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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  March 8, 2021 1:17pm-1:31pm EST

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you know, you are expressing shows on your face when something hits you. watching you on tv, it shows on your face but it's no reason to try to stop people from voting. that's what it's about. >> we are running short on time, your final thought. >> i think the issue of how much mail in voting we do is going to be a big one you are going to do more than we've done in the past. i do think that even states that doing very significant amounts of mail in voting need to think about making that system work better to even as the state that really mail-in voting is going to be for people who need it or have a reason. they should still work to improve that system of things like the ability to check your balance online. those are good questions to ask. the question is do we want a
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federal level looking forward to a system where allstate are really moving significantly to close by mail system, primarily vote by mail system y,or whether we want to allow some variety in this and i guess i'm more in favor of having that debate the state level and the state think very seriously about making thiswell thank you for having the debate with us and our viewers this morning, i appreciate your time . >>. >> research folks, pew and then a pulling people brand-new about the vaccine and that number is 69 percent now. they might go more than a year after the pandemic arrived growing public dissatisfaction with the country's response. performance ratings for top state and local officials have responded to the outbreak continued to decline and there's less consensus than there wasn't the start
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of the opera about whether steps like restrictions on restaurants are necessary. so they also present my instrument there is more of reason and pessimism on policies of ministration that will improve the country through the outbreak and there's a shared sense that vaccination efforts will play some role in improving the economy . but if it's top public priority and as vaccine production and administration efforts continue to ramp up , we pull from pew talks about the vaccines and finds public interest to get vaccinated on the rise. they like 19 percent of adults say they've already received at least one dose another 50 percent say they're definitely or probably get vaccinated. taken together there is 69 percent figure. significantly from the present to who say they plan to get vaccinated back in november. so more. vaccinated is somewhat of a mixed bag in terms of public opinion on how the whole thing is going at this point so far. we'll get your calls and minutes but here is just with cothe white house advisor
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talking about the availability of vaccines now. >> let me start with the fda, the cdc . doctor fauci, they said the same thing which is we have three safe and effective vaccines and americans should take the first vaccine they are offered. the same time, we are working across all of our federal imchannels, pharmacies and community health centers, community vaccination sensors and with the state governors to ensure that this there's even distribution all three vaccines across all those tenants area. >> as far as the pupil goes a to write a majority of black americans date a plan to get a vaccine. sharply from 42 percent . differences in intent to be vaccinated among black, white, hispanic and asian adults are smaller and they were remarks to go. just more of the details there. call from william in nashville tennessee. how is the vaccine rollout
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going in the national area these days ? >> caller: it's kind of weird. i have a few friends who got the vaccine are not ethically qualified. through some loophole, and i can't. >> host: we will continue to take your calls and let's look at what's happening in other parts of the country . the new york times writes about dropping its virus restrictions. this is over the last couple of days in the response to everything that's happening. cases fall right in the times, states christening mask mandate andreopening schools , prompting people to emerge after months of ptisolation despite uncertainty about the pandemic's future and in chicago tens of thousands of people return to public school this week while
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snow-covered parks and playgrounds around the city shuttered since march were open and mississippi ended its mask mandate two. restaurants in massachusetts were allowed to operate in south carolina raised its limits on large gatherings area san francisco announced indoor dining engines could reopen on a limited basis. federal health officials are worried state and local leaders may be moving too fast . governor gretchen widmer of michigan and she was easing restrictions on businesses and allowing family members who tested negative visit nursing home residents. charlie baker of massachusetts said while residents should continue to wear masks in public it was time for more limits on businesses to the ease . he said he found in the new york times in the last couple of days one more piece from the mississippi governor explaining on cnn why his state was lifting a mask mandate and if they need to remember further.
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>> the fact is in our state throughout the pandemic approach has been to not only protect lives but also to protect livelihoods. we have to get our economy bowling individuals and get back to work and i think that's critically important. let's talk a little bit more about the data. the fact is sake we had 1450 mississippians in hospital beds because of the virus. today that number is below 400 and that we had 360 mississippians in icu beds at this point that number is below 120. the fact is we have seen significantly reduced levels and by the way, unlike president biden who wants to insult americans and insult mississippians, i trust mississippians to make the decisions that have proven throughout the last year they can do so and that's something i think is very important. the fact is the numbers don't justify government interaction at the level that we are seeing in other states
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. mississippians are watching right now and i understand you're lifting the mask mandate but do you take it's a good idea for them to wear masks in public, indoors, around other people? is that something you would recommend even ifyou're not mandating ? >> i not only recommend it, i encourage it. if you've not received vaccination and are going into a large crowd were going out to dinner i strongly encourage mississippians and wh people across the country to wear a mask because i believe it does in fact reduce the ability of individuals to spread the virus . >> was the governor of mississippi on cnn. or a minor old telephone numbers, 202-748-8000 eastern and central are asking you to have a vaccine rollout doing in your state. west mountain and pacific times of, 202-748-8000 one and if you've been vaccinated 202-748-8002 area we like to hear your story.
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let's hear from one of your out there in westvirginia, middleton was been vaccinated already, correct ?>> i already got my shot and my wife got both of them and we had the mother. >> how did it go? >> it was an easy process. we just got the vehicle, we just fillout the papers. both times .they give us a shot. and we waited 15 minutes after the shot and then we left and we had to wait a month for the second shot and it was the same thing. it was just everything , everything went smooth but we've had similar effects of the shot, the first one for me, my shoulder was sore for four days. and the second shot, it was the same thing with the shoulder but also, i had some symptoms of our flulike for a virus or whatever but as of
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today, i feel good right now. there's no more effects from. my wife is not having any more either. >> west virginia one of the positive stories that we've been reading about. same situation for families and friends, people you know. are they having a positive experience like you have ? >> my sister, she got her first shot. she's older than me but she finally got her. there's a little bit of trouble about the way that they've been doing that ages of the people . and like a friend of ours, the husband got his shots because he's 84 . she's 75. she didn't get hers until last week. he had his over open his already gone and then she finally got herfirst one . they're separating husband and wife. that's not good to be to do
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something like that. >> for calling and sharing your story new york times headache:tracker you want to see how the vaccine rollout is going in your state . they do things like percentages basically on this matter of higher percentages. that color from west virginia, 20.3 percent of the population in west virginia. that at least one dose, 12.8 percent, two doses and you can go around the country and do some of the other figures including new york here, at least one those 17.7 percent. two doses 8.7 percent . white plains new york is our next call. might . you've been vaccinated as well. >> i've got mine because my sister recommended putting me on the list. and finally, the medicine came in. and i was able to get the first shot. i was like i said before, my shoulder. i had a virus for about four
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days. so then it went, i had to say something else about this situation. this was all bundled up because if we had dusted up, if we had this since march, and early on, organize everything this would have never happened in israel was able to vaccinate a whole nation. iceland was area and george washington literally vaccinated a whole army from smallpox area. >> okay, mike, thank you for calling from new york. to new jersey here, okaying rights on twitter from new jersey that the vaccine is here and mj is doing fine. there is back up with individual scheduling governor murphy is sending daily updates by twitter , keeping up-to-date. what they should learn from
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our governor, writes beltane. harnesses calling from west virginia as well this morning, another group has been vaccinated already, tell us your story . >> i was vaccinated in january, got my second shot in february. i know after affects all area but i know some friends who had some mild reactions and we all got mode or not. my sisters in delaware and she's gotten both of hers. and we had no after affects, no nausea, no sore arm. nothing at all. with after the shots. >> let me ask you what will change if anything in your life now as you go about your business and as you've been vaccinated. >> i'll tell you really, not
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very much because i really was not somebody. i'm retired and i need. and i only went out when i had to but i would go to the mall just to be walk and just see people and so it really will not change too much but i'll tell you, i'm glad that our governor even though he is has opened up jim's and restaurants and things to higher capacity has still not lifted the mask mandate which i feel is really like the virologists say that the mask helps and protects us and protects other people. and if we do that t, we will be able to get out of this sooner. and


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