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Nancy Pelosi
  House Speaker Pelosi Holds News Conference  CSPAN  May 27, 2020 6:10pm-7:04pm EDT

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>> house speaker nancy pelosi, and other members of the democratic caucus from the kennedy space center in florida. because of weather concerns. this would've been the first space launch with astronauts from u.s. oil since 2011. this rescheduled for the saturday, may 30th and will have live coverage. nasa and space x have decided to cancel today's lunch to the international space station from the kennedy space center in florida nee.
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good afternoon everyone. here we are. when we invited you to this meeting, we were going to be talking about three things. testing, testing, testing. testing to open up our economy, testing to send our kids back to school. and testing, the coronavirus. what little did we know that we would be coming here almost at the exact time when her country would be registering 100,000 people dying from the coronavirus. 100,000 people. in about a hundred days. think back 100 days. think back to presidents weekend. would you have ever thought that we would be observing 100,000 people. so i'm honored to be here. a distinguished chair, energy
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and commerce committee. he is about saving lives prayed and testing, they have seen outstanding horses in the congress on the subject. were also going to be joined by a man of illinois who is the chair of the congressional health franchise. and grace in new york and the leader of house of representatives. another member of the appropriations committee. and deb holland, a new member of congress, committee on natural resources. all of them leaders in the congress. so it's something to say from the standpoint generationally, geographically, ethnically committee ways and the rest pretty and march 4th, we voted in february. tested in march.
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march 4th. testing, testing, testing. that is what the bill was about. and we thought that the executive branch would act upon that and they did not. but we put out that commitment. by the time the president signed tier one which was march 28, we had march 4th, march 14th, and the march 28. the third bill. we had some funding for hospitals and healthcare. ppe addressing the spread of the coronavirus. and then we did, the ppe interim bill. that was a couple of weeks later. we put a big chunk of money for testing and for hospitals and the rest. still, we had not seen what we would have expected from the administration. they put out something. i won't call plan because it was not a plan. a plan has a strategy, and has a
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goal, and has a timetable, has benchmarks and milestones. it did not have any of the above. no guidance. no real guidance of how we can test, trace, treat, isolate, to defeat this virus. in our bill that we put forth in the heroes act, we provide just such a strategic plan of action. i am so pleased that are distinguished chair of the committee, is here to talk about this. he has been talking about how we do outreach into underserved communities. he is example of previous health issues of all-american. to reach out to people to provide services to them to save lives as it turns out. lives and limbs . in the bill that we've passed in the heroes
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act, the testing contacted tracing by requiring updated testing plans with clear benchmarks. it provides $75 billion in grants to support testing tracing in isolation. with a special focus on addressing disparity on how this virus is assaulting communities of color in our country. and we had appropriate strategies and access to testing and tracing. one of three pillars. our first pillar is our heroes. state and local. lofgren economy. testing testing testing. three pillars about heroes not legislation. this is the testing color. it is essential prayed for the economic recovery of our country.
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for the health and well-being of the american people is essential, to sending her children back to school. it's usually always about the children. we will go to the table to do the smart thing that science has all advised we must do if we want to win this battle against the virus. we must test, it is essential. we must trace, is essential, we must treat is this it is essential. republican leaders of the senate said we need to pause. i don't think the virus is taking a pause. we don't need a pause. we need action and today we are focusing our action on testing, testing, testing. distinguished with democratics,
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a gentleman from south carolina. how are we doing. [background sounds]. >> thank you very much mountain speaker. today we are witnessing the 100,000 people who have perished in this country because of this virus. including my own family. our colleagues. we lost her to this virus. this was two weeks ago. on march 19th, as we have caucus here via telephone, i
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said my colleagues the that this is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things in our vision. some of my friends on the other side, but the fact of the matter is, our vision is embodied in the pledge that many of us grew up every morning reciting. our pledge to the alleges the flag with liberty and justice for all. and i will back away from that. my reason for existence. this to help this country revive. many of us know, has gone unfulfilled for many years.
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just this morning, the washington post has published a pretty significant interview that has with senators, rubio, republican senator the small business committee of the senate. he talks in the interview about his own perils who came here. one, he made and one a bartender. and it says that if this pandemic was here 35 years ago, he talked about what it would've done to his family. both of them would've lost their jobs working in the service industry. and he talks in the interview
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about how the structure that we operate under in this country, subjects those who work in service industries pretty those who cannot work from home. how this virus is devastating their communities. use the term that we have irrespective, if you set all the other differences aside, discrimination, race and the structure, is of such incapable of coping for these families. the select committee, the speaker has appointed me to chair. here's the first briefing. this was from two weeks ago. in the briefing, we brought two
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commissioners. republican commissioners i might add to talk about former cdc directors. to talk about what it would take. to reopen safely. both of them. they both said it was testing. we have to test. you've got to trace. you got to isolate. and you have to treat. and as a speaker just indicated. that non- plan, that was published by this administration the non- plan talks about delegating or relegating all of the testing to the states. that sets up the state by state approach we cannot offer the
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coronation that we need for the country to recover. and so, as the speaker indicated i have the personal relationship with testing. we discovered that in south carolina, we were leading the nation because of the touching up of the diabetes. my wife who transitioned last september, for a 30 year battle of diabetes. so we worked together. to said mobile units throughout rural south carolina. and we dramatically reduced invitations.
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so when my wife passed away, after her battle, she still had all of her limbs. when her daddy passed away, 30 years earlier, he was a double amputee. that's what testing will do. early detection. and it sets up the kind of tracing that we need. so that we can isolate effectively and treat efficiently. the administration needs to maintain this responsibility and coordinate the nationwide what we need to overcome for this pandemic. with that, i yield to my longtime friend from new jersey. for small let me think our speaker preparing this press
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conference together today. and all of the things that she has done to stress testing. every time we talked about this testing testing testing and then let me also say about jim, but he just said in terms of this significant testing how to achieve it, we are not going to be able to reopen this economy unless we have an effective national testing strategy. that is the key to eliminating the virus as we reopen the me occur, the hotspots. we are not going to be able to achieve an end if you will without testing and the president has failed us. this is a national emergency. he acts like it's going to be state-by-state. i drove down here yesterday. when i came from new jersey come i go to new jersey, pennsylvania delaware maryland. how does it make any sense when you have a national emergency to
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have each state doing its own thing. they only think that i can see from this report that was critical of over the weekend is that essentially this administration is providing technical assistance and state. this essentially what it is. when you come up california with your plan and will look at it that will let you implement it and then will some supplies. in most of the cdc you want some assistance. but that won't work. i talked to the administration people don't see it as a national plan. they say okay new jersey is trying to achieve seven or 8 percent of its population being tested. another state texas might be that 2 percent. that is fine with them. solomon setting a national goal as to what kind or how many people you should test in your state. in addition to that, the supply chain, that same broken supply chain that is existed from the medical supplies. the need to appoint a national,
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basically coordinates the supplies because otherwise just as we did with medical supplies, the same thing with this testing capacity. we are trying to build a testing capacity across the country but the state are going to have to buy things through private enterprise and compete with each other. in order to get the actual test kits and supplies to actually do the testing. so that's the problem. in the heroes act is essentially change that. when the president is a visible everyone can be tested and were going have millions of tests, that is not a promise that he is the ability to fulfill if he does not have a better national strategy. so i just want to give you an example. in the heroes actually do like to read the legislation but i'm going to read in this case. it says they shall identify the type of levels of testing necessary to monitor and contributed and control and
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reduction of the virus. it says the plan must include statistic benchmarks, clear timetables . with regarding how to assure allocation of testing. and it talks about that for vulnerable communities. and then it talks about the fact that we have to do testing in a non- health situation. so let me give you an example. like an employer) they decide that they want to reopen. there is not anything that the federal government the trump administration is providing on how you go about reopening. how many people you have to test before they can go back to work. if you do tracing, how many people have to trace back and be isolated. nothing like that. that just does not exist. you can even use it for the houses of worship. the president said over the weekend, or that he should be able to go back to church or synagogue. how is that determined. has that link to the testing of the people that would go to the churches are the synagogues. does that mean the 10 percent of
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those people they will have been tested know if there's nothing like that that's again left up to the state to decide if we don't have clear benchmarks, how many people have to be tested. it is not uniform across the country, we don't have uniform tracing and clear timetables for exactly that it's going to. we are never going to be or eliminate this virus or significantly [applause] on the virus. finally most important thing is transparency. when the heroes excesses if you've got to be transparent. we want reports on exactly many people will be tested. what reports and how many people will have contact tracing. we want to know how successful you have been in meeting these national goals. it's not a difficult concept in all honesty. but if the president continues down this path, the bleedin leat up to the states. you're on your own. will give you little help here
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there. we will never be able to reopen effectively putting into this virus. senator mcconnell, taken up in the president is not willing to do this now, then we will mandated by law. and i would like to introduce the next person chair of the cdc. >> they determine and thank you speaker for all of your leadership. the president what does not want to have a national strategy because the he will get blamed for something does not go right. so it is easy to say the states need to do it so than the state take the blame because is not responsible for anything. but as chair of the congressional black caucus, i can tell you that we certainly need more testing in communities of color. the very communities that are home to our and essential workers. the heroes act will bring testing and critically important
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contact tracing and mobile testing to more american neighborhoods. we can't always expect families to travel long distances during the pandemic. not everyone has a car. my district's urban suburban and rural. maybe in the city people can get around but i can tell you that in the suburban part of my district and especially the rural parts, if you don't have a car, you are in trouble. we need to put more testing resources in our communities. so those at most at risk and get tested. unfortunately, once again the trump administration has no plan. i think it is by design. this time the lack of a plan means that americans are dying from covid-19. communities aren't being effectively tested. and right bending the curve as much as we could. representative clyburn talks about how all of us are being affected. the chairman talked about churches, he went to a church of 60 people, 16 people were affected by the right virus. the failure of the trump
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administration and having a testing test strategy, means more meccas will die from this virus. it is time for mitch mcconnell to stop confirming unqualified judges to the federal bench and hold them both to the heroes act. because testing saves lives. but the heroes act does much more. first responders, ppe, keep themselves in community say. grants to medical schools and diverse and undeserved areas, including, we want to be a part of the solutions. grants to the technology to build capacity and learning, for health workers and serving cut communities of color. additional sees cdc reporting. even though the last report was garbage. in the rate racial disparities because pages with links is not good enough. modern sensation and equity data. in culturally appropriate
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covid-19 awareness campaigns. the main be clear provisions coupled with the testing, testing, testing has the speaker always talks about. on the heroes act will save lives and help us get through this crisis pritikin i want to think the speaker pelosi and clyburn again for the leadership on this important issue. i would like to introduce my colleague and classmate. of new york. thank you speaker policy and all of you for organizing today's press conference. and on the trump administration's lack of national testing strategy. while president trump took on this weekend to play golf, i constituents in new york were looking for testing, delivering ppe, and bearing their loved ones. hundred thousand americans died in our country because of covid-19 since early february.
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president trump has failed to lead us through this national health crisis and we have gathered here since lace entered late february. in bipartisan briefings asking for strategy, asking for help. he has continued to downplay the threat of the virus. tried to absolve himself of all responsibility and has wasted so much valuable time and lives as people needlessly died. and now he wants to reopen the economy. despite his failures. and of course we do need and want to reopen the economy but we cannot do it safely without a rigorous and bold plan in place. i have been in queens in my district since this crisis unfolded. i can tell you that this must be in place for our economy, not just in new york but across the country and our way of life to return to normal. new york and queens, has been the epicenter of this public
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health emergency. one fifth of the 100,000 people who died, are from my home state of new york. my district searches the patients flooding our hospitals, hospitals on the right with limited staff, ppe, our elderly population to come into covid-19 in the nursing homes, small businesses and financial distress. families at risk of homelessness, and essential workers risking their lives to keep her cities running. we do not have sufficient capabilities at the beginning of this pandemic. and we still don't have a robust plan now. i will tell you as a parent of two school aged, our schools have a more robust and centralized system for testing and tracing advice and is president does for the coronavirus. enemies that we cannot test everyone who may have covid-19 symptoms. for healthcare workers who work
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in high exposure areas because of the lack of strategy. mike constituents might be asymptomatic. if they might not know they have the virus. and that they continue to go to work and they might have to return home to over crowded situations pretty and they might be in nursing homes. potentially contaminating people around them. so consequently, in his is highly contagious and invisible enemy even harder. as for battling changes, covid-19 has ravaged our communities of color print especially the blackburn communities. and has only made already existing voluntary release and call bodies of disparities and especially access to healthcare. includes language barriers, financial obstacles, not having health insurance increases these disparities of these already vulnerable populations.
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the hardest as hospitals are in my district. it's one of the most ethnically diverse locations in the country for more than 125 religions are spoken. health disparities are often magnified you have limited english skills. for weeks of the public health emergency was declared, the federal government provided little or no information about covid-19. in any language other than english. the main millions of people in the dark. that is why they taxing the heroes act would deliver a clear national testing strategy. $75 million to ensure stop the spread of the virus by testing and tracing people. i think speaker pelosi for her tireless leadership. this bill would ensure public health departments use culturally competent and multi lingual strategies to provide awareness of covid-19 and access
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to testing actually reach the people. the senate must immediately pass the heroes act, the american people can not wait another day. thank you. >> i want to thank the speaker and all for putting this press conference together. the stead as advocacy and report a robust testing strategy. we are here today because our communities cannot afford an action. our communities cannot afford to wait while the senate and the republicans ignore the crisis facing this country. in our communities, they know that we need national robust testing that was included in heroes act. simply put, we need to plan. as with the heroes act is so important. the mill lease out $75 billion in the national strategies to increase testing and contact tracing.
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funding is crucial in communities like mine in southern california's inland empire. the lack of testing strategy by the trump administration is led to a patchwork between healthcare providers, the counties and states and our local communities. while local governments are strapped more than ever, they're being forced to create a plan based on this pandemic. that is why the heroes act is desperately needed. not only does the heroes act increased the testing capabilities, but the thoughtful strategy to help medically underserved communities like mine moving forward as we reopen our economy. in other people color expensing infections, at a disproportionate rate has led to a higher rate of hospitalizations and infections and death in these communities. in a recent abc news poll, 26 percent of latino respondents said in a someone who has died of the coronavirus or complications from the coronavirus. it is easy to understand why. in many parts of our country, tina is overwhelmingly makeup
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the service industry. this means that many members of my community are risking the health and safety every day. while our country struggles to reopen while senate republicans, do nothing. latinos are more likely to live in multigenerational homes. increasing infection rates in the communities within their families. that is why the heroes act and underserved communities and schools requires reporting to congress and the race and ethnicity of those receiving tests. hospitalizations and other metrics that we know communities most in need can get the help they need. too often communities are left behind. the heroes act gives us a fighting chance. i was proud to play a role in getting this legislation through the house, and it's time that the senate get back to work and do the same. with that i would like to introduce my colleague from new
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mexico. thank you all so much. thank you speaker policy and all for your leadership in addressing the urgent need for a bald nationwide testing strategy. we all know that healthy workforce provides a healthy economy this administration has failed us. it is failed to ensure that at the least, all essential workers have the confidence to know that they will not contract this virus at the job. this administration has left state citizen tribes to defend for themselves. 254 testing supplies and has been unforgettably slow to ensure that communities have what they need. currently, eric suffering a disproportionate number of cases because the agency charged with the health of native americans has been sorely underfunded.
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for decades in fact. that's why houston presently $2.1 million for the indian health service in the heroes act. currently there are significant concerns by tribal leaders about testing across in deep an indian country giving an overwhelming number of false positives. this applies to any country came and went to light has not caught up with the spread. for example, in rapid city, south dakota, second most populous native area, managed healthcare facility was only given 24 testing kits per week. the heroes act will provide $64 million for urban indian health centers. on top of this administration, testing failures, the facts are that many native communities don't have running water, electricity or broadband internet service. this administration has not given indian country what it needs to fight this pandemic or shown that it even cares at this point, i would like to ask linda
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mcconnell if he cares about indian country. positive traits and now it's come to the time that we have to take direct action to ensure this administration meets the benchmark to increase testing and contact tracing so that we can reopen safely and responsibly and i think you'll for caring about this issue. and i yelled back to speaker pelosi. thank you very much as you can see whether it is california, illinois robin kelly or new jersey, new york city, deb holland, new mexico, south carolina, and all of us. california as well. over the country, we have the
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same message to the present. mr. president, take responsibility. you heard that in the comment those here said today. the refusal to take responsibility is taking lives. livelihoods and again, the vitality of the life of our democracy. this testing is the key. you cannot cross the threshold inside to outside to open the economy unless you have the ski which is testing. i hope you had some appreciation for the wrath of knowledge and commitments and sense of method to city of suggestions and our colleagues are making here today. they represent the concern of the house democratic office and more importantly, the represent the concern of their constituents. constituents want obviously to open up rated they want children to go to school. they want to be healthy.
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testing, testing, testing. so i think the mall for their leadership. and for being with us this afternoon on this nearly 100 days since the first death, 100,000 deaths later. we've got to put a stop to it. thank you all very much and with that i would be pleased to take any questions. yes ma'am. guest: is there anything guarding testing. and for reopening. how soon rated as the present not panning that correctly as well. inaudible. >> let's say we all want the country to open up but science tells us that there is a way to open up an healthy way. testing tracing treatment and isolation if necessary.
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now i don't think the president handled it well. i don't even think he gives good example by wearing a mask for heaven sakes. not to protect him. but to protect others. that is why we wear masks. a number of people who should be in charge and other people and gathering and those who are determinations that are made willfully and i respect that as we unfold this opening. i don't think there is anyone who would say at this point, that tens of thousands of people should come together for a political convention. no matter how great an ego trip it is for somebody. it is dangerous for so many. let's open the spray that a vaccine is his last wife and therapeutic your is nearby. but they are not rated testing
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is. >> can you describe where you are with these ongoing negotiations obviously given the republicans on the heroes act. what about leader mcconnell. >> the heroes act. gave a trillion dollars to states and localities to meet the needs of their constituents. other people. meet the needs of the american people. it went back to them. to meet the expenses that an and fighting the coronavirus and also for the lost revenue. we can have ago we passed a bill with strategic plans ready for testing, testing, testing. we can have a bill to put more money into the pockets of the american people. that was our offer to the republicans. invite them to negotiate. when i read some of my local
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journals, there was partisan made nobody said that when mitch mcconnell the fourth is bill. the interim ppe it was offer. mccain, we negotiated to date, we turned around and we had bipartisanship so i would like the same shall we say courtesy extended to the house democrats for putting forth our disciplines, focused, necessary legislation to kill the coronavirus, to open our economy and to send our kids to school. and to again, honor our heroes. our state and local workers. our first responders and firefighters, police and emergency service pretty transportation, sanitation, food service and i say that already. teachers, teachers, teachers. in the list goes on.
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honor our heroes. as in this virus let's do that. if they want to say no, i have news for them, the american people are on to this. across the country mcauley skin test there's a drumbeat that sounds lean need to do more. they need to do more. so my interest is with the message to the market people said the republicans in the senate, we cannot take a pause. we have to and the dying. we have to open the economy and we have to do so in a way that it gives more opportunity for access to care. and to opportunity in our country because this is an opportunity. every crisis is. yes ma'am. reporter: heroes act, going forward similar bill the way are doing with the ppe legislation.
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>> auto bill has its integrity. the only piece we took out was a ppe because it was really everyday made a difference in our date. so too with testing. if i thought that they would pass it, wood. i think that maybe they don't share our value on it or they would've done it themselves but so we have to use other leverage it the bills we go forward. reporter: the topic of reopening, the mayor announced the start rolling back restrictions in the district of columbia and friday. state of emergency congress in bringing the full house back in store fourth going on longer. rep. peloski: we have a large number of members who are here. and again is transportation, individual situations with the virus. some who might be susceptible. we are here.
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his here for 45 days starting today. then we can extend that if we need to. but our timing is predicated on the sergeant at arms and giving us the signal that we could do that. reporter: 45 days. rep. peloski: let's hope and pray that they do then we can cross that bridge when that threshold when we come to it. reporter: fisa bill. rep. peloski: any other questions. anything you would like to save at any other questions that were asked. whether we should take that testing piece out. what we think about the republicans. i said the same thing. that bill will never pass the
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house. reporter: one of the things that we have in the heroes act is the language that ask the federal communications commission to step up misallocation of billions of dollars that is already appropriated so that we can use this money now to do the broadband that we talked about. just in south carolina alone, 350 $3m dollars. we asked them to do that by jun. that is a piece of legislation that i'm going to be introducing along with the rep. of michigan. that it would be filed today because we think it is critical. to spend up the money between now and june 30th because
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little children spend the threat of losing a second year of school athlete don't have broadband available to them. the speaker is working with me and were going to propose that. rep. peloski: champion and working with the commerce committee. on this issue a broadband. and will be even more significantly put forth in our infrastructure bill which we hope to bring up soon because it is so necessary. we thought it was necessary before right. then with district learning, distant learning and telemedicine, with so many things that are happening electronically, it is absolutely essential. we have had all press conferences on that. so unless there is any other questions on testing testing testing or testing or treatment
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isolation. reporter: the houses voting later today. you're no longer voting on. why not in the underlying bill goes down, what is the recourse of the next way. rep. peloski: we passed a bill a while back. of the intelligence and of the jurisdiction of the judiciary. if asked in bipartisan way. actually, vetoproof bipartisan and over to the senate. the senate amended in a very positive way. any sensors voted for passage of the bill. it was more progressive in the hospital. and it took it to a better place in my view. so that's the bill that will be
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voting on today. and congress will work. if congress is on that, we have an additional bill that we will send back over. reporter:we thought that we mige that under consideration that would look two different things that we decided we would vote for what to go with. my long history in intelligence in the '90s, either as a member ranking member or all these years. we have to have a bill. have to have a bill and we have assigned. the administration, went like that or the not have a bill. and have all protections that are built into our bill. that is really what is essential about having a bill. the way to 27 extension.
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this is always about security and civil liberty. it in privacy through the as the balance you have to strike. the bill in the senate and goes a long way and is only bipartisan. so that is it. kemeny reported, others in terms of consideration of different amendments. we salute congresswoman. surreal champion of civil liberties and the congress of the united states. she has just been remarkable. and she really oppose the first bill that we passed. the vast improvement although are built is good enough. this bill is much better. in hopes that it would be the bill that could get the signature of the president of
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the united states. all kinds of things have been considered. this is the path that we will be on today. thank you all very much. reporter: is one that to know your thoughts what's happening in minneapolis. what should be done to get involved. rep. peloski: today we are talking about disparities rated access to testing, and access to healthcare. in the unfairness of it all. talking about liberty and justice for all. this is such a tragedy. it is a crime. they feel so sad for the family but also for the communities. we had conversations on our conference call. that was earlier today. we have a couple of, summer hearings. some are forms and all of the
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rest to continue that conversation and where we can go from here. there is a commission on the status of young african-american men. it is a bill in the judiciary committee that we have been talking about now and all of a sudden, people, have been talking about that for a while intensely yesterday in the spirit. so he breaks your heart. he just break your heart. it is so sad. if there has to be justice. reporter: money personal thank you none speaker. i think therefore marked colleague. keith allison. i saw expressing the tremendous,
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i spoke of senator rubio's comments in the washington post this morning. if my memory serves, the speaker just spoke about, thinking mentioned that in his article. we take a look at restructuring and we started bipartisan way. the democrats have worked with this administration on restructuring some things in our judicial system created in fact, senator colby char last night mentioned the fact sheet filed what was the structure and the time. she said we have got to change that. we have got to restructure. i just think that we ought to really take a look this
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pandemic. everything that is happening around us listen at the fact that it is time for us to re- structure some things in our society. so that we can deal out broadband. rural communities can receive brightness of the society. so we can have online education for children, telehealth, that is the only way to make the greatness of this country accessible and affordable for everybody. and seek justice. it's really under threat in this country. and rubio talked in his article about how that if we do not do this, he sees real calamity in the not too distant future for
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our country. i have been seeing it for some time now. i go out there and talk to people, i stopped on the street corners. when i walk up and down the hallways, i nodded people. but i spend time with people were scrubbing the floors and moving furniture. i talked to them about their children. i talked to them about their experiences and i can tell you that we have got to do something to restructure things. ... ... let's also just remember all
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those people and nursing homes. 40% of the deaths i think our nursing homes. it is so very, very sad and heartbreaking for families. with me it always comes down to the children. we want to make sure when people go to work they have the ppe, they are tested so they know when they come home, their children will be safe. we will close with the story that the council told the day we are passing the cares act. she shared a picture of a beautiful 5-year-old girl, who just died of coronavirus. her father was a firefighter in her mother a police officer. that's the question, how did she get this? they are big advocates now for testing about that she was only five years old bringing it home to the children. we've got to stop this vicious thing. it is taking from our children, our parents, grandparents, whatever.
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everybody in between. we have a responsibility to get the job done. that's why we say to the president, stop making excuses, take responsibility. that is what the president of the united states is supposed to do. in the meantime, thank you with a wonderful legislation paired we hope to soon get passed into law. one way or another and make a big difference for our country. thank you all very much. [background noises] >> with the federal government at work in d.c. and throughout the country, use a congressional directory for contact information for members of congress, governors and federal agencies prayed
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