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Mitch McConnell
  U.S. Senate Paycheck Protection Program PPP Update  CSPAN  April 20, 2020 7:21pm-7:26pm EDT

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enjoy book tv now and over the weekend on cspan2. >> "washington journal" to prime time a special evening edition of "washington journal" of the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic our guests are chicago mayor lori lightfoot on the city's personal response to the pandemic. and the director of ucla global and immigrant health talks about the spread of the virus and the latest data on what how well it is being controlled. during the conversation tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. ♪ ♪ >> senate majority leader mitch mcconnell gave an update on providing more money for small businesses, hospitals and testing. senator maria cantwell, transportation committee ranking member also spoke about the situation with the pandemic.
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>> it has now been four days since paycheck protection program ran out of money. republicans of been trying to secure more money for this critical program for a week and a half now. at this hour our democratic colleagues are still prolonging their discussion with the administration so the senate regretfully will not be able to pass more money for american paychecks today. however, since this is so urgent, i've asked that the senate meet again tomorrow and a new session that was not previously scheduled and the democratic leader has agreed to my requests. colleagues, it's past time, past time, to get this done for the country. [inaudible] so i ask unanimous consent.
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>> if i made this senator desires to speak for a few minutes. >> yes. >> mr. president, thank you i appreciate the opportunity. >> the senator from washington is recognized. >> thank you, mr. president. i am here this afternoon to speak about the critical aspects of the paycheck act as it relates to businesses. particularly in the newspaper and broadcasting business. it is so important to us to address this issue because these are the people who are on the front line of delivering the information to us about this crisis. unfortunately, in the past legislation, we did not include associations of broadcasters and newspapers under the definition. so of the several thousand newspapers and hundreds of local radio and television's across the country are without existing programs by the small's is affiliation rule to assist these companies and keeping important newsprint
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and news and broadcasting staff at their jobs. when i think about what i've learned about the coronavirus from these individuals, what i've learned about the broadcast information of nursing home problems. what i've learned about issues with reduced severe, it all came down to the local media who is telling us about it. so i think of the headlines i'm seeing, the edit engine los angeles times coronavirus is hastening the collapse of local newspapers. long struggling newspapers on the brink brought by coronavirus for it i know it is time for us to do something to help these individuals and i hope we can do that soon. we need that media, the local small media to help us continue to communicate. after all, the basis of a democracy is about truth and transparency and they are helping to build a community of truth and transparency. we need to help them during this crisis. i yield the floor. staff mr. president i ask
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consent in the senate completes his business today it adjourns and convenes for a pro forma session only with no business being conducted on tuesday, april 21 at 4:00 p.m. finally, i ask that when the senate adjourns on tuesday april 21, they convene on thursday april 23 under the order of april 16. so are there objections? without objection so ordered. so there's no further business to come before the senate. i ask it be adjourned in the previous order. so the u.s. senate is back on tuesday at 4:00 p.m. eastern for what could be tentatively a pro forma session. however majority leader mitch mcconnell asked the sessions there could specifically be a voice vote on any coronavirus or legislation we will have more lives senate coverage on tuesday at 4:00 p.m. eastern here on cspan2.