tv Washington Journal David Shimer CSPAN October 14, 2020 6:48pm-7:31pm EDT
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>> in about 15 minutes, president trump pulled the campaign rally with voters and supporters in des moines, iowa. a portion of "washington journal" on election security. >> we are back with david, a global fellow wilson center and author of great america russia in 100 years of electoral interference. here to discuss the book on the history of russia's electoral affairs. good morning. >> thank you for having me. i'm excited to be here. >> what prompted you to write this book? >> i was alarmed when, after 2016, so many commentators and analysts tweeted interference in the 2016 election as unprecedented somehow. to me, when something is treated as unprecedented, it suggests there's no historye behind it suggesting it's easy to create myths and lies about something so what i do is restore history
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to the subject and devote the dangerous myth that this is all combined to the 2016 election. soviet union interference election, the cia and during the cold war, russia is and is interfering all over the world today and only then joy examined 2016 and aftermath because russia is actively interfering in the 2020 election and to me, by restoring that history to public discourse, i appreciate the fact that this is not all new. we can prepare for and defend against the threat in a more effective and comprehensive way. >> so what is new about russia is doing? what are they doing that they've always done? what is new here? >> i would say what is not new is the idea of russia interfering in a u.s. election. as ier detail in the book, russa targeted, soviet union targeted,
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1960, 75th and 84 elections to work against republicans. i'd say what is also not new are the ideasas behind what russia s doing such as spreading w propaganda across the vulnerable news platform for releasing private information about public figures or even stuffing ballot boxes for the physically or digitally. what is new is because of the internet, they turbocharge the ideas and because of the internet, they are able to penetrate america at scale which the soviet union struggled to do and what is also new as they are able to pursue two types of interference in propaganda as they did 60 but also penetrating our voting system as they also did during the 2016 election. >> with what you know about what russia has been doing in the
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past, and is doing now, what concerns you the most about the upcoming 2020 election? >> i would say a couple things on my mind. the first, there are always twoi ways to interfere in an election for the 19242020 either by mutilating people, public opinion or trying to affect actual ballots so we know now, russia is manipulating public opinion across social media and releasing information that microsoft says is trying to steal. what most concerns me is linking from russians perspective, what is our greatest phone ability right now? trying to assess where we are weak and unusually weak around uae actual voting process because there's so much as a result of the coronavirus of this election will proceed fairly, the voting process is mistrusted in the president alleging it is rigged so from russians perspective, which is
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tearing down american democracy to disrupt, discredit delegitimize our election process, you can either spread misinformation for seek to sabotage our system to sell worked out, you can perhaps get return based on low effort based on how much doubt already exist to hold a stable election this fall. >> it's remind our viewers they can participate in this conversation. we open up regular lines, republicans, 2,027,488,001 democrats, 2,027,488,000. independence, your independent 2027488002 and you can always exit to 20274 -- we are always on social media on twitter and @cspanwj and facebook and we already have a question from
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a social media follower to answer is. maybe the expert in from the tell us what he means by interference as a russian guy facing difference? of the cracking into ballot boxes? >> i would say for me, but i study and qualify into the subject is something known as, electoral strength and to qualify, you have to meet specific qualifications. you had to be covered. the hand of your involvement has to be hidden. if your public endorsement, that does not count but if russia steals and leaks documents through a third party, thereby hiding his hand, you're in the bargain. the second is electoral and for something to be electoral, you have to be targeting and
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electoral process, a boat determining the leader of your country. if you're just trying to get public opinion in the country were influencingte legislation o be, that still matters, but is another operation but it is not in electoral operation. finally, interference meanss yor deploymenton after measures were not just watching collecting intelligence, normatively do to change. i do find interference as a in an effort to manipulate the democrat of succession and as i found my research, that phenomena undermines relations the past century or so and continues our threat in our democracy right now. >> this week on cbs, national security advisor, rob o'brien spoke about his recent discussion with russianan officials in geneva and the message he delivered of the upcomingss election.
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>> i think our adversaries know the u.s. government is that we are protecting the american people. one of the reasons i went is to let him know there would be no tolerance for any interference with our election day, boating, vote tallies and demand that russia not engage in that sort of thing. russians have committed in doing so so as president reagan said in president trump often says, his trust and verify so we will keep an eye on it the russians did commit to not interfering in the elections and we will see what happens. president putin's right hand person. >> i want you to react to what he said and then what is the actual w act that they have to have these discussions say about what russia plans to do in this
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upcoming election? >> it is nice for russia to say they won't nia interfere in the0 election but the problem is, they are actually interfering right now. the current fbi director and osha, russia is interviewing the election, we seen its operation unfolding already across social media other investors of its ongoing election so on the one hand, russia denied interfering in the 2020 -- 2016 election. they are denying the 2020 election. also denied interfering in the sixth election when there is the soviet union and confronted by an administration official before the november election then so on the one hand, i would not pay too much to russia's denials because they don't they are not by thes. facts but on te other hand, it think it's a message, i think there is no downside saying they would
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interview. i wish the president would communicate that message directly to the russian president rather than either exist or doesn't actually helping from russia as he did before the 2016 election and axing about the e-mail. on the one hand, helpful message and on the other hand, recognize they are interfering right now while mr. o'brien seems to be talking about whether russia would vote tallies, as i said, electoral interference can include manipulate people or actual votes and defending an election in both. >> i know your focus is on russia but are there other countries of concern like china? iran? is going on with those countries? >> i would say to date, the history of interbrand has primarily been a russian and soviet tradition and an american tradition. i'd say beyond that, no country
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has been on back in systemic continuous sustained way. with that said, russia's 2016 operation became so vile and drawing so much attention that i wonder whether that can be turning in terms of other states imitating russia so i wouldn't like them to be the pioneer here, neither would be justified by the history or even their current objectives. i'd say they probably are making calculations about whether to try to follow the lead of russia. however, i also say this is a global problem so russia is interviewing on a global basis because they have a global strategy to do so which is to support authoritarian minded and it is undermining their systems. i interviewed the president of russia intelligence trying to assassinate the former president of columbia who said his environment is under siege or
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got reports of such a russian actress on the one hand, russia has a global basis for doing this but back it up against china or iran who need a global reason to interfere on a global basis, i do not believe they do so you may see them interfering in specific collections and china and maybe taiwan for australia but i expect russia to be at the front in terms of its pertinent and aggressiveness in seeking to interfere in our electoral processes. ... there has been a lot of talk about packing the election. and whether your wonder where the 2020 elections will be secure. i am here today to tell you
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that my confidence in the security has never been higher. that is because of it all nation on precedent in election security effort over the last several years. we are focused on securing the nation's critical infrastructure and the services in our society. that pretty clearly includes the election system. since 2017, we have a working with state and local election officials just for this moment. first, we pulled together the election community across all 50 states to territories in d.c. to work towards a common purpose of protecting 2020. second, we help make the election systems across the country secure and resilient as possible. and third, we worked to increase voting processes including the vote itself. this year, more than 90% of votes cast on a paper record print that is a great thing.
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because election officials can check the receipt and make sure the count is right. >> how much more prepared is the u.s. to fight against any type of foreign interference in this upcoming election? >> so i would say again, let's draw an important distinction. eight, by the way that video watch the whole thing when it came out is very helpful. i would say the first type of interference is to influence voters. seven e-mail spread disinformation across social media to manipulate public opinion. he was not talking about that at all. when he was talking about was very specific form of interference which is a breaching and manipulating our actual election infrastructure. and it makes sense that is his focus not only because of his job. but also because of where we were four years ago. where's i revealed my book, i interviewed 26 former advisers to obama. what i found is the imperative and the captivation was a second type of interference.
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was that russia going to affect our systems? john brennan for instance told me that russia had the capability to alter vote tallies of u.s. citizens to the point were on election day it fell apart i discovered the white house and dhs were running secret bracing for cyber attacks against our infrastructure. so i would say that in that aftermath, even though no such attack manifested itself, i think at the bare minimum we need to be securing or infrastructure. i'm glad that is the focus for to think of challenges that is that states and localities ultimately have the final say over what kind of election systems they are running. i'm glad that dhs i worry is someone else in that video said that foreign actors are seeking to gain access to our election infrastructure. we have to be resolute in protecting our systems.
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>> what's go to our collars and with join the conversation let's start from and who is calling from northfield, root california on the republican line. >> caller: high good morning thanks for taking my call. first of all i want to ask you, you say russia. okay, i don't think it is a putin interfering in the elections, i think it is ukraine it is more interfering in our elections. i really believe in 2016 they were interfering and they wanted hillary because there are incidents in new york for example, this lady went to vote and she kept voting for trump. okay, it kept coming up hillary. there's so much voter fraud on the democrat side. it is pathetic. i would like to tell you a stor story. my thing is if they are
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interfering, i think it is ukraine, and i think biden and his son. and they have a lot to do with it. their dealings with ukraine. we need to get trump back in. i cannot stress this enough. >> go ahead and ask. short think every much for the question but i was it's very important to correct unfortunately the myth that ukraine was the perpetrator her here. i think the problem we have as a democracy is before you are able to defend your election you have to know with the backs or we can all agree on that. the backs have been established. at least for 2016 that russia, by the orders of vladimir putin, based on the consensus of our u.s. intelligence community. he did interfere in the 2016 election to help donald trump, hurt hillary clinton and
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disrupt the democracy buried to do so russia spread propaganda through social through the internet research agency which is based in st. petersburg and reached over 100 millions americans online print russian military intelligence and agency and on gr you have to release e-mails from the democratic national committee and john podesta bright and that the intelligence probe are intelligent systems. those the facts we should talk about how to defend against not only russia but by any country to interfere covertly in our elections moving forward whether it be to help a democrat or a republican, it does not matter but we should be as resolute against defending those operations as ever were seeking to defend our democracy. but to do so we have to live the russian effort four years ago that space reports released by the scent and transcendent by the muller investigation the u.s. intelligence community is not only determine, but actually for going the weeds of those
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documents is extraordinary publicly available evidence as to what exactly happened. and what we can learn from it. civic one of our social media followers has another question for you david. they want to know generally, do you believe russian interference is solicited by american politicians? >> guest: i would say that actually the tradition of american politics at the presidential level before 2016 was the opposite. where in 1960 for instance soviet ambassador on instruction from the leader of the soviet union itself approached analyte stevenson who is a leading democrat and politician of the day. and offered in a closed-door meeting to help them win the presidency. and stephenson more or less said get the hell away from me i am what nothing more to do at this. the idea being he would rather lose if he ran on his own if you ran with foreign help with the same with ambassador on
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orders from moscow by his own recollection and memoirs revealed that he approached hubert humphrey who was the sitting vice president at the time to try to find his campaign for the presidency to work against richard nixon. and hubert humphrey then said, prohibited the conversation wanted nothing to do with it. so i hope that tradition will resurface because i believe american politicians if you are democrat or republican it does not matter if you believe in the sovereignty of our democracy you should believe in the independence of our elections and have no business soliciting from any foreign actor in our electoral processes. because something that just came to the forefront in my research is the soviet union interfered to destroy it richard nixon a republican. it interfered in the 76 and 84 election to destroy ronald reagan a republican. it happens russia wants to help a republican. but russia is actors or choose
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our leaders for us. to advertise our democracy and undermine the viability of the democratic model as a viable model of governance. that should defend an alarm all americans do regardless of their public loyalties. >> you said earlier in an interview this year the idea of interference is not just changing ballots. but to legitimize the entire process itself part i'm going to read your quote you what you talk little bit more about it. >> we should be ready for there to be some sort of plan here to degrade, disrupt our democracy by delegitimizing the outcome of the election. what putin is after here is chaos, is dysfunction, it's corrupting democracy. trump has a means to the end but there's other ways of achieving it. one of which is just making america's wonder whether their election was fair at all. talk a little bit about that. civic siegrist myself. the russian objective here, you have to look globally. because donald trump can be
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distracting. our current politics can be distracting. let's think about what the strategy is overall. which is to support candidates on the left or right that will help them to tear down democratic systems. to corrupt democratic systems from within to discredit and to grade the democratic model. vladimir putin believes that serves the strategic objective. domestically it shows his own people that the democratic model is flawed, is not desirable for they don't really want that. from a global perspective divides democracies from one another, pulls them away from the international institution that have typically underpinned american power in the world. in the by targeting america itself by delegitimizing our democracy it shows the world how vulnerable the world's most powerful democracy is to subversion. it makes us more divided. and it undermines our ability to lead abroad. so latimer putin has many
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benefits to the strategy but he's executing it aggressively. i would just remind folks is something i discovered in my research for instance is russia started its interference operation against us in 2014. before donald trump announced his campaign. russian tended to get to new its operation had doubled trump lawton 2016 as detailed in my book, riggs. this is not just about donald trump it's the right of russia interference proceeded donald trump it will persist after donald trump. defend our democracy regardless of the who this might be price brick will talk to james in charlotte north carolina on the democratic line. james good morning for. >> caller: good morning david. the thing that gets me, a lot of people either democrat or republican mostly republicans they do not understand that we have prosperity that all of
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this that we have, is based on us being able to project democracy throughout the world. this system that we have now, we constructed after world war ii. and now we have people, it used to be that the politics stopped at the border. now, we have politicians who will collaborate with our enemies just to gain a little power here. just like the lady said, while ukraine was really the adversar adversary. number one, we've got to determine what is the truth. we've got to stop playing these games before we destroy ourselves. because if people understand that our prosperity is based on how we project democracy. we keep systemic back in the 50s there's no way they
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could've changed people's mind about who they were going to vote for. or who they weren't going to vote for. russia has been to in this for years. the sense of patriotism and not this, i don't know what you call it. this camp and this camp. we don't care about patriotism, we just care about power. symmetrical head and respond there david. >> guest: thank you in on ukraine again there is this information there's evidence that they interfere with the election. in your broader points around the issue of electro interference and how vulnerable we are prettier absently record because we are so divided we are ourselves more exposed. something that history bears out, i spent about half a day with the former abd general who made very clear to me when your democracy is already in turmoil, or already has citizens who are at each other's throats, that is fertile ground for subversion, covid interference because is that much easier to forecast
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on fissures that already exist. so moving forward to me, in order to actually get at this threat, on the one hand you do have two speaks to detect integer these operations. we should be working with her alley democracy to defend our sovereignty together into punish those who would seek to violate it. but we also come in conjunction with that, need to be instituting reforms at home. domestic reforms in order to renew our society towards been less vulnerable to this type of sabotage. to get back to what you set a point where facts are agreed upon. where we are able to collaborate on the key issues of the day regardless of whatever party you belong to part at two do so at the bare minimum we need to secure our infrastructure prayed we need to mitigate the effectiveness of hack and release operations with social media propaganda operation. be on that money to restore things like local media. like education that provide people with that basis of knowledge free with that
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shared understanding of the facts of the day. we also need to urge our lawmakers to do their jobs and pass legislation. whether it be run healthcare, infrastructure, basic ideas that really make it so we are a better functioning democracy. and asked to become more functional we become more vulnerable to manipulation because facts are not up for debate. polarization is not so intense. and distrust is not so pervasive in our discourse. as long as we keep traveling that road, if we do, no one agrees on her to party affiliated or americans of two separate realities, you are right we will remain as vulnerable as we have been to manipulation because we are sort of making ourselves an open target for this type of sabotag sabotage. she went on now david went to go back to something you mentioned earlier and i want to get a little more into it. we talked about global election interference but you did point a finger at moscow.
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but you've also talked about washington d.c. i want to read a paragraph from your book. i want you to talk a little bit more about it. every instance of covid electro interference can be understood across two planes paired one has to do with individual change with the intensive operation is to promote a friendly candidate, defeated unfriendly candle or no preference for the other has to systematic change. whether the intention of an operation is to strengthen, weaken or not at all impact the internal functions of a democracy. washington and moscow are equivalent across the first plane. so we are talking a lot about election interference from foreign countries to the united states. the the united states has been known to the exact same thing in the past, correct? >> what i established very clearly in my book is that there is a history of not only soviet and now russia interference. and as stated in that passage,
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those are not equivalent. not only have americans moved away from this practice but also because america and presidents long believe they could achieve systemic change towards building up democracy through these were the russian leaders believe they could tear down democratic systems through operations. putting that aside my argument is that america has interfered covertly historically particular during the cold war, the soviet union did it throughout the cold war, russia's joint globally today. i think that by stating that complete history by drawing lessons from her own past as well as the past of other will have as many as possible in seeking how to defend yourselves today. so moving forward i would leave it to readers to look at the past and decide. okay i am reading about the operations it harry truman linden gtb johnson authorized but i think about that do i agree or disagree? all the way to bill clinton
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about a covid electoral interference that he authorized. i leave it to readers to judge the merits of those decisions. i do argue my conclusion that america should turn the page of the practice of covid electoral interference. we should and this practice at neither lies with her interests or values to be interfering and elections covertly at a time when our elections are so exposed. we are seeking to stand up for free and fair elections printer we should be seeking realities of the world against this practice but will be playing ourselves so to speak, undermining ourselves if we were to get down the mud and engage in this type of practice today. so i think moving forward this should be something that's a part of a history book. not part of moderate discussion. >> with another question for social media follower i want to bring you part there several versions of this question pop up. where do you place the information being declassified reporting that hillary clinton
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concocted the initial story and your source john brennan amplified it for three years knowing in part it was made up for democratic party's political reasons. >> guest: so the cia, nfa, the heads of those agencies reportedly did not with that information released. it has been disinformation, false information planted by russian intelligence. and so if i were readers or viewers taken that information, i would view the lens as disinformation. or it hasn't been determined to be true at all as stated in the initial letter about it. i would also recall that there will be efforts to distract her most underlying facts and those underlying facts being that russia interfered in the 2016 election and so those efforts to distract such as i believe this partial declassification should not let us forget the broader mission is to defend our
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election that russia did enact a sweeping and systemic effort to manipulate us in 2016. that russia is according to the director of the fbi very actively interfering in the selection right now. and so the imperative is to defend against those operations. i wish that partisan or use of partial declassification authorities to score political points were not a part of our discourse a few weeks out of an election. for the goal, the only goal should be to ensure we can have an election free of foreign influence the cycle. >> let's québec to phone lines and talk to tim was calling from baltic, ohio on the republican line. tim good morning. >> good morning. my main question is, why did the cia start up radio free europe? the whole idea was to undermine the communist government. and the soviet union was germany, ukraine, czechoslovakia, russia.
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now that union is broken and it is down to russia. they are just using our playbook against us on the internet. it is the same thing when they are using the internet and we use the radio free europe. sue and clay to respond david. >> thank you. i would say that the goal of what russia is speaking to do, as you said is to weaponize vulnerable information platforms. that used to beat newspapers, tvs, radio stations. as you said something america knows as well. but now to social media. now it's e-mails now it's affecting digital information environments. not only are americans increasing reliant on the platform but this platforms are uniquely vulnerable to manipulation. because a generation ago, to get inside a newspaper or instance you typically had to recruit an asset. you had have a journalist and there was agreeing to publish
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articles that might have been planted or helped to be concocted by another person or foreign intelligence service. whereas a social media you could be sitting in moscow. you can create personas purporting to be americans. and then you can use those personas to amplify content, to spread content across dialogue in the united states. there's no need for third party. the same thing goes with e-mail we contact into in steel documents. and you have to use if you need it third part amplify them in a wide reaching way. i agree completely the internet opens up opportunities for influence. it's nothing that we as a democracy need to get ahead surrounded seeking to determine how can we use this new information environment which is part of our lives. what also seeking to as well as possible maintain her own sovereignty and the new digital world we now live in.
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when the stock to victor's calling from birmingham alabama on the democratic line. victor good morning. >> yes. go ahead victor. i just need to know if. >> host: victory there? >> caller: yes i'm here. i had to turn my tv down. i there? >> can you hear me now? >> yes i can good victor. >> i just want to know we are going through with interference than why is he the still the president? why is he still the president? [inaudible] sue and answer their david. switch to i had a little trouble understanding do with the question was? sue vick he wanted to know
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there's so much interference whited the impeachment count? i guess he was trying to compete the impatient with election interference. >> with the impeachment was, was related here. which was the president of the united states soliciting privately action by a foreign government that would undermine one of his political rivals, joe biden has now turned out to be the democratic nominee for president. and so i think that is something that a president should not do. i think that it undermines our sovereignty. i think that it went against what it means to be the leader of a sovereign state. but it was the judgment of the senate that that was not an offense that was worthy of removal from office. and so he was impeached but he was not removed from office for those the facts of what happene happened. i would say moving forward, i hope that presidents will no longer whether it's in 21 or
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25 the next president will not solicit help from china or ukraine or russia or whomever. but rather will win or lose domestic collection based on domestic factors. that is the contact i believe there into to be a leader of a democracy based on her own succession but something i found in detail it many cases in my book is democracies die as corrupted versions of themselves is no longer independent versions of themselves. we need to make sure we maintain her independence fruman need to get back to 1888 actually there's a scandal involving allegations of foreign interference in our election. that prompted bipartisan outrage and views as offensive. we should be there never think of russia or whomever's interfering in our election, we as a nation should be offended pray that's an affront to our national sovereignty, our ability to function as such.
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i see no reason why any citizen should be happy that foreign actors are able to manipulate you the views of their fellow citizens or to direct and disrupt our democracy based on their whims and wishes based on the whims and wishes of the american people. civic does american voting interfere with russia's interference? >> no and yes for it i would say no is in mail and belts are not susceptible to alteration by foreign powers. the u.s. intelligence community has a very clear on that. there is a record. they are in many ways more secure than internet connected systems. so in that sense it is all for the good. i would say it does open up new opportunities for interference because of the immense doubt that exists around mail in voting. right now based on one survey i just saw only 31% of americans are very confident that their mail in ballots will be counted accurately. that is an astoundingly low number. astoundingly significant
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opportunity for russia whose objective is to delegitimize our democratic model to show doubt about the legitimacy of our democratic process. birdie seen reports that russia's spreading disinformation about voter fraud amplifying allegations coming from the president that mail and belts will lead to a rigged election. and i would expect to moving forward that russia will continue to take advantage of mail in voting to sell that type of chaos. whether spreading more disinformation or whether by seeking to sabotage specific systems as with four years ago inside the obama white house and order to make americans wonder, can actually tresses election? does the outcome really reflect the wishes of the people? so my advice to voters is to recognize that the objective of our adversaries is to so that type of chaos. what we should be doug as citizens is voting.
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but resisting the notion that the sky is falling. because russia's moves are likely to make us feel that way. when the reality is the election is conducting itself fine. and will proceed as such may foreign interference standpoint. as a that is a whole other question that based on your question regarding foreign interference or should not be worried about actual alterations. this should be worries that that type of voting is insecure. sue beck let's talk to henry is talking from michigan on the democratic line pre->> henry good morning. you open up your reason tatian by talking about what is a precedent or historic and russian voting interference. and then you talked about what is new in the interference. i wonder if you could explain to the audience one new factor
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that you did not mention which has the russian ever had a president is amplify the misinformation by conferring with vladimir putin on strategy? and a republican party that is engaging in voter suppression. in trying to subvert the democratic process. some ongoing responder quickly for run out of time pre->> i would say that absolutely. i was talking earlier about systemic factors that have made us more vulnerable to foreign interference. i would also say specific action by this president has made us more vulnerable to interference but has spread allegations of a rigged vote which plays into the russian objective of tearing down american democracy. so russia's amplify that
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messaging as we have seen. he questions a mental health of his opponent, russia's amplifying that. he's asked russia openly to involve itself in our election four years ago for he asked privately ukraine and china to involve themselves or take action for the 2020 election. so i agree that none of those actions are in service of american sovereignty are not only of the history i mentioned around past american presidential candidate for leading politicians. and i think that moving forward, that is a practice that hopefully our country can move away from and get back at the idea that our electoral sovereignty is paramount. and the political future of individuals do not overwhelm or should not rank above that idea of election independence. and so that is where i fall in that view. in my book i detailed the 13th
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