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tv   Authors on China  CSPAN  August 29, 2020 3:35pm-4:36pm EDT

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adequately but it's reames of information and the chinese are happy to say well re'll take that and that's the glass house. >> to watch this program visit our website and search for ben buchanan for the title of this book, the hacker and the state, using the search box at the top of the page. >> welcome. welcome to our session here on china. this is probably among the most distinguished panelists we'll have at this conference on the most important subject which is the people's republican of china and the communist party of china to look at the problems there. and i'd like to first introduce our panelists and including myself. dr. michael pillsbury is one of the for most china expert the world, current lay senior fellow and director of the chinese strategy at the hudson institution. hudson institute. a distinguished defense and
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policy adviser, former high ranking government official and author of numerous books and reports on china. i know dish can tell you definitively that mike has really changed the u.s. military's thinking back a number of years ago he was sent to china to collect chinese military writeings and was the first american official who reveal what the chinese were telling themselves behind the scenes was quite different than what they were saying in public but how they wanted to be friend with the world, and it really had a tremendous impact on understanding the military's view of the people's republic of china. his book is a landmark book, most recent book is the hundred year marathon: china's secret strategy to replace america as global super power. this book is really a fascinating look and is probably
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one of the only places in public where you'll find information about chinese defectors, people from within the chinese communist party system who reveal what is going on there. before mike speak is want to also introduce general robert spalding, retired, of the u.s. air force,ern fellow at the hudson institute, and he, too, is a distinguished china expert. he is spent time as bomber pilot and has been inside of china as a defense at day shay and his most recent book is called stealth war, how china took over while america's elite slept. a little bit about myself. as i was messengered i'm a national security correspondent for the washington times, author of eight books. mow most book is deceiving the
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sky, inside communist china's drive for global supremacy, and it's kind of a followon to a book i wrote back in 2000, 20 years ago, called the china threat, and as a result of that, i gained quite a reputation. back in 2006, the chinese news agency kind me as the number one antichina expert in the world. to which i respond, i'm very much pro china, pro chinese people but very much opposed to the communist party system in china. i with that let's begin with our first panelist, -- michael pillsbury. >> thank you, bill. i thought i would begin by revealing a new publication that is going to come out in two weeks from the hudson institute. you'll be able to get it online. it's called a guide to the trump administration's china policy
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statements. and it has a link to every one of about 200 statements or interviews or tweets by president trump and the top members of his team. the reason i put this together is i believe there's been a lot of misunderstanding and the left has also attacked president trump's china policy in many ways to distort what he has done and what his team has said and done over the last three and a half years. as we begin the next hundred days of the election campaign, i think we're going hear more of this, bill and rob, more attacks on the president, either that he has been too soft on china, the bide team has run several commercials where they imply that president trump is soft on china and then vice president joe biden comes on and says if i'd been president i would hey demand xi jinping immediately tell us what happened in wuhan
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with the virus and i'll save you against president trump. believe the president's policy toward china, i call it the three cs, it's been clear, coherent, and comprehensive. so i believe if you go through the documents, which i've organized according to subject matter, i've done a special section just for the president's tweets, and his spontaneous interviews. i believe you'll agree with me. i want to give you some examples to make sure you understand the range of debate among conservatives on china has actually very wide. it's not altogether clear where we're going with china policy over the last three decade or what is going to happen in the next two decades. one example. conservative reporter who wrote a book called jesus in beijing. came out ten years ago. he forecast christianity will take over china and the leading largest nation in the world with
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christians will be china. totally wrong. he misunderstood some trends. it's a niceert. it's a positive thought. wouldn't it be nice? complete false. another book called the coming collapse of china, vice president pence addressed this directly in his speech at hudson institute. the coming collapse of chain for many months was the number one book in america on china. the coming collapse of china. very popular author, i like him very much, indiana. gordon chang. i said, gordon, don't predict the year that china will collapse in your book. leave some flexibility. bill, it's going to be to 201 and put 2012 in the book. book came out in 2001. vice president pence in his speech at hudson said, since 2001, china's gdp, economic strength, has grown by how much?
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10 times. was it's coming collapse? no. so in 2012, foreign policy magazine asked gordon, give us an article. when is china going to collapse? the feeling that china was going to collapse is very important because it means it's not going to be a problem very long. so gordon wrote the article. they said give us when it will collapse. i would have said maybe general spalding issue don't know could have said 2050 or who knows. period wrote again 213. one more year. this point of view infects a lot of thinking about china. lochte trump administration's statements you begin to get an idea what the president is saying. number one, he said at least ten times, i won't repeat it ten times but want 'otoe make sure everybody knows he tweeted or said this point ten times. if hillary clinton had won the
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election, china would be surpassing us now. that's extremely important. the president and his team see china is coming close to us. the rate of economic growth, their military growth, many other indicators are not to be trifled with and thoughts as an easy challenge. i also want to mention my own book. i made some mistakes throughout my career. i thought i was one of the only panda huggers if thought china would align with us not only against the soviet union but help us in the world as a whole. president nixon thought that and bill in a recently declassified memorandum, president nixon tells chairman mao and premiere chou en-lai, we need you to bear more of the burden of global governance. we need china to have more
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armaments so we can have less. that's 1972. see how this homecoming has consequences over the years? i very much believed that myself. so, when you turn back to the trump administration residents statements, one of the point they're making is the scale of the challenge. this is not panama or even venezuela. this is not a small country we're dealing with. nuclear weapons, a serious navy, but most important of all, growth rate averaging more than 10% for 35 years and it now looks like nobody has an exact number, i dent have an exact number -- looks like technology theft was one part of that rapid growth. but there are were two other parts that are very important for what we do next. number one was american capital. we seem to have been the largest investor in china for 30 years.
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and know one knows how to undo that. not even an exact number. some people think it's several trillion. several trillion u.s. dollars invested in china. companies, private equity, general spalding begins his wonderful book witha story. puts in a grant, wants to write a paper, fresh out the air force. the grant its turn don. gets a phone call. tells the story. the think tank president says sorry we can't fund your projects. then general spalding said he looked at the list of members of the board, correct me imi've wrong, billionaires, very i various people who made money from china. this is an enorm mouse problem. if we're in some sense influenced deeply about capital for china, how are we going to undo senate it's going to take
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legislation, which leads to my second opinion out what would we do next. technology restricting u.s. capital, restrict u.s. investments in china, takes legislation. i've counted more than 80 examples, bill, 80 current examples of bills introduced by congressmen or senators to impose costs on china. including being able to sue china for the china environment generally spending all of the legislation attracts four or six cosponsors. i was a senate staffer for ten years, i know how to count. i know when senators cared about something. they would tell us staff, go find me co sponsors. when i introduce the bill i want 50 cosponsors and if you want a raise next year i want 60 co sponsors for my legislation. these 80 bills are being
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introduced sometimes win zero cosponsors other than one, who drafted it, and they're going nowhere. they're no hearings, the leadership doesn't put them up for a vote. so we're in deep trouble. the senators and congressmen come on twinge, they come on fox news, see an audience of four million people. the host, more and more the hosts are saying, senator, how is your bill doing? how many cosponsors have you got? that's extremely constructive. the people don't get away with just what sometimes is called virtue signaling. i don't like china, i want to stop them somehow, here's my bill. that's it. wash my hand. work on something else. that's another thing that chinese are laughing at us. i was last in china in august. lots of people i meet with in china have ph.ds from american universities and now advise the chinese government or
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they're in it. xi jinping's daughter, harvard graduate. one daughter a yale graduate. they understand our system extremely well. the last point would be how are american influenced operations inside china? do our ambassador to china always speak mandarin? basically never happened. there's two were somewhat good but i wouldn't call them television show fluent. neither would they. how about our programs in china? they're blocked. they're jammed. how about our magazine that used to be passed out by usaid. no more usay, no more magazine if with the make a list of here is what china does influence operations inside the united states and then we said, gee, i'd like to do that inside china. it would be very, very difficult. not to mention -- by the way, some senators are proposed this. what happened to the legislation?
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just like i said, it's dead. goes no. where stays alive on fox news, oh, i've got a plan and then nothing happens. so, i haven't had time to promote my own book, hundred year marathon but basically it's a history based on declassified documents of how we got here, how naive, and delusional american presidents and american policymakers, including myself, got here. all of china's neighbors, it's a best seller mitchell challenge for general spalding, i read in a tweet his book has sold 33,000 copies. so i'm six times more but that doesn't mean the quality of my book is higher. maybe his book is better. not to mention our moderator bill's book, deceiving theodicy issue don't know the sales figures but i hate to be
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delivering bad news but we're in for a long kind of cold war with china. this is just the early phases and so far president trump has turned things around, it's possible he has got the successful formula but a we're a long way to go before china becomes the kind of china that we all thought would happen before. how is that for an opening statement, bill? >> excellent, excellent. well said. would point out that you messenger it legislation. all of the best things that have been done regarding china have been in legislation because policies can be changed from administration to administration, but if you look at the record, first of all there's the taiwan relations act which was passed basically after the u.s. recognize beijing diploma include. then there's also the continue continue -- military power report. so it's really important to codify these things and i think we're gibbing to see that with the trump administration.
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let's turn now to general spalding and for your remarks. >> well, so, it's interesting thing that michael pill bury talks about. his become was the first one rate when i got to the pentagon and i tell people read the conclude chapter to get an understanding of a synopsis of what he was trying to say, and singhly it was we had bent over backwards to help the chinese communist party grow into the power it currently is. of course when i got to pentagon in 2014, i was very much what i would say a panda hugger. and in fact, michael pulse bury taught me how to be a super hawk. i don't feel myself he hawkish.
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really focus on defending the american people, the american way of life. our constitution, and in fact, what you look at in he the community national security strategy, in addition to being clear, con size and comprehensive, it is about how we turn things around, and while it's been noted and lauded, it hasn't been widely understood, and so my book is about the background and context between the national security strategy and what the trump administration is attempting to do. if you want to know about how successful the president's foreign policy has been, i would refer you to the uk decision to reverse its decision with regard to allowing huawei to build its 5g network. now, the media would have you believe that decision was made overnight, but maybe over a couple of months during the year
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as a result of the coronavirus but inn fact it really demonstrates the power of the diplomatic effort undertaken by the department of state and the national security council beginning in first quarter after the national security strategy was released. that diplomatic effort is something that we described in the national security council in 2017 as forging a new consensus. really before you solve -- can address any problem or have a plan or strategy, you really need to understand the problem. so the main problem we were addressing was the inability of the united states to get its interests promoted within international institutions and its lack of geopolitical power in those institutions. the primary reason was because
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most of the nations in those institutions were beginning to look to china and china's model, it's economic and political and social model as more beneficial to its furthering their own interests than being aligned with the american view of the world. about democracy, human rights, civil liberties, rule of law, and free trade. and in fact at the united states needed to forge a new consensus, similar to the western consensus that sought to really bring democracies together again in a very tight relationship economically, financially, through trade, and information, to match its already strong military alliances. so that decision by the uk is emblem matic our successful that initiative in diplomacy has been.
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but we have also gotten a glimpse of china's response to that diplomatic initiative through the coronavirus and the aftermath. with regard to the coronavirus, many people talk about what is the ore unof the virus? i say, disregard that. really we're not going know because we can get investigators into china, into the lab, to talk to the researchers working there, to understand the line of effort of the research, to understand what happened, was there any -- even any relation between the lab and the coronavirus. that's not something we're going to know. what we can know with certainty is the chinese communist party presided over the spread of the virus and wasn't that they accidentally presided over the spread of the virus or it was a
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manifestation or secondary effect of its institution. it was that they directly spread the virus. on january 7th, xi jinping himself said he is in charge of wuhan crisis. on the 13 november on jap they're order human to huge transmission in china and on the 14th of january, the world health organization tweets but limited human to human transmission what was going on during the critical time between the 7th of january when jinping was in charge of the crisis in wuhan and 23 january when they shut down we hand. what -- would wuhan. the chinese community pressure on world health organization and knocking down the spread of information within china. and in fact, at the same time
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they were locking down ppe and masks in china and locking down ppe and masks outside of china through proxy. so, over the course of a couple of weeks they began to turn into a net importer or ppe masks and previous i been a net exporter of pp and masks. at the same time they shut down domestic travel from would we ht allowed international travel to good forth. this essentially had the net effect of putting them into the lead position with regard to the spread of the pandemic. they knew it was going to impact the chinese society. what they wanted to make sure it impacted other societies as well, and that they had the means to really profit from it and to have advantage from it. and so what we're seeing today in mike is the beginning of the second cold war and really the
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pandemic spread by the chinese communist party is opening shots of the second cold war. interestingly not only do they uncork this spreading pandemic, but they also uncork a new form of diplomatic and informational war. if you go back to -- and michael pillsbury, very good historian can talk to you about how the chinese communist party overthrew the nationalist party, but me as a strategist and as a war fighter can tell you, that the way that the chinese think about war, the way that mao imbued within the chinese communityize party the think but war, is that as opposed to the way that we look at it in specifically between the idea of peacetime and wartime, and that war is politics by other means,
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in other words you use warfare to get to the political outcome, and in fact the chinese commune yeas party thinks the opposite way that politics is war. the entire war is about the political war and that in fact the chinese -- the coronavirus is the beginning of a political offensive against the free world. how does it manifest itself in the diplomatic and informational component? in the diplomatic effort, they begin to have this what they call wolf warrior diplomacy and spread the idea that this coronavirus didn't manifest itself in china but in fact it was spread by the united states. the latest thing they've said is it's been spread by spain. on the informational effort, 40% of the social media powes with regard to convalescence are bots. so this is state centered
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activity influencing our social media and in fact you see the same kind of activity follow the riots riots and looting that come on the tail of the coronavirus. ... in fact there are no rules. they are bound to the conflict. zippy think about in the context of world war ii, the french built the lines to prevent the germans from conquering them. in fact the germans went around, in effect conquered the french. in a case of the united states , about this wonderful machine for war.
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air force, space for sal, marines, army. protects us the physical manifestation of our world in fact the ways the communist party waged war. in other words they are trying to change the character of our society and our political process through the connections of the internet and globalization. in effect they been very, very successful. the second cold war is going to be nothing like the first cold war. and where america strengths aligned very, very well, vis-à-vis the soviet union in the first cold war. our strength have been turned into vulnerability in the second cold war. in fact our strengths of openness actually become vulnerability at the chinese calmest party once for capital
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from free societies and essentially comprehensive battle for hearts and minds of the free world. and they have been very, very successful. not just billionaires the united states believe that the chinese communist party has a better system. many, many diplomats in the east you and the united nations she is the constitution as i write in my book rather than the leaders of a country having dominion over the population, infected people have dominion in the united states they have new leaders think about the problem and bring forth new solutions. and so i think we are going to see what i would call political warfare. at a hyper scale going forward.
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but it is important to note that here in the united states the new not become partisan between the right and they (in fact between this idea of a constitutional democracy the more that we understand it's not a partisan how we should govern ourselves rather than governance governing people. i look forward to the discussion that follows steve at great thanks so much. great point. general spalding was very instrumental about bringing the awareness of the 5g issue. most important confrontations the country is facing right now. he was really a hero at the
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white house in alerting the world to that problem. i would like to spend a few minutes talking about what i called china threat. i was going to show a powerpoint but is too complex to do that. i like to start out my talk by talking about the matter to china threat. brings them back to the late 1990s as a reporter for the washington times, is doing a story on the pla. the people's liberation army. and the defense keeps getting a briefing on that pretty went to the pentagon to their secure area, and they gave me a fairly vanilla briefing on pla. at the end of the briefing, colonel came in and said with a stern look, said the general would like to see you. in the genre was the director of the defense intelligence agency. so we sat down in a conference room i looked at me and said china is not a threat because
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they tell us they are not a threat. and this really not just within the u.s. government and the private sector but within the intelligence community itself. and even the subset of the intelligence community which is responsible for informing our military leaders in wartime had been deeply influenced by the notion that china posed no threat. i was a short time after that, in the early 2000's that it came to be public that one of the top china analyst within the defense intelligence agency turned out to be a chinese spy. his name was ron monta peridot. he was convicted of mishandling classified information. he is not convicted as a spy. but the case revealed he had
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close ties to two chinese military attaches of the chinese embassy in washington. there is a compromise of some serious classified information. so you could see this issue of the china threat. i titled mine 2000 books of china threat which is a play on with the chinese calmest party in government called the china threat theory. in other words, as mike does the chinese diplomatic corps and intelligence personnel cap to study around the world, the level of opposition to the communist parties modernization program. and they take their actions accordingly. the play on it was the china threat. in my new book which came out 20 years later, i spend a lot of time looking at chinese communist ideology. i would like to spend my time talking about for recent
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speeches which have been given by senior trump administration officials. and i have been fortunate enough to actually have traveled with white house national security adviser robert o'brien. and just last week secretary of state mike pompeo for their speeches. the first speech was given by robert o'brien in phoenix. it was a landmark speech. it was a high level speech in a sense that it identified communist ideology. for the first time a senior official had really come out and said we are facing, not just an economic powerful communist party of china but communist party and chinese government which remain marxist, that is again the ideology is motivating their actions. i can remember actually it was of michael knight years ago did a debate in new york on whether china was a threat.
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and we were on the side that said it was a threat. one of the businessmen on the other side that i've done business in china for 20 years and i've never met a communist. i said you need to go visit the pla museum in beijing. which i was able to do on one of my visits there. they have the statues of all of the communist leaders, marks, even stalin is revered in china. in fact it was one of the key points of o'brien speech. china remains a stalinist state. they never rejected stalin were missing out more and more seemed more power in china the second major speech was fbi director christopher rae. this again was an unprecedented speech. in fact director ray said the information that he provided
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in his speech about chinese intelligence and economic espionage was the most information made public on a threat from china. he talked facing the country. an earlier had been highlighted by the white house. the aggression against the united states. peter navarro was instrumental in that, who you heard earlier. and basically, this view that chinese are on the march. they are working nonstop. director ray said on average the fbi opens a brand-new case related to chinese national security every ten hours. and of the 5000 cases that the fbi is investigating have are related to chinese. and this is an amazing story.
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and it is unfolding on almost a weekly basis. as a reporter who has covered these issues, i can't remember a decade would go by before and administration would prosecute a chinese spy case. under the trump administration, chinese spying has taken a massive hit. just last week as i was flying home from los angeles with secretary of state pompeo, i was able to write a story about a chinese singapore consultant who was indicted, basically for being an unregistered chinese agent. almost on a weekly basis, chinese agents are being uncovered. in addition to that the fbi is now focused on what he calls chinese bowline influence operations. they are beginning to look at what used to be known and cold ward terms in the days of the soviet union as a fellow travelers sprayed those who are assisting china and its
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intelligence and influence operations. it was, like a said, monumental speech by the director. the third speech was given by attorney general bill barr. the bar took on the task of really identifying these people that are supporting china. acting as agents of china. many of them are in the business community. the way china does it is through coercion. they go to the top official, the bankers, the business people. you want to continue doing business in china, you lobby for us against the trump administration policy against china. it is a serious problem. it has not been fully rectified yet. they're beginning to first of all identified these people and beginning to inform them they could in fact be prosecuted under the foreign agents registration act. which makes it a crime to
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lobby and be representing a foreign governments interest without first registering. so we have seen a few of those cases surface in recent months. last was the, i think the cap of the four speeches was by secretary pompeo at the nixon library. a very poignant venue for that. before the speech, pompeo was given a tour of the nixon library. they have a separate china exhibit there. or they show this great opening to china which was done back in the 1970s under nixon and kissinger. and yet, the speech was informative because for the first time secretary of state pompeo was saying the engagement policy, that is the policy of unfettered engagement had failed. the idea behind that engagement policy was that if
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we traded with china, if we engage them diplomatically, economically and politically on every level, that this would have a moderating influence. and it would lead to a changing of that system. they would abandon congressman and they would see that they should develop a free and open system. it was an utter failure. i call and deceiving this guy is a 40 year gamble. this idea that if we simple trade with china, they will become a moderate, nonthreatening power had failed. what we are seeing now is the early stages of a brand-new policy. general spalding said the national security strategy is an important first step. it does not go far enough however in identifying china as the enemy. and the reason for that is because china is engaged in unrestricted warfare against the united states. this is a cold war.
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but the problem has been only one side has been fighting it. and it is china. the u.s. has been asleep at the wheel up until the trump administration. and now they are beginning to recognize that we face a fellow that isn't x essential threat. we have many different threats around the world. russia, iran, north korea. in my view there was one supreme threat. and that is dealing with china. it will take all of our energy as a nation to deal with that threat and counter that threat. i present some ideas and solutions for that. i think the first step is to again go beyond declaring china as a strategic competitor but declare them as an enemy to realize they are working to not just undermine our system but to literally destroy it. the notion of the china dream is really a chinese nightmare. were china assumes a supreme role. order for china to achieve the
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rule, they must diminish and ultimately defeat the united states. i would go back in summing up here on the intelligence issue. and i would focus a chapter on this issue. the u.s. intelligence community has been woefully deficient in understanding the threat from china. this has been a problem has been going on for years. it has been, very little has been written about it. it's beginning to come to the fore but for many, many years our intelligence agencies were giving us bad information. that problem of analysis of analyzing the collected information took a major hit beginning and 2010 for that's when counterintelligence was able to begin unraveling the cia's recruited agent network inside china. as many as 27 cia agents were caught. many of them are executed
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including one that was brought out and executed on the spot in front of a large number of chinese intelligence personnel. the message was unmistakable. they were going to aggressively pursue any efforts to alert what was going on. luis was a problem because without understanding the nature of the chinese threat, without good intelligence were never going to be able to formulate good policies. so to sum up, i think the ultimate solution here is the united states really needs to continue this policy of really confronting china to bring about a different system there. the term that pompeo used was to induce change online
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political to bring change. he pointed out that the chinese leadership is not united. since assuming power in 2012 is undertaken a massive perch. if you understand the nature of the commonest party system in china, it is very much like a mafia. it is controlled by a powerful families. some in shanghai, some in beijing, some in other parts of the country. and they operate on a family level. they have stolen billions and billions of dollars from the chinese people as part of this modernization has been underway. and once again i've got to complement the trump administration. think they are very much following a policy that ronald reagan followed a ship followed in defeating the soviet union. that was going after china's ability, inability to develop technology and innovate.
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and so we understood that they have been stealing u.s. technology and intellectual property to the tune of 250 billion to as much a 600 billion a year. the trump administration is trying to cut that off. with the idea, let's see if the chinese miracle can survive without stealing american technology. at this point however, they may have taken so much of our technology that it may be difficult to really cut them off and see if they could survive. at this point, i will conclude there. i will accept any questions that anyone has. i have about 15 minutes more. >> yes. [inaudible] spent i wanted to responds of it michael said which i disagree. i will narrate the one.
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he said the only way to fix the problem with military expansion into legislation, it is an issue of the president has the authority the pentagon says it's more than 20 from doing business in this country. done this before whether statutory authorized explicitly, under the international emergency economic powers act, he has the authority without getting anyone in congress to shut down those companies are
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looking for a more powerful signal for the chinese communist party and has come to the conclusion. [inaudible] it's absolutely certain they're not getting any. [inaudible] through congress. he visited been unanimously approved. >> stop these guys from getting away my question to you, have you addressed he has that authority? >> for you answer we summarize the question part not sure audience was able to hear that. he asked about the president having the authority. >> yes.
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[laughter] he asked the question about does the present of current authority to prevent pla companies from doing business in the united states. >> i would say, frank's correction of me is in fact the president can declare emergencies. and conduct punishment or cost imposing strategies towards china. actually did that in the case of the hong kong executive order. a lot of people are astonished because the press did not actually cover that emergency declaration. it was on the first page of the executive order. so yes, the president can do that. the presidents i have known, hesitates to get out in front of the congress on controversial issues. so you are right. but to defend myself i would say the president probably looks at how very few cosponsors there are for all
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of these bills i mentioned. actually sent 80 it's a hundred and 20. so the white house can see the yes we have rob spalding's great book. we have bill gertz as many books on the china threat. we have my comments we have bill buckley 1972 opposing nixon's trip will he was there in beijing for 50 years i think my view is still correct, frank, legislation maybe is not totally necessary, but it certainly help a lot. >> by the way semi gear former senate staffer. [laughter] is that correct? >> that is correct. >> in a comment on that?
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>> i do believe the president has many authorities. and i think the answer that michael propper is only partially correct. because in reality, the political consensus is very much driven by where the corporate sector and wall street donate some money. and in fact, they've because of the profits they earned on behalf also the money trail through corporate america and wall street and in that sense, but the party does it essentially curry favor in our political system through these connections. >> i would just say that on the issue of decoupling, one of the policy suggestions that
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has been raised is a need to decouple our economy from china. that is part of the problem paired we are so integrated right now, the figures you mentioned in trillions of dollars in investment in china. the united states can't just walk away from china right now. they need to do it in a way that is responsible, careful and protects american interests. my view is that president trump is a very transactional figure. he is not a career politician. he works through things that happen. and does not want to foreclose his way of doing a deal with someone. he is not an ideological person. therefore i think legislation is really needed on a lot of these issues. all of the best things that have happened, as i mentioned earlier were related to legislation. despite the hyper- partisanship in washington these days, one area of emerging bipartisanship is the issue of the china threat. i think that needs to be
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developed. we need to find a way to really build up a bipartisan consensus. and then i think we can get some legislation that will fix a lot of these problems. >> there is a challenge here. the fundamental misunderstanding of the chinese commonest party. there is a belief on behalf of wall street and corporate america that that money is still available to be brought back. in fact, that money is gone. and none of them want to take a haircut. so there is a famous saying that says if you find yourself at the bottom of the whole, the first thing you should just stop digging. the problem is, the chinese commonest party is convinced wall street and corporate america that if they keep digging, somehow they're going to get this money back. this is the challenge we face. >> any other questions? >> somebody should add the role of the committee and present danger church china, we are lucky to have the vice chairman here, is very important sprayed this committee's website, its
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activities its meetings, this is really sending a message that this is not really a small minority of people who are worried about china. it is a broader group than that pretty think the membership is growing from the beginning. said that is really a plus that we should praise the creation and the activities of the committee on the present danger china. >> are there any questions? okay. i don't have a few final -- i quit a few minutes left to unmake a couple final comments here michael? >> yes, i do bill. i just want to say the book and 2000 china threat is very important. but before that, and also into thousand five, there were other quite eloquent warnings about china. i just mentioned to frank collins of bill buckley. i listened to a tape recently it's kissinger talking to
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nixon, shall we bring bill buckley along with us to beijing? and kissinger says no he will disrupt everything and cause trouble. and nixon says well we need him because he's the most famous conservative of the time. book at pinky road afford to, constantine wrote a very, very long 700 page called the gathering storm about the china threat. very detailed. specific idea. u.s. should sponsor and fund a chinese government or parliament and exile that meets annually to talk about ideas to induce change in china. nothing happens. it's an hundred year marathon is how much money to be spent as a federal government on the democracy rule of law inside china. i would say at most it is
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$50 million a year. the department of justice has a program most of our department's have a program inside china, $50 million is nothing. this is 14, 15 trillion economy. they're going to surpass us if we don't do the right thing. democracy and human rights the rule of law projects in china, just ridiculous. i don't want to be pessimistic, we've got to turn things around before it is too late. >> action of the book was called china, the gathering threat. >> it was important to understand the power of silicon valley inner information the power than it lent the chinese communist party. challenge of 5g the chinese
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version of amazon and google that seek to eventually dominant facebook and google and dominate the world. the chinese tragedy for intelligence is to become the saudi arabia. that's really what they are doing today. >> my final comments i would just say that the model for defeating the communist party of china, needs to be adapted from the model detailed gorbachev used to bring down the soviet union. we need to break through the firewall and china and get information into the chinese people. if we do that, the chinese people will get rid of the communist party of china. so thank you all. [applause] >> i just want to say a special thanks to this panel. i like moderating, but i know
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in the panel as above my pay grade. and so i asked bill gertz to moderate this panel. the liberty students are watching out there, got a ton of folk streaming to different channels across the country. i just want to let you know, who you just heard from. these are the three best book authors in the country by far. and all of their titles are not exactly rosy scenario -- i'm an optimistic calvinist if there is such a thing. so michael pillsbury, 100 year marathon. it is a war. in the general on stealth, stealth war, and bill gertz on deceiving the sky, right? to be so deceptive your offenses in the cloud your defense on the earth the emperor does not even notes going on. and we don't know it's going along to on. all three of the general please google them. learn from them. look at their bios, see with ar. because what they just said to you is profound, more than i
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could put in 30 seconds. but it's an honor to mount a stage with these three gentlemen. i'll just personalize this, their book and the message they deliver is risky for them to be out there putting out the truth the way they do it. : : : [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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>> here's a look at publishing industry news. mill la la has launched a book club the collaboration with a website that offers book selections by notable figures. such as professional basketball players steph 'currie and author susan ore lean. the book club intends to promote the voices of authors the world too often
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wrote a joint letter to the chairman of the house antitrust subcommittee critical of amazon. he in the said, quote, amazon no longer competes on a level playing feel when it comes to becomes distribution but rather owns and manipulates the playing field, leveraging practices from across its platform that appear to be well outside of fair and transparent competition. also in the new york npd book scan reports prison sales up 14% for the week ending august 15th. adult nonfiction sales saw another week of positive sales, up 16%, led by sean hannity's latest book, live free or die, and book stores reason the country are celebrating independent book store day this weekend. the event coordinated by the american book sellers association anticipates 600 stories participating this year. the annual promotion traditionally takes place in april but was rescheduled due to the coronavirus pandemic.
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book tv will continue to bring you new programs and publishing news. you can watch all of our archived programs anytime at in- >> booktv on c-span2 has top nonfunction books and authors every weekend. block
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welcome to politics and prose live. we're here with jean guerrero discussing her new book, hatemonger. i just want to do some quick house keeping notes 'the first is that tonight's book is located in the chat. there's a link to purchase from politics and process' website and be encourage everyone to purchase tonight's book. a great way to support the are authorize and politic and pros, $505 flat rate shipping shippind curbside pickup the other thing, the latter portion of the event well be did indicated to audience questions and to ask a a question there's a q & a box at the bottom of your screen.


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