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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  January 14, 2021 7:46am-8:42am EST

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c-span has georgia governor brian delivering his state of the state address and 2 pm a discussion on domestic extremism and terrorism did buy a new america . >> tv has top nonfiction books and authors every weekend. saturday at 9 pm eastern, heritage foundation senior fellow mike gonzalez on his book club to change america which argues that identity politics is dividing america. and on sunday, 9 pm eastern on "after words", adam gentles and, deputy chief of staff for former democratic senator harry reid talks about his book kill switch. the rise of the modern senate and crippling of american democracy. he's interviewed by wall street journal congressional christina peterson . what tv on c-span2.
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>> yesterday washington dc married mayor muriel bowser a briefing with reporters. she spoke about last week's attack of the capital and provided updates on three preparations surrounding inauguration daynext wednesday . this runs in our area class good morning i should say i'm muriel bowser, mayor of washington dc . today i am providing a situational update. the residents of the district of columbia on twoimportant topics . the district's response to iocovid-19 and preparation for the 59th residential inauguration ofjoseph biden . and the inauguration of vice president, harris. we will also plan to have a future briefing on the presidential inauguration activities in the district. of course, exactly one week
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ago there was a violent insurrection at the capital of the united states. that has impacted the way we are approaching or working with our federal partners and planning for the59th inauguration . we have asked americans not to come to the washington dc event but instead to participate virtually. and we know that is the right choice and the best way to keep everyoneersafe . on monday i shared with you some of the tasks that i've made of the federal government and i will just briefly state where we are with those asks. on monday, ti requested as you recall that the president declare a pre-emergency declaration forthe district of columbia . on monday, that declaration was declared. we also requested that the department of homeland
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security extend the national special security team event and they have done that. at now starts today and instead of on the 19th as it was originally planned. we asked dhs to coordinate with the department of defense. the department of justice, united states congress united states supreme court to establish a security and federal fourth deployment plan or all federal property. you have heard various announcements from those agencies about the step deployment andsecurity plan . that will be as all special security events are led by the united states secret service. and as we will, you also
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recall that i asked the acting attorney general to direct the fbi to provide an intelligence briefing on a daily basis throughout this special security time which is ongoing. i also requested that the secretary of the department of interior cancel any and all gathering for the district of columbia and not any future applications during the special event time. those discussions, we continue with the department of the interior. on monday i also extended the pause that we announced just before the christmas holiday or i called the holiday pause . and this will extend cthrough the inaugural period. of those, phase ii activities related to our response remain paused d through friday, january 20 22nd at 5 am. during this time we are asking residents to atavoid our
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central business district and only travel to the central business district if you have essentialbusiness . yesterday, if you work downtown or around the capital , you likely noticed the additional preparations which have begun. and that includes around the inauguration perimeter, white house ball, the capital and other key parts of downtown. individuals entering the perimeter may be subject to screening and ask to describe their essential business so be prepared to do that. we also want to amplify this information that we received from the secret service beginning 6 am on friday the 15th. all parking garages in the restricted zone will be blocked off. any vehicles still in the garage or loading zone at 6
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am friday must be running there until after the inauguration so plan to move your vehicle. as this is that need to receive deliveries will be advised of an off-site screening facility. for the residents and businesses between 19th street northwest k street constitution avenue are already being advised of these restrictions so more information about additional closures will be forthcoming. while we know this is very inconvenient for our residents and businesses i want to say thank you for your cooperation and flexibility. clearly we are in uncharted waters it is very important that we work with all of our partners to secure these events and secure these parts
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of our city. certainly this time last year we didn't expect to be in this situation, even last week we didn't expect to be starting this early. so we want to advise neighbors to please follow for updates and information can be, can change so it's important to have these updates. so text 288-8777. to get the latest updates from dc government. further, as we've said and we've seen this year, we've had to dosome extraordinary things to keep people safe as it relates to covid .
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andpublic safety . we just showed an example of what it looks like when people do these things voluntarily. at times square just this past new year's eve, we got to celebrate with all dropping, mostly virtually as new york city secure the perimeter around the normal square of festivities. we are asking people to do the same as it relates to the inauguration for americans to enjoy it virtually and to follow the instructions of the presidential inauguration committee. the secret service and all of us. so now before we take questions i want to say something briefly about vaccination. and doctor nesbitt will be available to answer questions . we were very excited to see so many of these dc seniors
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sign up or be available vaccination doses that we have this week and because of that, that desire to get inoculated from this virus and get back to their lives, the 6700 appointments we had available for this week were all filled up by midday on monday when they became available. and once that's a good thing but it also demonstrates the scarcity of the vaccine. so i want to advise everyone that you should not go to a vaccine site if you do not have an appointment. obviously crowding is not good now and it will not help you get an appointment. instead you should go to to receive an alert or call for an
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appointment when appointments become available. we will continue to make that phone number available. we are making appointments as the district receives doses from the federal government. doctor nesbitt mentioned already that we may be able to make additional appointments for seniors in the previous group who was in 1a later in the week and we will continue to advise you ofthat so with that we will take your questions . >> so doctor nesbitt, are vaccinated as required to collect data on race of people who they vaccinate and if so, will that data be made publicly available like maryland and virginia? >> we plan to make that data available, we mentioned to
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you all last week as we were working with our vaccine providers toimprove their reporting , we wanted to ensure as we make that data available we would be able to do it without so many caveats in terms of percentage of the data was missing work was not accurate. last week on friday i issued an administrative order to clarify that all vaccine providers in the district must report and administer those within 24 hours of it beingadministered . since the issuance of that order we have had improved reporting from our vaccine providers we hope to make that data available to you all soon. again we've seen remarkable improvement. the two providers where we still have reporting, times of reporting into the district immunization information system, with the demographic information that we need are the two providers that are part of the federal long-term care partnership which is currently cvs and
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walgreens and we will work with them to get timely reporting into our system . >> so these providers, vaccinate as are required ? >> it is a requirement as far as the providers that they sign with us to collect data on race, ethnicity, age, gender key demographic information that's critical for us tounderstand if there are racial and ethnic disparities in terms of access to the vaccine . as well as in terms of optic to the vaccine to help us with better equitable distribution as well as messaging in terms of reaching the most vulnerable populations. >> can you explain the district rationale for going straight to vaccinating people who are 65 and older when maryland and virginia have it set at 75 and older ? >> there are a couple of things that i think people should know is that there's the cdc as an advisory that deliberated looking at data in terms of the population for morbidity and mortality
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and illness and death. we are reviewing that data and it was found that individuals were looking at national data over 75 at a greater risk in terms of hospitalization and severe illness and death. when we look at our data in the district of columbia and when we looked at our population in terms of the number of individuals that our population might certain age groups we made the decision to lower the age to 65. to be able to have aplan that made sense for us locally . now that group is a sizable group, 80,000 individuals in terms of how we're rolling out our faces we thought it made sense for us in terms of the morbidity and mortality we are seeing as low as the age of 65 given the disproportionate racial and ethnic groups forindividuals at the age level . >>.
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>> doctor nesbitt, on january 21 got in and johnson will go before the fda in terms of getting its emergency authorization. the difference between johnson and johnson and the other two and you know this is a single shot vaccine. how will that fit into themix in terms of what you have here in the district ? >> excellent question. before i answer that question i will our plan and what we know is there are several types of vaccines or vaccine providers or companies, pharmaceutical companies who have products
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under development who plan to submit to the fda for approval for use in the u.s. so as a vaccine programs in the u.s. mature, we hope to have more vaccines available for use in our programs. the two that are currently available are mrna, vaccines that have storage requirements. it has to be a ultracold storage temperatures below 90. the other one still has to be cold stored, temperatures not as cold and they have to be thawed and once they are thawed the bible has to be used within six hours. the other vaccine as we understand them do not have some of the same storage requirement requirements. whether they can be administered with one dose or 22. as the lord more about the effectiveness of those vaccines how well they do at preventing covid-19, how well they may do at preventing people from transmitting the virus and preventing the disease, we will
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be able to talk more openly about them. people should not wait on a vaccine could be approved in terms of worth and that you need one does or two and things of that nature. >> seniors reported not receiving alerts. the email and text message come some also reported some glitches to the site. is the agency addressing those issues and should seniors expect the website to change at all when vaccination appointment open up possibly later in the week? >> we received lots of feedback on the process. i went out in the field yesterday to a number of the sites to be able to speak to seniors beyond what we received the e-mail, what was provided to us by constituents and what we heard from you all reported. all of it is great feedback for
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us to share with her the chf technology office who is working with the developers of the system and the tools to be able to resolve these issues permanently before the system opens backup for individuals to make appointments to ensure that alerts go out timely when the next appointments are available. we will againme be relying very heavily on all of you because many of our community members watch your morning, noon, afternoon, evening coverage and read your papers and your blogs to be able to understand when you appointments will be released. we dealte here that some people had challenges receiving the alerts when you signed up for the lords so we have worked to remedy that issue. we also want to make very clear that people who access the system prior to monday, who believe they were registered for an appointment were not
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registered. we communicate that, communicate that a number of times and what to make sure they clearly understand that. we've heard feedback to some people whoho went on weeks prior whenen the system was open for healthcare workers and seniors did that, they were expecting to receive something from us that would automatically schedule them for an appointment. that was never going to happen. people need to be very, very clear on that. there was also, the system should have limited the ability for people to complete the questionnaire as part of the registration system when there were no more appointments available. so we one has completed the questionnaire, ask for your name, your address, whether you are a d.c. resident, what type of work you do, all those questions, if you completed all of that and you did not get an appointment, you are not registered. you have not been scheduled for vaccination. you don't have confirmation code.
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none of that is complete. so when we open the system for appointments you will have to do all of thatio over again. the way the system should work is you should not be able to do any of that when there are no appointments. that's one of the other things we are working on. i want to stress very much so that everyone, even if you have been in the system and you did not get a date, time and location for an appointment, you will need to go back in the system. i understand that is a burden for people and we don't want it to be a burden for people, so the system will cut off and not allow you to do that when there are no more appointments in the future.w if you could help us message of distant members of the public, that even never received a date, time, location then you are not registered for an appointment and the health department or any entity of the government will not be automatically sending you an appointment when you appointments are available. appointments are available.
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>> talk about the providers reaching out to their patients. >> we have a number of health system -- to take care of individuals over 65, they are reaching out to anyone over the past few years, to invite you to receive the vaccine in their health system. that began this week as well. in addition to having access to vaccines you vaccinate -- we have several seniors, many seniors in our community who are receiving vaccines at the local health system. so that includes pfizer, johns hopkins reaching out to united medical center, to their patients and receiving vaccines and i was able to go to some of those sites yesterday and see
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patients at the united medical center in their clinic yesterday. >> questions about the vaccine. how are you ensuring that internet savvy seniors don't get all 6000 appointments, are you reserving some for the call center and others for the website and in the question is for homebound peers? >> the homebound seniors it gets a little bit tricky and i have received emails about this as well and talk about this and we have discussed it with our colleagues. there are some limitations when we talk about homebound seniors and what we will reach with these two vaccines because of storage and handling requirements and even share the healthcare provider administration sheets that are
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part of the fda approval with some people because i'm trying to get them to understand why we have certain limitations. we can reach some homebound seniors if they are in large venues where a large number of them can be vaccinated in the same day. we cannot administer them in these provisional positions where a physician vaccinates one homebound senior in a private residence because the vaccine cannot be properly stored and handled in that way so where senior living communities, large numbers of seniors live in a single community and large numbers will be able to establish a proper program to do that with
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the proper storage and handling of the vaccine where we don't have waste but for a physician who runs a program going to a homebound senior we have some challenges. one of the ways to review risk of exposure for 100% homebound senior who cannot leave their home to go to a vaccination site is to their caregivers vaccinated, healthcare workers and caregivers, healthcare workers who are caregivers eligible for vaccination very early on and that is how that has been addressed. in terms of whether or not there is competitive advantage for people calling in over the phone for homebound seniors, they access the portal and appointments having someone assist you with going through the internet process and a number of people are working in the call center to make appointments through the portal. >> how many that?
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>> i don't have the number on hand, we double the number of people working in the call center. to be sure. >> if i could go back to the order you issued to the providers requiring them -- does it require them to import waste numbers as well? >> the provider agreement establishes the requirement for what they must report to us in terms of all the data elements and then the timeliness of the administrative order. >> does that include wastage? >> administered order does not include waste. we can get you a copy of the administrative order. >> so you mentioned walgreens and cvs were where you are having trouble getting information from. do you have recourse with them? >> the challenge is there is a
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federal partnership to vaccinate residents and long-term care facilities. the pharmacies have to report to local, state and local immunization management systems but there seems to be this dynamic in which in a federal partnership they have federal requirements versus having to comply with local requirements to report to local systems. the requirement is to report to local systems, however, it is referred to as a federal partnership. this is presented to all the states and we opted into a federal partnership for long-term care resident and
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their employees vaccinated cvs and walgreens and a third pharmacy that is not in our region would have pharmacists vaccinate all our residents dealing with the scheduling of clinics for us etc. so it is a very good option for us, and it does it on site. now we are having operational challenges in terms of if the practice came out of our doses that we were allocated, 10% of what we have been allocated, we put more vaccine into it. some states have been as high as 20% to 30% if not more a vaccine and you can't get your vaccine back from them. we have a little bit of a challenge, how much has been administered. we found a workaround where it seems they are reporting
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something to a federal system that we then have to patch together some data and information but that is not where we run analytics. >> two questions inauguration related, one for the mayor and one for the chief. i wondered if you could go to more detail of your talks with department of interior about the public gathering -- public gathering permits. my understanding is first amendment concerns are sticking point and is in the inauguration itself done to create a 40 issue with that. >> we had the same conversation, the secretary is very concerned about his ability to approve or disapprove certain permits.
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we ask them to look at public gatherings where there are people, we encourage them to work with the presidential inauguration committee as well and to look to the dc experience because we denied gathering permits throughout the response to covid-19 and we have the authority to do that because they pose a public health threat. that conversation is ongoing. >> there has been talk about potential trouble this week and throughout the country. how concerned are you about this weekend versus inauguration day? >> i remain concerned. the mayor has been very clear in terms of the district posture in response. we take this seriously, encouraged visitors from around
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the country, we are not asking people to come to dc but a major security threat, we are working to mitigate those threats we are focused on the job at hand. >> have you ever seen this much help coming in for a large even to? >> not at this level, no. >> a couple questions, one for the chief and one for the mayor, how many national guardsmen, a couple conflicting reports, mayor bowser, these reports show you were the target of an attack on january 6th that came out today, with court records. one, do you have any plan to beef up security for yourself
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and can you comment on the fact there has been a threat against you? >> i will ask the chief to comment. >> thank you for the question. the first with respect to the national guard, those numbers, the final numbers because this has been designated a national special security event, the numbers will be provided from the united states secret service, you can expect to see beyond 20,000 members of the national guard here in the district of columbia. the metropolitan police department personally responsible for that who we do not discuss specifics of the security detail. >> in addition to what you
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proposed in planning for the inauguration and some extreme measures floated. governor hogan alluded to stopping metro surface in the dc lockdown. and stopping amtrak service. are there any updates on these measures or anything of you were considering? >> thank you for that question. we should ask dc residents to expect impacts to transportation. that includes metro. in addition to the roadway closures or perimeters that were set up in dc. the service may recommend changes to transportation efforts including roads around the city and when those things are determined we will let you know. to use the overuse word in the
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planning for that, i would say law enforcement was responding to a couple things as you know, 1 million people attended so there was a huge public safety issue with the sheer numbers, and a high level of threat against the incoming president. in sports station to include approaches to the district as well. the hotels we are working with, hotels are very concerned and there are safety concerns for
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their personnel as well, we have a lot of people in town, and that people not travel here. we give a lot of advice, to hotel operators, and for closer operations for the safety of their personnel and the integrity of their operation. some hotels do that. before i came in i saw a notice from a b&b that it would limit its bookings. i think there will be a 1-size-fits-all approach to that. >> there might be an update later on. >> the department of interior
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the gathering permits, you talk about public health is prohibited but how do you balance that with americans guaranteed first amendment rights to gather and/or protest? >> we have dealt with this question throughout our response to the pandemic. we have not issued special permits from the district for parades, block parties, what would encourage people to gather outside. we have no ability to say we don't have a protests. we also know that we can't stop it with the local ordinance.
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>> the threat you received, can you go into more detail and receive other threats of that nature? how many have you gotten and how are you dealing with them? >> i don't have more to say than what the chief said. i get threats a lot. i don't know the number off the top and npd thinks it is actionable, they will implement whatever measures they think are necessary. >> any updates on the investigation into brian sickdev? >> in a public updates. he was taken to a dc office, an autopsy was conducted and no
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other updates. >> one last question from me. the eyes of the country through the inauguration. the recent news conferences broadcast nationally as well. what is your responsibility and goal as dc's mayor in addressing a national audience. >> my first responsibility is to address dc residents, that is my first responsibility, we don't see -- communicator at the with the american people. has granted to me by dc residents but the larger role bringing people to the people
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for whom i have no direct authority but using my power as mayor of the best city in the world to convene people and make sure every piece of information i have that i can share, that includes federal partners. i know that term could be amorphous in a way. the political official, regional official, that is our own local stakeholders and residents and businesses. >> one for mayor bowser and one for the chief. the federal government, some of them -- are you satisfied with the level of coordination right now between the local and federal planning of this particularly when it comes to
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notifying residents, it is a fluid issue. are you satisfied with the coordination to the local public with all the closures and restrictions going into place. you saw what happened with everyone trying to get here this morning and if the coordination is to your liking. >> advance notice, i realize that type of notice would be impactful. when i ask for the national event time period to be extended. it may not be clear what that means. the events of january 6th, the insurrection at the capital,
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those protests did not fall into a special event category. the inauguration of the president does which put in place entirely different command and control structure within the federal government. we are very confident about that type of coordination as we have been with other national special security events. a whole different structure extending the time period so that structure could be in place earlier in case of the threats we have heard from the fbi's bulletin about protests starting earlier and starting at locations all around the country. we will benefit from that. >> unrelated to the inauguration, your department released data on carjacking comparing 2019-2020.
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it is remarkable, 140% increase over 2019. if you break it down, compared to 2 they it is really off the charts. a military road yesterday rifle point and georgetown on 30th street, what can you tell us is going on and your advice to people to stay safe? >> we have a number of carjackings. it is important for the public to be aware of that. some of the carjackings we have had we are seeing as a result of people leaving their cars running, delivering food, that kind of thing but the ones that scare people like the one we had the other day on 30th street, i'm happy to report
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there has been an arrest and we are seeking several other arrests related to that. they committed the robberies over a but in general i think from a law enforcement standpoint, one of the things i intend to do is develop a task force to take a different approach to carjackings. the public has to be aware but with respect to how we approach without prosecuting there is not 100 people committing carjackings. there is a defiance group of people doing it and we need to be very focused and intentional in focusing on those individuals and bringing them to justice. >> is there a specific time of day or car they are looking for? is a completely random? >> it is all over the map, literally all over the map. i remember many years ago we
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saw an increase in carjackings and legislation that was passed, the criminal offense and so forth, we need to look at what we currently have to make sure it works for us from a legislative standpoint and focus law enforcement point make sure we are delivering what we have to address the issue and focus on the individuals we believe are responsible for these carjackings. >> one last question, wamu is ending a show after decades of service, just your thoughts on code joe's place in the city arms what he's done for the community and whether you will
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miss the questioning that goes on? >> sometimes when people tell me they are retiring my first question is why? co. joe has earned a restful and peaceful retirement. i understood he would continue politics hour. i hope that is true. i think joe has a unique way of asking questions. his questions are insightful and direct and they get to the bottom of the issue in a way that has not only informed but entertained his listeners for many many years. i frequently will call oh joe and ask if we can come on when we have a lot of issues to talk
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about because he lets us talk and talk about issues that are important from our perspective in the administration. he let his analysts ask tough questions but he always reserves time for people to call in so you hear directly from the people and they can hear directly from you so that is an incredible format, the residents of the district, the entire region. we will miss that on a daily basis but we, forward to the policy. i will take one more sweep around. >> we didn't report as many cases today thank goodness, but dc did report the most cases in a single day during the pandemic yesterday at 4:30 so i woer what you are seeing and what you attribute this to. experts warned about the capital insurrection could have been a superspreading event and
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the other question, capital testing to the office of attending physician is reported to dc, can you confirm that? >> a couple things. it is a little premature to suggest the heinous acts of last week are contributing to the increase in cases we are seeing in the district of columbia. people should be mindful that many of the individuals who came here do not reside here and have gone back to their home jurisdictions. it is possible they had interaction with our residents and could have contributed in that way and it could be a week or two or three weeks more from last week before we see the consequences of that.
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what we comply, from two weeks ago, 12% of people reported a history of travel two weeks from -- leslie 18%. thinking through that period of time when people have nonessential travel or travel related to the holidays, christmas and new year holiday season we may be seeing that manifest in the district so we are keeping an eye on that. the swift action the mayor took to have a holiday posits could hopefully stay in this place and not get any higher. the use of the highest daily cases we have experienced in the district as well but we
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have to see what plays out over time. it is critically important we have residents continue to be mindful in terms of our current cases, hospital capacity and considering people who want to heed the advice of the mayor at the request of the mayor. >> the second question i want to confirm this capital testing through the office of attending physician. >> all tests are required to be reported to us. where they are counted can be contingent on the individual state of residence so it is important to be mindful of that but we have always had great cooperation and collaboration with the office of attending physician in terms of contact tracing and reporting of cases.
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>> the air b&b decision, did they consult with your office? with a written communication and what is your reaction to the decision? >> we have had communication with them. we had communication with them last week as well, various agencies including mpd and public safety realm, that this was the actions they should take, and continue to work with residents to have questions. >> it is noted that you are wearing red on this particular day.
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my question is on january 21st there was supposed to be a march reparation. can you tell us what you know about that? the security set up etc.? >> we are working on this for inauguration, reparations for the right to life march, all these things, we are focused specifically on inauguration and planning for other things. and pd will have the appropriate posture to facilitate the first amendment assembly that will take place and we will evaluate any threats we receive from march is scheduled in the city as we always do. >> yesterday maryland confirmed two individuals had a new
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strain of coronavirus, between that and the number of unmasked individuals traveling into this be, seems like only a matter of time before the new strain makes its way to the district. how concerned are you about the new strain and what might look like in the future the district? what lockdowns you need to mitigate the spread of this more infectious strain of the virus? could revert to the stand we had in the spring when we first entered the pandemic? >> you heard public health experts, i completely agree with that that we are going to see this variant, dc will be no exception to that. having now seen two cases in maryland it is a matter of detecting it in the district of
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columbia, it is possible that is already here and so when you talk about when things need to be done, not a fan of the lockdown, not doing anything to incarcerate or imprison people, mindful of their activities and implement nonpharmaceutical intervention, to get the most impact of reduced transmission with variances they have, rate of transmission, one of the things they document in our daily metrics and it is higher with this variant than other ones. one of the things, an increasing suspicion you have a variant circulating in your jurisdiction, that your rate of
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transmission begin to increase, what you are experiencing before. even if you have whole genome sequencing available or in your jurisdiction, you are not doing or testing a lot of cases or running whole genome sequencing on a lot of your laboratory specimens, having increased rate of transmission could be an indication that variant is present, so we want people to wear their masks, keeping 6 feet of distance from folks, launch their -- wash their hands. they are judicious about activities they participate in, and the greatest vulnerabilities are keeping their guard down, in their own households that are not their own and not thinking they need
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to protect themselves. we need to be mindful, there is a lot of conversation that i hear among my colleagues, people in public housing and folks who are out getting vaccinated, once you get your two doses and wait a week or two you can be a lot more relaxed. simply not true. the ability -- developing covid-19, we don't know a lot about the ability to acquire the virus and transmit the virus to other people so we need to have more data to create this concession so people can wear a mask after fully inaugurated in developing antibodies and things of that nature. we believe that is what is happening and if you still acquire the virus, so little virus in your body you don't
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spread to other people. we don't want to wait until we have good science to make us comfortable knowing that. >> a follow-up? >> looking at britain as a case study. the current negative measures with the spread of the virus, enough to keep the new strain exploding through the district, there will have to be additional measures in place to spread out of control. >> it will continue to be we have a layered approach, we will continue to observe, the mayor made the decision with our input. to continue our cause through this period of time we are in >> the united states supreme court heard three oral arguments this week. listen to all three of court. the justices heard oral argument
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in the case on the detention of non-u.s. citizens and bond hearings while the weight emigration decisions for protections from persecution or torture if return to their home country. they heard argument in the case concerning a georgia college student since suit for free speech and free exercise of religion rights. and amg capitol management on injunctions and monetary relief under the federal trade commission act. listen to your supreme court oral arguments at court. >> the congressional black caucus held a hearing yesterday on the u.s. capitol attack. members of the cbc civil rights activist, d.c. mayor muriel bowser and counterterrorism expert finance spoke about their concerns related to racism and white supremacy connected to the


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