tv Washington Journal Tom Fitton CSPAN October 20, 2020 12:54pm-1:42pm EDT
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>> the scent had a choice to make. do i have the -- if i run it badly they were probably blame him but they will blame the more poorly i want to help people. >> he in fact, over you has cost 10 million people their health care that they had from employers because of his recession. >> with less than two weeks before the 2020 election watch the second presidential debate between president donald trump and former vice president joe biden. thursday from belmont university in nashville, tennessee. live coverage begins at 8 p.m. eastern on c-span. listen live on the c-span radio app and go to for live or on-demand streaming of c-span's debate coverage. joining us the president of judicial watch, he serves as the president judicial, the website. her to talk but issues of the russian investigation and other topics. good morning.
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>> x are having. >> reminded viewers about the purpose of your organization. also if you would could you tell our viewers how you are funded? >> judicial watch is funded through voluntary donations than the american people. we are a nonprofit educational foundation that tries to bring more transparency and accountability and the rule of law to our nation's public life. >> one of the issues of transparency organization spends a lot of time with previous at up to date is set of this look into the russian investigation of the background of the. remind people i guess because we heard about it a lot but we like people again what was essentially your take on what was done in that investigation. >> guest: my take is that the obama administration, , the hillary clinton campaign were very nervous about the legal issues surrounding hillary clinton's e-mails and, frankly, other misconduct of the obama administration in 2016.
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as a related to hillary clinton's emails and as related to the targeting of president trump. they double downas on it, manufactured false allegations against president trump to excuse unprecedented spy operations and in later criminal investigations into trump and his team. >> host: as far as all that investigation, what substantially came out of that? i know saw the mueller report but as far as the look into the investigation itself what conclusive evidence have we found? >> guest: recently we have information that our intelligence community had intelligence that the russians evidently listening to hillary clinton and company news that hillary clinton was making it all up or was trying to use these russia allegations,, collusion allegations, that were fanciful to distract the american people from e-mail allegations. and that was briefed to the
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president, barack obama, and it was actually refer to the fbi for the investigation but obviously not much was done with it. >> host: as far as the actual release of information one of the things people looking for particularly after following thf story was something called the durham report and releases from that. what was that report and what was released from it? >> guest: the room hasn't released anything. they have been some disclosures by the office of director of national intelligence and other, judicial watch, judicial watch received some key documents about what was going on, but durham has had one prosecution/plea deal and not much else. >> host: the "washington post" reported last week as far as investigations, there still no criminal charges or public report on this. why do you think that is? >> guest: you have to ask the justice department. i think it's a real disappointment. doran was appointed in april of 2019.
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as far as i am concerned there's no excuse for the lack of action. i am not seeing evidence he has actually done a series investigation, compare and contrast to the mueller's operation. you saw what a significant d.c. criminalization. jeff granger is operating, witnesses come all the indicia of serious criminal investigation, none of that being present in the durham operation. >> host: most recent days the te president comes you probably say this as well, set out in in a t as far as the authorization of a declassification of sorts. talk about that tweet, what resulted from it and what do you expect from it? >> guest: he said he was ordering a declassification everything related to the russian program hillary clinton's e-mails as well, which were very heavily involved in. the justice department has been anything. they have released anything tony us. i don't know whether that's legally right or true, but my
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question is why is the justice department and the state department always agencies continuing to cover up? this is not like required by law. it is usually discretionary despite the president wishes to the contrary. >> host: when you use the word cover-up, who is behind the cover-up and are you pointing directly to the president's people appointed by the president to handle these issues? >> guest: someone like christopher wray is responsible, attorney general barr is responsible. they know these documents are don't haveut theyne much interest in having been released in a timely way, if at all. >> host: i suppose not the first time you and asked but as far as of the timing software out from the russian investigation everything behind that, why do you think that matters today? >> guest: well because as i call it the coup is still going on picu stalevo legal leak targeting president trump of classified information. what took place during the russian investigation was the
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crime in my view. the movie have about it, the more information we have about it, the moree accountability wil be. certainly it's not sufficient to get a criminal investigation or prosecution going but if we don't know whatti they did thers going to be federal public pressure on the justice department to hold them accountable. one of the reasons durham has been able to skate without much in the way of having to do anything is because only now we're learning some key aspects about the corruption behind russia gate. .. that brendan knew and barack obama knew specifically brennan and barack obama knew that the russia gate smears were just that we have information about going back to the beginning that flynn was knowingly and falsely targeted for
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prosecution by the obama administration lyand then the mueller operation. we are only hearing about that in the last few months. did durham know about this early on and if he did, why hasn't he acted on it >> this is tom been joiningus for this discussion and you can give us a call . if you want on the phone lines, you can also post on twitter and our facebook page as far as our discussion with tom thin. the latest entry into related matters tom thin are these series of stories coming out of the new yorkpost . on its face what youthink of them ? >> they confirm there is significant corruption with the way biden and his family were operating during his vice presidency, probably before that that they were trading on his name, trading on his office to line their pockets. that's what the evidence shows and it shows you why,
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even what went on, let's forget about impeachment and the true attack on president from earlier in the year. the president asked a question or two of ukrainians about what was going on with biden and burisma and they went crazy, his political opposition. now we know why they went crazy . he was onto something and he was on to something bigger than he knew. >> when you say then it confirms, how do you clarify that? how do you qualify that? >> vice president biden admitted firing or having fired the top prosecutor in the ukraine that coincidentally had been investigating his sons board, burisma. we have emails coming out not from computers left by hunter biden but from the state department showing that they had long-standing concerns the email suggested, long-standing concern about biden burisma and one capital
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official said it's the gift that keeps on giving and complained about the russians trolling biden over the burisma issue .because it was a big issue in the state department, we saw that confirm in the state testimony of durham and we're seeing it confirmed in documents and now we're having it filled in, the blood still then as to what monies were being sloshed around sin these new hunter biden emails. >> you heard them from the statement you made that there were a lot of investigations tthat called for the removalof that investigator anyway because he was slow walking the process, how do you respond ? >> those are after-the-fact rationalizations. how many prosecutors does the president get involved in firing ? it's insane. >> so the new york post story is there a delectable line in your mind from the computer itself to the person who found it to rudy giuliani? is there a direct line to evidence or is there still essence as regards to the validity of the evidence.
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>> the post tried to figure out the chain of custody and i hope the justice department and fbi are concerned about it, i'm concerned they are covering it up to undermine allegations . but it seems to me a relatively forward issue is to figure out whether the emails are legit or not , he mainly we have information tu that hunter biden's lawyer was seeking the return of the material and i haven't seen anything from the biden campaign to suggest emails are not accurate . in fact, they are confirming as the washington post piece by david ignatius this week where biden has reported to tell someone you knew how to make money for the family and then we have politico being
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told it didn'thappen formally, things are piling up around biden and i will suspect it would get worse . >> the times is a story taking a look at this issue and they say in its first paragraph for the first sentence says hunter biden himself on the laptop computer at a wilmington delaware delaware shop and he later gave the materials to president attorney, that shop owner as according to the washington times told that to a senate committee. >> when you confirm that to an official government body you're putting yourself at legal risk if you're lying so you know, let's get it all out. i want to hear what joe biden has tosay about these emails . did he for instance get any money from his brother and his son? did he get money from them? where was that money coming ey from and we want the details about where hunter biden was gettingmoney ? the scandal of the biden issue is significant obviously.
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i'm concerned about why the justice department andfbi had been sitting on this for almost a year . whathave they been doing ? attorney general barr said i don't see any evidence about obama involvement, they're not going to be investigated or pursuedelegantly . did he know about the laptop at the time and if not, why not ? >> what's the likelihood any other information from the justice department or fbi is going to come up so close to the election ? >> we may just get documents in the ordinary course of the scheduling are of our information freedom of information lawsuits, i'm not sure what comes out between now andthen . we may get documents about doctor politico and their communication about coronavirus as early as next week so we never know what's going to be the next day. >> tom fitton our guest to
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talk about these issues with judicial watch. or call from new hampshire, this is area you're on with ourguest, go ahead . >> thank you. when donald trump asked the russians for help during his campaign, while we were fighting the russians in syria, i think that should have been enough to open a full investigation on donald trump and his minions and they should have been totally vetted out of the campaign, the race at that time. they would have found out all the ties between donald trump's men , his campaign people between them and russia, then and ukraine and we wouldn't be in this debacle right now with this sociopath running our country into the ground under a russian. this is a russian to over our country that donald trump and his people are perpetrating against the american people, democracy and against our
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constitution.then we had donald trump shaking down the ukraine which is extortion. donald trump lying to the american people 20,000 times and not protecting us from covid-19. 250,000 americansdead . >> guest: you brought up a couple topics so we will let our guest address that. >> guest: on the russian nsside of the crazed conspiracy theory not backed up by evidence. neither trump nor any other american knowingly worked with the russians tointerfere in our campaign . that's the conclusion of the mueller report. that's the conclusion of every indictment mueller brought related to the russian hacking alleged of the dnc and democrat emails. there's no there there so you're saying a bunch of words that are backed up by reality.
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>> host: from massachusetts, james is next, democrats line . >> caller: good morning, mister fitton i'd like to ask you a couple of questions. you mentioned shortly if you testify before congress and tell a lie it should be criminal consequences and i'd like to know if you think when you brought up doctor fauci, do you believe that the four times he went before congress and swore under sworn testimony that donald trump was following all the information, doing everything he was told , do you believe doctor fauci should go to jail for that? one other question ihave for you , lindsey graham had an interview with eiji horowitz and if you want, i get the
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archive if i could, if you go on to the archive you can find that entire testimony and there's a picture of lindsey graham and that picture is just about a caption that said please listen to 35 minutes of lindsey graham's lies and conspiracy theories. though that's what's going on at c-span and every other newsagency in america . answer ship and carrying the water of joe biden like i can't even believe. >> host: mister fitton, go ahead. >> guest: i'm not aware of doctor fauci lying to congress, iwasn't sure what the question was there . i'm not sure what the question is about inspector general horwitz although horowitz report is worth reading. his report i would say and that to me is something everyone ought to be reading if you haven't already because it really demonstrates the fraudulent nature and criminal nature of
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the obama gate /russia gate attack on our democracy and our republic. >> republican line, virginia, go ahead. >> good morning c-span. i have a couple of questions about virginia voting. and there was over 500,000 votes that are being counted or something or there was something wrong with them. i was wondering about that and i was wondering about the investigation over the last three years and how prosecutors people erase all their phones. is it going to besomething coming out of that ? >> mister fitton, that's a
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good segue because one of the issues judicial watch does is this issue of mail in voting and watching over that. talk about the work you're involved in there and if you could related to the colors question. >> guest: our concern is and judicial watch has several lawsuits on this issue is that the roles are clean enough to mail blindly into where you have balance being mailed to people who haven't asked for them, ballot applications being mailed to people who haven't asked for them and in this election cycle is going to be 100 million total ballot applications k that people haven't asked for them. typically ballot applications or ballots are mailed in most states to people who asked for them and in some states you have vote by mail generally we've had this massive increase in the vote by mail operation as i said in a way that puts i think, increases the risk for voter fraud. i think the pole is
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referencing numbers that occurred during a 2020 primary where you have 550,000 vote by mail ballots thrown out because of challenges and other problems with the balance. that number was above the 319,000 number for the 2016 general election. the concern is you're going to have potentially millions of people disenfranchised because they relied on mail in ballot to vote and if you vote by mail, it's been generally understood your vote is more likely to be challenged, intercepted , lost or as i say thrown out. and my view is you should be voting in person. >> your colleague at judicial watch chris farrell took a look at some of the inconsistencies or problems that have arisen in specific areas of the united states. overall you think if those are true is it about to sway anelection ? >> that problem is we don't
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know and that's why you want to have a system in place that reassures people that the votes are going to be counted confidently and accurately, that only eligible voters are voting. we just announced d a study last week that showed in 29 states there are 1.8 million extra names on the roles ra meaning people who you've got more people on the roles that are living there ineligible to vote so when you've got dirty lists, it can mean dirty elections and my concern is that they're going to be counting ballots well after election day, not so much because they got a lot of ballots on election day but because some states are counting ballots that arrived after election day which invites voter fraud and in racalifornia they'll be counting ballots according to their rules for 17 days after the election. that's just absurd and frankly even these early voting opportunities for
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voters, i understand why it may be more convenient to vote for weeks before election day but to me it's at odds with the best way to run an election and because for instance look at the biden emails or maybe trump saying on the other side may sway people that otherwise would have voted for him against him and they can't change their vote two weeks, three weeks out once you make your vote and something comes up between then and election day that might change your vote, toolate . >> host: a lot of teams will be involved in vothis process, does judicial watch insert themselves in that in any way ? >> guest: we're admiring what's going on, we sued in california to prevent a lawless mail in ballot scheme and we and the suit after lothey fixed the law and
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promised that they wouldn't be mailing essentially dead people and people who moved away. we have three active lawsuits to clean up theroles in north carolina , colorado and pennsylvania and those lawsuits will continue past the election even our warnings to states have a positive impact and in allegheny county where y we warned them earlier this year or late last year that they had 30 names on the roles esthey removed 59,000 names of people who shouldn't be there . >> host: to clarify, is the concern over mail in voting, widespread mail in votingor is it absentee voting or that both ? >> guest: these days it's a distinction without a difference because you have so many ballots going to people who haven't asked for them one way or another . they just mail the voter's registration list more or less. that's happening in california and nevada famously as well. and when you have inactive names on the list, they won't necessarily get about but they can, those names could be used request ballots and obviously anyone on that name
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and show up and vote inperson . but when you've got dirty lists you shouldn't be e mailing blindly into them . it's a recipe for fraud and chaos. >> we will hear from ohio on the independent line, go ahead. >> i love all the work you do and i hope you can do some of that by then crap and as far as this voting stuff you were just talking about, all people have to do is look at hr one, that first bill congress passed that they couldn't get that done now they're going to try this mail in crap. all they're doing istrying to steal the election . the news media are totally behind this crap. we ain't got to worry about russia or china. the media is ruining this country and other than that man, i love your work . keepit up . >> guest: hr one was the
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number one, number one. it was the number one piece of legislation introduced by the new pelosi house when she took over again and it incorporates many of the so-called election and voting reforms. the last one making national ballot are listing, eliminating voter id, all sorts of reforms that there are now trying to mandate through litigation. they oppose us on cleaning up the roles, they oppose virtually every sensible security regulation related to voting and in my view it doesn't make any sense unless you want to be able to steal elections when necessary. >> host: stephanie is next, brooklyn new york on ,the democrats line. >> caller: i'm respondingto the russian investigation . when barr came and he turned
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thereport around and the molar report which he lied about . trump, his administration was and still is with russia. giuliani, his lawyer who is a crooked lawyer has propagated this thing about biden's son, it's all a story. everybody's going to look back when all this is over with about trump, his children, his daughter, his son-in-law jared kushner and all that's going on and how much they are stealing from the people n. from the people, from the working people. we have nothing. the deficit is high. the rich get richer and the poor are poor. >> host: what would youlike our guest to address ? >> guest: about the russian investigation and you are all
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over fox news, fox is a gadget organization which tells lies. >> host: thank you, mister fitton go ahead. >> guest: when i talkabout russia i tried to refer back to government documents what went on . so the caller alleges that barr lied about the molar report, he didn't lie about it so you can read, i encourage your viewers to read barr's analysis of it and read the molar report. read the documents that judicial watch is getting where for instance a justice department official working with the clinton campaign's fusion gps, his wife nelly working with fusion gps and having easyaccess to the justice department and fbi , bruce ort telling everybody what these guys have it in for trump. but here's the informationbut you should know that . looking at the federal court ruling in the fisa court
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highlighting the illegal fisa warrants through carter page. all these are government documents and were going to look back on this and see what i think president trump correctly terms as the most, the biggest corruption scandal in american history and i fear what's going to happen next if this gang that pursuit trump so illegally abused the power entrusted to them by the american people are able to get away with. i think it will just get worse. >> host: this is brian, republican line. >> caller: :tom, i'd like to commend you on the work you do and i know sometimes you get disgustedbecause you seem like you're just banging your head against the wall . my point i'd like to get to is a lot of times when president trump appoints these people, you know, bill barr, john durham, whoever
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takes theseinvestigations over , it just seems like they get into it and then they just start backpedaling. and they losemomentum, they change their minds . i often wonder if sometimes that they're not influenced maybe i shouldn't say this they get though their obituaries read to them from a group of people andthey start backing off . and with the deep state going deep, you know, there's democrats that are really deep in this corruption and i'm almost certain there's probably republicans that are deep into this corruption to. do you think sometimes that president trump his own party has a hand in some of this? we all know the democratsdo . they've never ever peacefully transitioned this change of power over, but do you
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honestly think that there are actually some republicans that are trying to stonewall a lot ofthis information to ? >> host: color, thank you. >> guest: that's literally true in terms of the heads of agencies that have withheld information from judicial watch . we talked it literally threw with john mccain and his people pushing around this dossier against resident trump n. you know, my concern on the republican side is that the president then virtually alone in defending himself. there have been members of the senate and house who have tried to explode what went on like devon nunez and chuck grassley and lindsey graham to a certain extent but the leadership has largely been awol in the face of this massive corruption . it's been intolerable the lack of concern by both establishments of both parties about the criminal victimization of president trump and others. >>. >> host: from mary elizabeth,
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democrats line. >> caller: good morning, how is everyone area and i've been listening to mister fitton and it's very discouraging because i remember judicial watch chasing after hillary clinton and the clintons and all of this other propaganda business. because we need to have an informed electorate. the people who know american history, who have regard for our morals and for our institutions and the fact that we are d about protecting ourselves to make a more perfect union, and everyone is entitled to their belief but everyone is not entitled to their own facts. mister mueller's report outlined the fact that the president had been indicted for obstruction of justice but he could not cause he's a
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standing president and there's this justice department memoranda that says you cannot indict or fight a sitting president. and he said in his campaign, crussia, are you listening? esther manafort's relationships with the russian intelligence officer that has been exposed, the same people in the ukraine that have been exposed as being russian intelligence agents or agents of russian intelligence. >> host: what would you like our guest to address out of those things? >> caller: i would like mister fitton to be honest, to be for america and to the for the proponents of our democracy and our democratic institutions. and not site russian intelligence for the morass in which we are living.
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>> host: will leave it there and let our guest respond. >> guest: it's just amazing that so many on the left and i appreciate the caller just following up on really conspiracies being put out by the left now to diminish the biden corruption scandal and what went on in the obama and menstruation in terms of their abuse of power, just buying into this abuse of power by the fbi, the defense department, the state department . the white house, to use a political opponent. i'm concerned about the country. i'm concerned that we have this casual corruption in washington dc and if they don't like you, the rules don't apply. they'll come after you read they'll try gail you. they'll make up material and we get about you read they'll break the laws to try to protect our nations national security and leaking classified information. when you reclassify information improperly a, you
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are placing american lives and others at risk and that's been almost a modus operandi on a weekly basis out of this the state and we've got to be concerned about it because our country is being put at risk by this attack on as i say our republican form of government where the role of law doesn't matter if you're the wrong political strike. >> host: mister fitton one more topic to address as we let our colors talk as well about the confirmation . process for amy coney barrett. what was the takeaway last week from what you heard? >> guest: she hit it out of the park . in a wonderful way she dedicated millions of americans about a conservative approach to constitutional law that we don't want to make it t up as we go along g and we don't want judges to make it up as they go along. we want them to follow tax as
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best understood by those who wrote the lawrather than change the law based on their political preferences . they, we don't want politicians inroads and were going to have a new supreme court justice and he's going to be an excellent addition to the court and i encourage your listeners to call their senators to let them know what they think about this confirmation and she is about the best type of nominee that i've seen in my 20+ years of judicial watch. >> host: one of the things that spun out from the confirmation process was this idea of expanding the supreme court and one of those talking about it was on the judiciary committee , chris coons . i want to tell you what he says about that topic and your response . if there is confirmed democrats win the senate would you vote to expand the number of justices on the supreme court if it came up for a vote. is that something you'd be in favor of?
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>> guest: like joe biden i'm not a fan of expanding the court but we had a few weeks to see whether there are four republicans who will step back from the precipice . it is president trump who has pressed for this nominee to can have a key vote to overturn the affordable care act in the middle of a pandemic. it is the republican majority that's responsible for raising forward with its extreme, unqualified nominee, unqualified because of her extreme judicial philosophy and that's who should be bearing the brunt at the ballot box in this election . that they're doing this to get someone on the court just prin time a week after the election to take away critical healthcare protections from a majority of americans . we need to focus on that and if we happen to be in the fact pattern where we have a president biting we will have to look at what the right steps are to rebalance our federal judiciary. >> guest: so your mind isopen about adding justices to the supreme court ? >> caller: yes.
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>> host: do you think it'sa possibility or at least a realistic possibility ? >> guest: sure. if the left is committed to adding justices to the supreme court in a way that would undermine the courts independence under our constitution, the separation of powers and our constitutional system read at a radical assault on s the judicial branch. it's never been done before at least 450 years and look, in the ninth circuit i think there are nearly 50 justices or judgeson the court . is that whatwe're going to have in the avsupreme court ? navy will have 435 members. that's why justice eight or ginsberg opposed it and it's like everyone on both sides of the aisle have long opposed this what now is a revolutionary concept. once you start adding members to the court it's not just limited to your side. republicans are going to come in and they're going to rebalance the court. where does it end? >> host: from glenda in minnesota, independent line with tom fitton of judicial
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watch. >> caller: hi, i can't get excited about sons making profit off of their father's position with donald trump junior making $100,000 to give speaking at different functions. i mean, it's absurd. we have mcconnell's wife who is making money off of transportation head oftransportation ? so anyway, talk about abuse. we've heard about obama's travel and golf for eight years. you guys never let up on it. and one thing about trump is he's going to be with us forever gand he's going to be charging his secret service for their rooms and golf carts even when he's long gone. please, explain to us how much it has cost us out here
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for trump golfing and traveling. >> host: mister fitton if you wish. >> guest: cost money. it costs money to move the president around riyadh we've looked at those numbers and released it in the past as the media as are focused on the numbers. when we were examining obama where we were the only ones doing it and with from coming in the left media that hates him has really done all of the work examining trumps numbers. in ways that detail, ways that we didn't even bother with obama and holding trump to a standard that we didn't hold obama to . so it's really just laughable to hear a complaint about, and i don't know if it's true or not, donald trump junior making a 100 grand for a speech where you had, when the vice president was vice president, we now have a senate report showing hunter
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biden got 3 and a half million dollars from a shady russian interest and secondly we have new documents, new emails suggest that he was funneling the money to his father and i don't know if that's true but that's what the email suggests and that needs to be uncovered or confirmed one way or another because that's crisis level corruption. that's crisis level corruption about what joe biden has been implicated in in these hunter biden emails. >> host: jeff is in while texas, republican line. >> caller: good morning. >> host: you are on sir, go ahead. >> caller: can you explain why we haven't hahad a declassification of the report on the fisa court judge collier in 2017 about the unauthorized searches using 702 database? that was kind of reconfirmed in the 2000 19 the classified
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report by judge crawford and can you also explain a little bit about the two house rule for the carter page fisa weren't for him to surgeon the title i fisa? >> guest: i'm not sure i know about the document you're referencing in the first case . in the second one aware of the two hop rule but i don't know enough to comment on it fairly here. >> caller: there was another player in this process, raise release from genre glyph, what did he release and of what he release howmuch of it was valid ? >> guest: are you talking about the brennan and hillary clinton related release ? yes, so there were three pieces of i guess intelligence information or three pieces of information. i learned early on in july that the russians had
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information that hillary clinton had, with this scheme suggested by an advisor, foreign policy advisor to raise the issue of russia collusion and conspiracy with the russians to distract from her emails. and then that was elevated to the president of the united states briefing by john brennan, brandon confirmed that it seems and also the cia referred to the fbi later in the yearas well . so really it seems to me a pretty and primary endorsement of the validity of the information and certainly fits in with and my theory of the case it's obvious that they wanted to distract from their own criminality by making up garbage about president trump and it worked in many ways in the sense that the justice department's largely been frozen ever since that hillary clinton and obama and all the rest have not been
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subject in my view to serious criminal or any other investigations by this justice department, even when they had appointed someone specifically to look into it like durham. >> host: did he clarify as far as not knowing the accuracy of the information he was about to release ? >> subsequent materials to get that it was accurateand valid . there's going to be a battle over what additional information would be released but there's little doubt that the cia considered it diffident enough that they wanted the fbi to follow up on it . >> host: nicholas in pennsylvania, democrats line, d good morning. >> caller: thank youc-span for taking my call . i'm surprised you had this guest on here. i don't understand what qualification he has to say whatever he wants without any evidence and as far as the mueller report is concerned it did find donald trump and his campaign the okay, of
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misleading the investigation. also, he sits here and says he doesn't understand why or the justice department doesn't accept a tweet from trump about releasing declassified information, that's come through documents address the department in order to release that information, not through with we, in a legal document t.. >> host: what's your question for our guest ? >> caller: what are his qualifications? i'm surprised you have this guest on here. you have any talking head on here without any qualifications making accusations without no evidence. >> host: mister fitton, go ahead. >> guest: i rely on governmentdocuments to talk about these issues . you don't want to talk about the documents, you question my qualifications though i've been in judicial watch for almost 20 years now so the idea that you can just personally attack someone as
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a means to distract from the facts that i'm bringing out their, i'm talking about documents that judicial watch as uncovered through the freedom of information act. these are documents through the state department, you have joe biden refusing to deny and it's easy to do that those emails were inaccurate and for instance he didn't get any money from his son. i'm waiting for that to happen and i'm still waiting for a criminal investigation of what i believe to be criminal activity. what's wrong with askingfor that ? president trump was impeached and targeted with unprecedented spying and criminal harassment by prosecutors in the justice department, amy mueller over much much less and what we're seeing now about vice president biden. >> host: mister fitton you have a book coming up the next few days,republican under assault, what's the
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topic ? >> host: >> guest: your listeners both left and right have to ask yourselfwho do you want , who do you think should be decided is president, should your boat be negated by people here in dc think they know better, one way or another? right now it's trump, tomorrow could be a different president but we to govern ourselves and we have these agency run by courier staff or temporary political appointees who aren't subject to the sort of scrutiny they should be deciding on their own based on political decisions to target someone because they don't like their philosophy or theirgovernance . that's a coup. and our republic has been under assault in that regard in ways never seen before in american history.
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>> host: ,fitton of judicial watch, thank you for your time today . i had a choice to make, do i let my people running really well or badly, if i run it badly it will probably blame them but blame me but i want to help people . he in fact already has cost 10 million people there healthcare they had from employers because of his recession. >> with less than two weeks before the 20/20 election what's the second presidential debate to donald trump and former vice president joe biden. thursday from belmont university in nashville tennessee, live coverage begins at 8 pm eastern on c-span, listen live on the free c-span radio app and go to for on-demand streaming of c-span's debate coverage .
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>> with the senate confirmation hearing for judge amy coney barrett concluded watch the next steps in the confirmation process. starting thursday live at 9 am eastern thejudiciary committee on judge barrett's nomination andfriday live , the full senate begins debate on amy coney barrett's confirmation . watch live on c-span and c-span2 or listen live on the free radio app. >> the senate in recess while lawmakers hold their lunch meeting, officially working on the judicial nomination for the southern district of ohio but they been talking about republican proposals for coronavirus a really such as more funding for the paycheck protection program which provided money to keep small businesses open. that while negotiations continue between the white house and nancy pelosi on a pandemic response plan rid senate republicans plan to hold a series of votes this afternoon to put democrats on record
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