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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  March 11, 2022 11:22am-12:32pm EST

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.com to see the array of offerings that we've got for you. register for the programs that are of interest. we will look forward toseeing you on other washington post life programs and thank you for joining us today . >> president biden gives the keynote address at the house democratic retreat in philadelphia today . coverage at 15 p.m. eastern on c-span2 or coverage on c-span now, our free video app. c-span is your unfiltered view of government funded by these television companies and more including cox. >> cox is committed to providing families access to affordable internet through the connect and compete program using the digital divide one connected and engaged student at a time . cox, bringing us closer.
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>> cox supports c-span as a public service along with these othertelevision providers giving us a front row seat to democracy . >> yahoo! news reporting and following up on a bloomberg story about this report regarding trade status. reuters writing that the united states together with a group of seven nations and european union will move on friday to revoke russia's most favored made us nation status over the invasion of ukraine. presidents expected to announce these plans at the white house at 10:15. the white house said mister biden would announce actions to continue to hold russia accountable for its unprovoked and unjustified war on ukraine but gave no details russia: the action against ukraine a special operation. about 10:15 is when we're expected. you can also stay close to our c-span now app if you want more information on that
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. when it comes to members of congress, utah reporting on mitt romney, republican senator from utah. at a hearing talking about the message that the united states should be sending to russia when it comes to use objects there and the provision objects there . here's a portion from the hearing . >> i simply do not understand the logic. for not getting the mig's to the ukrainians immediately. there is no logic which has been provided to this committee or the nation for the lack of rhapsody in making this decision and getting them the mig's and if there are people in the administration that know the answer i would suggest we get the occasion to meet with them perhaps theclassified setting but we need to know the reason why those have not been transferred already . i believe there's a sentiment that we're fearful about what putin might do and what you
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might consider as an escalation. it's time for him to be fearful of what me and we might do. the only way to get putin to act in a way that may be able to save lives or ukrainians as if he fears us more than uwe fear him and the truth of the matter is that his military is exposed and ukraine. bog down, unfed without fuel. there in a very precarious position. he's got to think about what eshappens if he provokes us because they could be obliterated by the forces of nato. so i would suggest that we've had this discussion now day after day of people from the state department like yourself they we're considering. this is war. ngpeople are dying. we need to get this aircraft immediately to the people of ukraine. that's what they're asking for. by the way the idea that somehow your captivating
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what's effective for them to run their war that our stingers and our rjavelins are better than our aircraft,it makes no sense at all . they know what the conditions on the ground are. they'rethere, we are not . and further our a-10s would help. we need to get them a-10s. that's the aircraft that's ideally designed for this kind of warfare. why are we delivering on that as well? this makes no sense at all and i would request as you return to the state department you indicate to them that we deserve a response because as senator shaheen has said our caucuses both sides of the isle are united on this. get them the aircraft. >> that was before the senate foreign affairs committee, s side where you can find the hearing if you want to hear more statements from senators for the topic of your message and what it would mean about russia's invasion of ukraine. 48,000 for democrats, and
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independents 202 748-8000 two and you can text us at 202748 8003. the topic in part yesterday at the white house during the daily press briefing as jen psaki talked about the possibility of biological and chemical weapons: here's part of that exchange . >> is the potential that russia could use a biochemical weapons strike there. why wouldn't the us to indicate to them something that is not an answer instead preemptive to connect the consequence if they are to take what would be a horrific move the president's first and most important objective is the interest of the united states and being clear and direct with the american people. he's been clear and direct with the american people and he's not intending to send us troops to fight in ukraine against russia to start another war.
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that would be not be in international security interest. what we have conveyed is russia's capabilities, their capacities and their pattern of using chemical and biological weapons. >> would you say that the u message of course is before any aother, what does he say to vladimir putin if the heads of the russian government are considering that? >> we've been clear and our actions have been evidence of this that there will be significant consequences for every regulatory step taken. >> as it relates to them, you close the door on flying combat aircraft to ukraine. we heard from the pentagon, mitt romney today said there's a sentiment that we're fearful about what putin might do and what he might consider an escalation. it's time for him to be full of what we might do. why is it not a higher rest to waste?
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>> to wait to what? >> to not act in providing maids to the ukraine. we said that's a high rest, why is that a higher risk and not providing it? we're witnessing civilians die as we speak. >> i'd say what are assessment is based on is how to prevent a world war here which is a significant weight that the intelligence community, the defense department and president of the united states ways at every moment in time. >> your mission to congress on russia's invasion of ukraine. let's start with cindy on the republican line. >> caller: you know, i really don't know what the answer is . i think we should have shown strength before this happened and i feel like the horse is out of the barn now. i do think we have to be careful about the aide because even my own kids who
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don't follow politics or are especially religious, they are really fearful and my heart breaks for our younger generation. they're getting slammed here. they're losing hope for our country and our future and it's very sad. i think really they already know so i feel like what we should do and i'm going to go back to the oil. let's pump our own oil and cut off the way he makes money. i think that's the best really solution without us getting more entangled in this. my heart bleeds for what we see going on in ukraine and i believe that emotional feeling that we have is going to really drag us into something much bigger.
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>> that's cindy in connecticut, let's hear from jay in baltimore maryland on the message to congress . >> good morning. what i would say is that i think as much as there are a lot of hawks out there, we're on theright track . people are talking about strengths but strength is important, this is not world war ii. in the sense they did not have nuclear weapons in world war ii. there's no telling what putin may decide to do if backed into a corner. also, we don't want to go in there alone. i think the president is doing a heckuva job getting the entire world to act on this. to keep putin and his people in the corner alone. and getting them out to come back, go back to where they came.and giving him an out.
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we don't want to get into a war that we win simply because they lost more than we did. >> j in baltimore maryland. this is from john,salem oregon, message to congress . >> let's take their children first and putthem on the line to go into war . then all the money, just go toward defending nazis. what a legacy. you're all fools. >> that's john in salem oregon. you can post their if you wish. he says stop arming ukraine is the message he hwould send. marianne: off of twitter, pass on military and humanitarian bills now, jack watson from facebook saying stop chemical weapons programs.
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ec dennis, also of our twitter feed saying congress can unite around ukrainians but not around americans. make it make sense. those are some of the messages people are putting on our facebook and twitter feed. text us at 748-8000 three if you want to do that as far as e the message you would send.. the wall street journal talks about the possible sending of more equipment when it comes t to defense equipment to ukraine. you can find this story and they want this saying the us is looking at transferring air defense systems from four eastern bloc countries that are northatlantic treaty organization members . and could be more useful than new planes in the effort to prevent from flying over ukraine. the surface-to-air systems are more sophisticated and a salute shoulder launched heatseeking missiles others have provided . they include what nato refers to as the essay eight and as a 10 percent target planes at
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much higher altitudes as well as what russia calls the s 300 which was a state of the art system until a few years ago. s 300 is a system first produced by the soviet union and later russia is capable of shooting down aircraft. more of that in the wall street journal. from our republican line this is from california, your message to congress on russia and ukraine. >> they're going to have to fight that war one way or another by proxies, probably. but they will come from somewhere, ukraine, israel and don't give it to the ukrainians and they may well bomb russian areas because russia invaded them. the best way, the most economical way to live this war against russia is to pump oil for another hundred years. forget the environment, forget your electronics or electronic vehicles for a while. it'snot going to happen .
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and californians here in california, if they had a side-by-side they kill each other. it's not new york. it's time to give up the environment, yand live with the results. that's it. >> john in illinois, a democrats line. >> it's amazing how courageous people can be in their language. i'd like to know if anybody out there knows how many children or grandchildren mitt romney has in the military. it's easy to talk about strength but pony up your children or grandchildren when you talk like that. i agree with the fellow from baltimore. he had some very good points and the fellowfrom california , put his head back and that car they have.
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>> as for as your specific message what would you say directly ? >> loose lips sink ships. >> what do you mean by that. >> would you ask too many questions of callers because all they do is repeat each other. >> i want to find out your message, what you would have to say directly . >> i just said loose lips sink ships. >> what do you mean by that. >> caller: did you hearhow courageous mitt romney talk? one of his children served in the service andnone of his grandchildren . >> you made that point but we will go to chris , independent line. good morning . >> how are you doing? is the best way to do it the way they're doing it now. you killed the economy the whole country collapses. they did this during the cold war where they kept building weapons and then what
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happened, theycouldn't feed the army . they destroyed the economy and the country falls apart. >> so when it comes to the message then you talk about the economy, what do you mean specifically by that ? >> whatever it is they need to survive, just cut it all off. if you give food to the military folks, you just cut off the economy. the country gives up. it's that simple. if there's no food where do you go? >> that's chris there in new york, victor off our facebook page. that message he sends, three words. no-fly zone he had. lombardo says do not bring refugees to the us, we have
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many financial issues already. taxpayers are already capped out . anthony potter adding in honor of our soldiers who fought and died i'm asking congress to stand together with unified message, don't allow putin to win. those are some of the advocates specifically, republican line, dublin ohio. >> caller: did morning pedro. your first caller this morning was at a loss to know what to do. he realized she was from connecticut and pedro, you have the capabilities of putting up what the senator from orconnecticut had to say we should be doing. that was senator murphy. he had a wonderful idea yesterday about 6:00 on the senate floor. and i think his comments show
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what the democrats really intend to do w. why don't you give us the opportunity that people in the united states of america who can't see what's all these goings-on are in the senate. so just get us what murphy's ... >> sense we can't dothat often fly how would you characterize his statements ? >> he was talking about how much oil goes out of the united states. he was talking about other things. in fact, while he was on the senate floor i think he got a message from home. maybe from somebody trying to tell him that he didn't know
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what he was talking about. but everybody doesn't have the opportunities to sit around all day andwatch these senators on the floor . >> we give them the opportunity to take advantage of those and that said what would bethe message of congress what would you send as far as a message involving russia and ukraine ? >> my question is i'm getting to be about 90 years old and i've been through it all before but these people in washington are not getting the idea that we are in a war already. >> that's james in ohio, others reporting this morning the united nations security council will meet on friday, today at russia's request to discuss moscow's claims ofbius supported biological weapons labs in ukraine . a allegation washington vehemently denies. the representative to the un announced the request made
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for the council to russia has been asking for that meeting to discussmilitary biological weapons .the allegation of activities in ukraine, presented without evidence has been dismissed by the biden administration as gas lighting and disinformation . this is exactly the kind of false flag effort we have warned russia might instigate . olivia sultan, spokesperson for the usmission on the united nation . look to for more information about that meeting expected to take place today. follow along there and if you miss things like the caller, watch the senate all day but if you want to catch what went on we invite you to go to our website at to see that and you can take advantage of our free app which archives video of or activities in and around washington and you can find that where you download laces for your phone. let's hear from ed in illinois,independent line .
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add in illinois, hello. you're on, what would be your message to congress onrussia and ukraine . >> i just want to say one thing about this everything that's happened. thank god trump lost and god bless joe biden. >> because we're asking people about messages to congress what would you tell your senator or representativeabout what's going on . >> y. >> caller: stop letting everybody know what we are sending to ukraine . stop getting all over the news, the senators talking all over the news and everything about all the weapons and stuffthat we are sending to ukraine . i would hope they would be quiet and shut up. >> why do you think that's important? >> because russia knows everything that's coming they
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know everything that's coming to ukraine. what kind of weapons they're getting. these guys are bad actors and i just don't think they should let everybody know what's coming to ukraine. >> let's hear from william in oregon, democrats line. >> this is bill russell. i'm upset about this whole thing but what we really need is a good coup d'ctat in russia. we have to get putin's finger off the nuclear button. if we could just sink him within russia, we wouldn't have any trouble in ukraine. we could go in there and we don't need to kill all of them, we just need to stop all of them. >> what makes you think someone would rise up to take his place ? >> that's what i mean, we need to have a two that takes him out of there and puts ...
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i'm having trouble with words. it's very important. we need to get a person in charge in russia who is rational . because get putin's finger off the nuclear button. if he did not have a nuclear power we would not hesitate to do what's required to liberate the ukrainian people. >> on our independent line we will hear next from steve in st. louis , hello. >> this is the problem with meon a 100 percent disabled that, sir a year in vietnam . and if i had one thing to say to congress , i don't want to see anymore men or women die in this conflict. i see a lot of parallels with vietnam. they wanted to be free and independent and everyone who remembers saw how that turned out.
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i don't want to see anymore deaths. i don't want to see anymore injury. that may be very difficult but that would be the word i would add to congress. >> how do you think that would be achieved. >> i guess i'm tired of the word diplomacy but i guess that's the way. do we have some real innovators? in the pentagon that can somehow get through to all parties concerned? but i know people, diplomacy, diplomacy. that's all here. i'm really on edge with this because i guess i've been through it and i don't want to see another man or woman in our country go through death and injury.
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that's all i've got to say. >> stephen st. louis on our independent line. one of many offering thoughts on the message you would send to congress about russia's invasion ofukraine. the cost online, post on our social media sites . text us to, that's what passed in kentucky did saying president biden boxed putin into a corner reacted as expected. i think this war is easy to end, keep ukraine independent . another message to congress, this weekend ministration has good up everything so far no real way to stop putin. hewrites in no deal with iran or venezuela, or refine american crew now. just some of the ways you can communicate with us about these issues . these issues came up to play at that senate hearing
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featuring officials from the biden administration talking about the various aspects of russia and ukraine. the decision not to send combat jets there as part of that discussion and here's part of that exchange. >> could you explain to the intelligence officer how vladimir putin might be okay with us transferring missiles that turn their tanks into burning piles of rubbish or shoot their jets out of the ep sky . why is the latter successful and the former notas dilatory ? th>> thank you, i'll take another stab at that. i think when you look at antitank weapons and air defense shoulder fired kinds of weapons there is a range of escalation and i think in our view that escalation letter doesn't get check tire with those weapons versus something like combat aircraft . >> i don't think there's a lot of common sense between this distinction and a lot of farmers in arkansas wouldn't understand it either .
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yourassessment says russia , doesn't want a direct conflict with the united states. that was january 21 that they said russia doesn't want a conflict, you thinkthey're more likely to want aconflict now after vladimir putin has seen the performance of his army? not just against the ukrainian army but with moms with molotov cocktails and grandmas with ak-47s . you think they're more likely to want a piece of us now than they were two months ago ? >> i don't think it's an issue where they're more likely to want a conflict, it's whether they pursue us as being in that conflict with them where in a challenging position where we are obviously providing an honest amount of support to the ukrainians as we should but at the same time , trying not to escalate the conflict into a full on nato or us war with russia and that's a challenging space to manage and the analysts are trying
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to provide their best assessment on what is likely to be perceived as that kind ofescalation . >> i got to say it seems vladimir putin simply deter the us government from providing these aircraft by saying they would view this as escalate tori and if that's going tobe our position we might as well call the commanding general at fort lewis outside of t seattle and tell him to take the flag down. he's going to go to all the way to the west coast and every time he raises a threat we immediately backed down . >> more of that at the west side, one of the stories coming out yesterday that deals with ukraine was the passage in the senate side of the $1.5 trillion spending bill to keep the government open. you'll remember about $14 billion in aid to ukraine also part of that package. it also makes some new investments in our defense department saying the package provided 145 billion to
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invest in new aircraft including 13 new net navy vessels, 80 5f 35 joint strike fighters that provides a 2.7 percent pay raise for all 2.1 million uniformed service members aswell as the approximately 700,000 civilian employees at the defense department this is billy . billy in pennsylvania, hello. this is kelly, i apologize. >> i can't understand how we didn't understand what putin was going to do from the beginning. since he was setting up troops, you knew he was going to go in and he didn't want to go backto ukraine and come back without a full win . they could have saved so many lives if they just said he's going to do this, get the people out, prepare.
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get these people to stockpile water, food. i don't understand why we constantly in the us are looking at what's the devils advocate on this? same thing with afghanistan. how did we not already have a plan in place months and months before? i don't understand. we get putin, he doesn't want to lose. we knew this would happen and we believe people that said yes, nothing's going to happen. >> what would you tell congress now? >> i would tell congress to make sure you always have your backup plan. what is the worst case scenario and make sure you plan ahead of time. right now he's going to the goal full force. that's my opinion. he doesn't want to seem weak and once he gets ukraine he's not going to stop there and
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is going to affect other things. he does not want ukraine to be with nato. i think that nato has to get involved in ukraine and since we're partof that we are need to be involved as well. >> frank in california, republican line . >> good morning, so i have a few points to make. first of all i don't think that there's a difference between sending stingers, sending javelins or sending jets. what i would like the american people to think about is if we don't want to go get in a war with putin, you have these ukrainian people that are fighting like crazy z. we should be strategizing and having them fight the war that we would have to fight if they attack on nato country. why aren't we giving them every single weapon, every defensive plan we would use to defeat putin? the only thing that's going to stop putin is defeated by the ukrainians with our weaponry.
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that will send a message to him and as far as people worrying about a third world war because we're sending inthem jets, i think there's more chance of that by sanctioning their countries though bad if they go absolutely broke what do they have to lose . that's what we should worry more about. right now we need to stop putin what where he is and teach him a lesson that can never think about attacks to our nato country. >> frank in california, of you are off twitter. this is 40, don't send our kids to die for ukrainians freedom. they won't have to visit walter reed or a cemetery later. another viewer off istwitter saying send ukrainianthe biggest bombs and send planes but don't announce it on tv . i'm guessing twitter , if you want to take advantage of in massachusetts, independent line. david, hello. >> is this pedro? he>> you are on, go ahead.
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>> caller: i'd like to tell people calling and asking you what your opinion is, what would you do, you're the moderator and you do a great job so i wish they would just go by twhat the whole thing is all about. my message and at this point it's your message to congress, i would say get in there and do something. we have, look at the math. we have troops surrounding ukraine and we are not going in and doing anything and that's what happened during world war ii until millions of people were killed. now we're going to go in. we have the ability to do it now with the jackson dollar equipment and world war iii is going to happen either way but why wait for more and more people to die? >> when you say go in, do you mean hardware or direct involvement of us troops or other troops. >> direct involvement.
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they tried to do the things with the airplanes through poland and ono america, we can't do that. what are you waiting for. putin is not going to give up so we have to directly get involved. it's like a bully. youhave to go punch the bully in the face even though you're afraid of him to stop him that's my opinion . >> david in massachusetts for about half hour. we've been asking you about the message you would send to congress when it comes to issues of russia's invasion of ukraine . 247-748-8000. 748-8000 one for republicans, independents 202 7002. this is judith 48from austin texas, democrats line. your next up. >> you know, i could never tell anyone what to do in ukraine . that's why we elect these people and their supposed to know. anyway, but i do want to say that trump was saying and
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several other people on the right wing were saying this would have never happened if trump was still president so my suggestion would be why doesn't he just call and tell him to knock it off? >> as far as the message to congress because you said those are the ones making decisions, what would you advise them to do at this point ? >> you're right, i love it when the guy said loose lips sink ships. these two parties are fighting so much they can't get anything done and they won't work together so please act like the elected officials we think you are. and start working together. >> you think this has become e a partisan issue on capitol hill? >> oh my goodness. they passed one bill together and you would think that they were saving timmy from the well or something but yes.
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everything is partisan. >> we will hear from ron in brockton massachusetts, independent line . >> morning pedro. what i can't understand is why joe biden is blaming putin for my high gas prices when they've been going up way before. >> but to the message of congress when it comes to these issues, what would you say ? >> we've got to go in and start putin. if people are scared of a nuclear war, so be it. that's the way it will end.f but if we just let him keep going on and doing what he's doing it's going to happen either way . >> one of the sidebar stories from the issues of russia and
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ukraine center around north korea and concerns about the launching of missiles there . this was reported in its favor say it's too recent ballistic missile test by north korea conducted since russians invasion were apparently intended to dry up parts of the new missile system had a fall launch which north korea may try to disguise as a space launch for a reconnaissance satellite. the test of your long links to an 85 foot missile and north korea has displayed a military parade but has not yet launched and experts think north korea is seeking to test a maneuverable warhead that could sit atop such a missileand the post is ready to find that story. let's hear from sharon, republican line . >> i've been watching this wholething play out . shouldn't we take and evaluate this whole thing and understand that you know, it
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talks about the end times in the bible and why don't we change our war machine into plowshares and tried to do something betterfor the environment ? do something better to let society get a better example of what humanity can become. i don't believe in war. i'm 100 percent service-connected veteran. i've died, i've been a pow.. i got all the military and
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after dying about eight times , i'm part of the va system. >> let's go to eugene, what are very connecticut . >> i think this is a big it's terrible that these republicans and democrats can ri come together and rally around a little war. it's not a little war. i fear for these people but the whole thing is that we're just depleted our whole country is just going down the shams because we're giving money to ukraine. >> ..
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what about our gas prices? what they should do is let ukrainepu and putin figure those things up. we don't have to get fitted out in another war. we've n involved in plenty of force and nothing is been accomplished, nothing. >> why would you think it's important for u.s. and other nations to stay out of it? >> the thing is they shouldn't, i mean, a collective effort with the european countries, they can do something. all of them can be united. let the eua, let them handle that. >> let year: from date in las vegas, independent line. your nextas up. go ahead. caller: has anyone considered the fact that the russians have
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developed super weapons, like a laser beam? that is why they are bating everybody into war. host: what do you mean by that? can you explain? caller: they are bating everybody into war. they do not seem to be afraid. so i am thinking he has something up his sleeve, like a new super weapon no one has ever heard of. host: with that in mind, what would be your message to congress than? caller: prepare for that, you know, prepare for that eventuality. i really do not know how to respond. but like what they had in world war ii, had the atom bomb first, so the russians possibly could have this kind of weapon in their arsenal.
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host: what convinces you have that? caller: well, just my gut feeling on that one. host: ok. ed is next from connecticut, independent line. caller: good morning. i will give you the same message i gave my two connecticut senators. give ukraine what they need. host: and you reached out to both of those offices with that message? caller: [inaudible] host: i am sorry, you are becoming muted. can you get closer to your phone and try again? caller: excuse me, i will give you the same message i gave my two senators from connecticut. give ukraine what they need. also, give them long-range
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missiles. host: did you get any response from you senators? caller: no, i am waiting for a response. as i was saying, send them long-range missiles and let them dispatch the missiles to moscow and give putin a nice present. and also, if we just keep on packing up, we are going to get -- if we just keep on backing up, we are going to get into another war. remember at the end of world war ii, a general wanted to go to russia, said let's clean them up while we got them on the run -- host: apologies, that was a call from connecticut, giving thoughts on a message to congress you can do the same for the remainder of the time, about
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18 minutes left in the segment. phone lines are (202) 748-8000 for democrats. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. a side story emerging includes the north carolina representative telling supporters, at least overheard doing so, that they thought that the ukrainian president was "a thug," a comment that runs counter to the overwhelming view of republicans. wral in north carolina captured this video with medicine halter and. -- madison hawthorne. a short bit of video. [video clip] >> remember that zelensky is a thug. remember that the ukrainian government is incredibly evil. he has been pushing what really
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is the new world war -- host: that was from wral. when it comes to responses to this, one of the people who responded to these statements was joni ernst, the senator holding a press conference, the iowa republican. here is part of her response when asked about the comments. [video clip] >> earlier today, it was reported that a congressman called volodymyr zelensky a thug , sang the ukrainian army is incredibly evil and corrupt. he later said the ukrainian government is spreading misinformation about the war. [indiscernible] given what he is saying, do you think republican voters are not in the same place that you are on this issue? >> well, i can tell you what i think, because i spent time in ukraine in 1989, while it was
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part of this former soviet union. and those that i visited with in ukraine at that time, the first question -- it was an agricultural exchange, and the first question that they asked of those of us from iowa that were there on that collective farm, on that agricultural exchange, the first question they asked us was, what is it like to be an american? and what is it like to be free? they wanted to be free at that time. they were a fledgling democracy. they became a free nation in 1991, and they have been fighting ever since. you know, if we think that any country is free of corruption, then we are kidding ourselves. but let me tell you what, the ukrainians want to be free. they have been fighting for the past 30 years, and to just hand them over to an actual murderous thug in vladimir putin is the
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wrong thing to do. it is absolutely the wrong thing to do. so my colleague in the house, i would push back and say it is not ukraine invading russia, it is russia invading ukraine. and they are going to have russia, they are going to have a world of hurt on their hands, but we have to be able to provide them the means to do it. host: this is from a viewer off of twitter, saying that the u.s. and nato should continue to secure the nato eastern flank, and include uab's with antitank and antiaircraft missiles. lee from twitter says let's try to negotiate with putin to make ukraine neutral, and we need to give putin and offramp. when putin is no longer in charge, ukraine can negotiate a different agreement regarding neutrality.
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tony off to addressing the message to congress is to hold more closed session meetings with the administration and provide a unified off-camera sponsor leading to a lot -- leading to a high level summit with the russians. those are some of the responses from you all off our twitter speech, your message to congress when it comes to issues regarding russia and ukraine. dallas, texas, democrats line. glenda, good morning. caller: good morning, pedro, and good morning, america. i do agree with nato and washington about supporting ukraine. very proud to say that ukraine is standing up for freedom for themselves, where i am going to say afghanistan threw down their weapons. but the thing of it is that the president have ideas, and about a week ago, about sending in supplies for ukraine to fight with, and then everything is
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exposed in the media to where it is debatable, to where they cannot do what they are needing to do because everything has been exposed to the enemy. so therefore, we should keep the media -- certain things you cannot expose, you cannot expose what you're going to do to the enemy. so we need to the -- keep things in secret to provide for ukraine , so there is no debate about what is going to happen or what the president is going to do for ukraine. that is just like having enemies within. so i support nato and the president. i am proud of ukraine. and i pray that the american people will come together and think about what is actually going on, because what goes on somewhere else could easily come to america. and we could all suffer the same thing. putin is who he is and always has been. i appreciate you listening to me this morning. but the congress and the senate need to come together with the
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president and quit fighting. they do not ever talk about what they are going to do. what is the senate -- what are the republicans going to do to help the president succeed? host: let's go to matthew in birmingham, alabama, independent line. caller: thank you, pedro. three things. the woman from iowa, she giggled at the question. yesterday, the vice president, a woman of color, harris, she made a statement after a question was asked, with america except immigrants, and -- would america accept emigrants, and she laughed it off, like, what? and there was a message that was deleted from the former press secretary. one of the things we cannot do
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is lose a democracy trying to establish a democracy. a $6 billion budget passed on wednesday. a baffling calf yacht, $120 million -- there was a caveat that baffled me, $120 million for journalists. there were 55 members invited to the constitution creation, and 39 showed up. but 17 voted against the other most powerful body -- host: what is your message to congress on russia and ukraine? caller: this is where i was going. $120 million for the journalists , and the government cannot pay journalists.
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that goes against everything. host: ok, that is matthew in alabama. mike in wisconsin, democrats line. caller: putin is a thug. [indiscernible] ussr boundary. i believe if we do not take a stand, even going as far as sending troops, he will keep on going and try to take over as much land as he can. host: your message to congress is? caller: send in troops. a story you have probably seen over the last couple of days is the pull out of various western businesses from russia. vladimir putin coming up with a plan to take control of some of those businesses in the short term. it was written that he plans to
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nationalize western businesses, saying the nationalization proposal would allow the government to request a court order to impose external management on the factories, shops, and other facilities that departing companies leave behind to prevent bankruptcy and preserve jobs. russia said external management will last for three months, after which the government would put the business up for auction. it would apply to companies and which unfriendly nations owe more than 25% and stop operations in russia. let's go to mary in virginia. host: they need to provide the -- this is carolyn in albany,
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new york, democrats line. good morning. caller: good morning. i think that a lot of people look at military advancements as a form of attack, and i think we are not back in the early 1900's. we need to focus on taking them down in different ways. i think we need to focus on lowering the casualties and taking different routes. i think we need to continue to focus more on that. host: why do you think that is a better approach? caller: well, we have seen the russians already do cyber attacks against us in multiple different ways.
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i think we need to be prepared for them doing that again. they have shown the capabilities, and if they did a cyber attack on us, it would cripple the entire nation. most of the entire country runs off of the internet and many forms of electronic communication. if they attacked us in that way, we would not be able to communicate with our troops. i think we need to focus on an attack on that end, and i think that that would be the best way to prevent casualties. host: ok, here is bob in ohio, republican line. caller: good morning, and thank you for taking my call. i am retired lieutenant colonel from the air force. i have a message for congress, for lindsey graham, tom cotton, and joni ernst. they need to take control of
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foreign-policy and speak directly to putin. it should be the president's job -- he is not doing it. mr. putin only understands when he is talked to in strong terms. secretly, we need to have our navy following their boomer submarines, their nuclear-capable submarines, with two or three attack subs ready to take out the part of the triad. then our message to mr. putin is picked five russian cities that are roughly the same size as mariupol or kyiv come and say, mr. putin, look how poorly your army has done so far. all these five cities are roughly the same size, and they are reachable by nato. think about it. and that would be the message. host: bob in ohio on our line for republicans, calling in with his message for congress. we mentioned earlier that about
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10:15, we expect to hear from the president today regarding trade with russia. look to our website for more information. later on, the u.n. meeting, keep to the website for that. a couple other events, president biden will be the keynote address at the house democratic retreat today in philadelphia. our coverage of that will start at 12:15 this afternoon. you can see that on look for full coverage at c-span now here the house democratic caucus will talk about a variety of things, midterm election stuff, things of that nature. that will start at 9:00 this morning. if you want to follow along with that, c-span2 is how you do that. you can do that at or on our c-span now app. mike in indiana, independent line. your message to congress concerning russia and ukraine? caller: yes, my message would be
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to start stripping russian diplomats, their social media accounts that they apparently still have access to and are only allowing them to continue their misinformation campaign. they just need to start clamping down on what russia is allowed to put out over there airwaves to the rest of the world with the misinformation. the other thing is, as far as the green energy initiative and the type of energy we are currently faced with, the shortage, we need to address the here and now and start dealing with the situation that is currently affecting us in the here and now and not be so concerned about 20, 25 years down the road type green energy. we need to deal with what is on the table in front of us right now.
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host: virginia beach on our line for democrats, this is steve. caller: hey, how you doing. host: fine, thanks. caller: my suggestion to congress is to go back and consult with our former president trump. he was already in negotiations with putin, and at this point we need all the negotiations we can to settle this. host: one more call, bruce in alabama, republican line. caller: yeah, my message to congress would be they need to get a backbone. we are a nuclear country. russia is just using his nukes as leverage. he is not going to shoot them nukes off, same as we don't want to. but he don't want to go to work. i tell him to get out of the country. 1994, there was a treaty that
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bill clinton signed, to defend the people if they get the nuclear weapons. now the united states want a front row seat, watching people die. it is wrong. putin needs to get his butt out or we coming in. washington journal continues. host: president biden expected to make comments regarding the trade status that russia -- that will take place with russia. you can follow along on c-span now. at the united nations, russia calling a meeting to talk about events in russia and ukraine. look for that on our website at look for that on. her website at follow along outer app at the c-span no. the remainder of our time into the house comes in for a pro forma at 10:00 your message to congress when it comes to russia's invasion of ukraine. 202-748-8000 for democrats. republicans 202-748-8001. independence 202-748-8002. you can text us at 202-748-8003. 's
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intelligence chiefs were asked about issues with russia and ukraine, particularly when it comes to the use of chemical weapons. here's that exchange between susan collins and cia director william burns. >> i read about the public accusation against ukraine of planning a false flag chemical weapons attack. what do you make of that? does that signal that putin intends to launch a chemical or biological weapons attack on the ukrainians? >> thanks very much, senator. i mean, i think it underscores the concern that all of us need to focus on those kinds of issues, whether it is the potential for the use of chemical weapons either as a false flag operation or against ukrainians, something that as
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all of you know well is very much part of russia's playbook. they have used those weapons against their own citizens. they have at least encouraged their use in syria and elsewhere, so it is something we take seriously, and it is one of the reasons, as director haynes said earlier, that i'm convinced our efforts at selected declassification to preempt those kinds of false flag efforts and the creation of false narratives have been so important. in all the years i spent as a career diplomat, i saw too many instances in which we lost information wars with the russians. in this case, i think we've had a great deal of effective -- of effect in disrupting their tactics and demonstrating the entire world that this is a premeditated and unprovoked aggression built on a body of lies and false narratives, so this is an information war that i think
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we are defending democracy with what's going on now in ukraine and russia tanks. a mock as it is a government that's one by the people who live under it. it's overbearing and it's out of control. it is not controlled by the citizens who voted for their leaders that by crazy killers who force their way into power illegally. looking at the crimes happening with russian dictator putin, we need to protect the people of ukraine. reminder of the history of
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tyrant dictators evil kings and mental health issues of those crooked leaders -- >> so your message to congress would be what? >> joe biden. take a pardon? >> your message to congress would be what? >> my message to congress would be stay under president joe biden and vice president kamala harris and we can all see what putin is doing over there in ukraine. >> let's hear from jack, tennessee, republican line. [inaudible] >> jack in tennessee, hello. >> yes. >> go ahead. >> about the russian war? >> your message to congress about russia and ukraine. >> if i was over there i would be ending about and about four hours. i would have every one of them dead. >> lee, rockville, maryland, independent line. >> good morning, pedro. enjoying the show.
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i have a perfect 100% solid gold played -- the president biden should be sending to eastern europe to mediate a settlement. his name is george walker bush. when george walker bush was president, he said, he basically said he could look into president putin's eyes and see his soul. i'm confident that if he would do that he would see a kgb so, a kgb murderer, and hopefully he would be able to do that. >> so that your message to the president. what's your message to congress about this? >> my message is to congress is give ukraine every single armament that they need, every single piece, every single jet aircraft, every single tank,
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every single bullet, every single armament that they need to defend themselves. >> okay. that is late in maryland. one of the messages yesterday from the vice president who was in poland talking that humanitarian assistance for the people of ukraine and aid those there. here's part of that from yesterday. >> as it relates to the people of ukraine, they have suffered immensely. when we talk about humanitarian aid, it is because yes, the assistance is necessary, but what compels us also is the moral outrage that all civilized nations, with a look what is happening to innocent men, women, and children, grandmothers, grandfathers. who are fleeing everything they have known.
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our outrage which compels not only our security assistance but are humanitarian assistance is rooted in the fact that also we support the people of ukraine who shown extraordinary courage and skills in the willingness and yes ability to fight against putin's war and russia's aggression. so today we're also announcing in pursuit of west much happen, which is to provide humanitarian assistance, that will give another $50 billion, the united states will, through the u.n. world food program to assist with humanitarian aid. the president and i also talked about the fact that as he mentioned, poland has taken in just a very short period of time in excess of 1.5 million
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refugees in from ukraine. and that is put an extraordinary burden on poland and the people of poland. and so we will continue with the support that we can give you, mr. president, in terms of the work that you and the people poland had been doing to bear this burden but in a way that really has been with such grace and such generosity. >> connecticut, democrats like, the message to congress, quite. >> my thing is, is this a human problem, not america -- army, they are bordered by united nations. let's send help, help them, i agree 100% with that but let's not divide america -- we are divided enough right now.
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let's just not be the tip of the spear on this. i mean, it's the united nations problem. ukraine is bordered by united nations. let's send them weapons so they can defend themselves. as far as these jets go, i mean, the first thing russia would do would bomb the airports, the runways so the jets would be useless. unless they are a carrier, i mean, they would probably be a no use. >> this is mike from twitter saying my issue, he says, that belarus and china should be sanctioned as well for supporting the russian invasion. we will go to vicki republican line. good morning. >> caller: good morning. my message to congress is this. go ahead and send some humanitarian aid but it is not our issue. biden deeds to take care of his
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own people. in other words, lower our gas prices and lower the inflation, and begin now. i'm sick and tired of watching that president print money for nothing. >> host: okay. in new york this is paul, independent line. paul from new york, hello? one more time for paul. go ahead. okay let's go to john. john in north carolina, republican line, you're next. her message to congress on russia and ukraine. >> caller: well, here's the thing. it's russia, if russia keeps invading ukraine types have said i still get to go in there and intervene. i mean, you've got him committing war crimes doing bad st


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