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tv   Jean Baker Building America  CSPAN  January 30, 2021 1:00pm-2:06pm EST

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author discussion on critical race theory and ideology. the next three programs on booktv. find more schedule information at or consult your program guide. >> tonight's program is an exciting one. dr. jean baker joining us, retired professor of history, from croucher college, thought history for 40 years and has written 11 books and we're here to bach it her recent, he she has biographies of james buchanan, mary todd lincoln, and margaret sanger. tonight she is talk about building america, the life of henry latrobe. she dwell we joined in conversation with susan schoelwer, i hi, susan. >> hi, kev van.
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>> excited to watch this interview and learn more about henry latrobe. take care. have a great evening. susan, thank you so much. >> thank you, kevin and thank you to all of those who are joining us. jean, it's wonderful to have you with us tonight. >> thank you. >> i'm really excited about this. i think latrobe is one of those important figures from early america that i wasn't real -- i heather known that much about, and perhaps that's true of many of our audience as well. kevin mentioned several of the previous books you have written on a variety of topicsics and dt necessarily seem to lead to latrobe, so i'm always curious how authors come to find their subjects. how did you get interested in
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latrobe? >> well, it's been a long road. live in baltimore, and latrobe has had an important effect on our cityscape. he designed our wonderful basilica. designed a huge merchant exchange and there are several latrobe progenitors who have had an impact on baltimore's history. and as i aged, and i guess that's something that everybody does -- i decided that i wanted to stay home. no more of those long, lonely research trips to especially illinois, and the bulk of all of latrobe's papers is at what i used to call the maryland historical society but they changed their name during the pandemic and they are now the
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maryland center for history and culture. a human repository of latrobe materials is in their library and here was a local project, and a different one. i don't want to go on too long but there's one other aspect of why i decided to do a biography of benjamin henry latrobe and it has to do with teaching at a liberal arts college, where you teach not just your specialties but you may find yourself, as i did my second year of teaching, in the classroom discussing medieval history and you don't get plugged into just one subject, and where i began this book on latrobe i thought how luckie am to be able to at least try to explain this fantastic
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life of a man who came to the united states and who really built the major spaces of the early republic. >> well, what a wonderful segway to telling us about that fantastic life. so i know you have some great images drawn from latrobe's work and i'm sure we're all looking forward to seeing those. >> shall we see the first slide and i'll begin with the -- as a biographer you have to begin with the birth. this is fullneck, england. the community that existed in his lifetime. he was born here, and in the community, parents were simply
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not to be a part of their children's life. if children were going to find jesus -- this is a very jesus history kind of religion -- they would be raised by surrogates and when benjamin henry latrobe was born here in 1764, she grew up in these various buildings, in dormitories, that were in many ways a regimented and controlled by older people. no parents, parents interfered with this basic connection that those children should have with jesus. when latrobe was 13, he was chosen as one of the clever boys and believe me, latrobe was a clever man and boy all his life,
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and he was sent to the pedagogia in what is now eastern germany, but for reasons that always unclear to biographers, although we like to find the keys to our subjects -- he rebelled against his background and he was expelled from the community, much to this disgruntlement of his parents who were leading stars in their church. his father, benjamin henry latrobe, became an important figure in the church, and as was his mother who ran educational program its but despite their stature, he was nonetheless
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expelled from the schools and he ended up in 1783 in london. so, susan, maybe we can see the next slide. >> dress net the quiet clothes and has the demeanor of them. the has become something of a dandy. i spent a lot of time on that hair. i could never figure out whether it was a wig, and i finally decided this was the way that young people in london wore their hair. what is also significant but this -- this is by the way by a
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swedish artist who came to london to study portraiture, and this is interesting book with eye glasses. he benjamin henry latrobe was deciding what he wanted to do, and london was a crucible in his entire existence, it's in london he begins studying architecture under some of the leading lights of the georgian period. he also studies engineering. this will be a sideline that will be extremely important in my judgment, in the building of america. latrobe is not only a critical architecture in formulating our
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spaces but he also was an engineer who developed roads, surveyed for canals, et cetera. maybe we can see the next slide. now, this is one of the houses that latrobe built as a designed and built as a young man in london. it's ashton, all these english places have to have their special names. in any case here we have map fested an example of -- manifested an example of the real genius of latrobe's ability to design both houses and anything almost that you can think of. we see here the clear effort to
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control the window to make them symmetrical. we see here a geo gigi only triic space. we see an effort in creating an unusual kind of a space and even here there are neoclassical influences that are critical to the development of benjamin latrobe's career as an, ash are ticket. one other important suspect of -- important aspect of his philosophy london help maries a woman who was older than he but nonetheless became -- offered him the kind of emotional life
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that he had lacked in his upbringing. but sadly, after two children were born to the couple, the third pregnancy was a disaster, the child died, and his beloved wife lydia died. he was also -- this is one of the harbingers of his contrary -- he was also in debt. this will be a constant during latrobe's whole career. its not that he spent a lot of money on lavish goods or whatever, or housing or whatever. but it is that he became so involved in his commissions that he would, for example, as we're still looking at ashdown he would use the most expensive
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stone you could possibly find to build that interesting portico, and so he ended up in debt, and morose over the death of his wife, he decided to emigrate to the united states. >> so here we go. you're ready for the next slide? >> yeah. latrobe was a very talented -- i believe he was a kind of renaissance -- this is one of his war colors that he did onboard the elijah, the small ship that he took from gray's end to the united states.
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it was a really disastrous trip in many ways. took two weeks to get out of the english channel, and then in a trip that usually takes it two months, it took four monthsed before the elijah to ever -- to arrive in the united states. this is a view of dover and one of the early water colors that suggest that he could have possibly had a career as a successful artist. let go ton the next slide. ah, all of you know this, and i think that this -- susan-help me with this. this is now one of the -- your collection that you actually own this water color.
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could you tell us a little bit about that process, the -- >> sure. >> how you got it. >> oh, how we got it? >> yeah. >> this water color had been in a family collection, one of the wafers family destendents for -- descendents for many years and they elected to sell it several years ago. we researched it. it depicts, as you well know and will likely tell us about, latrobe's visit to mt. vernon of a july afternoon in 1796 and something that latrobe writes about in -- at length in his journal and we had used the image many times as an illustration and we were die lighted to be able -- delighted to purchase it. it went up at auction of sothebys, and i think once word
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gout out that mt. vernon was interested, some of other parties that might have been interested held off and we were just thrilled to be able to bring it home. >> as latrobe's biographer, i looked at this in somewhat of a different way. latrobe arrived in norfolk in the spring of 1796. two months later he is visiting george washington at mt. vernon. for latrobe it seem that indication of the possibilities of the united states. in the monarchy of george iii would would never have had some easy access to a powerful player such as the player or prime minister, and so when latrobe
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arrived on horseback at george washington's estate, it was to him something of a miracle. of course, he had an entry. he had become friendses with george washington's nephew, and had a letter of introduction. nonetheless, he was thrilled to have this opportunity to meet a man who he considered to be a noble. creator of the american republic. the was not so thrilled with the house mount vernon. he wrote in his journal that it was no better than a country english gentleman's home, man who might have access to
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500 pounds a year. but nonetheless, this is an outstanding moment in latrobe's early life in -- of the united states, and as an émigré, it gives him hope for the future and if we could go on to the next slide, this is the famous bank of pennsylvania. virginia could not keep latrobe as there were not enough commissions. the cities were not -- the small towns were not large enough for him to be able to use his talents. he did find a commission -- they were always people in the united states who appreciated latrobe's genius, and one of these was samuel fox, the head of the board of directors of the bank of pennsylvania, which was to be
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located in philadelphia, and this is an iconic building. it speaks, i think, to something that as americans we all know. this is a typical state capitol or a county municipal building. it is a neoclassical icon with the columns, the vocabulary of the neoclassical architecture. latrobe always liked low domes and we see one here. we also see this elegant portico, which he also replicates at the rear of the building, and we see the recessed windows, et cetera.
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latrobe wanted his buildings to be sculptures and i think it's clear this is. when we located in terms of other buildings in philadelphia, we see brick and wood. latrobe always wanted to build with the most permanent material possible, and this building made his reputation. it was something that even came up in novels. people would talk about the famous bank of pennsylvania by benjamin latrobe. now, if we could have the next slide.
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>> this slide grief some indication how large the bank -- how imimpressive the bank was. it was being demolished for reason is have never been clear about but ultimately it ends up, this particular block, as a parking lot. something of a sad indication of taste and what we believe is important. let's good on to the next slide. here is the famous charles wilson piehl portrait of latrobe which was painted while he was living in philadelphia. latrobe was a great friend of the piehl family. the peale's ran museums and et cetera and this is a portrait that is now in the white house.
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see the glasses. latrobe was an architect who couldn't see very well. the glasses were very essential to his career. he -- it seems to me he is looking forward, just come to the united states, he is designed and built the famous bank, and he is looking forward to being an american. this idea of being an american became one of the themed i played -- themes i played with. when i first did this i thought that latrobe had been expel in a school and was a rebel. i thought that's what this guy is. but it turns out he was not a rebel, and i kept looking as i wrote the biography about what is the central theme of his
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life. and the search went on. let's see the next slide. as latrobe struggled to be an american and to play the role of a patriot, he did everything that one should do. he joined a militia company. he even wrote treatise on pocahontas and john wall. he tried to in many ways celebrate george washington by creating a possible monument for george washington. on the other hand there's always a sign of latrobe and his life in the united states when he is a critic of what is going on. first of all, he hated our
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politics. no doubt we can all understand that today. he thought that american politics were cramped and local. he talked about political mania. he also hated our social system. he went to dinner parties in philadelphia and found that the butcher was there with him, and that offended him no end. is simply no doubt we would call latrobe a ferocious english snob, but nonetheless, one of the most important of his criticisms of the united states is slavery. this is a famous water color that is used in many textbooks. it has latrobe's cynical title,
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overseer doing his duty. and here we have the overseer standing on -- and the enslaved women working hard. latrobe was a critic of american slavery, and yet on the other hand twice in his life he certainly had men who took care of his horses and his carriage when he could afford one. men who were indentured servants or enlived and it is this difficult compromise and many americans undertook. intellectually they hate slavery, but in fact practically they often used slaves. let's go to the next. by 1803, latrobe having lived in
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philadelphia during the period from -- after he left virginia, he needed a job. his kind of architecture rapidly dried up commissions because he only designed expensive buildings. none of his carpenter's business. he appealed to his friend thomas jefferson. to me this is one of the great friendships that is forgotten and that of thomas jefferson and babiy minimum henry latrobe. jefferson liked samuel hawks the quaker who was the head of the board of pennsylvania, appreciated latrobe's genius and appointed him surveyor of
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buildings which gave him control over what we -- was called then the president's house, and of course, the u.s. capitol, the two most important pieces of civic architecture in the early nation. this is the view of latrobe's vision of our capitol. you will see that it replicates his neoclassickity. there are the low saucer domes. there's the portico. there are the balanced symmetry and the idea of a harmonious building which everything fits together. i believe -- of course this is speculation -- latrobe is long dead -- that he would have hated the huge dome that so many americans celebrate over our
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capitol today. in any case, he and jefferson collaborated and there were times when they both were at odds over how the light, whether they there would be lanterns in these turrets or would there be skylights, and they had a falling out, and so latrobe produced this water color and sent it to jefferson with hopes that the relationship could be repaired. let's see the next slide. this is a digitized -- a digitized image of latrobe's -- it is very accurate and gives you some sense of how inspiring
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his architecture was. this is a terrific room. however, members of congress found it to be much too elaborate for a new republic, and they started to complain how they couldn't hear, especially doughty old john randolph of georgia who said none of the speeches could be heard and you can see and tell that in an age without microphones it be very hard to hear. latrobe responded to this criticism by saying that the speeches weren't very good anyway. however, congress came more and more to try to control and cut back on the spending that they
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gave to latrobe, and there was a falling out by 1809, and latrobe was no longer the surveyor of the public buildings. i do want to say, although i have no slides of this, that latrobe also contributed to the president's house. he believed that it was the blandest building possible but it simply replicated a banal municipal building in dublin, and so it's to latrobe we owe the famous portico in the front of the white house and to latrobe we owe the idea for the bulge back on the south side of the white house. so, let's go to the next slide.
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having worked so hard on the capitol, and having anticipated that he might also work on the rotunda, in 1814, the u.s. capitol was destroyed by an invading british army. ... >> this, into the center of the
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building. and essentially, the building was at least as far as their interior was concerned, it was mainly destroyed. you'll note note here that the famous rotunda has not been finished. in both trope and jefferson, they both had hoped that he was able to work on the creation and refurbishing of the building and also the creation of the rotunda. he did change his design and we see some of his design on the evening news. if you watch clearly, you will find the politicians who were interviewed and you will see what his famous marble, he would like to use native elements.
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and he has discovered it what was called pebble stone. it is great and it has flecks of purple and red and yellow. it is just gorgeous. and he uses this in the new version of the assembly room. i encourage you all, when you're listening to the politicians talking about this, look behind them. and look at those columns. that is his enduring contribution to our civic culture. having returned to the capital, latrobe and hope that he might stay there. but again, there really was not enough architectural commission
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for him to do so. he had a short interim time when he left washington and he had gone to design, a steamboat if you can imagine. bring this up to suggest how broad it is career was . anything to date. he went to pittsburgh as an agent an employee of robert fulton. to design a steamboat. it is always looking to some kind of avenue to create a secure financial move for his family. he married again in philadelphia. any and three children home at he needed to educate. the problem with architecture and public architecture is that
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he never knew when he was going to be paid. and he also did not know when he would be fired. and he was in fact fired a second time. at that point, he moved baltimore. let's see the next slide. here is a portrait of the later date portrait of latrobe. i love the fact the eyeglasses have been such a constant part of his portraits. there are now on his face . i love the idea that the curly hair is still somewhat uncontrolled. this is the rembrandt portrait. he was the son. this in a family, just give a short chat out to appeal family.
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they also named his son rembrandt, and this is rembrandt's view of latrobe. he moved to baltimore. let's go on. latrobe had to declare bankruptcy in washington. when he was at the capital, no longer had a salary. when he lost his job. he took his steamboat project, and had failed in pittsburgh. and some with some humiliation,
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latrobe declared necropsy to the city of baltimore. this was in 1916. and she had been working on the for silica for a number of years before that. in the city. this is a cross-section that i am told that it seems to me that the characterizing of the sophistication of the strobes presentations to the clients. some said it was too attractive but that is not what architecture do . tend to get the clients because you can make . pictures. but nonetheless, here is a view, a cross-section of the catholic for silica in baltimore. it remains one of the city's
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most impressive and most important buildings. what is significant about it is that it is so different from most cathedrals. it is light and airy. and there is a double dome that permits light and latrobe was always playing around with the idea of light and shadow. in an era without constant electricity gives us light. and this was important to our nation of all of his buildings. it was also significant because this is high stage neoclassicism. we have the capitals. we have the columns. and of course, we have a massive design that was so important to
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latrobe's notion of architecture. in the building remains and i hope that any of your listeners and viewers or whatever we are, will take a visit to baltimore and investigate what is a great triumph of benjamin latrobe. let's go on. this is another building latrobe did in baltimore. his merchants exchange. and i think this is sort of a mall of merchants. where you include, a bank in here, there is a post office. there's meeting room. and here's this dramatic dome.
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but is still that lighted whole building. anna came at a time in baltimore's history when the city was going through something of a renaissance. this was after the war of 1812. and again, it suggested to the baltimore's that their city was important and that through its buildings, it would indicate that to others. now this is the last of the slides. but there is a final chapter two latrobe life. and it involves his moved to new orleans. and again he was hoping for some kind of ingenuity. some kind of way to have a
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stable income, moved to new orleans in 1918. he previously had built a water system and a municipal water system in philadelphia. and now in been hired by the new orleans city council to create a similar municipal water system. that was in new orleans. and so he worked there for several years until tragically, in the summer of 1820. of the city's fever epidemics. he died of yellow fever. and he is married in new orleans. and i think maybe because were in the midst of our own
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difficulties with what we call , it's interesting to know that in the 19th century, yellow fever was a great killer it was not a pandemic of sense of community said epidemics. it was carried by mosquitoes. we know how we get our coronavirus. they did not know how they were exposed to this lethal illness. and killed about half of the people who are infected. but interestingly enough, they also used scars and pieces of cloth which they would put in
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camper to prevent the manifestation of the bees. things changed but they sometimes say the same. i want to conclude and i hope there are some questions from your audience. i want to conclude with the contributions that i think that latrobe made to our civic culture. he design almost every kind of building that exists. from what he called rational private homes in which he designed far more reasonable set of in terms of where the kitchen was. to the churches, remember st. john's church in washington. recently been abused and he designed educational
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institutions and he and jefferson collaborated on some of the buildings in jefferson's famous campus of the university of virginia. he designed barnes. he designed a most anything that you can think of read always behind this was the idea that he was building in america that was permanent and that had important understanding of how significant buildings can be. winston churchill once said, i think this is winston, west minister it was being rebuilt. we create buildings but then they shape us. and to that extent, benjamin henry drove had a great influence on the early republic
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and subsequent lives. latrobe did. to my thank you so . this is been really fascinating reading and i've enjoyed so any of your insights on latrobe as you brought us through the various moments in his life. it in reading your biography of him. it almost feels like a series of cliffhangers as you go from one city to another. if one crisis to the next. what is he going to do next and how is he going to get out of this. and he does not come across as discouraged it but he seems to always to look forward to be helpful. jean: that is true. yes. he was an optimist. and that got him in trouble.
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because, he was a speculator. he would invest in some of the schemes. for example, the idea of runs and textiles which he invested in all kinds of different projects including his own steam engines and steamboat. and some of them were unsuccessful. any kept going and he kept trying. one of the important emphases in his life was always his family. latrobe was a devoted family man. and one of the legacies that is left my home city is his children after he died in new orleans. they return because they had a sponsor in baltimore.
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and they lived in baltimore. the became important businessmen. and engineers in his grandson, with a seven-time mayor of the city of baltimore. so i think that we from baltimore have a special allegiance to this creative genius. sue and cindy front of his family, i wanted to ask you about his wife created mary elisabeth in her role in his career. jean: she's fantastic. one of the things that is so upsetting when one does biography of a man read there are no pictures. i can never find images of mary latrobe. there are all of these wonderful portraits that we have of
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latrobe. but there is no image but my view of her because he writes really sexualized letters for that generation. like it was you can you and feel your bosoms. and etc. it is amazing that he always complements her figure. now even though after six children, she's gotten elisabeth stelter. nonetheless, she has the best figure of any of the women in washington. but mary latrobe was willing to go where ever latrobe went enemy for him the best possible home. and there at the end, she has left the east coast and traveled with her two young children to new orleans. they rented a house. and latrobe is special in this
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way because he never designed these for people, he never had his own the knowing that they had a small house in new orleans and mary and the two children had come down to make for him a proper domestic home. i think without her, he would've been miserable. susan: i think i want to open it up to see if we have questions from the audience at this point created cynthia asked going back to the beginning of your talk, and i will share with the audience, the first chapter in your book. you have titled in itchy ears. that is fascinating. but cynthia asks. it's interesting about the monrovia connection, how much did that play a part in his future career. jean: thank you cynthia miller for that question.
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i think it played a fair share of a lot of importance. first of all there's an intellectual contribution that the mun radiance dead. it's really a first-class education. especially strong in geometry and math. in his talents as an artist. it and beyond that just the mental discipline among moravian education. however, and i think my have a quote here if i could find it easily. i think, i will paraphrase it.
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oh, here it is. he always disputed how important the mun ramey an education was. i don't think he ever forgive his father for the fact that he did not have this emotionally close relationship with his relatives. this is what he wrote to henry. i'm quoting from a letter. how could a man who is a short statement of meridian school taught to consume wealth is vanity. and to trust the provenance for daily food. and was thought to's this by run industry how can such a man of a private independent fortune expect to go through the world otherwise as i had done. so i would argue yes in terms of intellectual prowess, the
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monrovia background helps. but in terms of his ability to get along in the world. it hindered him. susan: yes, i think it's an interesting point. and you see that in your book as you go through his life in so any ways but i think that unusual upbringing that he had in his childhood, the getty goes on to create a much more effective or affectionate family and his own life. jean: guess . susan: duty serve as a lecturer to other architects. jean: he had an affinity for low domes. but not all of them.
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you can trace latrobe influence through various architecture down to frank lloyd wright. the critical influence here is probably robert mills. but he did have when he was living in philadelphia, he began to take some young man and to mentor them. and sometimes it was successful and sometimes not. but in terms of mentoring other architects, one could go through the list to list settlement and down to frank lloyd wright. there's a wonderful kind of genealogical architectural tree. but again, there weren't a lot
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of architects. so when one looks at latrobe's career, one of the things to understand is he's really tried to established architecture as a profession. and that was hard. it was hard because there was so much competition from the carpenters and books and from artisan to simply build houses without any desire to make them the kind of splendid spaces that he wanted. and as far as the low domes, i would answer no. others did not share his affinity for low domes and that is why we have the capital today. in fact you probably know this but on the eve of the civil war the dome was being corrected.
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and congress wanted to have more. he wanted to have it put over the house of representatives and over the senate. so is very special in that way and i don't know if this was an issue of chase pres my own view that he was searching for a harmonious structure. that is why i suspected he would not like the u.s. capitol building today. susan: that's fascinating. i so fascinated that you mention frank lloyd wright. because you talk briefly in your book about the house in philadelphia. the commission has been recently studied by one of my colleagues at the philadelphia museum of art and latrobe was very interested in designing every
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detail of the taps. on the upholstery and with the controlled right would like to have. jean: and that is new. architects do not always go inside. and this is what gets latrobe into the view of dolley madison. it he and dolley madison burkhard on the interior furniture etc. in the white house. and he came back to redo the white house. susan: and we have another question from neil who asked how does latrobe change. or extend within the boundaries of race of classical ideal. so the visual counterparts to the political ideals on the architecture. jean: i am not sure i'm going to
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answer the questions the way it is presented. but his leg in the evening and this where i'm going to stay. the reason that i argue the latrobe was a founder of the united states not of its political ideals but it's buildings is that he connected with them because they too one understands this if you read the papers, they too were looking at precursors. and if you have a revolution, you're not going to look to the british ideals and theorists. going to have to find your ideals somewhere else. and latrobe found them as did
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hamilton j madison, jefferson, washington. they found them in the roman and greek republics. and so here we have this other path that is being taken. politics here which is being based on classic ideas. and then building these buildings that represents those ideals. and in terms of how he changed it or extended this, it is different. when could look. looking at the architecture, you could look at this building and see that he has changed it. there more columns. and often the capitals are different. there is a sense of having more
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light. there are any more windows and one find is on the droves buildings than one would never find in the other place like greece and rome. susan: you have given us much to think about. i think we have time for just a couple more questions. if you can stick with us that long. tommy asked, and the not so distant past, baltimore was restored. do you think it was the faithful restoration to its original design. jean: i am going to pass on part of this. but look, latrobe was said that they would endure forever unless there was an earthquake. he actually said that. and then there was an earthquake.
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and they're all kinds of cracks. so the archdiocese decided that a restoration would go to the original design. i think it was a faithful restoration . think they did a superb job. and if one compares to what is happening, this is what happens to buildings. the encroached upon. before the restoration it was full of decorations that latrobe hated. he was very limited it in terms of his agreeing ever to decorations. in the colors before it was restored were just simply terrible. it was dark or whatever.
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and i'm going to leave this question because i am not sure anyone, will there's a huge controversy. and it is like going down one of the allison wonderland's rabbit holes as far as i am concerned. susan: we will go on to the last question then from adam who asks, this attending the subject of it. that's an impressive library behind you. what would you encourage us to pick up and read. jean: can you see this. does the new book on latrobe's. okay. can you see it. it is all about his work.
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of course, it's just the one that is nearest to me. sorry. susan: that seems like a good one. i will look forward to seeing it. what's not to love. and doctor baker, you have graciously agreed to write an article for us, for upcoming magazine on latrobe's visit to mount vernon in 1796. and i think that is something that all of our members as followers can look forward to. and we really appreciate your passion for you certainly have me fired up to go in look at any of these buildings with different eyes to look for the droves hand in this. annie's building of america. i want to thank you for joining us tonight. and i want to thank all of our
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listeners and viewers for joining us. it is your support the makes it possible for mount vernon to continue offering these great programs targeted i hope that you will continue to join us and come to see us about vernon and opportunity presents. and continue to support mount vernon and omission to support american history learning about american history. as a is much for joining us. you're watching book tv on "c-span2". every weekend of the latest nonfiction books and authors. it will tv on "c-span2". created by american cable television company. today, brought to you by the television company to provide full tv to viewers is a public
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service. during a virtual event hosted by this institute in washington dc, political commentator, pj o'rourke discusses views on libertarianism in american politics. it is a portion of the program. >> every time you asked the government to do something. however lovely that seems to me. you're asking them to do it while they're going to the head of the people who are going to pay for the things the government does. so i think they should ask themselves what i portion my mother, this not go as far to shooter but at gunpoint, in order accomplish what investment government to accomplish. so would like hold my mother at gunpoint. and i personally think that something that can be privately
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done without any danger to my mom. bless her heart, she no longer with us. but with a holy moment gunpoint to save us from being overwhelmed by nasi. i might. that would be extremely bad thing. it but not for 995 or to deliver a package by the po box. >> 's book a i from the park middle, visitor website and type the author's name or book title and in search box freighted to watch the rest of the program. >> you're watching book tv on "c-span2" . here's some programs to look out for. tonight journalist dan discusses the life and career vice president kamala harris . on a weekly author interview program afterwards. new york times columnist charles makes his case for blocks to
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mass political power combat white supremacy. and then it discussion whether the global economic environment is on the path for higher inflation predefined more schedule information online and floor consult your program guide. >> money ms. patricia and the executive director of the occ. we are delighted tonight to host a book night for david, pc present long-term member. throughout the book red line in the sand. the strategy in history of wars the might still happen. in discussing the book with him, the treasurer and the international correspondent at mcr. it will talk for a while and then opening up to questions. feel free to put your questions in the ct


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