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tv   Washington Journal Brian Stelter  CSPAN  June 11, 2021 1:26am-2:00am EDT

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>> author of the book hopes donald trump fox news and that dangerous consortium and it is available in paperback explain e of "the new york times" cnn says silence is a justice department sought a reporters e-mail. >> good to be with you. last week at "the new york times" lawyers were not allowed to communicate with
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the newsroom about the investigation and we didn't know last week that cnn was also under a gag order imposed by the government last summer by the trump justice department because there was a leak investigation it is the attempt to get a hold of the e-mail record back in 2017 finding out the government is the extreme measures and that is unprecedented with those national security and state secret c's measures are used the gag orders are applied for that is really outrageous with
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the widespread media advocacy groups that "the new york times" and cnn and "washington post" phone meet with attorney merrick garland of course saying that will not happen under his administration. >> with executives from cnn and "washington post" what question would you put to the attorney general if you were in the meeting? >> we need to know about these gag orders in my they are applied. is it coincidence three of the news outlets that trump despised the most were also the three that were targeted government leaders to be investigated. we need to know more and will
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the's new rules will they be codified so this doesn't go on in the future quick. >> fox news and that dangerous distortion of truth. why should they pick this up at what they learn? >> i had to rewrite a big portion of the because the country has changed so much in the last nine months we didn't know the ending at and what that word is what that would be in trump lost the election
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fox lost the monopoly on right wing tv but came back with a vengeance we talked about last winter this praying so i added 12 new chapters went overboard with 20000 words because so much has happened with trump and ed big lie and then to understand to understand the power of the media as well. host: 95000 words i understand quick. >> yes. but they are good words and interesting words. honestly i wrote in the first book about the riots but then writing about the riots and kevin mccarthy calling into fox news basically for help
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because trump is not taking it seriously so he called trumps favorite network to persuade the president that way to call it off. host: to join the conversation and with that editorial decision-making what should they know about fox news leadership? >> i describe it rather than a strong top-down leadership structure in some ways that is good it can be a good thing to
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go any direction that they want but where autonomy and lack of leadership is when those are being told by voter fried and even rupert murdoch and the father and son that run fox corporation have that hands-off approach and then interested in that content and editorial. and those about who won the election. and then those growing pains phase where they don't want to listen to leadership. >> how has that responded to challenges from the one
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america? >> responding to newsmax and one america. >> but some did not want to hear about biden or believe that biden one so they went over to newsmax he was not yet called president lacked in trump is not yet called a loser then they did have a certain surge. that not nearly as big but as part of the gop and then they could run to the right and more to that activist trump base and instead of having more opinions. >> all of them are lit up good
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morning. >>caller: good morning. i will call in because i think cnn is so liberal and as far as the election even though i am a conservative i did not want trump to win. but i watch fox news that cnn i cannot watch you i wish i could.
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and they say there were stand cnn. i am a conservative but i am not part of the right. that's my comment. have a good morning. >> i hope you give me a chance in the future it's important cnn that from the liberal or conservative point of view but from the reality point of view that's our job we want the feedback we want viewers to know but i do think it's important with that reality base with vice president kamala harris there is some tough with her present with some stumbles on her trip
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coming from the left or the right that's exactly what we should be doing. >> good morning your next. >> i will ask on national television to admit him and brian on his network or a bench of liars about donald trump. though lie is that he cleared out that protest so he could be there. that is a lie that you and your network told. that's all i have to say to you. >> the inspector general that is a big story without clearing lafayette square.
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and what we have to do is cover the news as it evolves it's very hard what president trump did that day was okay. but you think he did the right thing i respect that. >> and covering the news what that speculation of the origins of the coronavirus. >> because we do not know and we may never know we may never have 100 percent answer to that question of course that dominant theory of the national one —-dash and that origin it is it new evidence that a reevaluation of how
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murky the question is and it has way more curiosity so this is a great example there is so much but it's in the middle but it's important for all of us to recognize that that it is a developing story. >> do you think that change made that evaluation more possible? >> perhaps. but personally i have not been allowed to look at this issue however president trump because of the volume of untruth was treated
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differently and trusted less as when i go to the grocery stores someone tries to rip me off and the same thing with the president who lost the trust of the majority of people so now we see president biden say to study this very closely and that's a good thing so that reminds me of the line you cannot say it often enough it is the best obtainable version that is the goal and the process and it helps us earn more trust to say we try every day to get to the truth we need your help that we are trying our best.
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host: indiana good morning. >>caller. >> good morning. the biggest minister of misinformation i have ever heard i am a news junkie he told the american people with his news organization that he had control over for four years there was russian collusion and actually after the $40 million of government investigation there was a zero collusion from the trump administration but he is such a bipartisan the stories are always evolving.
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>> thank you for the feedback it is important and what we do know what to be true those ties were significant there is evidence of collusive behavior and there's more information coming out now i respect your opinion you do not believe there is collusion we went through that impeachment process and learned a lot about shady behavior but that will go on for the rest of our lives we just try to get to where it is true and acknowledge every misstep ultimately that is the dividing line in media versus the outlets that don't care or
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not. as long as we stay on that side where we care about the truth and try to get it right that is what the american people deserve. when i make a mistake with my stories we have to run a correction. i don't feel ashamed by that or embarrassed by that it makes us stronger because it shows we are willing to we examine and fix it to make sure we learn from our mistakes the same thing and try to teach my daughter learn from your mistakes and make sure you don't do it again. host: and with cnn. >> i'm glad you mentioned that. that was cnn we have thousands of staffers and dozens of anchors i have a lot of control over my hour on sunday
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mornings and i'm responsible for every question and you should hold me accountable but also i try to have a son influence ia send in my ideas that cnn with thousands of staffers have a big management team and they are the ones in control but not because we are obsessed with ratings but we want to know what you believe or what you are interested in what you care about and what you think if we are on the right track so i'm grateful for that feedback which is very important. host: savanna georgia your next. >>caller: yes. do you still feel like michael is the greatest thing in the world and should run for president in the united states.
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my suggestion is whatever cnn says do the opposite in you will be fine. >> [laughter] thank you for the call. you are talking michael's name it has been so long since i've even said his name i knew him several years ago and one of the questions i asked him do you think i'm running for president? he was really good at interviews can controlling that narrative that president trump talk to a lot of people that politicians have to be media masterminds and donald trump was and still is a knows how to get attention so also he knows how to get attention
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so we run tv for about 15 seconds that is that moment that is sniffed and clipped and shared and becomes mean - - a meme and then to make it out of context to say it's the greatest thing and a remember how to still his last name but in your mind and some affiliated with him but that is that distorted media world that we live in today where a 1d moment on cnn on a random sunday morning becomes the narrative but i take the point if you don't actually watch
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cnn you may think of those moments i remember i was live on tv covering a snowstorm it was my most embarrassing moment in my friends still use it against me but all you know of us are the moments we fell down the stairs but i encourage you to give us a chance to see what we are doing the rest of the time most of the time i can walk down the stairs safely. >> and that media world what is your opinion news versus opinion like fox or cnn with actual reporting? >> certainly in hopes to reduce the number of hours and as a newscast on one side and a talk show on another fox has
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fewer newscast and a lot more talk none a steep not - - does may people are gathering the news because we need more news coverage to let conservative america i know what is going on but this is an issue across the media landscape there are programs like mine and then we have a lot of newscast we have the next of that and it is certainly true we need more on perspective and point of view and commentary to deliver monologues and myself included that that technique to cut through the noise because those formats are continuing i
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don't view those as opinions and analysis that people can use different terms for that and are we staying connected to the facts. >> we have 20 minutes left and the author of the book hoax that is out in paperback as of tuesday. >> harry out pittsburgh. >>caller: good morning. anybody that would have the
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guts to go on your show at 7:00 a.m. with 40 minutes of pro- callers separate from each other. second he ripped off the handicapped man run by child predators by 5,010,000 people. host: you bring up a lot of points. i would say we can have you both on the desk. >> that's why i'm glad to be here it's helpful for me to her from viewers. host: how many calls you think we would get in that segment? dedicate have to have a lunch a whole new channel. c-span for he gave me great advice when i graduated college and when i joined cnn
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and learned television. honestly, like a lot of relationships in the trump years, hours frayed during the trump era and that is disappointing to me. but i think he is certainly doing something very different than what i'm doing i'm trying to cover the news and media he is not. there is a lot of desire on the part of viewers to watch that. host: what was his advice to you? >> he talked about looking into the camera i'm using an iphone right now that think of the ones you were in the room and tried to connect one-on-one with that person for me it's anything but obvious that he helped to make it more natural. >> good morning your honor with brian. >>caller: good morning.
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i caught your coverage inauguration night actually the type of speeches you would get out of the persian kings in the old days pretty shameless if you ask me. host: anything specific to bring up? >> that's okay. with inauguration night i went to bed early. host: our viewer from maine good morning. >>caller: thank you for taking my call. i watch fox news for the comedy if you want to put on hannity on the air four years assaulted hillary clinton with lies stealing from the charity? who use deals from the
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children's cancer charity? trump and uranium one how long did they do segments? what i will tell you right now of those calling in it is ridiculous and has no idea and no policy so they attacked the network so cool be for 2016 because of the network said something bad about me? and what about fauci? come on it was an ongoing situation he said no mask and wear a mask he said may be he said for masks at once.
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fox news is crazy and they are being sued. host: you bring up a lot of issues. >> the point of the lawsuits are very important because you talk about the big lie and the impact that is why i wrote the book hoax. if you look at october and november fox was reckless and irresponsible it was planting seeds of doubt in the viewers mind that the election was fair and accurate. that now there are those that accurately announced biden was president-elect. that happened but then commentators who were more popular why kennedy who created out and raised questions.
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asking questions is great is part of the free speech but to do that to undermine to subvert the election to make people believe that trump is not the president that is undemocratic and that's what happened on fox. as a television professional i think fox should be stronger and more reality -based in one of the biggest issues we have right now is to drift away from a common reality the shows went on for months that did real damage to the country that did real damage to the country that's an interesting story and i years to come with fox news for those who promoted the big lie and who knows? we don't know but it is a real
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test for fox news in the future. >> in your book in the hardback and paperback version how do you get people inside fox news to talk to you especially after the hardback came out? >> it helps me win over new sources because i had producers raise the book and they said you got it right. what is going on in my network every workplace has strengths and weaknesses they are really good at television production they have great graphics and visual presentations that is a strength but a weakness and lack of leadership in the editorial mission so instead focusing on state controversies but that's a
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weakness so so many staffers read my book they said you are right and then he started to help me. however i mentioned sean hannity. i have to be aware and i always keep that in mind a lot of people there and the rank-and-file because there's less room for news and moores for screaming from that perspective is not good for donald trump or fox news or for the country because it results in the echo chamber or the bubble we only believe we need to make sure there are few echo chambers and people
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are exposed to more fact-based news with that challenge across the board
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>> they celebrated the end of slavery and someone talks about coming to an area to find men women and children
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hanging from trees and then sees to be property and lost control over them and then responded with extreme hostility
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