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tv   U.S. Senate U.S. Senate  CSPAN  October 21, 2021 1:59pm-4:12pm EDT

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to reconsider is considered made ande table and the
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president will be immediately be notified of the senate's actions.sident? th to legislative session. the presiding officer: the question is on the motion. all those in favor say aye. all opposedayes appear to havet. it. mr. schumer: i move proceed to executive calendar 339. the presiding officer: the questionon the motion. all those aye. all opposedr to to. will report. the clerk: the judiciary jia m. cobb for the district ofofficer: the clerk will report. the clerk: cloture motion, we, the senators in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of thstanding rules of the close debate on the executive calendar 339, jia olumbia signed by 17 senators as follows. mr. schumer: i ask -- i ask consent the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to legislative session. motion. al aye. all those opposed nay. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the motion iag i move to proceed to executive calendartion ipdl those in favor say aye. all n it.
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the ayes do have it. the motion is agreed to. the clerk willny to be united states district judgect jersey. mr. schumer: i send a motion to the desk. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the senators do hereby move to bring to a nomination karen mcglashan williams of new jersey t the districty signed by 17 senators as follows. mr. schumer: i a c the. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to legislative session. the presiding officer: the question is on the motion. all those in favor say aye. nay. the nays appear te ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. motion is agreed to. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to executive session tder calendar 364. the presiding officer: the question is on the motion. all thoseor saypposedt. the ayes do have ireed to. the will report. the clerk: nomination, the judiciary, patricia t giles of virginia tot jeast virginiañ0 the dth report. the clerk: cloture motion, we, the undersigned senators in accordance w of the standing rules of the senate dolo executive calendarver district judge eastern district of viry 17 senators as follows. mr. schumer: i ask consent the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: i move to proceed to legislative session.
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the presiding officer: the question is on the motion. all those in favor say aye opposed take nay. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the motio mr. schumer: i to executive calendar 365. the presiding officer: the question is on the motion to proceed. all those i aye. opposed say nay th report. the clerk: judiciary, michael s. nac district judge for the eastern district virginia. mr. schumer: i send a cloture motion to the desk. the presiding ore motion, we, un senators in accordan with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of they move to bring to a close debate on the,í 365, michael s. nachmanoff of virginia to be united states the eastern district of virginia signed bid 17 senators the reading of the nthe pr proceed to legislative session. the presiding officer: the question is on motion. all those in favor say aye. all those nay the ayes do have it. the motion is agreed to executive calendar 366. the presiding officer: the question is on the m aye. all those opposed say nay. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it.
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the motion the clerk will report.clerk: nomination, the sarala vidya nagala of connecticut t the district of connecticut. mr. schumer: i send aloture motion, we, the undersigned senators in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 othe standing rules of the senate do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of executive calendar vidya -- nagala of connecticut judge for 7 senators as follows. sk consent the reading of the names be waived. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. schumer: finally, isn ask unanimous consent that the calls the cloture motions filed today the cloture motions ripen on october 26. the presiding officer: is there objection? wild the of recognized.ident. i rise today to srm on the national security threat that corruption repre the presid this year that serity threat to of my colleagues inhi and hardht corruption which undermines democracy humannd the and is behind so many of the persistent probl that we s investigative journalists media outlets crime and corruption reporting project
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co publication of the pandora papers. the pandora p thenishing questionable financial blows are and that oou. those warrant further although we had known that such a of financing exists, it's still shocking to see the scale of the corruption. by documents. foreign dictators, their stolen untold sums dollars and dirty money into our democracies and estate bank accounts, trusts, an instruments. this is a profound threat our natif law abroad and now threatens to hollow out the rule of law home. do this alone. although the steal political system with the money requires the assistance ofenablers. american lawyers accountant, trust and company service providers, real estate aside any moral qualms that they have about working for the enemies of the democracy obtain a small slicef ill-gotten gains. mat@v u.s. enablers
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apparently play an role in helping to move stolen assets dictatorships and struggling democracy into consolidated democracy. anmhjwh the most t who have no need for it at all. all told the papers include documents from 206 u.s. trusts states and trustee companies. while there is obviously muchating and managing trusts an investments and we should be carefuve generalizihout carefulase, it appear some ameri played anificant role in facilitthe papers include 300 political publichan 90 territories, though nongly few this surprise. the corruption of money runs east to west, not west toases in the papers that also nouch as vladimir putin's cronies ernst included on knowist.
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now would be good time to considerúh some from azerbain als communist party official also was used an offshore company to trade in u.s. stocks. here's the good news -- doesn't have to b the triumph ofbal. never that is an a congress so is aggressive in president biden is the first ever to declare countering corruption should u.s. forme caucus corruption and kleptocracy.y passed no fewer tter-kleptocracy measures in the national defense authorization act which included bills i've offered in th it's incumbent upon us to do the same these bills. first is the combating global corruption public and tiered country-by-country reporting requirement on compliance with international anticorruption norms and standards.ountries in the report would have their leadership global nag kt ski sanct thelo reauthorizations.3,
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which would reauthorize sanctionanrs exactly the sort of people identified by the pandora papers. just before the introduced s. 2986 a new measure with senator wicker that would require the administration tovaluate the navalny 36 for global magnitsky navalny's anticorruptio letter addressedsident biden earlier in u.s. to impose sanctions on dozens of russian ogarchs and officials o rightsnd corruption. i agree with navalny team and urge the administration to move forward on this request.n the house version of the ndaa, the national defense authorization act, and i urge my colleagues to include them in then as well. the pandora papers are a wak furs afterhe cold war, it time for democracies to band together and unprecedented corruption the defining feature for the global order. we must purge the dirty money from our sysm denykleptocrats safe haven. it will take hard decisions and already
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have a bipartisan commitment and momentum in order to accomplish these results. now it's time that this through in the united states senate. with that,p mr. president? the presiding officer: e senator from iowa is mr. grassley: thank you over 25 years presidentnd a republican congress came togethermeidt clinton quote-unquote, end welfare as we know it. on a bipartisan basis passed and president clinton signed into a bill called the piliation act. among other things, this landmark established the temporary assistance for family what we go washingt called the tanf that progr was replacing the
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previous family assisncelnf was to promote work and struggling parents back onto their own two aboutple on welfare than bef did this by creating work requirements and promoting skill development through education training. while critics at the time contended dire consequences woul p mothers, in the critics were proven fantasticically immediately led to a precipitous decline in and usage. at the same mother labor participation rate rose and their incomes a step towards getting ou researc shows the gains were not only short term but led an improvement in the of sin
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following decades. studies show welfare reform contributed toion attai for followingc 1996 welfare reforms helped f self-sufficiency. it helped end the it of children gro be been exactly dreams of for their family, particularly their children. this was a democrat president and republican congresser for the benefit of those that electrv now, xúesident biden senate to effectively end welfare reform as itd reconstitute failed policies of the past. in other wordselping them get out of povertygue in poverty
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a by democratic clinton. so you don't want tell the americans what they'rerying to sell their proposal as theftory f w know how well the6 reform worked up to and including now. end runfa reform and in an to garner support they want to co-op ax program for theirliticalt they ideologically believe in, that the government ought to assume more prominent role in people's lives and in the economy.hathe n 1997 as a complement to welfare reform with the idea of assisting parents as they left the welfare to e republicans h taken the lead in improving the credit affsets the burden payroll poor.
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and, remember, payroll taxes on the w poorgrsi anege x. 2001, as then-chairman of the senate finance committee i worked with fellow republicans to set 1997 at500 to move ito
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moothly. this analysis directly contradict democrat claims that their proposal in half. in fact, according to the
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university of chicago authors and i quote deep childer not fall -- would fal all. and i'll bet the democrats aretrying to sellhe proposition that it's going to reduce. to the university of. in fact, itake things worse. that is exactly why and republicans came together to reform welfare in 1996, because it became self-evidentoverty couldot be through money alone. if money alone is aion, why are my democrat colleagues willing to settle for onlyng child povertyy half? why don't they simply dedicate of their tax-and-spending spree to completely end that they subsidizing individuals to buy electric vehicles, as their bill would do, is more
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i fully support lending a hand to familiesn need of but policies must be not a handout, untethered from any work or promion educat requirement is not a compassionate approach to helping people. you want to help peo the world to work, becausek can you work yourself up the ladder andt of but being on lifetime it's not's just the sets up a generation of americans being trapped in soul-crushing government dependencies. i urg no-strings-attached tax credit proposal. they would get a lot of republican support bipartisan support for improvingut the this way ank away the ladder opportunitans. take a page out of former president clinton's playbook. work republicans to find actually help families together.
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on another pointe about preventing acts of mass violence. yesterday the shooter at theou high tragedy in parkland, florida, a few years ago pled guilty multiple counts of first-degree murder. 14osing their lives in just a few minutes when a f former student
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and u.s. national threat assessment center. it goes by the acronym of identical bill was ice representatives,= it helps identify and t the eagles establishes a safe s initiative a national program school violence. when the secret service reviewed school shootings it founded concerning behavioral behaviors before engaging in the act of violence. these signs were recognized early enough, beethe father of one of the the president of stand withganization - p said thats essential toarting mass shooters and targeting violence. he also said that, quote8s the act is that
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prioritizes school safety and directs key funding to preventass school shooting. thes com toet service that is supported by over 40 s representatives from it's a bill that livesnd the parkland victims by that such tragedies don't happen again. i and senate colleagues to support the bill a senator: mr. president. the presiding officer: the senator from washington is recognized. mrs. murray: thank you mr. president. mr. president, i rise today to commf ta rights former public defender to serve as u.s. district court judge for the westict of washington in the seattle courthouse.n has led civil and human rights, and i'm to president biden. there are man0y reasons to be te about tana lin's confirmation. one of that's extremely important to me is she will be
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the evers u.s. district court judge in washington state and that really matters. it matters when we public defender rights lawyer on the feder a bit, i think, when a federal has represented clients who couldn't afford to hire their own lawyer. it matters thain washington state farm workers dealing with wage theft. it matters that ms. lin stood up for refugees and immigrants against unconstitutional executive actions and thathe successfully challenged discriminatory hiring practices and has a long career of standing shoulder to shoulder with working people at every turn in her career. mss she graduated from cornell university and new york university school of law working multiple jobs during both college and law school. she began her career as a public defender iheia. civil rights div the department of justice and later the united states equal employment opportunity commission. she spent the michigan poverty law programo seattle. in washington state ms. lin
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currently serves as president of the board of directors of the american civil liberties union private practice where she fights for the res and consumers. she is deeply involved in our local community ofng her time to a the region. unquestionable but i also believe it is reflective of the communities that they serve. to more tha nearly one asian americans and pacific islanders, and with her family from taiwan at t a s stat american judge to sit on the federal bench. mr. president, that is a big integrity independence and compassion to the seattle cou americans deserve a justi system that will uphold the rights of everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected. so let's build a more fair court system and let's do that by appointing more public d lawyerss. lin as federal judge mr. president, next i would also like to speak about president's astant secretary o occupational safety andug parker. this pandemic put osha's
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critical work inhe spotlight and underscored the agency's responsibility to being the a and keepafe. i'm so glad presiden agency to take the critical step of cy temporary standard employers to use appropriate tools likeeep our workers fro to see progress on this front soon. actions like that can save countless lives and are a reminder of why it is so have an experieed leader atn their power toafety. andr's record shows heeehat his mr. parker has worked to proteers in his state throughout this dafety and health, starting with his move to swiftly back in february of 2020, were only 13 cases the entire country. but even well before this pandemic, he had an established record fightinker safety as a unitedin a in washingto ay and health administration during west best of safety in the industry's history. when he previously left the department of labor he executivek s legal aid nonprofit focused on worker health and safety. at everytep imr. rker has been a d
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no doubt he'll continue when he's confirmed to lead os. mr. president, the urgency of this pandemic and the clear qualifications of this ur colleagues mr. pres would also like to discuss the fiscal year for the departments of(/ agencies which we aeflection ofill shows democrats' v comes to help ourities. this bill will help us respond to this panc other health challen increasing fundingx for l mental health and use disorders ma pre services including a cutting-edge new research agency,health, with the largest increase to c.d.c.'s budget authority in nearly two will t repealing the hyde amendment which restricts people's ability to exercise their constitutional right just based on how theyñ= it would also students by increasing funding for child carecationx, programs and other minority-serving institutions and pell grants.
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as we;? strengthen o workforce and across the country with increased worker safety, protection of worke a every workforce development program. mr. president, in short this bill would support the health economy our communities and our families, and i will be pushing to make sure we get this across the finishl work with us to make these critical commonsense investmyield the floor ande rol
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i ask u qe
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suspended. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. lee: as if in legislative section i ask unanimous consent that the committee education, labor and further consideration of that the senate proceed to its immediate consideration. i further ask unanimous consent that the bill be considered read a third time and passed and that the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. an objection? mrs. murray: madam president? the presiding officer: the senator frommm here toe our efforts to end this pandemic. there are already state address for vaccines, but this bill would trample on those laws and the rights of young adults across the country are currently able to get vaccinated. this bill does not take into account are experiencing homelessness but want to g vaccinated nor does it consider children who are emancipated and want to get vaccinate. and it would market going would getting vaccinated even harder we are trying to safely open schools, protect our communities and end this pandemic that has killed over it harder vaccinated and protect themselves is not helpful.
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therefore, i object. the presiding officer: objection is heard. mr. lee: madam president? the presidm mr. lee: i here on the senate floor today for the eighth time now to oppose president sweeping bills to one way or another limit counteract thesepp to the mandate categorically. i strongly dispute even the contention that onehe united states, has authority to do this. he doesn't.-z i also fundamentallyush the basic moral acceptable toition, to tell people that they've choose between having a and being able to put bread on the table for their children on the one hand, accepting a medical procedure that they don't want, either because of a religious objection or a specific medical condition or otherwise. categondn be done through
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the federal government. it certainly shouldn't be done by one person, the president of the united states doesn't have therity to do highlight how concerned i amt this, i'm coming down to the day after day to offer a different legislative proposal that at a minimum would make some of the effects of the mandate less severe, less painful, les ls draconian. each time i've come ask the senate to pass what frankly, be uncontroversial measures, that shouldversial. and each time i've done that, one of my c or another from the aisle objected. is number of reasons. still by the public, by the way is already showing the power that even the threat of government wields. businesses across the country are suspending, punishing or haven't had the even would the government enforcement, the mere threat, the mere talk of the possibility of a threat of the mandate is harder
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for everyday american families to in increasingly difficult economic times times fraught with uncertainty. this isn't fair. this isn'te know now, lest anyone to dismisssd ill-founded effort, these can otherrize, these aren't people you can imagine to be someone you don'tth and f they're our neighbors. they're people whoike far too many americans these days, just try get by.e toight this for them. i'm going to continue push back on thi and you the meantime it's important that we be very clear and that we be very . in this effort, i've been supremely clear i'm not in any way, shape or form against
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the covid-19 i've been fullyy member of my family has been fully vaccinated with my encouragement.ourage people all the time and i repeat that encouragement this very moment from the united states senate oo g vaccinated. i see the development of these vaccines is a miracle one that's helping and already ed countless to avoid the of that doesn't undercut the fact that this mandate is government constitutional limits and into distinctively private desilo to their government. that's why i'm fighting against why i've come to the senate floor eight times now t so today i offered up athat should have itself been uncontroversial. it's a reaffirmation of respected and honored from thevery
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beginning. my parental consent for vaccination act would any covid-19 vaccinederalss government must include a requirement thatnf i be provi administered to a minor. be controv on what planet would we not want to have nbltions decision? on be okay to adminis aental notification and consent? al this in some context. parental consent is required for field your childing to the zoo or trip, parental consent form. familiar america. a field trip you've got to haver parental consent form. no field trip. parental consent is requireacurricular activities -- sports student government, club activities, all sorts of things.o? required before most schools canylenol to a child. that ihe despite what some candidates have said political
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campaigns, parents people who should be informe and they should in their children's education and decisions.ere's good reason this. for thousands of civilization we've come to an understanding, quite appropriately, that parents are bped decisions than other people. certainly better than of a government. th people whor children's medical history. parents also love their children. parents have their children's best interest when they make decisions involving, or government of these things like parents can not in any reason for this, and it's because government doesn't love children. it's not that caterm. that's not it. government isn't a person. it's not a government doesn't have arms with which to embrace or their children. a heart
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with which to love their children. whenuc core when we really break it down to what it is, government is simply forced politicallysi officially sanctioned coercive force. its violence or the threatened use of violence withhe cover of official authority. now we need government. we need government to protect life liberty and property. we need government to protect people fromm. to u carment is and weight of this relationship between the people and the government, what the understanding that the government is there to serve the people and not the other wayhe fact that government is just the official use of coercive force, when we start to revere it as some sort of omniscient presence, bad things
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necessary, is also dangerous no less so than other things that are necessary like water and like fire, like electricity, like wind, loxyg t things, if not controlled if not managed in one way or another if not accounted for can become dangers and prove deadly. so thank heaven assigned primary care of children to parents and notovernmen above that almighty god endowed each and every human being with these inalienable rights and with the understanding that government is there to serve and pro o around. in some places, like right here in our nation's capital, government tpletely the plot. right here in the dis d.c. public school system is one in which minors can receiveedical without the school obtaining the consent of the
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parents or even informing the parents. in other places across the hi already lding governments to consider life-changing school-provided medical procedures without parental notice or consent. as aar p matter a human being as a citizen of this country this thought sends shivers down my spine, and not at all in a good seeovernment has almost no legitimate role in making decisions in our primary andda th left for states and local governments.e role for the federal government to play in that areaqg it's an area that should be left to parents students and teachers and where government is nearly always it's supposed to be state and local officials. not federal ones.
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with this bill, we can m forbid mandate this dangerous approach to medical decisions for minors. it's not something t came here to askly that. i came here to ask that we provide assurances for parents for children, once again make no mistake i'm for the vaccine. i'm categorically against the mandate. the mandatepe md q4ozthisexemwsw7uz
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