thank ingrid one more time. [applause] if you'll join us in the lobby, thank you all very much. [inaudible conversations] >> book tv in prime time start now, first up, author and historian victor davis talks about covid-19 and americans dealt with similar threats in the dark past. historian mike davis on what must be done to prevent future pandemics. also tonight, former federal reserve chairman ben weighs in on actions the senate is taking to mitigate the covid-19 crisis.
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cofounder jim offers his thoughts on innovation and competition for start up businesses. we open up our archives to highlight programs with award-winning historian, david. it'll start now. find more information on your program guide. ♪ ... >> is the important coming out of the institution. you can hear directly from some


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