Nancy Pelosi
Speaker Pelosi Hosts G7 Parliament Speakers Meeting on Climate Change CSPAN September 26, 2020 12:30am-2:03am EDT
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dalai lama and environmental activist jane goodall and former energy secretary. >> speaker the united states congress it is my honor to welcome this distinguished group to the 19th annual speakers meeting. was addressing the climate crisis environmental justice for all. it is a privilege to once again to have that existential threat of the climate crisis significantly one year ago with the g-7 speakers meeting. we send a regards to you thank you for today's meeting with
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enhanced participation from leaders from a diverse community including the state and scientific community we are blessed to be joined by the dalai lama 30 years ago becoming the first ever nobel laureate on the basis of his environmental advocacy in his acceptance speech he said the ever-growing impact of science and religion and spirituality have a greater role to play reminding us of our humanity there is no contradiction between the two this is crucial if you to take decisive action on the concern of the environment. today this resonates with great urgency the climate crisis is real and the consequences are undeniable
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with famines and devastating floods and air pollution will impact every nation on every continent every year the crisis accelerates there is no time to deny the reality of this crisis which jeopardizes the public health of our communities threatening clean air and water in the economic security as temperatures rise above preindustrial levels global economic losses could exceed $20 trillion per year this week the commission issued a report warning us of the climate crisis including devastating shock that cannot be sustained through conditions from the financial
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system. the climate crisis jeopardizes the security of theiz country and to warn the rising sea levels will cause competition and that has the moral obligation we have to pass on to future generations in a responsible way it also has serious challenges in our communities the climate crisis rytouches every community but does not do so equally. if we do not act to help those of communities of color that will be hit the hardest that will be further economically disenchanted disadvantaged
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that's why announced that she at the meeting will be addressing the climate crisis with environmental justice for all and then as a coronavirus shines a light on health and economic security in our community in a shocking truth of those communities are particularly vulnerable with health and economic security just as they are vulnerable to the impact of the climate crisis those that contribute the least have a disproportionately higher impact disproportionately in areas that are vulnerable they also have fewer resources and those that are more vulnerable to the climate crisis.
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yet we have the opportunity for justice in healthcare to take hold action against the coronavirus and the climate crisis we can save lives and livelihoods with the smart strategic approach to these challenges to provide the opportunity to get people back to work safely not only from the economic crisis but also laying a future foundation that lifts up all communities this is not the work of a single year or nation but a collective long-term commitment to ensure the benefits of climate action and as covid-19 pandemic has shown we can only solve the challenges facing our community with a coordinated
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crinternational response we are running out of time to act the health evaluation must be projected an additional one.9 million deaths by the end of january 2021 from covid-19 bringing the total number of deaths worldwide at two.8 million people. to have a vaccine that is safe and effective urgently we much of it equitable distribution for a vaccine around the world and until then we must follow social distancing guidelines and sanitation and to build a
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just and equitable in green future the nation has a partner particularly the young people who are demanding climate action now. the climate crisis that has continued since i became speaker and we hope to do so again led by the select community i open my remarks by reference and the dalai lama and thehe beautiful connection to take the time to protect the environment import francis when he had a meeting with congress here in the capital this month and those remarks that he will the climate is a common good for all and to
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protect the common good the conversation which includes everyone the environmental challenge we are undergoing with a concern and effect. that is what brings us together today for a better and more just future that we will begin with opening remarksas from the master japan more than 45 years the leadership has been critical to address the environmental b weather director general and of forestry and fishery and now speaker i yield to you
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viable and then to share the same understanding this will be a good session once again. thank you very much. >> thank you very much for your very important statement now it's my honor to introduce the presence of pakistan. serving the german people with his leadership for international cooperation to
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combat the cold climate crisis and with the security conference as part of the agenda and it's my honor to introduce you. >>. >> >>translator: colleagues thank you very much it's wonderful to be here unfortunately we cannot sit at the same table together. but today we come together what we refer to that is a community of values.
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the czar the respect for human dignity and freedom and democratic order and rule of law characterized by the ability to self reflect which is something authoritarian rule is not capable of. self-criticism today on topic is important as ms. pelosi has said herself and as she put onto the agenda today with the parliamentarians speakers. that we saw before covid-19
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and that is why while attempting to revive the economic system to correct that access of globalization leading to the dramatic effects that we see in wake of the pandemic and we need to pay particular attention to the social and environmental systems we need to take charge of course that includes assuming responsibility for her own environmental footprint and our own skills and at the same time to be conscious of the fact our values and principles are at stake. covid-19 was a slight reprieve against the collapse of the
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climate and natural environment and it is one at great cost nothing more in the long term we have not want anything at all democracies are facing difficult decisions ahead oft us controversial debates that we fundamentally adapt our economic and financial system and change behavior as consumed and also the legitimate urge that people have to achieve prosperity through growth and how that can be combined through sustainability there are no simple answers there is no one single answer the
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different points of view and perspective with opposing concerns and conflicting but also within society and also between the generations we have seen in the recent days we must engage in these discussions with passion in the parliament they will take on a key role because of these different positions and interests must be negotiated in public so we do have these
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difficult processes it is clear they are transparent and comprehensive to all and it is only this way decisions that we make will find acceptance among the general public and we need that acceptance because of the magnitude of the decisions that requires us to be honest it means honestly saying there is no progress without sacrifice or restrictions. nothing comes for free and climate protection ultimately that if we do nothing it will cause more further down thee line. knowing can manage these tasks
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and i would like to thank you nancy pelosi for making this exchange possible under the circumstances. thank you i thank you very much mr. president these two will come the president of italy who is been active for greater public engagement from the most pressing environmental issues facing our world. as president he has led bold action in the fight against thed coronavirus the first through the mandate with the environmental sustainability for all students i yield to
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>> >>translator: good morning everyone. thank you speaker pelosi thank you so much for having organize the g-7 meeting. finds us all together in a national crisis due to a very strong virus today more than ever it takes on and importance that we all have to come together in a community of values. we have to have more democracy and part of that in this crisis has been very strong
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institutions and added a time which is so difficult which is a beacon for all citizens. i also believe at thisme time the people of the policies know the institutions have to be there and strong when we met and before that in canada we never thought before today we would have met a third time on a videoconference online. speaking about the climate, ocean, c. and talk about the development of our planet. also we are going in the wrong direction.
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with this model of society and consumerism. and as a whole that we can turn our back to what we are doing if there is an eco- systemic system in which everybody has an important role in italy we were the first ones to be stricken in such a violent manner by the pandemic we provided very strong answers and want to thank all of the italian citizens will have the presence of mind that have not been able to overcome the crisis.
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and with the parliament that worked incessantly attempting to make sure all the parliamentarians came in with safety and social distancing and in this way we did something new with smart phones and we call our parliament the transatlantic ship so we worked efficiently to make sure we work in safety but we continue with our legislative work. but a very important thought like to express is here in a society we are all connected and interconnected and this is what globalization means were on the same planet all of us
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together have to work in a common man or whatever crisis we talk about to gather is the word we have to come out together in a community and a country that leads the crisis in the world would have to do the same so we as the g-7 powers defend until the very end of our democracies and valuest and the community that we belong to we might not always agree politically but we should never be divisive on the fundamental solid it on - - solidarity and the rights of people and human rights and the rule of law and the ability to live in prosperity. this is something we should never abandon during this pandemic we have a great opportunity to remind ourselves of this from the very and together so once again thank you most kindly.
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>> thank you very much mr. president for example on the lead the lead on - - the executive set next to the french national assembly thank you for hosting the g-7 speakers meeting last year and to be a central focus of that meeting france is taking bold action to protect our planet in particular our oceans thank you for that hospitality that you have bestowed in the floor is now yours. >> madam speaker. mr. president it is a great pleasure to participate in this meeting of presidents
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organized by speaker pelosi. i am delighted to see familiar faces and also to be meeting new colleagues. like all of you it is all the more important what we have to face collectively with this unprecedented situation. from my point of view, it is essential to maintain misleading in the circumstances we are facing today even though it had to be remote go the same with this meeting is essential with the fight against climate change and a trace that i have of the protection of the environment, environment, and the other issues linked to it
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is one of the main concerns and the reason why speaker pelosi was kind enough to remind us earlier for this to be the topic of the meeting last year. i know that all of you share this concern over the environment, however we really need to address the issues to make sure the assembly that we chair mobilized to implement all the means that we can. faced with the emergency and urgency of scale health and economic and environmental issues, our world needs to mobilize collectively and we need to have exemplary
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international cooperation. our needs will lead to what we do in our country cannot truly recover with our partners do not recover as well. no country can respond on its own to the climate crisis. therefore we need international mobilization i look forward to the roundtable and the working session we take part in today. i am convinced the exchanges with the expertsre and representatives of society and other personalities will see
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our discussions today with her future commitment and decisions at the national assembly a few weeks ago i organized discussion entitled dialogue to action it was an intense moment of collective thinking that inspired the executive therefore i look forward to the debate that will begin soon and i am convinced together we can draw a working puzzle. thank you mr. speaker.
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>> last year you said a very high standard for this discussion and then to come close to those standards now we welcome under the leadership the european climate as a key partner and in the environmental urgency and to eliminate emissions by 2050. >> honorable speaker thank you kindly for this meeting for these experiences.
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we have begun a very difficult season with an interesting reflection that the european union wishes to achieve. but in march of this year with the widespread pandemic we as the european union as a parliament decided we cannot suspend our democracy and many authoritarian examples of the world are not we what we wish to follow as a point of reference. we have to be very careful about this as a crisis we need to be overcome with democracy and participation of our citizens that we cannot
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suspend in spite of covid and more than ever we need cooperation because democracy has not become outdated in the last few months we have seen in this crisis has affected our society financially and economically andll socially we have seen all this because climate change together with the pandemic it is tormenting our citizens we have the legislature to understand our contemporary society and we found in a reflection that involved all of the european institutions to say we have to save our planet having a very ambitious goal we want to be a
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content with zero emissions to know that all of our efforts and the green deal proposal has helped us at this time of covid because we have understood that together to make sure all of those energies converge to meet common goals the ecological transformation has to go hand-in-hand with sustainability and social sustainability and the struggle against inequality. and i believe at this time we should all reflect and think, together on what instruments
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should be used because they have to help us in this fight. now obviously the gdp is not only sufficient we have new indicators that must also tell us growth cannot be infinite going on together they can be measured based on certain parameters that is based on training and education and social sustainability and inequality. i believe at this time there is great fear amongst our citizens and they have to be an open house open to debate and cooperation. i fully agree with the presiden president.
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we have a number of values we have to safeguard to keep together and of course today is a rich day with interesting thoughts and opinions and we will all be enriched as a consequence. thank you. >> thank you very much for your important statement for the members of parliament with this challenge that we face now it's an honor to introduce speaker oil has been a key leader to address environmental injustices which is them part of the uk sustainable metric since 1992 and under the speakership to advance the effort to reach in
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a zero by 2050 to ensure a more sustainable future. >> friends, fellow speakers, i would like to thank you for speaker pelosi for hosting this event and for this leadership on climate issues and with the g-7 it's an honor for me to join you today and a speaker with the house of commons we been a member of parliament which is in the north coast of england since 1997 and deputy speaker for nine years and then to take
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over the top job within the commons of course it is a departure i was elected on the fourth of november last year as the speaker of the houseou of commons and within days of taking the post the uk through the european one - - left the european union and then dealing with the challenges of the pandemic and then in the mail that to be diagnosed with type one diabetes. and the house of commons to overturn the way of working
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keeping us pushing for more than 700 years of doing at the same way if nothing else it stirred the imagination of a parliament could be in the future. a big thank you to those authorities to use the alternative and then to be put at risk which is continue to be to maintain social distancing and very few need to be present even now we are
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only around 35. and then the numbers are not there. and then be can continue with the occasion. and those with people's problems and studios anything and bedrooms that which helps us to the height of the crisis should not be superseded instead of the old school register and like everyone else we all went to learned very quickly if it's talking to each other by video link so
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thatam although we cannot be in the same room together to discuss these important issues that has affected all p of us but if there is a will to do for the good of all under leadership we can make things happen it goes without saying that i wish you speaker pelosi every success i thank you sincerely for asking me to take that on. i offer you all a warm welcome for next year's conference in the uk i hope you can all be
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here. we have to showcase the liberal goals that unite the g-7 i believe in the global response from this crisis and that this virus will be stopped in its tracks and then enjoying the freedom that we took for granted in which we have no right to destroy you leaving a better world for future generation for children and grandchildren for what we have been doing so far so hopefully through friendships we can make the difference. thank you speaker pelosi. >> thank you very much.
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we do hope we can be present with you in london next year whether a vaccine or whatever else we have conquered this and welcoming you for the first time to this meeting and looking for your leadership next year. thank you for your statement another new speaker to the conversation that was not with us last year is the speaker from canada and thought to make the connection between climate action and the economy through the discussions of combating the climate crisis and leading the global fight and most recently joining the us and mexico with the climate clean energy partnership and then became the first country to adopt methane omissions and this year before the energy
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stimulus plan to combat the climate crisis while addressing the threat of covid-19. welcome. please begin. >> thank you speaker pelosi and thank you for hosting thissi event and face of the challenges that have come up with the adversity i am so glad you could this together and you and your team of done a wonderful team one - - job thank you for hosting us. this unique virtual gathering is an excellent example of harnessing technology to overcome the obstacles we face individually and collectively as we deal with covid-199 pandemic we have come together via videoconference to continue efforts of that of the predecessorsan with climate issues of global importance the past months have brought home tof u us, how vital
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international cooperation is to the health of our planetan and people. [speaking native language] today's discussions are just the latest with the ongoing exchange of ideas and perspective since 2002 when canada hosted the first ever meeting of g-7 speakers, we have gathered to explore how we can combine our knowledge and experience to our
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collective benefit. i regret we cannot yet meet in person i am pleased to be joining you for the virtual g-7 family reunion program confident our conversation will be enjoyable and instructive. thank you. >> i cannot resistst to say with the participants here and all the speakers on a personal note n but now we are blessed to be blessed by the holiness the dalai lama to begin our first panel no time to lose it's
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imperative to solve the climate crisis is offering hope in spiritual guidance to advance religious harmonylpin fr people around the world and has been a powerful voice as was so beautiful the elevated and received the nobel peace prize in 1989 and then to receive a copy of his upcoming book the appeal to the world released in november i know we've all been looking forward to reading it looking for the insight and the guidance please enjoy this special message from the dalai lama. >> and for a generation because of our past experience
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would become more serious. so therefore the people of the g-7 and the people. >> thank you, your holiness to introduce our first panel. no time to lose imperative to solve the climate crisis now doctor goodall from the institute as an environmental advocate knowing doctor goodall over 40 years and an offer initiative encourage
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much of her groundbreaking breaking work with the chimpanzees and since 2002 doctor goodall has served as a messenger being a leading voice for stewardship and sustainable development initiative has inspired countless people to harness their power to advocate for a cleaner and healthier future doctor goodall has been a relentless advocate for protecting the planet from nuclear proliferation. i now invite you to make your presentation. >>. >> i like to think of you as
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my good friend. we have known each other for a long time and thank you for giving me a chance to speak at this important gathering on climate change because the all know have unprecedented times on this planet politically socially and economically. and we're still battling this pandemic of covid-19 so to a large extent we have brought this on ourselves with absolutist perspective the natural world and animals going as weimal destroy habitats and push animals into closer contact with people we hunt them and kill them and eat them and traffic them and sell them into horrific conditions and the wildlifeem market and
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then internationally into trade. in addition to that we are bringing billions of animals in horrificon conditions into factory farms and all of these create ideal environments for the virus to jump to a person is as happened with covid-19 as we emerge from this pandemic as we will have to come to gather quickly to confront a much more serious threat to our future into the future of all life on earth and this is the climate crisis. and then to be brought about with a finite natural resources mahatma gandhi said the planet can provide the
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human need for not the human greed so before i was on lockdown in the uk where i am now i was traveling the world of 300 days per year and i saw eyes the raising of the sea people on their island homes because they were uninhabitable and i saw those results is that hurricanes get more frequent in the terrible flooding and the drought of sub-saharan africa absolutely terrifying and then last year those awful raging bushfiress in australia and the devastating wildfires now in the united states on the west coast.
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so with climate change as a global community has never been more important than it is now of course it is totally important to control the emissions from fossil fuels with the main greenhouse gas to move into sustainable energy but in the short term it's important we should all become involved in something that is also a very important solution to mitigate to slow down climate change to protect our forest and particularly the rain forest and biodiversity to restore them and plant trees. the's trees from the atmosphere to control rainfall
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and the climate and the temperature. i think it is true that in addition to planting trees, as we eat less meat it will make a difference these factory farms have billions of animals is not just that they provide breeding grounds for these zoonotic diseases but the effect on the environment is terrifying the animals have to be fed especiallyve fossil fuel is used to get the green to the animals and in addition this produces methane gas which is another maryland to greenhouse gas. virulent greenhouse gas as i use to travel there are so
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many people who are scared and don't know what to do in the feel helpless so one of the most important things we can do today is not only influence government leaders and business leaders which are terribly important for them to think about how they consider mitigating climate change but they too have a role to play they can plant a tree and eat less meat and persuade their parents to use less fossil fuel. all of these things we can do and then to move away from that terrible situation and
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those that are raising to the challenge and influencing parents and grandparentss many of those in higher positions capable of making decisions that will make a major difference with the cumulative effect for millions or billions of people to make ethical decisions each day thinking how those choices they make will influence future generations hoping to slow down climate change all of this gives me hope and with that human spirit those that seem impossible and will not give up some ofmp very simple message but it's important that peoplean understand there is something with each and every one of us can do. thank you again nancy for giving me this opportunity to deliver a message.
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thank you. >> thank you doctor goodall for that simple but yet powerful message is now my honor to recognize the second panel for the session secretary of energy under president obama founder of the nonprofit energy futureses initiative. he has harnessed his experience as an academic and an advocate to advance science and nonpartisand policy to advance a clean energy future with his strategic need leadership and knowledge with this comprehensive plan of action now that in this book he has a bold initiative to economic equality to protect workers rights with good paying green jobs while addressing the climateri crisis.
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the floor it is your. >> thank you for organizing this important discussion and giving you the operator on - - giving me the opportunity to participate following the dalai lama and doctor goodall that states the important elements for urgency in addressing the climate crisis i will outline briefly for clean energy solutions and then to be essential and that net negative future six elements i believe are essential putting together effective climate action plans
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and the democratic society. first is a coalition we cannot affect sustainable change to the massive energy system without doing the hard work or building a broad coalitionil with the ngos and financial institutions public and private sectors national or state or city leaders this will require pragmatism not posturing. second we need to affect regional solutions was social justice we should celebrate those challenges and social equity needs very simply by country and by region to empower solutions and third all of the above we have to-- acknowledge there are no silver bullet solutions for net zero emissions and beyond and every no to a low carbon pathway enables others mean the energy efficiency and advanced renewable such as offshore wind and electricity
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storage not just our time scale but through the seasons and advanced modular technologies and carbon capture utilization and sequestration of large-scale and hydrogen like a smart grid and co2 and the buildup of the supply chain including for critical minerals and metals and carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere and upper oceans for technological and those solutions and large-scale that without which cannot be a net negative future and all of the above to address electricity missions
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from those sectors transportation and agriculture to enable the regional solutions i referred to earlier. force, jobs. jobs. jobs. we need to have those jobs coming off the covid crisis going intore the future and with those p-letter covid years energy sector jobs outpaced the economy more than two / one clean energy leverage small job creation and it's very important for parliamentary promotion. fifth domestic and allied supply change that means jobs and security and important covid lesson public-private partnerships are central and must be done intelligently in policy support is very important such as carbon
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border adjustments for clean manufacturing and finally, innovation, to meet our goals we need innovation breakthroughs and a supercharged innovation to be supplemented in order to scale clean energy dramatically to double or triple investment in the united states with $10 billion over the decade with technologies and business models to reach those goals all of the g7 and countries are founding members in paris
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with mission innovation we need to follow through and double down the private sector is poised to do itsd part but we need our government to step forward to focus on the innovation agenda it's the time to test our commitment for the toolkit that each country and each region within the country will need to devise their solution i look forward to our discussion. >> and with those discussions that they may have but i want to begin by asking doctor goodall you make all these travels actually and virtually and bring hope but what resonates with those communitiess that need to take climate action?
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are there any words of wisdom in thatn th regard? >>. >> i am still on mute. can someone unmute me? >> we can hear you. >> you can hear me cracks my words of wisdom to quickly summarize, sorry. >> the question what is in your travels in the message you bring back with young people and the impact on the
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other side of the coin what message do you think resonates regarding climate action? >> i find with people first of all individuals who said they didn't believe in climate change that it was a chinese hoax then there was a slightas change but it has nothing to do with us. and when somebody is really and truly thinking not just saying that for political gain it's very hard tos know how you can change their mind but for many people they just believe what they have been told not what they really believe so i tell the s story about what i have seen and i talk about the disaster of the climate
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refugees those who are driven from their homes by a changing climate and they can no longer make a living. i talk about the importance of protecting forest and you cannot doo that until you eliminate the terrible poverty in so many parts of the world helping people to find ways of livinghe they don't have to destroy the forest to have new land to grow food so i just try to tell people stories and that to weasel my way through i have no better advice. >> thank you doctor goodall. do you see any clean can the armor with the fossil fuel
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industry? making them resistant to supporting policy for addressing the climate crisis? >> i do. i'm not pollyanna. we all know certainly there is resistance in the energy sector which of course is a system historically that has always taken decades to change. on the other hand taking the united states as an example the electricity industry in many ways will have to be the leader to know or low carbon emissions and not to pay enough attention may be what we see utilities already reduce their emissions by as much as 60 percent they have
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to keep going down but i think with emphasis on a coalition i think rather than getting into ucname-calling we are much better at embracing these players to come together with effective carbon solutions and if we don't and we address the social justice issues including the poverty issues that doctor goodall just referred to me will have political headwinds having the energy transition occur more rapidly and we don't have time to waste talking about moving forward it may be different
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from what many say but i talk about coalitions to get everyone including those who are producers of fossil fuels. >> let's hope they see the market benefits to help preserve the planet that market motivation so far they have been an obstacle to public policy and i do want to ask both of you with these good paying green jobs we know how important they are what is the concern of those being
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left behind as we go forward to a green future? talking to many in the community and the subject and it is a concern that we cannot talk about that future without bringing them along. >> if i may respond to my would like to advertise at mit we have a project we call the roosevelt project if asked which roosevelt it is teddy for the environment in franklin for the new deal and eleanor for social. justice. the premise is exactly that we havewee to work from the worker and community level bottom-up
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they want to effectively address climate change because everyone must see themselves as part of the future and in doing so studying the past with these transitions what we find is in addition to the national level what is done at the local level politically to build the social fabric is just as important as the technology initiatives we need local actor networks a great example of the united states is the transition from western pennsylvania where meeting together with various elements of civil society was so effective to transition that economy and bringing along the
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workers bottom-up at the community level to address social justice issues is essential and applies within our country and as we reach out as doctor goodall emphasizes to help the less developed countries come along to a low carbon future. >> doctor goodall do you want towao say something how we transition these folks into a new economy? >> one of the key points is education having schools not only end of the developed countries but everywhere talking about the environment and the need for a better future and how to get there it's a feeling of empowerment
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talking about protecting the forest we involve all the local communities and give them the tools like the iphone to monitor the health of their forest they know how to upload those and they are proud what they do and this is seven african countries and then the program for young people which i mentioned earlier now over 60 countries those from kindergarten and university and beyond choosing to make the world better for animals and the environment they understand we are part of one human family and this is more important than the color of your skin or political convictions so the program is introducing information about the environment how to move
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forward and it is absolutely amazing a little boy eight years old tanzania in the middle of nowhere came up to me and said we have trees in reour schoolyard we are finding out what sort of trees they are and how much carbon they might absorb so could we qualify for those funds? he understood. >> let me just add as a footnote that we often focus in these developing countries on electricity and that's important but also the issue of addressing things what is
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very important strongly coupled to the issue of protecting the forest also with women they are very connected we need empowering women and addressing climate addressing pandemics and we need to work together on all of the's issues. >> they are all interrelated. we do empower women and do microcredit and we also family-planning the women cannot afford to educate more than two or three children and they know that they don't want more than two or three children they want
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the information we give them and you say it is so important to empower women and one last comment that is partnership is really important and a long time ago i i decided to work with oil and gas companies if they were trying to do things better and a lot of my friends in the environmental movement were shocked and horrified how toould sit down and talk them. but if you don't then you don't listen had you ever expect them to change? if you work with the company already trying to do things better and help them to do better and at the same time they support these programs to protect the natural world then it is a win win win situation.
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>>dr amen. and if i may add his holiness the dalai lama also talking about the pope and it was quite remarkable that the pope convened ten ceos of oil and gas companies along with senior leaders from international institutions and to sign to documents putting a price on carbon emissions everyone supporting much greater transparency in terms of carbon reporting but all of these communities i know what doctor goodall is criticized
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