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Charles Schumer
  Senate Minority Leader Schumer Holds News Conference  CSPAN  September 30, 2020 8:39pm-9:06pm EDT

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more lives seven senate coverage on "c-span2" in the senate returns. the senate judiciary committee chair lindsay graham announced the confirmation hearing for october 12th and then tuesday the 13th on the begins taking questions from kim members. sharon graham expects it was like three to four days . you can watch live coverage every day of the supreme court confirmation hearing on c-span. online assessment .org or listen live on free radio app. senate minority leader chuck schumer discuss the nomination of the judge to the supreme court. in a news conference with chris
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murphy and others. this runs 25 minutes. [background sounds]. >> good afternoon everyone and thank you for coming. and proud to be joined by the senators here. we want to talk or before we talk about what is at stake for millions of americans . on a touch on the sites debate.
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we have seen president trump mouse down when confronted with facts any times. but it's obscene performance, that's what it was . the performance not a debate. it was extremely filled with right wing bile that include lie after lie after lie. president trump insulted the vice president's son the veteran in public servant and try to smear his living one. and give a fringe of white supremacist sloth, new rallying cry. stand back and stand by. those immediately embraced by the proud boys look on the website. the following. the president of the united states casting doubt on our election tarnishing our democracy. shakespeare said it best. president trump's debate performance, was a tale told by an idiot full of sound and
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theory signifying nothing. the missing that again. shakespeare, even though we lived 400, oh well, 450 years earlier described it best. detail told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing. it is a disgrace. and it is unfathomable to me that senate republicans, somebody would not denounce the lies that we heard last night . in: president trump to stop feeling the hatred and the racism. and stop sowing doubt in our elections. and yes, senate republicans are rushing through the supreme court nominee days before the election. about what really worries me with american people as one senate republicans are rushing to put their healthcare at-risk. in a mcconnell has spent this
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week trying to cover up the fact that president trump and their supreme court nominee all want to overturn the aca. if they do mcconnell mocked the idea that if our right supreme court majority as a threat to the aca and it judge amy coney barrett loss of he would even play part in this. president trump and the senate republicans have made clear for years the refilling the aca is our top priority. there is no hiding from the record, they want the supreme court to do what they dare window try again to do on the senate floor. judge amy coney barrett's is clear, upholding the aca and written at the supreme court, would've had who invalidates the law if it read the statute the way she does. our job, our job is to make sure
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the american people understand what is at stake here. on sunday, stood with new yorkers his children have pre-existing conditions. a family with a little girl emily was afraid of what the court decision striking down aca would be for emily's insurance. and there are millions of families and families like emily's across the country. so let's be clear. about to confirm judge amy coney barrett is a vote to terminate healthcare coverage and production for hundreds of millions of americans. during a global pandemic nonetheless. that is why i filed a procedural motion that will set up a vote on a bill that would protect healthcare of hundreds of millions of americans and prevent efforts by the department of justice to advocate at the court struck down the aca. so soon as tomorrow, leader mcconnell and all my republican colleagues will have an
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opportunity to set the record straight with the boat. do they support a bill to protect americans with pre-existing conditions . or will they go along with president trump plan to let the unelected supreme court caraway those protections. the help so any americans. now i'm going to with the okay of my two other colleagues, and going have to turn it over to senator murphy because he's heading to the floor to speak on this very topic. senator murphy. thank you very much later schumer and i think the intelligence of my colleagues. this cannot be any more clear. president trump is made it clear since 2016 campaign that is only going to nominate judges in the simple cream court to invalidate the entirety of the affordable care act. he spent all of us first year in office trying to get the congress to repeal the affordable care act and he
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cannot do it. and so he joined with republicans attorney general, all across the country in order to file a lawsuit . they would do the job that congress it would not an, taking away an assurance from 20 $3m americans. raising rates of others who have previewed and existing conditions. a new pre- existing condition in this country is covid-19. we know today the 44000 people are being reported as having covid-19 on daily basis but because this president doesn't believe in testing, because the is implementing a plan to test less people rather than more we know that the number is far and reporting the total number of cases. likely every single day that there's hundreds of thousands of people who are becoming covid-19 positive. and what we are learning about covid-19 is so troubling. the docto dr. fauci told the coe
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that scientists are finding that individuals who have regard from the infection happened to get, muscle plane, fever, problems with the neurological system, cognitive ever now police . 60 o 70 percent of covid-19 positive people including those who are a symptom medic have indicated and pet indications of part albums. there's no question about it . covid-19 whether you are symptom medic or not. it is going to be a pre-existing condition. and if insurance companies can discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions, that if you have ever had covid-19, whether you knew it or not. you're either not going to be able to get insurance ever again. or you're going to be charged so much that is unaffordable. this is the question the senate republicans are spaced with. over the course of the next few weeks. they vote for judge amy coney barrett, they are going to be
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sure that everybody in this country with covid-19 is going to either have insurance unavailable to them in the future are going to be charged so much that they can't ever afford it. covid-19 is a pre-existing condition. there are 20 $3m americans any of which will not have it or be able to get insurance because they were on the aca forest. also as of diseases and viruses and diagnoses will now be available for hire rates to the insurance companies. i was spend this very specific issue. if covid-19 becomes a pre-existing condition, you cannot get insurance. that means you cannot get access to paying for the treatments party might have limited access to vaccines and therapies in a becomes a humanitarian catastrophe. those of the stakes in front of us over the course of the next several days and weeks. especially for people have had the covid-19 diagnosis.
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>> thank you senator murphy. >> thank you and going to be with our colleagues. just a quick comment about last night. donald trump claims last night that he had lowered the drug prices for americans in my view deserving of unlimited numbers of pinocchio's. for example, he claims last night that he had implemented a strategy to get tough with the fact that all of the breaks seem to go to foreign country. finance committee found this was the same drug and foreigners were paying a lot less than americans. so donald trump said last night, then he is implemented most nation policy that would radically lower prices. in this morning, health experts said that was just untrue.
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factually untrue. so i appreciate the leaders scheduling this to give us a chance to count on the questions. i want to pick up on my colleagues question. if donald trump wins in this case, millions of senior citizens are going to pay a lot more for healthcare that is a lot worse. and let me give you some examples. first americans who are 55 or 60 and count on private insurance, for healthcare. our going to be in for a nightmare. and here for example we might be talking about an elderly widow. and that the elderly widow is already walking on an economic tightrope. balancing the foot bill against the fuel bill the fuel bill against the rent bill and his
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senator murphy said, were already concerned about the prospect of that person being at high risk for covid-19 and the consequences they would be facing. so this idea of where you basically get hammered just because you are 55 years old for it something that we senate democrats disagree with significantly. second, he mentioned the prescription drug issue. there's a problem for seniors specifically. if trump wins, in court, the seniors are going to face the reopening of what is called the doughnut hole. as a really big deal. from sea to shining sea what it means for seniors and this goes back to my days at the great panthers. they're going to pay a lot more for their medicines. finally, we need to talk for just a moment about medicare. which i know is going to keep coming up in the days ahead.
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medicare is heading towards real financial problems including the possibility of insolvency in just three years because of the damage donald trump has done to the economy. the aca said they can make it ignores. so you cannot trust donald trump to protect medicare. so we senate democrats are going to protect medicare from donald trump. in the whole host of issues that are going to be debated it and i'm sure you're going to have some questions but nowhere are the differences more clear in our policy towards protecting the rights of vulnerable older people and what donald trump is laid out in for example, last night. his claims about prescription drugs was just right out of fantasy land. we can get to that information, the facts set up . think you
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leader. the clear and present danger in this nominee to the supreme court is truly the elimination of the affordable care act bring your id card for my colleagues would with that would mean. that's what we need to do to can make to the american people that their healthcare is at risk with this nominee. there are so any groups that will be particularly at risk. of course the seniors but another group that at risk will be in the minority communities. unencumbered stories a minority communities and affected so any of them are in the essential worker category read a lot of them in multigenerational households. they are much more unlikely to have pre- existing conditions. so this is a vulnerable group of people. what is really more than appalling as so any of us have
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been calling on president trump to use the defense protection act to have ppe's, manufacturers, have ventilators. nobody uses. it to force a group of people back to work. these are all of the people working in our meatpacking plants. any of them, most of them are minority people. and for me in hawaii, i'm particularly aware that citizens are very much working in these meatpacking plants . over 42000, all of the people working at the meatpacking plant have you evern there . so 42000 people have already been tested and tested positive at the meatpacking plants and 200 of them have died. so he uses the defense production act to force these people to be exposed to covid-
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covid-19. this is how much the president cares about her healthcare. the 100 million people in our country, most of the people hear about have pre-existing conditions. i certainly do. after that, the 7 million who have tested positive with any more out there who will test positive for covid-19. and then to the list of people with pre-existing conditions. the elimination, the striking down of the affordable care act. because judge amy coney barrett is going to be in the court just-in-time, november 10th to hear the affordable care act case. will mean that families will be sitting around the dining tables with no affordable care act to help them and try to figure out how the heck is going to access the healthcare they need. this is real. this is why healthcare is the number one issue for everyone in
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our country. quite possibly the very rich people who got the benefit of the 1.5 trillion in tax cuts. the president trump pushed group. thank you. >> we are ready for questions. reporter: the republican specifically. [inaudible]. specifically and regarding the judge amy coney barrett nomination. and trying to frame and what is your response to that angle from the republicans party. [inaudible]. and anemones . >> look at a record. she believes in terms of her aca. you get rid of aca coming to close the protections away from women's health. look at a record the right to
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choose. a vast majority of americans want to maintain. and you to record is really against all women in the market need and want. you in a follow-up. >> is very clear with her position is on the formal correct. that's why she is being pushed in time to be sitting in the court november 10th. this is not a coincidence. getting rid of aca, number one priority for president trump biden also for and why do we recognize what is going on. all of the republicans who vote for this person. all them accountable for doing this to the healthcare. it. reporter: tonight at midnight, the senate has to have, what is that going to happen and are you aware of the reason it hasn't happened yet. >> i think it will happen in the next few hours bring the house sentence over the bill.
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and the motion to proceed was before that last night and so we will vote on it today with enough time to make sure the government stays open. >> and a question for climate change. as you know joe biden, has the most vicious plans. $2 trillion in spending. factors also a plan explicitly passing some kind of. [inaudible]. even if democrats in the white house and the senate, the majority, of all of these ambitious proposals. how is actually getting through. and i have a follow-up. kenny in the of utah from where you stand on the possibility of eliminating the filibuster. >> islands in the second
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question first. as i said before. we first have to elect the majority. if we don't elect the majority, we will even be discussing it. but if we do elect majority will get together and everything will be on the table. nothing will be off the table. in climate. the bottom line is we are looking already in ways we can get comprehensive climate legislation done it there a variety of different ways we are exploring all of them. it's one of our highest priorities. were going to get something very strong and bold done. reporter: with the biden campaign, - >> we are talking with lots of different people. [inaudible]. where you in the filibuster. >> the leaders position in my position on the filibuster prayed and there was a time when i do not supported . because the filibuster is posted protect the minority voices. i don't think we are being protected.
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so i'm open the discussion freedom but it won't happen mostly impacted the senate. >> we are making it very clear. there's a whole subissues that you might have to deal with next year. .. .. you asked about the vice president. we on the finance committee have been talking nonstop for years
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about this tale of two tax codes, one set of breaks for people at the top, another for firefighters. we learned just the last couple of days about what that a system means in "the new york times" expose on the tax returns and the vice president to his credit picked up on the kind of language finance democrats are talking about where you have to give a fair shake to people who work for a wage and not just give breaks to the people that make their money on wealth. >> one thing i would add, the proposal i made, clean cars for america which gets internal combustion off the roads as part of the platform that shows you how well we are working together. >> the commission on presidential debates has come out and said we are considering changes to the format of the next two debates. i'm wondering for all of you if there's anything you would like to see specific changed.
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>> i would say three things. first, unless he's trying to lose, i don't think donald trump should want to debate joe biden again and second, we should give the moderator of a mute button, given how donald trump interrupts at will. the bottom line is donald trump doesn't follow the rules. the commission has to get a lot tougher when debate participants don't follow the rules. >> okay. i think we are done. >> there are a number of democratic senators that said they are not going to meet with judge barrett. do you think that in doing that it's a missed opportunity to potentially vent her on information that may be valuable to the public? >> she's totally opposed to the
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aca and roe v wade. she said she followed scalia's philosophy. i think she is so far away from where america should be that no discussion will change any of that. >> on the judiciary committee i am one of the members who will not be meeting with her. and i've said that when the president affords the american people the courtesy not lying to us every single day including during the debate last night, i will extend the courtesy to meet with his nominee for a lifetime appointment who will start by taking away our healthcare and moving on to eliminating a woman's right to choose. >> thanks, everybody. >> [inaudible] >> yes, i will be attending the hearing. >> [inaudible] what's relevant is [inaudible]
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from her ability to make positions [inaudible] >> [inaudible] >> thank you, senator. [inaudible conversations] senate judiciary committee lindsay graham announced the confirmation hearing for amy coney barrett will begin monday, october 12th with opening statements. tuesday the 13th, the nominee begins taking questions from committee members. chair man graham said he expects the hearing will take three or four days. you can watch live coverage every day of amy coney barrett
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supreme court nomination hearing on c-span, or listen on our c-span radio app. former fbi director james khamenei testified on the republican led review of the fbi's handling of the russia investigation. the senate judiciary committee is looking into the origins