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tv   Washington Journal Haywood Talcove  CSPAN  July 2, 2021 11:07am-11:35am EDT

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the diverse culture earners who checked in the country to the navy and road washington it across the delaware printed book tv begins in a p.m. eastern on "c-span2". >> book tv, on "c-span2" has top nonfiction books and authors every weekend. saturday at 10:00 p.m. eastern on afterwards, former xerox ceo ursula burns, the first black female ceo of a fortune 500 company on american business in the corporate world. she is interviewed by amazon senior vice president alicia boulder davis, and senate live at noon eastern on in-depth, join our two hour conversation with pulitzer prize-winning author and historian, annette gordon. she talked about americans presence, slavery and emancipation enterprise willing books including lemmings of monticello and her latest book, on juneteenth.
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miss gordon reed will be taking your calls, facebook comments and e-mails and tweets. watch book tv, on "c-span2" this weekend. >> you may have heard aboutur unemployment fraud during covid-19 and unemployment money being stolen and we are going to talk about that next with her guest joining us, with risk solutions and the government division it ceo and joining us to talk about the issue and potential billions of dollars. good morning. >> good morning how are you. >> very well may start fresh with a headlight that we notice about in terms of where the problem is and they get to your comments. it says that half of the pandemics unemployment may have been money may have been stolen. first of all they would, your with lexus risk solutions what is a probably that your group
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does and how are you monitoring the unemployment or the potential for unemployment fraud. >> yes, we do very small things, we stop fraud we help catch bad people that we enable digital government. our company texas is a market theater and identity verification and the government space we call that - fraud and we do over million transactions a day, and we stock over million dollars in fraudulent teams each week you. we do this in dozens of states and help them mitigate the risk of this trans national fundament against unpacking the unemployment insurance systems. >> let's give the audience some perspective from this the reporting from active space and the criminals may have stolen as much as have of the an appointment benefits the u.s. has been pumping out over the last year and unemployment fraud it during the pandemic can
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easily reach 400 billion they right and according to some estimates with the book of that money likely inat the hands of foreign crime syndicates making this not just affect but a matter of national security and one of the things they in terms of the stakes, the states all know that fraud was inevitable decided against getting the money out to people who desperately needed and it was more important in laboriously making sure all of that was genuine and this is now coming back to hunt those stakes. >> yes. i don't know if it was inevitable. it was written back in 2015, by larry benson and andy - and the mochas called where is the fraud and it focused on these trans national groups stealing government funds. in the issue is that a lot of governments federal state and local entities have not been able to digital they don't have
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properties in place that the private sector does to make sure that you are who you say you are so with the criminal state as they took advantage of this and using all of the pi is been out there over the past decade. from target, and others and then because the state didn't have tools in place to validate the identity, it was very easy for these groups to steal massive amounts of money. >> so people who were expecting paid unemployment benefits how did this manifest itself did they not see that money show up and then they have to file for that money. how did this work. >> yes that is a great question because a lot of people are not talking about the individuals that have been impacted so what happened is you put things into two buckets your information is stolen by one of these criminal
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groups, beget benefits in your name and unfortunately, you find yourself in a situation where you need the benefits, and you apply, you cannot get your benefits. that is been a huge issue across the countrynt and now a number f your standard suspect of experience receiving at 1099 form is not attributable to benefits they received. the second part of this, is individuals whose identity was used in a different state, where for example one of our success story sayss government and ohio or somebody apply for benefits and his name in the state of california. so ultimately, what happened is these farm adversaries and houston the store pii in a way that needed very hard for individuals to get access and
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then thirdly, some states have been put things in place that rely on outdated technology including facialy recognition t distributed amongst women and those of minorities. it. >> so your role of lexisnexis, you have 50 different states, the district of columbia with our own independent unemployment system rated but you have federal level, lexisnexis is doing the fraud of monitoring at that in itself must be an incredible task. haywood: because of our position and is a leading identity, nancy as many transactions as we see and also analysts that we have studying the dark web, we see things before most people. for example, before the show today i had the analyst take a look at what was going on in new york, california, and florida. we are still saying significant
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attacks at scale particularly by these foreign groups. right now there to get onto the dark web youca could require $15 that willl show you how to get through those systems that are currently in place in those states. and as of this morning, over 11000 of those tips have been sold. >> our guest is with lexisnexis, haywood talcove and were talking about the fraud the minute money and covid-19 relief. we welcome your comments, and also your experience in this if you have actually added some of this happened to you. the winds are for republicans (202)748-8001 democrats 202-48-8000 and independents and others (202)748-2002 so have you been able to recover some of the government been able to recover
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any of this money that has been stolen. haywood: i would say very little. the ones getting caught are the domestic ones and the reason they are getting caught is there sharing their own gains on facebook and other social media sites. in the money that went overseas, which i believe is close to 70 percent of that, that money will never come back rated the money went into accounts by foreign entities. and they took that and they converted it into crypto using exchangers and trying to catch them is like trying to catch a needle in a haystack. the most important thing the state government can do is to put these imposter fraud in place the tools in place to make sure the right people are receiving the benefits, the money that is lost in my estimation isat close to $250 billion. that is for the most part gone.
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it never to recover. >> i may be putting on the spot be mentioned you got an update on some of the biggest stakes. the per capita can you tell us what states are doing the best on this grade in which states are doing the worst. haywood: i want to, specifically the state of ohio which is the home town of lexisnexis and governor define it with governor divine he noticed a problem in january and it but he immediately did it was a group of private sector companies in the banking and insuranceny industries and that deal with this every single day just to give you an extent of the credit cards, etc. rated $3 billion annual leading to fraud and deepening of what number you believe, and at least $250 billion number, the government lost $250 million and what he did was pull together te best from the state of ohio they put together a task force and within two weeks, they were able
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to shut it down. one of the most interesting things that we got to see elected is how all of this fraud is interconnected. so we have seen literally hundreds of devices used in hundreds of times in different states. for fraudulent purposes and what is amazing to me, is that all of the stuff today is easy to fix. they're very sophisticated, the frauds is basically been talking the private sector and that is what governor divine in the great state of ohio really hasn't in sight that panel that they put together. host: outplayed the comments in a moment on the law enforcement role and protecting its product but in his comments he said as of last year, the government had issued some $3 trillion in covid-19 relief through the cares act and other measures
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that if you even factor in a 1 percent fraud factor that is still $30 billion. is that accurate across the board number that typically in these government programs like this you will have at least 1 percent fraud. haywood: yeah so for small let's talk with the secret service, when he testified it back in june, he was the one that the government that there was going to be a massive problem pretty got everything right in this report except for one thing. the scale of it. it is muchis bigger today than e could've ever anticipated back in june and secret service as an agency that has some of the best experts in cyber and they were the ones that were beginning to notice these trends particular if you look at this report the transnational nature of these attacks. host: will get you a call coming
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up, let's give your listeners and viewers on this perspective on the testimony of last june and the potential for fraud and here is he had to say. >> the disasters have with the fraud from terrorist attacks on 911, two hurricanes katrina, and a maria and indeed will before pretty criminals throughout history have used public emergencies as opportunities to defraud the public. however, the fraud associated with the current covid-19 and debbie present the scale and scope of risk that we have not seen before. enabled by the internet criminals all over the world and fraud anxious citizens distressed businesses, and government stimulus programs alike. since we released our first alert on march 4th, we observed that the significant corporation of criminal schemes. in particular we have seen c certain crimes targeting various economic relief programs such as those provided by the cares act telling this broad has become a core focus of investigative work and expect our investigative efforts will continue for years.
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host: haywood talcove from lexisnexis, what are your thoughts from a year ago. haywood: i think he is right on but because these groups have been so successful in unemployment insurance i would warn every governor, i would warn the administration and every local government that government is now a target these groups and they need to put in place tools to ensure that you know who you're interacting with, basic identity verification systems. because of the scale and scope and the ease of which they got this money, they're going to continue to attack these systems until they are updated. host: puts the biggest country that you're noticing that's involved with transnational harm. what country the most. haywood: i would say it is a
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race, russia of course is right in their then we have nigeria, the nigerians were able to think over a million dollars in the state of washington. and then we have of course, china and then over the past two months, were starting to see the romanians. to point out and i do want to get secretary walsh credit read i that he just started just a month ago. [inaudible]. and the secretary is taken very hiseriously. it hasse a real opportunity to lead, not just in the an appointment interest space but across all government programs. because the basic fact is anytime anyplace with the government is setting check, these criminals can use the same exact process they used it to defraud the employment insurance system. with the department of revenue, with defendant stamp program and everything will benefit program that we have in place to help
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people that are in need. host: (202)748-8001 for republicans and democrats (202)748-8000 and independence 2027 or 88002. david from illinois good morning. guest: good morning and can you hear me. yes printed my name is dave williams and i have been unemployed for over a year. i've been certifying every two weeks like i'm supposed to give my in employment check rated so the last week, i have been getting text messages that if i do not open up this id account, my checks. within 24 hours. and i called the 800 number that is at the top of the text and it said you have reached a number that is not been set up yet. so i want to know, and also it
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shows that when i get the text a picture of heidi form and users names and my password. and i want to know is that legitimate or hack. host: haywood talcove what you suggest. haywood: tried to access data. guest: they want to know why additional information from me within 24 hours of my unemployment will stop and they want my users name it and password and they had put a picture of the company on my text. haywood: right. so i think they're asking you to do is verify your identity. and it sounds like they're using that facial recognition tool.
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so what i would recommend is going through that process andgo setting up an account and then once you have done that, see if you can get through. and the challenges some of those facial recognition tools do not work well. in the cause issues like an updated smart phone and you also need utility bill copy and you need to have a contract with the cell phone carrier. give any problems, what you should do is just look me up on linkedin and i will see what i can do to help you. and i think that is what you need to try to do. host: jerry in new jersey, go ahead. guest: yes hello. i have a question, my daughter-in-law was having a lot of trouble getting the unemployment. how do they go without real-time like can they reapply.
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and the other question that i have for you is with all of this dealings and everything could be election have been done the same way. in other words do we have the same issues with the election. the same actors have the ability to work on elections. thank you very much for that question. haywood: your first question, he replied, the state of new jersey has a process we just log onto their systems and follow their process and they'll evaluate the claim. the department of labor has standards relative to getting that process should work. in terms of the election, this has nothing to do with the election. the issue that we are doing with his nondemocratic issue, is on the republican issue and essentially national security issue. everyone needs to be aware that these transnational groups are
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now focused on government programs and is your caller mentioned it, or alluded to, what it's doing is it's making easier for individuals actually need the individuals it makes it harder for them. and my hope is that government will be like the private sector, financial institutions, any retailers and will be very easy to do a transaction at. at a very high level of insurance that you are who you say you are. host: was biggest dumbly blocks to some of the states targeting updated technology. haywood: like everything in life, i don't think there was a belief if you spoke to the governor you spoke to a director of unemployment insurance two years ago, what they would've told you is the program integrity has nothing to do with the - you get a job and you
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forget so you get both of your gainfully employed, and employment insurance and also you get a paycheck in the issue is, that you or no one is ever checking for fraud. they had not built the systems and i don't think they felt like they needed to. that is why i will place in the direction secretary walsh ismo moving in place been very aggressive in this area is working with focused and working with this evening as far to get programs in place to mitigate this risk going forward. there's nothing we can do about what happened it is over. nethat money is generally gone t what we need to do to protect those systems going forward and i really do believe the secretary and his team have a plan freighted. host: calling from champaign, illinois. guest: hired for small amount think mr. haywood talcove for money is doing is likely i want to say that i got something in the mail it think it was around
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october or september of last year, and didn't make sense because i had not unemployed for an employment insurance and i originally thought it was a scam so i did little about it when i got next month again, realizes somebody had definitely stolen my identity or taking of this issue. and yet was putting money to 19 i initially called the illinois state unemployment and told him what was going on. and the next time i guess they're looking into it,ue not sure i'm noten remembering whats happened at that point but then i went ahead and the next time i got something, it was actually have the name of the bank that was cashing these checks freighted and it was out of utah. so i went ahead and try to contact them as well and it didn't get any answer. i tried them a couple of times to send them e-mails and nothing. no response. so when i got my - i didn't want
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them to charge me taxes on the money and i'm retired. and i'm just wondering if there is anything else i can be done in the future and take responsible for things that come my wife and i try to do something and this is very unfair. and i want to take up the responsibility and i think we all need to do that so i want th know from mr. haywood talcove if there's anything else that i could do that point. host: thank you for that question. haywood: that is a great question and there are millions and millions of people in this country whose identities are used the variously that are now getting these forms.d and so you have to do three things and youhr need to do it quickly. the first thing that you need to do is go to your local police department in illinois and file a police report. if you're going need the police report because now you're going to have to let the state of illinois as well as the internal revenue service know that you did not receivef those benefits and should not be affecting your
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taxes. and i think that you need to do is goo to the credit bureaus rd trans union koufax and experian and with your credit and it is clear now that they have access to your identity going to use this in a different way. and pointed to make is really important. you are the innocent victim in this and unfortunately, the process is probably going toun take you 60 - 70 hours of your personal time to work through while the states programs are in place and i would suggest that every single viewer that when you get that 1099 form, that is not correct, don't just sit on it. you have to take the steps. you could get audited by the state and you could get audited by the federal government. you can find yourself in a really difficult situation. so it's very important that the first thing you do is get the
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police report was documented that your identity was used for nefariousus purposes and that yu had nothing to do with getting those benefits. host: dennis from florida you have about 30 seconds here pretty fans coming in and nine predict go ahead with your comments. guest: i'm here in florida and we have, ever since the pandemic started, report after report after report of the follow-up of the unemployment insurance program in our sunshine state. they put in a guide name eagle who seems not to be able to get his thoughts together and be able to move the program so that it is more secure, people are getting the findings which they weren't. that is my basic the comments because let's face it, it is been a royal screwup.
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host: dennis, your thoughts on florida. >> i really get governor desantis credit for the changes. they areor stilling being affecd at scale rated and the dude need to take a closer look at how those transnational groups are accessing the system. g host: ceo of the government envision of lexisnexis would love to have you back in three or four months to get an update pretty thank you so a much for being with us this morning haywood talcove. haywood: thank youes so much grt if you want to learn more about fraud, fraud .com and sign up for it and every single day all the different pricing in place in the government to market and thank you and have a great day pretty. host: appreciate you joining is pretty. >> the house, crypto currency. [inaudible]. tonight books about the american revolution will start with a complete victory saratoga in the american revolution.
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in the book, winning independence decisive years of the revolutionary war. in the author the indispensable, the diverse sculpture mariners to shape the country from the navy and run washington across the delaware predict tv begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern on "c-span2". on tv on "c-span2" has top nonfiction books and authors every weekend, saturday at 10:0n afterwards former xerox ceo ursula burns, the first black female ceo of a fortune 500 company on american business and corporate world. she's interviewed by amazon senior vice president alicia buller davis and 75 and noon eastern, on in-depth, join our two hour conversation with pulitzer prize-winning author and historian annette gordon read it she talks about american presidents, slavery and emancipation. prize-winning books include
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hemmings of monticello, and her latest book, on juneteenth. as gordon read will be taking your calls, facebook comments, e-mails and tweets. arch book tv on "c-span2", this weekend. the house financial services committee held a hearing on crypto currency in the effect on the u.s. financial system and the committee look at how the crypto currency boom may have affected retirees and whether relations are needed to protect consumers and financial markets. [inaudible]. >> good morning. i'm al green. it is my honor to call the oversight investigation subcommittee to order. the title of today's hearing is america on fire,


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