tv LIVE U.S. Senate CSPAN March 21, 2022 6:59pm-7:44pm EDT
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watch "washington journal" live at seven eastern tuesday morning on c-span, or on c-span now our free mobile app. join the discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments, text messages and tweets. >> watch the confirmation hearing for supreme court nominee judge ketanji brown jackson. follow this is stored process live tuesday at 9 p.m. eastern on c-span, or by downloading the free c-span now video app. .. >> washington journal continu.
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host: we have returned with the topic of russian invasion of ukraine. benjamin jensen, a at the marine corps university school of dance were fighting and good morning. >> good morning i think you for having me on the public service. >> and going to have you had one start and we are now a little over four weeks intoin this and wonder if we could start by outlining your view russia is this four weeks ago if that would change over the past four weeks. >> sure so that is a great question if we look back at the campaign at least every indication is that russia initially but this would be an extremely short campaign and
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they seem to think they will produce such a shock integrated in the armed forces with businesses that they could quickly within less than 17 days actually, being the capitol of kyiv and effectively have the administration and have some type of care taker very 19th century event to be in the 21st century and what we have seen is the planet quickly grounds were hauled in fact shock most military who assumed that because of brush military power, that actually they would quickly over wanted any resistance and thankfully it started earlier the series of stiff resistance and therefore surrounded kyiv with a ukrainian selloff massive arm seizure of an erase difficult military operation seems ultimately to be a major turning point in the
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first 72 hours the conflict which you saw is that ukrainian forces in the east put up extremely stiff resistance and stopping the russians from rolling through and the second largest city of kharkiv and ultimately it manifest which is it just ukrainians but they were and it also shows an extreme lack of planning anything longer than two weeks essentially and in warfare, especially the ground of warfare, after 48 hours, maintenance issues begin to come to the forefront manifest so what you saw is that the russians meeting stiff resistance and the ukrainians were fighting in just a row weekly in the first 48 hours and then also couldn't repair their own vehicles in fact it turned out that a lot of vehicles were the tires rotten and leaky seals and i know - in warfare is how
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well you cana maintain your equipment and the russians clearly despite having claims to a contract in a professional they cannot maintain their equipment and so that really marks a massive setback after the first 48 hours, the really into the end of the first week and you begin to see the russians struggling to make meaningful progress and unpromising when they broke out of the south subject to large ukrainian counterattacks isra important to note the most people seem to look at this conflict is still assume that it some kind of insurgency they craniums are still fighting it in the brigade for large scale organizations and this is not just the surgeon's hand ambushing russian vehicles, this is ground of warfare with the type of partisan warfare and so that's because the russians to have to pivot and how can they essentially prepare and punishment target them
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deliberately when she was a crime and actually force ukrainian regime to actual sovereign state to some type of negotiated settlement in the first week i think that they lied to themselves and they could get this over quick despite the initial resistance and it's difficult to sustain to give the attritional nature of the conflict in the breakdown and morale in the breakdown in their own supply line and all they are left with the ability to launch these long-range missiles that ukrainian and ukrainian missiles just as horrifying. >> these bell about showing the russian advances, this is one from the washington post and in general that we are looking at, three frontier right here out of in the south and eastern front around the separatist control areas and then the advance on kyiv in your assessment of the
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objective of the three fronts the angle as it were added russia had the most success in the lease success. >> solo from north to south from the capitol to the east under the south of them actually going to have for your fourth and the possibility of large-scale combat coming to western ukraine next few weeks as a starting in the north, russia by effectively russia has run think successfully and without firing a shot, effectively becoming utterly subservient state so russian and ground forces in the air in the missile forces are staging a belarusian the change the constitution to have taller and better version of putin, thug just like him having a definite term in office and essentially only love now to have russia feel the nuclear weapons and so even if there were ends tomorrow there is one thing the russia is
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unsuccessfully and that is already absorbed vendors even further than it has so they were able to use that territory to essentially push the shortest distance large ground forces don't of thel. capitol from belarus and is where you get those amazing stories of the 60-kilometer dimaio long traffic jam and note that's accommodation that there's maintenance problems and the partisans and professional soldiersrs actually continually and bushelsd cover lines some of the weapons a lot of the countries but nato in the world could be transferred so the adjustment of that north to south advance, that is with this one, she's under a season there is one opportunity, begin to take the territories and i think in the russians at this point must be realistic a laugh, they're taking more more gambles by the day. to realize that they do not have enough forces to fight this in
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the capitol this way have to assume that they want to get close enough we are to leaders less than 20-kilometer range and they can continually shelf so they don't have to rely on aircraft are more expensive long-range mission is a key point for the west to consider is were trying to help ukraine and the emissions of beyond of the switch blades and thinking the hero 120 with the marine corps and looking at the precision fire system or even the systems display recently in israel and you need to have an ability to do counter batteries to stop them from frankly showing it civilian areas and kyiv so as they can use to position a circle the capitol with major cutting supply lines, and you are also than, will it is 21st century seizure workup and i cannot stress this enough and is not governed that the precision strikes with the u.s. are our partners would do, for just laying waste so that their objective to get in position it the capitol at risk had forced
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some type of movement in the actual negotiations moving out of the eastern front, i think there is really what we would call mission so i want to fix this in the ukrainian forces have their army in the east and some other better units to south russians so they want to stick ukrainian combat power in the east to enable that north to south may never get into position to see the capitol and it can begin with have actually met resistance since i started to bypass these areas because of such fierce resistance and that will create an interesting conundrum to the russians and that they have long expose the lines of communication that i imagine ukrainians avoid having a more success in the coming weeks and imagine you are in russian you're forced to sign a contract and he really didn't want to fight this country despite all of the propaganda that you see daily and now all
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of a sudden, your constantly getting hit missing things that you thought were invincible hundred on for some of you and your having to steal the food from the local economy is officers do take their view noncommissioned officers have been taking care of you and all of a sudden, your areas getting counterattacks and take and you can see how this is creating it under tidal waves of morale issues in the russian forces and the south here with russians have been most successful, the break out in the was to push the combat power out from crimea ended turn right where you seeing the large sees in mariupol and turn left to try to create pressure so the majority naval power and ready to conductar an assault and surprisingly they might have coordination issues that they have to repurpose supplies and
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do actually support the other breakouts and that is where you've seen a fighting where even with the russians had territory, the repeat experiencing them get counterattacks usingat think mae as many as 30 helicopters damaged and destroyed your base from ukrainian artillery read and they been experiencing maximal disobedience ukrainians are just on content to see their cities occupied and are now turning to that right turn, raising them hit in mariupol and you saw the last 24 hours, but the ukrainian government and the mayor and the city is sins were ceased to surrender the fighting in the city and while it might seem that the russians are about to win, there is no harder fight than that one and some of the footage coming out of mariupol is deeply disturbing and fascinating at the same time seeing 30 millimeters guns and vehicles engaging in the tanks
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and shooting the tracks of the other ambush teams can get them of the russian it goal though of this breakout turn left and right is to essentially successful even in a negotiated settlement to ensure the ukraine no longer has a major part to connect to the black sea which force it to be subservient in moscow north to south front and the i have fixed ukrainian forces south of pre-k for atlantic order we basically you can pass crimea to russia in the connector forces also on the portable russia has military presence. >> with that assessment will be open this up for the viewers join the conversation and then jensen of the center for strategic and national studies is with us this morning of, about 30 minutes ago i had started call-in in thisal questions or comments and it is as usual, (202)748-8000
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republicans 8001 and independence 8002, and center for strategic and international studies, and on the home pages the crisis crossroads ukraine, content there all their writings by the various dollars on this issue and you will see frequently, if you see the webpage and started call-in incitement and one thing that you didn't get to there, that i want to get to is have you set the air war right now, and you mentioned some of the drones and names and how those are playing in how much you know ukrainian air force and let us russia shown that it's able to deliver and how much that they are able to control this fight. >> and torso first we take the russian ground forces basically has a feeling report cards even worse with air force, given the
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massive air trains and they were ablein to put up the size of thr inventories crews and ballistic missiles, they should been able to do what we do the joint buyers effectively destroyed ukraine's ability to launch the effectively races but they only used 45 minutes of the joint checking fire so again, it was talked into the system and enforce the political secession that did not happen and they were not capable of pivoting and time weekly does not look like they have the inventory precision so what is the matter, that means that they have to send all the cold war era aircraft up into the air space and shoot long range cruise s ukrainian cities and targets in the west, russians increasingly wants to have an effect in the west, to stop the supply lines that are keeping ukraine the fight in ukrainian sprightly keeping in the fiber the weapons plus the bravery, the quote the battlefield of success so they are more, the
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ministry of defense at least in the 24 hours ago, still defining these air spaces and what that means is the russian aircraft are engaged certain air missiles and periodically by ukrainian aircraft and so you know how many fixed wing aircraft that ukraine has left and clearly they're uncomfortable with them out they have lefts because thy still want these megs from former country member said increase their inventory. and you can keep the airspace protected even by challenging the aircraft or by challenging service air missiles which frankly indicates that the more important they can also interject some of the cruise missiles so. >> the questions also from twitter as well, yours at cspan, tweeting and and must know more
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about ukrainian drone operators and who are they and of the upright out of the civilian being operated out of militarye installation in the ukrainians - and so i think that probably all of the above and that is a great question and this is a really interesting twist in modern warfare so if you remember early on fromm the conflict the number of the citizens who international donated class one you diesel your hobbyist dji in the company so if you know what to buy the known we would probably have to buy a chinese one with a narrow frequency band and operation pretty it's very difficult to stop and interdict so you have at one level, partisan warfare the 21st century involves an repurpose and commercial off-the-shelf capabilities so just very
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simple, it would've put up one of these drones, and he is the right frequency, he could actually take thed video footage passage ukrainian arcuate by himself is trying to civilization it works which we as americans have a deep tradition to understand that now you move upng a level there were some older ukrainian drone system to explore surveillance they been very effective and actually using those for artillery which a little history lesson here, is actually the origin of combat aviation u.s. army led to the image of the air force and the army initially were spotting for artillery and able to shoot it at other artillery concentrations of the ledrones has played an interestg roll there moving up a level, one of the real heroes of the battlefield, a turkish manufacturer strike platform so
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they carried to the floor depending on the payload and what is shocking is that the russians that the density of the surface of the missile they have the combat formation, has not been able to really stop the tb choose from interdicting everything's ill training and even the tanks themselves, and one bend and one that is the russian supply shortages are so problematic they wouldn't necessarily have fuel to operate the service air missile systems and so i missile system thus you haveop a radar the radar requirs power and power usually throughout the combat comes from burning tons and tons of diesel fuel in generator enter the radar wave together missiles and no fuel no radio and you can't use this for the surface of the results been affected twitter for another question for you, jody writing it, saying that it appears that russia is finding work and more than enough military to take ukraine with
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the logitech force on earth being fought to a standstill with javelins and blown up bridges in ato population of wih a will to fight and i want to focus on the javelin real quick, we've heard so much about them. the associated press photo of a test having used in ukraine before the actual fighting. the javelin missiles had how many that we provided that we know about. >> i don't think we have a number that's probably a good idea. because you want to keep the adversary guessing at just how many take weapons are circulating ukraine so even with the country's father the white in finland sweden denmark germany, the uk and the list goes on and on, who have donated these anti- tank guided weapons and thousands are mentioned hopefully double that or happen at half so that is a benefit to a degree of ambiguity despite the important roll the refilling the key information played in
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this war to the state and the great point about a war of maintenance, i actually do not think that russia soon enough nurses to take over ukraine because of the maintenance issues and even without the tremendous support the international community has given to ukrainian, they are fighting a brilliant campaign by tying an old military adage where multiply the benefit of your combat forces by moving with nothing as a training and so theyo ukrainians in fact arod kyiv a flood of the major area maand used waterways in the dane actually make terrain impossible to the tanks and using the seasonal change the mud coming to the front to slow down the armored vehicles and then really carefully dropping bridges exactly why we heard on twitter, to create a kind of a and affect were now russian and armored column, might be moving towards a water crossing and all of a sudden that water crossing drops
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and you along strong outline of vehicles and is ambush time predict an interesting thing ththink stop and pick up by a lt of folks is showing from his ability to have intelligence driven operation so you feel look at some of the amazing battle damages as was done by places like twitter and using video for photographic confirmation the seventh the number of bridges vehicles targeted and that shows deliberate, shows not just like wild attacking with the canon, that a deliberate command-and-control and intelligent effort to pick the right type ofce vehicles to hisr if i had a truck that takes the cannot go, fight bridging assets, reduce the space of my mobility and then the farmer a benefit when it out of the open mobile fighting and combined arms and some to get the fuel either bridges and i line going to stick to a halt. >> 2,027,488,000, 8001 and 8002
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for independence to be fully we talk about the tanks there and i wonder, are we finding a weapon system that is becoming the calvo recharge of world war i the bismarck battleship in world war ii zero weapon system that this conflict is proving to show is outdated in modern battlefield. >> will certainly looks like the tanks are the leading for that prize ill-fated prize but i would be careful assuming that you yet what we have notices the russians had talked their armors in the way that we would most of the countries where they find in the combined armed formation at sor this infantry actually putting fire and hunting down those anti- tank weapons and armor can be used as a breakthrough assault for exploitation of force and ukrainians have fought really no way that even if the russians were trying to do that which we thought they were look like they
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were, we've actually made it difficult to perform so the armor maybe i give him maybe on that one thing i thank you so still tune into sand as a defense on how you find it an integrated with other elements of our. >> this is kelly good morning who had. >> republicans. >> thank you for taking my call and the ukrainians, they have become an inspiration to the world and my question is i'm having a hard time understanding the weapons and everything that we are giving them and am so glad that biden and nato and europeans, that's the right thing to do and there should be no by zone type and nobody wants world war iii for the thing of him having hard time understanding with his is it does take
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money to conduct war in china believe his the peace of the puzzle that we don't know where china stands. but why would we turn off russian oil. make sense but we still know that germany needs of natural gas and that we are going to go to other dictators is weighing up, saudi arabia, still back in money to russia and yet at the same time, we all live in the same world where still the same environment and lifee can't wait to turn on our oil which is still hours,. >> you bring up a lot of good points there. >> thank you kelly for your call and thoughtful concerns about energy security and relationship to larger strategy i think that
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kelly had predict why the infrastructures a bipartisan issue from you toas and frankly with us were showing us that the energy infrastructure and international security issue as well, meaning that we would have had an increase in the number of liquefied natural gas to export from the u.s. and north africa, the terminals receive them in your thenve also frankly viable green energy investments which still going have a long way to go because the battery storage issue in the nation of those types of infrastructure investments over five - ten year in place we start to reduce relyingly upon corrupt autocrats for your energy more climate change is a viable concern, and i think that this fortunately we need a balance are concerned about climate change which also reliance upon autocrats whether it's russia
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iran which might be exporting again sooner venezuela for energy resources so i think that kelly's point is really well and, we have to look at the type of infrastructure investment that will allow us to think and ten years strategic time frames and not just the kind of late to the party arsenal of democracy, stockpiles of weapons that are not to excellent but sorry to keep the key countries like ukraine and more for their life. >> will be a south carolina, democrats and good morning. >> thank you for taking my call they just want to say that i appreciate this conversation i feel like there's good education on what is going on in the world, and my question has to do with the phase of the russian attacks. i just feel like there preparing us for putting too cause mass destruction and i wonder if i
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know this is asking for bring up a prediction but in his opinion, wwhat is the next phase going o look like and what can you expect then how should we take this as americans considering effectively powerlessss right nw in the struggle prayed and just wanting to know, hishe thoughts are the next phase. >> thank you again from south carolina, is a beautiful state i wish i was in charleston even though your in columbia we could have a conversation by the way i think you're asking me to make a prediction i don't mind it, all directly. jasmine: the noble concern that youu raise about how the average american citizen can be a force for good and is really dark time. my prediction is there is a credit dilemma facing a putting what's increasingly small inner circle so right now, and remember nobody likes to tell the truth, like the movie
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horrible bus, nobody wants to pass that information on so i think for the first couple weeks, is probably uncertain if he was even getting correct informationally wanted to process how this that this was going at this point have to be getting information as of now, it's really going on is putin has to decide how far is going to press this in order to force some favorable concession my bet is that he wants out but he has to have some type of space-saving measures and something that he can turn around to the russian public and has lied to and i actually was successful team not to defy ukraine whatever that means, and then he can actually go back to then reversing the economic sanctions and frankly arresting probably another 20000 of his own citizens to or has shown that they're unwilling to prosecute the war so that means the real decision-makers that's driving this next two weeks will be pushing soo peace talks, does
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not get as much press as it should have been making progress and is not just the ukrainians say, multiple party so effectively looks like ukrainians are saying the really to accept some form of our neutrality's and probably what is going on now is the delegations were now trying to decide what territorial gains will concessions would be in the mix asll well and russia clearly wants formally recognized as russia had likely pushing would has less likes to stand on and highly industrialized regions and ukrainian east. so the continuation so that is a politics and what is coming in terms of the actual battlefield, emmys are russia formally were only able to conduct the seas were fair summer another try to use that bargaining time to reconstitute and resupply put forth forces for limited crazy things like syrian mercenaries
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into the pfizer they are trying to basically reconstitute resupply and frontline forces which are currently bringing in, modern advances while shelling ukrainian cities and bombing ukrainian cities to the pressure back on that negotiation table i do think that happening that next two weeks as well, i expect see an acceleration of strikes in the western ukraine. .. to ukraine, international backers that it is unacceptable to supply weapons that are used to kill russian soldiers in ukraine. be on the lookout for some expansion in the west. at this point, they can't push the russian army because of legitimate difficulty. they could tell melrose to invade. they have not been successful in doing that -- they can tell a belarus to invade. they have not been successful in doing that yet.
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western ukrainian region. but they have not gone very likely playing a weird game where putin is telling him to go when he is coming up with every excuse on why he won't join the party. so that is my prediction. watch the negotiations, while the negotiations are ongoing watch for russia to increase the punishment it is laying upon ukrainian cities. and at the same time, be on the lookout for possible expansion of theof conflict into the westo cut those supply lines or at least make it more difficult for other countries to supply weapons to the ukrainians. cooksey spent the first hour talk about the invasion as well. there are at least one or two callers wondering why ukraine has not brought the war into russia proper itself. a question on that subject on twitter in this segment he said why doesn't ukraine the russian military compound puts are staged in russia their support
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personnel what are your thoughts on that? >> it actually did not get a lot of play but they have. ukraine has a limited number of short range ballistic missiles into russian military bases on the border of eastern ukraine so that hasas happened. the other thing to bring to the forefront which he did a great job and the best tradition of the c-span talking about in the morning is escalation. another dimension in modern warfare especially if you're fighting a nuclear armed state that means you are trying to get the best possible but it's chemical weapons, biological weapons or nuclear weapons. even if ukraine had a medium range intermediate range ballistic missiles they would
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have to be real careful consideration of the russian tank depot or fuel depot outside of moscow, have a night now something that gives them the pretext to do even more to ukraine. frankly the ukrainian military is doing a phenomenal job this is not a doctor term but laying waste to russian formations. i would highly look at look at that twitter feed into the best job of compiling information they have a one -- five information law for everyone ukrainian vehicle lost about five russian vehicles lost. even weirder of the five russian lost at least two -- three at times are repurposed by the ukrainian spread to every vehicle ukrainians lose, they add two -- three new vehicles for their recapitalizing their armed sources while they're fighting the russians. the tragedy of war that is the only truth and where they will always be tragedy is that comes
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at the expense of the ukrainian population for. >> to jim who is waiting in plainfield illinois independent good morning. >> good morning. i'm a hypothetical question or scenario. if ukraine were to fall this is and they take over the ukrainian banks and financial system and put into size of it is money and russia's money in ukrainian financial system and mix it altogether on the banking systems gel together financial sanctions going to have any effect has been decimated were not in their banking system. that's a basically my question how can we avoid that? >> sure, right question about scenarios. we have been certain to run a series of crisis simulation and
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wargames on ukraine he's in great support we have gotten. we have tried to model critical junctures the scenario we were about deals with modern economic warfare. one of the major ways that many countries ban together in this case and frankly putting did not anticipate was a degree of sanctions our short order brought to bear. haveha they gone far enough? highly debatable. the russian banks can process energy payments the earlier collar pointed out especially germany and also italy highly dependent upon russian hydrocarbons oil and gas. theyth have not quite gone as fr but they are devastating to the russian economy in the russianan public. if for some reason russia knows some form of success you would expect a large-scale insurgency in ukraine and frankly those
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sanctions could quickly pivot to target russian interest rate they could pivot quite quickly to cut off the scenario you're worried about. i think a more interesting is looking at some of the financial laws and custom rate laws are on international debt about what happens in that scenario. russian it would be potentially absorbing all the debt of ukraine by trying to formally annex that's racing this interesting move where russia almost prefers warfare of the middle ages you make states they are loosely independent but they owe all their foreign policy and economic interest back to moscow. so i think the scenario the way you are taking it is something like that. russia is fighting a sustained insurgency. they try to seize ukrainian assets use what's left of the ukrainian financial sector to a try to escape sanctions. we are quickly pivot from that the more horrifying aspect of economic warfare is that any
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scenario even right now because planting season has already started, you are going to see a massive spike interviewed food prices and shock to the global system given the war in ukraine and the congestion in black and see supply lines. another aspect of warfare's resources and how that ripples through. back to the earlier collar south carolina what does this mean we can do as american citizens? i think it shows the best of us how we work in our communities and donate to humanitarian relief efforts in ukraine. and frankly start to really look to donate to food programs this will spreadey beyond ukraine wih food prices already getting americans. it seems to be more expensive each time. i think that's what we need to do is really dedicate our time, our hearts, our resources to the broader humanitarian effects. especially great in this war will end but the rebuilding of ukraine is going to take decades and we cannot forget them when it's time too do that. >> a couple minutes left in this
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segment. in fort lauderdale florida republican can go ahead you're already on. it is a sorry excuse we have such a dog face a liberal that scared of his own shadow. he runs down into the basement every time putin yells nuclear weapons. come on, stand up and be a man and be a president of the united states. if i was the president i would've dropped a group of black ops down on putin's manchin, on the black sea and leveled it and brought the bombers in and flapped at his manchin to. the ground per. >> got your point can, then it brings up the idea of escalation over time. on some of these other operations that have beenha proposed for the u.s. to get involved. >> yes i think it's always easy, just like we all watch football
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on sunday it's easy to say could out what it showed up brady you should do this. but when it really look behind the curtain escalation is real. i would encourage our florida urcollar to google the blast radius and plume to plot how radioactive material spreads. there is no winner of a nuclear war. there is only degrees of lost management. so, while everyone loves and i get myself into it too, i am with you. tom clancy novel inspect ops doing this or that this is not a game, this is not fiction this is real life is against an adversary that has retooled to be capable of limited use and precision strike nuclear attacks. shown they're willing to assume more risk than we are. i am all about finding creative ways to conduct to the corrupt heregime the kremlin has to be
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done on this escalation management i know for must most of us that seems weird. we and fortune think violence is scalable so we try to use comparisons or i was fighting that guy in the streets. two individuals fighting with their fists or broken bottles or even a pistol is not the same has nationstates armed with nuclear weapons engaging in crisis. sometimes our search for examples can disserve us because we have to assess what's different at that higher order of abstraction when it's aboutu. the u.s. versus russia or u.s. in ukraine and russia. because this war has a long ways to go still per. >> what would you say to those people that say why isn't putin worried about escalation? why isn't he worried about us? why do we have to be more worried about him? >> i think he's worried about escalation is not going to give an honest interview about you not going to see him sitting on oprah's couch's greatest fears and how he came to terms with
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it. this is a kgb thug is deeply afraid this is saint man who not will not sit within 20 feet of his own senior curie security officials. my guess isn't putin is a man full of fear he is afraid of his generals and the fsb he's afraid of is u.s. military he is eating increasingly he would not want to admit it afraid of the ukrainians and he is a most afraid, most afraid of his own population because the russians have continually taken to the streets he is a brutall repressed them, locking them up. remember for as many russian servicemen have died fighting in ukraine there's been an equal number across the country. and likely is the sanctions take hold. the art for us would be to manage that narrative we can learn a lot from president zelenskyy how to manage a narrative and making sure the russian people blame theirar own regime by blame us for the dark economic winter that's about to
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set russia over the next six months. >> flopped ended there. then come back and joyce again down the road senior fellow at the center for strategic and international studies. you can see his writings there also professor of strategic studies at the marine corps university of advance war fighting thank you very much for. >> thank you and thank you for c-span. ♪ c-span's "washington journal". everyday we are taking your calls live, on the air on the news of the day but will discuss policy issues that impact you coming up tuesday morning, bloomberg supreme court reporter greg discusses supreme court confirmation. the washington examiner's jamie mcintyre talks about the latest in defense-related news on the russian invasion of ukraine. arch "washington journal" live seven eastern tuesday morning on c-span or on c-span now. our free mobile app. join the discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments,
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text messages and tweets. >> watch the confirmation hearing for supreme court nominee jackson. well this historic process live tuesday at 9:00 a.m. eastern on c-span, or by download the free c-span now video app. >> deputy national security advisor says russia could be planning for a cyber attack on critical infrastructure in the u.s. and advise the private sector to be ready for those attacks but she spoke from the white house press briefing today. >> hi everyone. okay, we have
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