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tv   U.S. Senate U.S. Senate  CSPAN  December 16, 2020 5:59pm-6:31pm EST

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quote, while i strongly support the abraham accords, the proper way to implement them was to -- the way it was done with the u.a.e., bahrain, and sudan, and not by cynically trading off the self-determination rights of the people of western sahara. i agree with senator james inhofe -- that's me -- when he characterized this development as shocking and deeply disappointing. it would appear that the united states of america, which was founded first and foremost on the principle of self-determination, has walked away from that principle regarding the people of western sahara. this is very regrettable. that's james baker. even more, this is other opinion pieces that came out that i just read this morning. david keene. we all remember david keene. he was with the "washington times," the american conservative union, with the n.r.a. his quote was the united states
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has sometimes quite properly given our interests stated out of controversies like this, but one is hard pressed to find another situation in which we have virtually announced that justice doesn't matter, and like those -- and those like the western saharans who have sought their rights peacefully rather than by way of terrorism and guns are fools. john bolton in foreign policy, this is a quote, the polisario is at a crucial juncture. it would be justified if it chose to return to the battlefield but much depends on the positions of algeria, mauritania and others and what resources are available. now, thattest goes back to the question of re-- now, that gets back to the question of resourcesment we have unlimited resources by the very wealthy nations in the world, morocco. steven zunes, i got to know him
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a long time ago. he is a scholar with the university of san francisco. he has been interested -- he specializes in this area. this is his quote, just in the last two days. morocco's claim on western sahara is rejected on the united nations, the world court, the african union and a broad consensus of international legal scholars that consider the region a nonself-governing territory that must be allowed to act -- the act of self-determination. this is why no country has formally recognized morocco's takeover until now. human rights watch -- this is still steven zunes. he said, human rights watch, amnesty international and other reputable human rights groups have documented widespread suppression of peaceful pro--independence activists by moroccan occupation forces
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including torture, beatings and extra judicial killings. since -- still quoting the scholar steveening zunes, since the polisario claimed the establishment of the sahari democratic republic in 1976, 84 countries have recognized western sahara has an independent state. everybody's -- everybody agrees with this. one of the few things in foreign policy where there's no opposition. they all agree with that self-determination for the western saharan people. i was so sadden by the betrayal towards the people of western sahara for unilaterally recognizing mo row co's -- marrow co's claim but i'm colleague the unexpected results
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from the proclamation. if highlightings the injustice of these people pushes the rest of the world to get hem the referendum, it might be worth it. that's what i'm seeing right now. i remember so well -- it's now been some three or four generations of western saharans and the little kids that you see in the camps, in the refugee camps living in the conditions that we can't even imagine in this country, but happy little kids. and they carry around a sign. and i don't have the pronunciation in their language, but it says, we will fight until we get back our homes. these are little kids. the fourth generation of those who have been abandoned. so i remember -- and i called and i found out, what was the year? was it 2007? yes, in 2007 mark powers and i -- he's been with me in a the although of things in africa that we've been interested in.
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he and i met with all of the elected leaders of the western saharans in a room that is out in the desert. and we actually heard all their stories, and they're all muslims out there. and we all prayed together. we prayed to the lord for mercy in this case. and i think that maybe it's closer than we thought it was. so that's what's happening right now. it's something that we have got to go back to our original position that we have held since 1966 in supporting people the right of a referendum of self-determination. with that, i'd yield the floor. i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll.
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quorum call:
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mr. moran: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from kansas. mr. moran: mr. president, good evening. this evening -- the presiding officer: senator, which are in a quorum
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call. mr. moran: oh. thank you for reminding me. i would ask unanimous consent that the quorum call be lifted. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: mr. president, thank you for recognizing me and tonight i am pleased to speak as the chairman of the senate committee on veterans' affairs as we work to deliver today meaningful benefits and reforms for our nation's veterans and to recognize the decades of service of two of our departing colleagues who are dedicated to the well-being of our colleagues. today we pass the david p. roe m.d. improvements act of 2020. this legislation is a culmination of more than two years of bipartisan work with input from all of our veteran service organizations, from dozens of senators, from members of the house of representatives, our partners at the department of veterans affairs, and the leadership of the former senate and house v.a. committee chairman, senator isakson and congressman roe.
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this legislation invested in the education and improvement of veterans to make certain that they have the tools necessary to achieve success after service, through expanded opportunities to use their earn benefits for longer periods of time, and for more opportunities of job training. this bill will also give the v.a. the tools necessary to serve veteransality risk of homelessness in a more meaningful way during the pandemic and require the v.a. to afford greater oversight to our states' veterans homes. it also includes provisions from the deborah sampson act, so women in the armed forces must have a v.a. that is effective for them as it is for the men who also have served is. this bill is named after two public servants. johnny sigh zach son was nigh predecessor and i have worked hard to follow his example of bipartisan in working with jon tester. legislation like this bill is the result of many months of
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work by members of our staff, stemming from a steyer from both sides of the -- from a desire from both sides of the aisle to better serve our nation's certainties. it results in a bipartisan solution like the one that passed the house today, that passed the senate a few days before. i would like to thank dr. phil rao. i served with him in the house of representatives. he is the current how the foreign affairs member. we both served in the house together. the v.a. is making positive, measurable changes to better serve our veterans and congressman rowe and senator isakson deserve credit for being a big part of that change and also for being an example for the rest of us as to how we can work across the aisle and across the capitol to improve the lives of our country's veterans and all of our fellow citizens.
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i'd also like to recognize congressman rowe's counterpart, chairman takano for seeing this bill to colleagues in the house of representatives today. and i'd like to thank my counterpart on the senate veterans' affairs committee, ranking member jon tester, for his hard work this past year in helping to do the right thing for our nation's veterans. this bill is a testament to his dedication to serving our veterans and for his staff's tireless work on veterans' behalf. one more thank you certainly rests with our s-back members for providing solutions to issues that we've heard from the v.a., from our v.s.o.'s and from ernst veterans in each of our states. continuing to make sure our ernst haves is receive care and benefits was most in their minders during this pandemic. i'd like to thank senators black bun, kramer, loeffler and each
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of our democratic colleagues for their contribution to this landmark legislation. our veteran service organizations often speak for organizations that cannot speak for themselves and they help members of this body understand the issues and concerns that ernst haves is may be facing across the -- veterans may be facing across the country in addition to our own home states. i thank all of the v.s.o.'s who have worked on this bill for many years in many cases explaining issues and working closelloy with us to make certain we find the right solutions for our nation's veterans. i hope each v.s.o.'s veteran service organization, and its members will benefit from this legislation following the president's signature. i hope they will benefit for decades to come. and finally, i want to thank our team at the senate v.a. committee for everything they have put into this legislation. thank you to senator tester's staff forral of your thoughtful work, drafting language to address real issues that impact real veterans. thanks to my v.a. staff who have put in the work conducting oversight and responding to
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casework so we can understand the needs of veterans in kansas and across the country and make meaningful, lasting changes so that they may experience the american dream that they once fought so hard to secure for each of us. thank you to chelsea ladd, to victoria lee, thomas wilson, michelle payne, pauline schmidt, thomas coleman, mark crowley, lindsey dearing, kelsey bearing and david sherman. i want to recognize my staff director caroline canfield, who is ending her service at the end of this month. she has served as a tremendous asset. she is a tremendous asset and a force multiplier as my military legislative assistant, as my lead appropriation staffer, and now as my v.a. committee staff director. our nation's veterans and our military members are better off because of the work she has done
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throughout her career and because of her tenacious, never-take-no-for-an-answer approach to doing all things right. you will be missed. but you are always part of the team. you deserve our gratitude for what you've accomplished on behalf 6 -- of our nation's military veterans. i yield the floor.
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is you. mr. moran: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from kansas. mr. moran: i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to en bloc consideration of the following nominations, executive calendar 867 and 868. the presiding officer: without objection. the clerk will report the nomination.
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the clerk: nominations, department of justice, ann in a razinsky. gregory scott tabor. mr. moran: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from kansas. mr. moran: i ask consent the senate vote en bloc, that if confirmed the motions be laid upon the table en bloc. the presiding officer: without objection, the question is on the nominations en bloc. all those in favor say aye. opposed no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the nominations are confirmed en bloc. mr. moran: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent the foreign relations committee be discharged and the senate proceed to an en bloc consideration of the following nominations, p.n.-2398 and
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pn-2603. the presiding officer: without objection, the clerk will report. the clerk: irving bailey of florida to be a member of the board of directors of the united states international development finance corporation. deven j.parack of new york to be a member of the board of directors international development finance corporation. mr. moran: mr. president, i ask consent the senate vote on the nominations en bloc with no intervening action or debate, that if confirmed the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table en bloc, the president be immediately notified of the senate's action. the presiding officer: without objection. the question is on the nominations en bloc. all those in favor say aye. all those opposed say no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the nominations are confirmed en bloc. mr. moran: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from kansas. mr. moran: i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to legislative session and be in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to tussments each. the presiding officer: -- up to tussments each.
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the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: mr. president, i have five requests for committees to meet during today's session of the senate. they have the approval of the majority and minority leaders. the presiding officer: duly noted. mr. moran: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the appointment at the desk appear separately in the record as if made by the chair. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: mr. president, i ask the chair lay before the senate the message to accompany s. 1130. the presiding officer: the senate lays before the chair a message from the house. the clerk: resolved that the bill from the senate, s. 1130 entitled an act to amend the public health service act to improve the health of children and help better understand and enhance awareness about unexpected sudden death in early life do pass with the following amendment. mr. moran: mr. president, i am now moved to concur in the house amendment and i know of no
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further debate on the motion. the presiding officer: if there is no further debate, the question is on the motion. all those in favor say aye. those opposed no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it and the motion is agreed to. mr. moran: i ask unanimous consent that the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to immediate consideration of h.r. 8810 which was received from the house. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: h.r. 8810, an act to establish a national program to identify and reduce losses from landslide hazards to establish a national 3-d elevation program, and for other purposes. the presiding officer: without objection the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. moran: therefore, i ask unanimous consent that the bill be considered read a third time and passed and that the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: mr. president, i ask the chair lay before the senate
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the message to accompany s. 914. the presiding officer: the chair lays before the senate a message from the house. the clerk: resolved that the bill from the senate, s. 914 entitled an act to reauthorize the integrated coastal and ocean observation system act of 2009, and so forth and for other purposes, do pass with the following amendment. mr. moran: mr. president, i then move to concur in the house amendment and i ask unanimous consent that the motion be agreed to, that the -- pardon me. the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the foreign relations committee be discharged from further consideration of h.r. 221 and the senate proceed to its immediate consideration. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: h.r. 221, an act to amend the state department basic authorities act of 1956 to monitor and combat anti-semitism
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globally and for other purposes. the presiding officer: without objection, the committee is discharged and the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. moran: i therefore ask unanimous consent that the rubio substitute amendment at the desk be considered and agreed to, the bill as amended be consider ed read a third time and passed and the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from kansas. mr. moran: i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to immediate consideration of s. 5036 introduced earlier today. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. 5036, a bill to amend the overtime pay for protective services act of 2016 to extend the secret services overtime pay exception through 2023 and for other purposes. the presiding officer: without objection the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. moran: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the bill be considered read a third time and passed and the motion to reconsider be considered made
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and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: mr. president. the presiding officer: l the senator from kansas. mr. moran: i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to consideration of s. res. 803 submitted earlier today. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: senate resolution 803, designating room s-124 of the united states capitol as the u.s. senator margaret chase room and designating s. -115 of the u.s. capitol as barbara mikulski room in recognizing their service to the senate and the people of the united states. the presiding officer: without objection, the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. moran: mr. leader -- excuse me. mr. president, i know of no further debate on the measure. the presiding officer: if there is no further debate the question is on the resolution. all those in favor say aye. opposed, no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it and the ruth
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is -- the resolution is agreed to. mr. moran: that the preamble be agreed to and the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from kansas. mr. moran: i ask unanimous consent the committee on help be discharged from further consideration of s. 1387 and the ?alt proceed to its -- the senate proceed to its immediate consideration. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. 1387, a bill to amend the higher education act of 1965 in order to improve the services obligation verification process for teach grant recipients and for other purposes. the presiding officer: without objection, the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. moran: i ask unanimous consent that the braun amendment at the desk be agreed to and the bill as amended be considered read a third time. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: i know of no further debate on the bill as amended. the presiding officer: if there is no further debate the question is on passage of the bill as amended. all those in favor say aye. opposed, no. the ayes appear to have it.
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the ayes do have it. the bill as amended is passed. mr. moran: i ask unanimous consent that the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from kansas. mr. moran: i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to the immediate consideration of calendar number 5272 and s. 3287. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: calendar 572 s. 3287 a bill to manage the government wide financial plan and for other purposes. the presiding officer: without objection the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. moran: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the enzi amendment at the desk be considered and agreed to, the committee reported substitute amendment as amended be agreed to, the bil as amended be considered a third time and passed and the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent the senate
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proceed to the immediate consideration of calendar number 329, s. 2513. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: calendar number 329, s. 2513, a bill to provide for joint reports by relevant federal agencies, and so forth and for other purposes. the presiding officer: without objection, the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. moran: and then i therefore ask unanimous consent the committee-reported amendment be agreed to, the bill as amended be considered read a third time and passed, and that the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from kansas. mr. moran: i ask unanimous consent that when the senate completes its business today, it adjourn until 10:00 a.m. thursday, december 17. further, that following the prayer and pledge, the morning business be deemed expired, the journal of proceedings be approved to date, the time for the two leaders be reserved for their use later in the day, and morning business be closed. further, following leaders' remarks, the senate proceed to executive session and resume the consideration of the atchley
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nomination under the previous order. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: if there is no further business to come before the senate, i ask that it stand adjourned under the previous order. the presiding officer: the senate stands adjourned until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. consent the
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quorum be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: now, mr. president, as we rapidly approach the end of the session, senators are working in earnest to find a bipartisan government funding bill, as well as an emergency federal relief package. over the past several weeks, the bipartisan gang of eight came together to provide a framework for an agreement on emergency covid relief.


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