tv U.S. Senate U.S. Senate CSPAN October 21, 2021 9:59am-2:05pm EDT
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we feel the same way. to the patriots after the civil war, this wasn't partisan it was patriotic. and american democracy is better off today because the patriots in this chamber at that time were undeterred by minority obstruction. again, today we feel the same way. today, the question before the senate is how we will find a path forward on protecting our freedoms in the 21st century. members of this body now face a choice. they can follow in the footsteps of our patriotic predecessors in this chamber or they can sit by as the fabric of our democracy un unravels before our very eyes. i yield the floor. >> we take you live now to the u.s. senate floor.
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in half an hour the senate will vote to limit debate on nominees to serve on federal courts in washington state and new york and also on the nominee to head the occupational safety and health administration. this is live coverage on c-span2. the president pro tempore: the senate will come to order. the chaplain, dr. barry black, will lead the senate in prayer. the chaplain: let us pray. shepherd of love you have been our help in ages past. you are our hope for the years to come. as we begin today's legislative
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session, we pause to acknowledge your sovereignty. lord you sit enthroned between the cherubim so shower us with gifts from your bounty. today lead our lawmakers beside still waters and replenish their spirits with your power as they grapple with the challenges we face give them a faith that will not shrink lord provide our senators with wisdom to hear your voice and courage to obey your counsel. help them to seek your wisdom by
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daily exposing themselves to the guidance of sacred scripture. remind us all that success comes not by might or power but by your spirit. we pray in your holy name. amen. the president pro tempore: please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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president pro tempore: under the previous order the leadership is reserved. morning business is closed. and under the previous order the senate will proceed to executive session and resume consideration of the following nomination which the clerk will report. the clerk: nomination, the judiciary, tana lin of washington, to be united states district judge for the western district of washington. president pro tempore: the senator from nevada. the presiding officer: i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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protecting the voting rights of american citizens. that right essential to any democracy, has been under attack in ways we have not seen in generations. despite the obvious danger, senator -- republicans crushed any opportunity to vote on the freedom to vote act. we asked them to come to the table so the senate can work as intended, and they refused. let there be no mistake -- senate republicans blocking debate yesterday was their implicit endorsement of the horrid new voter suppression and election subversion laws passed in conservative states across the country. when they wouldn't debate, they said these horrid new laws that suppress voters, that subvert
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our elections is okay. it's ludicrous -- ludicrous for republicans to pretend that the federal government has no role to play in defense of our liberties. of course it does. they should read the constitution. despite republican opposition, the fight to protect our democracy is far from over in the united states senate. voting rights are too precious and too fundamental to abandon the obstruction from the minority. as soon as next week i'm prepared to bring another proposal to the wall, the john lewis voting rights advancement act. the voting rights act has historically been partisan, but following the gutting of the law by the supreme court, voting rights need to be restored and republicans should be able to debate it. the obstruction from senate republicans is not -- is not how the senate is supposed to work. not long ago this chamber operated differently, in a way more befitting if the world's
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greatest deliberative body, debate compromise, amend, and legitimate, all with the purpose of henning the -- helping the american. there was debate and amendment. we need to restore that legacy. we need to work to restore the senate as the world's greatest deliberative body so we can better serve the needs of our nation. republicans blocking one bill after another even from consideration, is not that. and the fight to protect our fundamental liberties is as old as the country itself. and we can take note from the lessons of history. in the aftermath of the civil war, the majorities in congress passed transformative measures like the 14th and 15th amendments to the constitution and other civil rights bills expanding liberty to tens of millions previously deprived of it. these are so some -- are some of the crowning achievements of congress. if you were in congress back
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then, that was hardly the view at the time. back then the minority party provided even a single vote to pass the laws, not even now. the minority said it was the partisan tools of the vengeful north, a power grab. the minority refused to come to the table so the majority was willing to act alone -- act alone to pass civil rights legislation. it wasn't partisan. it was patriotic. their actions made our democracy stronger and they were willing to do what was necessary including going it alone to defend our freedoms. today we feel the same way. the question now before the senate is how we will find a path forward on protecting our freedoms in the 21st century. the members of this chamber can take inspiration from the great patriots of the past who put country over party or they can cross their arms and watch as our 240-year-old experiment in
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democracy falls prey to the specters of authoritarian control. on build back better. it's been a very productive week for democrats as we inched closer to finalizing an agreement on president biden's build back better plan. i want to thank all of my colleagues especially the committee chair the speaker and the president's team for their leadership and commitment to getting something done. the progress this week affirms what we've been saying for months if we stick together and keep our eyes on the ultimate goal of getting something big done for the american people, then we can and will succeed. we're closer to reaching that goal and we're going to continue working until the job is done. in the end, build back better is going to be the greatest investment in the american people, in our economy, and in the fight against climate change that we've seen in a long, long time. that's no easy feat, but we
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mr. mcconnell: madam president. the presiding officer: the minority leader. mr. mcconnell: i ask consent that further proceedings under the quorum call be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. mcconnell: yesterday it was my privilege to welcome a distinguished group of kentucky veterans from all across the commonwealth to our nation's capital. representing every branch of the military, more than 60 kentuckians who served in world war ii korea and vietnam traveled to washington to visit the memorials built in their honor. the honor flight program which coordinates these trips is finally back up and running after the covid-19 pandemic shut down their operations last year.
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i couldn't be more thankful for this organization's seamless planning and execution especially in light of this year's added complications. the honor flight bluegrass chapter has brought hundreds of veterans to washington over the years, mirroring the important work of their peer organizations all across the country. despite significant logistical and financial hurdles the honor flight program ensures every veteran can travel at no cost to themselves. i had the opportunity to meet with some of these kentucky heroes and listen to their incredible stories. their service spanned generations, continents, and conflicts, but one thread unites them all -- a complete dedication to the cause of freedom and a deep love for our great nation. as the son of a world war ii veteran, i have a special appreciation for these men and
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women. it was a great honor to stand by their side as they visited the solemn monuments constructed to commemorate their sacrifice. i'd like to express my sincere gratitude to those brave service members and to the hardworking honor flight organizers and volunteers who made their visit possible. yesterday also brought a sobering reminder of the dangers a new generation of american service members continue to encounter as they follow in the footsteps of these heroes. u.s. personnel operating in syria became the latest target of a drone attack perpetrated by terrorists whether the perpetrators turn out to be isis or more likely loyal iranian proxies, it's clear that serious threats are growing all across that region. the terrorists who seek to harm us and the regimes that support
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them were emboldened, considerably emboldened by our retreat from afghanistan. just this week, the u.s.-designated terrorist and taliban interior minister hagani praised suicide bombing taliban terrorists with american and afghan blood on their hands and provided -- listen to this -- cash rewards to their families. they get a cash reward for killing americans. the taliban also continues to hamper the evacuation of american citizens. afghans who worked with america and other vulnerable afghans who were continuing to be under threat. our allies and adversaries alike are wondering whether the biden administration intends to stand up to those who dare to challenge us or our allies. they're watching, watching closely to see if america will blink in the face of the taliban's defiance or iran's aggression. i hope the president is prepared
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to settle this question and deliver on our commitments. now, on an entirely different matter, there is little confusion about the devastating economic impact democrats would bring about by ramming through their reckless taxing and spending spree. more taxes more debt, and more painful inflation. but this isn't some collection of well-intentioned policies whose price tag has just gotten dangerously out of control. the policies themselves would mean real pain for american families. case in point the heavy-handed mandates that would restrict choice and access to affordable lifesaving health care. democrats want to ax the private insurance plans that millions of americans have chosen and prefer. they want to build new federal health programs and expand the ones that exist today keeping more than $550 billion in new expenses on taxpayers to ensure
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less than -- to insure less than four million more people. let me say that again. they want to build new federal health programs and expand the ones that exist today keeping more than $550 billion in new expenses new expenses on taxpayers. the result, to insure less than four million more people. here's the truth. the overwhelming majority of americans today have access to health care. democrats just don't like the private plans that most americans choose. then there is the plan to heap hundreds of billions of dollars in new programs and huge pools of additional people into a medicare system that experts say is already already right now dangerously close to insolvency. this is a huge, risky leap toward medicare for all at the expense of the stability and the security of the actual medicare,
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the actual medicare system that millions of seniors rely on right now. democrats want to pour cold water on america's world-leading medical innovation sector by imposing socialist price gaps on prescription medicines. in another example of democrats' magic math. magic math. the rationale here is apparently that calling something cheaper actually makes it so. calling something cheaper they say actually makes it so. in reality research tells us this would mean fewer new treatments and new cures. by one analysis, these price controls would cost up to 20 times, 20 times as much lost life over a decade as the once in a century covid pandemic already has. i want to say that again. by one analysis, these socialist price controls could cause up to
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20 times as much lost life over a decade as the once in a century covid pandemic already has. suppressing innovation through drug socialism would literally cost american lives. and of course they are planning to leave behind commonsense protections against taxpayer-funded abortion that had enjoyed consistent bipartisan support for decades. so madam president this isn't just a runaway price tag. these policies themselves are terrible terrible policies. destructive things that would make america's families' lives actually worse. and the end goal, as one liberal house member said just yesterday, is a medicare for all system from before you are born until you die from before you are born until you die. more government between families
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and affordable care. more government between sick patients and lifesaving cures. more reckless ideas from washington democrats. now, on one final matter, earlier this week during a trip to south america, secretary of state blinken said that, quote undermining the independence of the courts and packing courts were among the ways that democracies can come undone. this is the secretary of state during a trip to south america. his warning was apparently directed to neighbors in our hemisphere but ironically, ironically his own fellow democrats here in washington d.c. apparently need the same lecture. last week, president biden's much-ballyhooed commission tasked with studying potential changes to the makeup of the u.s. supreme court issued its first findings, and in some corners of the radical left, there was predictable
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disappoiñvment that it had not more explicitly fed the flames. but let's be clear. the mere creation of this commission was itself a clumsy act of political thuggery against judicial independence. and what it did seem to support shaping term limits on supreme court justices, is no less a radical affront to the principles on which the court was established. so madam president curtailing the tenure of our nation's seniormost judges is such an obvious threat to judicial independence, it's literally been warned about since our nation's founding. here's what alexander hamilton had to say about it. he didn't mince any words. in federalist 78, he warned that the judiciary is, quote in continual jeopardy of being
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overpowered, awed, or influenced by its coordinate branches, and that as nothing can contribute so much to its firmness and independence as permanency in office permanency in office. this quality may therefore be justly regarded as an indispensable ingredient in its constitution. this is alexander hamilton, madam president, an indispensable ingredient, alexander hamilton, on life tenure for judges. our founders insisted on it because they knew that the branches of government with the powers to write and execute laws would be tempted to undermine the branch that could exercise nothing but its judgment, and to an alarming degree in recent years, we have seen democrats in both the executive and the legislative succumb to exactly
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the temptation that alexander hamilton warned us about. from the brazen amicus brief from a group of our senate colleagues warning the court to heal itself lest it be restructured to the bizarre verbal threats issued by the democratic leader on the steps of the court naming justices who would quote pay the price end quote for failing to rule the way he wanted, to the pseudoacademic commission the president created to consider reanimating the ugly cadaver of court packing that his party last tried 80 years ago. so madam president these are nonsense responses to a nonexistent problem. the real problem is the shameful debts to which democrats are apparently willing -- depths to which democrats are apparently willing to stoop in pursuit of brute power. as i have said before, sensible people of all political stripes have an obligation to condemn
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the presiding officer: the clerk will report the motion to invoke cloture. the clerk: cloture motion, we, the undersigned senators in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of executive calendar number 254 tana lin of washington to be united states district judge for the western district of washington signed by 17 senators. the presiding officer: by unanimous consent the mandatory quorum call has been waived. the question is, is it the sense of the senate that debate on the nomination of tana lin of
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e any senators in this chamber wishing to vote or wishing to change vote? if not the yeas are 52. the nays are 47. and the motion is agreed to. the clerk will report to invoke cloture. the clerk: cloture senators in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the
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nomination of executive calendar 187 douglas l. parker of west virginia to be by 17 senators. the presiding officer: by unanimous consent the mandatory quorum call has been waivedúf is, is it the sense of the senate that the debate on the nomination of douglas l. parker of west virginia to be an assistant secretary of labor shall be brought to a close. the yeas and nays are under the rule. the clerk will call the roll. vote:
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nomination.ion, labor, douglas l. parker of west virginia to assistant secretary. the presidinion to invoke cloture. the clerk: cloture motion, we, the undersigned senators, in accordance wit rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate do hereby move to debate on the of executive calendar number onew york to be united states circuit the second circuit signed by 17 senators.prg officer: by unanimouved. the question debate on thea perez of new york to be united states circuit judge forecond brought are mandatory under the rule. the clerk will call the roll. vote:
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more than a finallyume tde the united kingdom. it's that i'mws coming from the white house, but this one is absolutely thrilling to hear. yearsimes of great change tumultéñ and partnership between tited states andheni kingdom, sometimes referred to aste-unquote special relationship h through two world wars and the cold war through centuries of tha world's singlergest bi u.k. has been our staunches u.k.'slity have free with the preside ae t have realigned and we have thetu relationship even this s the next step, calling on thehose negotiations to the finish line. prosperity and such a deal? this i what o this is what state of utah you a l b that relationship means for -- for the peoplekac in utah. almo pl u.k. companies and their sub city
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ris -- suband jobs are supported.arket and we send4p over $90 billion worth exports in 2019 financial alsoe relatiold utah and the if we made that tradege great power competition with chi % allies renewing oldan crafting newneavnupply chains in a precarious position, and we n be red the next whatever you might have heard waysforce so what w a of free trade agreements with countries around the the united tt list and in should ask my colleagues to join me using the full voice and authority of senate to urgehe president steam our steadied the w of its÷w perils and --t greatest c only we let tt. american and british peoples can jointhe and to do soxp will be better our countries and natio across t globe. so to that end mr. president as ifegislative session, i
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ask unanimous consent beischarged from further consideration senate s. res. 134. i further ask that the substitute consideredh÷ a to, the amended, be agreed to, the lee amendment to considered and agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, the title, as amended be agreed to,ions to reconsider be copresiding officer: is objection? mr. murphy: m. the prid seg officehe t fromnecticut. mr. murphy: thank you mr. president. reserving the right tobject. senator lee right the relationship between the uni andft the to our aid are in partners aroundhe globe and so it brings pleasure to come to the floor and objecte a right time for us come together i want to spend one and a half telling you why this is not the right time. we have because britain has left union. we agreement leavingan union but they have not yet fullyn the sense that there is an agreement exitt britain haset the most important aspects of that agreement
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relate to theood friday agreement, tt be a- that brought to anf violence in and around northern ireland. the you k. and e.u the northern ireland protocol as part of the agreement. th td friday agreementnd hard ireland. would continue to prevent thecks across the checks w place entering northern irelamd want to reduce customs procedures freely created a political crisis threatens to red that could stimulate a o beenrthern this is ri a p@ before cheerleading and trade agreement that britain's protection of the good forward we can come and democra and support the discussions ode statesi would submit theed to be firm in commitments to make sure that the conditions of8q europeab union fulfilled and only when the conditions wecommitment to trade
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agreement. let's make sure that we do not do anything to jeopardize what has been decades of productive peace and peace ireland and for that rea object.officer: objection is heard. mr. lee: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from utah. mr. lee: i appreciate by m c senator from connecticut with working on co offer additional comment here. todm might takthe obligations we have to ireland under the goo agreement. and just to be very statements on elements of the transatlantic relationship outside t jurisdiction of u.s. sovereignty. so this shouldn't affect that.uldn'tuiie
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