tv Washington Journal Open Phones CSPAN October 14, 2020 10:50am-11:10am EDT
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prizes including a grand prize of $5000 if the deadline kismet videos is january 20, 2021. be informed think you'll find competition rules tips and more information on how to get started at our website, >> as we've done over the last couple of days hearing from you but also saying we will be going over to the committee room, we should be saying some shots from with inside and outside the committee room long about now -- and hours of the we will show you those as the morning progresses and you can see the judge aright,u senators and of the guests as well. here's the coverage this morning in the "washington times," front-page headline. she is no upon for trump. judge amy coney barrett made no commitments to president trump but passionate rejected insinuations that she would be his quote pawn in upcoming release on obamacare possibly the presidential election.
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supreme court nominee told the senate judiciary committee on tuesday settings a long-standing practice of nominees from both the right and left she declined to hit how she would rule on any case involving abortion, healthcare, presidential pardons or she also rebuffed democrats denounced to recuse yourself from obamacare and election cases saying she would confront those decisions once on the court and would consult with other justices for advice. but she bristled at suggestions mr. trump chose her as a nominee to determine outcomes quote i sought help on members of the committee had more confidence in my integrity than to think i would allow myself to be used as upon to decide this election for the american people. on f this picture her holding up the pad, supreme court nominee amy coney barrett impress actress senator holding up a plank had come notepad but as what she was writing down -- blank patrick here's is what te chairman said come lindsey
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graham gives the first transit question and asked judge barrett about her judicial philosophy. >> justice scalia was an original is come right? >> guess he was. >> people so you're a females that fema scalia divulges a? >> i was a justice scalia was obviously a mentor and as i said when i accepted the presence nomination for his flossie is mine, too. he was a very eloquent defender of originalism, and that was also true of textualism which is a way that i approached statues and their interpretation and similarly what i just said about originalism, protectionism, the judge approaches the text as was written with the meaning that at the time. doesn't insert his own meaning into i wantme to be careful to y that if i am confirmed you would not be getting justice scalia 50 would be getting justice barrett, and that so because originalists don't always agree
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and neither did textualist. justice scalia and thomas disagreed often enough that my friend teaches a class called scalia versus thomas. it's not a mechanical exercise. >> i will wait till the movie comes out. the bottom line for me is there's a narrative building in this country and again you can stand down, this is just me speaking for me. justice ginsburg was an iconic figure in american history, just not the law. she was a trailblazer. she fought for better conditions for women throughout society. she was unashamedly progressive in her personal thought. she wasn't about to her faith. she worked for the aclu. she was proudly pro-choice personally but all of us on this side, apparently when they voted, accepted that she was highly qualified. but i want the american people to know i think it's okay to be religiously conservative. i think it's okay to be
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personally pro-choice. i think it's okay to live your life in ali traditional catholic fashion, and you still be qualified for the supreme court. so all the young conservative women out there, district attorney is about a place for you. i hope when this is all over that you come the would be a a place forll you at the table. it would be a spot for you at the supreme court like there was for judge ginsburg. >> talking about her views on originalism and textualism. here's what one viewer robert tweets our constitution is meant to be a flexible document to better the lives of the american people throughout the centuries. our constitution is not a rigid rock for french ideologies, religious of monarch to hold hostages, , term limits on lifetime appointments, a must. the reaction to the testimony yesterday.
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first up is william in orange park florida. >> caller: yeah, i think everybody in that room should have to stand and say they will swear to it, that they will ask honest questions. expect her to be honest and then make her raise her right hand. i can't understand how fox news wants people to pay the salaries of never trumpers like chris wallace and juan williams. they want to go into that fox nation but i'm not going to pay their salary. >> paul is in new bedford massachusetts opposing the nomination. >> caller: good morning. okay. one of the things i saw yesterday which was fascinating as a as a cross-examination of john kennedy, louisiana senator. this whole argument of textualism and originalism i
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felt that any barrett contradicted the whole notion which he said that the further you get past an original document you get the dicer gets a between 1791-1891 as time passes as to its change. great comment. that underscores why scalia is approach doesn't work, to me. because not that it doesn't work but it's just there's more than just this original text and is very selective reading really. anyway, in the end. and further when kennedy mentions the character like pluto in animal house and a historical kind of bombast, who is he describing? trump. it was hilarious. i thought one senator might pop up and say that. i was hoping anyway. but it is concerning.
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under what about the way they are rushing this through. let's face it, mitch mcconnell and lindsey graham i like kids that she and monopoly or again, or move the goal lines. they are really being brass. but in any event i won't rail on too much but this is -- you very dangerousa character, anyway, thanks for the call. >> okay. george, circleville ohio. , i would like to have a couple minutes and please don't cut me off the i haven't called for a while. this is m ridiculous. they areff talking about abortin come talk about reproductive rights. you are not reproducing nothing when you abort things. my daughters friends had adoptions abortions to aha three times. that's a matter of convenience. outlaw was change in the '60s. things have the last decades.
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they should be really hard in reason to have an abortion today. and the mostre important thing s the affordable care act. my wife retired after his working 35 years atr h-60 two. she cannot get on medicare for another three years. it's ridiculous. you can bertin social security at h-60 two and not get on medicare. that is the most -- as an talking about this code. you in the middle of pandemic but people cannot, that worked otherwise cannot get on medicare. are we insensible? are we unconscionable in this country? we talk about kids in cages and so forth. inin the grant have one agenda. that is to divide. >> dick durbin did ask about the affordable care act turkeys on the committee. here's that interaction. >> here's what it comes down to. you've been unequivocal in being critical about decisions both in king burwell.
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you naturally draw the conclusion that is going to a third strike when it comes to texas and california. you said it won't affect pre-existing conditions if the petitioners have their way, there will not be an affordable care act to protect pre-existing conditions on the severability question. us insight how you can be so unequivocal in opposing the majority decisions but have an open mind when it comes to the future of the affordable care act.ab >> sure. thank you for the question, senator durbin because it gives me an opportunity to make my position clear. when i wrote, and as this was as law professor, about those decisions, i did critique the statutory interpretation of the majorityri opinions, and as i he mentioned before my description of them was consistent with the way a chief justice roberts
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describes the statutory question. but i think that your concern is that because i critique the statutory reasoning that i am aca.le to the and that because i am hostile to the aca that i would decide a case of particular way. and i assure you that i am not. i am not hostile to the aca. .. , commented and we can talk another time about the context and distinctions between academic writing and judicial decision-making, those were on different issues. to assume that, because i critiqued the interpretation of the mandate or phrase established by state means means that an entirely different legal question of severability i would reach a particular result just assumes i'm hostile and that is not the
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case. you make the policies. >> we will show you highlights from the testimony yesterday. all of yesterday's coverage, almost 12 hours a or so available, we need to modify or do away with confirmation hearing for the supreme court, nominees are going to answer every question that may come up in a case i cannot answer that question. it is a joke. joan is highly intelligent person who appears to know a lot about judicial proceedings and is willing to stand by the rule of law. this week, one thing mcconnell and trump has achieved is reducing the stature of the supreme court much as they've done to every other institution they have touched. looking ahead reporting this morning, the new york times, what to watch for as the hearing enters day 3 after 12
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hours of questioning, many topics have been covered at some length and senators may begin to shift gears, judge jimmy wright faced a wide variety of inquiries in a predominantly civil marathon on tuesday, republican and democrat members of the judiciary committee posed a range of substantive questions about legal views and rulings in past cases, and observation, with interchange, and and shorter 20 minute rounds. looks to more forcefully make the case for or against judge barrett's confirmation. in laurel, maryland, good
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morning. >> i am thinking about this. i am in dc i do. i feel the people don't have a say. this is just pomp and circumstance. their minds are already made up. it is not what supreme court judges sit and listen to. we are trying to find out how she might think about us in case. don't know if it will never come up. most of us don't even hear about what supreme court cases go to the supreme court until after they made the decision, i think they are rushing, this republicans against democrats has gone on too long. we are people, we are american people and this back and forth with our lives needs to stop. until week, the american
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people, instead of these politicians, keep saying the american people want this. they need to listen to c-span. we are telling them what we want and that is trump out 2020. have a great day, thank you, c-span. >> milwaukee opposing the nominee. >> this is all about national labor relations, corporation -- it was decided in 1937, 307, us won. taking rights away from workers to assist labor unions. the secret society that mike lee and ted cruz and jimmy wright are members of the federalist society has one goal, to destroy and annihilate trade unions. this case was decided in 1936. it was ruled unconstitutional, then came back to the court
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after roosevelt threatened to pack the court and two justices, charles evan hughes and owen roberts flipped, they changed their opinions and all of a sudden we got our constitutional right to form labor unions. when people watch today, i want people to ask jimmy wright, what is the federalist society. i want them to ask ted cruz and mike lee the same question, senator whitehouse pointed out yesterday it is about our rights being finally taking away from us. if you want to go back to the jungle, to the law of the streets, we in organized labor are willing to do that. >> supporting the nominee is kim in california. tell us why.
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i am sorry, go ahead. you are on the air. >> she is absolutely wonderful. if you listen to the last man that called, the federalist society is an organization of conservative attorneys, democrats have their own organization, they spend just as much money as republicans do trying to get their issues through. she is an absolutely spectacular choice for the supreme court justice. don't be afraid of scary orange man, have a great day. >> cleveland is next, john opposing the nomination, tell us why. >> 86 years old, american -- accepting -- proceed. the language as written.
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forming the body these days. justice roberts said somebody has the police in the tower. you can't put them in jail. the other thing. money talks. don't have any process. money talks. the founding fathers would commit suicide knowing how many is used in this election in this country. i'm from another country, born there but i'm more american than most americans. i teach -- the greatest country on earth but look in the mirror, talking point. fox news, msnbc, feel like it is another planet when i was into them. >> host: less than three weeks until election day.
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more coverage planned today. the headline in the washington post, biden and trump step up their fight for older voters, biden made his most direct appeal yet to older voters to lock in support from a group that favored donald trump four years ago but has emerged as one of the significant groups to shift, later in the piece they write the trump made a pitch to seniors at his own rally on monday, his first return to the campaign trail after his recent hospitalization and film the recent video aimed directly at older americans with 3 weeks left before the election it early voting starting in many states, fierce battle underway for seniors who turn up in high numbers and call the potential to swing a close election was biden and trump, competing for support from americans of their own generation at a moment a
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pandemic that disproportionately kills older people has upended daily life for voting across the country, trump, 74, was the oldest president at his swearing-in and biden, 77, would claim that title if he wins in november. donald trump tweeting yesterday this mocking sign of joe biden's campaign, not biden for president but biden for resident, purportedly of a nursing home, that was not a retweet, that is from the president's accounts was more on the campaign for the washington times, trump takes no chances. >> we will be leaving this program at this point. you can see it in its entirety on we go live to donald trump speaking about the economy epic an economic club of new york. >> honored to preside at today's event. the economic club of new york, for the first time the economic club of chicago, washington, pittsburgh, florida, oregon hosting tos
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